10bja Medsci - Mckenzie Cheyne

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Medical science

Living world
Term 2 - weeks 1-4

How to use this document:

Record your learning into this document by filling in the slides or adding to the notes section below
each slide. You can add more slides wherever you like!
There are several learning objectives spread throughout this document - by filling in each slide, you
are working towards meeting these objectives
Your notes need to be thorough, easy to understand and in your own words! (not copied and pasted
off the internet)
Every so often you will find a task slide - you must complete this task by the due date posted on
google classroom - you will use the notes you make in your slides to help you complete these tasks!
You will have weekly progress checks done by your teacher to make sure your notes and tasks are
up to date
Your learning can come from anywhere - the internet, scipad, education perfect (I recommend
incorporating information from all three sources into this document) - scipad answers are here if
you would like to use them to check your own answers, or to write better ones than in the book!
You will be working on this document in class time and for homework

Key words list

Youll see the following words a lot throughout the slides here are what they mean
Describe - 1-2 sentences giving the basic run-down about something
Explain - 2-4 sentences giving a quick run-down and then a reason(s) about how or why
Relate - Make the relationship between two or more things obvious - linking ideas together
Compare and contrast - Identifying some similarities (compare) and differences (contrast)
between two or more things
Discuss - give a comprehensive account of something. A very thorough run-down

Major Learning Objective 1: Understand the skeleto-muscular system

Human skeleton




Identify the major bones of Label a diagram of the human

the skeleton



Explain the functions of major

bones in the body

Relate all the

features of the
Name the muscles found in Describe how muscles work
Explain why muscles come in pairs skeleto-muscular
the upper arm
Describe the role of tendons
system to explain
Name places in the body
Describe a condition involving how the human body
Describe the role of cartilage,
where joints are found and
damage to the joints of the body
synovial fluid and ligaments
identify the type of joint
and explain how it is caused

The skeleto-muscular system involves bones, muscles and joints. Each of these is a topic within the skeleto-muscular
system. Complete all the objectives at uni- and multistructural levels, then challenge yourself by aiming for a relational
or extended abstract level of thinking! These correspond to proficient and advanced grades! Fill in this Google Form
now to set your learning goal.

The human skeleton

UNISTRUCTURAL - Identify the major bones of the skeleton

Complete Scipad pages 173 and 174

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
It was about naming body parts and where they go
Main parts are:

The human skeleton

Multistructural - Label a diagram of the human skeleton

Complete Scipad pages 173 and 174

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
This is showing where each the main body part is in a more
detailed way and it shows where each bone is and what bone its
Connected to it also shows what bones look like tough an x-ray
And what they look like when they are broken.

The human skeleton

Relational - Explain the functions of major bones in the body

Complete Scipad page 175

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Skull: protects the brain
Rib cage: Protects the heart and lungs
Backbone : Protects the spinal cord
How does the skeleton give its shape : It gives the support and protection our very
important origins from getting damaged offen.


Unistructural - Name the muscles found in the upper arm

Complete Scipad page 176 and 177

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above




Multistructural - Describe how muscles work

Complete Scipad page 176 and 177

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Both the Bicep and
tricep muscles are
relaxed because not
one of the muscles are

In the picture the bicep

muscle is contracted ( its
pulling )and getting shorter
and the tricep is relaxed
and the forearm is going

The tricep muscle is contracted

(its Pulling ) and getting shorter
while the bicep is relaxed and
the forearm is going downwards


Multistructural - Describe the role of tendons

Complete Scipad page 178 and 179 (you dont need to have done the dissection to describe
how tendons work - read the procedure steps and there is information to help you)
Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The Tendons connect the bone to the muscle. Without the tendon you wouldn't be able to
move because the bone and muscle would be connected they would be to far away from each
other. The tendon is the white thing at the end of your muscles. It look little bit like slim and
it looks soft but when you touch its hard.


Relational - Explain why muscles come in pairs

Complete Scipad page 176

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above

They come in pairs because muscles can only pull in one direction. When one
muscle contracts and get shorter the other muscle pulls to straighten the other
muscle to get it back to the way it was before.


