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I have not committed any prohibited act that would prevent me from exercising all of my fair housing,

civil and human rights in my state and federal court systems.

Beginning as early as Feb. 2011 and ongoing until today, I have been repeatedly denied equal and full
access to my state and federal courts because I am a disabled woman who requests/receives a waiver of
all court fees and I present or defend all of my lawsuits without any help from a lawyer.
I was homeless in late 2009 and did not receive postal mail from DMV requiring a medical evaluation
about my disability. I did not comply with the medical evaluation about my disability because I did not
receive my mail but despite DMVs issuance of violation free credits in Dec. 2008 and Dec. 2009, DMV
suspended the non-commercial drivers license on Jan. 5, 2010 for incompetence to safely drive a
motor vehicle.
Beginning Feb. 2011 through Dec. 2014, I was maliciously prosecuted because of my disability for more
than ten false civil and criminal charges directly caused by DMVs illegal drivers license suspension.
Chief Justice Leigh Saufley and Judge Michaela Murphy illegally coerced me into a deferred disposition
contract on Dec. 18, 2013 despite their knowledge of my motions to dismiss and my proper appeals filed
on Dec. 5 2013. The last criminal charge against me was dismissed Dec. 16, 2014.
Maine courts Illegal suspension of the drivers license without giving me equal and full access to state
court systems directly caused my inability to get a job because I could not transport myself, nor could I
live in or transport myself to and from my chosen neighborhoods so I was forced to live in the poorest
and most dangerous neighborhoods in Augusta Maine because I needed to have walking access to the
courthouses and other public services.
Because I was forced to live in dangerous indecent housing, I was constantly harmed, threatened and
intimidated by my landlords and other tenants always causing me to get evicted for complaining about
dangerous tenants, filing valid complaints about unsafe housing with local Code Enforcement Officers or
filing proper civil lawsuits to redress my legal grievances.
Because I have been injured by multiple landlords, individuals and corporations, I filed multiple lawsuits
against many defendants to redress those grievances in my state court system. Maine judges always
ignore most rules of civil procedure and statutes in all of my lawsuits always directly causing me to lose.
I filed a federal lawsuit against Judge Leigh Saufley et al on Feb. 11, 2016 for her fair housing violations
which was illegally dismissed by Judge Nancy Torrensen on May 2, 2016 claiming I improperly removed
the case from state court when the case was originally filed in the U.S. District Court for Maine.
On May 24, 2016, Nancy Torrensen illegally denied my request for a court-appointed attorney to help
me present my federal fair housing lawsuit against Leigh Saufley et al, 1:16-cv-00095-NT.
I have no legal remedy in Maine state or federal courts to redress any of my legal grievances against any
party because the federal and state judges chronically discriminate against me because of my disability.

I have multiple state and federal lawsuits pending but no action can be taken at this point because all
presiding Maine state and federal judges have discriminated against me due to my disability and the
federal district court judges refuse to acknowledge the validity of my fair housing claims against the
state judges which directly prevents me from enjoying due process or equal and full access to my state
and federal courts because I am disabled.
My next lawsuit will be filed with the United States Court of Federal Claims against Nancy Torrensen and
John Nivison of the US District Court for the District of Maine regarding their discrimination against me
while presiding over 1:16-cv-00095-NT and 1:16-cv-00100-NT, and other pending federal lawsuits.
Is justice available to me?

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