Key of Truth

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CONTENTS Exordivm of Author Ou Daptiom of jesuo Chet | Chap. 1. On Repentance and Fait Chap. 11. On Baptism according to Canons of Jesus Christ Chap. TH, On Baptism, Criticiin of Gzeck Rite Chap. LV. Against the Orthodos who are inspired by Satan hap. V. On the Forty Days of our Lowd andthe Teniptation | Chap, VI, On Satan's Activity against the Apostles Chap. VIL, On the Adversary of God the Father. Chop: VIII. On the Twelve Disyuisesof Satan ‘ Chop. AX, On the Same « : Chap. X Against che Orthodox. ‘Mosdy lost Chaps, XI, XII, XIIL All Tost (Chap, XIV. Agtinst the Abuses of the Orthodox Churches Chap, XV, Ow Beptiom of Jus Christ aad of Ape. Pasty lost : Chap. XVI. On the Thee Sacraments or Mysteries Ghap. XVII, On Baptism. "The Cerenonyof Namegiving om Eighth day aftr Dish. Chap. XVIII. Directions concerning Candidates for Baptista Chap. XIX. Same continued. Partlylost - - + ew Titl-page and List of Aposties. Chap. XX. Confession of Faith, Hap! sina) Prayers, ae the Qualifications ef the Taptieer, who shall be an Flect Chap, NXE. The Rite of Taplin Chap. ERI, pat i Regsltions concerning Candidates for Election . Chap. XXII, par ii, The Rite of Eledion | Chap, [Zh part i. Solutions of New Testament. Sings bout the Virgin Mary. ‘Chap. 2] cont, parti, On Creation of Adan and Of our Lord. Pariylot . Chap.) cont, pari On Intercession of Jesus Chris and against Saints, &c. Chap cont, pat. iv, Teatznonis of Apostles to the above 3 Condiions of Baptiso. igitized by Microsoft @ ang ns 6 jo. THE KEY OF TRUTH Supplement against Papa Practices . te ‘A Catechism for Christians nz Ch. [ih Cateckisn continued, That there is bat one Joe rent ind no Purgatory we ‘nthe Coneccratian of the Flesh and Blood 5 Exposition othe Hoty Nyptzry o the Fuca 13 ‘Colophon of the Copyist of 1782 « Doll iy LIST OF ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS 11ShN TO RENDER TECHNICAL ARMENIAN TERMS peng angler Vasa ox Deter, punphoy=Electy So in Arm N, Ty Aess ix 15, Rom, (chapm fifth Election, og Sip Universl” (2 general) epithet ofthe Church Cayfelinnyrurm Bishop or Overseer. gfinancrgne for =Untention in. he Sacrament of Haptism. alu = sien pboattna alien =arch-vuler. Holos Afra avs — "part bot is translated meniierin tbe phrase “member of the Chureh? play =presbyter or elder. on ufongry =president (—ijyauivoss ip Heb. sil 17, which is read in Ovdinadion Service in the Key, p. 106). eet pginy — reds. Guceat=a canon (i3 tenth cont. Azm.=any direction or rale of religious observance). usable direct or oxy ake eainance. onpSne gre mysieny oF sacrament (if, thought). rnaweasighg = Teacher. glen = Chief (in the Ordinal). THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION ‘Tus Book ealled the Key of Truth, It was written" in the era cof the Saviour 1782, but of the Anmenians 12305 and in the province of ‘Tare, Address to my dear readers. ‘Although the throng of distracts, and the temptations end storms of the world, and the manifod hindrances, sirong to distur four transitory life in various ways—okhongh these bave sorely ecct us and eulfered us not to waderiake this necessary work 5 nevertheless the pressing nears of the Truth of our Lord Jesus {he Son of the heavenly Father, and reat of the Holy Spirit [urged us];—yea, and also 19 meet che prayers of tnamy believers, and ‘especially becanse of supreme necessity —T have cast bchind: me ail the athirs$ of this transitory lif, and have spared noting in Grder to give aio you, my newbom childen of the universal and apostolic Cluzch of our Lord Jesus Christ, the holy mill, ssherehy ye may be nourished in ths fh, Wherefore the Spirit of the Faber in Heaven bath taken Hold ‘of us and inspired us to write this ‘way and truth and life’ Foras- ‘uch as for a long time past the spirit of decepsion had shut up the ‘Trh, a8 our Lord saith: The tares bad aulloeated it Wusthesmore it is a Bile and slender discourse that I have published to you, bricily and aot opnlently. ‘The which ye shall ead with decp auention, ume tle glory of Jesus the Son, the Intercessar, andl moto the honovr o his Father». .? 1 hg. coped he Rem. word here, get, bof acenain sense it mny mae events? eh egy fata alate Ge cara) Bvt we wih Th give i Aer Father a word i ected fo the BS. whieh may have bows ‘and creates” 'v Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © 72 THE KEY OF TRUTH ‘This briof discourse sill ye search and deeply o'er it mecli- fale, If it please you, then revere it, as it were a voice ‘of thunder, Concerning the holy tapliom of ear Lord Jesus Chriss, whieh har een handed dwn for the ake of the who believe aed repe, aud sof of caeshumvens, oF of the enrepentaut and of those whe lock faith, nor either of the impure: as és manifest tn the iby cel precious Ife of Jol the Baptist, who with his ud calling voise, before Christ our Lard and intercessor, eried smo the dell’, easing: Help us, Jesus, and become intercessor for all che faithfel, thy Lcluve wage, Pus with diy sustifying sid duuiniug words Cave ddidst pray to thy Kather, saying: Father® not for these alone do T pray, lit also for all who tave believed in me through their word, &."* CHAPTER I “Repent 6, for the Kington of heaven is at hand and the sequel (Malt fs. 2). So, then, the words of the hely gospel are not hivklen unto us; Dut for this reason the Falher of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed [sem] im tne agoment to his loved Son. For this reason ako the holy Joha, greatest among te childrcn of women, celled shoud saying to the generation of gers: Repent, O ye thac are gone astray in sin afer sin, chronging thick together, of your esl! {deeds |; and recognize your original sin, which from of old days Ties in you stored up! For this rensou St, John in saying this woke op Acie minds to proceed unto ths true faith and to know the new “least one of the Kingdom’, the Tont Jesus Christ, the lam’ of God, who taketh away our sins. Even as John himself, suetching forth his holy finger, said: Behold Christ, the lamb of God, which tuketh away the sins af the worll, Again he continues fy saying Tam not he, Dut am seat before him, Thus then St. John, firstly, preached urto them; secondly, taught; thirdly, induced them to “dr completed! «ole! "intted” An stempt has beeo made i the MS. 1 face he ward, which howe Hil cleanly tele * Sn veargin John i, 20 {legs avi 2). 2 The paragraph arched must vn ieterpolaon Pent, Hobe fy. # Mat xb at, - Digitized by Microsoft @ ON REPENTANCE AND FAITH 3 repent"; fourthly, Ivonght them to the faith; and after that leansed them in the flesh from stains. And then our Lord and Intercescon, the Lamb of God’, bestowed on them sptiunl sabiation, ‘Thos the universal and apostolic chorch earned! from our Lord Jesus, and continucd so to do,as is ekar in shoir Acts and specially m the traditions of our Swviour Jesos Crest, which he imposes on the universal and apostolic curd, eaying, Mank avi, 45 Go ye into all she werld and preack the Gospel to all creatures, Whoever shall Uelieve, shnil be bapiaed, shall live; and he who shall nat belovs, shall be judged? ‘Wherefore also cur Lord fist ske for faith, and then graciously ave healing ; and after that besioyed holy bankiam on believers: Dut not on anbelieving catechomens. $0 also St. John and the holy Church of our Lord Jesus Chiist—so did they eontinue® to do tunll the aaseult of Satan, For whea Satan was Jet loose from bis bonds, then he began to steal away the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ and of she holy aposties; and he insimated his deceitful arguments among ienchers, [against whom az the heavenly Father ‘enables us, Jet us with the Keys of Truth # open the door of Touth lose shut (by them]. ven as St. John opened te door of Trait prlor to our Lord Jesus Chest, ané uttered this commant! unto the adult (or perfec) souls: * Repent, for the kingedore of heaven is at hand,’ and the rest Now their repentance lay in tumng stom their evil works and Yeicving in Clirst Jesus; in recelsing the hely baptism of the Spitic of the Deavenly Father, and in recognising their original sin, and in their being aftcted bocause of it, and in their release from the feces of demons, which som their forefathers on had een drawn tight round diem. Wherefore, when he beheld them, the great prophet John in anger rovsed them, saying, Luke iil 7: "Offspring of vipers, who showed unto you to escape from the wrath to come*? Do ye therefore bring forth fswis worthy of repentance; nor make beginning to say, We have for a father Abraham, ‘This ‘In margin, Jobb 36. Job i a © Agains! ls seceace same words wow weiter bt the surgi, al have een wholly erased Tha eee to be atte a0 the prtanden af the Paps a th eneeeine of Rater Uo posses of the power of the Keys Those ie alo on este of Take xb g3, but Ghzeit is te Key of gi which Un lawyers bave eben aay. ta margin is wien agalost Gis and what fellows: “He perited noe ‘his Eu that they thould draw nigh, So alee he persits aot the Latins the Gres, and he Aruesians.” 4 THE KEY OF TRUTH I say unto you, that God is able out of these stones to raise up children of Abcahann’ hu, forasniuch a they’ hed fallen among mggredl stones, he called them offyring of vipes and asps. [God] ako enused JJeous to arise feom among them, for through him he graciously Youchsaes to then salvation, Wherefore also a member of the ‘universal end apostolic holy chureb, S Luke, dcckres, (Of this man’s seed God according r9 bis promises raised up unico Iamel the Sasfonr Jesus, So vlso must we Tend the reasonable* tuote faith, and ving the ipexect unte perfection, sd Gill those ‘wlio have not the word with the word of Jesus Chris, and soften their liens of stone, and as for the gathered bile of bitterness, shiek from old days hath been stored uyy this we cause Het to vomit up with loathing by the finger of God, aud thea we give them a remedy for sin, sthether osiginal or operative in them. or a8 St, Jobn caught frst ripentance and ft, em after that granted bapider and then showed them the way, the trot, and the Wie, sayings “Tebolt Chats, the lam of Gov, who taketh away the sins ofthe world"; so we also must follow im accordance with this ‘uth, and] not according? to the cceciful arguments of the tradition of others, who baptize the enbelicving, the reasonlest, and the unrepentant, ‘These are atieshy false and [full of] the deceit of lemons, an are not godly; hom we will declare a the Holy Spirit enables vs, CHAPTER I Concerning holy Uaplivar. Abert owr Lord Jesus Christ, Hat as he dak doson canons aud proces, 0 da toe proced with God's Help. First was our Lord Jesus Christ baptized by dhe command of the heavenly Fathes, when thity years old, as St. Luke has de« clared bis Years’ il, 2g: ‘Anh Jesus himself vas of years about thiey, beginning with which *25 he was supposed son of Joxph.’ So then it was in the scasot of Lis maturity Mat lie zeccived > In imargin s baud waltes: “Ac aot the mabileving estecherens sho are TAguint nt follows ie writen in the margin of MS. the {llon “Latice ani Greeks ant Axenians poe be Unee myseties of Che Dive seh deat! guments a ir contin Hoe works” A margin Sst. Wand ii 2. 