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)\ Resonence Educating for better tomorrow PHYSICS Formula Book for Engineering Entrance Examinations (S25 UP ae ele oe ne Te Best Wishes for Your Success in Competitive Examinations ahead !!! This Booklet has been prepared by Resonance for the benefit & academic support to sincere students. You can send your feedback/suggestion on this booklet at PCW Resonance J iw.nimission Announcement eT a eas nan Toca at a Nurturing Talent... Creating Champions. From 'Within' You To A 'Winning' You -—————> Grand Success in IIT-JEE 2011 "The Best Ranks fom Yourlong Classroom Programmes nlIT-JEE 2011 ren 7 sis intend ei Wes, Noh Cote na pomp pa Total Selections in IIT-JEE 2011 Eas. rere 1816 rere pane Pec (Vearlong Classroom: 1197 | Distance: 619) 17 All india Ranks in TOP: 100 (Wearlong Classroom: 13 | Distance: 4) 9/9 | 3/9 /% ADMISSION ANNOUNCEMENT 2012-13 |¥e Programmes (YCCPs) oo fomsorrry foment a eo Taper Gh en) aT Tet Tins Tage de a ons Cement 2013 [Avo MI Moving Stdemis| 25.00.2012 | 15.04.2002 = Ll M13 | vex Moving Stoderes | is.ne2012 | 14.05.2002 [oenoami2 [| — 2013_| Hl Apparing Soden | ascaa012 | owasama | once | Ey Wl Appeaing Sheders | 16.0¢2012 | 2a05.2072 | reo6.2012 | a7 2012 ce [eee en ee cee ie 2 sen wet Ge Dal litt Tie Seed sara [io noag Suns |_aeaz02 | 005202 | paren | ReStDefrs Adis eSt Det Aiss Dasn of eS Sara [tettvag Ser] Sma |_— en sem | mem | masa | sin PM (2) Onine\iee wacsonnc in rover deta an by ONL paying ro CubeCart Net aki. 1 Intent Conrad state Oe neta nie Msn rennin Rona atesaaan snes apons tea ‘COST OF ADMISSION PACKET: For ISEET [NTJE/AIEEE) Courses: 1000 |For NEET (AIPMIT)/SAT Courses: 500: [For PCCP Course: ® 200%. NotI yu make D or Ads ace tan pas anon yor nar, ths an, dss nlc ting pres, sta ads and contactable runbas an the baksde th ant OD. Ase tp te phaacopy af D wih you ue lens Resonance Eduventures Pvt. Ltd. CORPORATE OFFICE: CG Tower, A-48 & 52, Near ity Mal haw Hood, Kta Rj) 324005 | Tl: 07463192222, 3012222, 3022222, 2437144 To Know more: sms RESO at 56677 | Toll Free : 1800 200 2248 | | wwveresonance.acin | WAPsite: m.resonance.acin @ tecebook.convResonancetas @ twittercon/ResonancetGy @ly wwonyoutbecamiesawatch E) Ef lnkosn comwvRosonanceE dy 1 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonance SHORT FORMULA (GYAN SUTRA) PHYSICS Uni Measurement of any physical quantity is expressed in terms of an internationally accepted certain basic standard called unit. * Fundamental Units. S.No. Physical Quantity SI Unit ‘Symbol 1 Length Metre m 2 Mass Kilogram Kg 3 Time Second s 4 Electric Current ‘Ampere A 5 ‘Temperature Kelvin K 6 Luminous Intensity Candela cd 7 ‘Amount of Substance Mole mol * Supplementary Units : S.No. Physical Quantity SI Unit Symbol 1 Plane Angle radian r 2 Solid Angle Steradian Sr 2 Short Formula (Prysics) Resonence Motric Profixes : No. Prefix Symbol Value 1 Centi c 10" 2 Mili m 10* 3 Micro B 10* 4 Nano a 10* 5 Pico Pp 10" é Kio K 1 7 Mega ™ 1 Average Velocity (in an interval) : = cgy = Tlodslocoment _ = - Tarne en 7 aE ‘Avorage Speed (in an interval) Total distance travelled ‘Average Speed = "Total time taken Instantaneous Velocity (at an instant): ar lim, So Ves = a. AE Average acceleration (in an interval): aes vey at Instantaneous Acceleration (at an instant): ML ig aS at wk 3 | Short Formula (Prysios) IN Sesonsnce Graphs in Uniformly Accelerated Motion along a straight line (a0) xis a quadratic polynomial in terms of t. Hence x ~t graph is a parabola, xt graph vis a linear polynomial in terms of t. Hence vt graph is a straight line of slope a. |” uh sen, sie poatne, | sie neat qm, pene vet graph ‘at graph is a horizontal line because ais constant Selaeraton | SE at graph tect & hina Equations of Motion (for constant acceleration) @ veutat 1 oe tam gexrutetat () seus Fath savin 5 a! yex tuts > at (©) VES UF + 2as, ww) z @ s t © ut 5 @n-1) For freely falling bodies : (u = 0) 4 ‘Short Formula (Physics) (taking upward direction as positive) @ v= gt ® 6 (©) = 298 @ Time of flight : Horizontal range : Maximum height : Trajectory equation (equation of path) : Resonance yextanO FP cost@ ~* 1 om Projection on an inclined plane > ° Up the ineiine Down the Taaline Range ut sinaweos(a+B) 2u sina.cos(a.