4-Preschool Sunday School Organization Guide

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Preschool Sunday School

Organization Guide
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place of

Who are preschoolers?

Preschoolers include any child who has not attended first grade. Infants are
preschoolers, too!

What do we call them?

The preschool child at church can be referred to as one of the following:
Younger Preschool

Newborns/Infants/Babies to Ones
Ones and Twos

Middle Preschool

ThreesFive K


Preschoolers attending Kindergarten

When do we transfer a child to the next age level

When space is available, infants, ones, and twos can be transferred to another
class/department by development.
All other preschool children are transferred at the church-wide promotion time. If
your church has a class/department for twos, a child should be two before September
1 of the promotion year.

A Class or Department, what should it be called?

A room where preschool children are taught can be referred to as a class or department.
It is usually referred to as a department.

What is a Preschool Division?

When a church has more than one class/department, where preschoolers are taught,
the group of classes/departments is designated as the Preschool Division.
There should always be a minimum of two adults in each class or department of
preschool children.
Two adults eighteen years of age (not related to each other). In situations where two family
members serve together, a third teacher/volunteer is recommended.

The Division Director

A Preschool Division Director is needed when there are two or more preschool
classes/departments. The Division Director is accountable to the Sunday School
Director of the church and accountable for the total ministry of the Preschool Sunday
School Division.
The Division Director
coordinates work of the Preschool Division and develops the organization.
discovers, enlists, and trains new preschool Leaders and Teachers.
meets regularly with Leaders and Teachers for planning, evaluation, training, and
oversees the coordination of First Contact, a ministry to expectant parents and parents
of babies to one year of age.
oversees the coordination of ETC, Extended Teaching Care, during the worship service.
evaluates the needs of the Preschool Division, and recommends actions related to
space, budget, curriculum, supplies, and other resources.
attends Sunday School Council meetings.
sets a positive example by living as a Christian witness and by full involvement in the
ministry of the church.

The Department Director/Lead Teacher

The Department Director/Lead Teacher relates to the Division Director, and is responsible for planning, conducting, and evaluating the work of the department/class.
The Department Director/Lead Teacher . . .
guides Teachers in all work of the department/class, including planning, teaching,
outreach, evaluation, and training.
meets regularly with Teachers for prayer, planning, evaluating, and making outreach
greets preschoolers and their parents at the door of the department/class as they
arrive and maintains the department security system.
leads group learning experiences/group-time (for older twos, threes, fours, fives,
and kindergarten).
maintains general records for the department/class.
evaluates the needs of the department/class, and makes recommendations related
to space, budget, curriculum, supplies, and other resources.
represents the department on the Sunday School Council.
sets a positive example by living as a Christian witness and by full involvement in
the ministry of the church.

The Preschool Teacher

The Preschool Teacher is the key to laying spiritual foundations in the life of the
preschool child. The Teacher builds positive relationships with preschoolers as he/she
involves a preschool child in meaningful Bible-learning experiences.
The Preschool Teacher . . .
plans regularly with the Department Director/Lead Teacher
prepares and leads Bible-learning center/activities for foundational Bible teaching.
builds positive relationships with preschoolers and their families.
contacts members, prospects, and families regularly to meet needs.
leads parents toward faith in Jesus Christ and guides them to serve Him through
worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry.
sets a positive example by living as a Christian witness and by full involvement in
the ministry of the church.

The Division OutreachEvangelism Director

The Division OutreachEvangelism Director works with the Division Director,
and the General OutreachEvangelism Director of the church to lead the Preschool
Division in outreach and evangelism.
The Division OutreachEvangelism Director . . .
coordinates all evangelism and outreach activities and prospectdiscovery efforts
for the Preschool Division.
assists in training preschool Leaders and Teachers in evangelism and outreach.
maintains active prospect records for the Preschool Division.
serves as a greeter in the preschool area and assists visiting preschool families in
locating the appropriate preschool department.
works closely with the Division Director and Coordinator of First Contact to make
certain that families of infants are contacted regularly.

The Division OutreachEvangelism Director (continued)

sets a positive example by living as a Christian witness, and by full involvement in
the ministry of the church.

Children Protection and Positive Risk Management

It is recommended that each church vote on the concept that it will investigate,
develop, and implement a Child Protection and Report Policy. After completion, the
church should vote on the Child Protection Policy. The church will have responsibility
of the implementation and of maintaining such a policy.
In support of and as part of such a policy, the church should do the following:
Criminal background checks on all volunteers in each ministry for preschool,
children, and youth.
National Criminal or
State Criminal or
Local Criminal
Observe the Rule of Two
Two adults over eighteen years of age (not related to each other)
In situations where two family members serve together, a third teacher/volunteer is recommended.
Each church is autonomous.
Each church has responsibility to provide a safe place for students.
Each church has responsibility to protect the leadership/volunteers.
Each church has responsibility to protect the reputation and witness it has
with the community.
Insurance Companies who provide liability protection for the church, its congregation, and its guests are endeavoring to protect the church and keep it out of


Find your place of service!


of Sunday School/Open Group Ministries of the Georgia Baptist

Convention is to work in partnership with regions, associations, and
churches to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment by
equipping leaders to develop Bible study groups and ministries devoted to:
Foundational Evangelism Foundational Discipleship
Family Responsibility Spiritual Transformation Biblical Leadership


Text taken and adapted from:

LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TN
Used with permission
Sunday School/Open Group Ministries
Georgia Baptist Convention
2930 Flowers Road South
Atlanta, GA 30341
1-800-RING-GBC or 770-936-5285
Fax: 770-452-6580
Website: ssog.gabaptist.org

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