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Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye (also known as Tiger Eye) draws upon the best qualities of a Tiger allowing you to absorb them
into your being to get the most benefit from them.
1) Patience: A tiger can wait patiently for hours or even days until the right opportunity presents itself. In
business and in life, patience is a virtue. Often we run head long into a project without doing the proper
research or learning and we find ourselves having to backtrack. Allow the tiger eye to bring you clear
thinking and insight in to the situation. Listen to the tiger and bide your time is our first tiger eye meaning.
2) Focused: A tiger will stay focused on the object he desires for as long as it takes. In business, if we allow ourselves to lose focus, we
allow our competition to gain a foothold and we miss opportunities to grow and increase our businesses. A tiger eye rock will keep you
focused if you allow it to. This Tiger eye meaning warns you to stay focused on your goal.
3) Determination: A tiger is totally determined to get what he wants and needs. You must be also to be successful in your business. If
you are not determined to succeed, it will not happen. Learn from the tiger and allow the tigers eye gemstone to help maintain and
increase your determination is all aspect of life and business. Listen to this tiger eye meaning and stay determined to reach your goal.

Tigers Eye healing properties

A Tiger Eye can assure the correct use of power, courage, grace and the ability to see clearly and without illusion. All of which clears the
way before you to allow success to enter your life.
A tiger eye makes an excellent healing stone for adults with ADD or any type of emotional disorder as it gives strength, restores
balance, relieves doubt and helps you make decisions with vision and clarity. Especially helpful if you're feeling drained, overwhelmed,
or unfocused.
Does your mind flit from one thought to another, making it hard to concentrate, impossible to meditate. Use Tiger Eye to ground
yourself. It stills the mind and helps you move deeper into meditation. It can also create harmony in your life and is especially suited for
anyone seeking peace and calm in their life.

Tigers Eye attracts money

Too often, those that come into money after a long lack of money in their life, tend to become abusive with the power that money brings.
They tend to shun those they knew most of their life and tend to be obnoxious to servants. Tigers Eye helps prevent the abuse of
power, leaving you better able to get along with everyone involved, which makes relationships with those that work for us much
Since ancient times, tiger eye stones have been used to stimulate wealth by attracting money into the life of the wearer. At the same
time, it helps you keep the wealth you have and it prevents you from becoming abusive with your money or greedy.
Take a Tiger Eye outside on the night of the full moon, hold it to the moon and ask that She Bless it to draw money into your life. Allow it
to sit in the moonlight as long as possible, then take it in and keep it in your pocket or purse along with your money to draw more into
your life.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx meaning is Self control, decision making, intuition, protection. It is widely believed
that black onyx can change your habits are erratic, either when used with
faith. It is about as one powerful protection stone as it absorbs negative energy
of people to release mental stress and promote emotional well-being.
Black Onyx is associated with the planet Saturn, which will bring a positive
vibe for those born in the shadow of the planet Saturn. It is a stone for Leo
zodiac sign . Black Onyx stone will helps maintenance Leo characteristic. Black Onyx meaning
In the Indian tradition is said to help people to forget about their past relationships and bring
people in tune with the present.
Black onyx symbolize purity. Aaccording to ancient legend, the dark color of the stone is due to
absorb much negative energy.
Onyx is a protective stone worn when facing adversaries in battles of conflicts of all kinds, or
while hurrying down a dark street late at night. In classical ceremonial magic, the image of the
head of the god Mars or a figure of the hero Hercules was engraved on onyx and carried for
courage. Indians and Persians believed that wearing onyx protected them from the evil eye, and
that placing onyx on the stomach of a pregnant woman in labor would reduce the labor pain and
bring on earlier delivery.

Black Onyx Uses and benefits

Black Onyx stone meaning believed to have effects, among others;
1. Stones are recommended for kidney and liver disease.
2. Black onyx stone is able to change the bad habits of the wearer.
3. Making good at speaking users.
4. Reduce stress and give you a good nights sleep.
5. To reduce a sense of love and lust overload.
6. Assist or accelerate the growth of skin, nails and hair.
7. Repel negative air, improving intelligence and spiritual inspiration.

Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is a very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical
and psychic protection. It is also an excellent stone for protection from
negative energy, as It removes negativity and negative energy of any kind
and transforms them to positive energy.
As a root chakra stone, smoky quartz enhances survival instincts, and can help one reach
personal and business goals. It is also used in assisting in making wishes come true by grounding
their essence in reality. Thus, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck.
Smoky quartz is beneficial mentally in several ways. It fosters cooperation in groups and
supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing the same energies of
grounding the creative process in reality to bring imaginative efforts to fulfillment Smoky quartz
also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day
Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and
relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative
emotions by transforming them into positive energies. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and
encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and can
be considered a stone of serenity. It can, therefore, be very helpful in relieving grief.
In the psychic and spiritual realms, smoky quartz centers one during meditation, and can provide
a grounded link between the physical and higher selves, helping to uncover subconscious
Using smoky quartz during meditation enables you to reach higher states of
consciousness. Smoky quartz also stimulates kundalini.
Because smoky quartz transforms and removes negative energy, it also protects and cleanses
the aura and astral bodies. It can be used effectively for psychic shielding.
Physically, smoky quartz has been used in crystal healing to treat many different problems
associated with the lower torso including kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs,
menstrual cramps, fertility issues. Smoky quartz also is used to remove toxins from the body and
helps the adrenal glands. It is also very helpful for regulating body fluids and relieving fluid
retention. Smoky quartz is also a preferred crystal healer's stone for dealing with insomnia,
nightmares, hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder. Smoky quartz is said to be good for
balancing and improving one's general health. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual
supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

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