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LN 2 NM 2016
MN: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi phn trc nghim: 60 pht; phn vit: 30 pht

H, tn th sinh: ................................................................
S bo danh: .................................. Phng thi: ................

M 134

SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (64 questions x 0.125 = 8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. opponent

B. horizon

C. synchronized

D. canoeing

Question 2: A. rhinoceros

B. correspondence

C. significant

D. phenomena

Question 3: A. curriculum

B. peninsula

C. professional

D. auditorium

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. crisis

B. oases

C. goose

D. horse

Question 5: A. capable

B. ancient

C. angle

D. danger

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: He suddenly saw Sue ___________ the room. He pushed his way ___________ the crowd of
people to get to her.
A. acrossthrough
B. overthrough
C. acrossacross
D. overalong
Question 7: Sportsmen __________ their political differences on the sports field.
A. take place
B. keep apart
C. take part
D. put aside
Question 8: __________, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air
C. Hot although the night air was

B. Hot though the night air was

D. Hot the night air as was

Question 9: Im _________ you liked the film. I thought it was rather __________.
A. surprise / disappoint
B. surprised / disappointed
C. surprising / disappointed
D. surprised / disappointing
Question 10: This picture book, the few pages ____________ are missing, is my favorite.
A. for which
B. of which
C. of that
D. to which
Question 11: Ive never had the slightest disagreement ___________ him ___________ anything.
A. with / about
B. with / in
C. on / about
D. on / at
Question 12: ___________ with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn't want to answer his phone call.
A. Because of she quarreled
B. Had quarreled
C. Because having quarreled
D. Having quarreled
Question 13: Have I told you about ____________ the government is dealing?
A. the problem with that
B. the problem with which
C. the problem
D. the problem that
Question 14: Dinosaurs
A. are / to die

_ believed
B. were / to die

_ out millions of years ago.

C. are / to have died
D. were / to have died
Trang 1/6 - M thi 134

Question 15: The city ___________ at one time prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.
A. should have been
B. was
C. may have been
D. must have been
Question 16: The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my___________.
A. legs
B. bones
C. skin
D. body
Question 17: Theres a list of repairs as long as
A. a mile
B. a pole

C. your arm

D. your arms

Question 18: ___________ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful her business was
B. So successful was her business
C. Her business was successful
D. So was her successful business
Question 19: ___________ back to her hometown, Julia found everything new and attractive.
A. On arriving
B. On arrival
C. When arrived
D. As she arrives
Question 20: Peter: Is it important? Thomas: ______________.
A. Its a matter of life-and-death!
B. No worry, thats nothing.
C. Its ridiculous.
D. Not on your life!
Question 21: The suspect confessed ___________.
A. the police his crime
B. his crime
C. his crime the police
D. his crime to the police
Question 22: __________ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except
B. But for
C. Apart from

D. As for

Question 23: More than a mile of roadway has been blocked with trees, stones and other debris, _______
the explosion.
A. causing
B. caused by
C. which caused by
D. which caused
Question 24: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an _________ container for his father, a
__________ watch for his mother and a doll with __________ for his little sister.
A. tight air; proof water; white snow
B. air-tighted; water-proofed; snow-whited
C. tight aired; proof watered; white snowed
D. air-tight; water-proof; snow-white
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: Ponce de Leon searched in vain for a means of rejuvenating the aged
A. making young again
B. making merry again
C. making wealthy again
D. making weary again
Question 26: Mr. Young, general manager of the emergency response division of AMSA, said that the
debris was spotted along a busy shipping route and could be containers that had fallen off cargo vessels.
A. seen
B. collected
C. shot
D. analised
Question 27: Every time he opens his mouth, he immediately regrets what he said. He is always putting
his foot in his mouth.
A. speaking indirectly
B. making a mistake
C. saying embarrassing things
D. doing things in the wrong order
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 28: In remote communities, its important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. empty
B. remake
C. repeat
D. refill
Question 29: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
Trang 2/6 - M thi 134

A. was paid much money

C. had a bad personality

B. paid in full
D. failed to pay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 30: Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before
the class.
Question 31: Animals and man use the energy finding in food to operate their body and muscles.

Question 32: A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic
part of the education of every child.
Question 33: She was anxious about the interview because she failed three interviews before.
Question 34: Not until much later did she realize that her long-known partner had been lying her.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 44.
Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk the
earth. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Argentina and North America in Patagonia,
a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America. Besides the interesting fact that the
dinosaur was huge and horrifying, it is even more astounding that the bones of a number of the dinosaurs
were found together. This discovery challenges the prior theory that the biggest meat-eaters lived as
loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived
in North America and was believed to hunt and live alone.
The newly discovered meat-eater appears to be related to the Giganotosaurus family, being as closely
related to it as a fox would be to a dog. It is actually not of the same family at all as the Tyrannosaurus
Rex, being as different from it as a cat is from a dog.
The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago. With needle-shaped
noses and razor sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although their legs were
slightly shorter, and their jaws were designed to be better able to dissect their prey quickly and precisely.
Question 35: The author states that the newly discovered dinosaur remains are evidence that it was the
largest __________.
A. carnivorous dinosaur
B. dinosaur ever
C. South American dinosaur
D. herbivorous dinosaur
Question 36: The word Besides in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. in spite of
B. mostly
C. in addition to
D. although.
Question 37: The word horrifying in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. frightening
B. fast
C. large
D. interesting
Question 38: The word astounding in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. pleasing
B. displeasing
C. surprising
D. terrifying
Question 39: The author implies that the most interesting fact about the find is that this dinosaur _____.
A. was found in the Andes
B. had a powerful jaw and sharp teeth
C. was larger than Tyrannosaurus Rex
D. lived and hunted with others
Trang 3/6 - M thi 134

Question 40: The passage indicates that prior to this discovery scientists believed that ___________.
A. there were no meat-eating dinosaurs in the Andes
B. meat-eating dinosaurs lived alone
C. Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in the Andes
D. meat-eating dinosaurs were small in stature
Question 41: The word it in the second paragraph refers to ___________.
A. Relationship
B. dog
C. newly discovered meat-eater
D. Giganotosaurus
Question 42: The author states that the newly discovered meat-eating dinosaur is ___________.
A. closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
B. not closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
C. not closely related to Giganotosaurus
D. closely related to the large cat family
Question 43: The word dissect in the last sentence is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. dismember
B. chew
C. escape
D. swallow
Question 44: The word prey in the last sentence of the passage is closest in meaning to _________.
A. enemy
B. victim
C. dinosaurs
D. attacker
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginnings of agriculture. Marring our gardens is one
of the milder effects of weeds - any plants that thrive where they are unwanted. They clog waterways,
destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming. Their spread eliminates grazing areas and accounts for
one-third of all crop loss. They compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants.
The global need for weed control had been answered mainly by the chemical industry. Its herbicides
are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems, particularly if misused. Toxic
compounds threaten animal and public health when they accumulate in food plants, groundwater, and
drinking water. They also harm workers who apply them.
In recent years, the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more ecologically
sound. Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world's weed problems. Hence, scientists are exploring
the innate weed-killing powers of living organisms, primarily insects and microorganisms.
The biological agents now in use are environmentally benign and are harmless to humans. They can be
chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops and other plants untouched. In contrast,
some of the most effective chemicals kill virtually all the plants they come in contact with, sparing only
those that are naturally resistant or have been genetically modified for resistance. Furthermore, a number
of biological agents can be administered only once, after which no added applications are needed.
Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season.
Question 45: With what topic does this passage primarily deal?
A. The importance of the chemical industry.
B. The dangers of toxic chemicals.
C. A proposal to ban the use of all herbicides.
D. Advantages of biological agents over chemical ones.
Question 46: The word marring in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. spoiling
B. planting
C. dividing
D. replacing
Question 47: The word clog in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. grow along
B. drain
C. float on
D. obstruct
Question 48: Which of the following terms does the author define in the first paragraph?
A. weeds
B. nutrients
C. wildlife habitats
D. grazing area
Trang 4/6 - M thi 134

Question 49: Which of the following statements about the use of chemical agents as herbicides would
the author most likely agree?
A. It is occasionally required.
B. It is safe but inefficient.
C. It should be increased.
D. It has become more dangerous recently.
Question 50: Which of the following is NOT given as an advantage of using biological agents over
chemical herbicides?
A. They are safer for workers.
B. They are less likely to destroy desirable plants.
C. They are more easily available.
D. They do not have to be used as often.
Question 51: The word innate in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. effective
B. organic
C. natural
D. active
Question 52: According to the passage, biological agents mainly consist of ____________.
A. herbicides
B. useful plants
C. insects and microorganisms
D. weeds
Question 53: The word 'applications in bold could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. requests
B. special purposes
C. qualifications
D. treatments
Question 54: Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. A general idea is introduced and several specific examples are given.
B. Two possible causes of a phenomenon are compared.
C. A problem is described and possible solutions are discussed.
D. A recommendation is analyzed and rejected.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of the blanks
One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of
International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called the death
of distance, brought about by the (55)
, allow professional services such as (56) ____
education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (57)
areas. Some of the gains can
be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (58)
government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (59)
___market. But already
a huge and expanding (60)
__ divide is opening up between developed and developing nations.
The major tasks facing world leaders at present is to (61)
__ everybody on the planet with clean
water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing a (62) ______
in every classroom and liking us to (63)
must be a lesser (64)
___, for the time being
at least.
Question 55: A. telephone

B. computer

C. internet

D. modern

Question 56: A. software

B. equipment

C. stationary

D. hardware

Question 57: A. secluded

B. far

C. remote

D. uninhabited

Question 58: A. recorded

B. online

C. broadcast

D. programmed

Question 59: A. shrinking

B. technical

C. village

D. global

Question 60: A. economical

B. electrical

C. physical

D. digital

Question 61: A. give

B. administer

C. donate

D. supply

Question 62: A. mobile phone

B. plug

C. modem

D. video

Question 63: A. the real world

B. outer space

C. virtual reality

D. cyberspace

Question 64: A. priority

B. importance

C. criteria

D. advantage
Trang 5/6 - M thi 134

SECTION B: WRITING (2 points): Part I: 5 questions x 0.1 = 0.5 points; Part II: 1.5 points
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks as if _____________________________________________________________________
2. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery.
He ____________________________________________________________________________
3. I wont answer any questions, said the arrested man.
The arrested man ________________________________________________________________
4. Even though some events were cancelled, thousands of people attended the festival.
Despite _________________________________________________________________________
5. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove ______________________________________________________________________
II. In a composition of about 200 words, write about the harmful as well as the beneficial effects of
advertising. Write your composition on your answer sheet.
----------- The end ---------Trang 6/6 - M thi 134



LN 2 NM 2016
MN: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi phn trc nghim: 60 pht; phn vit: 30 pht

H, tn th sinh: ................................................................
S bo danh: .................. Phng thi: ................

M 210

SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (64 questions x 0.125 = 8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. correspondence B. phenomena

C. rhinoceros

D. significant

Question 2: A. canoeing

B. opponent

C. horizon

D. synchronized

Question 3: A. curriculum

B. professional

C. auditorium

D. peninsula

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. oases

B. goose

C. horse

D. crisis

Question 5: A. capable

B. angle

C. danger

D. ancient

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Im __________ you liked the film. I thought it was rather ___________.
A. surprising / disappointed
B. surprised / disappointed
C. surprise / disappoint
D. surprised / disappointing
Question 7: __________ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except
B. As for
C. Apart from
Question 8: Dinosaurs
A. were / to have died

B. are / to die

D. But for

out millions of years ago.

C. are / to have died
D. were / to die

Question 9: The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my __________.

A. legs
B. bones
C. skin
D. body
Question 10: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an _________ container for his father, a
__________ watch for his mother and a doll with __________ for his little sister.
A. tight air; proof water; white snow
B. tight aired; proof watered; white snowed
C. air-tighted; water-proofed; snow-whited
D. air-tight; water-proof; snow-white
Question 11: _________ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful her business was
B. Her business was successful
C. So was her successful business
D. So successful was her business
Question 12: Have I told you about ___________ the government is dealing?
A. the problem with that
B. the problem with which
C. the problem
D. the problem that
Question 13: __________ with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn't want to answer his phone call.
A. Had quarreled
B. Because of she quarreled
C. Having quarreled
D. Because having quarreled
Trang 1/6 - M thi 210

Question 14: Sportsmen __________ their political differences on the sports field.
A. take place
B. take part
C. keep apart
D. put aside
Question 15: Theres a list of repairs as long as
A. a mile
B. a pole

C. your arm

D. your arms

Question 16: Ive never had the slightest disagreement ___________ him __________ anything.
A. with / in
B. on / at
C. with / about
D. on / about
Question 17: He suddenly saw Sue ___________ the room. He pushed his way ___________ the crowd
of people to get to her.
A. acrossthrough
B. overalong
C. overthrough
D. acrossacross
Question 18: ____________ back to her hometown, Julia found everything new and attractive.
A. On arriving
B. On arrival
C. When arrived
D. As she arrives
Question 19: Peter: Is it important? Thomas: ______________.
A. Its a matter of life-and-death!
B. No worry, thats nothing.
C. Its ridiculous.
D. Not on your life!
Question 20: The suspect confessed _____________.
A. the police his crime
B. his crime
C. his crime the police
D. his crime to the police
Question 21: More than a mile of roadway has been blocked with trees, stones and other debris, _______
___ the explosion.
A. causing
B. caused by
C. which caused by
D. which caused
Question 22: This picture book, the few pages __________ are missing, is my favorite.
A. of that
B. to which
C. for which
D. of which
Question 23: The city ____________ at one time prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.
A. should have been
B. may have been
C. must have been
D. was
Question 24: ____________, they slept soundly.
A. Hot the night air as was
C. Hot though the night air was

B. Hot though was the night air

D. Hot although the night air was

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: Mr. Young, general manager of the emergency response division of AMSA, said that the
debris was spotted along a busy shipping route and could be containers that had fallen off cargo vessels.
A. seen
B. collected
C. shot
D. analised
Question 26: Every time he opens his mouth, he immediately regrets what he said. He is always putting
his foot in his mouth.
A. making a mistake
B. saying embarrassing things
C. doing things in the wrong order
D. speaking indirectly
Question 27: Ponce de Leon searched in vain for a means of rejuvenating the aged
A. making young again
B. making wealthy again
C. making weary again
D. making merry again
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 28: In remote communities, its important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. empty
B. repeat
C. refill
D. remake
Question 29: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
Trang 2/6 - M thi 210

A. had a bad personality

C. paid in full

B. was paid much money

D. failed to pay

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 30: Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before
the class.
Question 31: Not until much later did she realize that her long-known partner had been lying her.
Question 32: Animals and man use the energy finding in food to operate their body and muscles.
Question 33: A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic
part of the education of every child.
Question 34: She was anxious about the interview because she failed three interviews before.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 44.
Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk the
earth. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Argentina and North America in Patagonia,
a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America. Besides the interesting fact that the
dinosaur was huge and horrifying, it is even more astounding that the bones of a number of the dinosaurs
were found together. This discovery challenges the prior theory that the biggest meat-eaters lived as
loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived
in North America and was believed to hunt and live alone.
The newly discovered meat-eater appears to be related to the Giganotosaurus family, being as closely
related to it as a fox would be to a dog. It is actually not of the same family at all as the Tyrannosaurus
Rex, being as different from it as a cat is from a dog.
The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago. With needle-shaped
noses and razor sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although their legs were
slightly shorter, and their jaws were designed to be better able to dissect their prey quickly and precisely.
Question 35: The author states that the newly discovered dinosaur remains are evidence that it was the
largest ___________.
A. dinosaur ever
B. carnivorous dinosaur
C. herbivorous dinosaur
D. South American dinosaur
Question 36: The word Besides in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. in addition to
B. in spite of
C. although.
D. mostly
Question 37: The word horrifying in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. fast
B. large
C. interesting
D. frightening
Question 38: The word astounding in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. surprising
B. pleasing
C. displeasing
D. terrifying
Question 39: The author implies that the most interesting fact about the find is that this dinosaur
A. had a powerful jaw and sharp teeth
B. was larger than Tyrannosaurus Rex
Trang 3/6 - M thi 210

C. lived and hunted with others

D. was found in the Andes

Question 40: The passage indicates that prior to this discovery scientists believed that ____________.
A. there were no meat-eating dinosaurs in the Andes
B. meat-eating dinosaurs lived alone
C. meat-eating dinosaurs were small in stature
D. Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in the Andes
Question 41: The word it in the second paragraph refers to ____________.
A. newly discovered meat-eater
B. Relationship
C. dog
D. Giganotosaurus
Question 42: The author states that the newly discovered meat-eating dinosaur is ____________.
A. not closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
B. closely related to the large cat family
C. not closely related to Giganotosaurus
D. closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Question 43: The word dissect in the last sentence is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. escape
B. chew
C. swallow
D. dismember
Question 44: The word prey in the last sentence of the passage is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. victim
B. attacker
C. enemy
D. dinosaurs
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginnings of agriculture. Marring our gardens is one
of the milder effects of weeds - any plants that thrive where they are unwanted. They clog waterways,
destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming. Their spread eliminates grazing areas and accounts for
one-third of all crop loss. They compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants.
The global need for weed control had been answered mainly by the chemical industry. Its herbicides
are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems, particularly if misused. Toxic
compounds threaten animal and public health when they accumulate in food plants, groundwater, and
drinking water. They also harm workers who apply them.
In recent years, the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more ecologically
sound. Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world's weed problems. Hence, scientists are exploring
the innate weed-killing powers of living organisms, primarily insects and microorganisms.
The biological agents now in use are environmentally benign and are harmless to humans. They can be
chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops and other plants untouched. In contrast,
some of the most effective chemicals kill virtually all the plants they come in contact with, sparing only
those that are naturally resistant or have been genetically modified for resistance. Furthermore, a number
of biological agents can be administered only once, after which no added applications are needed.
Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season.
Question 45: With what topic does this passage primarily deal?
A. The importance of the chemical industry.
B. The dangers of toxic chemicals.
C. Advantages of biological agents over chemical ones.
D. A proposal to ban the use of all herbicides.
Question 46: The word marring in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. replacing
B. dividing
C. spoiling
D. planting
Question 47: The word clog in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. grow along
B. drain
C. float on
D. obstruct
Question 48: Which of the following terms does the author define in the first paragraph?
Trang 4/6 - M thi 210

A. weeds

B. nutrients

C. wildlife habitats

D. grazing area

Question 49: Which of the following statements about the use of chemical agents as herbicides would
the author most likely agree?
A. It is occasionally required.
B. It is safe but inefficient.
C. It has become more dangerous recently.
D. It should be increased.
Question 50: Which of the following is NOT given as an advantage of using biological agents over
chemical herbicides?
A. They are more easily available.
B. They are less likely to destroy desirable plants.
C. They do not have to be used as often.
D. They are safer for workers.
Question 51: The word innate in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. active
B. natural
C. organic
D. effective
Question 52: According to the passage, biological agents mainly consist of ____________.
A. herbicides
B. weeds
C. insects and microorganisms
D. useful plants
Question 53: The word 'applications in bold could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. requests
B. qualifications
C. special purposes
D. treatments
Question 54: Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. A problem is described and possible solutions are discussed.
B. A recommendation is analyzed and rejected.
C. Two possible causes of a phenomenon are compared.
D. A general idea is introduced and several specific examples are given.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of
International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called the death
of distance, brought about by the (55)
, allow professional services such as (56)
education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (57)
___areas. Some of the gains
can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (58)
government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (59) _________market. But already
a huge and expanding (60)
___divide is opening up between developed and developing nations.
The major tasks facing world leaders at present is to (61)
___ everybody on the planet with
clean water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing a (62)
_________ in every classroom and liking us to (63)
_____ must be a lesser (64) _________, for
the time being at least.
Question 55: A. telephone

B. modern

C. internet

D. computer

Question 56: A. equipment

B. software

C. stationary

D. hardware

Question 57: A. remote

B. secluded

C. uninhabited

D. far

Question 58: A. recorded

B. programmed

C. broadcast

D. online

Question 59: A. village

B. global

C. technical

D. shrinking

Question 60: A. physical

B. electrical

C. economical

D. digital

Question 61: A. administer

B. supply

C. donate

D. give

Question 62: A. video

B. modem

C. plug

D. mobile phone

Question 63: A. virtual reality

B. cyberspace

C. outer space

D. the real world

Question 64: A. criteria

B. priority

C. advantage

D. importance
Trang 5/6 - M thi 210

SECTION B: WRITING (2 points): Part I: 5 questions x 0.1 = 0.5 points; Part II: 1.5 points
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks as if _____________________________________________________________________
2. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery.
He ____________________________________________________________________________
3. I wont answer any questions, said the arrested man.
The arrested man ________________________________________________________________
4. Even though some events were cancelled, thousands of people attended the festival.
Despite _________________________________________________________________________
5. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove ______________________________________________________________________
II. In a composition of about 200 words, write about the harmful as well as the beneficial effects of
advertising. Write your composition on your answer sheet.
----------- The end ---------Trang 6/6 - M thi 210



LN 2 NM 2016
MN: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi phn trc nghim: 60 pht; phn vit: 30 pht

H, tn th sinh: ................................................................
S bo danh: .................................. Phng thi: ................

M 356

SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (64 questions x 0.125 = 8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. horizon

B. opponent

C. synchronized

D. canoeing

Question 2: A. significant

B. phenomena

C. correspondence

D. rhinoceros

Question 3: A. curriculum

B. auditorium

C. professional

D. peninsula

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. capable

B. angle

C. danger

D. ancient

Question 5: A. goose

B. crisis

C. oases

D. horse

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Theres a list of repairs as long as
A. your arm
B. a pole

C. a mile

D. your arms

Question 7: ___________ back to her hometown, Julia found everything new and attractive.
A. On arriving
B. On arrival
C. When arrived
D. As she arrives
Question 8: Dinosaurs
A. are / to have died

B. were / to die

out millions of years ago.

