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Today was the day.

The unfortunate day when I would have to tell my son, Edmund, the
truth. The horrible truth that cost my dear friend his life in order to save his father. I watched my
young son in the floor of our modest home in a small countryside in England. We had arrived
here years prior to him being born, my husband, myself, and our poor little daughter. Edmund
never knew his sister. She died of a sudden illness that overtook her frail body, causing it to die.
Edmund was born only a year after we laid our little girl into the ground. Where her death caused
so much grief, Edmunds life brings me so much joy and laughter. I see so much of him in my
son. My dear Sydney
Mother? Im suddenly snapped away from the memories of my old friend when I hear
my son call to me. Are you alright? You were in a daze.
My son was wise for his young age. Only nine years of age, and such a bright mind. But,
he is still a child, and unknowing in much of the ways of the world. I knew at that time I would
need to teach him about what the outside world was like. Cruel, vicious, and unforgiving to those
who cross the narrow path of right and wrong. It was time.
Edmund, my child, I said, Come to me. I must teach you something. Edmund slowly
got up from his position on the floor and sank down next to me in the cozy armchair we had in
our home. Edmund, I want you to think very hard for me. Have you ever had someone in your
life that you loved so much that you would anything for them?
Of course, mother, my boy replied, I have you and father.
Anyone else? Any of your friends, perhaps?
Well, maybe Thomas. He is my good friend.
Alright then. Now, I want you to think about Thomas. Picture him in danger. What
would you do to save him?
I would do anything to save Thomas.
Would you give your life to save his.
I do not know if I would do that.
Well, my darling, that is what an old friend did for your father. He sacrificed himself to
save your father from the executioners block. Sometimes, my darling, friends will do things that
we believe are bad, but they are actually to help us. Sometimes they keep secrets from us, or lie
to us, but they believe it is only the best for us.
Mother, who was that man?
That man, my darling son, was Sydney Carton.

In Paris, in the year of seventeen hundred ninety-two, my husband, Charles Darnay, was
wrongfully imprisoned in Paris, France. Charles was related to the Evermonde, the aristocracy,
but denounced his title in fear of his life, fearing the peasants and his familys demise. In earlier
years, he had become acquainted with a man by the name of Sydney Carton. The similarities in
their appearance was shocking. My dear Charles and Sydney had become good friends over the

years they had known each other, and also dedicated to me. He was so dedicated to us that he
risked everything to save him from a shallow grave. Charless death date was set, so Sydney
organized a plan. He discussed with my trustful advisor, Mr. Lorry, about what the details of his
plan. Lorry has since died from his old age, but he continues to live in the hearts of Charles and
I. Sydney went to a chemist shop and bought some chemicals. These chemicals would play a big
role in his scheme. The next morning, he was able to see Charles. He demanded that they switch
clothes with one another. Charles, though confused, changed clothes with Sydney. Sydney than
gave Charles the medicine he had bought the previous night. The medicine caused Charles to
become unconscious, and he was carried out into a carriage that myself, Mr. Lorry, and my father
were in. Sydney was taken away, and killed by the blade of the guillotine, but he did it to safe my
husband, his good friend. Sydney died that day, but he saved the life of one of the people that
mattered most to him.

Sydney Carton saved father?

Yes, I replied to my son, He did. He paid for your fathers freedom with his life.
But why? Edmund asked.
Because Sydney loved your father and I very much. Sometimes people do things for the
ones they love that they would never do for a random stranger. Love is the most powerful thing
in the world, next to hate. There cannot be one without the other, which is why people love and
hate each other.
Mother, I love you, and would do anything to save you from harm, my son said with a
bold face.
I know, Edmund. I replied, And so would I.
Mother, can I go outside and play now?
Oh well, children are young and full of energy.
Of course, Edmund. Just be careful.
Edmund got up out of the chair and ran out the door. I went to the window that gave me a
view of him playing, running in the field outside our home.
Thank you, Sydney, I said to the empty house, For allowing me to have this. Your debt
will not go unpaid, my love. We shall meet again soon

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