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1. Aim of the experiment
To study the characteristics of an Armature Controlled Permanent Magnet DC motor,
To model of an armature controlled Permanent Magnet DC motor,
To determine model parameters of an armature controlled Permanent Magnet DC motor,
2. The DC Permanent Magnet Motor
The DC motor converts direct current (DC) electrical energy into rotational mechanical energy.
The DC motor is a power actuator device that delivers energy to a load, as shown in Figure 1 (a).
A sketch of a DC motor is shown in Figure 1 (b).

Figure 1: A DC motor (a) electrical diagram (b) sketch.

A major fraction of the torque generated in the rotor (armature) of the motor is available to drive
an external load. Because of features such as high torque, speed controllability over a wide
range, portability, well-behaved speed-torque characteristics, and adaptability to various types of
control methods, DC motors are widely used in numerous control applications. Particular
applications are robotic manipulators, tape transport mechanisms, disk drives, machine tools, and
servo valve actuators.
The input-output characteristic of the DC motor is represented by its transfer function based on
the small signal assumption that is a linear approximation to an actual motor, and second-order
effects, such as hysteresis and the voltage drop across the brushes neglected.
The input voltage may be applied to the field or armature terminals. Thus input voltage applied
to the field terminal is called field controlled DC motor and input voltage applied to the armature
terminal is called armature controlled DC motor. The air-gap flux of the motor is proportional,
Kf, to the field current, if, provided the field is unsaturated, so that

K fif


The torque developed by the motor is assumed to be related linearly to and the armature
current as follows:
Tm K 1 i a K 1 K f i f i a


It is clear from Equation (2) that, to have a linear system, one current (if or ia) must be
maintained constant while the other current becomes the input current.
The armature-controlled DC motor (field current if is constant) uses the armature current ia as the
control variable. The stator field if can be established by a field coil and current or in DIGIAC
1750 Trainer by a permanent magnet. When a constant field current is established in a field coil,
the motor torque is
Tm ( s ) ( K 1 K f I f ) I a ( s ) K m I a ( s )


Thus the armature controlled permanent DC motor torque is

Tm ( s ) K m I a ( s )


where Km is a function of the permeability of the magnetic material. The armature current is
related to the input voltage applied to the armature by
Va (s ) ( Ra La s ) I a ( s ) Vb (s )


where Vb(s) is the back electromotive force (bef) voltage proportional to the motor speed .
Therefore, we have
Vb ( s ) K b ( s )


where (s) is derivative of motor position, (s)=s(s). The transform of the angular speed and
the armature current is

I a ( s)

Va ( s ) K b ( s )
( Ra L a s )


The motor torque Tm(s) is equal to the torque delivered to the load. This relation may be
expressed as
Tm (s ) TL ( s ) Td ( s )


where TL(s) is the load torque and TL(s) is the disturbance torque, which is often negligible.
However, the disturbance torque often must be considered in systems subjected to external
forces such as antenna wind-gust forces. The load torque TL(s) for rotating inertia, as shown in
Figure 1, is written as
TL ( s ) Js 2 ( s ) bs (s )



From Equations (8), we have

TL ( s ) Tm ( s ) Td ( s )


Equating the Equation (9) for mechanical part to Equation (10) represent the load torque, so that
TL ( s ) Js 2 ( s ) bs ( s ) Tm ( s ) Td ( s )


The relations for the armature-controlled DC motor are represented schematically in the block
and is given in Figure 2.
Disturbance, Td (s)

Armature Voltage

E(s) Ra La s


back electromotive force (bef)


Js b



Angular Position



Figure 2: A block diagram of the armature controlled permanent DC motor.

Using Equations (4), (7), and (11) or the block diagram shown in Figure 2, and letting Td(s)=0,
and the transfer function is;

( s)
Va ( s)

G p ( s)


s(( Ra La s)( Js b) K b K m ) s( s 2 n s n2 )


However, for many DC motors, the time constant of the armature, a = La/Ra, is negligible;
( Ra b K b K m )
K Tm
(s )
G p ( s)

Ra J
Va ( s)
s ( Ra ( Js b) K b K m )
s ( m s 1)
s 1)
( Ra b K b K m )
where m is the equivalent time constant and KTm is the equivalent torque constant. Note that Km
is equal to Kb. This equality may be shown by considering the steady-state motor operation and
the power balance when the rotor resistance is neglected. The power input to the rotor is (Kb)ia,
and the power delivered to the shaft is T . In the steady-state condition, the power input is equal
to the power delivered to the shaft so that (Kb)ia = T; since T = Kmia (Equation 4), we find that
Kb = Km.
The construction and electrical circuit arrangement of the permanent magnet armature controlled
DC motor fitted to the DIGIAC 1750 Trainer is shown in Figure 3.
The 1 resistor is fitted in series with the armature to allow monitoring of the armature current
by measurement of the voltage dropped across it. Since the resistor is 1, voltages measured
across it in mV will directly correspond to currents in mA.
The diodes limit any voltage spikes to a maximum of approximately 12V. Capacitor C1
provides some noise filtering at the output and the combination L1, L2 and C2 reduces radiation
of radio frequency noise.

