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LA3100 - Business Law FA13


The U.S. Legal System Assignment LP1.1

1. Which Article of the U.S. Constitution creates the:
a. Executive Branch?
The Article of the US Constitution that creates the Executive Branch is Article II.
b. Legislative Branch?
The Article of the US Constitution that creates the Legislative Branch is Article I.
c. Judicial Branch?
The Article of the US Constitution that creates the Judicial Branch is Article III.
2. What Article of the U.S. Constitution describes the procedure for amending the
Article V
3. Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights:
a. Guarantees "freedom of speech"? Amendment I
b. Guarantees that a citizen accused of a crime receives a "speedy and public trial, by an
impartial jury"? Amendment VI
c. States that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"?
Amendment X.
4. List the names of the U.S. Senators for your state, or the state of your choice.
Senator Amy Klobuchar, Class I and Senator Al Franken, Class II are the US Senators for the
state of Minnesota.
5. List the name(s) of the U.S. Representative(s) for your Congressional District in your
state, or the state of your choice.
Keith Ellison is the US Representative for the 5th Congressional District in Minnesota.
6. List the names of the current Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G.
Breyer, John G. Roberts, Jr., Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Sonia M. Sotomayor, Elana Kagan.
7. What is the number of Federal judicial districts for the U.S. District Courts?
94 Federal judicial districts
8. What is the number of regional circuits for the U.S. Court of Appeals?

12 regional circuits for the U.S. Court of Appeals

9. List five Federal executive agencies within the Department of Commerce.
U.S. Census Bureau, Economic Development Administration, Economic and Statistic
Administration, International Trade Administration, and Bureau of Industry and Security
10. Name the current governor of your state, or a state of your choice.
The current governor of the state of Minnesota is Mark Dayton
11. What is the number of justices on the highest court (usually called the supreme court) of your
state, or a state of your choice? (Hint: Review the State Court Structure Charts Web site.)
There is one Chief Justice and 6 Justices on the Supreme Court in Minnesota.
12. How many titles are listed in the U.S. Code?
51 titles
13. What chapter of the Illinois Compiled Statutes contains Illinois' civil procedure statutes?
Chapter 735

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