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Project Timeline

Allen Shieh

My final project will most likely incorporate putting together all my research about the proper diagnosis
and surgical treatment of a specific kind of pancreatic cancer and formulating brochure-like handouts to
educate the general public on such processes. Over the summer, I plan to spread this concept to multiple
people by visiting a handful of private clinics and hospitals in an underdeveloped country so that they too
can learn about this information that can be applied to their lives.
Month Goal - continue to immerse myself in as many operations as possible
2/26 - Work on Display Plan in the form of a shot list
2/29 - Turn in final paper with reviewed edits if necessary and two onsite pictures and display plan
2/29 - Mentor Meeting

Meet with Ms. Sasser to discuss summer project plans

Begin to contact multiple clinics and doctors in Indonesia
Month Goal - Narrow down options for final product types
3/5 - Work on journal, electronic portfolio, and product progress #1
3/7 - Turn in above three works and finish at least half of display board visuals and docs
3/11 - Finalize and turn in display board visuals and word docs
3/12 - Notify Mentor for meeting time to discuss grade sheet
3/15-17 - Establish conference date and time with Ms. Sasser early!!
3/14 - Mentor Meeting
3/18 - Meet with Mentor for End of Quarter Grade sheet and signed TWENTY hours and summary
3/21 - Turn in Signed summary journal, grade sheet, and 20 hoursas well as project progress #2
and FINAL visual display

Invite and finalize dates for Ms. Bernadine and Dr. Wolfgang to attend Mentor Appreciation Event
Month Goal - Solidify practice presentations
4/4 - Mentor Meeting and review progress for project with Ms. Sasser
4/7 - Everyone attends the visual display fair
4/8 - Journal and Project Progress #4
4/12-14 - Schedule final conferences with Ms. Sasser early!!!
4/18 - Mentor Meeting
4/22 - Journal and Project Progress #5 and Signed EIGHTEEN hours

Finalize dates with doctors in Indonesia

Month Goal - Solidify practice presentations and Finalize presentation audience
5/6 - Evaluations and Reflection for Final Oral Presentation of Mentors audience choice

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