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THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL TEMPLATE Proposal for Market Research for ‘Corn Marketing Program of Michigan from Kirk Heinze ‘Murari Suvedi ANRECS Center for Evaluative Studies ‘Michigan State University ‘This proposal i a respons: to the April 26,2000 “Request for Proposal for Corn Marketing Program ‘of Michigan” sent to Kirk Heinze/Murar Suved by Beth Ann Stacve. Introduction ‘The Corn Marketing Program of Michigan (CMPM) is requesting proposals for market research in ‘order to seta baseline of current aetvtes an aie strategic planning sessions dat wil ake place in December 2000, The CMPM isthe state checkoff program that funds education, promotion, research, ‘market development and indusry communications. “This proposal sto conduct a survey of Michigan Corn Growers Assocation members as well as rowers who are not members, There are nearly 16,000 corn growers in Michigan, Of the nearly 16,000 com growers in Michigan, less than 500 are association members, ‘The purpose of this surey i to solicit the perceptions and opinions of Michigan corn growers reganling thir educational and informational nds. Specifically this survey wil + Asses the reasons people choose to become member of Michigan Com Growers Assocation (Te hip side, of course, isto assess why others have not joined the association.) + Determine the hest methods) of communicating association news and checkotT-telated project {information othe Famer aucienee + Determine members and non-members perceptions ofthe most important issues facing the indus. + Asses growers clings about the checkof and how impacts het Fam, Propesed Approach (Our methodology to develop survey instrument will combine literate review anda focus group interview process, Survey questions will he designed after a careful review of related Hiteratur. In sxdition, focus group interview willbe conducted. The purpose ofthe focus group would be to gather sad explore porceptions, thoughts opinions and felings about the CMPM. Wich the help of CMPM Staff, we will invite selected member of the present and past Michigan Com Growers Association and ‘elated industry personnel patcipate in the focus group. "These paticipant are involved in and knowledgeable about CMPM, and will represent a halance of farmers, researchers, extensinists, and indastry representatives. The purpose ofthe focus group will be to scck dhe group's input ino the CCMPM programs and activites. The findings ofthe lterture review and the inputs rom the focus sToup interview will be synthesized to develop the survey questionaire

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