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Motivation is the essential ingredient needed to fuel the desire and the vigor in people of
continuing to do and to commit of performing well and giving their best in what they do. Bourne,
M. and Bourne, P. (2012) defines motivation as a major driver of individual, team and
organizational success (p.6). Motivation is vital, because a person without it could hardly reach
a place where he or she wants himself or herself to be.
In a workplace, anyone can show a person the ways on how to do a task. However, it is
not always that he or she can not impel that person to accomplish it. Also, no matter how
competent a person could be in executing that certain task, it is not guaranteed that he or she is
willing and motivated to do it. In the event that the said person is not motivated to accomplish it,
the possibility would be the task would not be completed or it would be subpar.
In a company, employees are one of the most important assets who represent the
company and make sure that the operation of the business is going well. Consequently, they are
expected to be at their best in what they do. Although, as time passes by, employees could feel
tired and worn out in what they do. As a result, they are not in their complete selves which could
possibly affect the outcome of their tasks. For this reason, it is important to keep them motivated
in order to do well. When they perform well, business goals would be achieved faster that could
result to higher profits, satisfied customers and good reputation of the business.
In a study conducted by Ilagan, Hechanova, Co and Pleyto (2014) points out that in an
organization, the human resources play a pivotal role that could determine if organization would
succeed no matter how capable their manager can be. This idea resonates the view of Bruce and
Pepitone (1999) which claims that employees makes all the difference in the company it is
not just a simple matter (pp.159-160).

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