2 The Arm, Vigate wrengly renéns Gv n this passe ae Univ Cal Digitized by Microsoft © oN BAPTISM. 5 Vuptiom ; then it was that he received amority, received tie Iigh-prieshood’, received the Kinggom and the office of hie? shepherd, Morcover, ke was then choson, then. he won lordship’, then he became resplendent, ther he was strongtlicned, then he wvas revered, then be was appointed? to guard us', them he was plowed, hes he was praised, then re was made gind®, yhen be shone forth, then he vas pleased, and then he rejoiced. Nay more. Tt was den he became ctich of beings heavenly and sarily, then he became Hight of dae world, then he fecame the way, the teuth, and the life’, Then he beenne the door of Jneaven, then he became the rock impregnable at the gute of bell"; then he became tho foundation of our faith; then he became SavioUr ol Us suinerss tea he was ftea with the Godhead® ; then he was sealed, then snointed®; then vas he called ky the volee, then he became the Joved one, ther he eamse to be guarded by angels, thon to be the lamb without blemish, Vurthermore fie thet put on that primal raiment of Tight, which Adom Jost in the gurden. Then” accordingly it vas that ie wae invited by the Spint of Got te converse with the heavenly Father; yea, then also wvas le ordained king” of beings in heaven and op earth and undee the earth; and all else [besides] allthis io due order the Father gave to his only Horm Son;—even ss he himself, being appointed ur metiator and intercessor, saith to his holy, aviversal, ond apostolic chorch, Matt. xvii 18: And Jesus came and spake tunto them ond safd: "hove hath heen given unto we ah audhorty jn heaven and on earth. As the Father sent me, s0 do T sem you, and what follows. ‘Thus also the Tord, naving leamed from the Father, proceeded to teach us to perform holy baptism and all bis other commanids at an age of fill geowih (or Bt in 2 completed for amature season), and at no other time, Ag the lamb of God directs us afier his resurection, Mark xvi, 13, sping; *Gu ze inte all the world, and preach the gospel to all ereatures, Whoever shill believe, shall be bepeized, shal five; bt he that shall not believe shall be judged So, the, hedelan unio end reese into your minds the iire= > Pas, Hela 9,10 2 Naess * Labi 33 1 ye Aen wotd may leo mega twas oncmaated? ——* Joan Ue 1 Nath 3. 7 Maske 1 Gy Geo, Sans fh 26, 9 va ine bo 7a8 "Derabon Raloag, 328 nick 100 Wuhien Kedoopon 6 povegricanrn, qevdobae xépre yeas ir win nad rob readees se losane rin aor aie 78 Beak, Make a8 Mottin, 2. Jobe 28 aud 20, Pao, Hise. 8 Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft @ 6 THE KEY OF TRUTH fragable decree of our Lord Jems Christ, For some! in violation of the eanons of our Lord Jesus Christ, have broken and destrayed the holy and precious enuans, yhich by the Father Almighty were dlvered to our Lord Jesus Christ; and have trodden them under foot with their devilish teaching. These are they who cver and always oppose the uth oF ou Lord Jean Christ .. 4 bapdising those who are itational (or yatvout the sword) and communicating the unbelieving, AI these Iie under the bap of the Lord and of the holy apestles, as is clear a the canons of our Saviour Jesu, since he saith to his holy apost's: ‘Give not holiness to Jags, nor ‘east your pearls before swing, lesi they forthwith trample it under foot, and then tun and rend you,” and the rest. Do we tet then Kaew by what autheray they 0° Meso sig os wns js thelr teacher? Manifestly, by the spirit of the adversary! of the Father, of God, do they ‘heir works; even a® the Saviour warned us, saying: *Theware of evidoers, and the rest, In saying this our Tord showeth us that they are workers of deceitful [agents], Gat is of Satan, Moreover, a member (Wt. pan} of the church, St, John pesses sentence on such ones, saying’ in bis catholic Inet episle, Hi. ros “In this are manifest one from the ‘other the children of God ond the children of Satan’ Our Lord ‘moreover manifests them wher he says of such that “hy their Frits ye shall know them’ and the rest we need not quote. Thus ovr Lord amd innereessor Jesus wil give to such as these their roward, bout euch as those he will Hberse fiom the false teacher. CHAPTER LL Tet us then submit humblyte the Holy Churely Universal, and follow their works who acted with one mind and one faith and taught 1s. Now sti] da we receive in the only proper (if necessary) season the holy and precious mystery of or Lord Jesus Chtist aud of the heaverly Father:—to wit, in the scason of Tepentance and of faith, As se earned from the Lon of the ‘universal and aposiolic ehurel, so do we proceed: and we estab- fy the margin ie writen: ‘See the haysmevours (be the symanaies) an in thelr eit councils that shed Blo, and lo inthe false books of the [ats alla Clesaan One rd cred a MS. 2.GaM, fu phe vk Fxouet Bt mpl wipe iy Ge Manoa, Bo dete Snorer dr ndetinon, Yn songs fe wiles; Those ho peogced whi desched argumentation stochildeen of Satu? Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft @ ON BAPTISM rr) ish in perfect faith those who [then] have not" holy baptism ; nay, nor have tasted of the boy nor drunk the holy bioed of ‘our Lord Josus Christ. Therefore arcording to the wor of the Lord, we must first being them unt the ftih, induce them to zepent, and then give it? unio them, AAs also a member of the ‘liurcl® Si, Luke in the Acts of the Church saith, vil, 12: “But when they believed Phitip preaching good sidings about the ‘kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were al baptized, men and women’ Ard again in the same, vil 36, the saith? ‘As they went on their wey, they came unro a certain vwater, and the ensnch said: Behold, here Ja water; what doth binder me from heing baptized? And Paik said unto bin, If ‘thou dost believe with sll thy hear, iis possible. ‘The ennich anpwered! and said: I believe that Jesua Chest is Son of Gos? "Thus then sly first beard a declaration of faith froma theta and then bestowsd supreme baptism. For so had they received it from the Lord, and to they wily 8 bestow ion others. Hut some aborted from the gespel and from His elnich, tn opr sition [thereto], ask of an unbelicving baptisial father, who is 2 fake witness brought forward, as it vere a profession of ‘ith, saying wo fim: *What doth the catcelumen seek, © [filse]* witness?” And be makes answer ard says: ‘Faith, hope, lore, and baptist” How then, 0 [fase*] reer, art thou not ashamed for how dost thou not biush? so mturly dost thou fail to reileet a to thine wileratees and thy questions Ont ubatever proccedoth from thy mouth, $s noi tre [but false]? argument, whesher the answer of the [false] wieness or thy quesifon about the eavechumen to the Inplismal fier? These are wterly «+... +e. y andes ‘our Lond and intercessor Josue cables os, we wil a Title open yout minds, and with God's ald help to show who is your doctor and teacher, * In margin, agent this and what fllows ie wien: That isto ay, the Latins, Greeks 20 Acrgniany who ar not baptized, ace ia Male sve ra margin that: “apogee in Mar 50,16. Tn margin ie waten? "About the Tesh sn iad, Jobn vi. 6, wh ave not estes sd ran” Bg it ste el eee hi ete ee ee ceo © Tn whmgin of MS. fe woiten: "Mar net fe wines. See fo the holy commarciments of God” * Comeliog mp Ino mes ach Uc rprosens sword ot two cr rom the MS, Thave retored the sense of te extte pawns Digitized by Microsoft @ 2p THE KEY OF TRUTH CHAPTER Iv Dash make mauifist and point cut the father and teacher of thes: zoho dames Selivoed and wth much love falpl his works, and bacco Wiat it ts Gots roerk And Cod [forbid] thal me should elven or bear in our minds such toarks or canons. Our mediator and intercessor Jesus Christ doth direct us tly as follows *Baware of evil workers, and the rest. Already 90: Lord) Chita passed! sentence oo the Jews and schismaites, when ke pointed eit their father, saying, John i £42 Ye ate from Satan your fatter, and ye wish to do the desire of yous father. For he wa a matrderer fom the begining. But he aborle not in the truth, because Ghee is not éruth ju him. Whee hae speekesh false he speakett cat of his own, for he fs false and bis fiver” Now, then, ye lis disciples, come bither and juige Cf yourselves truly of your faitiod {er falsely performed) baptism, ye that a*6 wholly mythical and cantmizy 10 the hely Gospel of ie universal snd apostolic ely church, that itis not at all 0 be found ia the holy and preciow Acts of the Apostles or in the holy Gospels of cur Lond Jesus Christ our intercessor. By this me, however. true opinion has been Trnibhes from ‘your minds*; since yous fates has @ught you from of ok and has ‘bound you to his (fse]® gospel. For abis reason our Tord most egy Lowe testimony, saying: “From the beginning your face was a murderer! and tho rest, Bul now is the word of our Lord Jests Chest found accurate and true, which he diets against that evil one. For at the fest he was in the form of a serpent and spake in the Armesian language unio Eve, saying : “Wherefore Ind Got steroly commanded you not to eat of the frie, and mot, to approach it7* Ticause Cod know that when ye take thereat tnd approach sf, at once your eyes will be opened and ye wil be 88 gods; therefore lee strictly commanded you not t9 approach oF tonch the same. [But the woman Eva obeyed the father of whom we have spoken* ©1 estore sonjectorlly 9 word ceased The whote tile ts manly conrogt ss Sanch Petfaps we shoold add ‘aot” before The words“ God's work! 2 Coming dtgmg to Ripmg. : Jilin MS. which ces to hare cen Ebi” «Tae Aenoisns wil bolle ha dele lrguage was spoken in the garden. Fe, Satan, father of Hes. Univ Cal tized by Microsoft @ AGAINST THE ORTHODOX, ETC, 79 and in turn satisBed the mind of Adam, So then, when cach ad Derswaded tbe other, at once they were stripe nuked of glory and were driven from the garden; and then they beheld cach the ouhee’s nakedness, and wore not ashamed, as the Spirit of God Denreth witness in the sequel. Now, however, was seit thy vell of their vig iy thiough che deceit of the same evil one. Vitgin blood escaped for them, their peiishable Tesh was afficied; the ligaments of God were torn asunder, those which he impos on them the modesty of their comntenances was tom away, thr reverence was wholly lot; the colour of light of the Godhead faded from tic faces. the ‘crown of their hicgship way taken avay, and their newly-fashioned yrilace was Jost, tasoned about weit chains. Nay mare, all other Uessings were fost to them through that same evil one, and he ‘made them his slaves. This is why the precept was uitered to the Jews who believed not: “He that werketh sin, is the slave of sin? ‘and the rest’, ‘And out of such knowledge did our Lord Jesus Chuist give proof unia schismaifes, unbelicers, the impious, liars, the felse 10 aw (or filso examples), false teachees* and false pris ‘who are ‘ever learning, yet never are able to come to the knowldge of the tmath,' and the ses. ‘Ths ur Lord Jesus meant tha: thelr father and teacher is Suian. Tat us next come 10 the dealings? already alluded to of the murderer, wha stew abr farefither Adam [and Fee], and made them and dicic children, until our Saviour Chit, his staves and captives, and fastened them in his clains and so forth; and so in bonds until the advent of the newh-ereated Adam kept them T team the prophets, patriarchs, men and women, sons and daughters, believers and unbelievers, and all ethers whom he drew fn a throng to binoseif. And) so ie was that ke pleased be beavenly Father in pity fto ercate}*the new claw out of de sume deccitful Door, ut fie created}* roan Jess knew his Father, and by inspcatian of the Holy Spirit eame to St. fobn fs all gentleness and humility to be baptised by him And at the same time he vwas crowned by the almighty Father, who said: ¢ Yonder is any swelHloved son in waom 1 am pleased a6 was wriuew above. Jon vil. 546 8 2D Or afin” or weed 4 Lake x gy the mfesnor goer in margin of 8 Acword is cased iu MS. both placs, which appeas to have been as vendre. Unfv Calif - Digitized by I Icrosoft @ Bo THE REY OF TRUTH Wow, when Saton beard ttis same voice of the Godbead, he was at once seized with great fear and terror insupportable ; and tue quaked and trembled beyord measure, and he divided his evil mind his way and that, and sed: Whatever ean be that volee ‘sich rescunded about him fran above? What can be the coming upon him of the Holy Spist?