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‘The ability ofliving organisms to prodiiée hew,organisms'of their ownkind is'called Teproduetion. panier REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS 1OR4 ‘There are two'types of repreduetion in plants: Rata OPP on 15...) Asextial reproduction 0: + SB, MT ' 2. Sexual reproduction 933-244 ree » 9 ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION: * ; i ‘Thejreproduction in which sexes are not invélved is called asexual reproduction. There are following methods of asexual reproduction in plants, * BY SPORES OR SPORULATON: x ‘The spores are formed by a sporophyte plant by meiosis. Therefore these spores are haploid (n) in nature. The spores develop into new haploid organisms. The formation of spores is vealled sporulation. Sporulation occurs in bacteria, fungi, mosses, ferns, etc. ¥ a ‘Prep. By:--Raza Mehdi . : ») “ VEGETATIVEPROPOGATION: gals + es : \s* Vegetative propagation involves the separation of a part‘of the parent plant, which ‘then develops into anew plant. > : ; ©)" APOMIXIS: . . ‘ | ie cornch EXPLANATION: * It is'possible to grow whole plants by culturing smallestplants 1's F”(pieces.of tissue cut from the parenit pl int).or even! single parenchyma cells on an artificial see Miniédium, containing nutrients & horniones. The culnired cells divide & form an undifferentiated ) sc) Sballds form shoots & roots, with fully'differentiajed cells’ All of these-experiments and.performed ‘th a fest tube, therefore, these small plants developed by:the callus are called test-tube. plants: \iWhfel are transferred Soli where they Gdntitive their growth. 1PM ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE GLASS: Xil 64. BIOLOGY NOTES ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF TISSUE CULTURE & CLONING ¥ ADVANTAGE! uAM ‘Many plants can be grown in sterile aregs.ensuring 4 much greater survival ratethan'secd grown plants. In these techniques, the plants‘are’ grpw in sterile conditions. Therefore, they, are notiattecked by the pathogens in the initial stage of life. ‘The mannfactuting of used chemicals by plant cultures e.g. production of shikonin, a dye used. in silk industty & in the treatment of bums has been produced commercially. ¥, DISADVANTAGES: t ‘ ” Plants propagated imthis way may be unstable or non fertile. ‘These plants have unusual chromosome number e.g. when oil palms'produced by tissue culture \\) were produced by Malaysia (1970s) they) turned out,toibe sterile. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION: “The reproduction in which a new individual is developed by the fusion of dissimilar ‘Bametes (e. male & female gametes) is called sexual reproduction. v ISOGAM a is) The reproduction in‘which male & female gametes are similar in morphology & physiology is called isogamy This is the simplest type of sexual reproduction. we vi ANISOGAMY: =~ : a This is the sexual reproduction in which male & female gametes differ either in Torphology-or in physiology. “*¥ OOGAMY: ee i" The sexual reproduction in which miale & female gametes differ both in morphology & physlology is called oogamy. © oe »¥ HETEROGAMY?, ~ in bryophytes a most successful kind of sexual reproduction is, present which is called ‘heterdgfdmy. In this reproduétion male gametes are small in size & ‘they'can locomote whereas the ©. Feemale'gametes are,non motileyfagge in size & they have stored food materials. BI ace | SEXUAL REPROCUTION IN FLOWERING PLANTS: NS! e! DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE:* ‘SThe female gametophyté or embryo sac develops ingide the mega sporangium or nucellus yof ovule,’ ee _ 1 i iQne cell's inega sporangium becomes distintt, which is called megespore:mother céll HW +, The megaspore mother cell (2n) forms four haploid cells by meiosis, which are ealied linear tetrad: onde ' . uss. “4 The lineartetral contains fou? haploid megaspores. ul of themcthiree are disintegrated’& i " « the,remaining one megaspore'dévelops into female Bametophyte. - yous The haploid mueletis of megasporé forms ight nuclei by three mitotic di¥igions. ~« (-F*Out of these eighit mucle, two are fised to fora diploid secondary nucleus, #7 this stage, theertibryo Sac contains seven huclei thret fuclei towards chalaza are called atitipodals & three muéléi towards-the mictopylar end are ealled eee apparatig ‘ %, -The'egg apparatus contains two synergids & one egg nucleus or female, gamete. eeepc SSS Prep, by:-RavaiWfehdi x ue / 0 DOUBLE FE IZATION: : '*'* ME OAC © “1 Scant? (After the pollination the pollen grain is tririsferredionto t ‘Stigma where it gerniinajes. iC Dur the germination inner layer intne ruptures the exine at al ‘germ pore Gores outyy pe COSC” | inthe'foim of; Which is called pollen tube! Ane oy vi HAIN ¢ cOACH AMY BY ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE CLASS: XII BIOLOGY NOTES. {This pollen tube grows downward towards the ovule & finally it enters into-évule through, microphyle: 4 ‘The nuclei of tube cell & generative cells are shifted into the. pollen tube. 4 When the.generative nucleussenters into,theipolten tube, it divides to form two male gametes. wae ae 4° When the pollen’ tube penetrates into the einbryocsae its tip bursts &-both male gametes are in. discharged into:the embryo sac. eee ‘First male gametes fosed with egg micleus to form diploid oospore: This fusion is called syngamy. The second male gamete is combined with secondary nucleus to form triploid Gn) endosperm aucleus. -~ | °8 Inthisiway fertligation takes place twice in al embryo sac, therefore thisprocess 1S called “\ Gquble fertilization, which Was discovered by:Nawaschin in 1898. ‘CHANGES IN OVULE AFTER DOUBLE FERTILIZATION: "Afterdouble Ferllization, the ovule is converted into a seed. In this process following ‘Changes take place: " «\4) The cospore is ¢hanged into an embryo cotyledons, plumule & radicle. ‘ {%) The endosperm-nucleus forms a nutritive tissue, which provides nourishment to the. developing ‘eotbryo, this tissue is called endosperm. 444g) The integuments form seed.coats. iv) (Micropyle also persisis in seeds: © 6? ~ ‘The,seed is'déhydrated unt its water contents become 5 t0'15% of its weight. aw eS INFLORESCENCE ‘The arrangement of flowers on floral axis is called inflorescence \ AYPES OF INELORESCENCE, ; TL Racemose « ie oe : i so 2: Cymese i . § in Pe an yee ae “ ,RACEMOSE: "Ti itttlorescengein'which the apical ‘growth of branch remains continues is allied racemose. “« Thecarfuingement of flower is acropetal (young flowers inside) ee The opening of flowens is éentripetal = st The Gloral axis ih facsaiese inflorescggee is known as peduncles" > CP CENTRE RECO eG Cee “Types of Racem ‘ _Peduncle elongated, ‘Pedungleshertened SPERMATOGENES!. ltisa process of cell division by which sperms are formed from germ ells preéent in, ss! testes. This process is competed in following steps: “ a STEP #1: és ie apse \ Germcéils in testesdirst transform mitotically into spermatogénia and then inité'primary, i. spermatocytes. = oe a WN ale i STEP # 2: Se § eAMIEY » Each primary spetiiiatocyte divides meiotically into wo secondary spermatocytes," | ‘ STEP #3: ee Secondary spermatocytes also divide to form genetically differen! haploid spermatids ie \. STEP #4 tee aa one Each spermatid develops into a sperm. DURATION OF.QOGENESIS: This process is completed in sbearten weeks. +. OOGENESI: It is a process of cell “ivision by which ova are formed from. efteocns present i int the, ‘ovaries e xt ‘This process is completed'in the following