~p) cos" cos" Risina Risa Time of fight an ee ‘Angle of projection with "ob =P incline plane for maximum af £,8 Tange a2 a2 Maximum Range vw wt asp) Xi snB) 5 | ‘short Formula (Physics) Resonance Vpa (velocity of A with respect to B)= vq —Vg ana(acceleration of A with respect to B} Relative motion along straight line CROSSINGRIVER ‘A oat or man in a river always moves in the direction of resultant velocity of velocity of boat (or man) and ‘velocity of river flow. y iB 1. Shortest Tim Velocity along the river, V,= Vp Velocity perpendicular to the river, y= Vy The net speeds given by v,, 2 Shortest Path: velocity along the river, Yq and velocity perpendicular to river v, The net speed is given by, = yWvEq =VE at an angle of 90° withthe river direction, velocity v, is used only to cross the river, therefore time to cross the river, t 7 R and velocity v,is zero, therefore, in this case the drift should be zero, Me wash o vecgsins a oesnt 28 RAN PROBLEMS van * a « From third law of motion 6 1. 12, Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce From second law of motion aP, 0 at F WEIGHING MACHINE : ‘weighing machine does not measure the weight but measures the force exerted by object on its upper surface. ‘SPRING FORCE Fax x is displacement of the free end from its natural length or deformation of the spring where K = spring constant, SPRING PROPERTY K 2 = constant Natural length of spring. I spring is cut into two in the ratio m:n then spring constant is given by me ne. em = ae For series combination of springs For parallel combination of spring ‘SPRING BALANCE: Itdoes not measure the weight. It measures the force exerted by the abject at the hook. Remember WEDGE CONSTRAINT: soy, ccontac\ 0 7_| shor Formula (Physics) Resonence Components of velocity along perpendicular direction to the contact plane of the two objects is alvays ‘equal if there is no deformations and they remain in contact. 13. NEWTON S LAW FORA SYSTEM Fog = may tmgay M405 +e Faq =Net external force on the system, My, My Myare the masses of the objects of the system and ‘aj,az,a are the acceleration of the objects respectively, 14. NEWTON SLAW FOR NON INERTIAL FRAME : Fae + Fane “8 Net sum of real and pseudo force is taken in the resultant force. Accel tion of the particle in the non inertial frame Fseudo =—™ Brame (a) Inertial reference frame: Frame of reference moving with constant velocity. (b) Non-inertial reference frame: A frame of reference moving with non-zero acceleration. Friction force is of two types. (@ Kinetic () Static KINETICFRICTION: 4,=14,N ‘The proportionality constant y, is called the coefficient of the nature of the two surfaces in contact. {friction and its value depends on STATIC FRICTION : Itexists between the two surfaces when there is tendency of relative motion but no relative motion along the ‘two contact surfaces. ‘This means static friction is a variable and self adjusting force. However it has a maximum value called limiting friction. frac HN @ | short Formula (Physics) Resonence WORK, POWER & ENERGY WORK DONE BY CONSTANT FORCE: wee.8 WORK DONE BY MULTIPLE FORCES LESE+Ryt W=BF].s 0 W= Fy S +h St he S# or WW ttt WORK DONE BY AVARIABLE FORCE aw = F.d& RELATION BETWEEN MOMENTUM AND KINETIC ENERGY et fm and P mK ; P=linear momentum POTENTIAL ENERGY Ise ie, U2-Uy [rr a us -f'B-ae--w CONSERVATIVE FORCES WORK-ENERGY THEOREM Wat Way + Way = AK Modified Form of Work-Energy Theorem W,=- AU Woy + Woe? AK + AU Wey + Wee = AE POWER ‘Average angular velocity Op=H a0 Sa yt at 9 10. 12. 