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Visu+ User Course

Visu+ User Course

1 Project Creation and Interface

Functionalities of Visu+
Project Wizard
Basic Tools
Project Explorer
2 Initial Steps for Visualization Creation
and Animations
Data Basis for Communication Objects
Project Resources
Process Screen Creation
Selected Animations
3 Selected Data and User Management
Alarm Management
Language Management
User and User Groups
Data Recording
Trend Recording
4 Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel
A1 AX OPC Server
Configuration of the AX OPC Server
OPC Preparation on the Control System Side
OPC Configuration Check with AX OPC TestClient
A2 Tasks
A3 Solutions

CCAX / Competence Center
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2009 by Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG

IB2041 V1.0

Project Creation and Interface


Project Creation and Interface

Chapter 1



Project Creation and Interface



Project Creation and Interface


This chapter takes you through the first steps of the project creation wizard and describes the basic
functionality and tools in Visu+.

In order to efficiently work with the visualization, extending the desktop with a second
monitor is recommended. As a basis for the data link, the system variable structure from
Visu+ can be used for simulation as an alternative to an automation project.


Project Creation and Interface



Project Creation and Interface


Functionality of Visu+


Project Creation and Interface


Basic Functions

Full SCADA functionality

Multilingual software and projects
Projects encryption
Project compression
Control coupling with OPC
Access protection with user management
Web Client capability
Fully scalable process screens
Real time database connection
Automatic data recording and recipe management
Scripts can be created in VBA and IL
FDA CRF 21 part 11 compatible

Visu+ provides full SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) functionality with
visualization, trend display and alarm management. The software is multilingual and supports more
than one language in a project. Because of the possibility for project encryption, know-how is safely
protected and project compression saves resources. With the help of OPC, Visu+ can be easily
coupled to control systems and supports databases linking with ODBC to MS ACCESS, MS-EXCEL
and SQL server. Generated process screens are fully scalable and therefore ideally suited for use
with own designs on various large devices. Together with Web Client capability, Visu+ also
provides access protection with user management, automatic data recording and recipe
management as well as the possibility to create scripts in VBA and IL and FDA CRF 22 part 11


Project Creation and Interface


Runtime Licenses



Limited to 128 bytes for I/O data and variables in scripting


Limited to 128 bytes for I/O data and variables in scripting,

SMS, voice, fax, modem connection, 1 web client user


Limited to 512 bytes for I/O data and variables in scripting


Limited to 512 bytes for I/O data and variables in scripting,

SMS, voice, fax, modem connection, 1 web client user


Without limit for I/O data and variables in scripting


Without limit for I/O data and variables in scripting,

SMS, voice, fax, modem connection, 1 web client user

An overview of the various different runtime licenses that are available for Visu+ is shown above.


Project Creation and Interface



Project Creation and Interface


Project Wizard


Project Creation and Interface


1 - 10

Project Creation and Interface


Target System

The first step in creating a visualization project under Visu+ is to select the target system to be
used. A TP Panel with Windows CE is used in the training session on which visualization can be
performed in full-screen display.

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Project Creation and Interface


Project Directory

After entering a name, a directory should be chosen that enables better access to the data than the
standard project directory. This is related to the install path of the software.

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Project Creation and Interface


Project Protection

The VISU+ visualization project can be protected on individual levels from unauthorized operation
via Windows user management.
Initially it makes sense to remove protection for development purposes. In particular if the
protection is performed via Windows management since the development computer is usually not
the computer on which the visualization will subsequently be executed in runtime mode.

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Project Creation and Interface


Driver Selection

Together with communication via OPC, visualization can be linked to the process using additional

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Project Creation and Interface


Process Screens

In addition to the possibility for adding process screens to an existing project, the start-up wizard
also provides an option to insert process screens together with the necessary navigation bars for
selection of them. The screen size used later in the project is based on the screen resolution. This
is 800x600 pixels in the case of the TP panel.

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Project Creation and Interface


Protocol Databases

Despite deselecting, the event protocol database is always created.

In the case of registered user accounts, tracing allows subsequent reconstruction of which user
executed which actions via the visualization and at what point in time. Tracing is set up in the Real
Time DB section of the project explorer and must be selected for each single variable.

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Project Creation and Interface


Data Recording Database

The data recording database makes sections available in the project explorer to which variables
can be forwarded for recording. As in previous selection items, subsequent modifying and editing is
possible at any time.

