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rye Technical Pap Communications Center Writing a Project Proposal Aprojes proposal isa detailed plan for investigating a design o process alternative Purpose: to persuade the roader to authorize the propased project ence: the person with the authority to approve what you're proposing ‘Tone: confident and sales-orented because you must sel You idea and yourself Proposal Format Aproposal may take one of the following forms “+ an informal memo or letter + Asembformal report, including cover page and appendices. + Aformal report with an accompanying letter of transmit ‘To make your proposal easy to rea, use visual cues such as headings, subheadings and numbered or bllete lists, Fr long or more formal reports, be sure to inelude a table of Contents and atte page that ves the te andalso deals the authors, eciplent, andthe date the proposal was submited, Parts of the Proposal Executive Summary ‘Tae executive summary appears Rest but Is written ast ater the entire report hasbeen writen, ‘This summary should be self-contained and include an overview of avery pat o the proposal andall key points. Theexecative summary is written with the busy decision-maker in mind, Introduction Begin the introduction as ifthe executive summary were not there, Fist, state the purpose 0 thatieis lear that you are proposing something Next. define the need for investigation by telling what problem, situation, or unsatisfactory condition you would ke to Improve or study. ‘Then establish the significance of the investigation by telling your reader what benef willbe Aerived from conducting the investigation. Last, Briel preview the contents of he proposal Project Description ‘The projet description should answer these questions {What da youppropose to do? ‘AWhat equipment willbe required to ‘complete the investigation? ‘2,What are the technical spectatlons for 7 7 the proposed investigation? What specific tasks willbe performed?” ‘ow will current research be used? 6.What isthe timeline fortis project?

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