13 14, ‘Short Formula (Physics) esenence Instantaneous angular velocity ae or =e 7%) _ Ao ‘Average angular acceleration Oe? ot Ae do Instantaneous angular acceleration Relation between speed and angular velocity Tangential acceleration (rate of change of speed) Radial or normal or centripetal acceleration Total acceleration ata, a=(at+ ann Where aja randa,-@ v ‘Angular acceleration do = Ge (Non-uniform circular motion) Radius ofcurvature R= 2 = * If fi of & y (x) ey ax’ Normal reaction of road on a concave bridge 20 < N=mgcose + a maces ™ brdge Normal reaction on a convex bridge N=mgcos@ 10 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonenc: 15. Skiddng of vil on alevel road Vous iF 46. Skidding ofan object ona rotating pltorm O—q= Via v 17. Bendngofeyeist tans Banking of road without fiction tan 0 p+tand 18 Banking ofroad with friction = ETE ra(u+-tané) 20. Maximum alsominimum safe speed ona banked frictional oad Vyqg= “AM ra(u-tano) ? Vee (1+ plane) ar, acts outwards when the particle itself is taken as a frame. 21. Centrifugal force (pseudo force) 22. Effect of earths rotation on apparent weight N where Iatitude ata place 1 MRoF cost 6; 23. Various quanites fora crtcalconditon ina vertical loop atcierentposiions (os, (True fora sting or on a smooth rack) CE | am “1 2 5 ) w @ Q ° © Vran = V4SL Vin = V4 Vion = (or competing the cle) (for completing the cre) (lr completing the cite) 24 Conical pendulum : person Time period = I: => ona ong vobaty ona tat © Const angular acceleration tat 240 Jeeta 14 | ‘Short Formula (Physics) esenence @ Angular displacement Mass Moment :M = me CENTRE OF MASS OF A SYSTEM OF 'N' DISCRETE PARTICLES CENTRE OF MASS OF A CONTINUOUS MASS DISTRIBUTION xdm ydm zdm "= am dm dm dm = M (mass of the body) CENTRE OF MASS OF SOME COMMON SYSTEMS hook Assystem of two point masses m,F, = Mgr, oa ‘The centre of mass lies closer to the heavier mass. “a a mat a Rectangular pate (By symmetry) ] L & L % 2 2 ‘Atriangular plate (By qualitative argument) bh atthe centroid: y= Asemi-circularring Asemi-circular disc ” 12 Short Formula (Physics) PN Resonene R 2 x Asolid hemisphere 3R eee circular cone (solid) nh MG Acircular cone (hollow) ih bh Meg a MOTION OF CENTRE OF MASS AND CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM Velocity of centre of mass of system v at at at Gt My Vy tmp Vp +s V5. mM, Vn Pagton = M Vin a aa ae Tat = Mia bMyay HMy@yeonnen MAAS m M M Fax = Maem IMPULSE Impulse of a force F action on a bodyis defined as 13 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonence as Fat uo P {impulse - momentum theorem) Important points : 1 2. Gravitational force and spring force are always non-impulsive. ‘An impulsive force can only be balanced by another impulsive force. COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION (0) Fedt Impulse of reformation Velocity of separation along line of impact Impulse of deformation = Fyat e Velocity of approach along line of impact @ e Impulse of Reformation = Impulse of Deformation Velocity of separation = Velocity of approach Kinetic Energy may be conserved Elastic collision. Impulse of Reformation Velocity of separation = 0 Kinetic Energy is not conserved Perfectly Inelastic collision. © o%) (@) Amplitude of reflected & transmitted waves, 22 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce [kiko ks ARORA BAS ake STANDINGISTATIONARY WAVES :- ()-y,=Asin(ot kx +04) Yu = Asin (at + kx + 0) By+8y Yet y= 2A COS xe sin ot 02-0, The quantity 2A cos kx represents resultant amplitude at x. At some position resultant amplitude is zero these are called nodes. At some positions resultant amplitude is 2A, these are called antinodes. (c) Distance between successive nodes or antinodes (a) Distance between successive nodes and antinode: (e)All the particles in same segment (portion between two successive nodes) vibrate in same phase. (f) The particles in two consecutive segments vibrate in opposite phase. (g) Since nodes are permanently 10 energy can not be transmitted across these. VIBRATIONS OF STRINGS ( STANDING WAVE) (a) Fixed at both ends : 1, Fixed ends will be nodes. So waves for which a 2, a, ba 2 ee are possible giving orn= % where n= 1,2,3, fr 1-2 fh ove ft Fey = 70. of ops (b) String free at one end 1. for fundamental mode L = * = or = 4L. << fundamental mode A < first overtone 3h, First overtone L= 2 Hence a= 4 (First overtone) 23 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonence a 2 [E_@n+y fr a ye at Ye Second overtone Total transiaional KE of gas = 5M = > PV= > RT BRT Vey Degree of