Unistructural - Name places in the body where joints are found and identify the type of joint

Complete Scipad page 180

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The type of joint this is is an
Synovial fluid joint


Multistructural - Describe the role of cartilage, synovial fluid and ligaments

Complete Scipad page 180

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The role of the cartilage is that it reduces the frictions between the bones and acts as a
shock absorber for the moving bones so that they don't smash against each other when
moving around.
The role of the synovial fluid It keeps the cartilage slippery and is produced by the synovial
The role of the Ligaments is that it is the through part that joins bones to other bones the
part that makes a joint . the ligaments give the joint and bone stability .


Relational - Describe a condition involving damage to the joints of the

body and explain how it is caused

Complete Scipad page 181

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilages between the bones wear away, cause the bones
to rub against each other . some reasons it occurs are
1. Fracture and infections that can harm the internal tissues of a joint. Also people who
experience loads of knee injuries such as basketball , football, or rugby players are
much more likely to get it as they use their joints more.
2. Over using your joints can lead to big damage.
3. Under using your joints can be just as bad as over using them. A lack of movement and
exercise can weaken your muscles that are supporting your joints them when you go to
use them they will be weaker and you will lose flexibility
4. Overweight people are highly likely to get this becuase they are putting more
pressure/ weight on their joints.

Skeleton, muscles and joints

Extended abstract - Relate all the features of the skeletomuscular system to explain how the human body moves

Using your notes, make links between the skeleton, muscles and joints to complete the
learning objective above

Task 1

On an A4 piece of paper draw a stick-figure picture of yourself (or a

friend) and do the following:
label all the major bones and explain why we have a skeleton
Label two antagonistic muscle pairs, and explain why lots of muscles
come in pairs
Label two different tendons and explain the role of tendons in the
Label one place where cartilage is found on your face and explain the
role of cartilage in the body
Identify where you would find each type of joint and the explain role
of joints in the body

Completed notes and

this task are due
Monday 9th May
Drop off the
completed task on
your way to Health
(Hauora) - I will have
a box ready to collect
them! You will get
feedback the
following day
Please complete this google
form before you move on to
the next section!

EJs Feedback:
Really well written notes,
particularly how muscles work.
Great use of pictures

Major Learning Objective 2: Understand the circulatory system






Describe the function of


Describe the four main

components of blood

Explain the importance of each

component to the body

Blood Vessels

Identify the three types

of blood vessels

Describe the purpose of each type

of blood vessels

Describe the properties of each type of

blood vessel

Label a diagram of the heart

Explain how blood moves through the


Describe the difference between

oxygenated blood and
deoxygenated blood

Explain why the left ventricle is

thicker than the right ventricle

The Heart

Describe the function of

the heart


Compare and contrast the

three types of blood vessels

The circulatory system involves blood, blood vessels and the heart. Each of these is a topic within the circulatory
system. Complete all the objectives at uni- and multistructural levels, then challenge yourself by aiming for a relational
or extended abstract level of thinking! These correspond to proficient and advanced grades! Fill in this Google Form
now to set your learning goal.


UNISTRUCTURAL - Describe the function of blood

Complete Scipad pages 182

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Function of blood
-It carries oxygen from your lunges to your cells
-It carries carbon dioxide from your cells to your lunges
-It carries hormones from your glands around your body
-It regulates your temperature by moving heat around your body
-It carries nutrients from your digestive system to your cells


MULTISTRUCTURAL - Describe the four main components of blood

Complete Scipad pages 182

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
White Blood Cells White blood cells are responsible for fighting infection and disease.The
number of white blood cells increase when a person is fighting infection or a disease and
decrease when a person is healthy
Platelets Platelets are tiny fragments of cells. They are responsible for making blood clot
when you get a cut . White blood cells and platelets are approximately 1% of your blood.
Plasma this makes up about 54% of your blood. It is a straw coloured liquid. Plasma
transports carbon dioxide to your lunges, nutrients from the small intestine to your cells and
chemical messages to your cells
Red Blood Cells Red blood cell contain a chemical called haemoglobin that carries oxygen
around your body . Red blood cells make up about 45 % of your blood.


RELATIONAL - Explain the importance of each blood component to the body

Complete Scipad pages 182

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Without platelets you would bleed to death as there is nothing stopping the blood the blood
from coming out we wouldn't have anything clotting the blood
Without White blood cell you wouldn't be able to fight off infections easy and you would
have to be at the hospital 24/7. The also keep us healthy
Without Plasma you wouldn't have any carbon dioxide in your lungs and that would make is
very very hard to breath. They also give nutrients to your small intestine.
Without the Red blood cell you wouldn't be living as it carries oxygen all around your body
and if it didn't do this you would have air in your heart or lunges and therefore you would die.

