OTEH 2012 Determining Natural Frequencis and Types of Free Oscilations of The Part of The Part Excavator by Applyingfinate-Element

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Military Academy, Belgrade, olgica.lazarevic@va.mod.gov.rs
Military Academy, Belgrade, vojislav.batinic@va.mod.gov.rs
Utva Avio industrija, Belgrade, sonja.djurkovic@yahoo.com

Abstract: This paper presents methdological approach to calculation of natural frequencies and modal shapes of the
part hydraulic excavator by using of finite elements method. Modal anaysis realised by application of finite elements
method, results by the rule, in a large number of modal shapes (frequencies) of natural oscillation. In real conditions
only some of them are excited. The main purpose of this paper is calculation of natural frequencies that we can
recognize desing effort and solutions for hindering of modal oscillation.
Key words: hydraulic excavator, vibrations, natural frequencies, vibration modes.
problem with the part of the hydraulic excavator placed
on the platform, the spinning part of the excavator which
the kinematic chain is attached to. Detrmining natural
frequncies has been done by applying the computer
packet program NASTRAN.

Vibrations of mechanical systems are unfavourable
natural phenomenon existing in every mechnical
structure. They are normally caused by the dynamical
conditions they work in. In the stage of designing a
machine, by its modelling and construction, the designer
seeks for optimal technical working principles which,
besides others, would resolve the problem of vibrations.


The Finite Element Method, FEM, is a modern numerical
method widely applied in calculating, designing and
constructing machine components. Contrary to other
numerical methods based on mathematical discretization
of boundary value equations, the FEM relies on physical
discretization of the considered continuum of the parts of
finite dimensions and simple shapes called finite

Parts used in aeronautics, motor vehicle industry, in

naval, transport, construction and other systems, can have
an undesirable dynamical behaviour due to the noise and
Vibrations and noise of a system are excited by the
inaccuracy in manufacturing the elements; the inaccuracy
in assembling parts; the unsteady transmission of power
along the branches; the torques brought in and away by
transmission mechanisms and other factors. The intensity
and frequency of the excitation. depend on the parameters
of power transmission, load rating and geometry
precision. The excitation. comes into effect by loading
and unloading the contents of hydraulic excavator bucket.
The decay of the parts of machine and other sorts of
damage reinforce the excitation.

In terms of physics, by applying the FEM, the scrutinized

deformable element, i.e. continuum with endless number
of degrees of freedom is replaced with a discrete model of
interrelated finite elements with the definite number of
degrees of the freedom of motion.

To be able to assess the dynamical behavours of hydraulic

excavators, it is essential to know their natural
frequencies and types of oscillations. In this piece of
work, there is an example presenting a solution to this

From the mathematical point of view, instead of

differential equations, which define the state of balance of
a model as a whole, applying the FME offers the system
of common algebraic equations.
During the continuum discretization, it is possible to use
one type of finite elements or the combination of more. In
case of deciding on the latter, it is important to take care

minimum and is used when static values (internal forces,

tension components and so on) are adopted as basic
unknowns. Miscellaneous finite elements method takes
Reissners principle of variations. It is used when basic
unknown values are recognized as partly kinematic and
partly static.

of their compliance. All finite elements are interconnected

by mutual knots thus making the original construction.
Due to various problems, constructive shapes, geometrical
dimensions and impacts involved in mechanical
constructions, there has been developed a large number of
finite element types. Various types of finite elements
differ in their shapes and functions, that is in their
interpolation functions which approximate the field of
variables in the finite element. There is a special type that
stands out of them called iso-parametric finite elements. It
takes the same knots and interpolation functions to
approximate the geometry of an element and basic
unknowns in the field of the finite element, as well as the
contact gap elements used in modeling contact conditions.
There are various types of them defined by the way they
simulate the contact.

Basic dynamic equation for the total structure discretized

by finite elements is:

[ M ] {S} + [ B ] {S} + [ K ] {S} = { F ( t )}



[ M ] = [ mij ]


weight matrix (momentum)



When studying a deformable element by using the Finite

Element Method, the first step is to choose a discrete
model that approximates the state of deformation and
tension best together with the boundary conditions. The
discrete model choice means choosing the finite element
type to be used (one or more different); choosing their
particular properties (if any) and selecting the finite
elements net density. Practically, there is no exact
criterion for choosing the best discrete model that would
provide the highest accuracy when resolving a precisely
defined task. Apart from theoretical knowledge when
finite elements are concerned, it is important to have rich
engineering experience and qualitative knowledge of the
state of tension and deformation of the machine part or
construction at hand.