C. were / to have died D. are / to die

Question 9: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an ____________ container for his father, a
__________ watch for his mother and a doll with __________ for his little sister.
A. tight air; proof water; white snow
B. tight aired; proof watered; white snowed
C. air-tighted; water-proofed; snow-whited
D. air-tight; water-proof; snow-white
Question 10: ___________ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful her business was
B. Her business was successful
C. So was her successful business
D. So successful was her business
Question 11: Have I told you about the government is dealing?
A. the problem with that
B. the problem with which
C. the problem
D. the problem that
Question 12: ___________ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except
B. Apart from
C. As for

D. But for

Question 13: Sportsmen __________ their political differences on the sports field.
A. take place
B. take part
C. keep apart
D. put aside
Question 14: Peter: Is it important? Thomas: _______________.
A. Its a matter of life-and-death!
B. Not on your life!
Trang 1/6 - M thi 356

C. Its ridiculous.

D. No worry, thats nothing.

Question 15: Ive never had the slightest disagreement ___________ him ___________ anything.
A. with / in
B. on / at
C. with / about
D. on / about
Question 16: ___________, they slept soundly.
A. Hot although the night air was
C. Hot the night air as was

B. Hot though the night air was

D. Hot though was the night air

Question 17: Im ___________ you liked the film. I thought it was rather _____________.
A. surprise / disappoint
B. surprised / disappointed
C. surprising / disappointed
D. surprised / disappointing
Question 18: This picture book, the few pages __________ are missing, is my favorite.
A. of that
B. of which
C. to which
D. for which
Question 19: The suspect confessed ___________.
A. his crime
B. the police his crime
C. his crime to the police
D. his crime the police
Question 20: The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my ___________.
A. skin
B. body
C. bones
D. legs
Question 21: __________ with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn't want to answer his phone call.
A. Because of she quarreled
B. Because having quarreled
C. Having quarreled
D. Had quarreled
Question 22: The city ____________ at one time prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.
A. should have been
B. may have been
C. must have been
D. was
Question 23: More than a mile of roadway has been blocked with trees, stones and other debris, _______
the explosion.
A. causing
B. caused by
C. which caused by
D. which caused
Question 24: He suddenly saw Sue __________ the room. He pushed his way __________ the crowd of
people to get to her.
A. acrossthrough
B. overalong
C. overthrough
D. acrossacross
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: Ponce de Leon searched in vain for a means of rejuvenating the aged
A. making wealthy again
B. making young again
C. making weary again
D. making merry again
Question 26: Mr. Young, general manager of the emergency response division of AMSA, said that the
debris was spotted along a busy shipping route and could be containers that had fallen off cargo vessels.
A. collected
B. seen
C. analised
D. shot
Question 27: Every time he opens his mouth, he immediately regrets what he said. He is always putting
his foot in his mouth.
A. speaking indirectly
B. doing things in the wrong order
C. saying embarrassing things
D. making a mistake
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 28: In remote communities, its important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. empty
B. remake
C. repeat
D. refill
Question 29: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
Trang 2/6 - M thi 356

A. failed to pay
C. paid in full

B. had a bad personality

D. was paid much money

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 30: Animals and man use the energy finding in food to operate their body and muscles.
Question 31: Not until much later did she realize that her long-known partner had been lying her.
Question 32: A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic
part of the education of every child.
Question 33: She was anxious about the interview because she failed three interviews before.
Question 34: Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before
the class.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 44.
Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk the
earth. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Argentina and North America in Patagonia,
a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America. Besides the interesting fact that the
dinosaur was huge and horrifying, it is even more astounding that the bones of a number of the dinosaurs
were found together. This discovery challenges the prior theory that the biggest meat-eaters lived as
loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived
in North America and was believed to hunt and live alone.
The newly discovered meat-eater appears to be related to the Giganotosaurus family, being as closely
related to it as a fox would be to a dog. It is actually not of the same family at all as the Tyrannosaurus
Rex, being as different from it as a cat is from a dog.
The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago. With needle-shaped
noses and razor sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although their legs were
slightly shorter, and their jaws were designed to be better able to dissect their prey quickly and precisely.
Question 35: The author states that the newly discovered dinosaur remains are evidence that it was the
largest __________.
A. carnivorous dinosaur
B. South American dinosaur
C. herbivorous dinosaur
D. dinosaur ever
Question 36: The word Besides in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. in addition to
B. although
C. in spite of
D. mostly
Question 37: The word horrifying in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. interesting
B. fast
C. frightening
D. large
Question 38: The word astounding in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. pleasing
B. surprising
C. displeasing
D. terrifying
Question 39: The author implies that the most interesting fact about the find is that this dinosaur
A. was found in the Andes

B. lived and hunted with others

Trang 3/6 - M thi 356

C. had a powerful jaw and sharp teeth

D. was larger than Tyrannosaurus Rex

Question 40: The passage indicates that prior to this discovery scientists believed that ___________.
A. Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in the Andes
B. meat-eating dinosaurs were small in stature
C. meat-eating dinosaurs lived alone
D. there were no meat-eating dinosaurs in the Andes
Question 41: The word it in the second paragraph refers to ___________.
A. Giganotosaurus
B. Relationship
C. dog
D. newly discovered meat-eater
Question 42: The author states that the newly discovered meat-eating dinosaur is ____________.
A. not closely related to Giganotosaurus
B. not closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
C. closely related to the large cat family
D. closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Question 43: The word dissect in the last sentence is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. dismember
B. swallow
C. escape
D. chew
Question 44: The word prey in the last sentence of the passage is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. attacker
B. enemy
C. dinosaurs
D. victim
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginnings of agriculture. Marring our gardens is one of
the milder effects of weeds - any plants that thrive where they are unwanted. They clog waterways,
destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming. Their spread eliminates grazing areas and accounts for
one-third of all crop loss. They compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants.
The global need for weed control had been answered mainly by the chemical industry. Its herbicides
are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems, particularly if misused. Toxic
compounds threaten animal and public health when they accumulate in food plants, groundwater, and
drinking water. They also harm workers who apply them.
In recent years, the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more ecologically
sound. Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world's weed problems. Hence, scientists are exploring
the innate weed-killing powers of living organisms, primarily insects and microorganisms.
The biological agents now in use are environmentally benign and are harmless to humans. They can be
chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops and other plants untouched. In contrast,
some of the most effective chemicals kill virtually all the plants they come in contact with, sparing only
those that are naturally resistant or have been genetically modified for resistance. Furthermore, a number
of biological agents can be administered only once, after which no added applications are needed.
Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season.
Question 45: With what topic does this passage primarily deal?
A. The dangers of toxic chemicals.
B. Advantages of biological agents over chemical ones.
C. The importance of the chemical industry.
D. A proposal to ban the use of all herbicides.
Question 46: The word marring in bold is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. spoiling
B. dividing
C. replacing
D. planting
Question 47: The word clog in bold is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. drain
B. float on
C. grow along
D. obstruct
Question 48: Which of the following terms does the author define in the first paragraph?
Trang 4/6 - M thi 356

A. grazing area

B. nutrients

C. wildlife habitats

D. weeds

Question 49: Which of the following statements about the use of chemical agents as herbicides would
the author most likely agree?
A. It is occasionally required.
B. It is safe but inefficient.
C. It has become more dangerous recently.
D. It should be increased.
Question 50: Which of the following is NOT given as an advantage of using biological agents over
chemical herbicides?
A. They are less likely to destroy desirable plants. B. They are safer for workers.
C. They are more easily available.
D. They do not have to be used as often.
Question 51: The word innate in bold is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. active
B. effective
C. organic
D. natural
Question 52: According to the passage, biological agents mainly consist of
A. useful plants
B. insects and microorganisms
C. herbicides
D. weeds
Question 53: The word 'applications in bold could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. requests
B. special purposes
C. qualifications
D. treatments
Question 54: Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. Two possible causes of a phenomenon are compared.
B. A problem is described and possible solutions are discussed.
C. A recommendation is analyzed and rejected.
D. A general idea is introduced and several specific examples are given.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of
International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called the death
of distance, brought about by the (55)
, allow professional services such as (56)
education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (57)
___ areas. Some of the
gains can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (58)
government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (59)
______ market.
But already a huge and expanding (60)
_______divide is opening up between developed and
developing nations. The major tasks facing world leaders at present is to (61)
__everybody on
the planet with clean water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing
a (62) in every classroom and liking us to (63)
__ must be a lesser (64)
, for the
time being at least.
Question 55: A. computer

B. modern

C. telephone

D. internet

Question 56: A. software

B. equipment

C. stationary

D. hardware

Question 57: A. secluded

B. far

C. uninhabited

D. remote

Question 58: A. recorded

B. broadcast

C. online

D. programmed

Question 59: A. shrinking

B. global

C. technical

D. village

Question 60: A. physical

B. digital

C. electrical

D. economical

Question 61: A. supply

B. give

C. donate

D. administer

Question 62: A. mobile phone

B. plug

C. video

D. modem

Question 63: A. outer space

B. virtual reality

C. the real world

D. cyberspace

Question 64: A. priority

B. advantage

C. criteria

D. importance
Trang 5/6 - M thi 356

SECTION B: WRITING (2 points): Part I: 5 questions x 0.1 = 0.5 points; Part II: 1.5 points
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks as if _____________________________________________________________________
2. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery.
He ____________________________________________________________________________
3. I wont answer any questions, said the arrested man.
The arrested man ________________________________________________________________
4. Even though some events were cancelled, thousands of people attended the festival.
Despite _________________________________________________________________________
5. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove ______________________________________________________________________
II. In a composition of about 200 words, write about the harmful as well as the beneficial effects of
advertising. Write your composition on your answer sheet.

----------- The end ---------Trang 6/6 - M thi 356



LN 2 NM 2016
MN: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi phn trc nghim: 60 pht; phn vit: 30 pht

H, tn th sinh: ....................................................................................
S bo danh: ................................. Phng thi: ................

M 438

SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (64 questions x 0.125 = 8 points

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. phenomena

B. correspondence

C. rhinoceros

D. significant

Question 2: A. opponent

B. canoeing

C. horizon

D. synchronized

Question 3: A. auditorium

B. professional

C. peninsula

D. curriculum

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. angle

B. capable

C. ancient

D. danger

Question 5: A. goose

B. horse

C. oases

D. crisis

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Have I told you about the government is dealing?
A. the problem with that
B. the problem with which
C. the problem
D. the problem that
Question 7: _________ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. Her business was successful
B. So successful was her business
C. So successful her business was
D. So was her successful business
Question 8: __________, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air
C. Hot though the night air was

B. Hot the night air as was

D. Hot although the night air was

Question 9: Dinosaurs
A. are / to die

out millions of years ago.

C. were / to have died D. are / to have died

B. were / to die

Question 10: Peter: Is it important? Thomas: _________________.

A. Its ridiculous.
B. No worry, thats nothing.
C. Not on your life!
D. Its a matter of life-and-death!
Question 11: The city _________ at one time prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.
A. should have been
B. was
C. must have been
D. may have been
Question 12: _________ back to her hometown, Julia found everything new and attractive.
A. On arrival
B. When arrived
C. On arriving
D. As she arrives
Question 13: _________ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Apart from
B. As for
C. Except

D. But for

Question 14: The suspect confessed ___________.

A. the police his crime
B. his crime
C. his crime the police
D. his crime to the police
Trang 1/6 - M thi 483

Question 15: The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my __________.

A. bones
B. body
C. skin
D. legs
Question 16: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an _________ container for his father , a
__________ watch for his mother and a doll with __________ for his little sister.
A. air-tighted; water-proofed; snow-whited
B. air-tight; water-proof; snow-white
C. tight aired; proof watered; white snowed
D. tight air; proof water; white snow
Question 17: Im _________ you liked the film. I thought it was rather __________.
A. surprise / disappoint
B. surprised / disappointing
C. surprising / disappointed
D. surprised / disappointed
Question 18: This picture book, the few pages ___________ are missing, is my favorite.
A. of that
B. for which
C. to which
D. of which
Question 19: Theres a list of repairs as long as
A. your arm
B. a mile

C. your arms

D. a pole

Question 20: ______ with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn't want to answer his phone call.
A. Because of she quarreled
B. Because having quarreled
C. Having quarreled
D. Had quarreled
Question 21: Sportsmen __________ their political differences on the sports field.
A. keep apart
B. put aside
C. take place
D. take part
Question 22: More than a mile of roadway has been blocked with trees, stones and other debris, _______
the explosion.
A. caused by
B. causing
C. which caused by
D. which caused
Question 23: Ive never had the slightest disagreement ___________ him __________ anything.
A. with / in
B. on / at
C. with / about
D. on / about
Question 24: He suddenly saw Sue ___________ the room. He pushed his way __________ the crowd of
people to get to her.
A. overalong
B. acrossacross
C. overthrough
D. acrossthrough
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: Every time he opens his mouth, he immediately regrets what he said. He is always putting
his foot in his mouth.
A. making a mistake
B. speaking indirectly
C. doing things in the wrong order
D. saying embarrassing things
Question 26: Ponce de Leon searched in vain for a means of rejuvenating the aged
A. making weary again
B. making wealthy again
C. making merry again
D. making young again
Question 27: Mr. Young, general manager of the emergency response division of AMSA, said that the
debris was spotted along a busy shipping route and could be containers that had fallen off cargo vessels.
A. collected
B. seen
C. shot
D. analised
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 28: Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court.
A. failed to pay
B. had a bad personality
C. paid in full
D. was paid much money
Question 29: In remote communities, its important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
A. empty
B. refill
C. remake
D. repeat
Trang 2/6 - M thi 483

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 30: Not until much later did she realize that her long-known partner had been lying her.
Question 31: She was anxious about the interview because she failed three interviews before.
Question 32: Animals and man use the energy finding in food to operate their body and muscles.
Question 33: A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic
part of the education of every child.
Question 34: Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before
the class.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 44.
Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk the
earth. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Argentina and North America in Patagonia,
a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America. Besides the interesting fact that the
dinosaur was huge and horrifying, it is even more astounding that the bones of a number of the dinosaurs
were found together. This discovery challenges the prior theory that the biggest meat-eaters lived as
loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived
in North America and was believed to hunt and live alone.
The newly discovered meat-eater appears to be related to the Giganotosaurus family, being as closely
related to it as a fox would be to a dog. It is actually not of the same family at all as the Tyrannosaurus
Rex, being as different from it as a cat is from a dog.
The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago. With needle-shaped
noses and razor sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, although their legs were
slightly shorter, and their jaws were designed to be better able to dissect their prey quickly and precisely.
Question 35: The author states that the newly discovered dinosaur remains are evidence that it was the
largest __________.
A. dinosaur ever
B. herbivorous dinosaur
C. carnivorous dinosaur
D. South American dinosaur
Question 36: The word Besides in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. in spite of
B. mostly
C. although.
D. in addition to
Question 37: The word horrifying in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. interesting
B. frightening
C. large
D. fast
Question 38: The word astounding in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. pleasing
B. displeasing
C. terrifying
D. surprising
Question 39: The author implies that the most interesting fact about the find is that this dinosaur
A. was found in the Andes
C. was larger than Tyrannosaurus Rex

B. had a powerful jaw and sharp teeth

D. lived and hunted with others

Question 40: The passage indicates that prior to this discovery scientists believed that ___________.
A. meat-eating dinosaurs were small in stature
Trang 3/6 - M thi 483

B. there were no meat-eating dinosaurs in the Andes

C. Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in the Andes
D. meat-eating dinosaurs lived alone
Question 41: The word it in the second paragraph refers to ___________.
A. Giganotosaurus
B. dog
C. newly discovered meat-eater
D. Relationship
Question 42: The author states that the newly discovered meat-eating dinosaur is ___________.
A. not closely related to Giganotosaurus
B. not closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
C. closely related to the large cat family
D. closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Question 43: The word dissect in the last sentence is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. escape
B. swallow
C. dismember
D. chew
Question 44: The word prey in the last sentence of the passage is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. attacker
B. dinosaurs
C. enemy
D. victim
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginnings of agriculture. Marring our gardens is one
of the milder effects of weeds - any plants that thrive where they are unwanted. They clog waterways,
destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming. Their spread eliminates grazing areas and accounts for
one-third of all crop loss. They compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants.
The global need for weed control had been answered mainly by the chemical industry. Its herbicides
are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems, particularly if misused. Toxic
compounds threaten animal and public health when they accumulate in food plants, groundwater, and
drinking water. They also harm workers who apply them.
In recent years, the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more ecologically
sound. Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world's weed problems. Hence, scientists are exploring
the innate weed-killing powers of living organisms, primarily insects and microorganisms.
The biological agents now in use are environmentally benign and are harmless to humans. They can be
chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops and other plants untouched. In contrast,
some of the most effective chemicals kill virtually all the plants they come in contact with, sparing only
those that are naturally resistant or have been genetically modified for resistance. Furthermore, a number
of biological agents can be administered only once, after which no added applications are needed.
Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season.
Question 45: With what topic does this passage primarily deal?
A. Advantages of biological agents over chemical ones.
B. A proposal to ban the use of all herbicides.
C. The importance of the chemical industry.
D. The dangers of toxic chemicals.
Question 46: The word marring in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. dividing
B. spoiling
C. planting
D. replacing
Question 47: The word clog in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. obstruct
B. grow along
C. drain
D. float on
Question 48: Which of the following terms does the author define in the first paragraph?
A. weeds
B. wildlife habitats
C. grazing area
D. nutrients
Question 49: Which of the following statements about the use of chemical agents as herbicides would the
author most likely agree?
Trang 4/6 - M thi 483

A. It should be increased.
C. It has become more dangerous recently.

B. It is occasionally required.
D. It is safe but inefficient.

Question 50: Which of the following is NOT given as an advantage of using biological agents over
chemical herbicides?
A. They are more easily available.
B. They are safer for workers.
C. They do not have to be used as often.
D. They are less likely to destroy desirable plants.
Question 51: The word innate in bold is closest in meaning to __________.
A. active
B. effective
C. natural
D. organic
Question 52: According to the passage, biological agents mainly consist of ___________.
A. insects and microorganisms
B. weeds
C. herbicides
D. useful plants
Question 53: The word applications in bold could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. requests
B. treatments
C. qualifications
D. special purposes
Question 54: Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. A recommendation is analyzed and rejected.
B. Two possible causes of a phenomenon are compared.
C. A problem is described and possible solutions are discussed.
D. A general idea is introduced and several specific examples are given.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of
International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called the death
of distance, brought about by the (55)
_____, allow professional services such as (56) __________
education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (57)
areas. Some of the gains can
be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (58)
government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (59) ________ market. But already
a huge and expanding (60)
divide is opening up between developed and developing nations.
The major tasks facing world leaders at present is to (61)
everybody on the planet with clean
water, basic education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing a (62) __________ in
every classroom and liking us to (63)
___ must be a lesser (64)
______, for the time being at
Question 55: A. internet

B. telephone

C. computer

D. modern

Question 56: A. hardware

B. equipment

C. software

D. stationary

Question 57: A. uninhabited

B. secluded

C. remote

D. far

Question 58: A. online

B. broadcast

C. recorded

D. programmed

Question 59: A. global

B. technical

C. village

D. shrinking

Question 60: A. electrical

B. digital

C. economical

D. physical

Question 61: A. supply

B. give

C. administer

D. donate

Question 62: A. video

B. modem

C. plug

D. mobile phone

Question 63: A. virtual reality

B. outer space

C. cyberspace

D. the real world

Question 64: A. criteria

B. importance

C. advantage

D. priority
Trang 5/6 - M thi 483

SECTION B: WRITING (2 points): Part I: 5 questions x 0.1 = 0.5 points; Part II: 1.5 points
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks as if _____________________________________________________________________
2. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery.
He ____________________________________________________________________________
3. I wont answer any questions, said the arrested man.
The arrested man ________________________________________________________________
4. Even though some events were cancelled, thousands of people attended the festival.
Despite _________________________________________________________________________
5. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove ______________________________________________________________________
II. In a composition of about 200 words, write about the harmful as well as the beneficial effects of
advertising. Write your composition on your answer sheet.
----------- The end ----------

Trang 6/6 - M thi 483



LN 2 - NM 2016

SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (64 questions x 0.125 = 8 points)

Cu hi

M thi




Cu hi

M thi




SECTION B: WRITING (2 points): Part I: 5 questions x 0.1 = 0.5 points; Part II: 1.5
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks as if the milkman were running away from your fierce dog.
2. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery.
He is said to have won a lot of money on the lottery.
3. I wont answer any questions, said the arrested man.

The arrested man refused to answer any questions.

4. Even though some events were cancelled, thousands of people attended the festival.
Despite the cancellation of some events, thousands of people attended the festival.
5. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove me to distraction with your silly questions

II. In a composition of about 200 words, write about the harmful as well as the beneficial
effects of advertising. Write your composition on your answer sheet.

M t tiu ch nh gi

im ti a

B cc
Cu dn ch mch lc


B cc hp l r rang ph hp yu cu ca bi
B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun

Pht trin
Pht trin c trnh t logic


C dn chng, v d bo v kin ca mnh


S dng ngn t


S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung

S dng ngn t ng vn phng th loi
S dung t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn

Ni dung
thuyt phc ngi c


dn chng, v d lp lun
di: S t khng nhiu hn hoc t hn so vi quy nh 5%

Ng php, du cu v chnh t
S dng ng du cu


Chnh t: vit ng chnh t

Li chnh t gy hiu nhm/sai lch s b tnh mt li ( tr 1% im bi vit)
S dng ng thi, th, cu trc cu ng ng php (li ng php gy hiu
nhm/sai lch s b tr 1% im bi vit)


The end

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 132

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. earned
B. looked
C. moved
D. preferred
Cu 2:
A. fame
B. baby
C. many
D. plane
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 3:
A. document
B. comedian
C. perspective
D. location
Cu 4:
A. separately
B. solicitor
C. spacious
D. sequence
Cu 5:
A. different
B. difficult
C. corporate
D. engineer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study
B. needn't be studying
C. needn't have studied
D. needn't have been studied
Cu 7: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. doing
B. did
C. to do
D. do
Cu 8: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. the coldest and coldest
C. more and more cold
D. colder and colder
Cu 9: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. That the woman was
B. The woman was
C. What the woman was
D. What was the woman
Cu 10: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. deep-seated
B. significant
C. dependent
D. intellectual
Cu 11: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. don't
B. shall
C. won't
D. will
Cu 12: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. has John gone out
B. John has gone out
C. had John gone out
D. have John gone out
Cu 13: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how cold it was
B. how was it cold
C. how cold was it D. how it was cold
Cu 14: He would still be alive today if he_________ that drug when he was in Spain.
A. weren't taking
B. hadn't taken
C. wouldn't take
D. didn't take
Cu 15: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. travelling
B. has travelled
C. to travel
D. travelled
Cu 16: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civilize
B. civilization
C. civility
D. civil

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 17: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Disaster
B. Famine
C. Poverty
D. Flood.
Cu 18: In _______ 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. / the
B. the /
C. a / the
D. the / the
Cu 19: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke in
B. broke into
C. broke down
D. broke away
Cu 20: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. damage
B. disruption
C. devastation
D. disturbance
Cu 21: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Ok, your time
B. Sure, go ahead, please
C. Yes, youre welcome
D. Not now. Thanks anyway
Cu 22: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.
Milan: _______
A. At your service.
B. What can I do for you?
C. Whats the matter?
D. Just a minute, please.
Cu 23: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. inform
B. information
C. informative
D. informatively
Cu 24: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. had been studying
B. were studying
C. have been studying
D. are studying
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. treated
B. dedicated
C. helped
D. started
Cu 26: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. out of order
B. out of work
C. run out of
D. torn down
Cu 27: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. contagious
B. powerful
C. abundant
D. impure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. like to
B. Much
C. painted with
D. their
Cu 29: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. between
B. the
C. me
D. one
Cu 30: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. into
B. written
C. by my sister
D. was translating
Cu 31: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. extremely harmful B. Producing foods
C. Some bacteria
D. regular used
Cu 32: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. ways
B. are
C. mine
D. best good
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. optimist
B. feminist
C. hobbyist
D. activist

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 34: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. put forward
B. look up
C. slow down

D. turn down

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. more
B. as
C. than
D. more than
Cu 36: A. often called
B. was often called C. is often called
D. has often called
Cu 37: A. elaborate
B. elaboration
C. elaborately
D. elaborateness
Cu 38: A. predictions
B. situations
C. evaluations
D. attentions
Cu 39: A. in
B. for
C. on
D. from
Cu 40: A. ago
B. before
C. then
D. soon
Cu 41: A. participants
B. contests
C. examiners
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. If only
B. As though
C. As
D. Although
Cu 43: A. ancient
B. old
C. traditional
D. antique
Cu 44: A. grip
B. catch
C. hold
D. keep
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these activities
proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant returns home
after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on the ground and
depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as
the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by other
ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one
and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in
the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. The information contained in pheromones
B. The mass migration of ants
C. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
D. Different species of ants around the world
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. look up
B. search for food
C. walk toward
D. revolve around
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________.
A. incorrectly
B. rapidly
C. periodically
D. roughly
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________.
A. dead ant
B. message
C. species
D. food trail
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To protect their trail from other species.
B. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals.
C. To attract different types of ants.
D. To indicate how far away the food is.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
B. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
C. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
D. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
B. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
C. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
D. They concentrate on the smell of food.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________.
A. include
B. cover
C. select
D. provide
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________.
A. falling
B. starting
C. swinging
D. depositing
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________.
A. in the receptors of the ants
B. under the soil along the trail Questions
C. in the source of food
D. just above the trail
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity, business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on
Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as
those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to
be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
B. Types of graduate degrees
C. Jobs on Wall Street
D. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________.
A. 20 years
B. 100 years
C. 10 years
D. 50 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________.
A. Nurturing
B. success
C. Education
D. surplus
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Princeton
B. Stanford and Princeton
C. Stanford
D. Harvard
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. reluctance of
B. movement toward
C. extraction from
D. drawback to
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. pursuing
B. seizing
C. avoiding
D. examining
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A shopping district
B. A major financial centre
C. A neighborhood in New York
D. A centre for international affairs
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Low salary and foreign competition
B. Declining population and economic prosperity
C. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
D. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
B. Two decades of hard times for business schools
C. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
D. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ________.
A. plunging
B. starting
C. striving
D. evolving
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

I met Janes father

Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.


