Cartoon Diving

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Maryambanoo Mollaei


As pressure decreases
Volume increases

As pressure increases
Volume decreases

Boyles Law
PV = k
Dont hold your breath!

Whats up Doc?

Bugs Bunny

Descent: As a diver descends, the water pressure

increases, causing air in the scuba equipment and body
to be compressed.
He must equalize the pressure in his ears to avoid pain
and a possible ear injury called an ear barotrauma.
Ascent: As a diver ascends, the water pressure
decreases, causing the air in his gear and body expand
to occupy a greater volume.
So the releasing of excess air from his BCD is required
to maintain control of his buoyancy.

As temperature decreases
Volume decreases

As temperature increases
Volume increases

Charles Law
T/V = k

Spots or Dots?

When your scuba cylinder is filled, it heats up slightly,

which is why most shops overfill tanks by about 10%.
Once the heat caused by the friction from filling is
eliminated, volume of air drops.
Cruella De Vil

Putting your tanks in the water for about ten minutes

before you dive can help you to more accurately track
your own air consumption since temperature change is
actually responsible for consuming air volume.

Pressure increases
Absorption increases

Pressure decreases
Absorption decreases

Henrys Law
P = KC

As depth increases along with pressure, the amount of a gas

dissolved in the diver's blood will also increase.


For example:
A diver who goes till 100 ft will have absorbed more
nitrogen into his blood and tissue than a diver who went
only to 70 ft. So the person who absorbed more nitrogen
will have a higher chance of encountering decompression
illness which causes pain in the muscles and joints, cramp,
numbness, nausea, paralysis and even death. Prevent by
slowly ascending and using a decompression table.

Ptotal = Pp1 + Pp2 + Ppn

Daltons Law

The total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of

the partial pressures of its component gases.
Oxygen can become toxic to a diver when the partial
pressure of the oxygen breathed is above 1.6 atm.
Symptoms of oxygen toxicity can include changes in
vision, dizziness, and seizures, all of which can be
problematic for a diver and can lead to death.

Nitrogen narcosis can result from a diver's exposure to high

partial pressures of nitrogen during her dive. Symptoms of
nitrogen narcosis most closely resemble those of alcohol
intoxication. These symptoms appear more gradually than
those of oxygen toxicity but also increase with depth.

Archimedes Principle
Archimedes Principle states that and object wholly or
partially immersed in a liquid is buoyed up by the force
equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.


if your Buoyancy Compensation Device does not have the

lift capacity to bring up your steel scuba cylinders, you will
surely be stuck on the bottom. We can set values to plan
these things because of Archimedes Principle.

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