Blood vessels

UNISTRUCTURAL - Identify the three types of blood vessels

Complete Scipad pages 183

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Arteries: Blood traveling in arteries is under high pressure so arteries have thick walls and
thick layers of muscle and elastic fibres. They also have a narrow bore. Arteries take
oxygenated blood any valves . Arteries appear red when viewed through the skin.
Veins blood in veins is under low pressure so veins have thinner walls. Less muscular and
elastic tissue and a large bore. Veins take deoxygenated blood back to the heart Veins
appear blue when they close to the skin because of the reflection tough the skin.
Capillaries In between arteries and veins are the capillaries. They are very small one-cell
thick blood vessels. Because they are so tiny, oxygen nutrients and hormones can flow
through them easy and get into the tissue and waste materials can flow in. Capillaries
contain both oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood

Blood vessels

MULTISTRUCTURAL - Describe the purpose of each type of blood vessels

Complete Scipad pages 183

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Arteries: They carry blood away from the heart and towards other organs and tissue.
Arteries are part of the circulatory system, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to every
cell of the body.
Veins They are responsible for returning de-oxygenated blood back to the heart after
arteries carry blood out.
Capillaries They are only one cell thick, and they are the sites of the transfer of oxygen and
other nutrients from the bloodstream

Blood vessels

RELATIONAL - Describe the properties of each type of blood vessel

Complete Scipad pages 183

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Arteries: Carries blood away from the heart always oxygenated apart from the pulmonary
artery which goes to the lungs.
Have thick muscular walls
Have small passageways
Veins: Carries blood into the heart ( always deoxygenated apart from the pulmonary artery
which goes into the lungs
Have thinn muscular walls
Has a large passageway
Capillaries: Found in the muscular and the lungs
Miscorpic - means one cell is thick - so not very big
Very low blood pressure

The heart

UNISTRUCTURAL - Describe the function of the heart

Complete Scipad pages 184

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The heart is like a pump that pumps blood to the whole body without it we wouldn't have any
blood and that means we would die. The arteries and veins are pipes through the heart the
lunges give a space to exchange the carbon dioxide for oxygen.

The heart

MULTISTRUCTURAL - Label a diagram of the heart

Complete Scipad pages 184

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above

The heart MULTISTRUCTURAL - Describe the difference between oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood
Complete Scipad pages 187
Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The difference between the two bloods is that oxygenated blood is more of a bright red and
then deoxygenated blood is a black-ish red a very very dark red

The heart

RELATIONAL - Explain how blood moves through the heart

Complete Scipad pages 184

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Deoxygenated blood enters the heart via the inferior vena cava ( on the bottom) and
superior vena cava ( on the top). These blood vessels empty into the right atrium. From here
blood flows into the right ventricle before being pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary
artery. The pulmonary artery is the only artery in the body that carries deoxygenated blood.
The pulmonary artery then divides into two soon after leaving the heart in order to deliver
blood to the left and right lungs. When the blood gets to the lungs the blood becomes
oxygenated and returns to the via the pulmonary veins. The pulmonary veins are the veins in
the body to carry oxygenated blood. The pulmonary veins enter into the left atrium . Blood
flows from here into the left ventricle. The left ventricle then contracts and sends
oxygenated blood to the body via the aorta. The two sides of the heart are divided by a wall
called septum.

This is a diagram naming the

things on slide 28

The heart

RELATIONAL - Explain why the left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle

Complete Scipad pages 184

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The muscular walls of the left ventricle are thicker than the walls of the right ventricle.
This is because the right ventricle only need to pump blood to the lungs but the left ventricle
need to pump blood to the whole body. So it need to be bigger to do its job more efficient.

Blood, Blood vessels AND THE HEART

EXTENDED ABSTRACT - Compare and contrast the

three types of blood vessels

Using your notes, make links between the blood components, blood vessels and heart to
complete the learning objective above
They all play a role in getting the blood through the body and one without the other means
that we wouldn't be able to live like we do today. The arteries carry blood from your heart
to the rest of your body they also deliver blood to the smaller yet still important capillaries.
The capillaries transfer blood and other nutrients to the tissue and muscle in our body It
also collects the wasted carbon dioxide from the veins . The veins transfer the blood to the
heart so that the arteries can take it from the heart to other parts of your body. They are
like a big family they couldn't live without each other once one goes down they all do.