freedom : Mono atomic f= 3 Diatomicf = 5 polyatomic f= 6 Maxwell s law of equipartition of energy : 1 Total KE. ofthe molecule = > KT For an ideal gas Intemal energy U= > nRT v, Workdone in isothermal process : W= [2.303 NRT logy Internal energy in isothermal process : AU=0 Work done in isochoric process : dw=o Change in int. energy in isochoric process : au t FRAT =heat given Isobaric process : Work done AW =nR(T, T) change in int. energy AU = ny AT 24 | Short Formula (Physics) PN Resonene heat given AQ Specific heat cy=sR Cp= FttR () for monoatomic gas (i) for diatomic gas (ii) for tiatomic gas In general Mayer s eq, Adiabatic process : Work done AW In cyclic process : AQ = aw In a mixture of non-reacting gases : My +My Mol. wt. = > Gay 7 Cy FMC yy > Calorimetry and thermal expansion Types of thermometers (2) Liquid Thermometer : 100 (b) Gas Thermometer Constant volume: 100; P 25 | Short Formula (Physics) PN Resonene v v-v Constant Pressure : Ts (c) Electrical Resistance Thermometer : —Ri=Ro = Rioo-Rp 1° Thermal Expansion : (a) Linear : au a= Tar LeLy(t+aaT) (b) Area/superficial : aA Bo Rat of ARA(T #987) (c) volume! cubical : av Yar fF VEY (tty aT) Thormal stress of a £ a Energy stored per unit volume : 1 E= > KaLy o 1 aT=3 ser TT - clock slow :time-loss CALORIMETRY a Specific heat S = —C— 26 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonence _ AQ Molar specific heat G = Water equivalent = mgSy, HEAT TRANSFER ‘Thermal Conduction = ‘Thermal Resistance : Series and parallel combination of rod : ta tb (Seres: RK (when Ay =Ay = Ay = nae) (i) Parallel: KyAy =A +H Ay (when ¢ {or absorption, reflection and transmission rettast au, Emissivepower: § E= Faq aE Spectral emissive power: Ey= G= E of abody at T temp. Emissivity: © = Eofablack body at T temp. E (body) Kirchoff s taw ody) = E (black body) Wein s Displacement law: i. T=. b= 0.282 em-k Stefan Boltzmann law : usoT! — s=5.67 10" Wink usu u=eoAC® TZ) K@ &) | Oar Ge™ 27 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce ELECTROSTATICS i 1 aa ate, Coulomb force between two point charges F= 71 Mir = cep + The electric field intensity at any point is the force experienced by unit positive charge, given by e-F % Electric force on a charge ‘q' at the position of lectric field intensity E produced by some source charges is F - gE. Electric Potential H1(W_ )ygis the work required in moving a point charge q from infinity to a point P, the electric potential of the point P is, (W pent rc) Potential Difference between two points A and Bis Va Ve Formulae of E and potential V Ka wd Pointcharge Tre (0) Inteiytong ine charge z2r=20 V=not defined, vy vy= 2KR In (ry! ty) (8) Inte nonconducting tin sheet $9, V= ot defines, Yo “Ya =—E-lot) (%)—_Uniformty charged ing Kox Fae = Rat ka Mas JRE ae fe TRF x xis the distance from centre along axis. y, () __Infinitelyiarge charged conducting sheet ©. V=not defined, Ya-Va =-o —fa) (v)_ Uniformly charged hollow conducting! nonconducting /soid conducting sphere (@) tore. 84. r Rove Ka R (vi) Uniformly charged solid nonconducting sphere (insulating material) (bd) E=0 forr WIR IR 2m # is called resistivity (itis also called specific resistance) and p = —7- = 5, « is called conductivity. Therefore current in conductors is proportional to potential difference applied across its ends. This is Ohm's Law. Units: Rohn¥a}, p ohm-meter2—m) also called siemens,q —2~In Dependence of Resistance on Temperature : R=R (1+ a0) Electric current in resistance Yo-Vy “R 5. ELECTRICAL POWER PeVI Energy = pdt pePR ews R H=vit=PRt= =F RT Joule = “° Calorie H= RT Joule = “cai 9. KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS. 9.1 Kirchhoff s Current Law (Junction law) Ig = EL 9.2 Kirchhoff s Voltage Law (Loop law) EIR += EMF =0 10. COMBINATION OF RESISTANCES Resistances in Series: R= R, + Ret Ry + R,(this means Ry is greater then any resistor) ) and Ve VE + Vet Vg tnnsnsnn + Vp R . Re RoRpeaaeR, 8" RGR oR, 2 Resistances in Parallel : an tet RO RRR 31 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce 11. WHEATSTONE NETWORK : (4 TERMINAL NETWORK) then PS = QR ‘When current through