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Project Creation and Interface


Alarm Templates

Two typical alarm elements of the project explorer structure are added via selection of these

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Project Creation and Interface


Basic Tools

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Project Creation and Interface


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Project Creation and Interface


Project Explorer



As management tool, the project explorer allows structured access to all existing elements in the
project. It is separated in the element and methods sections, whereby the latter makes contextrelated function of the selected elements available.

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Project Creation and Interface



Just like the project explorer methods, the properties dialogue window also shows the contextrelated values of the elements selected in the project explorer.
Confirm (confirm data entered)
Categorized (displayed elements sorted according to categories)
Alphabetic (sorting)
Expand/collapse (open/close tree structure)
Description area (show/hide)
Help (F1)
Simplified display (most used elements only)

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Project Creation and Interface


Tool Box

The tool box makes basic elements available for creating the visualization screen.

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Project Creation and Interface


Template Library

The template library provides plenty of predefined objects of which some already have animations.
Further symbols and symbol library can be added or created by the user himself.

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Project Creation and Interface


Window Arrangement


The above displayed symbol is displayed during moving of tools. By positioning the mouse pointer
over the five direction arrows, the selected window can be integrated within the framework of
another window (depending on the selected direction, simultaneously) or via tabs (when selecting
the circle). Windows can be subsequently removed via their title bar.

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Project Creation and Interface


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Project Creation and Interface


Project Explorer

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Project Creation and Interface


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Project Creation and Interface


Project Explorer 1/2

Alarm List
Contains the digital and analog signals, that are to be monitored according to their limits by VISU+
(basic setting via project wizard).
Basic Scripts
The VBA code that is to be executed on command or at the start of a visualization can be stored
Users And User Groups
For definition of access rights (basic setting via project wizard).
Data Logger and Recipes
Defines trend recording of stored signals (basic setting via project wizard).
Event Object List
Stored events can trigger actions.
Communication Objects
Linked to SPS via driver, variable linking and user-defined data types, internal variable storage of
the project.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Adding a keyboard shortcut to a project.
Allows creation and activating of pop-up menus with the mouse as well as adjusting menu bars that
link to process screens.

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Project Creation and Interface


Project Explorer 2/2

Network Services
Allows connection of systems using different platforms (3 driver + OPC coupling implemented).
Redundancy establishment only related to clients.
Standard Object List
Converting the raw sizes of stored OPC tags into scaled values.
OPC Client DA (COM)
Contains a list of all OPC tags used.
Parameter Files
Allows creating of files for dynamic linking of visualization variables.
Process Screen Navigation Editor
Allows implementing of intuitive graphical navigation in process screens.
Process Screens
Provides access to existing process screens in the project with all added elements.
Subproject List
Allows integration of already existing visualization projects.
Timing Object List
Allows cyclic execution of commands.

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Project Creation and Interface


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Project Creation and Interface


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Visualization Creation and Animations


First Steps in Visualization Creation

and Animations

Chapter 2



Visualization Creation and Animations



Visualization Creation and Animations


This chapter describes the first steps for setting up a visualization project like, for instance
integration of OPC variables and provides an overview on various animations that could be used
within a process screen.


Visualization Creation and Animations



Visualization Creation and Animations


Real Time DB
Data Basis


Visualization Creation and Animations



Visualization Creation and Animations



Real Time DB
Variable in an SPS

OPC tag
in the AX OPC

Variable database
Variable in Visu+

It is recommended to create a data basis in the Real Time DB of the Visu+ project for a systematic
procedure with existing automation projects including OPC data structure. For this, OPC tags of the
server are mapped to communication object variables.


Visualization Creation and Animations


Variable Groups and Variables


In the case of larger projects, it is recommended adding a variable group from the context menu of
the variable database (Real Time DB element of the project explorer) in order to maintain an
overview of a large number of the variables. Local Visu+- variables can also be added from this
context menu. Variables with OPC connection should however be added via the OPC Client DA
section and edited in the variable database.