/ What ean be all thie grentnecy, all this authority in heaven amd on earth? What can be all this sslory and honour? Whai indzod atl this rejoicing and gledoess that has accraed because of bin? When Satan beheld all this, he swat in despair, and began theaceforth to make ready the snare of his wickedness against our Lerd Jeeus Christ; and he bethought bin, by what snare or gin be might catch bint, as he had caught Addin a0u0 be paca ad die puplas aud all adiers lu order. And s0 lip abode La perplexity’ and great osble until the time of the temptation. CHAPTER ¥ Conccening Dh forty dps of xe Land fnes Chie whe entered into Ins [ober aed conversed rth im austria and recited coumunds of hie Father, yea and overcame Beliar with hit fests (or srewgthy. Ag a member of the univesal and apostolic church, St. Paul, ivects, in writing, te the Hebrews, chy iis 12 Whereloce, holy ‘edhe, partakers of a heavenly calling, contemplate the Apostle and High-priest of our Confesioa, Jesus Cheist, who Is faithful 10 huis maker, as also wae Doses in all his house. "Fovasmnnch as the [ereatod]* man Jesus became very faithful to his Father, for this reason, the Father bestowed on him a name of praise which is above exer name?, that is, of beings whether in heaven oF on south or under the ‘arth, Hz aloo put all things in oubjection, under his feet, a8 Saint Paul says elsewhere. When therefore he Thad pleased Ins inereate and loved Father, at once the Spicit led ‘him on to the mountain of temptation and admitted hin into the ‘mystery of boly Goxdship. Hor forty days and forty nights he feasted on contemplation, on fellow-convarse, and on the com- 1 John i 354 he reference fn marc of MS. © A worl fe eftee! in MS. 1 mist have een =< orator” 8 Award emtiely obliterated fa MS. Se emus have been arpa =e 4 Pash, 2d THI i 9, 2 Mark f 2 and Thebes vi 28 Of eealer‘sazament! ge gonna” ON THE ForTY pays’ Fast a rmandments of the heavenly Father, as is plain to 08 from the holy Goxpels and when his [maker]? took away the feasting and the fellow-converse from him, then he mamgered, And the envious tram, seeing that, began to Ury 10 easnare our Saviour with envy (of eos} saying*s SIF thow act the Son of Govt speat, tbat these sions gy becouse brand and die nat, Math ie ge” Bub fous made anver and said to that ov ove: (0 mening Ton’, © eneiny, © tmonster, O stameless slayer of men, wherefore dst thou dhs address me with an “i*"; dast thou desite under cover of the doubt io draw thy sare over me. Tam not thy fancy which thou fanciest me, O fll of all deceit?” * Jesus made ansxer fand snid : (Itis writen that man shall nat live by bread alone, but Dy every aroed which geeth torch trom the mouth af Ciod” Naw hhive we made clear the meaning of the teet which says thet our Lori Jesus, becanse of his feaming, his fellow-converse antl recei= ing of commands and glory af Godship, hungered not until che completion of those days, So ther the evil one saw that our Saviour Christ was not 10 be ticked like Eva aud adam vith 4 single word; and Satan next took ani ed him into the holy y, and placed hien ov a pionacle of the temple and said to him: "Drow thyself dawn thence, dor it is written that to his angels he has given charge concerning thes, and ox their hands thoy shall bear thee up, lest thou ever dash thy foot against a stone’ Jesus again said unto him: ‘Tt is witen Jat thou shait not termpt the Lord thy Ged” Again Satan tock hm inia 4 mourn exceeding high and showed bir all the kingdoms of the warkl and the glosy fof thems. And le ssid unto hin, “AU this will 1 give thee, if thou svt fall down and seorship me.’ Then said. Josus to Wim: * Get thee behinsé me, Saian, for itis writen, that thou halt worship the Loca thy God, and hint alone shale atau serve. Vea, and St. Lake aus abou! the evil one, cli iv 13, that having coinplewed evesy fSimptacion Satan depuried from bisa fo/ a esscon {he word is ald wbierato Te mst have been 33 reer * Mink ia. 8 This apostle to the desl, a fara che won fall fal esi soem te bean interpoiation. 6 flea. 4 NS, ras be a woruptiy of (Laude, whic means ‘np am inpttois a conjuture ae dota, Uy an iE Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © € ‘THE KEY OF TRUTH CHAPTER V1 Concerning the deeviffubices of the ei ane, which he prectiver after the pation of our Lond Jesus Christ conkinweusly until te second enming of eur Lord and Savtour Jecur Christ ‘Lhe same is set forth by a member of the church, Se. Luke, ch ie. a4: (Aud avieg compleied every temptation Satan departed ftom hima for a season,’ So then, after the temptation of our Lord Jesus, the adversary SSetan was fed with much wnath, and bean ffom that day 10 take to himselF astute iostusente ef bis wickedness and to follow after the disciplen af our Lend Jens Choise and after all rho tilieved om him, as ¥s clear ftom the words of the holy Gospel, which says bout Judas the traitor, Jobn xii, 27: ‘And after the sop, then Satan enters into him? ‘Therefore Saian, after accomplishing his acis of wickedness in Jucas—and he procured his end and ‘made him. bis secvant, forthwith entered Soto the pries’s and igh pics of the Jews. And afie: them, withont waiting, the evil one enteted ito the leaet of a tamsel and caused her to address Veter nice over in order to subvert him ard east hite over the precipice, Yea ant into yet others he entered, Ar he same hour he also confirmed therm, in order to sccare Peter to himself. ow- fever, our intercessor and mediator Jesus Christ divined beforehand the temptation of the evil one which was in store for Peter: and that is why our Tond begin by giving great waming to Peter, saying, Luke xxii. gt: ‘Scith the Lord, Simon, Simon, behold Satan sought to sift dbec as wheat, but T made supplication for thee, that chy faith may mot be wancing, that thou mayest in lime turn again and establish thy brethren.” ‘And we must now at every hour say this holy and precious prayer .. in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, ar he may relent towards us and intercede for us siamers, 10 liberate wa from ‘il evil temptations, Amen. TToly Jesus, Holy Lerd Christ Tielp Son of God, fer us make intercession®, ‘And then aay ‘Our Father; and And then’, Satan sceing tlac bis works of wickedness availed rothing, hardened and whetied his wickedness still more than Aw. l=! sstincea? whieh aes 20 sease 2 oko, Cork pth * Val, Rom. si 34 Microsoft @ iv Calif - Digitized by ON THE TWELVE DISGUISES OF SATAN 83 before, and moze and more against he believers and disciples of ‘our Lord Jesus Christ, and against the apostles of oar Saviour, as ig clear from Johi vis 67. CHAPTER VIL Concerning the adversary of Gud te Wether tet us abso speak. ‘From that time many of his disciples went back, and dd not va th bin any mate” Now, the wild beast, of whora I hare written above, continued to threaten with gecat weal the disciple of our Lord because he that was said Yo be his did mot fll a visim to his most evil pam, 28 Dt Luke above teste, saying of ths very evi Oe, that he Yeh Dim and weve away for 9 season. So firmly ac this season this son of pertivon, in she havr of the Lon’stempiation, chorished in Jhimsef the detevsination to sow lis evi Tongings in the hears and cats of those who should please Tin even until the end of the vvorkl, For tis caise our aucdiator and intercessor never ceases to warn us, saying, Lake ssi, or ‘And when be came unto the place he said ante thom, Pray se tat ye enter not into temptation." So well di our Lord also Know the designs of the evil one, and therefore expeessy enjoined us to wath and pry. And a member of the holy universe and apostolic church, St. Peter, in bis fist tatholic Epistle sath, chy. 8: *Be sober, be waichf, for your alversary, Sata, like 2 liom roam, wallieth about and sccketh ‘whom he aray devour! Afr this maner must we also be wakefel and not asleep in sin. For some, belag weighed down vith sin, Ihave fallowed this adiversory, as is clear in their histories and ceremonies, which same we shall expsse withthe help of che Holy Spice CHAPTER VIII Concerning Satan, sn what form he hes eppoared to those who hase eon deceived and decone brs raves, tis we will et fort AL the first this gate of hell took the form of a serpents secondly, of a raven: thirdly, of a calf?; fourthly, of wild beasts; fithly, of light; sixthly, of womens seventhly, of mem eighty, of Clerics; windily, of teachers of the school; tently, of apestes ; * te monn aguint what flows shits Bith (or genes) of Cain, of Exod, fo Bile + Rings (Semel) xe 3 Tho word foray hete seal in MS. mens citer a ‘stl o© a feat? oF Le Univ Cal tized by Microsoft @ By THE KEY OF TRUTH clevewihly, ef bishops; twveliiy, of souks, And all oer forms he acsumes as a disguise; anl in hese sue forms te seals? and stamp thove who love and please him, and gnards them for mselt until the exd. Far in evil wise doth he chastise himself and all his, according 40 the saying’: Their worm dlicth mot, and their fire Js aol quenehed., And may the Lord God Almighty, by she tedintion and inteicession of his loved Son, save ancl liberate all who emake true canfesion of filth from such tompiadion, Amen. And here musl we say this prayer before Christ, 0 sweet Lord of ming, Jess Chest, we worship, we pray, we ‘encreat and Uxscech thine allpowerfal Lordship, who art at the right hand of thy Father |and mater], mediate and sntereece or us timers now and in the how of our death. Amen. CHAPTER 1X Concerning hive tat deguises himself lt us speak. Now the teacher and futher of schismaties and hereties assumes roanyy forms of disguise. Bur we have only mentioned ixclye, in fomlor not t0 be tedious te you, my loved ones. What is the seaton why the évil one disguises himself? Tt is this, that by ruenné of tie digguise he may easily enslave them to himself. For tis reason bye fist assumes the form of a serpent, Tecauss the serpent wat fll of guile. Secondly of 4 raven, because the raven isa lover of lewcness. Thiedly of a calf, because a call Isa fiend fof mankind anal useful us. Fourthly in the form of wild beasis 5 Iecause wild beats are render ofall mages. Fi of Tight, bee cue Light is disperser of daetuess, Sixthiyn form of maidens atc of yomien, bocause they are leo prove to adarn themselves beeense of heir hunting fleraion. Seventy in form of men, because they agcily arecnt to things sii. Fightbly of eleries, beause they ead the lives of impostars. Ninthlyof school resets, Necause they are © Gen, Monash 73,5 ror Bélaner, pomyad indents ine». ad EBawee sn mpd Bab tego 3 rep Wo Be oe at einen Seg wok Buby spar ex, Srp pomagel drbGpata. Sex 5 pasdo-bere, 2A wend neared mE hich one clearly a rede * Tn nut of MS tha motes Se fa the hao or ee) of caplatn (ro porary. Tosetwadesaad be reference thie ec a Sto nrg of MS this we: See Fast of Kings (= Saul) in he Title, Univ Calif - Digit by Microsoft © AGAINST ABUSES, ETC. 85 teachers of all, Tenthly of aposties, because they are Lalers of soul and body. Eleventhly of bishops and eatholici, because they fare prond and overweuning, and in psticular taffickers im the suliority of oar Lord Jesus Christ; yea, and though dispensers of holy Kaw, yet are clso avaricious ant cxcogitators of falsehoods, Lost, dicy diaguiae themgclvee ae conke' bocause they alvays love herbs and vegetables, yea and iso ...