the galvanometer is zero (null point or balance point) 13. GROUPING OF CELLS 134 Cells in Series : En Eh Ba Et Ex ta AHH | —8 A—r-—8 Equivalent EMF Exy = Ey +E, (write EMF's with polarity] Equivalent internal resistance ay = f+ Hy Ha hott 13.2 Cells in Parallel: on al 132 Cells in Parallel 1 Lf «af Fa, wi Ew Zt [Use emf with polarity] a4 hy 6 15. AMMETER A shunt (small resistance) is connected in parallel with galvanometer to convert it into ammeter. An Ideal ammeter has zero resistance LR 8 A 5 LPT TE nt seni Ammeter is represented as follows - If maximum value of current to be measured by ammeter is I then Jo Ro= (ll 10)S Ig Ro Ing s T where T= Maximum current that can be measured using the given ammeter. when 1 >> Ig 32 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce 16. VOLTMETER ‘Anhigh resistance is put in series with galvanometer. It is used to measure potential difference across a resistor in a circuit sol@ ritmo system s known as voimeter Ao—@—o8 Aoi —o rt 8 For maximum potential difference Rg + Io Re Re FRG Specific resistance p and cross-sectional area A are same for whole of the wire | a -Reof (ty where o is resistance per cm of wire. Resstance Box prow) ae If Pis the resistance of wire between Aand B then Pa P=a(?) Similarly, if is resistance of the wire between B and C, then Q 100 ¢ Q=a(100 4) (2) Pit Dividing (1) by (2), a* ww Applying the condition for balanced Wheatstone bridge, we get R Q=PX 34 | Short Formula (Physics) esenence = 100-¢ xeRG a xe Since R and é are known, therefore, the value of X can be calculated. 1 @ ay a= cv q: Charge on positive plate ofthe capacitor ©: Capacitance of capacitor. V : Potential difference between positive and negative plates. (i) Representation of capacitor: —| |—. | & ot_ov (i) tromysbrotin pact: U= Lov Energy deniy= gg e2= Relative permittivity ofthe m Dielectric Constant For vacuum, energy density = (Types of Capacitors (a) Parallel plate capacitor e068 eA, “da = A: Area of plates 4d : distance between the plates <« size of plate ) () Spherical Capacitor : Capacitance of an isolated spherical Conductor (hollow or solid) C24 nee, R R= Radius of the spherical conductor Capacitance of spherical capacitor nt @ (b-a) Fim Capacitance perunitlensth = Zr, (Capacitance of capacitor depends on 35 | Short Formula (Physics) PN Resonene (2) Areaofplates (©) Distance between the plates (6) Dielectric medium between the plates. (vi) Electric field intensity between the plates of capacitor E 7: Surface change density q PAs 2. _ DISTRIBUTION OF CHARGES ON CONNECTING TWO CHARGED CAPACITORS: When two capacitors ara C, and C,are connected as shown in figure (vil) Force experienced by any plate of capacitor: F 1,70, 2040, © GO e © tay Fray (a) Common potential CVs 1CV, ___ Total charge ©,+C, * Total capacitance os ov= Foe, +0) ) ce OL = GV = GHG (+) (©) Heatloss during redistribution 1 Cie . aH=U U5 Gey Vy Wel ‘The loss of energy is in the form of Joule heating in the wire. 3. Combination of capacitor 2%jp-2-*94}.0 29), 0 it Ole Ge Yh OY Series Combination arate! Combination og=O, 40, Oy ex 0): 24° 6,26: Gy alte 36 | Short Formula (Physics) [NResccence 4. Charging and Discharging of a capacitor : 8 (Charging of Capacitor ( Capacitor initially uncharged ): pe a=a(1 et) v aeey +! Time constant = CR, ‘ % v te Mg mm ossat emote (i) Discharging of Capacitor azqe™ . <= Intal charge on the capacitor a em T 0374 > 5. Capacitor with dielectric: @ Capacitance in the presence of dielectric te c= S28 <4, ‘ =a Ke, Yo cia ove ,= Capacitance in the absence of celectc: cesesasteaesshe om ov ae @ 6 Be tke tae E:-& election he absence of eecc E., Induced (bound) charge density. 1 Gi) ozo 4), 6. Force on dielectric @ ‘When battery is connected Whon batryis not comected F = > $2 w wn bateryis not comected F = o> * Force on the dielectric will be zero when the dielectric is fully inside. 