----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 209

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. earned
B. moved
C. preferred
D. looked
Cu 2:
A. fame
B. plane
C. baby
D. many
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 3:
A. solicitor
B. spacious
C. sequence
D. separately
Cu 4:
A. document
B. perspective
C. comedian
D. location
Cu 5:
A. corporate
B. difficult
C. different
D. engineer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. more and more cold
B. the coldest and coldest
C. colder and colder
D. cold and cold
Cu 7: In _______ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. / the
B. the / the
C. a / the
D. the /
Cu 8: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. intellectual
B. deep-seated
C. dependent
D. significant
Cu 9: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. had been studying
B. were studying
C. have been studying
D. are studying
Cu 10: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. weren't taking
B. wouldn't take
C. hadn't taken
D. didn't take
Cu 11: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Disaster
B. Famine
C. Poverty
D. Flood.
Cu 12: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how cold it was
B. how was it cold
C. how cold was it D. how it was cold
Cu 13: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. had John gone out
B. has John gone out
C. have John gone out D. John has gone out
Cu 14: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.
Milan: _______
A. What can I do for you?
B. Whats the matter?
C. Just a minute, please.
D. At your service.
Cu 15: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civilize
B. civilization
C. civility
D. civil
Cu 16: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. devastation
B. disturbance
C. disruption
D. damage
Cu 17: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. inform
B. information
C. informative
D. informatively

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 18: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke in
B. broke into
C. broke down
D. broke away
Cu 19: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. The woman was
C. That the woman was
D. What the woman was
Cu 20: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Ok, your time
B. Sure, go ahead, please
C. Yes, youre welcome
D. Not now. Thanks anyway
Cu 21: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. shall
B. won't
C. don't
D. will
Cu 22: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. to do
B. do
C. doing
D. did
Cu 23: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. travelling
B. has travelled
C. to travel
D. travelled
Cu 24: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study
B. needn't have been studied
C. needn't be studying
D. needn't have studied
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. out of work
B. out of order
C. torn down
D. run out of
Cu 26: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. helped
B. treated
C. dedicated
D. started
Cu 27: A. impure
B. contagious
C. abundant
D. powerful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. one
B. me
C. the
D. between
Cu 29: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. their
B. like to
C. painted with
D. Much
Cu 30: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. ways
B. are
C. best good
D. mine
Cu 31: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. written
B. into
C. by my sister
D. was translating
Cu 32: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. regular used
B. Producing foods
C. Some bacteria
D. extremely harmful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. activist
B. hobbyist
C. optimist
D. feminist
Cu 34: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. slow down
B. look up
C. put forward
D. turn down

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. as
B. than
C. more than
D. more
Cu 36: A. has often called
B. was often called C. often called
D. is often called
Cu 37: A. elaborateness
B. elaboration
C. elaborate
D. elaborately
Cu 38: A. situations
B. predictions
C. evaluations
D. attentions
Cu 39: A. for
B. on
C. in
D. from
Cu 40: A. then
B. soon
C. ago
D. before
Cu 41: A. contests
B. examiners
C. participants
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. As though
B. As
C. If only
D. Although
Cu 43: A. old
B. traditional
C. ancient
D. antique
Cu 44: A. hold
B. keep
C. catch
D. grip
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these
activities proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant
returns home after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on
the ground and depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse
messages as the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed
by other ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.
The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in
the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
B. Different species of ants around the world
C. The information contained in pheromones
D. The mass migration of ants
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. search for food
B. revolve around
C. look up
D. walk toward
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________.
A. periodically
B. rapidly
C. roughly
D. incorrectly
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________.
A. species
B. food trail
C. message
D. dead ant
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To attract different types of ants.
B. To protect their trail from other species.
C. To indicate how far away the food is.
D. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
B. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
C. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
D. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They concentrate on the smell of food.
B. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
C. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
D. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________.
A. provide
B. select
C. cover
D. include
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________.
A. falling
B. swinging
C. depositing
D. starting
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________.
A. just above the trail
B. in the receptors of the ants
C. in the source of food
D. under the soil along the trail Questions
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity, business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on
Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to
be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
B. Jobs on Wall Street
C. Types of graduate degrees
D. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________.
A. 10 years
B. 100 years
C. 50 years
D. 20 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________.
A. Nurturing
B. Education
C. success
D. surplus
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Stanford
B. Stanford and Princeton
C. Harvard
D. Princeton
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. movement toward
B. extraction from
C. reluctance of
D. drawback to
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. pursuing
B. examining
C. seizing
D. avoiding
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A shopping district
B. A major financial centre
C. A centre for international affairs
D. A neighborhood in New York
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
B. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
C. Declining population and economic prosperity
D. Low salary and foreign competition
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. Two decades of hard times for business schools
B. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
C. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
D. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to _________.
A. starting
B. striving
C. plunging
D. evolving
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 357

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. difficult
B. corporate
C. engineer
D. different
Cu 2:
A. location
B. document
C. comedian
D. perspective
Cu 3:
A. solicitor
B. sequence
C. spacious
D. separately
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 4:
A. preferred
B. earned
C. moved
D. looked
Cu 5:
A. fame
B. many
C. baby
D. plane
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Ok, your time
B. Not now. Thanks anyway
C. Sure, go ahead, please
D. Yes, youre welcome
Cu 7: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. intellectual
B. deep-seated
C. dependent
D. significant
Cu 8: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how cold it was
B. how was it cold
C. how cold was it D. how it was cold
Cu 9: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. The woman was
C. That the woman was
D. What the woman was
Cu 10: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. won't
B. shall
C. don't
D. will
Cu 11: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. have been studying
B. are studying
C. had been studying
D. were studying
Cu 12: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Famine
B. Disaster
C. Flood.
D. Poverty
Cu 13: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. hadn't taken
B. weren't taking
C. didn't take
D. wouldn't take
Cu 14: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke in
B. broke into
C. broke down
D. broke away
Cu 15: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18 and 19 .
Milan: _______
A. What can I do for you?
B. At your service.
C. Whats the matter?
D. Just a minute, please.
Cu 16: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. disruption
B. damage
C. devastation
D. disturbance

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 17: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.

A. John has gone out
B. have John gone out C. has John gone out
D. had John gone out
Cu 18: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. travelling
B. has travelled
C. to travel
D. travelled
Cu 19: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study
B. needn't have studied
C. needn't be studying
D. needn't have been studied
Cu 20: In _______ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. the /
B. a / the
C. / the
D. the / the
Cu 21: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. to do
B. do
C. doing
D. did
Cu 22: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civilize
B. civilization
C. civil
D. civility
Cu 23: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. colder and colder
C. the coldest and coldest
D. more and more cold
Cu 24: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. information
B. inform
C. informatively
D. informative
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. run out of
B. out of order
C. out of work
D. torn down
Cu 26: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. started
B. dedicated
C. helped
D. treated
Cu 27: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. impure
B. abundant
C. contagious
D. powerful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. regular used
B. Producing foods
C. Some bacteria
D. extremely harmful
Cu 29: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. like to
B. painted with
C. Much
D. their
Cu 30: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. written
B. into
C. by my sister
D. was translating
Cu 31: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. are
B. ways
C. best good
D. mine
Cu 32: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. one
B. between
C. me
D. the
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. slow down
B. look up
C. put forward
D. turn down
Cu 34: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. hobbyist
B. activist
C. feminist
D. optimist

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. more than
B. more
C. than
D. as
Cu 36: A. is often called
B. was often called C. has often called
D. often called
Cu 37: A. elaboration
B. elaborately
C. elaborate
D. elaborateness
Cu 38: A. attentions
B. evaluations
C. predictions
D. situations
Cu 39: A. in
B. for
C. from
D. on
Cu 40: A. then
B. ago
C. soon
D. before
Cu 41: A. examiners
B. participants
C. contests
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. As though
B. As
C. Although
D. If only
Cu 43: A. ancient
B. old
C. antique
D. traditional
Cu 44: A. grip
B. catch
C. keep
D. hold
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these
activities proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant
returns home after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on
the ground and depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse
messages as the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed
by other ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.
The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in
the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. Different species of ants around the world
B. The mass migration of ants
C. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
D. The information contained in pheromones
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. walk toward
B. look up
C. revolve around
D. search for food
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________.
A. periodically
B. incorrectly
C. roughly
D. rapidly
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________.
A. message
B. food trail
C. species
D. dead ant
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To indicate how far away the food is.
B. To attract different types of ants.
C. To protect their trail from other species.
D. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
B. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
C. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
D. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
B. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
C. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
D. They concentrate on the smell of food.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________.
A. select
B. include
C. provide
D. cover
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________.
A. swinging
B. depositing
C. starting
D. falling
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________.
A. in the source of food
B. just above the trail
C. in the receptors of the ants
D. under the soil along the trail Questions
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity, business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on
Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as
those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. Jobs on Wall Street
B. Types of graduate degrees
C. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
D. How schools are changing to reflect the
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________.
A. 100 years
B. 50 years
C. 20 years
D. 10 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________.
A. Nurturing
B. Education
C. surplus
D. success
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Harvard
B. Princeton
C. Stanford
D. Stanford and Princeton
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. drawback to
B. extraction from
C. reluctance of
D. movement toward
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. avoiding
B. pursuing
C. examining
D. seizing
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A major financial centre
B. A centre for international affairs
C. A shopping district
D. A neighborhood in New York
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
B. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
C. Low salary and foreign competition
D. Declining population and economic prosperity
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
B. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
C. Two decades of hard times for business schools
D. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to _________.
A. striving
B. plunging
C. starting
D. evolving
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 485

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 1: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. inform
B. informative
C. information
D. informatively
Cu 2: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. hadn't taken
B. didn't take
C. wouldn't take
D. weren't taking
Cu 3: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. significant
B. deep-seated
C. dependent
D. intellectual
Cu 4: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. travelling
B. has travelled
C. to travel
D. travelled
Cu 5: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how cold it was
B. how it was cold
C. how was it cold D. how cold was it
Cu 6: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them
A. Famine
B. Disaster
C. Flood.
D. Poverty
Cu 7: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study
B. needn't have studied
C. needn't be studying
D. needn't have been studied
Cu 8: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civilize
B. civil
C. civilization
D. civility
Cu 9: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18 and 19 .
Milan: _______
A. What can I do for you?
B. At your service.
C. Whats the matter?
D. Just a minute, please.
Cu 10: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. will
B. don't
C. won't
D. shall
Cu 11: In _______ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. the /
B. a / the
C. / the
D. the / the
Cu 12: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. What the woman was
C. That the woman was
D. The woman was
Cu 13: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. have been studying
B. are studying
C. were studying
D. had been studying
Cu 14: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. devastation
B. damage
C. disruption
D. disturbance
Cu 15: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. doing
B. did
C. to do
D. do
Cu 16: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. has John gone out
B. had John gone out
C. John has gone out
D. have John gone out
Cu 17: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. colder and colder
C. the coldest and coldest
D. more and more cold

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 18: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?

- Rue: _______.
A. Yes, youre welcome
B. Not now. Thanks anyway
C. Sure, go ahead, please
D. Ok, your time
Cu 19: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke in
B. broke into
C. broke down
D. broke away
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 20: A. fame
B. many
C. baby
D. plane
Cu 21: A. preferred
B. earned
C. looked
D. moved
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 22: A. perspective
B. location
C. document
D. comedian
Cu 23: A. corporate
B. different
C. engineer
D. difficult
Cu 24: A. separately
B. spacious
C. sequence
D. solicitor
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. out of order
B. out of work
C. torn down
D. run out of
Cu 26: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. impure
B. abundant
C. contagious
D. powerful
Cu 27: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. started
B. dedicated
C. treated
D. helped
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. Producing foods
B. regular used
C. extremely harmful
D. Some bacteria
Cu 29: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. Much
B. their
C. painted with
D. like to
Cu 30: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. was translating
B. by my sister
C. written
D. into
Cu 31: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. one
B. between
C. me
D. the
Cu 32: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. are
B. ways
C. mine
D. best good
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. slow down
B. turn down
C. put forward
D. look up
Cu 34: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. optimist
B. activist
C. feminist
D. hobbyist

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. as
B. than
C. more than
D. more
Cu 36: A. was often called B. often called
C. is often called
D. has often called
Cu 37: A. elaborately
B. elaborateness
C. elaboration
D. elaborate
Cu 38: A. evaluations
B. attentions
C. situations
D. predictions
Cu 39: A. in
B. for
C. from
D. on
Cu 40: A. ago
B. then
C. soon
D. before
Cu 41: A. participants
B. contests
C. examiners
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. Although
B. If only
C. As though
D. As
Cu 43: A. ancient
B. old
C. traditional
D. antique
Cu 44: A. grip
B. catch
C. keep
D. hold
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these activities
proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant returns home
after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on the ground and
depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as
the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by other
ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.
The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in
the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. Different species of ants around the world
B. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
C. The mass migration of ants
D. The information contained in pheromones
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________
A. revolve around
B. walk toward
C. search for food
D. look up
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________
A. rapidly
B. incorrectly
C. roughly
D. periodically
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________
A. species
B. dead ant
C. food trail
D. message
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals. B. To protect their trail from other species.
C. To indicate how far away the food is.
D. To attract different types of ants.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
B. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
C. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
D. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
B. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
C. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
D. They concentrate on the smell of food.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________
A. cover
B. select
C. provide
D. include
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________
A. starting
B. falling
C. swinging
D. depositing
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________
A. just above the trail
B. in the receptors of the ants
C. under the soil along the trail Questions
D. in the source of food
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity , business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on
Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to
be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
B. Types of graduate degrees
C. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
D. Jobs on Wall Street
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________
A. 10 years
B. 100 years
C. 50 years
D. 20 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________
A. Education
B. success
C. surplus
D. Nurturing
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Princeton
B. Stanford and Princeton
C. Harvard
D. Stanford
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. extraction from
B. movement toward
C. drawback to
D. reluctance of
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. pursuing
B. avoiding
C. examining
D. seizing
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A centre for international affairs
B. A neighborhood in New York
C. A major financial centre
D. A shopping district
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Low salary and foreign competition
B. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
C. Declining population and economic prosperity
D. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
B. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
C. Two decades of hard times for business schools
D. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ___________
A. plunging
B. evolving
C. starting
D. striving
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

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----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 570

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. preferred
B. earned
C. Looked
D. Moved
Cu 2:
A. Plane
B. fame
C. Baby
D. Many
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 3:
A. perspective
B. comedian
C. document
D. location
Cu 4:
A. corporate
B. different
C. difficult
D. engineer
Cu 5:
A. separately
B. solicitor
C. sequence
D. spacious
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. colder and colder
C. the coldest and coldest
D. more and more cold
Cu 7: In _______ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. a / the
B. / the
C. the /
D. the / the
Cu 8: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. has John gone out
B. had John gone out
C. John has gone out
D. have John gone out
Cu 9: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. What the woman was
C. That the woman was
D. The woman was
Cu 10: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. do
B. doing
C. to do
D. did
Cu 11: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Famine
B. Flood.
C. Disaster
D. Poverty
Cu 12: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civilize
B. civil
C. civilization
D. civility
Cu 13: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke down
B. broke in
C. broke into
D. broke away
Cu 14: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. shall
B. will
C. don't
D. won't
Cu 15: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't be studying
B. needn't have studied
C. needn't have been studied
D. needn't study
Cu 16: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.
Milan: _______
A. What can I do for you?
B. Whats the matter?
C. At your service.
D. Just a minute, please.
Cu 17: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. have been studying

B. are studying
C. were studying
D. had been studying
Cu 18: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. significant
B. deep-seated
C. dependent
D. intellectual
Cu 19: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how was it cold
B. how cold was it
C. how cold it was D. how it was cold
Cu 20: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. devastation
B. disturbance
C. damage
D. disruption
Cu 21: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. informative
B. inform
C. informatively
D. information
Cu 22: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Yes, youre welcome
B. Not now. Thanks anyway
C. Sure, go ahead, please
D. Ok, your time
Cu 23: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. has travelled
B. travelling
C. travelled
D. to travel
Cu 24: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. weren't taking
B. hadn't taken
C. wouldn't take
D. didn't take
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. started
B. treated
C. helped
D. dedicated
Cu 26: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. out of work
B. run out of
C. out of order
D. torn down
Cu 27: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. impure
B. abundant
C. contagious
D. powerful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. regular used
B. Producing foods
C. Some bacteria
D. extremely harmful
Cu 29: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. by my sister
B. into
C. was translating
D. written
Cu 30: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. one
B. between
C. the
D. me
Cu 31: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. their
B. like to
C. Much
D. painted with
Cu 32: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. are
B. ways
C. mine
D. best good
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. optimist
B. activist
C. feminist
Cu 34: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. look up
B. slow down
C. turn down

D. hobbyist
D. put forward

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding! The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. more than
B. more
C. than
D. as
Cu 36: A. is often called
B. often called
C. has often called
D. was often called
Cu 37: A. elaboration
B. elaborately
C. elaborateness
D. elaborate
Cu 38: A. situations
B. predictions
C. evaluations
D. attentions
Cu 39: A. for
B. from
C. on
D. in
Cu 40: A. soon
B. then
C. ago
D. before
Cu 41: A. contests
B. examiners
C. participants
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. As though
B. If only
C. As
D. Although
Cu 43: A. old
B. ancient
C. traditional
D. antique
Cu 44: A. hold
B. keep
C. grip
D. catch
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these activities
proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant returns home
after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on the ground and
depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as
the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by other
ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one
and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in
the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. Different species of ants around the world
B. The information contained in pheromones
C. The mass migration of ants
D. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________
A. search for food
B. look up
C. revolve around
D. walk toward
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________
A. incorrectly
B. periodically
C. roughly
D. rapidly
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________
A. species
B. food trail
C. dead ant
D. message
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To attract different types of ants.
B. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals.
C. To protect their trail from other species.
D. To indicate how far away the food is.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
B. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
C. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
D. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
B. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
C. They concentrate on the smell of food.
D. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________
A. provide
B. cover
C. include
D. select
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________
A. swinging
B. starting
C. falling
D. depositing
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________
A. just above the trail
B. in the receptors of the ants
C. in the source of food
D. under the soil along the trail Questions
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity , business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as
those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to
be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
B. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
C. Jobs on Wall Street
D. Types of graduate degrees
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________
A. 10 years
B. 20 years
C. 100 years
D. 50 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________
A. Education
B. Nurturing
C. surplus
D. success
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Harvard
B. Stanford and Princeton
C. Princeton
D. Stanford
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. reluctance of
B. extraction from
C. movement toward
D. drawback to
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. avoiding
B. examining
C. pursuing
D. seizing
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A shopping district
B. A major financial centre
C. A neighborhood in New York
D. A centre for international affairs
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
B. Declining population and economic prosperity
C. Low salary and foreign competition
D. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. Two decades of hard times for business schools
B. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
C. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
D. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ___________
A. striving
B. plunging
C. evolving
D. starting
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 628

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. plane
B. fame
C. baby
D. many
Cu 2:
A. looked
B. moved
C. earned
D. preferred
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 3:
A. corporate
B. different
C. difficult
D. engineer
Cu 4:
A. solicitor
B. sequence
C. spacious
D. separately
Cu 5:
A. document
B. location
C. perspective
D. comedian
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't be studying
B. needn't have studied
C. needn't have been studied
D. needn't study
Cu 7: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. has John gone out
B. had John gone out
C. John has gone out
D. have John gone out
Cu 8: In _______ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. the / the
B. a / the
C. / the
D. the /
Cu 9: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. informative
B. informatively
C. information
D. inform
Cu 10: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. are studying
B. had been studying C. have been studying
D. were studying
Cu 11: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke down
B. broke into
C. broke away
D. broke in
Cu 12: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civility
B. civilization
C. civilize
D. civil
Cu 13: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Flood.
B. Famine
C. Poverty
D. Disaster
Cu 14: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. the coldest and coldest
B. cold and cold
C. colder and colder
D. more and more cold
Cu 15: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. did
B. do
C. to do
D. doing
Cu 16: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. significant
B. deep-seated
C. dependent
D. intellectual
Cu 17: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18 and 19 .
Milan: _______

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. Whats the matter?

