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HLPE1540 Grant Banfield

Samantha OMalley


Reflective Journal #1

Health has always been a topic that I have found fascinating and I chose this subject
because I want to broaden my understanding of health sociology. I want to explore
further into health issues and would like my understandings and knowledge of health
to expand and develop. The book Second Opinion by John Germov (2014) has not
only demonstrated and outlined certain concepts I have never thought about but it
has surprised me in how interesting I have found each chapter. Previously I have
struggled to read chapters of text books as I find the topics boring but this book has
impressed me with its ideas.
The concepts we have discussed during the first four workshops have taken me by
surprise in how interesting I have found each idea that has been brought up. After
reading three chapters I have noticed how much my outlook of health issues has
changed. My thoughts and personal opinions on health related topics have always
been minimal, due to how limited my knowledge was on certain concepts. I now
realise how useful class discussion and exchanging of ideas is when reflecting on
health. After the first workshop I felt over whelmed as to what other peers knowledge
was on health but as the weeks have progressed I have gained confidence when
talking in class and understanding health language and theories.
At first I felt quite under educated on what was spoken about in the book but after
talking in groups and having Grant explain certain ideas I felt more comfortable on
what was being analysed. The most helpful tool I have discovered so far is the
sociological imagination template. As Germov states by using the four parts of the
sociological imagination template, you begin to do sociological analysis. (2014, p.8)
Having applied this type of sociological thinking in my life, I now realise what each
factors role is and where it is applied. I now look at my own issues and I have
noticed myself looking back to the template and thinking of the four factors that
contribute to analysing a topic in a sociological way. By doing this it is broadening
and developing my knowledge of sociology.
A main concept that I found interesting was when we elaborated on chapter 3 and
discussed wellness and well-being. When looking at the different concepts I
struggled to determine the differences between them. Germov mentions that
meanings of well-being and wellness cover a wide range of understandings (2014,
p.41) therefore when first establishing their two meanings I found it hard to define
what each of them covered. When I used to think of wellness and well-being I
thought of someone being sick or unhealthy but now after analysing the aspects of
both, it has been made clear to me. I have learnt that concepts of well-being and
wellness combine biological, psychological, social economic and cultural factors.
At this point in time my views and ideas on health have already developed majorly by
listening to each peers different thoughts and reading the book in depth. I am excited
to see what else this topic has to offer me throughout the next few weeks and find
out what other sociological ideas I can learn about.
Word count: 537

HLPE1540 Grant Banfield

Samantha OMalley


Reference List:
Germov J, 2014, Second Opinion: An introduction to health sociology, Melbourne,
Oxford University Press

Word count: 537

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