*and they keep fasts, bheesuse heir food grows always in damp places. Wherefore also Uieir dwellings are there, for they like it rich, CHAPTER & Concerning the Lokinonics of Whe holy opastes, end ap roranngs wtih sary ever (ie, genlilo oF pagan), that if te trae ha the evil one takes He form of «2. ‘rst Si-Paul, in his second leter tothe Corinthians, demonstrates the snriety of forms assumed by this ev) one, saying, ch. xi 12 What fd, char wit) 1d, hat T-any cut uf vovasions of them the desite occasions; Unt wherein they glory, they too may he found even as wo, For such men are false aposiics, decciul ‘workers, they fishion themselves ino apostles of Christ, And po taarvel, or even Satan fashioneth himself ino am angel of light; and it 38 no great thing, if his ministers also fashion chemselves as ministers of righteousness; whose zd sball he necording to their works. But... 5 . [CHAPTER NIV] cee eee, a8 also our Lord Jeets Christ, having chosen his Uiesiplee, said: “Go ye Sate all he world, and preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all cteatures, Whoever believelh, shall be Laptized, shall live; but whoever lieveth not, ebsll be judged,” find the rett, Behold, O ye blind, bow our Lord deems your procedure false and sain, and pronouices you 10 be dealers of him, 2 tm mnagin this totes Tn the ives ofthe fete.” 4 Doe wort ella ia MS. > eguaps there ston exe “f's monk “ Lleve the tlics got-ga, equal to twertyfonr pages, are ten ext of MS. ‘These pages som t> have dontalned tha et part of chap. x, all of haps soll aul the fit pont of ehap. als. “These chapters oust have genta’ ‘fee acu of orhodor eer. Unlv Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © 6 THE KEY OF TRUTH and calls you cbikiren of Satan, as was written abore, Lo, now Alo yo recognize right well your Tying fuher; recognize of a tn Four sphit; recognize even yar false God, Nay, e0ognize also ‘your teacher; yea, and furihermore do ye recognize the Pope, ihe Catholicos, and your president; and recognize your sham Rewiah, ond the Zest, Of show our medistar and injercessor, four life and refage, doth munifesty speak, saying: ‘And that ‘vhiel he epeaketh false, he speaketh out of his owa, and his father jsSatan,’ Thus etr Loal Jest and ihe boly universal ani apostelic ‘hutch saw and spoke as we wroxe above. And now once more we ‘wtite down from the Fist to Timothy, iw 15 “But expressly doth the Holy Spinit say, that in the Jast Sines some shall fh as fous dhe Fy and th vesks And again in snethor wring of ie doth he speak: of you thst ace blinded: ‘And there shall be lovers Df self, overvcening, proud and insolent. Nay, more, ye have confidence ia your works, but lave dened the holy works of eur Lord Jesus, and of bis sanctiBed apostles; and are followers of your Tauber, the evil onc, who gave you bis law, namely, to baptize unbelievers, io worship. images to make silver and gold inio the form of an image ....* an@ to adore the same, (0 pry ia the sins of men and women, o explor: the seme and grant retnssion, a8 to which oar Lord ordained, saying: No one can remit sins, save only the one God, But de you investigate all their other words, and sive praise to the heavenly Father, and to his only-barn Som. CHAPTER x Concerning the bapliem of our Lard Jorus Christ end of his eecte?, hathcwed, dseypts, fino they were bape? When Jesus Jeamed that the Pharisees Veard that Jesus is making: many disciples and is baptizing [more] than Jofin. For it was uot that Bene seen a [CHAPTER Xv1]* suffered, I cay wal you 5 Sut {f9e do not repent, ye shall Teese Be disiriyed, ‘Thus our Lord Jesus Chet decreed that these Uhroe inoffable ngsicries (er saeraments) aie cssential whoa he epako to those + One orto wore effesd in MS, No doubt the waxds faced ese “of (Chest an af the Via, sms. 7 Police 30-59 of MS, sve lex ineludlng avacy al chap. xv and frst lines ofthe Ue of chap, xv, Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft @ ON THE THREE SACRAMENTS 87 who fistenel. Flirt he lays stress on and ordains repentance ; like Se Jolin, who was moniioned above. Secondly, he grants us holy baptist, a8 be said to Nicodemust: * Jesus made answer ant said to lcm, Verily, verily T say unio you, except a man be bom ‘again, he cannot sov tue Kingdom of God.’ Thirdly, as regards his holy, precious body and blond, she Saviow eommatids ws t@ take thew (Separates) fiom one another, as is clear from Job vi. 54: ‘Jesus said unio them, Verily, very 1 say unlo you, Except ye eat tie fess of the Son of ram and dink his blow ye hare not Ie in yourseles” Moreover, im the same chapter, he axain sperks of them separately and not as onc nusneriealy, v.56 For my Gesh ts true Kral wad my blood ig tue dein! Took wall at and thoroughly seen The holy tity how that forthe sake of the fihful it bestows dnd enforces repentance, baptism, ane his holy body and Wood, ‘Anl the door of salvation speaks concerning believers and not tuibelievers who..." For jn no wise at all do they know God, hios is their knowledge of Jesus Cirst and of the holy church of Cris, that is of the aly Apostles. Moreover, they know not joy and eotrow, thir Gathut er thear other, and are like brass that sounds or crmbals that clash, ands» forte Tn auch matters hen what is it sight for us to do according to law!? Natight but this; when chikiten are born of their motbers, then it is necossay for the elec ale seven days to proceed to the house of tbe childien born, on the eighth dar; and he shall come fr the parents with great love ant give to therm good spiritual advice, that they shall train up their offspring fm godliness, tn faith hope, love, and in all. good works, ¢¢ St, Punl writes in his fst to ionothy, chi 7, saying? at follows :* Bat from filthy words and, oli wives! fables Hokl aloof: but exercise thyself unto godliness, for exercise ofthe body ie profitable fora Title; int grliness ff some ‘ing profitable for all things, and feth the promise of He, of that which nove is and of that which is -0 be: Likewise, according to the eanonst of the holy apostles % is necessary for the parents * Op reder: “When he sth what i thos neces. = Joka One a ura wonte derope in MS, rardvipr, i. acoonling 1 toe less rae Sq tmngit was a mote of fore word, ll ease save Che fst; hid Je “hopidsa eehie writer oss the Grek word metly a2! pecs? and camo the ead acm list’ “The veftenea is wotco the apostoben canis elsewhere eoudetue in the Key asthe Latia Sayan of Clemens. Unlv Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © 88 THE KEY OF TRUTH themselves ever and always to give for instruction and study to their infant offspring as it were mille; and they shaMl not be at all sparing [therco{]. As also. St, Paul, in Wis frst 19 Corinthians, ch. it, says: “And L, brethren, could not speak: unta you a8 unto spisiual, but as unto cern, as unto babes in Christ. T fed you swith milk, not with meat; for ye were nat able, Nay, not comm now are ye able, For ye are yet camal So then, for us also and for he parents it is sight Gist of all 10 perform the name-giving of rhe eatcchutacns, and then after some fine we enuse them to be instructed in. good works ......-? at that tine whether it be male or fenle; im onder that he or she already may be baptized. Acconlingly, if'a male, the el to be Gai gud egulust fe ws it will be clisercot [and stm the sin]! which was manifested in Ue ‘deception of Eve ans Adam, For first was 1Eve dishonowed, and tien she woke up the mind of Adam, So also must we [avake] them in their due scagans, [s1:d tell them] of the eurse they inherit from their sie albeit we now ihzough Jesss Clrist lad em wala. the highest Miss, Far this cae St. Jeb, one medistor and inter- feessor Jestis Clieist, and lh hay Sisciples, frst showed) the faith, then brougin to repentance, xd Jase of all bestowed baptism ; as is clear fram the actions of our Saviour Jesus. Por he fist asked for Faith of che blind, the dal the withered, the demoniaes, and especially of the lords dead’, and sald to them: ‘Do ye believe that Tam able to do this unto you?’ But hey in great fear cried out, saying, ‘Yea, Lord, thot: canst” And they worshipped him and were healed. Also thelr dead vere raised, So must we also por- form baptism when they are of fall age like oar Lond; 30 that wey may seek it in faith from vs, and that then we may give them. baptism and pervect blessing, Suppose, fur esanpleya man who is eaughe by dhieves oF robbers fon @ mouniain-iop oF ina ravine, and they have bound bie bands and feet fast ith fotiers aul east him inte some gully, surely it is necessary for bim to struggle to free himself, aris not? But ‘Te margin ths note ‘Fiz ismetesary to perform the anegiving, seal SMa line erase in MS, + Something scems Ming fa the text, thouch the copy marks na lacuna, # Concer le Bad, Joho ge H2Ko i 2p, Mae sg. he test might peshiy=*0€ lade (or meer) of the deol” Perhaps i ie a currupicn of sonathing. ut salar cepeson oesure ia Vries ‘works ofthe porianls nnd peuple Hele Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © ON BaPTisM 9 fduy make answer and soy that he rust work haed and strugzle, tun@l he berate iemself; or fonc Jet be fall a prey to the wild teasts. Such also is the enactment of our Lord, which he Tsid down in our texts, with regard to npeataice. To his very wise dloos he warn us @at be who does wot believe and repent cannot be baptised and be Justi, Le purided of aiu and be feed from the fitters of Solan, ‘To sas effect our meiator anv intercessor Jesus Christ delivered the parable wlich tls of the repentant and duocepentant, Luke wil 6° A certain maz bid a fig-teee planted in fis vineyard; ani’ he came secking fruit from he ig-trc, ane found none, [And he said to che wiedesser, Behold these three years L coane seeking frat thereon end. found none] So? cut it own; why doth it curaber the grouid ¢ He answered aud salt Tord, let it alone this year, all 1 shall d’g about and dung it Perhaps fe