B. Just a minute, please.
C. What can I do for you?
D. At your service.
Cu 18: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how was it cold
B. how cold was it
C. how cold it was D. how it was cold
Cu 19: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. What the woman was
C. The woman was
D. That the woman was
Cu 20: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. weren't taking
B. hadn't taken
C. didn't take
D. wouldn't take
Cu 21: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. disruption
B. disturbance
C. damage
D. devastation
Cu 22: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. has travelled
B. travelling
C. to travel
D. travelled
Cu 23: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Yes, youre welcome
B. Not now. Thanks anyway
C. Sure, go ahead, please
D. Ok, your time
Cu 24: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. shall
B. will
C. don't
D. won't
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. dedicated
B. treated
C. helped
D. started
Cu 26: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. out of work
B. run out of
C. torn down
D. out of order
Cu 27: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. impure
B. abundant
C. contagious
D. powerful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. best good
B. ways
C. are
D. mine
Cu 29: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. like to
B. their
C. Much
D. painted with
Cu 30: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. one
B. the
C. me
D. between
Cu 31: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. regular used
B. Some bacteria
C. Producing foods
D. extremely harmful
Cu 32: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. by my sister
B. into
C. was translating
D. written
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. look up
B. turn down
C. slow down
D. put forward
Cu 34: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. hobbyist

B. optimist

C. activist

D. feminist

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. more
B. more than
C. than
D. as
Cu 36: A. has often called
B. often called
C. was often called D. is often called
Cu 37: A. elaboration
B. elaborately
C. elaborate
D. elaborateness
Cu 38: A. evaluations
B. predictions
C. situations
D. attentions
Cu 39: A. for
B. from
C. on
D. in
Cu 40: A. ago
B. soon
C. before
D. then
Cu 41: A. participants
B. contests
C. examiners
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. As
B. Although
C. If only
D. As though
Cu 43: A. traditional
B. old
C. antique
D. ancient
Cu 44: A. grip
B. hold
C. keep
D. catch
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these activities
proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant returns home
after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on the ground and
depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as
the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by other
ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.
The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one
and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in
the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. The information contained in pheromones
B. The mass migration of ants
C. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
D. Different species of ants around the world
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________
A. search for food
B. look up
C. revolve around
D. walk toward
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________
A. incorrectly
B. rapidly
C. roughly
D. periodically
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________
A. species
B. message
C. food trail
D. dead ant
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals. B. To protect their trail from other species.
C. To indicate how far away the food is.
D. To attract different types of ants.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
B. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
C. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
D. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
B. They concentrate on the smell of food.
C. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
D. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________
A. provide
B. select
C. include
D. cover
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________
A. depositing
B. starting
C. swinging
D. falling
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________
A. just above the trail
B. in the source of food
C. in the receptors of the ants
D. under the soil along the trail Questions
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity , business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as
those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to
be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
B. Types of graduate degrees
C. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
D. Jobs on Wall Street
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________
A. 100 years
B. 20 years
C. 10 years
D. 50 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________
A. success
B. surplus
C. Education
D. Nurturing
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Stanford and Princeton
B. Stanford
C. Princeton
D. Harvard
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. reluctance of
B. extraction from
C. movement toward
D. drawback to
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. seizing
B. examining
C. avoiding
D. pursuing
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A neighborhood in New York
B. A major financial centre
C. A centre for international affairs
D. A shopping district
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
B. Declining population and economic prosperity
C. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
D. Low salary and foreign competition
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
B. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
C. Two decades of hard times for business schools
D. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ___________
A. plunging
B. evolving
C. starting
D. striving
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 743

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. looked
B. moved
C. earned
D. preferred
Cu 2:
A. plane
B. many
C. fame
D. baby
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 3:
A. perspective
B. comedian
C. location
D. document
Cu 4:
A. different
B. corporate
C. engineer
D. difficult
Cu 5:
A. solicitor
B. sequence
C. spacious
D. separately
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 6: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. dependent
B. significant
C. intellectual
D. deep-seated
Cu 7: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. did
B. doing
C. to do
D. do
Cu 8: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't be studying
B. needn't have been studied
C. needn't study
D. needn't have studied
Cu 9: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke down
B. broke away
C. broke in
D. broke into
Cu 10: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. What the woman was
C. The woman was
D. That the woman was
Cu 11: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civility
B. civilization
C. civilize
D. civil
Cu 12: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Disaster
B. Flood.
C. Poverty
D. Famine
Cu 13: In _______ 22 SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. / the
B. a / the
C. the /
D. the / the
Cu 14: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how cold was it
B. how was it cold
C. how it was cold D. how cold it was
Cu 15: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. have been studying
B. had been studying C. were studying
D. are studying
Cu 16: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. have John gone out B. John has gone out
C. had John gone out
D. has John gone out
Cu 17: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. has travelled
B. travelling
C. to travel
D. travelled
Cu 18: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. don't
B. won't
C. shall
D. will
Cu 19: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. the coldest and coldest
B. colder and colder
C. cold and cold
D. more and more cold
Cu 20: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. disruption
B. disturbance
C. damage
D. devastation
Cu 21: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. informative
B. inform
C. information
D. informatively
Cu 22: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Yes, youre welcome
B. Not now. Thanks anyway
C. Sure, go ahead, please
D. Ok, your time
Cu 23: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. hadn't taken
B. wouldn't take
C. didn't take
D. weren't taking
Cu 24: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18 and 19 .
Milan: _______
A. Just a minute, please.
B. At your service.
C. Whats the matter?
D. What can I do for you?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. treated
B. started
C. dedicated
D. helped
Cu 26: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. out of work
B. out of order
C. torn down
D. run out of
Cu 27: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. impure
B. powerful
C. abundant
D. contagious
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. mine
B. ways
C. are
D. best good
Cu 29: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. me
B. between
C. one
D. the
Cu 30: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. Much
B. their
C. painted with
D. like to
Cu 31: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. extremely harmful B. Some bacteria
C. regular used
D. Producing foods
Cu 32: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. by my sister
B. into
C. was translating
D. written
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. slow down
B. turn down
C. put forward
D. look up
Cu 34: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. optimist
B. hobbyist
C. feminist
D. activist

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. than
B. as
C. more than
D. more
Cu 36: A. is often called
B. has often called
C. was often called D. often called
Cu 37: A. elaborate
B. elaborateness
C. elaborately
D. elaboration
Cu 38: A. attentions
B. situations
C. evaluations
D. predictions
Cu 39: A. from
B. on
C. in
D. for
Cu 40: A. before
B. soon
C. then
D. ago
Cu 41: A. examiners
B. contests
C. competitors
D. participants
Cu 42: A. As
B. Although
C. If only
D. As though
Cu 43: A. traditional
B. old
C. ancient
D. antique
Cu 44: A. keep
B. hold
C. grip
D. catch
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these activities
proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant returns home
after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on the ground and
depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as
the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by other
ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.
The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one
and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. The mass migration of ants
B. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
C. Different species of ants around the world
D. The information contained in pheromones
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________
A. walk toward
B. revolve around
C. search for food
D. look up
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________
A. roughly
B. rapidly
C. incorrectly
D. periodically
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________
A. food trail
B. message
C. dead ant
D. species
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To attract different types of ants.
B. To indicate how far away the food is.
C. To protect their trail from other species.
D. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
B. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
C. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
D. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
B. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
C. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
D. They concentrate on the smell of food.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________
A. include
B. cover
C. provide
D. select
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________
A. swinging
B. starting
C. falling
D. depositing
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________
A. in the receptors of the ants
B. under the soil along the trail Questions
C. in the source of food
D. just above the trail
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity , business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on
Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as
those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
B. Types of graduate degrees
C. Jobs on Wall Street
D. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________
A. 100 years
B. 10 years
C. 50 years
D. 20 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________
A. Education
B. surplus
C. Nurturing
D. success
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Princeton
B. Harvard
C. Stanford and Princeton
D. Stanford
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. movement toward
B. reluctance of
C. drawback to
D. extraction from
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. examining
B. pursuing
C. avoiding
D. seizing
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A neighborhood in New York
B. A major financial centre
C. A centre for international affairs
D. A shopping district
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
B. Low salary and foreign competition
C. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
D. Declining population and economic prosperity
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
B. Two decades of hard times for business schools
C. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
D. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ___________
A. evolving
B. plunging
C. starting
D. striving

Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

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----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

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Mn : Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
( thi c 05 trang)
M thi 896

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 1:
A. different
B. corporate
C. engineer
D. difficult
Cu 2:
A. document
B. comedian
C. location
D. perspective
Cu 3:
A. sequence
B. separately
C. spacious
D. solicitor
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Cu 4: Yuri Gagarin was the first person ________into space.
A. travelling
B. travelled
C. to travel
D. has travelled
Cu 5: Let's go to see that famous film, ____ we?
A. don't
B. won't
C. shall
D. will
Cu 6: To preserve that ________, it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it.
A. civility
B. civilization
C. civilize
D. civil
Cu 7: When morning came, the scene of where the bomb had fallen was one of utter _____.
A. disruption
B. devastation
C. damage
D. disturbance
Cu 8: I first met her two years ago when we ______ at Oxford University.
A. had been studying
B. are studying
C. have been studying
D. were studying
Cu 9: My parents always let me ____ what I think I should."
A. doing
B. did
C. to do
D. do
Cu 10: Nuance: Is there anything I can do for you, sir?
- Rue: _______.
A. Yes, youre welcome
B. Not now. Thanks anyway
C. Sure, go ahead, please
D. Ok, your time
Cu 11: In _______ 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
A. the / the
B. / the
C. a / the
D. the /
Cu 12: This book is not really ________. It is a waste of money buying it.
A. inform
B. informative
C. information
D. informatively
Cu 13: A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there
for a long time.
A. dependent
B. intellectual
C. deep-seated
D. significant
Cu 14: We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study
B. needn't be studying
C. needn't have studied
D. needn't have been studied
Cu 15: _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
A. Famine
B. Disaster
C. Flood.
D. Poverty
Cu 16: _________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What was the woman
B. That the woman was
C. What the woman was
D. The woman was
Cu 17: Nam: Hello, Id like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.
Milan: _______
A. Just a minute, please.
B. At your service.

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C. Whats the matter?

D. What can I do for you?
Cu 18: I was surprised at ____ yesterday.
A. how cold it was
B. how it was cold
C. how was it cold D. how cold was it
Cu 19: No sooner ____ than Mary came over.
A. John has gone out
B. have John gone out C. has John gone out
D. had John gone out
Cu 20: He would still be alive today if he_________that drug when he was in Spain.
A. hadn't taken
B. wouldn't take
C. didn't take
D. weren't taking
Cu 21: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold
B. more and more cold
C. the coldest and coldest
D. colder and colder
Cu 22: The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.
A. broke away
B. broke in
C. broke down
D. broke into
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 23: A. earned
B. moved
C. preferred
D. looked
Cu 24: A. baby
B. plane
C. many
D. fame
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 25: An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of
Red Cross Societies in 1991.
A. dedicated
B. treated
C. helped
D. started
Cu 26: The venom of coral snakes is especially potent and the mortality rate among humans who have
been bitten is high.
A. impure
B. powerful
C. abundant
D. contagious
Cu 27: Well have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in
working condition.
A. run out of
B. out of order
C. torn down
D. out of work
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 28: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husband.
A. between
B. the
C. one
D. me
Cu 29: Much children like to get their faces painted with bright colors at community fairs.
A. Much
B. their
C. painted with
D. like to
Cu 30: There are many ways to do this exercise but mine is the best good one.
A. mine
B. best good
C. ways
D. are
Cu 31: The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister.
A. written
B. was translating
C. by my sister
D. into
Cu 32: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.
A. extremely harmful B. Some bacteria
C. regular used
D. Producing foods
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 33: "Be quick! We must speed up if we dont want to miss the flight. "
A. slow down
B. turn down
C. put forward
D. look up
Cu 34: "Don't be such a pessimist. I'm sure you'll soon get over it. Cheer up!"
A. optimist
B. feminist
C. hobbyist
D. activist

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 35 to 44.
In Korea, in former days the marriage between a man and woman represented the joining of two families,
rather (35)_____ the joining of two individuals. The event (36)_____ Taerye (Great Ritual), and people
from all over the village or neighborhood participated. The ceremonies and events surrounding the actual
marriage were long and (37)_____ . Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for marriage,
with the new couple often meeting for the first time at their wedding. The families considered many
factors in the decision, consulting with fortune tellers for (38)_____ about the couple's future life together.
During the Chosun period, people married (39)_____ their early teens, with the girl often being several
years older than the boy.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for the ceremony, then stayed there for three days
(40)_____ taking his new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony involved many small rituals,
with many bows and symbolic gestures. The (41)_____ were expected to control their emotions and
remain somber.
(42)_____ Koreans have kept several aspects of the traditional ceremony, most modern ceremonies
resemble Western marriage ceremonies more than (43)_____ Korean ones. However, many folk villages
and museums across the country regularly perform ceremonies to (44)_____ the traditions alive.
Cu 35: A. than
B. more
C. as
D. more than
Cu 36: A. is often called
B. often called
C. was often called D. has often called
Cu 37: A. elaborately
B. elaborate
C. elaborateness
D. elaboration
Cu 38: A. predictions
B. situations
C. evaluations
D. attentions
Cu 39: A. on
B. for
C. in
D. from
Cu 40: A. ago
B. soon
C. then
D. before
Cu 41: A. contests
B. examiners
C. participants
D. competitors
Cu 42: A. As
B. If only
C. As though
D. Although
Cu 43: A. traditional
B. ancient
C. antique
D. old
Cu 44: A. keep
B. catch
C. hold
D. grip
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers and undertake mass migrations; these activities
proceed because one ant lays a trail on the ground for the others to follow. As a worker ant returns home
after finding a source of food, it marks the route by intermittently touching its stinger on the ground and
depositing a tiny amount of trail pheromone - a mixture of chemicals that delivers diverse messages as
the context changes. These trails incorporate no directional information and may be followed by other
ants in either direction.
Unlike some other messages, such as the one arising from a dead ant, a food trail has to be kept secret
from members of other species. It is not surprising then that ant species use a wide variety of compounds
as trail pheromones. Ants can be extremely sensitive to these signals. Investigators working with the trail
pheromone of the leafcutter ant Attatexana calculated that one milligram of this substance would suffice
to lead a column of ants three times around Earth.
The vapor of the evaporating pheromone over the trail guides an ant along the way, and the ant detects
this signal with receptors in its antennae. A trail pheromone will evaporate to furnish the highest
concentration of vapor right over the trail, in what is called a vapor space. In following the trail, the ant
moves to the right and left, oscillating from side to side across the line of the trail itself, bringing first one
and then the other antenna into the vapor space. As the ant moves to the right, its left antenna arrives in

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the vapor space. The signal it receives causes it to swing to the left, and the ant then pursues this new
course until its right antenna reaches the vapor space. It then swings back to the right, and so weaves back
and forth down the trail.
Cu 45: What is possibly the main topic of the passage?
A. The mass migration of ants
B. The information contained in pheromones
C. Different species of ants around the world
D. How ants mark and follow a chemical trail
Cu 46: The word "forage" in line 1 is closest in meaning to________
A. revolve around
B. look up
C. search for food
D. walk toward
Cu 47: The word "intermittently" is closest in meaning to________
A. periodically
B. rapidly
C. roughly
D. incorrectly
Cu 48: The phrase "the one" refers to a single________
A. food trail
B. dead ant
C. species
D. message
Cu 49: According to the passage, why do ants use different compounds as trail pheromones?
A. To protect their trail from other species.
B. To attract different types of ants.
C. To indicate how far away the food is.
D. To reduce their sensitivity to some chemicals.
Cu 50: The author mentions the trail pheromone of the leafcutter ant in the second paragraph to point
A. that certain ants can produce up to one milligram of pheromone
B. how little pheromone is needed to mark a trail
C. a type of ant that is common in many parts of the world
D. the different types of pheromones ants can produce
Cu 51: According to the passage, how are ants guided by trail pheromones?
A. They follow an ant who is familiar with the trail.
B. They sense the vapor through their antennae.
C. They concentrate on the smell of food.
D. They avoid the vapor spaces by moving in a straight line.
Cu 52: The word "furnish" is closest in meaning to________
A. select
B. provide
C. include
D. cover
Cu 53: The word "oscillating" is closest in meaning to________
A. depositing
B. starting
C. falling
D. swinging
Cu 54: According to the passage, the highest amount of pheromone vapor is found________
A. in the receptors of the ants
B. in the source of food
C. under the soil along the trail Questions
D. just above the trail
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
After two decades of growing student enrollments and economic prosperity , business schools in the
United States have started to face harder times. Only Harvards MBA School has shown a substantial
increase in enrollments in recent years. Both Princeton and Stanford have seen decreases in their
enrollments. Since 1990, the number of people receiving Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
degrees, has dropped about 3 percent to 75,000, and the trend of lower enrollment rates is expected to
There are two factors causing this decrease in students seeking an MBA degree. The first one is that
many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on
Wall Street or in other financial districts of major American cities. Many of the entry-level management
jobs are for students graduating with Master of Arts degrees in English and the humanities as well as
those holding MBA degrees. Students have asked the question, Is an MBA degree really what I need to

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

be best prepared for getting a good job? The second major factor has been the cutting of American
payrolls and the lower number of entry-level jobs being offered. Business needs are changing, and MBA
schools are struggling to meet the new demands.
Cu 55: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. Types of graduate degrees
B. Changes in enrollment for MBA schools
C. How schools are changing to reflect the economy
D. Jobs on Wall Street
Cu 56: The phrase two decades in the first paragraph refers to a period of_________
A. 20 years
B. 100 years
C. 10 years
D. 50 years
Cu 57: The word prosperity in the first paragraph could best be replaced by_________
A. success
B. surplus
C. Nurturing
D. Education
Cu 58: Which of the following business schools has NOT shown a decrease in enrollment?
A. Stanford and Princeton
B. Harvard
C. Princeton
D. Stanford
Cu 59: The phrase trend of in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. drawback to
B. reluctance of
C. extraction from
D. movement toward
Cu 60: As used in the second paragraph, the word seeking could best be replaced by which of the
A. examining
B. avoiding
C. pursuing
D. seizing
Cu 61: Which of the following descriptions most likely applies to Wall Street?
A. A neighborhood in New York
B. A centre for international affairs
C. A major financial centre
D. A shopping district
Cu 62: According to the passage, what are two causes of declining business school enrollment?
A. Fewer MBA schools and fewer entry-level jobs
B. Low salary and foreign competition
C. Lack of necessity for an MBA and an economic recession
D. Declining population and economic prosperity
Cu 63: The first paragraph is mainly concerned with which of the following?
A. factors contributing to the decline in MBA students
B. A current trend affecting the nations business schools
C. The difference between Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford
D. Two decades of hard times for business schools
Cu 64: As used in the second paragraph, the word struggling is closest in meaning to ___________
A. plunging
B. striving
C. starting
D. evolving

Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it
Cu 65: Dont stay at the hotel near the airport, I said to Ann.
I warned against
Cu 66: George does not smoke and he does not drink
George neither
Cu 67: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20- year period.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Cu 68: The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold.
Cu 69: I met Janes father. He works at university.
I met Janes father
Part II: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of playing sports every day.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


----------- HT ---------Gim th coi thi khng gii thch g thm.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph



LN 2 NM 2016
Mn: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht;khng k thi gian pht
(Hng dn chm c 2 trang)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: (64 questions;8 points) 0,125 points/ question
1 D
2 C
3 C
4 A
5 A
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 C
11 B
12 A
13 B
14 C
15 B
16 C
17 D
18 C
19 C
20 C
21 B
22 C
23 D
24 A
25 B
26 A
27 A
28 D
29 B
30 A
31 A
32 D
33 C
34 C
35 C
36 C
37 A
38 A
39 B

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

40 C
41 D
42 B
43 A
44 D
45 B
46 D
47 A
48 A
49 C
50 A
51 D
52 B
53 C
54 B
55 C
56 B
57 A
58 B
59 C
60 D
61 B
62 A
63 B
64 D
WRITING (2points)
I (0,5 points)
Cu 65. I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport.
Cu 66. George neither smokes nor drinks.
Cu 67. The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to have been built over a 20- year period
Cu 68. The Mountain Rescue Team doesnt hold much hope for the missing climbers.
Cu 69. I met Janes father, who works at university
II (1,5 points)
M t tiu ch nh gi
im ti a
1 B cc
Cu dn ch mch lc
B cc hp l, r rng, ph hp yu cu ca bi.
B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun
2 Pht trin
Pht trin c trnh t logic
C dn chng, v d, bo v kin ca mnh.
3 S dng ngn t
S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung.
S dng ngn t ng vn phong/ th loi
S dng t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn
4 Ni dung
sc thuyt phc ngi c.
dn chng, v d, lp lun.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

di: S t khng nhiu hn hoc t hn so vi quy nh 5%

Ng php, du cu v chnh t; S dng ng du cu
5 Chnh t: Vit ng chnh t.
Li chnh t gy hiu nhm/ sai lch s b tnh mt li tr 1% im bi vit.
Cng mt li chnh t lp li ch tnh l mt li.
S dng ng thi, th, cu trc cu ng ng php.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. pursue
B. promote
C. address
D. mandate
Question 2: A. sincerely
B. faithfully
C. completely
D. extremely
Question 3: A. experience B. atmosphere
C. political
D. physician
Question 4: A. recommend B. hurricane
C. photograph
D. separate
Question 5: A. miraculous B. diversity
C. platoon
D. occupation
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 6 to 15.
Thomas Edison
On the night of 21 October 1931, millions of Americans took part in a coast-to-coast ceremony to
commemorate the passing of a great man. Lights (6) homes and offices from New York to
California. The ceremony (7)..........the death of arguably the most important inventor of all time:
Thomas Alva Edison.
Few inventors have (8).........such an impact on everyday life, and many of his inventions played a
crucial (9) the development of modern technology. One should never (10)
revolutionary some of Edisons inventions were.
In many ways, Edison is the perfect example of an inventor - that is, not just someone who
(11).........up clever gadgets, but someone whose products transform the lives of millions. He
possessed the key characteristics that an inventor needs to (12).......a success of inventions, notably
sheer determination. Edison famously tried thousands of materials while working on a new type of
battery, reacting to failure by cheerfully (13) his colleagues: Well, at least we know 8,000
things that dont work. Knowing when to take no (14)..........of experts is also important. Edisons
proposal for electric lighting circuitry was (15)............with total disbelief by eminent scientists,
until he lit up whole streets with his lights.
Question 6: A turned out

B came off

C went out

D put off

Question 7: A marked

B distinguished

C noted

D indicated

Question 8: A put

B had

C served

D set

Question 9: A effect

B place

C role

D share

Question 10: A underestimate

B lower

C decrease

D mislead

Question 11: A creates

B shapes

C dreams

D forms

Question 12: A gain

B make

C achieve

D get

Question 13: A announcing

B informing

C instructing

D notifying

Question 14: A notice

B regard

C attention

D view

Question 15: A gathered

B caught

C drawn

D received

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
16. They had to refuse the dinner invitation because of a prior engagement.
A. successful
B. later
C. earlier
D. important
17. I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money.
A. teasing
B. praising
C. threatening
D. elevating
18. Im a bit wary of giving people my address when I dont know them very well.
A. cautious
B. upset
C. willing
D. capable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. We left New York when I was six, so my recollections of it are rather faint.
A. explicable
B. unintelligible
C. clear
D. ambiguous
20. My first impression of her was her impassive face
A. emotional
B. respectful
C. solid
D. fractious
21. She wrote me a vicious letter.
A. helpful
B. gently
C. dangerous
D. healthy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of
the following questions.
Question 22: Our last hopes would .............all probability evaporate
A. on
B. in
C. of
D. for
Question 23: ________ at his lessons, still he couldnt catch up with his classmates.
A. Hardly as he worked
B. Hard as he worked
C. Hard as he does
D. Hard as he was
Question24: the storm, the ship couldnt reach its destination on time.
A. In case of
B. But for
C. Because of
D. In spite of
Question 25: My cat would not have bitten the toy fishit was made of rubber.
A. if she has known
B. if she should know
C. had she known
D. if she knew
Question 26: A washing machine of this type will certainly.normal domestic use.
A. stand up for
B. come up with
C. get on to
D. take down with
Question 27: He had changed so much since the last time we met that I ___________him.
A. could recognize
B. could hardy recognize
C. wouldn't have recognized
D. don't recognize
Question 28: Dont pick ________ me just because you want someone you can blame
A. on
B. at
C. out
D. up
Question 29: The road in front of my house needs ..
A. repairing
B. be repaired
C. to repair
D. of repairing
Question 30: She should ___________ in the garage when we came around, which would explain
why she didn't hear the bell.
A. work
B. be working
C. have worked
D. have been working
Question 31: We would contact your nearest relative ______ any accident occurring.
A. in place of
B. in spite of
C. on account of
D. in the event of

Question 32: Tom: Is your government salary good?

