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TTM4137 Wireless Security

Kleins and PTW Attacks on WEP

Anton Stolbunov
NTNU, Department of Telematics
version 1, September 7, 2009

These notes should help for an in-depth understanding of the paper [1] by Klein and [2] by Tews, Weinmann and Pyshkin.



array containing the numbers {0, ..., n 1} in some order. Each
number is present only once. S is also called a permutation;
Si RC4 internal permutation S after the i-th RC4 round. 1 i n
corresponds to the key setup algorithm, while i > n is the key
stream generation algorithm;
RC4 internal variable j after the i-th RC4 round;
RC4 key;
length of K in bytes. Equals 16 for the 104-bit Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP);
RC4 key stream;
Rk WEP root key. 13 bytes for the 104-bit WEP;
IV WEP per-packet initialization vector. 3 bytes;

bitwise XOR;

for all;
iff if and only if;
Indexing in arrays starts from 0, i.e. the first element of S is S[0]. All formulas are implicitly written modulo n, except for the values of probabilities.
In Sections 4 and 5 we present attacks on the 104-bit WEP, i.e. l = 16.





/ ciphertext

Figure 1: RC4 stream cipher.

RC4 Stream Cipher

Fig. 1 and Algorithms 1 and 2 illustrate the RC4 encryption.

Algorithm 1 RC4 key setup

S (0, 1, ..., 255)

for i 0 to 255 do
j j + S[i] + K[ i mod l ]
S[i] S[j]
end for

Algorithm 2 RC4 key stream generation

2: j j + S[i]
3: S[i] S[j]
4: return S[ S[i] + S[j] ]

Kleins Correlation in RC4

Throughout this section i is a positive integer less than n.


Kleins Theorem

We present a simplified version of [1, Theorem 1]. The theorem is relevant

not only to RC4, as it applies to permutations in general.
Theorem 1. Let S be a random permutation1 of the numbers {0, ..., n 1}.

S is random means that it is picked from the n! possible permutations such that the
probability of picking each one is 1/n!.

Then for all integers i, x, c {0, ..., n 1}, the following holds:
Pr ( S[ S[i] + x ] + x = c ) =
, where c 6= i.
n(n 1)

Pr ( S[ S[i] + x ] + x = i ) =


Proof. To show (1) we will count the total number of different permutations
S that satisfy the condition under the Pr sign. Consider the following two
disjoint cases:
Case 1:
S[i] = i x .
It follows that i = S[i] + x and, substituting the index i in (3), we get
S[ S[i] + x ] = i x. This is equivalent to condition (1), so we are only
left with one condition. (3) puts a restriction on one element S[i]. The
remaining n 1 elements can take any of the remaining n 1 values. Thus
the total number of permutations satisfying (3) is (n 1)!.
Case 2:
S[i] 6= i x .
We now have two conditions that should be met simultaneously. Condition (1) leaves only one possibility for the element S[ S[i] + x ], leaving the
remaining elements unrestricted. Because of (4), we have that S[i] + x 6= i,
so conditions (1) and (4) apply to elements with different indices. Condition (4) leaves n 1 possibilities for the value of S[i]. The remaining n 2
elements of S can take any of the remaining n 2 unused values. Thus
Case 2 incorporates a total of (n 1)(n 2)! = (n 1)! permutations.
We have shown that Cases 1 and 2 allow a total of 2(n1)! different permutations. Since S is picked at random from n! possibilities, the probability
that we hit either of the two cases is
2(n 1)!
which proves (1).
To show (2) we will again count possible permutations. We first show
that (5) holds. Suppose the opposite is true: S[i] = i x. Then S[i] + x = i,
and, substituting the index in (2), we get that S[i] + x = c. But c 6= i, so
S[i] + x 6= i, what contradicts our assumption. Thus
S[i] 6= i x .


Since S[i] + x 6= i, conditions (2) and (5) apply to elements with different
indices in S. Condition (2) leaves one possibility for the value of the element
S[ S[i] + x ]. This value is c x, and it is different from i x, because c 6= i.
So when it comes to the element S[i], it cannot take the value cx because it

is already used, and cannot take the value i x because of the condition (5).
The element S[i] is only left with n 2 possibilities. The remaining n 2
elements can take any of the remaining n 2 values. Thus the total number
of permutations satisfying (2) is (n2)(n2)!. This gives us the probability
(n 2)(n 2)!
n(n 1)


Equation (10)

Observe that in Lines 4 and 5 of Algorithm 1 the current round number is

i + 1. Thus we can write
ji+1 = ji + Si [i] + K[ i mod l ] ,


Si+1 [i] = Si [ji+1 ] .


After substituting ji+1 in (7) with the value from (6) we get
S [i] = Si [ ji + Si [i] + K[ i mod l ] ] .
{z }
| i+1


Now denote g and h as pictured in (8). Since permutations are invertible,

we have that
S[g] = h iff S 1 [h] = g ,
so we can rewrite (8) as
Si1 [ Si+1 [i] ] = ji + Si [i] + K[ i mod l ] ,
K[ i mod l ] = Si1 [ Si+1 [i] ] (ji + Si [i]) .