will bear fruit of repentance; if net, afer another your ‘how shalr ent it down’ Tut now st is need for you, readers, to examine thoroughly and understand the yerables of car Lon Jesus Christ, who primarily means repentance, Lut diectly or indirectly graciously souchsafes the pasable to those that dsten and receive it, Where- fore now bath our Lon Jesus Chis Soo of the heavenly Father, revealed the Way and the Truth andthe Life, hat those wha lave bot fd, repeniance, hope, and love camet be baptized nar draw high unto the holy flesh, and blood af the Sun of Got Nay more, fannot enter the Kingdom of Coe; me ative in zegand to the three mysteries, he Limsell bore sore witness, that they cannot enter his holy bosom; nay, nor participate inthe glory of his heavenly Father well-loved. CHAPTER NVIT Comesrning Boplicn, Thus our mediator and inferocssor Jesus Christ spake this arcble as tonehing believers and unbclicvers*, For the kingdom ff God hath been likened unto ten virgins, who took cis Sara's and went forth to meet the bridegceom and bride, Five of them 2 An eitve la eficed ia MS, Perkers the ethodor chishes were bere dented with the narepentert. * he sist ua of Lake sl. f Bas drops oot of MS. by hemoiatleaton 2 Tm margin agaist wk flluw hs nize: * The bidegreom who bese, sod the bie the hely ckezch uaiersal, faa! jo Epbes chav. 52 Univ Calif - Di tized by Microsoft © 90 THE KEY OF TRUTH svere foolish and five wise, The fotish took dee lamps? «reves from place to place, whors sball the Lord God, through the tnediaton and iotereestion of tis Son only born, preserve from the ferpintion of your fuer and “ane them wid the holy wike virgins. So hat they knowing did alide in thy holy and precious word, fund in no wice erred fromm thy alba teation®, whieh thou dist vouchafe wnio thy spotless Son, thine only-hom, And they {Us who} in the season of Fill growth buptize those that repent tosd believe in the name of Josas Christ, thy loved Soa. "yea find replenish them also with Thine holy spit-and strengthen their tninds and boiles, Because thy Son did truly promise ws, saying “He that holleved shall be baptized, shall lives bat be that Vellowt 04, sll be judged?” Concerning the giving of namie to the Crdechumer. We must seven days wlter the birth proceed to the bome of the newborn child on the eighth day, and we then begin by saying the holy prayer of onr Lord Jesus, “Our Father? ‘And then, afer saying ‘Oar Father, the elect one and all the congregation with oae accord repeat dhis prayer over the eatechu- ets with fait, thus: Father of our Lor Jesus Christ, we bog and enteat thee, keep this eatechumen fom ev, and fx thy holy eye upon ini, anct ‘keep him from all temptation of the worlds and give him life taccoriGing to thy goo will, chat he may pax through the season of his chikdtiond snd become acceptable to thee, to Uy’ Son, and to thy Holy Spirit, And bring him through to reach holy baptism, amt eall him under the shelter of the wings of thy beloved Sex, And also bless, O my Lord and God, the catectumen treugh the mediation of Jesus, chy: Deloved Son, Cleanse him from flshiy pollutions, and day. Uy day prosper anil inenage fim I thy grace, and bring him tunto the full measure of the time of holy baptism, now and) ever ancl to cremity of eerites, Amen. And then read the roords of Sk Pand, ¢ Cor. xii. 14 When Twas a child, T spake as a child, £ felt as a child, Tthouglt as a ebild, But when T became a full man, I put away childish things, Now we se as if ina mirror by symbol, but folio Jot hone fom SES, eootuining po. 5, Or * Mau. xxvii 1 P Laispect a word has fallen ost here, y Calif - Digi ed by Microsoft @ DIRECTIONS FOR BAPTIZING oF then face to face, Now Tundersand in part, bat den J shall Know even as he knowelh me. But now abide Faith, Hope, Love, as it wore Uhsces aud the greatest of these ts Love. “And after the reading of Paul, ‘ts meet for the elect one to ask the name of he catechumen = *By what name do ye deste lo eall this eatechumen according to law* aud not with a fabulous name?" And thoy he readeth the Daly gospel, Lake “And when sight days wore fuel to cscumnese him, his name ‘was called Jomus, which was so ealed by she angel before he vas conceived ip the womb? Glory to thee, King of Glory, dt thow hast sma this cathe men worthy to he gen a pam. We Derewol thy toreseeing majesty; goin him wotil he attain o the boly Birth ofthe fon, that ‘we may paige thee, Uhy Son, and ty Holy Spit, now and for ever and ever. Amen, Repest che *Our Father, anil ge to thy house Gout doch prodiace the fats a arace. Directions for those bmpitzing «of achat sort soll ty be eho ony be leplited CHAPTER XVIT But as the Lord eommazded in his boly canons, even so shall ye Uapilze those who come umto wm, And St, Join ditectet those velo exe to himself to repent. Or as the holy eniversal and apostolic Cathalic Church having leazmed ftom ovr Lord Jesus Christ did proceed ; so also must ye after then do, as we said above. For they first taught; secondly asked for fuith s thinly duced! io repent; and after hat granted holy buptisan to those se were of full age, and im particular were cognizant of their original siv, Again ye, the elect ones, must cbserve the utmost caro that they receive before baptism instruction and training, beals of body sand soul, as Se, Paul saith : ‘Tractise thyself tu gouliness” So must ye without delay bring those whe come une faith, hope, love, fand repentance, and with extreme care and testing practise them, ‘no mater whe they be, ket peraiventure any one should be an impostor, or dooeitil, of a wizand, ke Simon, in Acts vi. «3. "Lew so mie in the ith tothe svelth contures, meant the Chtinn ligion x oppamed 19 Pian Tu margin! «Abo Lake 65° Univ Calif « Di tized by Microsoft @ 92 THE KEY OF TRUTH Bot Simon himself believe and was aptived and rose up againet Philip in uickery and chaelatanry, in order to obtain the power of the holy spirit by deceit, So also ye my loved ones, rast examine those who eome to you, that is thieves and counter= {eit ons, who come to you clothed as sheep', As ow Lard Jesus Chris ech : Forosmnch as atch as these would fain prove theta sclcs holy to you in order tocltain® atiness and the pear] frem yyo8, and svould then trample them under foot; as Sains Paul eora~ roasdeth a his leter to the Romans, saying, ch, xvk 18‘ For soch as thuse serve not our Lord Jevus Christ, but their own bellys and hy their smooth and fair specch they beguile thé boars of the sinlkess’—whether prisls oF dectors ot deccous', whether men or ‘wuniem, yuu nist Hot at once baptize them mor communioato them uit they have been compleiey tested. Coucrming Bhose who are icbag baptsed, loss they shall come wale Tol bapone + ond oot i their duty ced wat is the fruit they Shatdispy, that we sd 2e 8 and confide Tha; as our Lord direct ns sayings Ay thee fruits shall ye koe Ho CHAPTER XIX Ii right and iting that those zo be baptized should shed bisser teats, ike Peter, Bke Soul, like the harlot May, or Tike Simon's wife's mother, and others reserobing thean, Bor they th ipfeat conercon eecelceel gluay amd honour fiom Jesus Christ our Saviour, a5 ia clear in the Holy gespe and in the Acts of the holy Apostles, and elsembire. Again what is meet for thoes to do svho wish to receive holy bapism ? It is meet thae they should approach in gealleness, in Inanilty to the elext ane, slice from hiro release from detnors, and thee they tng serve ovr Lotd Jesus Christ and bis boly ebureh, But them sball the elect one ad sem, saying’: O ray litle chilten, forastmieh as ye now desire te receiv from me holy release, e must sy.» = . ‘they trouble yao and will desire 10 sulnee che Gospel of Christ. Bot thong ye, 07 an angel come dost fons beaven, shoukl preach unto you ‘gospel in excess of that which we preached, et him be anathema, * Ala i. to # Reading arson for arma, 2 Gon Mom, pf lv rate apeiordpoe al wnat fps robe nape engibnesra. sea fess lost in MS, 8. ue pages cottainel a recantation of orthodox c1s. tom ent. They probaly Univ C: Digitized by Microsoft © CONFESSION OF FAITH, ETC, 93 ‘As T sald before, so say I now again, IF any man preach unio you. a gospel in exeess ofthat which ye received, let him be anathema’ "Again E write dis unc you, dearly beloved, that ye shall dil sgenily search the holy gospel of out Lord Jesus Christ and the holy ‘Acts of the Apostles, and then cordemn us?, lest perhaps ye also bbe punished in season, Come my clidren af the new Zion, ‘Fake on you the exown of the Lord Jesus, Cherish in yourseles each word spoken, Take your plaecs in the ranks on the sight hand If ye lisen unto the Church, ‘The infinite Gori shall eave vos, ‘The Head of all is the Lard Jesus, Whom thy holy Pau!* doch cones, And the head of Christ is God and Light. Acts, ch. i ve. 13- Peer ani Jacob, John and Andros, Philip and Thoms, ‘arthotomew and Matthew, Jacobus of Alpheus, ‘And Simon the Zealoy And Jude of Jacobs Also Paul, the vessel of Elect ‘These are the Chueh Universal, wor fs it Peter atone. Church universal, Which was forestadowel in the Ark of Noe, ‘Through it haw many souls been suved, Which were lost through the wiles of devils CHAPTER XX Concerning what i fe moot for fhe atect one to speak or cwhat fe ‘giveth them to say. Ti 8 mcd Jor the ales one to give Bem tes Hike prnfasion of faith ta rebiat, as falozes: ‘We confess and believe that there is one true God, of whom our Lord Christ speaketh, Jobn avit. 3: This is Ife Bternal, that 1 as in ease eave tangs 908 ans iting content tothe ely gospel. pies, ¥ 20. Univ C ed by Microso 4 THE KEY OF TRUTH they showld mow thee dhe only stue God? and him whem thon det send, Jesus Chiist, Asin we confess and believe in Jesus Christ, [> new evoalare sind not]? eator?, ag St. Pav saith tthe Hebrews, ch, 22 Fle is fathful te his creator, as was Moses in all bis house. Again ye shall belive in the intercession of our Lord Joos Christ ans of no ethers Ye aball believe in the Rely aposdes and in all who are th Univeral Catholic Church, and are snot Tatins, Greeks, or [emncans]* Furthermore ye shall below im Josus Christ that by his farher's command be is to come to judge the quick and the dnd An swhon they ehall have tnished the confession of fl before the elect one, aud atthe same time before the rulers then shall she cect one say this prayer before the face of the heavenly Father Phe Prayer of onr Ford Joa Chrith ta the presence of the Heatealy Fath thank thee, Bacher, Tord of heaven and earth, that thow bast ‘ialden this foun the wise and learned and hast ceveated it to babes. ‘Yeo, Father, for so it was pleasing in thy sight. AU things have been given upto me by ay Fither: and no one knoveth the Sen, bot only she Father; aor doth any one know the Father save the Son, ai to shoo the Son shall desire to reveal, Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heas-laden, and I will give you rest ‘Take up my voke on yom ant learn of me, for I am genile and Jowly i benee; ad ye shall find rest for your souls Fer my yoke is easy and roy bneden is igh Ane when they have finished che holy prayer of ow Lond Jesus Christ— ‘Now then, lt us proceed te consiler the bapteer, what be must [ec], or how he must Fee, orn what