Mary: Yes, but I dont make as much _______worked in private industry.
A. as I would if I
B. if I would have
C. I would if
D. as I
Question 33: A motorbike knocked Ted down". - ' ..................'
A. What is it now? B. What a motorbike! C. How terrific!
D. Poor Ted!
Question 34: Delegates will meet with _______from industry and the government.
A. represented
B. representative
C. representatives
D. representers
Question 35: She was she could not say anything.
A. so surprised at the news that
B. such surprised at the news that
B. so surprised of the news that
D. so that surprised for the news
Question 36: No sooner .at the bus stop ..the bus came.
A. he had arrived/when
C. had he arrived / than
B. had he arrived/ when
D. he had arrived / than
Question 37: The replacement of shops such as the groceries and chemists by cafes.. the
housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping.
A. leave
B. have left
C. has left
D. to have left
Question 38: Anne was not ___________ to think that the test was too difficult.
A. who
B. the one who
C. the only one
D. among the people
Question 39: Please dont it amiss if I make a few suggestions for improvement.
A. think
B. judge
C. take
D. assume
Question 40: He off alone a month ago and ..of since.
A. set/ hasnt been heard
B. setted/ hasnt heard
C. set/hasnt heard
D. setted/ hadnt been heard
Question 41: - What do you want to do this summer?
- I think we should go somewhere ________ has plenty of sun and sand.
A. who
B. where
C. when
D. that
Question 42: If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this
beach ______.
A. wont be existing B. doesnt exist
C. isnt going to exist D. isnt existing
Question 43: Not only John but his brothers ______ also in debt.
A. have
B. were
C. was
D. is
Question 44: We don't the classroom.
A. people smoke
B. smoke
C. people to smoke D. to smoking
Question 45: Did your brother go to France?
- No, our parents suggested that we ________ there at night.
A. not go
B. not going
C. not to go
D. wont go
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 55.
No educational medium better serves as a means of spatial communication than the atlas. Atlases
deal with such invaluable information as population distribution and density. One of the best, Penny
Cookes World Atlas, has been widely accepted as a standard owing to the quality of its maps and
photographs, which not only show various settlements but also portray them in a variety of scales.

In fact, the very first map in the atlas is a cleverly designed population cartogram that projects the
size of each country if geographical size were proportional to population. Following the
proportional layout, a sequence of smaller maps shows the world's population density, each
country's birth and death rates, population increase or decrease, industrialization, urbanization,
gross national product in term of per capita income, the quality of medical care, literacy, and
language. To give readers a perspective on how their own country fits in with the global view,
additional projections depict the world's patterns in nutrition, calorie and protein consumption,
health care, number of physicians per unit of population, and life expectancy by region. Population
density maps on a sub-continental scale, as well as political maps, convey the diverse demographic
phenomena of the world in a broad array of scales.
Question 46: What is the main topic of this passage?
A. The educational benefits of atlases
B. Physical maps in an atlas
C. The ideal in the making of atlases
D. Partial maps and their uses
Question 47: According to the passage, the first map in Pennycooke's World Atlas shows
A. the population policy in each country
B. the hypothetical sizes of each country
C. geographical proportions of each country
D. national boundaries relative to population
Question 48: Which of the following sentences is TRUE about the atlas?
A. A country's population growth is presented clearly in the very first map in the atlas.
B. The atlas isn't as good as other educational medium in term of spatial communication.
C. The atlas provides readers with not only each country's life expectancy by religion but also its
language and literacy.
D. The atlas deals with such worthless information as population distribution and density.
Question 49: The word cleverly in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. clearly
B. immaculately
C. intelligently
D. accurately
Question 50: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Calorie consumption
B. Currency exchange rates
C. A level of educations
D. Population decline
Question 51: The word layout in the passage refers to
A. the cartogram
B. the geographical size
C. population
D. each country
Question 52: The phrase in term of used in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. for considering aspects
B. in spite of
C. with a view to
D. in regard to
Question 53: It can be inferred from the passage that maps can be used to
A. pinpoint ethnic strife in each country
B. identify a shortage of qualified labor
C. give readers a new perspective in their own country
D. show readers photographs in a new form
Question 54: The author of the passage implies that
A. atlases provide a bird's eye view of countries

B. maps use a variety of scales in each projection

C. maps of countries differ in size
D. atlases can be a versatile instrument
Question 55: The word convey in the passage is closest meaning to
A. devise
B. conjure up
C. demonstrate

D. indicate

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 65.
The fertile valleys of the river Nile straddle the hot desert land of Egypt. Rain is relatively scarce,
and the summers are scorching hot. Nevertheless the strip of land, known as the Cultivation, on
either side of the Nile is reputed to be one of the most fertile places in the world. Its rich black soil
is the result of accumulation of silt deposited by the annual flooding of the Nile thousands of years
ago. From June to October, the river overflowed its banks. Modern damps were then constructed to
control the flooding. The floodwaters left behind a rich sticky black mud which made it suitable for
the cultivation of crops. As long as the soil was well irrigated, two or three crops could be grown in
one season.
Its rich soil led to the growth and rise of the brilliant civilization of the ancient Egyptians on the
Nile valley more than 5000 years ago. The earliest Egyptians had acquired the skills to till the land
along the banks, drawing along the Nile became wealthy, they embarked on projects of digging
ditches and constructing dams to control the floods.
In about 3100 BC, the whole Egypt was united under the reign of King Menes. He and his
descendants made up Egypt's first ruling family, or dynasty. His rule led to the great development
of the arts like writing, painting, architecture, and crafts. Egyptian power and influence were to last
for the next 2000 years. The Egyptian kings had absolute powers. The king possesses all the land,
and the peasants had to surrender part of their crops to the king. An army of officials and scribes did
the task of collecting the exact amount of due from the individual farmers. Crops and livestock were
often seen at the storehouses surrounding the royal palaces. In return for their uphill task, the king
paid his officials and dishes out funds for huge irrigation projects.
Egypt's trade with the outside world stretches far and wide. In return for gold, copper,
gemstones, and building stones, it purchases the goods that it did not have. Timber, resins, oils,
silver and slaves came from Lebanon. From Deria and Anatolia came horses, while the blue stone
called lapis lazuli was imported from Mesopotamia. Strong forts were constructed to protect
overland trade routes. Egypt held Nubia in the south for almost 800 years. It served as Egypt's most
vital source of gold and slaves.
Question 56: The civilization of the ancient Egyptians was brought about by _____.
A. Egypt's first ruling family
B. the rich alluvial soil of the Nile

C. Egypt's trade with the outside world

D. the highly-developed writing, painting, architecture and crafts
Question 57: Egyptian slaves came from _____.
A. Syria and Anatolia

B. Palestine

C. Mesopotamia

D. Lebanon

Question 58: The king was wealthy because _____.

A. he possessed all the land

B. huge irrigation projects were set up

C. he was in absolute power

D. farmers paid him their tribute

Question 59: The writer said that the annual flooding of the Nile _____.
A. needed to be controlled

B. led to the discovery of new mines

C. caused an influx of foreign traders

D. helped to develop the arts

Question 60: According to the passage, the king was wise _____.
A. to own slaves and gold
B. to pay for huge irrigation projects
C. to control the land
D. to import the things that Egypt did not have
Question 61: In return for, in the first line, last paragraph, refers to _____.
A. what Egypt exported
B. how fast the profit came
C. the respect Egypt received
D. the protection the Egyptian army provided
Question 62: A suitable title for this passage is _____.
A. The Farming Methods of the Egyptians

B. The Landscape of the Egypt

C. The Might of the Egyptian Army

D. The Civilization of the Ancient Egyptians

Question 63: We know the Egyptian Empire was powerful from the _____.
A. long period it extended its power and influence
B. way its army fought with other invaders
C. number of crops grown in one season
D. trade and business done with other nations
Question 64: Farm crops would be _____ if there was no water for irrigation.
A. harvested

B. unavailable

C. unprotected

D. destroyed

Question 65: From June to October, the flood plains would be _____.
A. open to the building of new

B. left to the sowing of new crops dams

C. raised to a higher level

D. inundated with floodwaters from the Nile

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 66: For thousands of years, man has created sweet-smelling substances from wood,
herbs, and flowers and using them for perfume or medicine.
Question 67: No longer satisfied with the emphasis of the Denishawn School, Martha has

moved to the staff of the East school in 1925.

Question 68: What we know about certain diseases are still not sufficient to prevent them
from spreading easily among the population.
Question 69: When the changes of the electric charge on a cloud becomes strong enough,
lightning flashes within the cloud.
Question 70: Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push a few
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.
Question 71: It appears that the harvest workers think they were maltreated.
A. The harvest workers claim to have been maltreated.
B. The harvest workers claim to be maltreated.
C. The harvest workers claimed to have been maltreated.
D. The harvest workers are thought to have been maltreated.
Question 72: Fiona goes to the theater once in a blue moon.
A. Fiona goes to the theater when the blue moon is on.
B. Fiona goes to the theater only once a month.
C. Fiona goes to the theater when the moon is full.
D. Fiona rarely goes to the theater.
Question 73: He said, Jane, I will show you round my city when you are here
A. He made a trip round his city with Jane.
B. He promised to show Jane round his city.
C. He planned to show Jane round his city.
D. He organized a trip round his city for Jane.
Question 74: The meeting was put off because of pressure of time.
A. The meeting started earlier because people wanted to leave early.
B. The meeting was planned to start late because of time pressure.
C. The meeting lasted much longer than usual.
D. There was not enough time to hold the meeting.
Question 75: I remember telling you about the due day of the exam paper.
A.I remember to tell you when the exam paper was due.

B.I think I have told you about the exam paper's due.
C.I think I have told you when you sit for the exam.
D.I remember I have told you when the exam paper is due.
Question 76: It is widely believed that hard work makes success.
A. Many people believe that if you want to succeed, you should work hard.
B. People think that success is when you work hard.
C. Believers of success think that we should work hard.
D. Many people think that success at work is hard.
Question 77: It is my opinion that there is no advantage in further discussion.
A. Further discussion is not to my advantage.
B. I see no point in further discussion.
C. I think we need further discussion of advantage.
D. I think further discussion needs to be advantaged.
Question 78: Jim is my best friend. I borrowed his car yesterday.
A. Jim, whose car I lent yesterday, is my best friend.
B. Jim, whose car I borrowed yesterday, is my best friend.
C. Jim, who is my best friend, borrowed my car yesterday.
D. Jim, his car I borrowed yesterday, is my best friend.
Question 79: If it hadnt been for his carelessness, we would have finished the work.
A. He was careless because he hadnt finished the work.
B. If her were careful, we would finish the work.
C. If he had been more careful, we would have completed the work.
D. Because he wasnt careless, we didnt finish the work.
Question 80: By being absent so often, Paul failed the examination.
A. Paul's frequent absences cost him his chance of passing the examination.
B. Being absent so often caused Paul fail his examination.
C. Paul failed his examination although he was absent quite often.
D. Paul's failure in his examination accounted for his frequent absences.
---------- THE END ----------



THI TH THPTQG LN 1 NM HC 2015-2016

Thi gian lm bi:90 pht
Ngy kim tra:26/03/2016
( gm 07 trang)
M thi

(Th sinh khng c s dng ti liu)

H, tn th sinh:............................................................................................ Lp: .............................
SECTION A (8 points)
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Learning means acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to perform new behaviors. It is
common to think of learning as something that takes place in school, but much of human learning
occurs outside the classroom, and people continue to learn throughout their lives.
Even before they enter school, young children learn to walk, to talk, and to use their hands to
manipulate toys, food, and other objects. They use all of their senses to learn about the sights, sounds,
tastes, and smells in their environments. They learn how to interact with their parents, siblings,
friends, and other people important to their world. When they enter school, children learn basic
academic subjects such as reading, writing, and mathematics. They also continue to learn a great deal
outside the classroom. They learn which behaviors are likely to be rewarded and which are likely to
be punished. They learn social skills for interacting with other children. After they finish school,
people must learn to adapt to the many major changes that affect their lives, such as getting married,
raising children, and finding and keeping a job.
Because learning continues throughout our lives and affects almost everything we do, the study of
learning is important in many different fields. Teachers need to understand the best ways to educate
children. Psychologists, social workers, criminologists, and other human-service workers need to
understand how certain experiences change peoples behaviors. Employers, politicians, and
advertisers make use of the principles of learning to influence the behavior of workers, voters, and
Learning is closely related to memory, which is the storage of information in the brain.
Psychologists who study memory are interested in how the brain stores knowledge, where this storage
takes place, and how the brain later retrieves knowledge when we need it. In contrast, psychologists
who study learning are more interested in behavior and how behavior changes as a result of a
persons experiences.
There are many forms of learning, ranging from simple to complex. Simple forms of learning
involve a single stimulus. A stimulus is anything perceptible to the senses, such as a sight, sound,
smell, touch, or taste. In a form of learning known as classical conditioning, people learn to associate
two stimuli that occur in sequence, such as lightning followed by thunder. In operant conditioning,
people learn by forming an association between a behavior and its consequences (reward or
punishment). People and animals can also learn by observation - that is, by watching others perform
behaviors. More complex forms of learning include learning languages, concepts, and motor skills.
Question 1: According to the passage, which of the following is learning in broad view comprised of?
A. Knowledge acquisition outside the classroom
B. Knowledge acquisition and ability development
C. Acquisition of academic knowledge
M 603 - Trang 1/9

D. Acquisition of social and behavioural skills

Question 2: According to the passage, what are children NOT usually taught outside the classroom?
A. literacy and calculation
B. life skills
C. interpersonal communication
D. right from wrong
Question 3: Getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job are mentioned in
paragraph 2 as examples of _____.
A. the changes to which people have to orient themselves
B. the areas of learning which affect peoples lives
C. the situations in which people cannot teach themselves
D. the ways peoples lives are influenced by education
Question 4: Which of the following can be inferred about the learning process from the passage?
A. It becomes less challenging and complicated when people grow older.
B. It takes place more frequently in real life than in academic institutions.
C. It is more interesting and effective in school than that in life.
D. It plays a crucial part in improving the learners motivation in school.
Question 5: According to the passage, the study of learning is important in many fields due to _____.
A. the great influence of the on-going learning process
B. the need for certain experiences in various areas
C. the influence of various behaviours in the learning process
D. the exploration of the best teaching methods
Question 6: It can be inferred from the passage that social workers, employers, and politicians
concern themselves with the study of learning because they need to _____.
A. change the behaviours of the objects of their interest towards learning
B. make the objects of their interest more aware of the importance of learning
C. thoroughly understand the behaviours of the objects of their interest
D. understand how a stimulus relates to the senses of the objects of their interest
Question 7: The word retrieves in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. recovers
B. gains
C. Creates
D. generates
Question 8: Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Psychologists are all interested in memory as much as behaviours.
B. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with how the stored knowledge is used.
C. Psychologists studying learning are interested in human behaviours.
D. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with the brains storage of knowledge.
Question 9: According to the passage, the stimulus in simple forms of learning _____.
A. makes associations between behaviours
B. is created by the senses
C. is associated with natural phenomena
D. bears relation to perception
Question 10: The passage mainly discusses _____.
A. practical examples of learning inside the classroom
B. application of learning principles to formal education
C. general principles of learning
D. simple forms of learning
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 11: Since erecting in 1886, the Statue of Liberty has served as a symbol of freedom.
Question 12: Not until I was on my way to the airport that I realized I had left my passport at home.
Question 13: She asked why did Mathew look so embarrassed when he saw Carole.
M 603 - Trang 2/9

Question 14: Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and calm.
Question 15: It is noisy enough in this room, so I would rather you stop shouting like that.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A.D. For many centuries, she was (16)_____ only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia's father was director of Alexandria University, and he (17)_____ sure his daughter had the best
education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (18)_____ to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (19)_____ she began teaching
mathematics. She soon became famous (20)_____ her knowledge of new ideas.
We have no copies of her book, (21)_____ we know that she wrote several important mathematical
works. Hypatia was also interested in technology and (22)_____ several scientific tools to help with
her work.
At the (23)_____, many rulers were afraid of science, and (24)_____ connected with it was in danger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia (25)_____ attacked in the street and killed.
Question 16:
Question 17:
Question 18:
Question 19:
Question 20:
Question 21:
Question 22:
Question 23:
Question 24:
Question 25:









Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 26: A. challenge B. chemical
Question 27: A. effective B. habit

C. achieve
C. climate

D. approach
D. dolphin

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 28: The lost hikers stayed alive by eating wild berries and drinking spring water.
A. connived
B. survived
C. revived
D. surprised
Question 29: Although they had never met before the party, Jim and Jane felt strong affinity to each
A. attraction
B. moved
C. interest
D. enthusiasm
Question 30: Im becoming increasingly absent-minded. Last week, I locked myself of out my house
A. often forgetting things
B. being considerate of things
C. forgetful of ones past
D. remembering to do right things
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
M 603 - Trang 3/9

Question 31: The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the
sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war.
A. happiness
B. pain and sorrow
C. worry and sadness D. loss
Question 32: Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank wont allow you to withdraw your
A. genuine
B. different
C. fake
D. similar
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 33: A. surrounding B. sensitive
Question 34: A. occupation B. investigate
Question 35: A. curriculum B. currency

C. assurance
C. miraculous
C. compulsory

D. solution
D. convenient
D. commitment

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
In the West, cartoons are used chiefly to make people laugh. The important feature of all these
cartoons is the joke and the element of surprise which is contained. Even though it is very funny, a
good cartoon is always based on close observation of a particular feature of life and usually has a
serious purpose.
Cartoons in the West have been associated with political and social matters for many years. In
wartime, for example, they proved to be an excellent way of spreading propaganda. Nowadays
cartoons are often used to make short, sharp comments on politics and governments as well as on a
variety of social matters. In this way, the modern cartoon has become a very powerful force in
influencing people in Europe and the United States.
Unlike most American and European cartoons, however, many Chinese cartoon drawings in the past
have also attempted to educate people, especially those who could not read and write. Such cartoons
about the lives and sayings of great men in China have proved extremely useful in bringing education
to illiterate and semi-literate people throughout China. Confucius, Mencius and Laozi have all
appeared in very interesting stories presented in the form of cartoons. The cartoons themselves
have thus served to illustrate the teachings of the Chinese sages in a very attractive way.
In this sense, many Chinese cartoons are different from Western cartoons in so far as they do not
depend chiefly on telling jokes. Often, there is nothing to laugh at when you see Chinese cartoons.
This is not their primary aim. In addition to commenting on serious political and social matters,
Chinese cartoons have aimed at spreading the traditional Chinese thoughts and culture as widely as
possible among the people.
Today, however, Chinese cartoons have an added part to play in spreading knowledge. They offer a
very attractive and useful way of reaching people throughout the world, regardless of the particular
country in which they live. Thus, through cartoons, the thoughts and teachings of the old Chinese
philosophers and sages can now reach people who live in such countries as Britain, France, America,
Japan, Malaysia or Australia and who are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture.
Until recently, the transfer of knowledge and culture has been overwhelmingly from the West to the
East and not vice versa. By means of cartoons, however, publishing companies in Taiwan, Hong Kong
and Singapore are now having success in correcting this imbalance between the East and the West.
Cartoons can overcome language barriers in all foreign countries. The vast increase in the popularity
of these cartoons serves to illustrate the truth of Confuciuss famous saying One picture is worth a
thousand words.

M 603 - Trang 4/9

Question 36: Which of the following clearly characterizes Western cartoons?

A. Seriousness, propaganda, and attractiveness. B . Enjoyment, liveliness, and carefulness.
C. Humour, unexpectedness, and criticism.
D. Originality, freshness, and astonishment.
Question 37: Chinese cartoons have been useful as an important means of
A. amusing people all the time
B. educating ordinary people
C. spreading Western ideas
D. political propaganda in wartime
Question 38: The major differences between Chinese cartoons and Western cartoons come from
A. purposes
B. values
C. nationalities
D. styles
Question 39: The pronoun this in paragraph 4 mostly refers to
A. a propaganda campaign
B. a funny element
C. a piece of art
D. an educational purpose
Question 40: The passage is intended to present
A. a description of cartoons of all kinds the world over
B. an opinion about how cartoons entertain people
C. an outline of Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons
D. a contrast between Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons
Question 41: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A. An Excellent Way of Spreading Propaganda
B. A Very Powerful Force in Influencing People
C. Cartoons as a Way of Educating People
D. Chinese Cartoons and Western Cartoons
Question 42: In general, Chinese cartoons are now aiming at
A. spreading the Chinese ideas and cultural values throughout the world
B. bringing education to illiterate and semi-literate people in the world
C. illustrating the truth of Chinese great mens famous sayings
D. disseminating traditional practices in China and throughout the world
Question 43: The word imbalance in paragraph 6 refers to
A. the influence of the East cartoons over the West cartoons
B. the dominant cultural influence of the West over the East
C. the discrimination between the West culture and the East culture
D. the mismatch between the East cartoons and the West cartoons
Question 44: Which of the following is most likely the traditional subject of Chinese cartoons?
A. The stories and features of the lives of great men the world over.
B. The illiterate and semi-literate people throughout China.
C. The philosophies and sayings of ancient Chinese thinkers.
D. Jokes and other kinds of humour in political and social matters.
Question 45: According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. Language barriers restricted cartoons.
B. Cartoons will replace other forms of writing.
C. Western cartoons always have a serious purpose.
D. Cartoons can serve various purposes.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: The more effect you put in this project, _____.
A. the results are more and more satisfying
B. the more satisfaction the results are
C. the more satisfying the results are
D. the more satisfied are you
M 603 - Trang 5/9

Question 47: My father sometimes _____ the washing up after dinner.

A. takes
B. does
C. washes
D. makes
Question 48: You have to take the full course of your antibiotics even if you feel better, _____ your
illness will simply return.
A. whereas
B. such as
C. so that
D. otherwise
Question 49: Id like to _____ this old car for a new model but I cant afford it.
A. convert
B. exchange
C. replace
D. interchange
Question 50: We bought some _____.
A. German lovely old glasses
B. old lovely German glasses
C. German old lovely glasses
D. lovely old German glasses
Question 51: The shop assistant is ready to _____ me a helping hand. She is very nice.
A. take
B. lend
C. offer
D. get
Question 52: Young people have become increasingly committed _____ social activities.
A. of
B. in
C. to
D. at
Question 53: Never before _____ in an earnest attempt to resolve their differences.
A. the leaders of these two countries have met B. have the leaders of these two countries meet
C. met the leaders of these two countries
D. have the leaders of these two countries met
Question 54: Global warming will result _____ crop failures and famines.
A. for
B. of
C. in
D. with
Question 55: As youve arrived late, youll have to _____ the time youve lost.
A. make up to
B. do up for
C. do up to
D. make up for
Question 56: For the first time in 70 years, ______ aspirin's potential beyond reducing pain, fever and
A. researchers begin understanding
B. researchers began understand
C. researchers understanding of
D. researchers began to understand
Question 57: Cindy wanted to drive her best friend to have dinner at an Italian restaurant but her car
couldn't start. Therefore, she had to borrow one from Nancy. Choose the most suitable response to fill
in the blank in the following exchange.
Cindy: Would you mind lending me your car? - Nancy: _____.
A. Yes. Here it is
B. Yes, let's
C. No, not at all
D. Great
Question 58: He _____ to the doctor after the accident, but he went on playing instead.
A. didnt have to go
B. couldnt go
C. should have gone D. must have gone
Question 59: The information in this article is _____ inaccurate.
A. historic
B. historical
C. history
D. historically
Question 60: Inexperienced _____, she can know the way of operating that system.
A. even though she is B. as she might
C. she may be though D. as she may be
Question 61: Marie Curie, _____, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.
A. the scientist discovered radium
B. whose scientific discovery of radium
C. was the scientist who discovered radium
D. the scientist who discovered radium
Question 62: Martin Luther King Jr, after his father's assassination, _____ the mission of his father to
fight for the rights of blacks in America and achieved some notable success in the 1970s.
A. continuing
B. and continues
C. continue
D. continued
Question 63: Mary invited her friend, Sarah, to have dinner out that night and Sarah accepted. Choose
the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Mary: Shall we eat out tonight ? Sarah: _____.
A. Its kind of you to invite
B. You are very welcome
C. Thats a great idea
D. Thats acceptable
Question 64: _____ electric eels send a series of blips of electricity into the water around them and
they can detect the pattern of electricity of the water changes.
A. Every
B. Of each
C. All
D. All of
M 603 - Trang 6/9

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: Mr. Smith knew little about the Internet, so he didnt invest in any computer companies.
If Mr. Smith
Question 66: The tea was too hot for Peter to drink.
The tea was so
Question 67: I last had my hair cut when I left her.
I havent
Question 68: Im sorry, I didnt call you this morning, Tom said to Mary.
Tom apologised
Question 69: Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong.
No sooner
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about womens roles in modern society. Write your
paragraph on your answer sheet.
The following prompts might be helpful to you.






