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Welcome to Grade 1
What is this Unit of
Inquiry all about?
What are some learning experiences
students will have in this Unit?
This unit offers an opportunity to every student to be a risk-taker
and shine on the stage of drama. Students will

Explore different kinds of drama around the world:

puppet show, mime, opera, skit, short play etc.

Gain knowledge about stage elements: lights, setting,

sounds system, props, stage positions etc.

Act out different feelings through body movements, facial

expressions and volume of voice etc.

Inquire and search music that support expressing feelings

in a drama.

Use adjectives (Juicy Words) to enhance writing

Analyze character traits through reading and acting out

many stories.

Write a narrative that will Show not tell feelings, about

The time I felt the most

Summarize the big message from reading a story.

Understand the concept of time, the function of a clock

and learn to tell time to the quarter on an analog clock.

Central Idea:
Drama can express feelings,
opinions and ideas in a
powerful way.
An inquiry into
The features of different
types of drama
Expressing feelings, ideas
and opinions through
different kinds of drama
How music, sets and
costumes help support the
The different types of
characters in drama
Key Concepts:

and so much more!

How can you support at home?

In this UOI, students are really excited to learn about drama. They enjoy acting out different stories in
our classroom puppet center. If you already have some puppets at home, please spend some time with
your child to do a puppet show together. Have your child dressed up in different costumes and acting
out different feelings in front of a mirror will also help your child to build up confidence. When you
read a story to your child, ask him/her what do you think of the character? What did the character do
and say? What were his feelings? How did he look like? Bring your child to watch a theater play, a
musical play or a puppet show will be all very helpful.
~ The Grade 1 Team

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