Equation (13)

Observe from Line 4 of Algorithm 2 that after a round number i + n the

following holds:
Si+n [ Si+n [i] + Si+n [ji+n ] ] = X[i 1] .


In (1) choose S to be Si+n and x to be Si+n [ji+n ]. Theorem 1 implies that

Pr ( Si+n [ Si+n [i] + Si+n [ji+n ] ] + Si+n [ji+n ] = i ) =



Combining (11) and (12) we get

Pr( Si+n [ji+n ] = i X[i 1] ) =
| {z } |



Equation (16)

We now use (2) substituting, as before, S with Si+n and x with Si+n [ji+n ]:
c 6= i, Pr ( Si+n [ Si+n [i] + Si+n [ji+n ] ] + Si+n [ji+n ] = c ) =

n(n 1)

Combining (11) and (14) we get

c 6= i, Pr ( X[i 1] + Si+n [ji+n ] = c ) =

n(n 1)

Now add i to each side and rearrange the terms:

c 6= i, Pr ( Si+n [ji+n ] c + i = i X[i 1] ) =

n(n 1)


After denoting
= Si+n [ji+n ] c + i ,
we notice that c 6= i iff c = Si+n [ji+n ] + i 6= i iff 6= Si+n [ji+n ], and
thus (15) can be written as
6= Si+n [ji+n ], Pr( i X[i 1] = ) =
| {z }
n(n 1)



Equation (20)

Consider Algorithm 1 where Line 4 is replaced with

j rand(n) .


This is a rude approximation2 of the original algorithm, but it will let us

derive some important probability estimates. On each round of this modified
key setup algorithm, S[i] is swapped with an element S[j], where j is now
random. In particular, during the round number i + 2, the probability of
the event j = i equals 1/n, and so the probability that j 6= i is 1 1/n.
Thus Si+1 [i] stays unchanged during the (i + 2)nd round with probability
1 1/n. We write this fact as
Pr ( Si+1 [i] = Si+2 [i] ) = 1


The same reasoning applies to subsequent rounds, i.e. the probability that
Si+1 [i] stays unchanged during the next k rounds is (1 1/n)k , k < n i.

If the key K consisted of n independent random bytes, this approximation would be

precise in terms of probability distributions. But since l < n, we should expect some imprecision in final results, which will show through an increased number of packets required
for the WEP attack in practice.

Moreover, if we replace Line 2 of Algorithm 2 with (17), our result generalizes

to any number of rounds. Using k = n 2, we can write

1 n2
Pr ( Si+1 [i] = Si+n1 [i] ) = 1


Now observe from Line 3 of Algorithm 2 that

Si+n [ji+n ] = Si+n1 [i] .


Substituting Si+n1 [i] in (18) with the value from (19) we get

1 n2
Pr( Si+1 [i] = Si+n [ji+n ] ) = 1
| {z } | {z }



Equation (22)

Lemma 1. If
Pr( = ) = p1 ,
Pr( = ) = p2 ,
6= , Pr( = ) = p3 ,
Pr( = ) = p1 p2 + (1 p1 )p3 .
Proof. Consider two cases:
Case 1: = . We find that Pr( = ) = Pr( = ) = p2 .
Case 2: 6= . If we now let = , what is allowed since 6= , we see
that Pr( = ) = Pr( = ) = p3 .
Since Case 1 happens with probability p1 , and Case 2 with probability
(1 p1 ), we get that Pr( = ) = p1 p2 + (1 p1 )p3 .
The result of Lemma 1 applies to Equations (13), (16) and (20) with the
notation for , , and introduced in these equations. It follows that

1 n2 2
1 n2
Pr( Si+1 [i] = iX[i1] ) = 1
+ 1 1
n(n 1)
If we use n = 256, the last formula approximates to 0.0053 1.36/n. Thus
we have that
Pr( Si+1 [i] = i X[i 1] )

Consider (10) that holds unconditionally, and replace the term Si+1 [i] with
the value from (21). Since the equality under the Pr sign in (21) holds with
the given probability, we can write
Pr K[ i mod l ] = Si1 [ i X[i 1] ] (Si [i] + ji )


Note that, according to Algorithm 1, for i < l, the key bytes K[0],
K[1], ..., K[i 1] completely determine the permutation Si . Therefore
(22) expresses the dependency between the i-th key byte, the i preceding
key bytes and the (i 1)st key stream byte. We see a severe probability
deviation from the mean value 1/n. This fact will be used in our attack to
obtain information about the value of the key byte K[i].