THI TH THPTQG LN 1 NM HC 2015-2016

Ngy kim tra:26/03/2016

SECTION A (0.125 x 64 = 8 points)

p n 603:
1. B
8. A
15. D
22. D
29. A
36. C
43. B
50. D
57. C
64. C
p n 714:
1. D
8. C
15. C
22. D
29. C
36. C

2. A
9. D
16. B
23. A
30. A
37. B
44. C
51. B
58. C

3. A
10. C
17. C
24. B
31. A
38. A
45. D
52. C
59. D

4. B
11. A
18. C
25. C
32. B
39. B
46. C
53. D
60. D

5. A
12. C
19. A
26. B
33. B
40. D
47. B
54. C
61. D

6. C
13. B
20. A
27. C
34. A
41. D
48. D
55. D
62. D

7. A
14. D
21. D
28. B
35. B
42. A
49. B
56. D
63. C

2. B
9. B
16. A
23. A
30. D
37. A

3. A
10. B
17. D
24. B
31. B
38. B

4. B
11. A
18. C
25. A
32. B
39. D

5. B
12. D
19. C
26. D
33. B
40. C

6. B
13. A
20. A
27. D
34. C
41. D

7. A
14. A
21. B
28. D
35. D
42. B
M 603 - Trang 7/9

43. D
50. C
57. C
64. D
p n 825:
1. B
8. A
15. D
22. D
29. B
36. B
43. D
50. B
57. B
64. A
p n 936:
1. D
8. D
15. D
22. D
29. C
36. A
43. C
50. D
57. B
64. B

44. A
51. B
58. A

45. C
52. D
59. C

46. B
53. D
60. D

47. B
54. A
61. C

48. C
55. A
62. D

49. C
56. C
63. D

2. A
9. A
16. B
23. C
30. C
37. D
44. C
51. D
58. C

3. D
10. B
17. A
24. D
31. A
38. C
45. D
52. C
59. A

4. A
11. A
18. D
25. B
32. D
39. B
46. A
53. B
60. C

5. C
12. C
19. D
26. B
33. A
40. C
47. B
54. C
61. A

6. C
13. D
20. C
27. C
34. A
41. B
48. C
55. B
62. D

7. D
14. D
21. A
28. A
35. B
42. C
49. A
56. B
63. D

2. D
9. A
16. A
23. A
30. A
37. C
44. D
51. D
58. D

3. C
10. A
17. C
24. B
31. D
38. D
45. B
52. A
59. B

4. C
11. A
18. D
25. C
32. C
39. A
46. D
53. B
60. B

5. A
12. C
19. D
26. C
33. A
40. B
47. D
54. C
61. B

6. A
13. C
20. C
27. C
34. A
41. C
48. B
55. D
62. B

7. C
14. A
21. A
28. B
35. C
42. B
49. A
56. B
63. B

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (0.5 point)
Question 65: Mr. Smith knew little about the Internet, so he didnt invest in any computer companies.
If Mr. Smith had known something / more / a little more / some more about the Internet, he would
have invested into some computer companies.
Question 66: The tea was too hot for Peter to drink.
The tea was so hot that Peter couldnt drink it.
Question 67: I last had my hair cut when I left her.
I havent had my hair cut since I left her
Question 68: Im sorry, I didnt call you this morning, Tom said to Mary.
Tom apologised for not calling/having called Mary that morning.
Question 69: Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong.
No sooner had he arrived than things went wrong.
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about womens roles in modern society. (1.5 points)
Tiu ch
B cc
Ni dung

Yu cu
Cu ch mch lc
B cc hp l r rng ph hp yu cu bi
B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun
Pht trin c trnh t, thuyt phc ngi c

Tt Kh TB Yu










M 603 - Trang 8/9

S dng
ngn t
Ng php,
du cu
Khng ch

C dn chng, v d, bo v kin ca
S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung
S dng ngn t ng vn phong
S dng t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn
S dng ng du cu
Vit ng chnh t
Vit ng cu trc ng php
t hn hoc nhiu hn s t quy nh (130150)






0.25 0.2


im ton bi: 0
Tr 1% / tng im

M 603 - Trang 9/9

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh


Thi gian: 90 pht

M :

SECTION A (8 points)
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. event

B. preserve

C. effect

D. effort

Question 2: A. works

B. needs

C. learns

D. eyes

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. centenarian

B. inhabitant

C. appropriate

D. majority

Question 4: A. vulnerable

B. dormitory

C. dedicated

D. initiate

Question 5: A. disease

B. apply

C. podium

D. obtain

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Nha Trang, ______last year, is excellent for holiday-makers.
A. visited

B. we visited

C. that we visited

D. which we visited

Question 7: I dont mind_____waiting for a few minutes.

A. being kept

B. being

C. to be kept

D. keeping

Question 8: You ______out last night. I called several times but nobody answered the phone.
A. should have been

B. must have been

C. must be

D. can be

Question 9: He devoted most of his time ______after his little brothers and sisters.
A. to looking

B. looking

C. look

D. to look

Question 10: Dont fail to send your parents my regards. ~ ________________.

A. Its my pleasure

B. Youre welcome

C. Good ideas, thanks

D. Thanks, I will

Question 11: The polar bears _____depends on its ability to catch fish.
A. surviving

B. survivor

C. survival

D. survive

Question 12: You are not allowed to drive your car in the city centre at rush hours _____there is too
much traffic then.
A. because

B. in spite of

C. because of

D. although

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 13: If it hadnt been for your laziness, you_____the exams.

A. could pass

B. could have passed

C. must have passed

D. had passed

Question 14: Jack ______be so bad-tempered; I wonder if hes got problems.

A. didnt use to

B. isnt use to

C. wouldnt

D. isnt used to

Question 15: We expected her at nine but she finally______at midnight.

A. turned up

B. came off

C. came to

D. turned out

Question 16: The judge _____him fifty dollars for parking his car illegally.
A. punished

B. fined

C. charged

D. ordered

Question 17: The purpose of a labour union is to improve the working conditions, ______, and pay of its
A. jobs are secure

B. to be secure

C. the jobs security

D. job security

Question 18: It is very important for a firm or a company to____changes in the market.
A. keep track with B. keep pace with

C. keep pace of

D. keep in touch with

Question 19: No sooner____at the bus stop____the bus came.

A. he had arrived/ than

B. had he arrived/ than

C. he had arrived/ when

D. had he arrived/ when

Question 20: _____the temperature, _______water turns into steam.

A. The higher/ the fast

B. Higher/ faster the

C. The higher/ the faster

D. The more higher/ the faster

Question 21: Having passed the entrance exam, _____go away for a holiday.
A. his parents allow him

B. he is allowed to

C. he is allowing to

D. his parents allow him to

Question 22: Neither Tom nor his brothers ______ willing to help their mother with the housework.
A. are

B. is

C. has been

D. was

Question 23: More coffee? Anybody? ~ ______________

A. Yes, please

B. Its right I think

C. I dont agree, Im afraid

D. Id love to

Question 24: The diesel engine was named_____its inventor Rudolf Diesel.
A. for

B. following

C. after

D. to

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 25: It is very discourteous to intrude during someones conversation.
A. interrupt

B. find fault

C. disagree

D. leave quickly

Question 26: In certain type of poisoning, you should immediately give large quantities of soapy or salty

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

water in order to induce vomiting.

A. control

B. stop

C. cause

D. clean

Question 27: It is useless to attempt to flee from every danger: some risks must be taken.
A. run away

B. hesitate

C. hide oneself

D. protect oneself

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 28: Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.

Question 29: Although caffeine is a moderately habit-forming drug, coffee is not regarded as harmfully to

the average healthy adult.

Question 30: Mountains have helped to protect the Swiss from invaders, and indeed, Switzerland has

remained at peace while other European nations engaging in war.


Question 31: Each year, tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic

Question 32:Political science, alike the other social sciences, is not an exact science.

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 33: The noise is so faint that it was impossible to be sure what it was or even where it came
A. general

B. indistinct

C. frightening

D. loud

Question 34: The kids persisted with their soccer game even though recess was over.
A. insisted on

B. continued in spite

C. resisted of

D. stopped

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities.
Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon
credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility.
Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into
American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the
century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920
schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly
lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and
counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the
larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by
public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.
Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs
of specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate young
women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many
educators considered appropriate for women was the home.
Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American
education gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the
production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities
both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States,
however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American
homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer
homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children efficiently in their own homes, or if
economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these
notions seem quite out-of-date.
Question 35: The paragraph preceding the whole reading passage probably discusses _____.
A. the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century.
B. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century.
C. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the nineteen
D. the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century.
Question 36: It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance
of education in the United States was _____.

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A. the growing number of schools in frontier communities

B. the increased urbanization of the entire country
C. the expanding economic problems of schools
D. an increase in the number of trained teachers
Question 37: The word means in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.
A. qualifications

B. advantages

C. probability

D. method

Question 38: The phrase coincided with in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.
A. began to grow rapidly

B. happened at the same time as

C. ensured the success of

D. was influenced by

Question 39: According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920s
was that _____.
A. adults and children studied in the same classes
B. most places required children to attend school
C. the amount of time spent on formal education was limited
D. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education
Question 40: Vacation schools and extracurricular activities are mentioned in paragraph 2 to
illustrate _____.
A. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools
B. the increased impact of public schools on students
C. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.
D. the importance of educational changes
Question 41:

According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that

A. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them
B. different groups needed different kinds of education
C. more women should be involved in education and industry
D. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress
Question 42: The word it in bold type refers to _____.
A. homemaking

B. education

C. consumption

D. production

Question 43: Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _____.

A. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
B. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
C. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States

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D. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States

Question 44: Which paragraph mentions the importance of abilities and experience in formal schooling?
A. Paragraph 4

B. Paragraph 3

C. Paragraph 2

D. Paragraph 1

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of blanks.
When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not
(45)______ understand. Sometimes you (46)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you
guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (47)______of accuracy you require and the




If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (48)_______remembering
that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an
accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (49)__________of contexts. It is also
important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native
language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (50)________an EnglishEnglish dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (51)__________you are allowed to use one, it is
very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (52)______,
forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop
efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(53)__________a number of possible problems
and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within
the sentence and outside, and making uses (54)_____ clues derived from the formation of the word.
Question 45. A. totally

B. wholly

C. fully

D. complete

Question 46. A. examine

B. inspect

C. check

D. control

Question 47. A. degree

B. level

C. extent

D. range

Question 48. A. valuable

B. worth

C. vital

D. essential

Question 49. A. diversity

B. multiple

C. variety

D. variation

Question 50. A. consult

B. inquire

C. survey

D. infer

Question 51. A. Provided

B. Even if

C. In case

D. Although

Question 52. A. but

B. however

C. so that

D. therefore

Question 53. A. overcome

B. surpass

C. get on

D. go over

Question 54. A. on

B. about

C. of

D. with

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* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The art world
One of the major problems in the art world is how to distinguish and promote an artist. In effect, a
market must be created for an artist to be successful. The practice of signing and numbering


prints was introduced by James Abbott McNeill Whistler, the nineteenth - century artist best known for
the painting of his mother, called Arrangement in Grey and Black, but known to most of us as
Whistlers Mother. Whistlers brother - in - law, Sir Francis Seymour Haden, a less well - known artist,
had speculated that collectors might find prints more attractive if they knew that they were only a limited
number of copies produced. By signing the work in pencil, an artist could guarantee and personalize each
As soon as Whistler and Haden began the practice of signing and numbering their prints, their
work began to increase in value. When other artists noticed that the signed prints commanded higher
prices, they began copying the procedure.
Although most prints are signed on the right - hand side in the margin below the image, the placement of
the signature is a matter of personal choice. Indeed, prints have been signed within the image, in any of
the margins, or even on the reverse side of the print. Wherever the artist elects to sign it, a signed print is
still valued above an unsigned one, even in the same edition.
Question 55: Which of the following would be a better title for the passage?
A. Whistlers Mother

B. The Practice of Signing Prints

C. Copying Limited Edition Prints

D. Whistlers Greatest Works

Question 56: What made Whistlers work more valuable?

A. His brother - in - laws prints.

B. His fame as an artist

C. His painting of his mother.

D. His signature on the prints

Question 57: The word speculated in bold type could best be replaced by_____.
A. denied

B. announced C. guessed

D. noticed

Question 58: The word distinguish in bold type is closest in meaning to______.
A. make improvements

B. accept changes

C. recognize differences

D. allow exceptions

Question 59: The word it in bold type refers to______.

A. the same edition

B. the reverse side

C. a print D. the image

Question 60: Where in the passage does the author indicate where an artists signature might be found on
a work?
A. Lines 14-15

B. Lines 6-7

C. Lines 9-10

D. Lines 11-13

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Question 61: What does the author mean by the statement: As soon as Whistler and Haden began the
practice of signing and numbering their prints, their work began to increase in value ?
A. The signatures became more valuable than the prints
B. Many copies of the prints were made.
C. The prints that were signed and numbered were worth more.
D. The signing and numbering of prints was not very popular
Question 62: What was true about the painting of Whistlers mother?
A. Its title was Arrangement in Grey and Black. B. It was a completely new method of painting.
C. It was painted by Sir Francis Seymour Haden.

D. It was not one of Whistlers best paintings.

Question 63: The author mentions all of the following as reasons why a collector prefers a signed print
A. it guarantees the prints authenticity

B. it encourages higher prices for the print

C. it limits the number of copies of the print

D. it makes the print more personal

Question 64: It can be inferred from the passage that artists number their prints_______.
A. as an accounting procedure

B. at the same place on each of the prints

C. to guarantee a limited edition

D. when the buyer requests it

SECTION B. (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Only when________________________________________________________.
2. Whos been sitting in my chair? said the director.
The director wondered_______________________________________________.
3. It wasnt necessary for them to call for help after all.
They _____________________________________________________________.
4. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.
5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is_________________________________________________________.
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the following topic:
In your opinion, which of the inventions in the twentieth century has been the most significant
for the world? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh


Thi gian: 90 pht

M :

SECTION A (8 points)
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. effect

B. effort

C. event

D. preserve

Question 2: A. learns

B. works

C. eyes

D. needs

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. inhabitant

B. appropriate

C. majority

D. centenarian

Question 4: A. dedicated

B. initiate

C. vulnerable

D. dormitory

Question 5: A. podium

B. disease

C. obtain

D. apply

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Nha Trang, ______last year, is excellent for holiday-makers.
A. we visited

B. that we visited

C. which we visited

D. visited

Question 7: I dont mind_____waiting for a few minutes.

A. to be kept

B. keeping

C. being kept

D. being

Question 8: You ______out last night. I called several times but nobody answered the phone.
A. must be

B. should have been

C. can be

D. must have

Question 9: He devoted most of his time ______after his little brothers and sisters.
A. to looking

B. looking

C. look

D. to look

Question 10: Dont fail to send your parents my regards. ~ ________________.

A. Youre welcome

B. Good ideas, thanks

C. Thanks, I will

D. Its my pleasure

Question 11: The polar bears _____depends on its ability to catch fish.
A. survival

B. survive

C. surviving

D. survivor

Question 12: You are not allowed to drive your car in the city centre at rush hours _____there is too
much traffic then.

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A. because of

B. because

C. although

D. in spite of

Question 13: If it hadnt been for your laziness, you_____the exams.

A. could pass

B. could have passed

C. must have passed

D. had passed

Question 14: Jack ______be so bad-tempered; I wonder if hes got problems.

A. isnt use to

B. wouldnt

C. isnt used to

D. didnt use to

Question 15: We expected her at nine but she finally______at midnight.

A. came to

B. turned out

C. turned up

D. came off

Question 16: The judge _____him fifty dollars for parking his car illegally.
A. charged

B. punished

C. ordered

D. fined

Question 17: The purpose of a labour union is to improve the working conditions, ______, and pay of
its members.
A. jobs are secure

B. to be secure

C. the jobs security

D. job security

Question 18: It is very important for a firm or a company to____changes in the market.
A. keep pace with

B. keep pace of

C. keep in touch with

D. keep track with

Question 19: No sooner____at the bus stop____the bus came.

A. he had arrived/ when

B. had he arrived/ when

C. he had arrived/ than

D. had he arrived/ than

Question 20: _____the temperature, _______water turns into steam.

A. The higher/ the faster

B. The higher/ the fast

C. The more higher/ the faster

D. Higher/ faster the

Question 21: Having passed the entrance exam, _____go away for a holiday.
A. his parents allow him

B. he is allowed to

C. he is allowing to

D. his parents allow

him to
Question 22: Neither Tom nor his brothers ______ willing to help their mother with the housework.
A. is

B. has been

C. was

D. are

Question 23: More coffee? Anybody? ~ ______________

A. I dont agree, Im afraid

B. Id love to

C. Yes, please

D. Its right I think

Question 24: The diesel engine was named_____its inventor Rudolf Diesel.
A. after

B. for

C. to

D. following

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 25: It is very discourteous to intrude during someones conversation.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. find fault

B. disagree

C. leave quickly

D. interrupt

Question 26: In certain type of poisoning, you should immediately give large quantities of soapy or
salty water in order to induce vomiting.
A. cause

B. clean

C. control

D. stop

Question 27: It is useless to attempt to flee from every danger: some risks must be taken.
A. hide oneself

B. run away

C. protect oneself

D. hesitate

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 28: Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.

Question 29: Although caffeine is a moderately habit-forming drug, coffee is not regarded as harmfully

the average healthy adult.

Question 30: Mountains have helped to protect the Swiss from invaders, and indeed, Switzerland has

remained at peace while other European nations engaging in war.


Question 31: Each year, tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic

Question 32:Political science, alike the other social sciences, is not an exact science.

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 33: The noise is so faint that it was impossible to be sure what it was or even where it came
A. frightening

B. general

C. loud

D. indistinct

Question 34: The kids persisted with their soccer game even though recess was over.
A. insisted on

B. continued in spite

C. resisted of

D. stopped

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States
increased. The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities.
Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon
credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility.
Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into
American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the
century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920
schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly
lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and
counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the
larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by
public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.
Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs
of specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate young
women so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many
educators considered appropriate for women was the home.
Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American
education gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the
production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities
both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States,
however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American
homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer
homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children efficiently in their own homes, or
if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made
these notions seem quite out-of-date.
Question 35: The paragraph preceding the whole reading passage probably discusses _____.
A. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the nineteen
B. the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century.
C. the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century.
D. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century.
Question 36: It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

of education in the United States was _____.

A. the expanding economic problems of schools
B. the growing number of schools in frontier communities
C. an increase in the number of trained teachers
D. the increased urbanization of the entire country
Question 37: The word means in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.
A. qualifications

B. advantages

C. probability

D. method

Question 38: The phrase coincided with in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.
A. happened at the same time as

B. ensured the success of

C. was influenced by

D. began to grow rapidly

Question 39: According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920s
was that _____.
A. the amount of time spent on formal education was limited
B. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education
C. adults and children studied in the same classes
D. most places required children to attend school
Question 40: Vacation schools and extracurricular activities are mentioned in paragraph 2 to
illustrate _____.
A. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.
B. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools
C. the importance of educational changes
D. the increased impact of public schools on students
Question 41:

According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that

A. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them
B. different groups needed different kinds of education
C. more women should be involved in education and industry
D. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress
Question 42: The word it in bold type refers to _____.
A. education

B. consumption

C. production

D. homemaking

Question 43: Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _____.

A. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
B. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States

D. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
Question 44:

Which paragraph mentions the importance of abilities and experience in formal

A. Paragraph 2

B. Paragraph 4

C. Paragraph 1

D. Paragraph 3

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of blanks
When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not
(45)______ understand. Sometimes you (46)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you
guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (47)______of accuracy you require and the
time at your disposal.
If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is
(48)_______remembering that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an
approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a
(49)__________of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that
translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is
usually far safer to (50)________an English- English dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (51)__________you are allowed to use one, it
is very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (52)______,
forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you
develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(53)__________a number of possible
problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within
the sentence and outside, and making uses (54)_____ clues derived from the formation of the word.
Question 45. A. wholly

B. fully

C. complete

D. totally

Question 46. A. check

B. control

C. examine

D. inspect

Question 47. A. extent

B. degree

C. range

D. level

Question 48. A. valuable

B. worth

C. vital

D. essential

Question 49. A. multiple

B. variety

C. variation

D. diversity

Question 50. A. survey

B. infer

C. consult

D. inquire

Question 51. A. In case

B. Provided

C. Although

D. Even if

Question 52. A. but

B. however

C. so that

D. therefore

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 53. A. surpass

B. get on

C. go over

D. overcome

Question 54. A. of

B. with

C. on

D. about

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The art world
One of the major problems in the art world is how to distinguish and promote an artist. In effect,
a market must be created for an artist to be successful. The practice of signing and


individual prints was introduced by James Abbott McNeill Whistler, the nineteenth - century artist best
known for the painting of his mother, called Arrangement in Grey and Black, but known to most of us
as Whistlers Mother. Whistlers brother - in - law, Sir Francis Seymour Haden, a less well - known
artist, had speculated that collectors might find prints more attractive if they knew that they were only a
limited number of copies produced. By signing the work in pencil, an artist could guarantee and
personalize each print.
As soon as Whistler and Haden began the practice of signing and numbering their prints,
their work began to increase in value. When other artists noticed that the signed prints commanded
higher prices, they began copying the procedure.
Although most prints are signed on the right - hand side in the margin below the image, the placement of
the signature is a matter of personal choice. Indeed, prints have been signed within the image, in any of
the margins, or even on the reverse side of the print. Wherever the artist elects to sign it, a signed print is
still valued above an unsigned one, even in the same edition.
Question 55: Which of the following would be a better title for the passage?
A. Whistlers Mother

B. The Practice of Signing Prints

C. Copying Limited Edition Prints

D. Whistlers Greatest Works

Question 56: What made Whistlers work more valuable?

A. His fame as an artist

B. His painting of his mother.

C. His signature on the prints

D. His brother - in - laws prints.

Question 57: The word speculated in bold type could best be replaced by_____.
A. guessed

B. noticed

C. denied

D. announced

Question 58: The word distinguish in bold type is closest in meaning to______.
A. recognize differences

B. make improvements

C. allow exceptions

D. accept changes

Question 59: The word it in bold type refers to______.

