Allusion To Shakespeare - Anelise Galen

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Allusions to Shakespeare

By Anelise

Where can an allusion to Shakespeare be found?

Within the song The King
Must Die by Elton John it
can be seen how the artist
refers to Shakespeare and
his plays throughout the

How is Shakespeare referenced within this song?

Shakespeare is directly
referenced within this song
when it is stated, No
man's a jester playing
Shakespeare Round your
throne room floor.

When discussing a persons

falling out of power, the
lyrics clearly set the scene
for the songs various
references to Shakespeares
plays and storylines.

What is one play that influenced this song?

Shakespeare's work Julius
Caesar is mentioned within
the song The King Must

The influence of this play can

be seen when it is said in the
lyrics, Caesar's had your
This quote refers to when
Julius Caesar dies.

Whats another play that influenced The King Must Die?

There are particular lyrics
that hint towards the
storyline of Shakespeares
tragedy, King Lear.

Within King Lear, the king is

driven to madness by his own
This allusion becomes evident
when it is stated, And I'm so
afraid your courtiers Cannot be
called best friends.

They both demonstrate the theme

that when in a position of
power, one should not trust
anyone because even the people
closest to you can turn against

What is a third play that the song hints towards?

Shakespeare's Hamlet is
referenced a couple times
throughout The King Must

When it is said that, Widows

had to cry, the songwriter is
referring to Queen Gertrude,
Hamlets mother, after hearing
Hamlets soliloquy during Act 1
Scene 2.
Similarly to King Lear, Hamlet
also faces a certain dilemma
that is reflected in the song
when Claudius ambition and

power grows to put strains on the

family, therefore reemphasizing the
quote, And I'm so afraid your
courtiers Cannot be called best

What is the final play that is referenced in the song?

An allusion from the play
Macbeth can be found in the
lyrics of the song.

Within the words, While

mercenaries in cloisters sing
And the king must die, it
becomes evident how this
relates to when Macbeth is
persuaded into thinking that he
should kill King Duncan by
three witches.

Why were these allusions included within the song?

Elton John most likely made
use of these various
Shakespearean allusions in
order to both enhance the
Renaissance feel that is
prevalent within the song
and because both
Shakespeare's works along
with Elton Johns The King
must Die display similar
themes when it comes to

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