steps:, . No CRE vs Re ree STEP # 1: : ae ns Germ cells in-ovaty divide mitotically to form oogonia which develop i inh eimary yes vooeytes. Size: Length of-each tube is about fem. gras Basic Structure: They are internally lined with cilia which nibve the ogg towards \igrus. The *! distal end of each tube fs expanded and has finger like projestons cae fimblaé which paral! surround the ovary : Eunetions: % Itreceives egg from.ovaty. ‘ Itprovides a suitable place for the fertfization UTERUS: ane} : It is pear shaped muscular organ living with vascillar tissues: 6 sha are conve a Mayers. et . <¢ Epimetrium; Outer most serous layér. 1. GN ASEH Fane € cH ADAMJEE COACHING CENTRE GLASS: XIL -16- BIOLOGY NOTES ‘Myometrium!It is the middie-layer composed.of smooth muscles. It plays a vital role duiring the delivery of the'baby. ~ : ‘Endometrium:Itis the inner most spongy layer.containing vascular tissues. It receives fertilized ‘egg (implantation). Ifthe egg isnot fertilized, itshed and menses are produced, Lower, part.of uterus is called cervix. Its measurement is about 2,5era. { A \ GLASS: Xil -17- BIOLOGY NOTES. 3::VAGINA: . . t i ‘Vagina is tin elastic, fibro-muscular tube like organ. It .6 ~‘10em in length, wunietions. : %' Tt receives the sperms through the penis during mating % 'ILis also called birth canal because thé Raby delivers through it. 5 3h: EXTERNAL GENITILIA: us In female the external geni vaginal. s called vulva. It has two penings ie.; urethral and TORS en: it s Cop) cua’ R104 503 CE rg MENSTRUAL CYCLE. oaagt Mehr es It includes all the eycliechanges in the endometrium of theaters. ‘These changes tak 1879 aus place once ina month. At the end of their cycle the endometrium sheds:and blood, with mnicus ’md : epithelial tissues are released through vagina. This is called menstruation. The menstrual eyele is! sub-divided into following phases: et v (i) ‘Menstruation, AD esi (ii) Proliferative phase (Follicle phase) - : (iii) Ovulation. fei y es (iv) Secretary phase (Corpus luteum phase). oy ¥ on a RE Ms e ++ MENSTRUCTION (DAY 1-5): i ae ARS Ae i amt During this interval, the thick endometrial-lining of the uterus is sloughing off or; ar cn becoming detached. This is accomplished by bleeding for'3 toS days. The detached tissues and" *** > ‘blood pass through vagina as the menstrual flow. The average blood loss during this periad is 502 156ml. bial ‘ ADAM ADAMIEY ++ PROLIFERATIVE PHASE (DAY 6-13): ae af DAME in the phase one of the developing follicles matures more rapidly, This follicles Ealied ;y 1" graffian follicle. The graffian follicle secretes oestrogen. Due to the rising oestrogen {evéli‘the —, xi! ce ‘endometrial blood supply is increased. So it again becomes thick ahd spongy... N16! ‘ % OVULATION (DAY 14): Ne CENTRE ‘At the end of the Proliferative phase the graffian follicle ruptured and the vocyte comes outof it enters into.the'fallopian tube, This release of oocyte from graffian.follidlé 18 called: «.¥. ovulation. HING RE oH CENTRE SECRETORY PHASE (DAY 15 —28):- |‘ “Ad aie CER ‘Afier ovulation the.graffian follicle becomes filled with a fatty yellow: nags walled’ the! corpus luteum. It secretes a hormone called progesterone. Progesterone’is responsible dor the further development of the endometrium. It causes endometrial glands to inorease in-sizeanath\ ‘begin secreting nutrients into the wterine cavity. These nutrients will sustain ®developingembey" until it is implanted. If fertilization does'not occur, the corpus Iuicum begins to degeherate, STF towards the end of this périod. In this condition itis called corpus albicans, Due'to ThE «wT RE degeneration of the corpus iuteum the progesterone level suddenly decreases, at this Btage the-

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