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These students want to be heard and they want to be heard

often. Whether or not these students have something of substance to
add (and very often, these discussion dominators do make valuable
points), its important to maintain a balanced discussion, so that all
students feel comfortable adding to the conversation. Tips to manage
this behavior: For one: if youve asked students to raise their hands
before answering, call on the less-responsive students first.
Additionally, you may want to consider new ways to foster community
in the classroom, which can increase your more reticent students
willingness to speak up. If, however, you try these strategies and the
offending students behavior continues, speak to that individual
privately after class, and let him or her know that, while you value the
eagerness to participate, you hope to hear from as many students as
possible, and that thus, youd appreciate it if they could wait to
respond to some questions until others have had the opportunity to

The inattentive student.

Some students are apt to drift off into their own thoughts, stare
into their smartphones, or talk with classmates in the middle of your
lecture. Not only do they miss out on what youre saying, they often
disrupt the students around them as well. Tips to manage this
behavior: Because students may get distracted if theyre too
challenged or not challenged enough, McKeachie and Svinicki
encourage instructors to consider whether or not theyre presenting
the manner that is proving either too difficult or too simple. If neither
is the case, then they recommend implementing some strategies that
encourage interaction and lessen the likelihood of disengagement,
such as closely monitored group activities. You might also assign
minute papers and then ask several studentsincluding the
inattentive onesto share their answers. Other strategies include
requiring students to rotate seats on a regular basis (and moving
those easily distracted back-row students to the front row). Again, if a
particular students inattentive behavior persists, you may want to
speak one-on-one with that individual and ask about their lack of
attention in a considerate and concerned manner.

The unprepared student

We all occasionally have those days when were not as
prepared as wed want or need to be. However, some students make
a habit of skipping the reading, viewing, listening, or other
assignments youve intended as pre-class work. Tips to manage this
behavior: First, be certain that all students know and understand your
expectations. They may not prepare as you expected simply because
they dont know whats expected of them. To ensure this wont be the
case, make your expectations plain in your syllabus and state them
outright in the first class meeting. Over the course of your lectures,
you may make periodic mention of points that underline your
expectations (e.g. As you undoubtedly noted in the reading for
todays class); or, you could ask questions that draw out responses
based on the materials assigned for that class period. In addition,
consider using reading quizzes or other in-class activities that
depend on knowledge of the course materials and thus reinforce the
importance of coming to class prepared.

The uncivil and disrespectful student

Student civility lays the groundwork for respectful and productive
class sessions. If even one student disrespects the time, feelings,
and thoughts of you and their fellow students, their rude behavior has
a negative impact on the entire class. Tips to manage this behavior:
Many institutions have policies that outline appropriate classroom
behavior and require all students to follow these guidelines or risk
serious consequences. If your school does not have these, consider
developing a list of classroom behavior requirements and implement
them in your own course. You may also consider that some students
may not see certain behaviors as necessarily uncivil. (For example,
Svinicki and McKeachie point to research showing that, while most
instructors and students would agree that sleeping during class is
indeed uncivil behavior, some students dont deem interrupting one
another to be as rude as many instructors do.) Even so, if these
issues cause problems in your classroom, it is worth the time and
effort to outline your expectations in this area. (Svinicki and
McKeachie, 177-181)

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