Task 2 and 3

On a piece of paper, draw each blood component and write a simile

for each
Fold an A4 piece of paper in half - On one half draw draw a vein, artery, and capillary - annotate
(write around) each to show how they are different and fill each
with oxygenated/deoxygenated blood (where relevant)
- On the other half draw the 4 chambers of the heart and use different
coloured arrows to show the pathway oxygenated/ deoxygenated
blood flows through. Include the lungs and body in your diagram

Completed notes
and these tasks are
due Monday 16th
EJ will collect them
during class

Please complete this

google form before you
move on to the next

EJs Feedback: Relational

You have done a great job
summarising the circulatory system
in your slides! Check out the
comments I have made throughout overall I am really impressed. Keep
up the great work!

Major Learning Objective 3: Understand the respiratory system




Describe the process

of respiration


Describe the purpose

of breathing

The lungs

Label a diagram of
the lungs




Write the word equation for


Explain why respiration is

Name the gas needed for respiration,
and the gas produced by respiration
Name the muscles that help with

Explain what happens

during inhalation and

Explain the relationship

between the respiratory
system and the circulatory

Describe the functions of the parts of Explain how gas exchange

the lungs
occurs in the lungs

The respiratory system involves the process of repsiration, breathing and the lungs. Each of these is a topic within the
respiratory system. Complete all the objectives at uni- and multistructural levels, then challenge yourself by aiming for a
relational or extended abstract level of thinking! These correspond to proficient and advanced grades! Fill in this Google
Form now to set your learning goal.


UNISTRUCTURAL - Describe the process of respiration

Complete Scipad pages 191 and 192

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
AEROBIC RESPIRATION: All living thing need to have a source of chemical energy in
order to survive. A fuel is a substance that can be used as energy. Animals eat food as their
source of energy. Plants use sunlight and the environment as there fuel. Both animals and
plants then release the energy from the food by using the process of respiration.
ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION: When muscles are required to use energy at a rate faster
than oxygen can be delivered by the blood they respire anaerobically (without oxygen )
Humans can only respire is a common phenomena experienced when respiring anaerobically.


MULTISTRUCTURAL - Write the word equation for respiration

Complete Scipad pages 191 and 192

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Aerobic Respiration :
Oxygen + Glucose ---> Carbon dioxide + water + ATP ( energy )
Anaerobic Respiration :
Glucose----> Lactic acid + little ATP ( energy )


MULTISTRUCTURAL - Name the gas needed for respiration,

and the gas produced by respiration

Complete Scipad pages 191 and 192

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The gas you need is oxygen because when oxygen reacts with the glucose to make carbon
dioxide and then water and then it relies energy.
Once the things are done with the oxygen they give off carbon dioxide as a waste product
and that gives us energy.


RELATIONAL - Explain why respiration is important

Complete Scipad page 191

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
They are super important because they provide energy to the main and very important
organisms. With that energy the organisms do all the things they need to, to get the body
running fine and don't lacking anywhere, also most single celled organism such as bacteria
don't need as much energy and able to live from very little energy they are able to live from
things such as glycolysis.


UNISTRUCTURAL - Describe the purpose of breathing

Complete Scipad page 193

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Breathing or ( ventilation ) isn't the same as respiration. Movements of the ribs rib muscles
and diaphragm draw air into the and out of the lungs. When we breath in air we inhale.
When we breath out we exhale. This provides the body with oxygen required for respiration
.It is also very important because the cells in our body need a new supply of oxygen for us to
get going, and without breathing we would die because we wouldn't have the new source of


MULTISTRUCTURAL - Name the muscles that help with breathing

Complete Scipad page 194

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above


RELATIONAL - Explain what happens during inhalation and exhalation

Complete Scipad page 194

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
During Breathing air is taken into the lungs ( inhalation ) and oxygen is absorbed . The
depleted air is expelled. Carbon dioxide and water, produce in the cells during respiration
leave the body during exhalation.
Inhalation: The muscle between the ribs ( intercostal muscles ) lift the ribcage up and out
expanding the chest. At the same time muscle contract to flatten the diaphragm ( a sheet of
muscle ) that makes spaces inside the ribcage bigger and reduces air pressure in the lungs.
Air moves into the lungs because the air pressure outside is higher.
Exhalation: The intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax. This lowers the chest and raises
the diaphragm. The space in the rib cage gets smaller so the air pressure increases. This
forces the air out of the lungs