(a) Construction

(b) electrical circuit arrangement

Figure 3: The construction and the electrical circuit arrangement of the permanent magnet DC
motor fitted to the DIGIAC 1750 Trainer.

The characteristics of the permanent magnet DC motor fitted to the DIGIAC 1750 Trainer are
provided in Table 1.
Table 1: The main characteristic of the armature controlled permanent DC Motor.
DC resistance
No load current (12V applied)
Stall current (12V applied)
Shaft speed (no load, 12V applied)
2400 rev/min (max.)
Starting torque
7 Ncm/A
Torque constant
3.5 Ncm/A
Time constant
82% (max.)

2.1 Pre-Lab Problems to be solved and submitted BEFORE the lab

Q. 2.1: Do a literature review for armature controller DC Motor and its applications.
Q. 2.2: Do a literature review for field controller DC Motor and its applications.
Q. 2.3: Obtain the block diagram of field controller DC Motor.
Q. 2.4: Compare the characteristic of the armature controlled permanent magnet DC motor with
the filed controlled DC motor.
3. Experimental Setting for Characteristics of a DC Permanent Magnet Motor
Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 4. Set the 10k resistor control for zero output voltage,
(control fully counter clockwise), and set the counter controls to COUNT and 1s.
Switch ON the power supply and set the voltage applied to the motor (as indicated by voltmeter
V2) to 10V. The motor should run at a high speed.
Allow the motor to run for a short time and then note the reading on voltmeter V1.
This reading in mV represents the current in mA taken by the motor, since it is the voltage
dropped across a 1 resistor.




Figure 4: Experiment connections for characteristics of the permanent magnet DC motor fitted
to the DIGIAC 1750 Trainer.

Press the Counter RESET button and note the displayed Counter value. This represents the motor
speed in rev/sec. Record the values in Table 2 overleaf.
Repeat the procedure, noting the speed and current readings for motor applied voltages of 8V,
6V, 4V and 2V and record the values in Table 2.

Table 2:
Motor Applied Voltage
Armature Current
Speed (rev/sec.)
Speed (rev/min.)

10 V





Multiply the speed in rev/sec by 60 to convert to rev/min and add the results to Table 2.
Slowly reduce the applied voltage until the motor just stops turning and observe the effect on the
voltage and the current.
Stopped voltage read from V2 =
Stopped current read from V1 =


Construct the graph of speed in rev/min versus applied voltage and armature current on the axes
provided in Figure 5.


Figure 5: the graph of speed in rev/min versus applied voltage and armature current

From your result depicted graph deduce and enter the armature current needed to give a speed of
1500 rev/min in mA.
EQ. 1: Examine the two graphs. Which of the following statements is true?
a) they are identical in shape
b) motor speed is directly proportional to voltage over most of the applied voltage range
c) the armature current is greatest at the highest motor speed
d) as the applied voltage is slowly reduced, the motor continues to turn until the voltage reaches
EQ. 2: As the applied voltage is slowly reduced, at the moment the motor stops the effect on the
armature current is to:
a) reduce it directly with the applied voltage b) show a sharp increase due to loss of back EMF
c) fall immediately to zero as torque stops d) increase slightly due to reduction in armature
Set the applied voltage to 7V and note the armature current taken and the shaft speed when the
motor is unloaded. Record in Table 3.
Table 3:
Applied Voltage = 7V
Armature Current
Shaft speed (rev/sec)


400 mA

Now use the motor load simulator in the accessory kit to apply pressure to the side of the Hall
Effect disc.
Vary the pressure of the load so that the current is approximately 400mA (0.4V reading on the
digital voltmeter) and then note the shaft speed by pressing the Counter RESET button. Record
in Table 3

Enter your speed in rev/sec with the motor loaded and the armature drawing a current of about
400 mA.
Set the control of the 10k resistor to the zero output voltage position. Disconnect socket C of
the 10k resistor from the +12V supply and reconnect it to the -12V supply.
Result: the characteristics are typical for this size of machine, larger machines would not have
such a large drop in speed with load.
Based the experiment results complete and answer the following equations;
EQ. 3: The direction of rotation is:
a) the same as before a) reversed
EQ. 4: Is the same speed range possible?
a) Yes b) No
EQ. 5: Based on the study and results obtained from this experiment obtain transfer function
model of the armature controlled permanent magnet DC motor.
EQ.6: Based on the study and results obtained from this experiment obtain state space model of
the armature controlled permanent magnet DC motor.
4. Lab report
The report should log the results from the experiment with your own interpretations,
observations and conclusions.
Your report should contain:
The answers all questions in the manual.
Use the model the permanent magnet DC motor studied in experiment and discuses results.
Compare the characteristic of DC motors with AC motors.
The report must be type-written. Unless otherwise stated, no question should require more than a
page to answer.


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