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Alisha Rios


As Jacob walks into school for another miserable day he sees the one
person that has caught his eye since the summer of 2009, Damien Phillips.
He is a five foot, seven-inch boy with a boisterous personality, beautiful dark
brown fringe, and gorgeous blue eyes that Jacob loves so dearly. The only
problem is he doesnt know Jacob exists. No one really knows he exists, apart
from his bully, Levi Stevens, captain of the basketball team and his only
friend; a perky, red-haired girl named Celeste.
Jacob makes his way to his first class, English Literature.
Jacob, I'm over here! Celeste calls out from the back of the room. He
walks over and sits next to her.
How was your walk to school?Celeste asks.
Levi didnt mess with me, Cel. Dont worry, Im fine. Jacob brushes
her off.
I dont understand why you wont let me tell anyone. Jacob, Levi
bullying you because you like guys is not okay. Celeste grumbles.
I can handle myself and I dont want anyone else finding out that Im
gay. It will just create more problems. Jacob sighs.
You better handle this, or I will tell someone Jacob. She points a
finger at him. He nods in response and class starts.
After the class ends, Celeste and Jacob go their separate ways. Jacob
starts towards his chemistry class, in which fortunately, he has with Damien.
As he turns the corner down the science hall, he bumps into someone he
wish he hadnt, Levi.
Hey Gaylord, sorry I missed our morning beat down. I think I can
sneak in a quick punch or several now. Jacob tries to move around him, but
Levi pushes him into the lockers.
Where do you think youre going, huh? Levi growls in his face.

Alisha Rios

Jacob whimpers out in pain as his bully grabs him by the shirt collar
and slams his head against the lockers. Please, let me go, The boy cries
Just then, Damien walks by, scolding himself because he is late to
class. As he turns down the science hall, he hears someone cry out, Please
let me go. He looks up from the floor to see Levi holding a small boy, with
gorgeous, light brown curls, up against the lockers. As he gets closer, he
notices the boy is none other than Jacob Simons. Damien has seen him
around before, but he has never actually talked to him. He has always
thought Jacob was cute, but he seemed to always be in his own world and he
didnt want to insert himself into his life.
Damien quickly rushes to Jacobs side as Levi pulls back his fist to
punch him. He grabs his fist just before he hits Jacob. Levi, let him go and
leave. He says.
Are you seriously standing up for this homo Phillips? He pushes Jacob
into the lockers again and, once again, he whimpers.
Damien gets angry as he sees Jacobs eyes become glossy with tears.
That homo is my friend; dont make me tell you again Stevens. Let him
go. He growls menacingly.
Whatever, hes not worth my time anyways, Levi huffs, drops Jacob,
and walks away.
T-thank you, Jacob says to Damien as he stands up. He looks into
Damiens bright blue eyes and instantly feels better.
No problem, Im Damien, youre Jacob right? he holds out his hand
for Jacob to shake. Jacob nods, shocked that the beautiful boy knows his
name and shakes his hand. As clich as it sounds, they felt sparks when they
Well, were already late for chemistry, want to go grab some
breakfast? Just then, Jacobs stomach growls, his cheeks turn bright pink as
Damien chuckles.

Alisha Rios

Ill take that as a yes, He and Jacob walk out the school towards the
Starbucks next door hand in hand. Jacob cant help but blush at the fact that
Damien runs his thumb across his knuckles.
Once they enter Starbucks, they sit and talk while eating croissants
and drinking hot chocolate. Damien has a wonderful sense of humor. They
argue for a while that Damien could not possibly be five foot, nine-inches, in
the end, Jacob let him win. Suffice to say, it was the most fun Jacob has had
in a long time.
Because they stayed out for so long, they were walking back into
school for the last bell. Before entering the building, Damien asks Jacob on a
date. Of course, Jacob says yes.
Damien and Jacob have been dating for two years now and its fair to
say they are truly in love. In Damiens eyes, Jacob is the most
compassionate, most honest person he has met in a long time. He can trust
him with his life. Right now, Damien is waiting for Jacob at Starbucks. Its a
winter tradition since grade ten for them to get hot chocolate before school.
Jacob is twenty minutes late now, and Damien is getting worried; Jacobs not
answering his calls. His phone rings and he quickly answers thinking that it's
Baby, are you okay? Where are you? His receives crying as his
response. He looks at the caller ID to see that its Celeste.
Celeste? Why are you crying? Is everything okay? He asks slightly
Damien, its Jacob, he was in a car accident, and the doctors said he is
in critical condition. Damien feels all the air in his body knocked out of him.
W-What hospital? He manages to spit out.
St. Marias; hurry please, Jacob needs you. She cries and he rushes
to his car.

Alisha Rios

Damien is at the hospital in record time, I need to see Jacob Simons

now please. Im his boyfriend. He shouts at the nurse behind the desk. She
quickly types in his information.
Hes in room 319, He thanks her and runs down to his room.
Damien! Celeste calls out as she stands in front of his door. As he
gets closer, he sees the typically vibrant, red-haired girl in tears.
How is he? He asks as he goes to open the door, but she stops him.
Hes gone, Damien. Suddenly the world slows down, and his heart
No, no hes not. He cant be. He promised me hed never leave. His
breathing becomes more rapid.
Damien! Damien! He hears Celeste calling out to him, but hes
already gone.
Hes falling, instantaneously, everything goes black for Damien.
When Damien wakes up, he finds himself on a hospital bed. He then
remembers why hes there; Jacob is gone. His love, he was his light and now
his world is pitch black. He will never get a chance to see Jacobs bright,
white smile again. Nor his green orbs that he always managed to lose
himself in; he will never get to run his small hands through his luscious curls,
or hear his beating heart again. Hes gone; Damien sits on the hard hospital
bed and cries until he hears the door open minutes later. He looks up to see
I know youre not okay, no one would be after losing someone so
close to you, but he wrote you a letter before he passed. She sits the paper
on the table beside him, kisses his forehead, then leaves.
Damien sits in the position he is in for an hour after she leaves. After
much debate, he picks up the letter and reads it.
Damien, if youre reading this, then I am an angel now. I love you
Damien, and I know I promised when we took that trip to Wellington that Id
never leave you. Im sorry I broke that promise, but I will always love you
muffin. You have no idea how thankful I am for you. Two years ago, you

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saved me from my bully and stole my heart forever. You are the best thing
thats ever happened to me, and its because I love you that I want you to be
happy. My precious angel, I want you to move on. I know you can, you have
a personality that can brighten up the room and you are so handsome and
so sweet anyone with a brain can see you are perfect. I just ask that you
dont forget me completely; move on and be happy, but remember I loved
you first and always will. Damien Phillips, I have loved you since we were 16,
and I will love you til the end of time. Never forget me my sweet angel; may
we meet again.
Always in my heart,
Jacob xoxo
After reading the letter, Damien sits and cries for a little while longer.
Celeste comes back and takes him home. He doesnt see Jacob until the day
of his funeral, a week later. Jacob told Damien to move on and be happy;
Damien believes he will be someday, but for now he is content spending his
time with Celeste and focusing on college. Damien and Jacob planned to go
to Stockport College together, so thats where he plans to go. Damien knows
hell find love again, but no matter what he will never forget his first love,
Jacob Simons.

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