37 | ‘Short Formula (Physics) esenence ‘AC AND DC CURRENT: ‘A current that changes its direction periodicaly is called alternating current (AC). Ifa current maintains its direction constant itis called direct current (DC). t t constant de period de mB LA Le 3. ROOT MEAN SQUARE VALUE: Root Mean Square Value of a function, from f, tot, Is defined as f 4, POWER CONSUMED OR SUPPLIED INANAC CIRCUIT: ‘Average power consumed in a cycl Vn In = TE FE - 0086 = Vins fins £08 0. Here cos¢ is called power factor. 5. SOMEDEFINITIONS: ‘The factor cos ¢ is called Power factor. I, sin @ is called wattless current. V, Impedance Z is defined as Z = + ‘oL is called inductive sctance and is denoted by Xy L 3g [8 called capacitive reactance and is denoted by X, 6 PURELY RESISTIVE CIRCUIT: V2 Vasin ot 1B, _Vnsinat RR 1, sin at 38 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonence 7 PURELY CAPACITIVE CIRCUIT: YsV.sin ot Mn Yeas ot Tos tf = cos at = 1, cos ot Xe 1 X,= Go Andis called capacitive reactance. | leads by v, by x/2 Diagrammatically (phasor diagram) itis represented as rr Since 6 =90%,

= Vy 008 4 = 1, Magnetic field due to a moving point charge 2. Blot-savart's Law ae ‘ ko | 3. Magnetic field due to a straight wire B= Ho 1 (sino, +sing) 4, Magnetic field due to infinite straight wire 39 | Short Formula (Physics) 5. Magnetic field due to circular loop eat (2) oto wo centre K aD Or io _NIR? @ Atas B= PR 6. Magnetic field on the axis of the solenoid = #0" (eos 7. Ampere's Law (. { oO) Bd? = pigl SO ° 8. Magnetic field due to long cylinderical shell B=O.rNp Ess Ex for step up transformer. primary Secondary col cal 12 Le Oscillations 1. Reflection of Light ® ier 1.3 Characteristics of image due to Reflection by a Plane Mirror: (a) Distance of abject from mirror = Distance of image from the mirror. (b) The line joining a point object and its image is normal to the reflecting surface, {¢) The size of the image is the same as that of the object. (4) For a real object the image is virtual and for a virtual object the image Is real 43 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce 2. Relation between velocity of object and image y From mitror property: X= “Kay + Yan You 39 Zy= Zp object | image Here x, means x coordinate of image with respect to miror : iB Similary others have meaning . Differentiating wet time , we get Moe Mie! Yow Yoe? Yin Yoo, 3. Spherical Mirror Mirror formula Xo ordinate of centre of Curvature and focus of Concave mirror are negative and those for Convex mirrorare positive. In case of mirrors since light rays reflect back in- X direction, therefore -ve sign of v indicates image and +ve sign of v indicates virtual image (b) Lateral magnification (or ransverse magrification) (8 Onder o)woant—=—— — where — is the velocity of image (©) Ondifferentiating (a) with respect to time we get — = — along Principal axis and — is the velocity of object along Principal axis. Negative sign implies that the image , in case of mirror, always moves in the direction opposite to that of object.This discussion is for velocity with respect to mirror and along the x axis. (Newton's Formula; XY=1* X and Y are the distances ( along the principal axis ) of the object and image respectively rom the principal focus. This formula can be used when the distances are mentioned or asked from the focus. 1 (9) Optical power of amiror (in Dopters) = = = focal length with sign and in meters. (H) objecting along the principal axis is not of very small size, the longitudinal magnification. usu (itwill aways be inverted) “4 Short Formula (Physics) IN Resonance Refraction of Light vacuum, p= =— 41 Laws of Refraction (at any Refracting Surface) Sini Sint Law. More precisely, ‘onstant for any pair of media and for light ofa given wave length. This is known as Snell's O} 42 Deviation of a Ray Due to Refraction Deviation (8) of ray incident at i and refracted at ris given by 5 Principle of Reversibility of Light Rays ‘Aray travelling along the path of the reflected ray is reflected along the path of the incident ray. Arefracted ray reversed to travel back along its path wil get refracted along the path ofthe incident ray. Thus the incident and refracted rays are mutually reversible. Apparent Depth and shift of Submerged Object ‘Atnear normal incidence (small angle of incidence i) apparent depth (d )s given by: d 4 n= Slot