Kleins Attack on WEP

The payload field in the 802.11 data frames MAC protocol data unit (MPDU)
consists of:
IV , padding, Rk s ID, data, ICV ,
} | {z }


where IV is a 3-byte initialization vector, Rks ID is a 2-bit root key identifier

and ICV is the integrity check value. The data field carries packets from
higher layers. The encryption is performed by RC4 using the key
K = IV || Rk .
Note that the secret root key Rk is prepent with an IV, which is transmitted
over the air in clear text. The IV is different for each packet (which is not
always true in practice).
Assume we have captured a packet where we know the first 15 bytes of
the data field in clear text3 . We compute 15 bytes of the RC4 key stream
as follows (see also Fig. 1):
X[i] = ciphertext[i] data[i] , i {0, 1, ..., 14} .
Since we know the value of IV = (K[0], K[1], K[2]), we can run the first
three rounds of the RC4 key setup algorithm, and thus obtain S3 and j3 .
From S3 it is also straightforward to compute S31 using (9). Now write (22)
for i = 3:
Pr( K[3] = S31 [ 3 X[2] ] (S3 [3] + j3 ) )

To recover a 13-byte Rk we do not actually need the first 2 bytes, but only need the
following 13 bytes of the data.

We compute the value k0 and store it as a candidate for Rk[0]. Note that
with a rather high probability 11.36/n, the byte Rk[0] can have a value different from k0 . Thus we need to collect more evidence about Rk[0]. Luckily,
this can be done using packets that are transmitted between the same stations (thus the same Rk4 ), but have different IVs. Each new IV provides us
with a new experiment outcome, whereas an observation of same IVs gives
no new information whatsoever, since same IVs yield identical three first
rounds of the key setup Algorithm 1. When enough votes are collected,
we can choose the highest rated value of k0 . Klein estimates the number of
unique IVs sufficient to recover the byte Rk[0] to be 25000.
After choosing the most frequent k0 , we let K[3] = k0 , what allows us to
run the fourth round of the key setup algorithm for each given IV. Using the
same collection of captured packets we now carry out similar calculations for
the byte Rk[1]. By this approach we find all the bytes of Rk and finally test
it by a trial decryption of some ciphertext for which we know the plaintext,
or a part of it.
In a case when too few unique IVs were used, the right candidate for
some Rk[i] might not be the most frequent one. Then we have to try the
second, third and so on, most frequent candidates for Rk[i], recomputing
the subsequent key bytes Rk[i + 1], ..., Rk[l 1] for each new Rk[i]. This
iterative try-and-fail process is repeated until the correct root key is found.
Note the high computational cost of correcting falsely guessed key bytes in
this approach.

PTW Improved Key Calculation

Tews, Weinmann and Pyshkin extend the Kleins attack such that it is
possible to compute key bytes independently of each other.
Consider Line 4 of Algorithm 1 during an (i + 3)rd round, for some
i n 3:
ji+3 = ji+2 + Si+2 [i + 2] + K[ i + 2 mod l ] .
Similarly the (i + 2)nd round yields
ji+2 = ji+1 + Si+1 [i + 1] + K[ i + 1 mod l ] ,
and substituting ji+2 in (23) gives
ji+3 = ji+1 +


Sm [m] +



K[ m mod l ] .


We assume that the root key is not changed during the attack, what is very likely to
be true in practice.

After doing this substitution i 2 times we get

ji+3 = j3 +


Sm [m] +



K[ m mod l ] .



Now write (22) replacing i with i + 3:

Pr K[ i + 3 mod l ] = Si+3
[ i + 3 X[i + 2] ] (Si+3 [i + 3] + ji+3 )
and replace the rightmost term ji+3 with the one from (24). After regrouping
of terms we get:


K[ m mod l ] = Si+3
[ i + 3 X[i + 2] ] (j3 +



Sm [m]) )




After denoting i as pictured above, the last equation becomes

Sm [m])
Pr i = Si+3 [ i + 3 X[i + 2] ] (j3 +



The right side of the equality under the Pr sign is dependent on the first
i + 3 key setup rounds. The authors of the PTW attack note that with
a rather high probability elements in S that are used in this expression
stay unchanged since the third round of the key setup algorithm. Thus we
can replace them with the corresponding elements in S3 and still have a
significant probability deviation for small is [2, Equations 7 and 8)]:
Pr( i = S31 [ i + 3 X[i + 2] ] (j3 +


S3 [m]) ) >






The PTW attack proceeds as follows. For each captured packet we run
the first three rounds of the RC4 key setup algorithm and compute the
values Ai for all i {0, 1, ..., 12}. Every new IV yields new (possibly repeating) thirteen values Ai . When a sufficient number of packets is analysed,
we choose the most frequent candidates for Ai s and assign them to the
variables i for all i {0, 1, ..., 12}. The root key bytes are then obtained
Rk[0] = 0 ; Rk[i] = i i1 , i {1, ..., 12} .
The root key is then checked for correctness by a trial decryption. If it
is wrong, we choose less frequent candidates for i s and try again. As
compared to Kleins attack, this approach does not require recalculation of
statistics for rightmost key bytes every time we correct a falsely guessed i .

[1] Andreas Klein. Attacks on the RC4 stream cipher. Des. Codes Cryptography, 48(3):269286, 2008.
[2] Erik Tews, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann, and Andrei Pyshkin. Breaking 104
bit WEP in less than 60 seconds. In Sehun Kim, Moti Yung, and HyungWoo Lee, editors, WISA, volume 4867 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 188202. Springer, 2007.


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