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Annotated Bibliography Anxiety and Depression Association of America, n.d. Web. 1 June 2016.
This website is credible because it has similar information to larger websites that
illustrate the symptoms and causes of anxiety such as WebMD. It is also an organization
which means its motives are not solely financial, and have likely been reviewed by more
than one individual. Also it is pretty difficult to get facts about some of the most common
mental disorders incorrect considering how available information is. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, n.d. Web. 1 June 2016.
This website is a collection of statistics and behaviors relative to suicidal people. This
website is reliable because it used statistics similar to other websites, and it is an
organization. Typically organizations are reviewed by more than just one individual which
means it was probably fact checked. Also Information about suicide is widely available
so it's not likely they would get it incorrect.
Kahn, April. Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Healthline, 27 Jan 2016. Web.
1 June 2106.
This Website highlighted some of the reasons people commit suicide and it had statistics
about mental disorders causing it. It is credible because the website was medically
reviewed by Timothy Legg who has a PHD in psychiatry. He has may years of education
considering he has a PHD and in the field of psychiatry; which the article was about. His
review makes it most likely accurate.
Peebles, Graham. Materialism and misery, and the need for change 8 June
Web. 1 June 2016.
This article basically explained how materialism causes people to behave, and what it
does to them emotionally. I find it credible because Graham Peebles has run two
educational programs in Palestine, India, and Ethiopia; this means he has seen other
cultures and has juxtaposed them to his own making his understanding of emotions
greater. He also wrote a book titled The Create Trust.
Pettinger, Tejvan. Pros and cons of capitalism 20 Mar 2013. Web.
1 June 2016.
This article explained what capitalism was, and what its downfalls and benefits were.
The information in this article is trusted because of the author Tejvan Pettinger who is an
economics teacher from england. England trusts him to educate people in school so it is to be
assumed that his article must be reliable.

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