manner ae wa bring unto > Pesheys the Vauliians interpol these wonds to mesa the God jn heaven ‘es epyared 10 the dingo who te she visible world the gol and lord of {his world? ae Sata is elatw here all in Hae New Tesanent ese ase wom hess effoed ine ext which appear to boas tnusated, Mr Alex Estee of Tis independently exariaag the MS. deciphered the ‘ails partly crsed tn Soe sae inet Gene Mot fu 70 Xi wet oF miner anlage rebtor Braahis aura ve perigee *hpsen, athe at vir Eyyhan wal 1Ov Aatplres ube peau utero, The word is eras in he MS. 2 Gea Mom, p. 78 xt deiBene ou 2 Xperawls, Kok gery apsiate rh plored wal Gra® fain mak apegabuebe ney abr sal duaharfon ttre § BURNS QF THE PERSON BAPTIZING 95 ‘elf thy repentant oS wht form minister to him. Wherefore sve declare all this unio the persor baptizing and to the person being baptized vith: Geal's hel, in deta Now therefore itis necessary for tie baplizer to be lect acvording to the words of the heavenly Faiber to his beloved Son, Luke i ga! He ismy Son Bee. Hear ye im. And secondly, be shal ie genie and lovls according to the cosmend of our Tord Jesus Catal, which he gave by the mouth of hs loly evangelist, Joho sv. 16" and 19, andl sl 28, Also in Matt: ‘Tara of me, Jar Tam gene and lowly in heart’ and the rest ‘Now the geacher [shal he] sse, ofetiont, moses: sober, vituous, sodfearing, loved liy all, hitnself lover of sit the faxbfil, Rut Jer im not be sopetsitions, a baibler, a tar, an inciter of exth Neither shal] he be dissolue o¢ vidous, nor shel he be deceit) ‘nd an ‘raposior, not shall be be fend of low gain acr a lover of, please, Let hi then not be contentious and cherie} mor ft him be ‘ winerlibber acd a drunkard. Nother shall he be ford oF glory or a taker of profs And he shal not Le a taker of aits and agieedy, nor a thief and a robber; nor shall fe be a tuuderer and a griuder of the poor, Let bin also not be weak in faith, ar perverse, Iiigiows, Let hiro nct bea doesiver of men and women. Lot hime not be doulle-tougued, am inciter unto evil: let him not be a caluumniator of others, Let him not be proud amd sels let him not be a lover of siver oF of any of this weil sie, Tot hint not be scarred with impuriy, or @ buffoon. Let him not be a» adulterer and effeminate, Let him net be blind ot a, tet im aot be deef or mate. Let hin note tall to excess above all men, not let bim be shorter than all men. And thus the [apodter} ordain by the Holy Spirit in dae eanons, And in pare fHoalar the holp Apostle Paul directed Titus, saying, ch, i, 7: ‘For the bishop (or avciser) rust be Marveless, as Gat's steward j not telfillal, not soon angry, not quanelsome, no aver, not gtecdy of fithy lucre. Bue hospitable, a lover of gourd, scber-mimled, fast, holy, semperave. ‘To be a postector of tho faithful word of the teaching, that be may be able both to exhort in soundaess of Aoetrne and 16 convict the gainsayers’ TAgnin, Si. Paul welts to Timothy thos, oh, Six “Fasful b the saying, a man seeketl the offe af bishop (er overseer), he seeketh 3 good work, The bishop (or overscer) must be without feproad, the husband of one vile, temperats, sober-minded, Univ Calif- by Microsoft ® 6 THE KEY OF TRUTH orderly, hospitable, apt to -esch. No brawler, no strikers but gentle. Not contentious, no lever of money. For of his own, hhonse he shall be a good supersisor, and shall Ihave children sho are in subjection with all graity? ‘Dims then the elect one must beware of all esil_ thonghits cconting io Wie Apostle Panl, acearding to the enmamind he sive saying: He ye imiatore of xe, az also am Lof Cheist, 1 praise you for thar you have all my riches, Ch. xd. 10 of First to Corinthians, Behold and see, my godly ones, how the Apostles of out Lord) Jesus Crist enjoin ns. And if ye resemble not them, then ye (MIS.= we) cannot any mor beoame elect and presidents of the Ihithfll, anc so forth. Concerning them who are laptiead, hore thes shed come wate the deh ane red be baptized by hime, CHAPTER XXI Now then we say op this matter: Do ye be submissive to the Jaw and have an ear to the eanons, which direct how the novices shall go and present themselves to the elect one, Fer in gentleness and humility [shall they go] as omr Lord Jesus Christ im gentie- nuces? and humility stood before St. John the Brptis. So abo this rneweliont shoot must come ento the elect one. And forthwith the elect one shall rise to hs feet and say: “Come unto me nll ‘that ae outed and heavy laden, and Uwill give you rest. Take any yoke upon you anc leem of me, For 1 am gentie and lowly ia lueast ; and ye shall ind res: for your seuls, For my yoke ie eae aang may bus is Hight? Mat. xi, 28, And the penitent, auch eagerness theowing himself at the feet of the elect one, with suppleations and tents, sath: © thou, elected by God and by Jesus Claris, T pray and Lesocet the, set me, who aim tot worth, five from the bonis of Satan ‘This bofore the people he shall epenly says Nest the elect one, with ben hin, saying-— glance and great love askeih ip lite eld, thos who wisheat 40 be selensad from the bone of the devils of Satan, What fruit of absolution hast thou? ‘Tell i 10 us Selore the eougregation, But the oritent, if be haye Jesenet sand reeeived the pe-ect fai, with omfeigmed (rust shal} at # Mate i ay © Ge the newly presente - Digitized by Microsoft THE RITE OF BAPTISM 97 ‘once come on his knses into the midst ofthe water and say great love and teas © the eleet one as fllows: Fist do 1 fuhflly believe in ous Lord Jesus Christ a8 the holy poses believed, in Maw, xsi, 13, and a3 in Accs vii, to v.38: ‘And he said unto then, But ye, whom do ye say that Y am? Simon Peter made answer and seid wo him, Thou art Christ the Son of the living God, and the vest, Jobn vi. 69. And in parcular the apostle Paul, malsng profession sath: "The beal ‘of all is Christ and the head of CWwst s Goll! 1 Cori. 3. AS alko is clear in the holy gospel saying, Jom xvii 3, “This & ke eterna, dat they should Know thee, the'only rae Goa, and Beier at ace SI rein CLG bs eV ae and belicte, sere, and worship God the Father, ant the Som, mediator and intercessor, and the Holy Spirit, the dispenser of grace 10 us who belive ith And then, as he that bas believed completes his boty profession of ith, the ckect one instantly takes the waier into his hands, and looking up to heaven (sath),—also observing in (or toward) himself the mystery (or sacrament) the form (or figure) aud the intenton,—shall lireely or incizeclly empry out the Waler over the head saying: Is the vame of Father and Son and Holy Spirit is baptiacel this mman or worsm—mentioning, the name—by the testimony ofthe congregation bere present. ‘And then he reada the holy sospe of auc Lord Jess Christ: Mati ii 1g: “Then cometh Joss ftom Grilee to the Jordan vunto Jobo to be baptized by bin Mack ig: ‘And it came to pass in those cays that Jesus came from Narareth of Galilee and svas baptized by Jobm in the Jordar? Tauke ii ay: ‘And ft came to pass in the Laptizing of all the people, that Jesus was baptized and as praying; and the heaves were opeced,” and the rest John i 29: ‘On the morrow ke secth Jesus coming unto him and Sith sa read also the rest in fullover the person baptized, the cleet one receives before bim the novice ; but the novices shall in fear and werbling on their knees draw nigh, naked, bending low their heads ard with frmest faith, bearing in ‘mind the rdleave from Satan. Bat the elect ene take water in bis hands, and wiih mystery" (or sueeament) with word and with act, shall fully emply out the water ove one head (at a time) and aay » tn margin of MS, the following note: “One before the Feshess ene hore the Soa} out bere ihe Holy Spi he etal Gl” Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © 8 THE KEY OF TRUTH {irst, Tn the name of the Father ; and he shaif empty out the water fon the head three umes fand aller that) in tie name of the Sen and ja the name of the Holy Spirit. ..! in union, Becavse the Father giveth release from the bonds, the Son geth hope to sinners, and ike Holy Spirit is iove in the hearts of those whe listen, bellows, aze baptized, and the rest, Ve shall wp io thie figure. For a cerfain king releases certain rulers from the prison of sin, bor the Son calls them to bimself and comforts them (Hi. gives hora) vith lofty (kit great) words, and the holy spicit of the king forlivith comes and crowns hess, and dwells in (or with) thom for ever and ever, Amen. Read thou the holy gospels, «Then cometh Jesus from Gallee tn the Jordan mato Jobn to te baptized by him, Bat Jora would hare hindered him saying, T have need to be baptized by thee, and comest thou to me? Jesus made answer and. said wnto him: Suffer it now, for chus i ecometh us to full all righteousness. Then he stfereth him. And whew he was haptiaed Jesus went up straightway from the svater; and beliold the heavens were opened unto him; and he saw the spirit of God, descerding Ske a dove; and it came upon. him, And behold there was a voice {tom heaven which said: He is my beloved Son, in ssnom I am well pleased.” Whe ix in the precace of the Father We thank, we magnify aad glory thine Almighty Fatherhood, ‘hat thou hast made worthy JAy servants in the hour of baptism, vsho have bec baptized inv the aame ef thy Son, the only-hor, Anil sw we aulore, we ask and beseech of thee, Holy Pather, proserve them fiom the wiley of devils and free them from the tempuation of evil ones, Sel, Holy Fatber, theit hearts, their souls aud bodies with the presioos flesh and blood of thine only- born Son, now and evermore, 2 Two or tines words ate destroyed a MS. ‘The Lacuna should groebly be filed vp somewhat as fllowe: “OF the Moly Spt, spares, nd wa ia toion’ For the note is the arargis proves that the three suceerive bands fof water were rogardel as symbole of fix dinioawes of the tees Persons ‘The erasce proves that the Paulelane anyhow gave another interpretation to the baptismal ferouls than do ‘Trintaslans Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft @ THE RITE OF BAPTISM ” Next se shall read the Acts of the Apeatls ti 1. “And when the days of Pentecost were completed, they wers all ‘vith one accord together, And there was on a sudden a sound, ‘coming from heaven, a¢ of a mighty vind, and it filled all che house Jn whic they sat. And these appeased uato them divided tongues, as of fire, and there sat ave on each of them. And all were filled ‘with the Hely Spirit, and began to speak with other tongtucs as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Gonpel of Biark, i. 9. ‘And it came to pass im thoee days that Jeeus came from Mavarsth of Catilec, and wae bapiaed by Jokn in the Jordan. And foribwitb, ashe went up out of the waters, he saw the heavens rent asunder, and the Spirit of Gea, ike a dove, descend- ing from heaven, [and a goice came ont of the heavens] ard said, Thou art ray beloved Son; In thee am ¥ vel! pleased” And then we tay this praper afore the Son of the Hesverly Patter. ‘We adore, we entreat and beseech of thee, Christ, Son of God, receive these arcong the number of thy holy ciseiples, and send the Spicit of thy Father into their earis, oF thou dist promise them, saying + IFT go not, the Holy Spirit will not come unto you Bur