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Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies

Class/ Semester
Time Allocation

: Vocational High School ...........

: English
: Audio and Video Engineering, Computer Network Engineering
: X/1
: 8 x 45 minutes (4 meetings)

Standard Competence : Communicate using english equal with level novice

Basic Competence
: 1.1 Understanding the basic of expressions in social interaction to the
sake of life.
Using greetings when meet and separate based on content.
Introducing them selves and other person in front of the class based on content.
Using thanking expression and the responses based on content.
Displaying the regretful expression and apologize with the correct response.
A. Learning Objectives
1. Understanding how to say greeting in formal and informal situation when meet and
2. Understanding how to introduce them selves or other, in formal and informal situation.
3. Knowing the thanking expressions and using correctly.
4. Knowing regrestful expressions and forgive expressions and using correctly.
B. Subject Materials
1. Greetings and Leave Takings
You meet your friend in a formal situation, you may greet him/her by saying:
Formal greetings
Good morning
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good evening
How are you?
I am fine, thanks
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too
In an informal situation, you may greet him/her by saying:
Informal greetings
How are you?
Hows life?
How are things with you?
Not to bad
All right
Pretty good

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
2. Introducing
To say goodbye more formally, you may say:
Saying goodbye
I look forward to see you soon, goodbye
To say goodbye in an informal situation, you may say:
Bye for now!
Take care, bye!
So long
Catch you later
See you = see ya (soon / later / tomorrow / around)

Mr Surya meets an old friend, Mrs Lusi.
Mr Surya : Good Morning, Lusi. How are you?
Mrs Lusi : Good morning, Surya. Im fine, thanks, and you?
Mr Surya : Very well, thanks. Nice to meet you.
Mrs Lusi : Nice to meet you, too. I havent seen you for a long time. What have you
been doing lately?
Mr Surya : Oh, nothing much really and how is everything with you?
Mrs Lusi : Fine, thanks. I have been busy lately.
Mr Surya : What have you been doing?
Mrs Lusi : I have been working the home industries. Ill export them next month.
Mr Surya : Really? Good luck to you.
Mrs Lusi : Thanks. Well, I really have to go now. Glad to have met you, goodbye!
Mr Surya : Bye-bye!
3. Thanking
o The expressions of thanking.
o The responses of thanking.
4. Apologizing and Regret
o The Expressions of Apologizing and Regret
o The Responses of Apologizing and Regret
C. Learning Methods
1. Question and answer
2. Lecture
3. Role play
D. Teaching Procedures

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
1. First Meeting
a. Opening
1) Teacher greets to the students and opens the class with basmallah
2) Read Al-Quran for 15 minutes (only if the lesson is the beginning)
3) checking the attendant list
4) Apperception
recalling or reminding the last lesson
Stating what is going to learn that day
Explaining the goal of what is go to learn that day
5) Orientation
teacher shows some dialogues and asks the students to read it
after reading, teacher and the students discuss about the dialogues that they
have which topic of discussion involve :
- meaning of the words which the students have not understood yet
- context of the dialogues; place, time, culture, intonation, and
6) Motivation
Explaining to the teacher about the benefits of learning formal/informal greeting
and leave takings
b. Main Activity
1) The students read dialogues which contained expression of greetings and leave
2) The students is given chance to identify expression that was used in the dialogues
3) The teacher explain the expression about greetings in formal and informal situation
4) The students practice to make their own dialogues in pair
5) The teacher gives feedback to the students by giving suggestion
c. Closing
1) Recalling the lesson for that day : the students are asks to draw conclusion about
what they have learnt that day
2) Giving the students chance to ask about what they have learnt that day
3) Giving homework to the students
4) Closing the class
2. Second meeting
a. Opening
1) Teacher greets to the students and opens the class with basmallah
2) Read Al-Quran for 15 minutes (only if the lesson is the beginning)
3) Checking the attendant list
4) Apperception
recalling or reminding the last lesson
Stating what is going to learn that day
Explaining the goal of what is go to learn that day

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
5) Orientation
teacher shows some dialogues and asks the students to read it
after reading, teacher and the students discuss about the dialogues that they
have which topic of discussion involve :
- meaning of the words which the students have not understood yet
- context of the dialogues; place, time, culture, intonation, and
6) Motivation
7) Explaining to the teacher about the benefits of learning introducing for life
b. Main Activity
1) The students read dialogues which contained expression of introduction
2) The students is given chance to identify expression that was used in the dialogues
3) The teacher explain the use of introducing in formal and informal situation
4) The students learn how to introduce their selves and other from the dialogue
5) The teacher gives the students to ask
6) The teacher gives every students to introduce their selves in front of the class
7) The students practice to introduce their friend
8) The teacher gives feedback to the students by giving suggestion
c. Closing
1) Recalling the lesson for that day : the students are asks to draw conclusion about
what they have learnt that day
2) Giving the students to ask about what they have learnt that day
3) Giving homework to the students
4) Finishing the class
3. Third meeting
a. Opening
1) Teacher greets to the students and opens the class with basmallah
2) Checking the attendant list
3) Apperception
recalling or reminding the last lesson
Stating what is going to learn that day
Explaining the goal of what is go to learn that day
4) Orientation
Teacher explains about the impoortance of thanking expression in the real
5) Motivation
Explaining to the students about the benefits of thanking expressions in the real
b. Main Activity
1) The students give attention to vocabularies which are related with the theme.
2) The students learn to use the vocabularies which are adapted.
3) The students immitate the expressions that is given by the teacher.