medium efineidence ) ‘est (Rlofmedium ofretracion ) 4 wt oa Apparent shi Rofraction through a Composite Siab (or Refraction through a number of parallol media, as seen from a medium of R. I. 9) Apparent depth (distance of final image from final surface) 1 Nera Apparent shi +h te Critical Angle and Total internal Reflection (T. 1. R.) C= sint () Conditions of T.1.R. (@) __lightis incident on the interface from denser medium. (©) Angle of incidence should be greater than the critical angle (i> ¢) 45 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce 9 Refraction Through Prism 91 Characteristics of a prism NN'& NIN" ate normals @ Base R 8=(i+0)-(, 45) and HHA bzite-A 92 Variation of 8 versus (1) There is one and only one angle of incidence for which the angle of deviation is minimum. @ When 8=8,,, the angle of minimum deviation, then i= @ and F; = fy the ray passes Symmotrically w.rt. the refracting surfaces. We can show by simple calculation that 5,,, = iy, A where i, = angle of incidence for minimum deviation and 2 sin 5a Say wee n= ——— Also By,=(n—1)A(for small values of A) (@)_—Forathinprism (A 10%) and for small value of, all values of 5 ‘m (mp1 )A where ng = = 10. Dispersion Of Light The angular splitting of aray of white light into a number of components and spreading in different directions is called Dispersion of Light. This phenomenon is because waves of different wavelength move with same speed in vacuum but with different speeds in a medium. The refractive index of a medium depends slightly on wavelength also. This variation of refractive index with ‘wavelength is given by Cauchy s formula. 46 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce Cauchy's formula n()= +=g where aand bare positive constants of a medium. ‘Angle between the rays ofthe extreme clours inthe refracted (dispersed) ightis called angle of dispersion. For prism of small A and with small 1 B= (ny, A Deviation of beam(also called mean deviation) 1 A Dispersive power () of the medium of the material of prism is given by: « De For small angled prism (A 10%) with light incident at small angle i: —|—y- angular dispersion a) n+n, 7 Ttake n,= 3 ifvalue of n,'s not given inthe problem) Nand .n,are R. |. of material for violet, red and yellow colours respectively. 11. Combination of Two Prisms Two or more prisms can be combined in various ways to get different combination of angular dispersion and deviation, (@) Direct Vision Combination (dispersion without deviation) The condition for direct vision combination is TA a bytlas bya {b) Achromatic Combination (deviation without dispersion.) Condition for achromatic combination is: (ny-n) A=(n,=n)A 12 Refraction at Spherical Surfaces For paraxial rays incident on a spherical surface separating two media Ne ‘where light moves from the medium of refractive index, to the medium of refractive index ny. Transverse magnification (m) (of dimension perpendicular to principal axis) due to refraction at spherical surface R_ ving isgivenby m= TF = Gime 13. Refraction at Spherical Thin Lens Athin lens is called convex if it is thicker at the middle and itis called concave if tis thicker at the ends. For a spherical, thin lens having the same medium on both sides: where n,, = ——— 47 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonence . Work function is minimum for cesium (1.9 eV) rk. fu ‘W = hi fe + work function W = hyp = 2 cton W = hwy = + Photoslectic curent is direct proportional to intensity of incident radiation. (v constant) + Photoslections ejected from mital have kinetic energies ranging from 0 19 KEnax Here KEqae = 8V, V, stopping potent + Stopping potential is independent of intensity of ight used (-constant) + Intensity in the terms of elt eld is 1 2 ted yee h + Momentum of one photon is + Einstein equation for photoskctric effect is he _ he neewothm = Trey, 12400 + enegy ae = Titrev * Force due to radiation (Photon) (no transmission) When light is incident perpendicuary @ ant 1-0 A A Pressure ® ra 2m a ." < (When Oa, then v=-S* og c= St 4. Uniform Thin Spherical Shell (a) Point P inside the shell, We know, 9 = at Hence Oya,” Sane SATELLITE VELOCITY (OR ORBITAL VELOCITY) om, 7_ oR? ? Reon 7 RH When h << R, then y= JR, = 7.92 10%ms 53 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonence Time period of Satellite Mam Energy of a Satellite U Mem ay mR sthen total energy Kepler's Laws Law of area ‘The line joining the sun and a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. 