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Civilian and industrial buildings installations classification

A) Heating installations: Serve for creating and maintaining a thermal comfort inside a
given space.
B) Ventilation and air conditioning installations: Have the role of removing the
polluted air due to man or technological processes and keep the
temperature and humidity between given limits.
C) Sanitary installations: Are used in order to ensure the cold and hot water
feed of buildings, as well as collecting and evacuating waste water and drainage.
D) Electrical installations: Serve the electrical energy feed of buildings.
E) Natural gas feed installations: Have the role off ensuring natural gas feed for
consumption equipments in the buildings .
F) Refrigerating installations: Serve for decreasing and keeping a given spaces
temperature at a certain level, below the natural environments temperature.

2. Interior climate. Comfort parameters. Optimum comfort

parameters values
Indoor air temperature ti ( 0C);
Air velocity vi ( m/s);
Medium radiation temperature of space
delimitation elements mr ( 0C);
Air relative humidity i ( %).
Optimum values for thermal comfort parameters
Indoor air temperature ti ( 0C);
- SR 1907/2 -1997 - ti =20-22 0C;
- Thermal gradient = 2,5 0C/m
Air velocity vi ( m/s);
- Vi=0,1 0,15 m/s
Medium radiation temperature of space
delimitation elements mr ( 0C);
- mr = ti - 6 0C
Air relative humidity i ( %) - i= 30- 70 ( %) optimum= 60 ( %)

3. Heating installations classification.

Conventional classifications split heating systems into three groups as follows :

4. Local heating systems. Classification

- represent heating systems in which thermal agent is generates in the same place where it is
used, in other words, in the rooms that need to be heated.
Stoves made of ceramic ware or metal parts.
Electrical heaters.

5. Central heating systems. Classification. Components.

may also be classified as:
Hot water heating systems;
Steam heating systems;
Air heating systems.
A central heating system usually contains
- heating source;
- distribution network;
- indoor heating installation.
Thermal energy necessary for a building, or a group of buildings it is obtained in a centralized
manner, by a single heating boiler which represents the heating source.

6. Heat load calculation. Heat lost by transitions QT

Heat load for a room, Q, expressed in W, is given by the following

Thermal flow lost by transmission:

7. Heat load calculation. Additions (A)

Ao orientation additional coefficient, for the purpose of differentiating heat load for
rooms with diversified exposure to solar radiations;
Ac cold surfaces compensating additional coefficient for the purpose of correcting
thermal balance of human body in rooms where space delimitating elements have little
specific resistance, it favors increased heat loss by radiation.

* Orientation additional coefficient , Ao, only affects on the thermal flow lost by space
delimitating elements of rooms with underground walls and can have the following

* Cold surfaces effect compensation additional coefficient, Ac, only affects on the
thermal flow trough space delimitating elements whose medium thermal resistance ,Rm,
does not overrate 10 m2 K/W.
8. Heat load calculation. Thermal load necessary for heating the cold

infiltrated exterior air Qi

Qi1 Thermal load for heating, from outdoor to indoor conventional temperature, the air
infiltrated by leaky doors and windows, or by opening them, calculated taking into
consideration the number of air exchanges necessary to obtain physiological comfort,
with the following formula:

Qi2 - Thermal load for heating, from outdoor to indoor conventional temperature, the air
infiltrated by leaky doors and windows, or by opening them, calculated taking into
consideration the conventional wind velocity with the following formula

9. Water heating installations

Can be classified as following:
Heating installation with natural
circulation drawings
Heating installations with forced
circulation drawings
The installation contains:
heating boiler placed in the basement room,
tree structured distribution network
supply pipes for heating equipments.
By distribution type of both supply and return (inlet and outlet) main pipes, heating
installation with natural circulation can have:
inferior distribution ;
superior distribution ;
mixed distribution .

10. Heating installations with natural circulation and superior distribution

For a superior distribution system, circulation is more active due to adding the thermal pressure
resulted at cooling the water in the heating equipment with the thermal pressure resulted at
cooling water both in supply and return pipes.

Most of the heating installation are executed in double piped systems, meaning they use
two supply pipes for the heating equipments.
The main supply and return pipes, as well as the connection pipes for the heating
equipments are fitted with a slant, so that when the installation is filled with water the air
shall be eliminated through the opened expansion tank.
As far as safety is concerned, this was mostly accomplished using an open expansion
Still, there are options for ensuring safety with an closed expansion tank, but it will be
integrated in a safety system made of safety valves .

11. Heating installations with natural circulation and inferior distribution

The opened expansion tank has the role of taking over the volume variations of the
water due to increased temperature, thus maintaining continuous contact of the
installation with the atmosphere and air separating the installation.
Feeding of the installation must be executed in the lower point of the return
For the choice of inferior distribution system there is the ventilation system at the
superior side of the supply pipe for each pipe where the air is collected and exhausted
through the horizontal pipe connected to the supply safety pipe.
In order to avoid unwanted circulating water between the main pipes, the connection
with the safety pipe is made in a sack.

12. Heating installations with forced circulation and superior distribution

Heating system with forced circulation is also used in apartment buildings with
centralized heating system.
For single family house holds, or buildings with a smaller number of apartments, the
system is used only for old or considered as a solution for the existing ones.
This type of installations have the same structure as the natural circulation installations,
except that on the supply or return pipe one ore more pumps will be installed.
More than one pump will be mounted for the purpose of ensuring good functioning.
Forced circulation installation can be made in single or two-piped systems, and their
distribution can also be inferior, superior or mixed.
The system offers the advantage of smaller pipe diameters, comparing to natural
circulation installations, and it is highly recommended for wide surface buildings.

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