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
4) The students learn to give the respons about the expressions which are given by
the teacher.
5) The students turns to listen the expressions which are given by the teacher and
answer orally.
6) The students learn have a short dialog about expressions that have learnt.
7) The students listen the short dialog that is read by the teacher, than answer the
questions about that dialog.
c. Closing
1) Recalling the lesson for that day: the students are asked to draw conclusion about
what they have learnt that day. The example by asking the question, could you
tell me what you have got from this lesson?
2) Giving the students a chance to ask about the subject that has been given.
3) Giving homework to the students
4) Finishing the class
5) Cleaning the class
4. Fourth Meeting
a. Introduction
1) Teacher greeting and open with basmallah
2) see students attendance
3) apperception

Review and remind the previous lesson

Tell the topic in this meeting

Explain to the students the purpose of the lesson in this meeting

4) Orientation
Teacher explains about the important of apologize and regret expressions in real
5) Motivation
Explains to the students about the use of learning the of apologize and regrets
expressions expression in daily life
b. Main activities
1) Students read dialogue that in it there are expressions of apologize and regret.
2) Students are given a chance to identify the expressions of apologize and regrets
that use in its dialogue.
3) Students are explained about the apologize and regrets that can be used in
formal or nonformal situations.
4) Students practice to do short dialogue about many kind of expressions that have
c. Closing
1) Review again the lesson in this meeting

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
2) Students are asked to conclude by their selve the result of the lesson in this
meeting.The example by asking, could you tell me what you have got from
this lesson?
3) Giving a chance to the students to ask about the subject which has been
4) Giving homework to the students
5) Closing the meeting

E. Media and Sources of learning

1. Media of learning: board marker, white board
2. source of materials:
Bring Me to the World of a Professional Worker (Book 1)
Practical English Usage
Global Access to the World of Work
English for Vocational High School
F. Evaluation
Task 1
Fill in the blank with the right answer and then speak with your friend!
: 1Mrs.Ruth
Mrs.Ruth : Good morning, Helen
: 2.this morning, Mrs.Ruth
Mrs.Ruth : Im very well, 3..
And 4
: Fine, thanks. How are your children?
Mrs.Ruth : 5.thank you
: 6., Mrs.Ruth
Mrs.Ruth : Good bye. Helen. 7..tomorrow
Task 2
Say your greeting based on these times
1. 19.45
4. 07.15 a.m
2. 09.20
5. 08.30 p.m.
3. 12.10
Task 3
Bagas : Hi,...1
My name is Bagas.Im from Bandung
Indra : Im Indra
Bagas : And,...3

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
Indra : Im from Jakarta
Bagas : Oh really?
Nice to meet you
Indra : 4
Task 4
1. Dick is very grateful to his old friend, Allen. Its Allen who helped him to lend him
some money to buy an accounting book. The books are very essential for him for hes
a student of accountancy department.
2. Marry is a nice women. She helps anyone expecting a support to finish a work.
Amanda is one of them. She cant say a word to describe a thank for Marry
3. Its raining this morning. Jack was trapped in a busy traffic jam. It might be late for
him to get his class. Fatima, in her comfortable car, saw him and offered him to get in.
was very grateful t her for the ride. He came at school in time.
4. Mr.Black was so nervous to realize his recent debt. Its Mr.Green who offered to lend
him some money to pay the debt. Mr.Black was so grateful that he would like to get
rid of the neck-breaking debt. Its logical for him to thank to Mr.Green for help.
Mr.Green :
Task 1
1. Good morning
2. Are you well
3. Thank you
4. How about you
5. They are very well
6. Good bye
7. See you
Task 2
1. God evening
2. Good morning
3. Good afternoon

4. Good morning
5. Good evening

Task 3
1. Let me introduce my self.
2. What is your name?
3. Where are you from?
4. Nice to meet you too.

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies
Task 4
1. Dick
2. Amanda
3. Jack
4. Mr.Black

: Thank you for your helping me buy this book, Allen.

: Dont mention it.
: How kind of you, madam. I cant find a word to thank you.
: Forget it please!
: Thanks for the ride.
: Youre welcome
: Mr.Green, I cant express how grateful I am. Thank you for your help.
: Dont mention it. Mr.Black.

Guidline assessment

Every correct number will be given 10 score

Score maximum 10 X 10
Score maximum 100
Students score : score achievement
score maximum

Rubric assessment
1. Every correct answer, correct pronunciation, correct intonation is given 10
2. Every correct answer, correct pronunciation, almost correct intonation is
given 7 score
3. Every correct answer, uncorrect pronunciation, uncorrect intonation is
given 5 score
4. Every uncorrect answer, uncorrect pronunciation, uncorrect intontion is
given 3 score.

Inderalaya, ..................................2016
Approved by,
Vocational High School.......

English Teacher

Groups name : Tulip

Teaching Learning Strategies



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