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English course

Formal letter
Informal letter

Alfredo Gallegos Salvador (152110836)


Hi friend! How is everything going?

I hope youre fine! I was on the point of writing to you about my holiday when
your letter arrived so, let me tell you some facts about it.
I know youre enthusiastic for going to Rome but if you really want that
experience can be nice, youll have to note the things I suffered, you know, to
get ready for them.
First, there are some charges that arent unconsidered with the payment, like
the monuments! I remember I had to pay some extra money for that! I didnt
agree with that but I didnt have any other option.
Second, the guidebook provided for the agency isnt good so, get your own.
Finally, Look for restaurants then some can be pricey, you can do it on internet
or something, as you prefer and thats it.
Bye for now, your friend, Alfredo.

Wednesday, 25th May 25, 2016

Timsons Historical Tours

Universidad Politcnica Metrolopolitana de Hidalgo
Tolcayuca Hgo.

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Alfredo Gallegos S. I was your

customer and I am writing with regard to the agency, I took a tour not long ago
then I want to let you know the next details about it.
It would be suitable to have a backup of people, bus, etc. To avoid any issue.
Be clearer about the extra costs, if it is not, there could be some uncomfortable
and unexpected situations.
The last one, I recommend you respectfully to improve the guide book; giving
an example, it can be included more places to eat, to spend the time, etc.

I wish you lots of luck with your future tours.

Alfredo Gallegos Salvador

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