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Assignment 2 EDF2032

Stephanie Lindsay

Apply new theoretical knowledge of play to generate a conceptual diagram of

play-based curriculum

During my placement at Haileybury Early learning Centre I was able to observe

many play activities along with social interactions between educators and children in
a school environment. From observations as well as the information I gathered from
my mentors on my placement and my University classes I was able to form an idea
of what goes into creating a play based curriculum. I did this by looking closely at the
play going on in the class room and both the childrens and the educators role and
rules for that play I also looked at my own view on play and the theoretical ideas I
believe in that formed that view and the centres own philosophy and practices. From
that information I broke down my interpretation on play based learning and planning
and came up with conceptual diagram of my idea.
Before I started to create a diagram of my idea of how play based learning is formed,
I looked at the theoretical ideas that my own views incorporated. These were socialcultural theory in particular Vygotskys theory on social-historical development.
Which means that when I look at play situations I believe that evidence of learning
can be seen in the form of Zone of Proximal development, Scaffolding and
interactions between children and ideal and real forms. My view also incorporates
the idea of an educators own Pedagogy and a centres practices dictating the level of
development and learning occurring in a class room through play.
many people recognise play when they see it, but have a lot of trouble defining
it.(2013 pg18)
Now that I had a clear idea of what I thought learning through play was I started to
research the idea of what actually happens during play and how an educator with
that knowledge can guide that play towards high levels of complexity of learning and
development. With that research I form a conceptual diagram that shows a visual
representation of how I perceive play to form and lead to learning, as well as how

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

that learning is documented and review to further help an educator support a childs
play which in turn leads to further learning.

Childs Perspective
. Interaction in their
own created world
. Interaction with the
world around them

Familys perspective
symbolic meaning

. Analysing play
. Documenting
what is happening

Model of Play

ng play
(Stage 1)


s on play
(stage 2)

symbolic meaning


Review of planning,
play and
environment with
fellow educators and

Documenting learning
and social
.Learning Journals
.informal and formal

Influence of
documentation and
review on educators
and families

Assessment of
play and
(Stage 4)

Educators and

(stage 3)


socialhistorical theory
Centre practices

Victorian Early
Learning Frame Work

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

Analysing and Understanding play

This is the first stage of my conceptual diagram of play and in my own view one of
the most important. It is at this point we as educators look at the play in school not
only from our point of view but the perspective of the child and the Familys
perspective of play at home
From an Educators point of view on play we look at the communication between the
children and between the children and the educator, as well as the meaning behind
their actions. We then use what we see and hear to interpret what is happening
during the childrens play and whether they are following the roles and rules the
educator has set up in the play. We do this by creating observations of the children
and analysing them as well as talking to fellow educators on their perspective of the
When an Educator thinks about a childs perspective they think about the roles and
rules a child is putting into place in their play, in a way creating their own world
dictated by their own imagination. Or are they playing in the real world where they
still use their imagination and create roles and rules for play but it is a world that has
roles and rule placed on it for an outside influence. We can know a childs
perspective on their play and give that perspective a voice by observing them and
having informal talks with them which are documented and use later to inform
educators on how the can support a childs play while guiding it towards higher
complexity learning through play. Understanding play from the childrens
perspective enables an alternate theoretical concept of play one based on
childrens definitions of play rather than adults( 2013, pg32)
The last point of view on play is from the families of the children and what they see
and hear at home. We gather this perspective through informal and formal talks
between the families and educators. Both the formal and informal talks can be
documented and used in later planning and evidence of learning.

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

From all these perspectives we have a clearer understanding and documentation of

what is happening during a childs play, the knowledge that a child already has and is
passing onto their peers, the childs interests and skills, and the idea of the childs on
view on roles and rule as well as that childs families view on those roles and rule.
As you can see the knowledge we have gain from the first stage of my conceptual
diagram labelled Analysing and understanding play give us the information we need
to help create a play environment that engages and supports a childs further play
and turn their learning. We now take the knowledge we have gathered from stage
one and analyses it using stage two influences on play.

Influences on play
The second stage of my Conceptual Diagram of play deeper look at the information
gather during stage one and finds the influence behind a childs play which gives us
a greater understanding of a childs play and in turn the learning occurring.
Such as the cultural-historical background of a child, this is when a childs culture or
the history of that culture has given roles and rules to objects or actions in a child
imagination and play. This is a significant influence on a child as it dictates their play
and learning to that of their culture and background and not of their own perspective.
That being said this influence can also pass on knowledge and skill from a childs
culture-historical background that the child may need in later life either way it is an
influence that must be taken into consideration when analysing an observation or
documentation when try to understand a childs play.
The next influence on a child is the social interactions of a child between them and
their families, peers, and communitys. This once again can put roles and rules into a
childs world which can be seen in how they play and what they say.
The Last influence that I have included in my conceptual diagram is that of the
environment be it school, home or community. I included this influence because I