Visualization Creation and Animations


OPC Variable Creation

Adding an OPC element to a project while creating a VISU+ variable is performed with the help of
the tag browser. The tag browser lists the communication paths that are available to Visu+. Access
to the OPC server registered on the PC is gained via Local (My Computer). For the purposes of this
training session, the AUTOMATIONWORX OPC server is used which represents the project
structure of the application programmed by PC WORX with respect to the OPC data. As is the case
with the Testclient which is a part of the AX OPC server installation, the server functions and values
or the values made available to it can be checked with the tag browser (Option: current values).
Several OPC tags can be simultaneously transferred.
Under certain circumstances, arrays and structures from the application project can also be used in


Visualization Creation and Animations


OPC Group with Tags

Those variables added are served by the refresh rate (in ms) of the OPC group.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


OPC Tag and Variable

If the name of a variable in the variable list under Visu+ 2.0 is changed, connection to the OPC tag
will be maintained. After any move operation, for instance in groups, OPC tags must be
subsequently reconnected to the renamed variable.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Structure (Variables)

Structure definition

Variable declaration

In addition to variables that are based on elementary data types, there is also the possibility to
integrate structure and field variables into Visu+ . The basis for this is the definition of a Visu+structure. Correct data transfer of the identical structure format according to the data type
declaration in PC WORX must be observed.
Automatically generated variables that are not based on elementary data types must be set to the
correct type.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


System Variables

Visu+ makes basic information available to the user in the system variable structure of the
visualization application. After adding the system variable structure, the corresponding variable is
automatically ready. As with user-declared variables, access to single elements of these variables
occurs via the tree structure of the tag browser.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Standard Object List

The standard object list can be used in order to make OPC tag raw sizes available in Visu+ in
standard form.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Project Resources

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Visualization Creation and Animations


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Visualization Creation and Animations


Project Explorer - Project Resources

All existing elements in the project (process screens, folders, scripts, popup menus etc.) are listed
under Screens. The example shows resources generated by the tasks (six process screens with
embedded tool bar).

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Visualization Creation and Animations


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Visualization Creation and Animations


Process Screen Creation

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Visualization Creation and Animations


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Visualization Creation and Animations


Process Screen


Process screens set up by the project wizard are equipped with navigation buttons as well as title
bars by default. The former is made available via their own embedded process screen in the size of
the required buttons.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Object Properties

The parameters made available to the object as well as the animation possibility can be called up
under Properties. If present, animations must be switched to active.
Correction for a pixel-exact creation of the visualization is provided via the parameters in the
Position (X/Y/width/height) section.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Selected Animations

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Visualization Creation and Animations


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Visualization Creation and Animations



The Visible animation allows hiding of an object independent of a variable and its accordance to
animation conditions.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Composed Movement

The composed movement animation puts an object into a position to follow a path graphically
determined by the user that is independent of a variable value. Beginning from the initial position of
the object, further items can be successively added to the path.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Horizontal Movement (X)

The horizontal movement (X) (similarly also the vertical movement Y) allows objects to move in the
corresponding direction. The value of the connected variable is translated directly into a pixel. This
means that it makes sense to use a scaled variable for this movement. Start and end values are set
relative to the start position of the object.
If the value of the variable exceeds or falls below the given start and end values, the values set
under Start offset value and End offset value are assumed. These are also set relative to the start
position of the object.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


X Start Point

The X start point animation (similarly the Y start point, X end point and Y end point) changes the
coordinate of the left outer border of an object. This is pixel-based as with the X/Y movements. The
dependent variable is also to be scaled if necessary.

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Visualization Creation and Animations



Scaling changes the size of the selected object. As opposed to previously mentioned animations,
scaling is performed in percentage terms. The direction of scaling of a Visu+ object depends on the
variables and can be selected from a number of different options.

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Visualization Creation and Animations



Here the
the point
point of
rotation is
is the
the X-Y
position of
of the

As with the X-Y movement, the process size and the desired angle must however be put into
relation in the case of rotation as animation of an object. The point of rotation arises from the
selection of the Barycenter parameter in the General section. The rotation animation is not available
when a Windows CE platform has been selected.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Background Color

The Background color animation allows a changing the color of an object depending on a digital
signal or an analog color change for analog values. A special option for determining other variables
in the same selected alarm group is possible via the Variable is alarm group parameter.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


Gradual Filling

The Filling animation is a combination of filling and color change. If color change does not occur,
the color list must be correspondingly designed or a second variable given as fixed value. As with
Background color selection of the Mixed Color option allows an even color transition. When stating
start and/or end variables, any given start and end values will be ignored.

