Book of Mormon Study Guide #21

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Book of Mormon Study Guide # 21

Alma Did Judge Righteous Judgments

Alma 1:1
Having warred a good warfare
Read the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7-8
How would you describe the war or the fight that your life represents?

What do you need to be able to do in order to proclaim as did Paul, I have fought the good fight?

Think of some people you know who could use some encouragement in their war. Pray for them and
then find a way to let them know that you are pulling for them.
Alma 1:4
What is Nehors primary message?

Alma includes the teachings of Nehor by way of warning, knowing that these same teachings would
surface again in our day.

From the beginning one of Satans greatest strengths has been his ability to intermingle truth with
lies. Which part of Nehors teachings are true?

Nehor states that the sinner and the righteous can expect the same reward. This is partly true. Both
the sinner and the righteous will be resurrected. However, only the righteous will be exalted.
This is a great example of using flattery to become popular in the eyes of the people. One
definition of flatter is to play upon the susceptibilities of someone.
How does this teaching flatter its listeners?

Read 2 Nephi 28:8. Have we seen this doctrine taught elsewhere in the Book of Mormon? Why
are so many people so eager to believe this teaching?

Nehors words appealed to many of the people; they were easy words because they required neither
obedience nor sacrifice. As we face many decision in life, the easy and popular messages of the
world will seem appealing. But when these worldly messages contradict gospel teachings and the still,
small voice of the Spirit, we canb e 100% confident they are wrong. L. Tom Perry

Alma 1:25
Nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God
Steadfastness is a sign of spiritual maturity, an evidence that one is on the even course that leads to
salvation. To be immovable in righteousness is to be consistent when it comes to matters of values
and faith and courage. To be immovable is to have an allegiance to principles that is independent of
circumstance and situation. It is to be firm in ones commitment to the truth, steady in ones loyalty
to eternal verities.
Bruce R. McConkie

How can we become steadfast and immovable?

The steps are outlined for us clearly in Helaman 15:7-8

And behold, ye do know of yourselves, for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as are brought
to the knowledge of the truth, and to know of the wicked and abominable traditions of their fathers,
and are led to believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written,
which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a
change of heart unto themTherefore, as many as have come to this, ye know of yourselves are firm and steadfast in the faith,
and in the thing wherewith they have been made free.
Please notice the specific steps outlined in these two verses:
(1) Believe in the scriptures
(2) Believe in the teachings and prophecies of the holy prophets
(3) Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(4) Repent
(5) Experience a mighty change of heart.
God loves to decorate. God has to decorate. Let him live long enough in a heart and that heart will
begin to change. Portraits of hurt will be replaced by landscapes of grace. Walls of anger will be
demolished and shaky foundations restored. God can no more leave a life unchanged than a mother
can leave her child's tear untouched
This might explain some of the discomfort in your life. Remodeling of the heart is not always pleasant.
We dont object when the Carpenter adds a few shelves, but has been known to gut the entire west
wing. He has such high aspirations for you.. God envisions a complete transformation. He wont stop
until he is finished. He wont stop until you are just like Jesus.
How is the Lord working on your heart to make it more steadfast and immovable?

Alma 2: 12;18; 27-28

The Nephites prevail in this battle against the Amlicites for two reasons:
1) their careful preparation
2) they were strengthened by the hand of the Lord
Why are both of these important?

What battle are you currently facing in your life?

What can you do to carefully prepare for the upcoming challenges that it will bring?

How can you more fully depend on the lord?

Did you know that God is fighting for you? That with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our
battles (2 Chron. 32:8)? That our God will fight for us (Neh. 4:20)? That the Lord will fight against
those who fight against [you] (Ps. 35:1)?
Did you catch that? Not only does God promise to be with us, but he promises to fight for us. For you.
God fights for you. Let those four words sink in for a moment.
God. The CEO, President, King, Supreme Ruler, Absolute Monarch, Czar, Emperor, and Raja of all history.
He runs interference and provides cover. He is impeccably perfect, tirelessly strong, unquestionably capable.
He is endlessly joyful, wise, and willing. And he . . .
Fights. He deploys angels and commands weather. He stands down Goliaths and vacates cemeteries. He
fights . . .
For. For your health, family, faith, and safety. Are the odds against you? Does your boss have it out for
you? Are there evils in the world we cant begin to understand? Its a difficult time, for sure. But God fights
for . . .
You . Yes, you! You with the sordid past. You with the target on your back. You with the child in danger. You
with the bad back, credit, or job. He fights not just for the rich, pretty, or religious. He fights for the yous
of the world. Are you a you?
The big news of the Bible is not that you fight for God but that God fights for you. And to know thisto
know that your Father fights for youis an unparalleled source of empowerment.

God is standing with you. And he his fighting for you.