1 prirde) = atea swept _ 2 ty B® 4 Areal velocity = 82S A = EMF constant. Hence + Ho = constant. ? Law of periods: Ty = constant FLUIDS, SURFACE TENSION, VISCOSITY & ELASTICITY : fF A 1. Hydraulic pre: =f A ironic press. Pr Re Hydrostatic Paradox Py=P,=Py (i) Liquid placed in elevator: When elevator accelerates upward with acceleration a, then pressure inthe fluid, at depth h may be given by, p= ph [9 + a] t and force of buoyancy, B (g + a) (ii) Free surface of quid in horizontal acceleration ™ ws word pear} fa P; Pe = play where py and p, are pressures at points 1 & 2. Then hy hy = a (ii) Free surface of liquid in case of rotating cylinder. ery *° 2g ° ag Equation of Continuity ayy = anve In general av = constant ‘34 | Short Formula (Physics) IN Sesonsnce Bernaull s Theorem Fl igh le. G+ 7 + gh = constant (w) Tomcats orem (apeed fe) vey restoring ore ‘rea of the body A ELASTICITY & VISCOSITY : stress = change in configuration Stain, = “riginal configuration aL Longitudinal strain = = volume strai (ii) Shear Strain : tan gorg= 7 IA FL 1. Young'emodulusofeasticty y= FA. FL Inter-Atomic Force-Constant k= Yry ov Newtons Lawof viscosity, FAS or 2 Stokes Law F=6xnr¥ Terminal volocty = 5 ‘SURFACE TENSION Total force on ether of the imaginary tine (F) 5 _ AW Surface tension (T) = Length of the Tne (¢) T=s- 9 ‘Thus, surface tension is numerically equal to surface energy or work done per unitincrease surface area. Inside a bubble: (® p)= == Pe : Inside the drop: (® 0)= == Pane Ine ar bubble alaud:ip p= 2 Proce 85 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonance 2Teos6 Capillary Rise na (Longitudinal displacement of sound wave. E=Asin (ot kx) (i) Pressure excess during travelling sound wave ~8- tis tue for traveling (BAK) cos(at kx) wave as well as standing waves) Amplitude of pressure exces: — ° Where E = Ellastic modulus for the medium p= density of medium (ii) Speed of sound for solid where Y = young's modulus for the solid for liquid c iB orig e where B= Bulk modulus for the liquid -~ GP. RT forgases c= (oe Peo where My is molecular wt ofthe gas in (kg/mole) Intensity of sound wave tpv= Fa x 2atatpy = Fe , 1 (Loudness of sound: L = 10108: 7 a8 whore l= 10 # Wim#(This the minimum intensity human ears can listen) P Intensity at a distance rom a point source = I= hz Interference of Sound Wave if Py= Dyin (ot ky, + 8) Pag SiN (ot Key +84) resultant excess pressure at point O is PPh +Py Pepsin (ot kx +0) ‘56 | Short Formula (Physics) Resonance B= YP + Pig *2Puy Pag C84 where = IK Oy 4) +0 Ol) and 1=h tht Quip () Forconstructve interference $= 2ns and a= Put * Pug (Constructive interference) (i) Fordestructive intertronce G=(2ne1)= and By=1Pq Pye (destructive interference) I is due to path difference only then 6 Condition for constructive interference : Ax= ni Conciton for destructive interference : x= (2n+ 1) % fa) i Pg = Pag and resultant p = 0.6. no sound ©) Fg =Pyand 6=0, 2x, 4x, Px= 2? & y= 4h P= 2P ug Close organ pipe : Ue BM LY n= overtone water a Open organ pipe : vova nv We Beats : Beatsfrequency=If, Doppler s Effect ‘The observed frequency, and Apparentwavelength IN Resonsence Educating for better tomorrow The Most Inn'@vative Institute With Full Sincerity, Enthusiasm & Commitment, Resonance is Adapting ISEET (Indian Science-Engineering Eligibility Test) ISEET = IIT JEE + AIEEE + State PETs (The Gateway to IITs, NITs, IITs, IISERs & Prominent Engineering/Science Institutions} Mee eae determined to conquer ISEET also ‘The Most Comprehensive Academic Solution for ISEET COMPLETE Board Preparation WZ Aptitude Test Preparation Z Advance Subject Test Preparation Intagrated Courses with Schools 2 Hostal Facility “ea eet ~ ‘Successful " . 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