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Visualization Creation and Animations


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Visualization Creation and Animations


2 - 34

Selected Data and User Management


Selected Data and User Management

Chapter 3



Selected Data and User Management



Selected Data and User Management


This chapter provides an overview of some selected functions in Visu+. This includes for example,
simple standardization of data, alarm and user management as well as language switching in the
project and recording of data.


Selected Data and User Management



Selected Data and User Management


Command List

The command list is available for a large number of events, where the user can execute various
different actions.


Selected Data and User Management



The standardization list allows transmitted raw sizes e.g. from analog values to be easily scaled.
New variables must be assigned to the standardized values.


Selected Data and User Management


Alarm Management


Selected Data and User Management


Alarm List

Standard elements
by the
the project
project wizard

As is usual with other systems, alarms are available for processing both analog and digital signals.
The typical threshold values provided by the project wizard can be extended by user-defined
thresholds if necessary. The Alarm Variable parameter is to be connected to the variable to be
monitored. The switch-on variable should only be assigned if the alarm is to be conditionally


Selected Data and User Management


Alarm Window

The alarm window lists all pending alarms according to the alarm list and conditions. Depending on
access level, it is possible to acknowledge alarm messages (tracing according to registered user).
The Select Field column configuration is called via the Open parameter in the General section. If a
text has been entered into the alarm properties under General Alarm Help, it will be displayed by
double-clicking the alarm text in the alarm window.


Selected Data and User Management


3 - 10

Selected Data and User Management


Language Management

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Selected Data and User Management


3 - 12

Selected Data and User Management


Switching Languages 1

Switching languages during the project process can be performed with the character sequence
table. New columns and rows can be added via the context menu. The character sequence ID can
then be used as an object in the project that outputs the selected column. The cell content can be
edited if the cell is marked and clicked again after a short wait.

3 - 13

Selected Data and User Management


Switching Languages 2

The desired character sequence ID is selected in the Object properties under the General section
and Object Title parameter. Now a new Language command type, for instance during release, will
be added under the Execute section where the character sequence table column was selected.

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Selected Data and User Management


Users and User Groups

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Selected Data and User Management


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Selected Data and User Management


Adding a New User

A user group must be created before a user can be added. This group has an extendable standard
level to which all users within the group have access. A standard access level can added exactly in
this way. Settings can be made for each user in a group whether he remains on the group level or is
assigned to another level. The access level for the selected user can be set under User Access
Level. In order to be able to use password prompting, a password must be set for each user and
the password manager activated. The password manager is activated in the main User And User
Group properties in the project explorer under the General section by adding a tick.

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Selected Data and User Management


Access and User Levels

There are 16 selectable access and 11 user levels. If a user is logged onto user level 8, he then has
access to all levels below that. A user logged onto user level 1 could only use the above button
after logging onto user level 2 and then only if he is authorized for access level 5. If a user is logged
onto user level 0, he will not be able to see the button on account of the set read access level.
Access and user levels can be set in the properties of the Access levels section. Read and write
levels are displayed in hexadecimal format.

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Selected Data and User Management


User Logon and Logoff


If a user would like to press a button that is designed for a higher level, he must log onto a higher
level (1). A login window will then automatically appear. Automatic logoff is set under the properties
of the user to 60 seconds by default (auto logoff timeout (sec.)) and can be changed. There is a
possibility to log off via user commands in order to achieve immediate logoff (or login).

3 - 19

Selected Data and User Management


3 - 20

Selected Data and User Management


Data Recording

3 - 21

Selected Data and User Management


3 - 22

Selected Data and User Management


Data Logger





The data logger records data according to certain conditions. These must be assigned in the form
of columns. Time or event dependent recording can be set. The data logger always writes to a
database. This is SQL by default however a .dat file is written (IMDB) in the case of WinCE
platforms . Visu+ searches for a server and automatically creates a database with the name of the
project. The data can be displayed via a data logger window within Visu+.

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Selected Data and User Management


Data Logger Window

The data logger window can be found in the toolbox and displays the data of a selected data logger
in the process screen (Properties Execution section Data logger recipe parameter). The
displayed columns can be outputted in the same way as the alarm window. If visualization is
running, the display is not updated. The corresponding button must be pressed in order to display
the current values.