When God became flesh, he fought for your soul. When Jesus faced the devil in the wilderness, he
fought for your peace. When he stood up for the neglected, lonely, and hurting, was he not standing up
for you? He knows our pain and sorrows. Hes walked lonely roads and suffered sleepless nights.
Yes, God is still with us. And, whats more, he fights for us. He fights to comfort us and strengthen us,
even in the shadow of pain and under the threat of evil. He fights to guide us and redeem us, even
when we cant see the light.
We only need to open our eyes of faith, to turn to see God standing at our side, fighting for the
Alma 2:30
Alma learned that, prayer unlocks the powers of heaven in our behalf
(Teachings of Gordon B Hinckely)
How would you describe mighty prayer that unlocks heavens power?

Alma 3:13-19
The Amlicites had no interest in being associated with the Nephites. They wanted to set themselves
apart from their blood relatives because they disagreed so vigorously on politics and religion. This may
seem strange to us but it shouldn't. We often see youth or wayward adults mark themselves with
certain hairstyles, clothing, tattoos, etc. with the intent to set themselves apart. Their appearance
alone becomes an immediate reminder that they do not subscribe to the mainstream institutions. They
immediately become defensive if anyone is critical of the "mark" they have placed on themselves. They
declare that it just represents freedom of expression and their personal individuality. After beginning
to take on the appearance of the Lamanites, the Amlicites also began to take on their attitudes. The
spiritual principle here is that you cant act like, think like, and dress like the world without it affecting
your spirituality.

Alma 3:10-11
These verses redefine who are Lamanites and Nephites. Previously in the Book of Mormon, the division
was a racial one. With the experience of the followers of Amlici, it became clear to the Nephites that
their enemies could come from within. Therefore, the definition of Lamanites and Nephites changed. The
distinction now becomes primarily religious. Those who believe in Lamanite traditions, whether of Nephite
or Lamanite descent, are called Lamanites. Those who believe in the God of the Nephites, whether light
skinned or dark skinned, are considered Nephites. This remains the pattern for the rest of the Book of
Mormon. This religious definition can be seen again after the Saviors ministry and the peace which
followed. About 194 AD, a small part of the peoplehad revolted from the church and taken upon them
the name of Lamanites; therefore there began to be Lamanites again in the land (4 Nephi 1:20, italics

Alma 3:19
How do people bring curses upon themselves? "Just as obedience and righteousness bring blessings,
so wickedness and rebellion result in cursings...Cursings are the opposite of blessings and the greater
the opportunity given a people to earn blessings, the more severe will be the cursings heaped upon them,
if they do not measure up and gain the proffered rewards." McConkie, Mormon Doctrine

Alma 3:27
For whom he listeth to obey
Choose to obey your Father in Heaven that you may receive the beautiful wages promised those who
follow him. You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and
all of heaven ahead of you. If you have the Shepherd, you have grace for every sin, direction for every
turn, a candle for every corner, and an anchor for every storm. You have everything you need.

Alma 4:3
Awakened to a remembrance of their duty
When things go wrong in your life, are you humble enough to ask the Lord what role you might have
played in your misfortune or do you automatically turn outwards to find the blame in others? When you
are feeling strong enough, ask the Lord, Which of my duties have could I be doing better at? Which of
my covenants would you have me keep with more exactness? How might I better serve thee? If you
ask with a sincere and open heart I believe that your Father in Heaven will answer you, will set your
feet more firmly upon the path leading home to Him, and bless you in all of your efforts. Remember, it is
not how fast we are progressing that matters, simply that we are moving forward.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24
This is the day includes everyday. Divorce days. Evil days. Tax days. Election days.
Let the words sink in. God made this day, ordained this hard hour, designed the details of this
wrenching moment. He is not on holiday. God still holds the conductors baton, sits in the cockpit,
and occupies the universes only throne.
Give the day a chance. Change your view.
Imitate the resolve of the psalmist: I will rejoice and be glad in it! This IS the day the Lord has
made. Live in it! You must be present to win.
Dont heavy today with yesterdays regrets or acidize it with tomorrows troubles. We sabotage our
day, wiring it for disaster, lugging along yesterdays trouble. We practice remorse over the past and
anxiety over the future. We arent giving the day a chance!
Fill your day with God. Choose to make it great!

Alma 4:19
That he might pull down by the word of God, all the pride and craftiness and contentions which
were among his people seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down
in pure testimony against them.
Notice Almas approach to changing the behavior of the people. It was not to instigate a
psychological study or to convene a review board to review public policy on social injustice. It was to
preach the word of God
Elder Boyd K Packer said, True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of
the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve
behavior. . . . That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel. Little
Children, Ensign, November 1986, 17
When we are in a position to help someone under our stewardship to change their behavior where
do we turn for help? The latest parenting book? Our therapist? Offer money as a reward? Or do
we begin to preach the word of god in more earnest?
What behavior do you wish you could change? What doctrine, if you more fully understood it, would
give you the strength and the power to begin to make that change?

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