UNISTRUCTURAL - Label a diagram of the lungs

Complete Scipad page 193

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above


MULTISTRUCTURAL - Describe the functions of the parts of the lungs

Complete Scipad pages 193

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Air Passes between the lungs and outside of the body through the windpipe (called the
trachea ). The trachea divides into two bronchi with one bronchus at each lung. Each
bronchus divides future in the lungs into smaller tubes called bronchioles. At the end of each
bronchiole, there is a group of very tiny air sacks . These air sacs have bulges called alveoli
to increase their surface area and speed up the the absorption of the oxygen.


RELATIONAL - Explain how gas exchange (/diffusion) occurs in the lungs

Complete Scipad page 190

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Gas diffusion is the delivery of the oxygen to the lungs to the bloodstream, and the
elimination of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream to the lungs. It happens in the lungs
between the avoil and tiny cells called capillaries which are in the walls of the avoil.



relationship between the respiratory
system and the circulatory system

Using your notes, make links between the process of respiration, breathing and the lungs to
complete the learning objective above
The circulatory and respiratory system is connected through the lungs. The circulatory
system need oxygen from the lungs to pump blood all around the body respiratory system
gives oxygen to the lungs and it gives oxygen to your bloodstream.
Things they have in common is that they both need oxygen they may do different jobs with
the oxygen.

Task 4 and 5

On an A4 piece of paper draw a labelled diagram of a set of lungs - then

in one lung draw/describe what happens during inhalation
in the other lung draw/describe what happens during exhalation
On an A4 piece of paper write the equation for aerobic respiration
across the middle of the page
For each reactant, state where it comes from and how it got to the cells
For each product, state where it goes or what it is used for

notes and these
tasks are due
Monday 23rd
EJ will collect
them during

Please complete this google form before

you move on to the next section!

EJs Feedback: High multistructural

McKenzie, you always do such a
great job filling in these slides. I am
really enjoying reading through
them! Check out the comments I
have left - there are a couple of
things you need to fix up. When you
have described what diffusion is you will be at relational level! For
now, Ill put you down as being at
multistructural! Keep up the great

Major Learning Objective 4: Understand the reproductive system





Describe the purpose of


Describe the two types of reproduction

Male and female

Fetus formation

Label the male

reproductive system
Label the female
reproductive system
Describe fertilization


Discuss the the process of

reproduction in humans,
referring to specific parts of
the body and their role and the
processes within fertilization

Describe the function of the parts of the

male and female reproductive system
Identify the two types of cells involved in
fertilization and where they come from


Explain how a fetus develops

The reproductive system involves the male and female reproductive systems working together so that fertilization can
occur. Complete all the objectives at uni- and multistructural levels, then challenge yourself by aiming for a relational or
extended abstract level of thinking! These correspond to proficient and advanced grades! Fill in this Google Form now
to set your learning goal.


UNISTRUCTURAL - Describe the purpose of reproduction

Complete Scipad page 196

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
The Purpose of reproduction is so that the life we live will live on forever more. That we
will be able to make more humans that will be better than us now. It's important to keep
reproducing because if we stop the population will die off and the world we live in will then
be non exist .


MULTISTRUCTURAL - Describe the two types of reproduction

Complete Scipad page 196

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Asexual: Asexual reproduction is a process by which organisms create genetically similar or
identical copies of themselves without the contribution of genetic material from another
Sexual : Sexual reproduction is a biological process that creates a new organism by
combining the genetic material of two organisms in a process that starts with meiosis, a
specialized type of cell division. Each of two parent organisms contributes half of the
offspring's genetic makeup by creating haploid gametes. Most organisms from two different
types of gametes.


