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Rodriguez: Literature Review 1

Literature Review
Cristina Rodriguez
TED 690 Capstone
Professor Ryan
National University
12 June 2016

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This paper is a literature review on the article, Effective Teachers are Reflective Teachers
written by Andrew P. Johnson, Ph.D. There is a connection between how a teacher reflects on
their teaching and how they are effective, in relation to developing professionally as a teacher.

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Literature Review
As I continue my quest with developing professionally, it is important to have a growth
mindset. This is an idea that I have been trying to instill into students that it is possible to make
growth in anything one sets their mind to accomplish. For a teacher a way to grow and become
an effective teacher is be a reflective teacher. In the article, Effective Teachers are Reflective
Teachers, it explains of four levels of thinking; teaching effectiveness, research, values and
philosophy, and interpersonal and transpersonal connections.
The first level is teaching effectiveness and it is described as being able to examine the
lesson in order identify those things that worked well and those things that could be done
differently (Johnson 2016). It is at this level that teacher break apart the lesson and look for the
weak points in their lessons. Making sure to question one self on what was effective for students
to learn and is there anything I could have done better? Questioning help teachers improve and
learn to not make the same mistakes as before but grow and become aware of their actions.
Awareness of his or her teaching methods is important because there is a reason to why and how
someone is taught in a certain way.
Second level is research, research-based practices or research-based theories. This level
justifies the importance of learning from those who have dedicated their lives to the
improvement of education to all students. The research that someone has written to share with
other educators on how to improve. Reflective teachers pause to examine their teaching
practice to see if what they are doing aligns with what they know about teaching and learning
(Johnson 2016). It is during this pause that teachers ask themselves does it reflect best practice
and can I find research to support what I am doing (Johnson 2016)? There are four different
types of knowledge that teachers need to have knowledge in pedagogical, pedagogical content,

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content, and learners and learning knowledge (Johnson 2016). Finding research to improve in
these area benefits teachers to become effective on how they interact with their class.
Values and philosophy are the third level because this is the level where professional and
professional merge. Reflective teachers pause to consider if what they are doing is in harmony
with their values and their philosophy (Johnson 2016). When working with students a teacher
needs to reflect on the type of teacher they have become and if it is whom they want to continue
to teach their classroom. A question that every teacher needs to ask himself or herself as they
pause and think of their teaching is What do you value and believe relative to teaching,
learning, and education? (Johnson 2016) We, as teachers, need to evaluate our values have
stayed true or veered off our philosophy of teaching.
The last level is interpersonal and transpersonal connections are an obscure level because
not all teachers know how to make the proper connections. At this level, it is where teachers go
beyond the classroom and look for a greater purpose. When building interpersonal connections it
is vital to the teacher to know why they do what they do and how the experience effects them.
As they work with students, parents, and educators, creating a connections that surpass what
happens in the classroom. Working together to ensure that students are able to accomplish their
dreams and live prosperous lives in the future. The teachers that make a difference in someones
life and they are never forgotten.
The effective teacher is not only reflective for how to help their students for tomorrow
but for their lives. When taking into consideration all the levels put together it will help make
the reflective teacher the effective teacher. As the effective teacher learns the best way to
continuously, reflect means to constantly develop professionally.

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Johnson, Andrew P. (2016). Effective Teachers are Reflective Teachers. Retrieved from https://

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