[ B ] = [bij ]


damping matrix



{S} = t 2 {S} acceleration vector, and


{S} = t {S} structure points velocity vector




In the Finite Element Method, establishing the

connections of basic values and the formation of basic
finite element equations are based on the type of the finite
element that has been chosen, on the material properties
and other values of the design problem. Basic equations
grouping produces construction equations that provide the
system of linear equations used for calculating unknown

Natural frequencies of individual parts of the excavator

are as much important as natural frequencies of it as a
whole structure. So, the objects of analyzing natural
frequencies are upper parts of an excavator that is its
upper platform.
Spatial models of the upper platform of an excavator are
discretized by means of 3D tetrahedral four knot finite
elements with 12 degrees of freedom (three translations
per knot).

The Finite Element Method is based on the continuum

mechanics postulates. Essential postulates of continuum
mechanics are well known and can be found in various
resource books. This work encompasses a brief account of
the FEM basic equations formulation, the description of
elements that are used and the procedure of modeling
contact conditions.

The analysis has been performed by NASTRAN packet

program. Figure 1 shows geometry of the part of
hydraulic excavator platform, while figure 2 demonstrates
points of support and load rates. Figure 3 illustrates
spatial model of the part of hydraulic excavator platform
discretized by the finite elements. Two kinds of analysis
have been applied here: the static and the modal ones.


The end number of natural frequencies of the part of

hydraulic excavator has been calculated on the basis of
the frequency trigger spectrum. The analysis involves
only the first six. Once they are established, they affect
the dynamic behaviour of the system or element. Natural
frequencies are presented in table 1. Each natural
frequency has its own matching vector, that is its own
oscillation mode which represents the combination of
finite elements knot points motions. Figures 5 10 show
oscillation modes of the part of hydraulic excavator with
respect to the corresponding frequencies.

To describe basic equations in the Finite Element Method,

we normally use methods of variation. Depending on the
method of variations applied, we can distinguish three
basic modes of the Finite Element Method: method of
motion or method of deformation; method of force and
miscellaneous method.
The principle of potential energy minimum is applied
with the methods of motion or deformation. This Finite
Element Method mode is used when motions or
deformations of basic unknowns are in the knot points of
the finite elements net. The method of force finds its
grounds in the principle of complementary energy

The results of static analysis are in figure 4 while the

results of modal analysis are in figures 5 10 as well as in

table 1. The results prove the assumption that the structure

regarded is extremely solid and sturdy.
Table 1. Natural frequencies of the part of hydraulic

Natural frequencies

Rotation x
Rotation y
Translation z
Translation xy
Translation xy
Rotation z

Figure 4. Static analysis - results, tensions

Figure 5. Mode one 0.647 [Hz]. Rotation around x axis

Figure 1. Geometry of the part of platform

Figure 6. Mode 2 0.405 [Hz]. Rotation around y axis

Figure 2. Support points and loads

Figure 7. Mode three 8.310-5 [Hz], translation towards z


Figure 3. Finite elements net


modal zones;
the zones of enhanced tensions and deformations that
may cause damage to the structure are clearly indicated
on the modal oscillation modes for the corresponding
low natural frequencies prove the assumption that the
structure concerned is extremely solid and robust and
that there are no negative effects on the hydraulic
excavator operator, because human body frequencies
are within 1-20 Hz.


Figure 8. Mode four 8.810-5 [Hz], translation in xy

coordinate plane

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Figure 9. Mode five 1.110-4 [Hz], translation in xy

coordinate plane

Figure 10. Mode six 0.053 [Hz], rotation around z axis

On the basis of the above presented modal shapes of the
part of hydraulic excavator platform we can conclude:
certain level of frequency causes the structure to be
divided into a number of zones which oscillate
individually with the same frequency;
the higher natural frequency, the bigger number of


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