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Inisiasi 6/2014

Bahasa Inggris 1

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Wildebeest Migration Kenya: phenomenal wildebeest migration Kenya
By Robert Muhoho
Wildebeest Migration to and back from Serengeti into the Maasai Mara is the single
most popular wildlife spectacle in Kenya. The Wildebeest Migration is such a
phenomenon it involves movement of over 1 million wildebeest. Its awesome to see
the animals Crossing plains and rivers in the Mara wildebeest migration. River
crossings are the most spectacular where the wildebeest jump into rivers full of
crocodiles and surging currents.
The Wildebeest Migration
What gives the wildebeest its worldwide
repute is not its body structure however,
but the sheer numbers and spectacle
created by its migration. The animals
migrate between the Serengeti and Mara
Savannahs in Tanzania and Kenya
respectively, in search of grass and
water. It is estimated that over 1 million
of these animals are on the move during
the annual migration between June and
Wildebeest River Crossing
The most dramatic and memorable safari experience is when you observe the
migrating wildebeest at the several Mara river crossings. Numbers upon numbers of
wildebeest gather at such crossings unsure of their next move. The crossings are such
notorious spots that the gnus have developed a self preservation instinct over time.
Wildebeest will amass in their thousands at banks of river Mara which is rife with the
dreaded Nile crocodile and raging currents. Put in the swift current, eminent
stampedes and jaw snapping crocodiles in this picture and you get a guaranteed recipe
for mass genocide at such river crossings. The Maasai Mara River is usually awash
with bloated mass of wildebeest carcass that crocodiles feast on for days on end.
Over 250,000 of the wildebeest die from drowning, stampede, crocodiles and the
predators every year. But even this annual carnage is not enough to reduce their
numbers. The wildebeest deaths during migration are replenished by the over 400,000
births a year. The deaths during migration are now considered as a natural population
check; natural selection at its best.

Inisiasi 6/2014

Bahasa Inggris 1










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