now with ardent love, falling on our faces, we beseech thee in behalf of thy servants, who nox hase been baptized into thy holy name, and now anxiously avait the fahful promise of zhy Lord= ship, [made] unto their hearts, and anto all thy servants who have Delioved in thee And net then shalt read Patd b the Galatians, ti. 24-89. So that the law hati been our ior to bring us unto Christ, that we might he justified hy faith, Bat now that faith is come, we are no longer under a futor. For ye are all sons of Godt trough faith {in Christ Jesus]. For as msn of you as were trptized into Christ did put on Chiist. ‘There ein be neither Jow nor Groek, there can he neither bond nor fret, there can b= no male and female: for ye are all one in Christ Jems. And if ye are Chis, then are ye Abrahams seed, heirs axeording to proinisee Fron the holy goupel of Jesus Chris according te Lake, ti, 21-22 ‘Now it came to pass, when all the people were baptized, that, Jesus also having heen baptized, and praying, the heaven was » Outil in MS. tog: houatorelenton. a Univ Calif fadibe Micrasor 2 300 THE KEY OF TRUTIL ‘opened, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bedily form, as a dove, ‘upos han, and a voice came out of heaven which said, ‘my beloved Son; in thee T aun well pleased! Also thts erther prayer tn tie prevence of the Hoty Spirit Blessed! art thou, Spirit of the Heavenly Father, forasumel us tow ast made by the Father, and coming, didst sive unto our Lord Jesns Christ anthorky aver all flesh; and didst make him king snd wad of beings in heaven and in carth and under the carih; even a5 St, Paul file! with thee, dectarsh. Furthermore, thou slide divide the fery tongues unto the holy Aposiles ant tunite them onto the one word, and didst make them the Catholie Church of the Son of Ged’ the Father. And now with ail reverence do we entreat thee) that thou come down into these, and fll the hendls of the Laptized, who bave now been baptized imo Christ Jesus. Lest peradventure the unclean spirt approach them that have believed in the erly bor Son of the heavenly Father Cleance shel spire anil mas, and make them a temple and deling-plave of the Father inceeate, of the Sou our intercessor, now and ever and unto eternity nf eternities. Amen, i, abinge Leclion from the Aets of the Apasits, “But an angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the seuth along the way that gocth down from Jerusalem vusio Caza the come fe deert. And he arose and wonts and behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great aulhority uncer Candace, qucen of the Hibfgpians, who was over all ber treasure, ‘sho bad eotce to Jenwalem for to worship; and he was returning and siting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isuith ‘And the Sjirit said unta Phitp, Go nes, and joi thyself 10 this cherioi, And Philip cam to him, and heald him revding Isiah the propher, ancl said, Undersiaadest thou what thou readest? And hho said, How ean [, except some oie shall guide ine? And he besoughe Pili to come up and sit with bins. Now the chapter of the seripnure whiels be was reuling was this: He was led as m sheep lo the skughtors and as a limb before his shearer is dunt, so he openeth not his mouth: in his lauiation bis judgement was akon away: his generation who shall declare? for bis life is tase from she earth, And the eonvclt answered Philip, and seid, I pray thee, of wham speaketh the prophet dhis? of himself, oF bf some ether? And Phil opened his mouth, and beginning from this scripture, prcucleed onto biun Jesus, And as they went Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ® CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION rot fon the way, they came unto a certain water; and the eneuch sai, Behold, here is water; what dod hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thon believest vith all thy heart, chow mayest And he answered and said, L believe that Jesus Chrii is the Son of God. And he commanded the charot to stand still: and «bey both wer down into yhe water, both Philip and the eunuch; sud be bapiized him. Aud when shey eam: up out of the water, the Holy Spiele came upon the eunuch, and an angel of the Lord emgh away Philip: and the eunuch saw ain noe more, and he weat on. Tis way rejoicing, And thon thou shalt road the hely gospel, John x8. From the holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, aceorcing. to John. Gr thus begin by saying: The voly gospel of oar Lord Jesus Chuistis hae which Johreseith= “When dicrefore it was evening on that day, the fet day of the sweek, and when the doors were shut vhers the disciples of Jeaus were amet together, for fear of the Jews, fesus care and stood in their rit, and saith unto them, Peace be wito you, And when he had snid this, he showed unto them hit hinds and! his side; and the Gisciples were glad,when they sav the Lord He said to them again, Pesce be unto you: as the Kather kath sent me, even so send I you. And shen be had said this, he breathed into chem, aud tsith unto them, Leceive se the Holy Ghost» whose sorver sins ye forgive, they are forgiven eto them ; whore socver sins ye retain, they are retained” ‘Once more it is meet before all grayers to say the “Our Father! ‘And then gise the Peace in these words: May the Peace of the Father, the Peace of the So, and che Peace of the Holy Ghost, ‘come unto yon. Amen, RRM PROETH THE FEM OF AAETIE. Aud concerning the aver of laying 2x of had: CHAPTER [XXII], Jesus, Son of the Heavenly Father, help us and intercede for us, and for all che falihiul, for thow dist promise with thy faithful sword: John xvii, 20, ‘But not only for them do 7 pray, bes also. fox all iiem that Sieve on me throsgh their word! Unlv Calif - Digitized by Microsoft © 102 THE KEY OF TRUTIL ‘Again fet us speak about hat man, and say how itis right to ‘leet him, ond then to lay lands (ie. ordain) on him; test by chance ve be found guilty according to our Loc Jesus Chiist and the holy spesile Paul, who Jeclares and directs in his First 40 Timothy, v. 222 ‘Lay hands hastily on x0 man, nor become ywariahe, of the sine of aliena’ and tbe rest, But also our Intoreessor and mediator Jesis Chest, hindering us, saith: “Give not holiness to dogs, aid cast not your pearls before swine’ Behold, it is thus incumbex: on the elect one and the rulers not to give the authority to such a man% For it is a fearful ‘and awful thing 10 lay hands upon such ab these, and to become partakexs of the sins of aliens, and se forth, Therefore it is hecsseary for us to be grecty on our guard against dieu, unl avoid participation in their sins; so far foxth as it is no divine ‘command, citer of Christ theelect or of the universal sud apostolic holy chureh (G0 do so), Ist ws farther consider the words, the rctions, and the canons of ow Saviour, ye, and also ofthe elected holy apostles, who were tanght by the high priest Jesus, and handed down wnlo us their ration’. As Si. Pau! in his Epise to the Galatians, i. x1, sayst ‘L make known to you, brethren, as touching the Gospel ‘which was prenclied by me, that i is not according to the mind of min, For neither dit T receive ft from ten, nof was I taught it by any one, but ffom the revelation of Jesus Chis! 1 Cor xv, 15 Eph. i Boheld then, according to ese words, these blessed ones rooeived it Grom Christ; and Christ our Saviour receved it from the Almighty Father, as be bimself insiscd, speaking im Mathew % ‘And Jesus came and spoke to them, and said: Unto me hath been given authority in heaven and on earth, As the Father sent po, 20 send I you.’ Also Mark xvi. xg. Accordingly our Lord ‘Chris was ts electel. by the Fathor* amd received the grace of the heavenly Father, as saith Matthew, chap. xii: ‘Behold my secvany wshom I elected, and my well-befoved in whom my soul vvas well-pleased. [have lied roy spirit upon hima, and he shall Aloclare judgements unto the Gentiles.” ‘And when Jesus was bap tized’, he went up strajguway from the water, and Jo! the heavens were opened 10 him, and be saw the Spieit of God * fe foam untied man, + Ch, the Dinventizentury Catbar seal fn the New Testament of Lyons, el, CU, px, ch, xe 08 iat itp Mack i an3 Lake Uh 225 18 * tots 6 y Microsoft @ CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION 103, descending like a dove anu comirg upon Bim, And lo, a voice from heaven which said, This is my beloved Son in whom Iam swell pleased. Mark x. 19, Lake ii, 2, and Jobn i ga. And the cest ye shall read in holy wrt that dst was Joous elected by the Father, and the apostles by hin. Aecontingly it fs ight for this man to be elootsd By rake end dhe by bishops. Now the Present must Gest test bira in genfeness and humility, and se if hie has perfect wisdom, love which chici of all prudence, gvadle- ness, humility, justice, courage, sotcicty, and eloquence. He must ako possess in very deed continence, patience, moderation, pastoral care, love of the poor, py and good eonduct of life and all other ‘good works, and repentance along with quick couseiencc. ll this he teacher MUSE ese aN ave; wind woly Ui shall ie be incumbent on the Vardapet to approve hits. But uoless a man has bore these thorough test, it is not right for the President of rulers to lay their hands on lis bead, Since our Lord and the universol and apostolic holy church inhible us ftom laying fone hails upon such ones and from becoming sharers and par- takers of their in, Even a our mediator and intercessor, Jesus, warns us against it saying: “Beware of evil workers, who come fp you in sheep's cloihing, but within are cavening wolves? abd 0 forth. Sce and mark, my loved ouos, sew the Lord forbids us 10 lay Ihmids on such as these, that is on false prophets, deesives, lise febedient, foolish, and so forth. Agsin, it is mat tect for yoR, Goibloving rulers and arch-rulers 10 rastly lay your lands on such men} x5 St. Paul ia his ecnons doth enjoin spon Thus Saying: (For the bishop must be blamcless, and the rest. And accordingly the leet one toust be om all sides sporiess, and must be holy. Fuchermore, be shall be shrewd snd singleminded, as He that was elected by she Almighty Fathes si; ‘Ye shall De shrewd as the serpent and singleminded as the dove’ and the rest Lock ye and digently examine, Jest perchance ye violate these holy canons, Nay, more, may the aAluighty Father give us bis holy grace through the intercession of his beloved Son, and may hho open the exes of our souls unto the detection of such deceivers5 that is to say, of thieves, robbers, murderers, 2038 of fornication, adulterers, datractrs, evil speakers, scurriloxs, foul-montied, las phemers, quarrelsome, effeminate, 2acdersis, svinish in their ves, foud of strife, ireconcilealte, nyers of the innocent, thnid, Digitized by Microsoft @ 104 THE KEY OF TRUTH sluggish, dissolute, nigzardly, slow to Ioan, foolish, cestatic, eoper= sitions, without fit, lovers of sel, overwecning, supercilions, dovble-faced, grecdly, spotted with evil, graccless, Mhidinovs, fale ‘witnesses, lovers of glory, lowes of sil, connterfeiss, untisecrning, lovets of sclf, rspeciers of persons, longers ater evil, privily- aninited, lightly believing in fee prophts and fake doctors, in false preachers and falsc Looks; who in