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Selected Data and User Management


Trace Window

Select the variable to be traced

Visu+ provides the possibility to record changes to variables. This data is recorded into a database
and can be displayed in the trace window contained in the tool box. Each variable requires its own
window. Amongst other things, the event time, current user executing and the changed variable are
shown. If the variable is connected to an object (e.g. switch), any changes to the object are also

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Selected Data and User Management


Adding a Variable for Tracing

In order to add a variable for tracing, a tick must be set under Activate tracing in the Trace Options
(Audit) section. In addition, the data service life can be adapted to any necessities.
If the trace comments (audit) parameter has been activated, the user is requested to comment his
change before the change to the variable is performed.

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Selected Data and User Management


Trend Recording

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Selected Data and User Management


3 - 28

Selected Data and User Management


Trend Recording Window

In order to display a trend, the desired window is added from the toolbox into a process screen
under Trend-Charts-Data. The above example shows the Horizontal Trend window.

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Selected Data and User Management


Properties of the Trend Window

The trend type can be subsequently changed in the Properties of the trend window. The times and
properties of the recording are set under Execution. Depending on the setting, curves in the window
are displayed either drawn out or compressed together. In order to display lines, variables must first
be added as so-called pins. This is performed via the Edit Pens button. If the values of a data
logger are displayed as a trend, it is only necessary to add the data logger under Data Logger Link.
This way the corresponding pins are created automatically and can then be adapted under Edit
Pens if necessary.

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Selected Data and User Management


Adding Pins

In order to manually add pins, click Edit Pens in the properties of the trend window. After clicking
Add once a further window is opened in the following window, in which the variable to be recorded
can be selected via Variable Pen. Setting is performed under Trend/Data analysis scale if the
values are already known, between which the recording is to take place. There is also a possibility
for the scale to automatically adapt the maximal and minimum deflection of a variable value (Auto
Scale Pen). Further information on trace recording can be found in the Visu+ - help file.

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Selected Data and User Management


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Selected Data and User Management



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Selected Data and User Management


3 - 34

Selected Data and User Management


Adding a Recipe

Adding a recipe is similar procedure to adding a data logger. Columns must also be added for each
individual value.

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Selected Data and User Management


Activating Recipes


Variables must be specified under Recipe Temp. Variable and Variable for every column. The
temporary variable is the variable that specifies a predefined value that is transferred to the variable
under the Variable item after activation of the recipe.
In order to activate the recipe, a variable is specified in the properties of the relevant recipe under
the Activate Variable item. If the value of the variables is set from 0 to 1, each of the individual
temporary values of the columns are written to the relevant specified variable. After execution,
Visu+ automatically resets the variable.

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Selected Data and User Management


Recipe Examples

In the above example, the default values of the temporary recipe variables are specified on the left.
Clicking the activation button confirms the corresponding recipe and displays it on the right.

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Selected Data and User Management


3 - 38

Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Transferring a Project
to a Touch Panel
Chapter 4



Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel



Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


In this chapter it is explained how a Visu+- project is transferred to a visualization device such as a
touch panel and how its network settings are modified.


Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel



Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Topology of the Example Project



TP devices are operated via the touch function of the display by directly selecting the buttons on the


Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Access to the HMI Service Tool

The window shown above is displayed for two seconds. Click on Press For Setup Main Menu to
start the HMI Service Tool. If a key or button is not pressed within this two second period, the
operator panel returns to the start screen or the previously loaded project and the Visu+
visualization software is loaded with the current project.


Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Setting the IP Address

In order to change the IP address, click the Setup Main Menu button in the HMI Service Tool and
the window will be displayed as shown above. Subsequently perform the steps shown above.
Note: In the case of TP operator panels, the software keyboard that is shown may hide the
input field. Move the keyboard so that it is above the title bar.
All addresses must be specified in format. Numbers < 100 must be filled with
leading zeros (example: =
Confirm the address entered with OK. You can return to the previous menu via Home.
Enter the corresponding subnet mask.
Press Exit and confirm the Save Registry? request with Yes.
Restart the device by disconnecting the 3-pos connector from the power supply and


Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Resource (OPC) Settings

Settings for data transmission between the operator panel and visualization are performed in the
Resource Editor. To modify the Resource Editor, click on Setup Main Menu in the HMI Service
Tool. The menu shown above is opened. Perform the specified steps.
Click Add.
Enter the name of the OPC resource under Resource and confirm with OK.
Note: The same name must be displayed in Resource as for instance in the OPC
configurator (AX-OPC-Server)
Enter the IP address of the Inline controller under Parameter (default: -ip127.0.0.1
(local host)).
Click Save to save the settings.
Restart the device by disconnecting the 3-pos connector from the power supply and


Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Transfer Project to the Operator Panel (1)

Once you have linked all the variables and saved the project, send the project to the operator panel.
Click on Example in the project explorer for this.
Click on Upload Project to Device/FTP under the Commands menu item.


Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


Transfer Project to the Operator Panel (2)

If a visualization is running on the operator panel, close this before transferring via the Stop
Device button.
Click the TCP transfer type in the Upload Visu_Training window and subsequently Upload
Enter the IP address of the operator panel in the Server IP data window and click OK. The
project is uploaded to the operator panel.
After the Upload completed successfully message is displayed, click Start Device. The project is
now started on the operator panel.

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Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


4 - 11

Transferring a Project to a Touch Panel


4 - 12

AX OPC Server

AX OPC Server
Appendix 1


A1 - 1

AX OPC Server

A1 - 2

AX OPC Server

Configuration of the AX OPC Server

A1 - 3

AX OPC Server

A1 - 4

AX OPC Server

Calling the OPC Configurator

In order to configure the OPC server, the configurator can be called under the above-mentioned
path. This path specification via the program menu is part of the standard installation.

A1 - 5

AX OPC Server


The workspace is used to define the location for storing configuration data (communication) for the
OPC configurator. This simplifies the porting of data.

A1 - 6

AX OPC Server

Setting up a New Resource

The context menu of the workspace is used for adding a new resource. The resource represents
the CPU of the PC WORX project.

A1 - 7

AX OPC Server

Selecting Control Systems

The AX OPC server works with a large number of current controllers of the AUTOMATIONWORX

A1 - 8

AX OPC Server

Resource Name

The name can be changed by simply selecting another name. The "Description" window gives the
resource's current communication parameters.
For the sake of clarity, the name should be identical to the resource name in the
PC WORX project. There is however, no direct relationship between both names.
The status displays whether OPC data is made available online or offline (Settings), although not,
whether a connection to the controller exists.

A1 - 9

AX OPC Server

OPC Data Online

If the OPC server is to retrieve the data from the control system online, TCP/IP with the relevant
address entry must be selected as the communication path.

A1 - 10

AX OPC Server

OPC Data Offline

If the control system is not available at the time of creating the visualization, the PC WORX project
can be used as the basis for the OPC data structure.

A1 - 11

AX OPC Server

A1 - 12

AX OPC Server

OPC preparation on
the Controller Side

A1 - 13

AX OPC Server

A1 - 14

AX OPC Server

Designating Variables as OPC Variables

Data to be accessed by means of visualization must be furnished with the attribute OPC in the local
and global variable table (box checked).

A1 - 15

AX OPC Server

Sending the Configuration

File to the Control System

In order for the OPC server to load the OPC data structure from the control system, it must also be
written to during the download.
In order to do this, mark the Include OPC data option during transmission of the project.

A1 - 16

AX OPC Server

Checking OPC Configuration with

AX OPC TestClient

A1 - 17

AX OPC Server

A1 - 18

AX OPC Server

Calling AX OPC TestClient

The AX OPC TestClient can be used to test OPC data exchange. It can be called via the path
shown above.
This path specification via the program menu is part of the standard installation.

A1 - 19

AX OPC Server

Selecting the OPC server

to the
the server

Confirm the connection to the suggested OPC server (or to the one you have set).

A1 - 20

AX OPC Server

Adding a Group

Right-click in the right-hand section of the window (Private Groups) to add a new group. You can
then confirm the above-shown dialog without entries with OK.

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AX OPC Server

Adding all OPC variables

Select the group and right-click to open the context menu. Depending on your requirements, add
one or all of the OPC variables (Items) to the group.

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AX OPC Server

Selecting the Variables to be Monitored

Mark the desired variables and activate them in the context menu (right mouse click) (e.g. Read to
read the current value).

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AX OPC Server

Current Value of OPC Variables

Break the

Current value

The current value will be displayed in the Function Result window area.
Attention: The value is not updated automatically!
Attention: Break the connection to the OPC Server before exiting the TestClient!

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AX OPC Server

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