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

believe it has an impact on how much a child plays and wether that environment
supports that childs play and learning or hinders it.
From the view of Vygotsky every social interaction leads to learning and it is that
learning that that can be seen in a childs play. importance of relationships and
interactions between children and more knowledgeable peers and adults( 2006)
This stage is another import part of us understanding play and helping to support a
childs future play

Planning Play
Stage 3 in my conceptual diagram is the first step that takes physical action that
supports a childs play and learning. This happens by using the knowledge and
documentation gathered in stages one and two on my conceptual diagram, to help
guide educators in creating environments and experiences that not only include a
childs interest and perspective but also take into consideration already attained
knowledge and building on it. They use this knowledge in conjunction with the
centres or schools philosophy and pedagogical practise while meeting the standards
of the Victorian early learning frame work and the outcomes of Being, Becoming, and
The experiences and environments that are created are then put into place and
observed and documented which leads my conceptual diagram back to stage 1
where the model of play starts of all over again in an unending process of learning,
analysing and planning occur.

Documentation, Assessment of play and Revision

The last stage on my conceptual diagram is a stage that influences the link between
stages three Planning Play and one Analysing and Understanding play and plays
a vital role. In stage 4 an educator reviews all the documentation taken by
themselves or other educators and uses them to support the reasons behind their

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

planning of environments and experiences and for evidence of a childs learning

through play.
Assessment of play is shown in the environment created by educator and that the
environment supports a childs play and imagination and furthers a childs learning.
Also in this stage the educators ensure that planning is in keeping with Vygotskys
theory and the centres pedagogical practice and that prior documentation of children
is a positive influence on their own pedagogical practice.
The educator will sometimes do this review with other educator to get an outside
perspective on the process shown in my model of play. It is within this stage 4 that
based on the educators review of the documentation or planning that changes are
made before the planning reaches stage one again in my conceptual diagram.

Once I created my Model of Play conceptual diagram I proceed to find evidence that
support it. I did this by taking observations during my placement and talking to my
mentors both on my placement and during class at University.
Observation 1. 15/05/2014. 10.20am. Outside. Deck.
S. Lindsay
Outside on the deck Alex was sitting around sensory activity play dough that had
been set out by the educator of the room. Though there was space beside other
children also playing at the activity Alex chose to sit with chairs between himself and
the other children. Alex played by himself creating multiple animals from rolled play
dough and mental cutters.
The educator Miss Giovani of the room came sat beside Alex and started to ask him
questions about what he was making and how he was making them. Alex then
started to explain to the Miss Giovani in great detail how he was making animals and

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

how the where part of a zoo and how he had been to the zoo last week with his dad,
Alex then proceeded to ask if Miss Giovani could make him an elephant for his zoo
once Miss Giovani agreed Alex gave her some play dough and watch as she made
an elephant. When the elephant was complete Miss Giovani gave it to Alex who then
proceeded to make another elephant copying how the educator had made hers. The
educator asked Alex why he was making another elephant to which Alex replied that
there had been two elephants at the zoo when he went.
While Alex made the other elephant another child ask the educator if she could also
help make them an elephant as well. When the educator said yes, Alex stated quite
loudly no Miss Giovani was helping him and couldnt help anyone else. when Miss
Giovani then said that she could help Alex and the other child Alex said he didnt
want to play anymore and got up and went inside.
Using this observation we would start the process of my model of play seen above in
a conceptual diagram. Frist in stage one Analysing and Understanding play we look
at the different perspectives within the observation.
We would take Alexs perspective and the educator Miss Giovanis perspective as
well as the perspective of the person who wrote the observation to help us
understand what is happening during this play.
Then using stage two Influences on play of the model of play we would analyse the
information and documentation gather from Analysing and Understanding play and
look for influences.
Then we go on to stage three Planning Play where we use both stages one and
two to help form play experiences and environments that are based on Alex from the
observation to support and further his play.
An example of this is from this observation I create an environment and experience
that incorporate Alexs interest in the zoo by provide safari animals and vegetation
for Alex to build his own zoo. I also made it large enough so that it could be a small
group activity so Alexs could interact in a social activity while playing with something
that interests him.

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

Now its time for the last stage Documentation, Assessment of play and Revision.
In this stage I ensured that the play experience I had planned
met not only my own pedagogical practices but that of the centres, and that the play
experience was in accordance with Vygotskys theory and I could provide evidence
for why I created this play experience which was provided by way of observation 1.
Now I could put my play experience into place and observe the play that occurs,
which starts my play models process over again.
In conclusion I find that my idea of how learning in play curriculum is formed is
shown clearly and soundly in my conceptual diagram of my model of play. I think my
conceptual diagram is inclusive of not only an educators point of view but the
perspective of the child and how they create their own play and learning and have
provided evidence that supports my model of play. While at the same time taking
into consideration the practices of Haileybury early learning centre and the advice of
my mentors during placement and school.

Assignment 2 EDF2032
Stephanie Lindsay

Centre for Learning Innovation. (2006). A basic introduction to child development
theories. State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training
Fleer, M. (2013). Play in the Early Years. Cambridge University Press.

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