A. the same edition

B. the reverse side

C. a print

D. the image

Question 60: Where in the passage does the author indicate where an artists signature might be found

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on a work?
A. Lines 6-7

B. Lines 9-10

C. Lines 11-13

D. Lines 14-15

Question 61: What does the author mean by the statement: As soon as Whistler and Haden began the
practice of signing and numbering their prints, their work began to increase in value ?
A. The prints that were signed and numbered were worth more.
B. The signing and numbering of prints was not very popular
C. The signatures became more valuable than the prints
D. Many copies of the prints were made.
Question 62: What was true about the painting of Whistlers mother?
A. It was painted by Sir Francis Seymour Haden.
B. Its title was Arrangement in Grey and Black.
C. It was not one of Whistlers best paintings.
D. It was a completely new method of painting.
Question 63: The author mentions all of the following as reasons why a collector prefers a signed print
A. it guarantees the prints authenticity

B. it encourages higher prices for the print

C. it limits the number of copies of the print

D. it makes the print more personal

Question 64: It can be inferred from the passage that artists number their prints_______.
A. at the same place on each of the prints

B. to guarantee a limited edition

C. when the buyer requests it

D. as an accounting procedure

SECTION B. (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Only when________________________________________________________.
2. Whos been sitting in my chair? said the director.
The director wondered_______________________________________________.
3. It wasnt necessary for them to call for help after all.
They _____________________________________________________________.
4. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.
5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is_________________________________________________________.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the following topic:

In your opinion, which of the inventions in the twentieth century has been the most significant
for the world? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh


Thi gian: 90 pht

M :

SECTION A (8 points)
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. event

B. preserve

C. effect

D. effort

Question 2: A. eyes

B. learns

C. needs

D. works

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. appropriate

B. majority

C. centenarian

D. inhabitant

Question 4: A. vulnerable

B. dormitory

C. dedicated

D. initiate

Question 5: A. obtain

B. podium

C. apply

D. disease

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Nha Trang, ______last year, is excellent for holiday-makers.
A. that we visited

B. which we visited

C. visited

D. we visited

Question 7: I dont mind_____waiting for a few minutes.

A. being kept

B. being

C. to be kept

D. keeping

Question 8: You ______out last night. I called several times but nobody answered the phone.
A. can be

B. must be

C. must have been

D. should have been

Question 9: He devoted most of his time ______after his little brothers and sisters.
A. to looking

B. to look

C. looking

D. look

Question 10: Dont fail to send your parents my regards. ~ ________________.

A. Good ideas, thanks

B. Thanks, I will

C. Its my pleasure

D. Youre welcome

Question 11: The polar bears _____depends on its ability to catch fish.
A. surviving

B. survivor

C. survival

D. survive

Question 12: You are not allowed to drive your car in the city centre at rush hours _____there is too much
traffic then.
A. although

B. because of

C. in spite of

Question 13: If it hadnt been for your laziness, you_____the exams.

D. because

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. could pass

B. had passed C. could have passed

D. must have passed

Question 14: Jack ______be so bad-tempered; I wonder if hes got problems.

A. wouldnt

B. isnt used to

C. didnt use to

D. isnt use to

Question 15: We expected her at nine but she finally______at midnight.

A. turned up

B. came off

C. came to

D. turned out

Question 16: The judge _____him fifty dollars for parking his car illegally.
A. ordered

B. charged

C. fined

D. punished

Question 17: The purpose of a labour union is to improve the working conditions, ______, and pay of its
A. jobs are secure

B. job security

C. to be secure

D. the jobs security

Question 18: It is very important for a firm or a company to____changes in the market.
A. keep pace of

B. keep in touch with

C. keep track with

D. keep pace with

Question 19: No sooner____at the bus stop____the bus came.

A. he had arrived/ than

B. had he arrived/ than

C. he had arrived/ when

D. had he arrived/ when

Question 20: _____the temperature, _______water turns into steam.

A. The more higher/ the faster

B. The higher/ the faster

C. Higher/ faster the

D. The higher/ the fast

Question 21: Having passed the entrance exam, _____go away for a holiday.
A. his parents allow him

B. his parents allow him to

C. he is allowed to

D. he is allowing to

Question 22: Neither Tom nor his brothers ______ willing to help their mother with the housework.
A. has been

B. was

C. are

D. is

Question 23: More coffee? Anybody? ~ ______________

A. Yes, please

B. Its right I think

C. I dont agree, Im afraid

D. Id love to

Question 24: The diesel engine was named_____its inventor Rudolf Diesel.
A. to

B. after

C. following

D. for

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 25: It is very discourteous to intrude during someones conversation.
A. disagree

B. leave quickly

C. interrupt

D. find fault

Question 26: In certain type of poisoning, you should immediately give large quantities of soapy or salty
water in order to induce vomiting.
A. control

B. stop

C. cause

D. clean

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 27: It is useless to attempt to flee from every danger: some risks must be taken.
A. protect oneself

B. hide oneself

C. hesitate

D. run away

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 28: Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.

Question 29: Although caffeine is a moderately habit-forming drug, coffee is not regarded as harmfully to

the average healthy adult.

Question 30: Mountains have helped to protect the Swiss from invaders, and indeed, Switzerland has

remained at peace while other European nations engaging in war.


Question 31: Each year, tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic

Question 32:Political science, alike the other social sciences, is not an exact science.

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 33: The noise is so faint that it was impossible to be sure what it was or even where it came from.
A. loud

B. frightening

C. indistinct

D. general

Question 34: The kids persisted with their soccer game even though recess was over.
A. insisted on

B. stopped

C. continued in spite

D. resisted of

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased.
The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization
and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to
make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were
viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling
to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened.
Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling
extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial
cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools,
corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.
Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of
specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate young women
so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators
considered appropriate for women was the home.
Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American education
gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as
well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and
outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States, however,
overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American homemaker was
viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking,
shopping, decorating, and caring for children efficiently in their own homes, or if economic necessity
demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite
Question 35: The paragraph preceding the whole reading passage probably discusses _____.
A. the urbanization in the United States in the nineteen century.
B. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century.
C. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the nineteen century.
D. the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century.
Question 36: It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of
education in the United States was _____.
A. an increase in the number of trained teachers
B. the expanding economic problems of schools
C. the increased urbanization of the entire country
D. the growing number of schools in frontier communities
Question 37: The word means in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.
A. qualifications

B. method

C. advantages

D. probability

Question 38: The phrase coincided with in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. ensured the success of

B. was influenced by

C. began to grow rapidly

D. happened at the same time as

Question 39:

According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920s

was that _____.

A. adults and children studied in the same classes
B. most places required children to attend school
C. the amount of time spent on formal education was limited
D. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education
Question 40: Vacation schools and extracurricular activities are mentioned in paragraph 2 to illustrate
A. the importance of educational changes
B. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.
C. the increased impact of public schools on students
D. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools
Question 41: According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that _____.
A. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them
B. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress
C. different groups needed different kinds of education
D. more women should be involved in education and industry
Question 42: The word it in bold type refers to _____.
A. consumption

B. production

C. homemaking

D. education

Question 43: Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _____.

A. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
B. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
C. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
D. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
Question 44: Which paragraph mentions the importance of abilities and experience in formal schooling?
A. Paragraph 1

B. Paragraph 2

C. Paragraph 3

D. Paragraph 4

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of blanks.
When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (45)______
understand. Sometimes you (46)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy
you adopt depends very much upon the (47)______of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (48)_______remembering
that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an
accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (49)__________of contexts. It is also
important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native
language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (50)________an EnglishEnglish dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (51)__________you are allowed to use one, it is
very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (52)______, forced
to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop
efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(53)__________a number of possible problems and
help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the
sentence and outside, and making uses (54)_____ clues derived from the formation of the word.
Question 45. A. fully

B. complete

C. totally

D. wholly

Question 46. A. examine

B. inspect

C. check

D. control

Question 47. A. range

B. extent

C. level

D. degree

Question 48. A. valuable

B. essential

C. worth

D. vital

Question 49. A. variety

B. variation

C. diversity

D. multiple

Question 50. A. consult

B. inquire

C. survey

D. infer

Question 51. A. Although

B. In case

C. Even if

D. Provided

Question 52. A. but

B. therefore

C. however

D. so that

Question 53. A. get on

B. go over

C. overcome

D. surpass

Question 54. A. on

B. about

C. of

D. with

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The art world
One of the major problems in the art world is how to distinguish and promote an artist. In effect, a
market must be created for an artist to be successful. The practice of signing and numbering


prints was introduced by James Abbott McNeill Whistler, the nineteenth - century artist best known for the
painting of his mother, called Arrangement in Grey and Black, but known to most of us as Whistlers
Mother. Whistlers brother - in - law, Sir Francis Seymour Haden, a less well - known artist, had
speculated that collectors might find prints more attractive if they knew that they were only a limited

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

number of copies produced. By signing the work in pencil, an artist could guarantee and personalize each
As soon as Whistler and Haden began the practice of signing and numbering their prints, their
work began to increase in value. When other artists noticed that the signed prints commanded higher prices,
they began copying the procedure.
Although most prints are signed on the right - hand side in the margin below the image, the placement of the
signature is a matter of personal choice. Indeed, prints have been signed within the image, in any of the
margins, or even on the reverse side of the print. Wherever the artist elects to sign it, a signed print is still
valued above an unsigned one, even in the same edition.
Question 55: Which of the following would be a better title for the passage?
A. Whistlers Mother

B. Whistlers Greatest Works

C. The Practice of Signing Prints

D. Copying Limited Edition Prints

Question 56: What made Whistlers work more valuable?

A. His painting of his mother.

B. His signature on the prints

C. His brother - in - laws prints.

D. His fame as an artist

Question 57: The word speculated in bold type could best be replaced by_____.
A. denied

B. announced

C. guessed

D. noticed

Question 58: The word distinguish in bold type is closest in meaning to______.
A. allow exceptions

B. recognize differences

C. accept changes

D. make improvements

Question 59: The word it in bold type refers to______.

A. the same edition

B. the image

C. the reverse side

D. a print

Question 60: Where in the passage does the author indicate where an artists signature might be found on a
A. Lines 9-10
Question 61:

B. Lines 11-13

C. Lines 14-15

D. Lines 6-7

What does the author mean by the statement: As soon as Whistler and Haden began the

practice of signing and numbering their prints, their work began to increase in value ?
A. The signatures became more valuable than the prints
B. Many copies of the prints were made.
C. The prints that were signed and numbered were worth more.
D. The signing and numbering of prints was not very popular
Question 62: What was true about the painting of Whistlers mother?
A. It was not one of Whistlers best paintings.

B. It was painted by Sir Francis Seymour Haden.

C. It was a completely new method of painting.

D. Its title was Arrangement in Grey and Black.

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Question 63: The author mentions all of the following as reasons why a collector prefers a signed print
A. it guarantees the prints authenticity

B. it makes the print more personal

C. it encourages higher prices for the print

D. it limits the number of copies of the print

Question 64: It can be inferred from the passage that artists number their prints_______.
A. to guarantee a limited edition

B. when the buyer requests it

C. as an accounting procedure

D. at the same place on each of the prints

SECTION B. (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Only when________________________________________________________.
2. Whos been sitting in my chair? said the director.
The director wondered_______________________________________________.
3. It wasnt necessary for them to call for help after all.
They _____________________________________________________________.
4. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.
5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is_________________________________________________________.
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the following topic:
In your opinion, which of the inventions in the twentieth century has been the most significant
for the world? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

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Mn: Ting Anh


Thi gian: 90 pht

M :

SECTION A (8 points)
* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. effect

B. effort

C. event

D. preserve

Question 2: A. needs

B. eyes

C. works

D. learns

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. majority

B. centenarian

C. inhabitant

D. appropriate

Question 4: A. dedicated

B. initiate

C. vulnerable

D. dormitory

Question 5: A. apply

B. obtain

C. disease

D. podium

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: Nha Trang, ______last year, is excellent for holiday-makers.
A. which we visited

B. visited

C. we visited

D. that we visited

Question 7: I dont mind_____waiting for a few minutes.

A. to be kept

B. keeping

C. being kept

D. being

Question 8: You ______out last night. I called several times but nobody answered the phone.
A. must have been

B. can be

C. should have been

D. must be

Question 9: He devoted most of his time ______after his little brothers and sisters.
A. to looking

B. look

C. to look

D. looking

Question 10: Dont fail to send your parents my regards. ~ ________________.

A. Thanks, I will

B. Its my pleasure

C. Youre welcome

D. Good ideas, thanks

Question 11: The polar bears _____depends on its ability to catch fish.
A. survival

B. survive

C. surviving

D. survivor

Question 12: You are not allowed to drive your car in the city centre at rush hours _____there is too much
traffic then.
A. in spite of

B. although

C. because

D. because of

Question 13: If it hadnt been for your laziness, you_____the exams.

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A. could pass

B. must have passed

C. had passed D. could have passed

Question 14: Jack ______be so bad-tempered; I wonder if hes got problems.

A. isnt used to

B. didnt use to

C. isnt use to

D. wouldnt

Question 15: We expected her at nine but she finally______at midnight.

A. came to

B. turned out

C. turned up

D. came off

Question 16: The judge _____him fifty dollars for parking his car illegally.
A. fined

B. ordered

C. punished

D. charged

Question 17: The purpose of a labour union is to improve the working conditions, ______, and pay of its
A. jobs are secure

B. the jobs security

C. job security

D. to be secure

Question 18: It is very important for a firm or a company to____changes in the market.
A. keep in touch with B. keep track with C. keep pace with

D. keep pace of

Question 19: No sooner____at the bus stop____the bus came.

A. he had arrived/ when

B. had he arrived/ when

C. he had arrived/ than

D. had he arrived/ than

Question 20: _____the temperature, _______water turns into steam.

A. Higher/ faster the

B. The more higher/ the faster

C. The higher/ the fast

D. The higher/ the faster

Question 21: Having passed the entrance exam, _____go away for a holiday.
A. his parents allow him

B. he is allowing to

C. his parents allow him to D. he is allowed to

Question 22: Neither Tom nor his brothers ______ willing to help their mother with the housework.
A. was

B. are

C. is

D. has been

Question 23: More coffee? Anybody? ~ ______________

A. I dont agree, Im afraid

B. Id love to

C. Yes, please

D. Its right I think

Question 24: The diesel engine was named_____its inventor Rudolf Diesel.
A. following

B. to

C. for

D. after

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 25: It is very discourteous to intrude during someones conversation.
A. leave quickly

B. interrupt

C. find fault

D. disagree

Question 26: In certain type of poisoning, you should immediately give large quantities of soapy or salty
water in order to induce vomiting.
A. cause

B. clean

C. control

D. stop

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Question 27: It is useless to attempt to flee from every danger: some risks must be taken.
A. hesitate

B. protect oneself

C. run away

D. hide oneself

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 28: Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.

Question 29: Although caffeine is a moderately habit-forming drug, coffee is not regarded as harmfully to

the average healthy adult.

Question 30: Mountains have helped to protect the Swiss from invaders, and indeed, Switzerland has

remained at peace while other European nations engaging in war.


Question 31: Each year, tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic

Question 32:Political science, alike the other social sciences, is not an exact science.

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 33: The noise is so faint that it was impossible to be sure what it was or even where it came from.
A. indistinct

B. loud

C. general

D. frightening

Question 34: The kids persisted with their soccer game even though recess was over.
A. insisted on

B. resisted of

C. stopped

D. continued in spite

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased.
The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization
and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to
make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were
viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.
The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the

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century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling
to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened.
Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling
extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial
cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools,
corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.
Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of
specific populations. Immigrant women were once such population. Schools tried to educate young women
so they could occupy productive places in the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators
considered appropriate for women was the home.
Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American education
gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as
well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and
outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States, however,
overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American homemaker was
viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking,
shopping, decorating, and caring for children efficiently in their own homes, or if economic necessity
demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite
Question 35: The paragraph preceding the whole reading passage probably discusses _____.
A. the industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life the United States in the nineteen century.
B. the formal schooling in the United States in the nineteen century.

C. the urbanization in the United

States in the nineteen century.

D. the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society in the nineteen century.
Question 36: It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of
education in the United States was _____.
A. the increased urbanization of the entire country
B. an increase in the number of trained teachers
C. the growing number of schools in frontier communities
D. the expanding economic problems of schools
Question 37: The word means in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.
A. qualifications

B. probability

C. method

D. advantages

Question 38: The phrase coincided with in bold type is closest in meaning to _____.

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A. was influenced by

B. began to grow rapidly

C. happened at the same time as

D. ensured the success of

Question 39:

According to the passage, one important change in United States education by the 1920s

was that _____.

A. the amount of time spent on formal education was limited
B. new regulations were imposed on nontraditional education
C. adults and children studied in the same classes
D. most places required children to attend school
Question 40: Vacation schools and extracurricular activities are mentioned in paragraph 2 to illustrate
A. the increased impact of public schools on students
B. the importance of educational changes
C. alternatives to formal education provided by public schools
D. activities that competed to attract new immigrants to their programs.
Question 41: According to the passage, early-twentieth century education reformers believed that _____.
A. special programs should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them
B. more women should be involved in education and industry
C. corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress
D. different groups needed different kinds of education
Question 42: The word it in bold type refers to _____.
A. production

B. homemaking

C. education

D. consumption

Question 43: Women were trained to be consumer homemakers as a result of _____.

A. scarcity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
B. economic necessity in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
C. income-producing activities in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
D. overproduction in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States
Question 44: Which paragraph mentions the importance of abilities and experience in formal schooling?
A. Paragraph 3

B. Paragraph 1

C. Paragraph 4

D. Paragraph 2

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase for each of blanks.
When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (45)______
understand. Sometimes you (46)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy
you adopt depends very much upon the (47)______of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.

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If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (48)_______remembering
that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an
accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (49)__________of contexts. It is also
important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native
language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (50)________an EnglishEnglish dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (51)__________you are allowed to use one, it is
very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (52)______, forced
to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop
efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(53)__________a number of possible problems and
help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the
sentence and outside, and making uses (54)_____ clues derived from the formation of the word.
Question 45. A. complete

B. totally

C. wholly

D. fully

Question 46. A. check

B. control

C. examine

D. inspect

Question 47. A. level

B. range

C. degree

D. extent

Question 48. A. valuable

B. vital

C. essential

D. worth

Question 49. A. variation

B. diversity

C. multiple

D. variety

Question 50. A. survey

B. infer

C. consult

D. inquire

Question 51. A. Even if

B. Although

C. Provided

D. In case

Question 52. A. but

B. so that

C. therefore

D. however

Question 53. A. go over

B. overcome

C. surpass

D. get on

Question 54. A. of

B. with

C. on

D. about

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The art world
One of the major problems in the art world is how to distinguish and promote an artist. In effect, a
market must be created for an artist to be successful. The practice of signing and numbering


prints was introduced by James Abbott McNeill Whistler, the nineteenth - century artist best known for the
painting of his mother, called Arrangement in Grey and Black, but known to most of us as Whistlers
Mother. Whistlers brother - in - law, Sir Francis Seymour Haden, a less well - known artist, had
speculated that collectors might find prints more attractive if they knew that they were only a limited

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number of copies produced. By signing the work in pencil, an artist could guarantee and personalize each
As soon as Whistler and Haden began the practice of signing and numbering their prints, their
work began to increase in value. When other artists noticed that the signed prints commanded higher prices,
they began copying the procedure.
Although most prints are signed on the right - hand side in the margin below the image, the placement of the
signature is a matter of personal choice. Indeed, prints have been signed within the image, in any of the
margins, or even on the reverse side of the print. Wherever the artist elects to sign it, a signed print is still
valued above an unsigned one, even in the same edition.
Question 55: Which of the following would be a better title for the passage?
A. Whistlers Mother

B. Copying Limited Edition Prints

C. Whistlers Greatest Works

D. The Practice of Signing Prints

Question 56: What made Whistlers work more valuable?

A. His signature on the prints

B. His brother - in - laws prints.

C. His fame as an artist

D. His painting of his mother.

Question 57: The word speculated in bold type could best be replaced by_____.
A. guessed

B. noticed

C. denied

D. announced

Question 58: The word distinguish in bold type is closest in meaning to______.
A. accept changes

B. allow exceptions

C. make improvements

D. recognize differences

Question 59: The word it in bold type refers to______.

A. the same edition

B. a print

C. the image

D. the reverse side

Question 60: Where in the passage does the author indicate where an artists signature might be found on a
A. Lines 11-13
Question 61:

B. Lines 14-15

C. Lines 6-7

D. Lines 9-10

What does the author mean by the statement: As soon as Whistler and Haden began the

practice of signing and numbering their prints, their work began to increase in value ?
A. The prints that were signed and numbered were worth more.
B. The signing and numbering of prints was not very popular
C. The signatures became more valuable than the prints
D. Many copies of the prints were made.
Question 62: What was true about the painting of Whistlers mother?
A. It was a completely new method of painting.
B. It was not one of Whistlers best paintings.

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C. Its title was Arrangement in Grey and Black.

D. It was painted by Sir Francis Seymour Haden.
Question 63: The author mentions all of the following as reasons why a collector prefers a signed print
A. it guarantees the prints authenticity

B. it limits the number of copies of the print

C. it makes the print more personal

D. it encourages higher prices for the print

Question 64: It can be inferred from the passage that artists number their prints_______.
A. when the buyer requests it

B. as an accounting procedure

C. at the same place on each of the prints

D. to guarantee a limited edition

SECTION B. (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Only when________________________________________________________.
2. Whos been sitting in my chair? said the director.
The director wondered_______________________________________________.
3. It wasnt necessary for them to call for help after all.
They _____________________________________________________________.
4. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.
5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is_________________________________________________________.
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the following topic:
In your opinion, which of the inventions in the twentieth century has been the most significant
for the world? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

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SECTION B. (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Only when________________________________________________________.
2. Whos been sitting in my chair? said the director.
The director wondered_______________________________________________.
3. It wasnt necessary for them to call for help after all.
They _____________________________________________________________.
4. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.
5. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is_________________________________________________________.
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph on the following topic:
In your opinion, which of the inventions in the twentieth century has been the most significant
for the world? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Section B.

Only when they told me about it later did I realize what I had missed.


The director wondered who had been sitting in his chair.


- They didnt need to call for help after all.

Or: - They didnt have to call for help after all.

Or: - They neednt have called for help after all.

If Johns car hadnt broken down, he wouldnt have missed the ferry.


The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.

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M : 311
thi c 05 trang


Nm hc 2015 - 2016
Thi gian: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian pht )
(Hc sinh lm phn trc nghim 64 cu vo phiu tr li trc
nghim v phn t lun vo mt sau ca phiu tr li.)


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. lean
B. teammate
C. beacon
D. overhead
Question 2. A. challenge
B. snatch
C. brochure
D. chocolate
Question 3. A. naked
B. sacred
C. learned
D. studied
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 4. A. description B. counselor
C. inspector
D. amendment
Question 5. A. psychiatry
B. inexpensive
C. patriotic
D. scientific
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 6. By tomorrow, the car _____ by me.
A. will have been bought B. will be bought
C. was being bought
D. was bought
Question 7. The meeting has been put _____ to Friday as so many people have got the flu.
A. up
B. in
C. out
D. back
Question 8. - A: John got married again. - B: Really? Who _____?
A. with
B. at
C. to
D. about
Question 9. The child was told to _____ for being rude to his uncle.
A. excuse
B. apologize
C. forgive
D. confess
Question 10. Mai: Wow, Ive never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam - Nam: _____.
A. Oh, I dont know.
B. Thank you. Im glad you like it.
C. Youre welcome.
D. I agree with you.
Question 11. - A: Are you interested in scuba diving? - B: A lot. Undersea life is _____.
A. fascinating
B. fascinate
C. fascinates
D. fascinated
Question 12. "_____ anyone ring while Im away, please take a message."
A. Will
B. May
C. Should
D. Would
Question 13. The meeting has been brought _____ to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation.
A. on
B. out
C. down
D. forward
Question 14.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _____ best in its climate and soil.
A. what grows
B. it grows
C. does it grow
D. what does it grow
Question 15. A: Can I smoke in here? - B: Id rather you _____.
A. dont
B. didnt
C. wont
D. cant
Question 16. The grape is the _____, juicy fruit of a woody vine.
A. skin which is smooth B. skinned is smooth
C. smooth-skinned
D. smooth skin
Question 17.The ___ collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop-door were told they had to wait.
A. blue
B. black
C. grey
D. white
Question 18. The more you talk about the situation, ______
A. it seems worse B. the worse does it seem
C. the worse it seems D. it seems the worse
Question 19.Those boys took a long ladder______.