every season and sundry tyusc ot to the knowledge of has the universal said apostolic cimrch enjoins us to do, Thete must be elected with much texting, as also the Tlead of the Church enjoined above, saying: “Beware ‘of evfl workers,’ and the rest, ‘Therefore, ypon such as th: aforesaid fs ineumbent on us not to lay ous Taunds, as Deeoute slxwers san pardelpairs tm dsc sins. Further, we may sqy on this matter: Is there really found such an one as s free from al shese vices? or was thore ever any- fone swho, having had these vices, has turned away from them and renounced them *® Yes, ther: is inderd such a. man, my beloved, as hes beet a hundredfold worse than these, and who yet, when be reached the tine of deetion, then recovered himeel, ancl fully aud ‘completely repented and received the grace of the heavenly Fatber 5 as acmember of the universal apd apostolic boly church, Sz Lake, deckareth unto us, saying in Acts di, 69, *And Saul waz eonsent- ing umto the slaying of Stephen? Again, eb. x. 1, we read : “Bit Saul, yet filed with alueatening god skughter of the aiscyles of the Lord, went unto the hieh priest and asked of him letters ta Damascus unio the syeayogus, dhat if he fund any who were af tat vay, whetber men or Wonca, be might bring dhem bound 10 Jerusalem, ard the rest Rebold and mark, my godaring ones, how Saul goes forth, and thea liow he repents, and twins to Chiist our Lord, and. receives the Holy Spécit aud is saakel ia the ranks of the universal amd apostolic holy church ; and breomes a veel of election, esiablisher of the trath, pride of the fai and rampart of the holy apostles whe ‘were prochtimedi by Christ the universal and apostolic church. ‘And this is the meaning of uke blessed St. Paul when he ssid thot where sin aboundeth here shall also abound grace. Again, hoe elsewhere sah, alluding thereto: * While I was a child T spoke ais a child, T thought as a child; bt when 1 beeame aman fll {rown, I put away tho things of ehidlbond? Tho Ammevisu of hie suntencolsambigoet, 1 sendor as Think the sents est be Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft @ CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION 705 ‘Thos, my beloved, alhough it is antural for men to falls i not alo naiueal for them to rise again and sland up sireight? Let ws Also hol to this figure of our Tord in whick, desting with us si ners, he compares us to the prodigil Son, who caune to his father and said: Father, Ihave sinned nia heaven and before thee, and fam no tore wordhy to be called thy son, but rake me ane of thy ized servants. But his father, in compassion, fll cn his neck and Krissec him and said, This is my son ovo was dead and is alive ‘again, yas lost and is found. And again he repeated in his great Jove and stid, ‘Bring forth bis rots and put a ring on his hand and Kill for hi the farted eal, fo" he ts my son who was dead nis alive again, was lest and is fownd’ So now do ye unler= Sana tue decree ‘ot our Lord ant of the hey apostcs, wick with tae award they decreed for us and explicitly enjoined on al the faith, Tet ws retom do the sequence af cur direction, already expressed, hat it necessiry for thar man to be on all sides fice from hilemish, before we give kim authority (or rule} of priesthood, of episcopate (or overseership}, of doctorate, of apostleship, of presi dency, and of election. For all thest are one and the siane thing 5 nor ate they one greater or Tesser than another. Bot they are on an entire Keel, as our intercessor Jesus enjoined’ on his holy elect ones, saying, Luke ssi 26: Bo: be ye not so, bul he that is {great among you shall he as the least, and the mastee (leader) the gervan,? and the rust, In hie wite ig abthority one, a3 our Lord! enjoins. saying, Matt, xvi. 15, where ne promises 10. give amority to al his apostles. Likevise Malt. xvi 18, he says the same, and also gives complete anthority to all his lect onest ‘Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in keaven, and whawoever ye shall release on enith shall be relased in heaven,’ orthermbre, Jon xx, 23. ‘Unto whom ye shall remit sins, it shall be remrited umo thems but whores fever ye sia retain it shall be retsined? ‘Accordingly it is thus that Latits, Grocks, and Armenians alike speak in the hour of their releasing (?=absoluion). Whothcr catholic or bishops (or overseers) or vandapets (le. doctors) or their priess, they all ake, as suis the occasion, say = 1 also in due ‘orées, wath priestly authority, elewe thee from all participation sin,’ and the rest. Tiehold, my beloved ones, hoy they also Dear winness that auionity is one, and is not greater or less. For one was the Holy Univ Calif D ed by Microsoff @ 106 THE Key OF TRUTH Spirit which came down upen the universal apostles and made ther the univorsal and apostolic Catholic Holy Chorch, And we believe in their wors, profession of fsith, confession and works, for ‘ever anc] ever wnto eternity ofeternites, Amen, Concerwiig the tayinge of tands om the olect one amd of their calling santo this greds, Now after he both been truly approved by the President, by the ulers cand wiubraulees, den dual be less toad aa at bein the Peesident in groat repentance and in tears. And the rulers and arch-niles shall begin by saying, as they bring bim, this prayer unto the Uishop (er overseer), saying 28 follows: Holy Parkes, we humbly? pray thes, entreat and beseech thee out of thy great lave, 20 lay hands on this man for the trae guidance of our spirits, Amen. And the Disbop*, tm turn, saith unto the Raters as foiews: Ye then, who desize (© have bin as your good shepherd, have ye indeed diligently tested kim, as also 1 have tested him with great hhamilty and love? But they make answer and say to the Apostle of aur Lond Jesus Chit — ‘Yes, our venerable father for we have fullled all the commands of your Lordship with the help of God And again the eet one saith to the ruters and to all that tnten + (Tam withrwst responstlity (ar innaceut) in (is parieutar, and ye ace respanisible. ‘And then the elect one begins in the very words of our Lori and Intcrcessor by asking of he reader as follows, Mat. xx. Art thom then able to disc tbe cep which L arn about to dink, cor to be baptized with the laptisn: with whieh Tem about to be Daptized 2” And ie gives answer with ready will aod love, saying to the Presidents Yos, holy father. for I, thy servant, take om myself seoorgings, imprisonment, “onures, teproaches, crosses, blows, * Lite falling 08 ou fs, * Creverseen; at usual Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft @ THE RITE OF ELECTION 107 Uuibulaton, and all temptations of the workd, which our Lord ‘and intercessor and the universal rnd apostolic holy Church took ‘upon themselves, and lovingly aeocpted them. So even de T, an unworhy servant of Jesus Christ, with great Jove and ready wi take upon myself ali these unc the hour of my deat. Amen, ‘And then the Chief seceivesh him bofore bie, and, himself sitting down on the throne, shall begin bs first saying: ‘In the mame! of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen,’ ‘And then he shall sopent he praver of our Lord Jesus Christ, ‘And after that he shall bogin to read the holy Gospel, Mat. i. to verse 16; and also Acts vis 0 verse 8. ‘And then do thou read acts 4, to verse 5, “Our Father, which vagy aud de reac, Next again the Gospel of Rat to verse 6, ‘And alier this the Vishop calle the rulers unto himself, and the rulers baving come shall place their hands upon the reader; bit the bishop wakes the holy Gospel imo bis hands, and. gives it nwo the bands of the reader, and shen asks his mame, genlly and Insmbly, saying: “Wine is thy name, my little sor beloved 2" ‘And hie makes answer and say3— “Tho name of chy servant is Pevr®! Dut the aposde shall change fis name in accordance with the Gospel’, and afer ehanging the name of Ue sapplicant' he then ives him authority, saying as follows: Take to thyself authcrity of to verse 17 also Acts xi. yead, Tn the name’ The Armenien iit in © Ghee Mon. 73,44 fr. wel ron Sow Mirpur; to plyor mpurandareany ‘zAdor nanan wal fanfyacsite an) Anoargipurte, Apoyrbe trocahetrees abedr, Thi, poy8, x8. J on 7 ppd deerpinas 5 waptpaioe roy Aww erp, Aad op kites Voowengel (od of the Provengal New Tevtamert of Lyons, ‘ition Le Clital, Pais, 185, p- 0 French tamsation) > "Et pnis que fe coyack fae 00 meliamininn x. acte Ge conction) et prey te Sieve Ge la amin ce Yancien, Ft Pen dolt Vaduwonester et le. préeher sme téniznages convenables, Bl allecroyant atom Prseae, ql Lal aise nin © Pree, vows devea comprendze gee, quacd vows Ges devant Véglice fhe Dieu, ros Ges devant Te Pére ete Fils ot To Saint Hope, Car Véglsc gsife tanion, t 1A ok sont leg vas Chrelins, Ub est le Tere ot le Fils Gee Seist Foyt, contre Tok dicks entres le démonuent. Car Chriat dit Gaus Uesangile de Saint Mattes (vile 20)" Cy. also p.m ot the ‘*Puee, soa yaesreeevol ls bape siiue, parley) ext donne 1 Eaprit ane Pla de Di, awe Ja aime oasot, ove Yipsition es malo dos bons bene.” S Nak ai ex (2); Lala v4. Or ofthe one aking or sxking? tized by Microsoft @ 108 THE KEY OF TRUTH binding and Joosing the sons of men in heaven and on carth, Matt. xviii 18, and Jobm xx. 23, Here, in giving abthority, tere shall instantly be sead the holy Gospels. After the reading of chem it 3s ineurabent also (o read the Gospel of the bir, Lokeiis 1, nd Matt ji as far as verse £3. Tht afier the radiing of the aly Gospel of Tike, and the passace fs that in whiel the angels sing their somes, it is meet that the Dishop, the newly elected one the ruler, arebrolers, and all the congregation should sing: ‘Glory in the highest to God, aud on eam perce, to men goodwill! This enach eitd o more shell they say : King of Kings, Lord and Creator ofall teings, wha didst create ‘our Bist father ot of clay and our Fest mether att of his rid but they aid not patiently endure thy holy commandment, bab were cwxivedl hy the deceits of Ue Devil (ti slanderer). Yet never- theless out of thy divine compassion thou didet create the new ran Jens, as the boly Panl saith: By man came death and by man ‘alvaion, Thus also the 3 Christ Joss eps thy iePtie coramandments. and braised the head of thine adversary; a3 saith rine ooly-born Son himself, hy wellbeloved, John xv. 10: ‘10 ye eep my comnanaliments, se sal abide in my loves even as I have Jept my Father's commansiments, and abide in his love? ‘Thus did ous head Curse Ieep thy tre words and the eouuaide ments of thy Lordship, and paid in full our debis ancl veccived fron thee Ulesseducss onendings And naw we humbly® supplicasc, cnireat, and beseech thee, accepe our prayers through tie inter= cession of thine only-begattea, and through the mediation of his Iholy baptism and of his lfe-gidng precicas body and blood, and of bis holy josupportable sufferings. Bestow thy holy grace on this fone, who now 8 come and ash of thee the prucc of thy holy ‘anthority, and that he may be ranked along with thy holy Son, according to Ghat which is sa, tbat ‘wherever 1 hl be, there also sal be my worshipper’ And afer that the raters shall take Hie fone back ond, tifting yp thar arms aione weit the bishop, chull

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