UNISTRUCTURAL - Label the male

reproductive system

Complete Scipad page 196

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above



function of the parts of the male
reproductive system

Complete Scipad page 196

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above

Bladder - Flexible bag for storing urine

Urethra- A tube inside the penis through which urine and semen passs out of the penis.
Penis - The external sex organ of the male . A hood of skin covers the head
Epididymis-Tubes at the back of the testes that store sperm
Vas Deferens- Tubes that connect the epididymis to the urethra often called the sperm
Testes - Glands in the scrotum that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
Scrotum- A sac that holds the testes
Rectum - Elastic sac that stores solid body waste before being passes as faeces (POOP)
Anus - opening through which faeces passes
Prostate - A gland just below the bladder that produces a fluid that provides the sperm
cells with nutrients


UNISTRUCTURAL - Label the female

reproductive system

Complete Scipad page 197

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above



function of the parts of the female
reproductive system

Complete Scipad page 197

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above

Urethra - Tube through which urine flows after exiting the bladder
Rectum - opening through which faeces passes
Rectum - Elastic sac that stores solid waste before being passes as faeces ( POOP)
Cervix - Junction betweeen the uterus and vagainal tube
Vulva - external opening of the vagina
Vagina - a tube that connects the cervix to the external opening called the vulva
Uterus - Organ in which the body develops if an egg is fertilised
Ovary - One of the two organs either side of the uterus . They contain the eggs.
Fallopian tube : One of two tube that connect an ovary to the uterus
Bladder - Urine is stored here before passing out the urethra

Fetus formation

UNISTRUCTURAL - Describe fertilization

Complete Scipad page 198 and 199

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
human fertilization is the joining of the egg and the sperm, resulting in a fertilized egg the
egg and sperm will unite in the long run. The egg will sit waiting for one sperm out of up to
150 million that begin the race, and it will merge with that sperm to create human life. While
the egg waits, the sperm race and compete to be the first to penetrate the egg. When the
one sperm and egg finally meet, electricity fills the air.

Fetus formation

MULTISTRUCTURAL - Identify the two types of cells involved in

fertilization and where they come from

Complete Scipad pages 198 and 199

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
EGG: The ovaries produce the female egg cells, called the ova or oocytes. The oocytes are
then transported to the fallopian tube where fertilization by a sperm may occur. The
fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where the uterine lining has thickened in response
to the normal hormones of the reproductive cycle.
SPERM : The two testicles (or testes) produce sperm , the epididymis is a light colored
tube where sperm is stored. From here, sperm are transported to the vas deferens. In the
human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes, are involved.

Fetus formation

RELATIONAL - Explain how a fetus develops

Complete Scipad pages 198

Then add notes here that relate to the learning objective above
Once the egg is fertilized, several things happen. The moment the sperm gets through the
outer shell, the egg changes, preventing other sperm from entering. The egg then continues
the journey down the fallopian tubes. You arent technically pregnant yet that doesnt
happen until the egg, now known as a blastocyst, implants in the wall of the uterus. That
might take another three days after the actual fertilization.
But as soon as fertilization happens, things begin to change in your body. The egg and sperm
produce cells that grow at an unbelievable rate. This is the start of what will soon become
your baby. After the blastocyst implants in the lining of the uterus, it starts to grow even



EXTENDED ABSTRACT - Discuss the the process of

reproduction in humans, referring to specific
parts of the body and their role and the processes
within fertilization

Using your notes, make links between the process of reproduction, the male and female
reproductive systems and the process of fertilization to complete the learning objective
During sexual intercourse, the interaction between the male and female reproductive
systems results in fertilization of the woman's egg by the man's sperm. While normal cells
contains 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs, gamete cells only contain 23 chromosomes, and it is
when these two cells merge into one zygote cell that genetic recombination occurs and the
new zygote contains 23 chromosomes from each parent, giving them 23 pairs. After a
gestation period, typically for nine months, at the end of all of this you get a new baby

Task 6

Fold an A4 piece of paper in half

- On one side draw a labelled diagram of the female
reproductive system and
- Highlight where the female gametes are made
- Draw where the gametes travel for fertilization
- One the other side draw a labelled diagram of the male
reproductive system and
- Highlight where the male gametes are made
- Draw where the gametes travel for fertilization

Completed notes and

these tasks are due at
the end of class on
Thursday 26th May
EJ will collect them at
the end of class

Please complete this google

form before you move on to
the next section!

EJs Feedback: Relational

You have some interesting
descriptions - particularly how
electricity fills the air during
fertilization! I am not sure that this
is the case - it is best not to copy
everything you find on the internet.
Try and keep it strictly biological! If
you feel like you understand what is
writen in your slides, I will happily
say I feel you are at relational level!
More depth is needed on the last
slide for you to reach EA level!

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