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A. in order to get the ball from the roof

C. so that the ball from the roof can be gotten

B. so they will get the ball from the roof

D. and then get the ball from the roof

Mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 20. Peter always trusts me with his interest.
A. Peter does not always keep the secrets I tell him.
B. I always confide in Peter.
C. Peter often fails to keep the secrets I tell him.
D. Peter always confides in me.
Question 21. Less is known about the cause of the common cold than about the causes of many more
serious diseases.
A. The causes of less serious diseases than the common cold are better known than it is.
B. We know less than we should about the causes of the common cold and more serious diseases.
C. We know less about the cause of the common cold than we do about the causes of more serious diseases.
D. The cause of the common cold is better known than the causes of more serious diseases
Question 22. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
A. He knew that his money would be stolen.
B. Never he suspected that the money had been stolen.
C. At no time did he suspect that the money had been stolen.
D. At no time he suspected that the money had been stolen.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 23. Adverse reviews in the press may greatly change the prospects of a product.
A. encouraging
B. additional
C. sensible
D. favorable
Question 24. There is practically no difference between the two options.
A. virtually
B. hardly
C. usually
D. exactly
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 25. Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities.
Question 26. The teacher asked him why hadnt he done his homework, but he said nothing.
Question 27. Hardly had he entered the room than all the lights went out.
Question 28. Since fireworks are dangerous, many countries have laws preventing businesses to sell them.
Question 29. Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the
planets will have been contacted within the near 50 years.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
In the world today, particular in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling
is the big news. People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the
environment. Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time. The motto of the recycling
movement is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

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The first step is to reduce garbage. In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and
expensive plastic wrappings. A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper,
a box and a bag. All that packaging is wasted resources. People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply,
and to reuse cups and utensils. Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products. When low-quality
appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more
energy. For example, if a customer buys a high-quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer
receives an important message. In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that
customer sends an important message to the manufacturers. To reduce garbage, the throw-away must stop.
The second step is to reuse. It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles. After customers
empty the bottles, they return them to the stores. The manufacturers of the drinks collect bottles, wash them, and
then fill them again. The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved. In some parts of the world,
returning bottles for money is a common practice. In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass
and plastic from throw-away bottles.
The third step being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used
again. Aluminum cans are expensive to make. It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as
it does to run a color TV set for three hours. When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help
save one of the worlds precious resources.
Question 30. Which area is considered one of the most industrialized?
A. South America
B. Middle East
C. Europe
D. Asia
Question 31.What does the word sensitive means?
A. cautious
B. logical
C. responding
D. friendly
Question 32. The word motto is closest in meaning to _______.
A. meaning
B. value
C. belief
D. reference
Question 33. It is a waste when customers buy low-quality products because _______.
A. they have to be repaired many times.
B. they will soon throw them away
C. customers always change their idea
D. they are very cheap.
Question 34. What is the topic of the passage?
A. How to live sensitively to the environment.
B. How to reduce garbage disposal.
C. What is involved in the recycling movement.
D. What people understand the term recycle
Question 35. People can do the following to reduce waste EXCEPT _______.
A. buy high-quality products
B. buy simply-wrapped things
C. reuse cups
D. buy more hamburgers
Question 36. What best describe the process of reuse?
A. The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed.
B. The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again.
C. The bottles are washed, returned filled again and collected.
D. The bottles are collected, returned, filled again and washed.
Question 37. The word practice is closest in meaning to _______.
A. training
B. exercise
C. deed
D. belief
Question 38.Garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because _______.
A. people are ordered to return bottles
B. returned bottles are few
C. each returned bottle is paid
D. few bottles are made of glass or plastic
Question 39.What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling?
A. TV sets and aluminum cans.
B. Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil.
C. Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings.
D. Aluminum cans and spent motor oil.
Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in each gap.
Most Americans eat three meals (40) ______ the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast begins between
7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

"brunch" is a (41) ______ of breakfast and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study
break" or evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (42)
______. Dinner is the main meal.
(43) ______ breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (44) ______ in a bowl, a
glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast
meal is scrambled eggs or (45) ______ omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who
are on (46) ______ eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (47) ______. When eating at a formal
dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (48) ______ the difference between a
salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (49) ______ But knowing
which fork or spoon to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last.
Question 40. A. in
B. for
C. on
D. during
Question 41. A. addition
B. connection
C. combination
D. attachment
Question 42. A. course
B. food
C. menu
D. goods
Question 43. A. For
B. In
C. At
D. With
Question 44. A. each other B. together
C. one another
D. others
Question 45. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article
Question 46. A. holiday
B. engagement
C. diet
D. duty
Question 47. A. vary
B. variety
C. varied
D. variously
Question 48. A. say
B. talk
C. speak
D. tell
Question 49. A. too
B. either
C. so
D. neither
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant
language of international communication. English as we know it to day emerged around 1350, after having
incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the
1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales,
Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began too spread around the
globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities
proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information scored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two
thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising,
media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the
world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than
any other language in the world.
Question 50. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The number of non-native users of English.
B. The French influence on the English language.
C. The expansion of English as an international language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
Question 51. In the first paragraph, the word "emerged" is closest in meaning to _______
A. appeared
B. hailed
C. frequented
D. engaged
Question 52. In the first paragraph, the word "elements" is closest in meaning to _______
A. declaration
B. features
C. curiosities
D. customs
Question 53. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. In 1066
B. around 1350
C. before 1600
D. after 1600
Question 54. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. the slave trade

B. the Norman invasion
C. missionaries
D. colonization
Question 55.In the first paragraph, the word "course" could best be replaced by _______
A. subject
B. policy
C. time
D. track
Question 56. In the first paragraph, the word "enclaves" is closest in meaning to _______
A. communities
B. organizations
C. regions
D. countries
Question 57. In the second paragraph, the word "stored" is closest in meaning to _______
A. bought
B. saved
C. spent
D. valued
Question 58. In the second paragraph, the word "constituting" is closest in meaning to _______
A. looking over
B. setting down
C. doing in
D. making up
Question 59. According to the passage, approximately how many non-native users of English are there in the
world today ?
A. a quarter million B. half a million
C. 350 million
D. 700 million
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 60. ______ for breakfast is bread and eggs.
A. That I only like
B. Which better I like
C. What I like most
D. The food what I like
Question 61. Before he was 20, he developed ______ for the personal computer.
A. the world first computer's language
B. the computer language for the first world
C. the world's first computer language
D. the first world's computer language
Question 62. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after graduation, ______.
A. I will be employed full-time by the university
B. I would be offered by the university
C. the university will employ me full-time
D. an employer will give me a full-time job
Question 63. He has been to the school library many times ______.
A. if the semester has started
B. while the semester is starting
C. since the semester started
D. after the semester starts
Question 64. That science book ____ again and again.
A. is worth to read
B. is worthy reading
C. is worth reading
D. is worth being read
WRITING: (2 im)
PART I : Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (0,5 im)
1. His jealousy increases with his love for her.
=> The more _________________________________________________________________
2. She became interested in wildlife conservation, so she joined Greenpeace.
=> But for___________________________________________________________________
3. They said that the explosion had been caused by mine.
=> The explosion ______________________________________________________________
4. Wed prefer you not to smoke.
=> Wed rather _______________________________________________________________
5. Most students ignored what the teacher was saying.
=> Few_____________________________________________________________________
PART II : In about 140 words, write about the measures for protecting endangered animals. (1,5 im)
----------- THE END ---------Th sinh khng c s dng ti liu. Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm.
H v tn th sinh:.................................................... S bo danh: ..........................

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


M : 322
thi c 05 trang


Nm hc 2015 - 2016
Thi gian: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian pht )
(Hc sinh lm phn trc nghim 64 cu vo phiu tr li trc
nghim v phn t lun vo mt sau ca phiu tr li.)


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 1. Adverse reviews in the press may greatly change the prospects of a product.
A. additional
B. encouraging
C. favorable
D. sensible
Question 2. There is practically no difference between the two options.
A. virtually
B. usually
C. hardly
D. exactly
Mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 3. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
A. At no time did he suspect that the money had been stolen.
B. He knew that his money would be stolen.
C. At no time he suspected that the money had been stolen.
D. Never he suspected that the money had been stolen.
Question 4. Less is known about the cause of the common cold than about the causes of many more serious
A. The causes of less serious diseases than the common cold are better known than it is.
B. We know less about the cause of the common cold than we do about the causes of more serious diseases.
C. We know less than we should about the causes of the common cold and more serious diseases.
D. The cause of the common cold is better known than the causes of more serious diseases
Question 5. Peter always trusts me with his interest.
A. Peter always confides in me.
B. Peter does not always keep the secrets I tell him.
C. Peter often fails to keep the secrets I tell him.
D. I always confide in Peter.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 6. A. teammate
B. overhead
C. beacon
D. lean
Question 7. A. challenge
B. snatch
C. chocolate
D. brochure
Question 8. A. naked
B. sacred
C. studied
D. learned
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 9.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _____ best in its climate and soil.
A. what grows
B. it grows
C. does it grow
D. what does it grow
Question 10.The ___ collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop-door were told they had to wait.
A. blue
B. black
C. grey
D. white
Question 11. - A: Are you interested in scuba diving? - B: A lot. Undersea life is _____.
A. fascinating
B. fascinate
C. fascinates
D. fascinated
Question 12. The meeting has been put _____ to Friday as so many people have got the flu.
A. up
B. in
C. out
D. back

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 13: Those boys took a long ladder______.

A. in order to get the ball from the roof
B. so they will get the ball from the roof
C. so that the ball from the roof can be gotten
D. and then get the ball from the roof
Question 14. By tomorrow, the car _____ by me.
A. will have been bought B. will be bought
C. was being bought
D. was bought
Question 15. - A: John got married again. - B: Really? Who _____?
A. with
B. at
C. to
D. about
Question 16. Mai: Wow, Ive never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam - Nam: _____.
A. Oh, I dont know.
B. Thank you. Im glad you like it.
C. Youre welcome.
D. I agree with you.
Question 17. The grape is the _____, juicy fruit of a woody vine.
A. skin which is smooth B. skinned is smooth
C. smooth-skinned
D. smooth skin
Question 18. "_____ anyone ring while Im away, please take a message."
A. Will
B. May
C. Should
D. Would
Question 19. The child was told to _____ for being rude to his uncle.
A. excuse
B. apologize
C. forgive
D. confess
Question 20. A: Can I smoke in here? - B: Id rather you _____.
A. dont
B. didnt
C. wont
D. cant
Question 21. The more you talk about the situation, ______
A. it seems worse
B. the worse does it seem
C. the worse it seems
D. it seems the worse
Question 22. The meeting has been brought _____ to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation.
A. on
B. out
C. down
D. forward
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 23. A. counselor B. inspector
C. amendment
D. description
Question 24. A. patriotic
B. inexpensive
C. psychiatry
D. scientific
Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in each gap.
Most Americans eat three meals (25) ______ the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast begins between
7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays
"brunch" is a (26) ______ of breakfast and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study
break" or evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (27)
______. Dinner is the main meal.
(28) ______ breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (29) ______ in a bowl, a
glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast
meal is scrambled eggs or (30) ______ omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who
are on (31) ______ eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (32) ______. When eating at a formal
dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (33) ______ the difference between a
salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (34) ______ But knowing
which fork or spoon to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last.
Question 25. A. on
Question 26. A. connection
Question 27. A. menu
Question 28. A. For
Question 29. A. together
Question 30. A. a
Question 31. A. holiday
Question 32. A. varied

B. during
B. combination
B. food
B. In
B. each other
B. the
B. engagement
B. variety

C. in
C. addition
C. course
C. At
C. others
C. an
C. duty
C. vary

D. for
D. attachment
D. goods
D. With
D. one another
D. no article
D. diet
D. variously

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 33. A. speak

Question 34. A. too

B. tell
B. so

C. say
C. neither

D. talk
D. either

Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 35. Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the
planets will have been contacted within the near 50 years.
Question 36.The teacher asked him why hadnt he done his homework, but he said nothing.
Question 37. Since fireworks are dangerous, many countries have laws preventing businesses to sell them.
Question 38. Hardly had he entered the room than all the lights went out.
Question 39.Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
In the world today, particular in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling
is the big news. People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the
environment. Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time. The motto of the recycling
movement is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The first step is to reduce garbage. In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and
expensive plastic wrappings. A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper,
a box and a bag. All that packaging is wasted resources. People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply,
and to reuse cups and utensils. Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products. When low-quality
appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more
energy. For example, if a customer buys a high-quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer
receives an important message. In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that
customer sends an important message to the manufacturers. To reduce garbage, the throw-away must stop.
The second step is to reuse. It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles. After customers
empty the bottles, they return them to the stores. The manufacturers of the drinks collect bottles, wash them, and
then fill them again. The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved. In some parts of the world,
returning bottles for money is a common practice. In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass
and plastic from throw-away bottles.
The third step being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used
again. Aluminum cans are expensive to make. It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as
it does to run a color TV set for three hours. When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help
save one of the worlds precious resources.
Question 40. Which area is considered one of the most industrialized?
A. South America
B. Middle East
C. Europe
D. Asia
Question 41. What does the word sensitive means?
A. cautious
B. logical
C. responding
D. friendly
Question 42. The word motto is closest in meaning to _______.
A. meaning
B. value
C. belief
D. reference
Question 43. It is a waste when customers buy low-quality products because _______.
A. they have to be repaired many times.
B. they will soon throw them away

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. customers always change their idea

D. they are very cheap.
Question 44. What is the topic of the passage?
A. How to live sensitively to the environment.
B. How to reduce garbage disposal.
C. What is involved in the recycling movement.
D. What people understand the term recycle
Question 45. People can do the following to reduce waste EXCEPT _______.
A. buy high-quality products
B. buy simply-wrapped things
C. reuse cups
D. buy more hamburgers
Question 46. What best describe the process of reuse?
A. The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed.
B. The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again.
C. The bottles are washed, returned filled again and collected.
D. The bottles are collected, returned, filled again and washed.
Question 47. The word practice is closest in meaning to _______.
A. training
B. exercise
C. deed
D. belief
Question 48.Garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because _______.
A. people are ordered to return bottles
B. returned bottles are few
C. each returned bottle is paid
D. few bottles are made of glass or plastic
Question 49. What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling?
A. TV sets and aluminum cans.
B. Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil.
C. Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings.
D. Aluminum cans and spent motor oil.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 50. ______ for breakfast is bread and eggs.
A. The food what I like
B. Which better I like
C. That I only like
D. What I like most
Question 51. Before he was 20, he developed ______ for the personal computer.
A. the world first computer's language
B. the computer language for the first world
C. the world's first computer language
D. the first world's computer language
Question 52. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after graduation, ______.
A. I will be employed full-time by the university
B. I would be offered by the university
C. the university will employ me full-time
D. an employer will give me a full-time job
Question 53. He has been to the school library many times ______.
A since the semester started
B. after the semester starts
C. if the semester has started
D. while the semester is starting
Question 54. That science book ____ again and again.
A. is worth to read
B. is worth reading
C. is worthy reading
D. is worth being read
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant
language of international communication. English as we know it to day emerged around 1350, after having
incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the
1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales,
Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began too spread around the
globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities
proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information scored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two
thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising,
media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than
any other language in the world.
Question 55. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The expansion of English as an international language.
B. The number of non-native users of English.
C. The French influence on the English language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
Question 56. In the first paragraph, the word "emerged" is closest in meaning to _______
A. hailed
B. appeared
C. engaged
D. frequented
Question 57. In the first paragraph, the word "elements" is closest in meaning to _______
A. features
B. curiosities
C. customs
D. declaration
Question 58. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. around 1350
B. In 1066
C. before 1600
D. after 1600
Question 59. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world
B. the slave trade
B. missionaries
C. the Norman invasion
D. colonization
Question 60. In the first paragraph, the word "course" could best be replaced by _______
A. policy
B. subject
C. track
D. time
Question 61. In the first paragraph, the word "enclaves" is closest in meaning to _______
A. organizations
B. regions
C. countries
D. communities
Question 62. In the second paragraph, the word "stored" is closest in meaning to _______
A. bought
B. spent
C. saved
D. valued
Question 63. In the second paragraph, the word "constituting" is closest in meaning to _______
A. looking over
B. setting down
C. doing in
D. making up
Question 64. According to the passage, approximately how many non-native users of English are there in the
world today ?
A. 700 million
B. half a million
C. 350 million
D. a quarter million
WRITING: (2 im)
PART I : Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (0,5 im)
1. His jealousy increases with his love for her.
=> The more _________________________________________________________________
2. She became interested in wildlife conservation, so she joined Greenpeace.
=> But for___________________________________________________________________
3. They said that the explosion had been caused by mine.
=>The explosion ______________________________________________________________
4. Wed prefer you not to smoke.
=> Wed rather _______________________________________________________________
5. Most students ignored what the teacher was saying.
=> Few_____________________________________________________________________
PART II : In about 140 words, write about the measures for protecting endangered animals. (1,5 im)
----------- THE END ---------Th sinh khng c s dng ti liu. Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm.
H v tn th sinh:.................................................... S bo danh: ..........................

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


M : 333
thi c 05 trang

Thi gian: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian pht )

(Hc sinh lm phn trc nghim 64 cu vo phiu tr li trc
nghim v phn t lun vo mt sau ca phiu tr li.)


Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in each gap.
Most Americans eat three meals (1) ______ the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast begins between
7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays
"brunch" is a (2) ______ of breakfast and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study
break" or evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (3)
______. Dinner is the main meal.
(4) ______ breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (5) ______ in a bowl, a glass
of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast meal is
scrambled eggs or (6) ______ omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who are on (7)
______ eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (8) ______. When eating at a formal dinner, you may
be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (9) ______ the difference between a salad fork, a butter
fork, and a dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (10) ______ But knowing which fork or spoon
to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last.
Question 1. A. in
Question 2. A. connection
Question 3. A. goods
Question 4. A. With
Question 5. A. together
Question 6. A. the
Question 7. A. holiday
Question 8. A. variety
Question 9. A. speak
Question 10. A. so

B. for
B. addition
B. menu
B. At
B. each other
B. a
B. engagement
B. varied
B. talk
B. either

C. on
C. combination
C. food
C. For
C. others
C. an
C. duty
C. vary
C. tell
C. neither

D. during
D. attachment
D. course
D. In
D. one another
D. no article
D. diet
D. variously
D. say
D. too

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 11. A. inspector
B. amendment
C. counselor
D. description
Question 12. A. psychiatry B. inexpensive
C. patriotic
D. scientific
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 13. A. teammate B. overhead
C. beacon
D. lean
Question 14. A. challenge B. snatch
C. chocolate
D. brochure
Question 15. A. naked
B. sacred
C. studied
D. learned
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 16. - A: John got married again. - B: Really? Who _____?
A. at
B. to
C. with
D. about
Question 17.The ___ collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop-door were told they had to wait.
A. blue
B. black
C. white
D. grey
Question 18. The child was told to _____ for being rude to his uncle.
A. excuse
B. confess
C. apologize
D. forgive
Question 19. The meeting has been put _____ to Friday as so many people have got the flu.
A. up
B. back
C. out
D. in
Question 20.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _____ best in its climate and soil.
A. it grows
B. what grows
C. does it grow
D. what does it grow

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 21: Those boys took a long ladder______.

A. and then get the ball from the roof
B. so they will get the ball from the roof
C. so that the ball from the roof can be gotten
D. in order to get the ball from the roof
Question 22. A: Can I smoke in here? - B: Id rather you _____.
A. didnt
B. cant
C. wont
D. dont
Question 23. By tomorrow, the car _____ by me.
A. was bought
B. will be bought
C. was being bought
D. will have been bought
Question 24. The grape is the _____, juicy fruit of a woody vine.
A. smooth-skinned
B. smooth skin
C. skin which is smooth D. skinned is smooth
Question 25. - A: Are you interested in scuba diving? - B: A lot. Undersea life is _____.
A. fascinating
B. fascinate
C. fascinates
D. fascinated
Question 26. "_____ anyone ring while Im away, please take a message."
A. Will
B. May
C. Should
D. Would
Question 27: The more you talk about the situation, ______
A. it seems worse
B. the worse it seems
C. it seems the worse
D. the worse does it seem
Question 28. The meeting has been brought _____ to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation.
A. forward
B. out
C. on
D. down
Question 29. Mai: Wow, Ive never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam - Nam: _____.
A. Oh, I dont know.
B. I agree with you.
C. Youre welcome.
D. Thank you. Im glad you like it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 30: Adverse reviews in the press may greatly change the prospects of a product.
A. additional
B. encouraging
C. favorable
D. sensible
Question 31: There is practically no difference between the two options.
A. virtually
B. usually
C. hardly
D. exactly
Mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 32: He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
A. He knew that his money would be stolen.
B. At no time he suspected that the money had been stolen.
C. At no time did he suspect that the money had been stolen.
D. Never he suspected that the money had been stolen.
Question 33: Peter always trusts me with his interest.
A. Peter always confides in me.
B. I always confide in Peter.
C. Peter does not always keep the secrets I tell him.
D. Peter often fails to keep the secrets I tell him.
Question 34: Less is known about the cause of the common cold than about the causes of many more
serious diseases.
A. We know less about the cause of the common cold than we do about the causes of more serious diseases.
B. The causes of less serious diseases than the common cold are better known than it is.
C. The cause of the common cold is better known than the causes of more serious diseases
D. We know less than we should about the causes of the common cold and more serious diseases.
Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 35: The teacher asked him why hadnt he done his homework, but he said nothing.
Question 36: Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the
planets will have been contacted within the near 50 years.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 37: Hardly had he entered the room than all the lights went out.
Question 38: Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities.
Question 39: Since fireworks are dangerous, many countries have laws preventing businesses to sell them.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 40: ______ for breakfast is bread and eggs.
A. The food what I like
B. Which better I like
C. That I only like
D. What I like most
Question 41: Before he was 20, he developed ______ for the personal computer.
A. the world first computer's language
B. the computer language for the first world
C. the world's first computer language
D. the first world's computer language
Question 42: According to the conditions of my scholarship, after graduation, ______.
A. I will be employed full-time by the university
B. I would be offered by the university
C. the university will employ me full-time
D. an employer will give me a full-time job
Question 43: He has been to the school library many times ______.
A since the semester started
B. after the semester starts
C. if the semester has started
D. while the semester is starting
Question 44: That science book ____ again and again.
A. is worth to read
B. is worth reading
C. is worthy reading
D. is worth being read
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
In the world today, particular in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling
is the big news. People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the
environment. Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time. The motto of the recycling
movement is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The first step is to reduce garbage. In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and
expensive plastic wrappings. A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper,
a box and a bag. All that packaging is wasted resources. People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply,
and to reuse cups and utensils. Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products. When low-quality
appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more
energy. For example, if a customer buys a high-quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer
receives an important message. In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that
customer sends an important message to the manufacturers. To reduce garbage, the throw-away must stop.
The second step is to reuse. It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles. After customers
empty the bottles, they return them to the stores. The manufacturers of the drinks collect bottles, wash them, and
then fill them again. The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved. In some parts of the world,
returning bottles for money is a common practice. In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass
and plastic from throw-away bottles.
The third step being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used
again. Aluminum cans are expensive to make. It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as
it does to run a color TV set for three hours. When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help
save one of the worlds precious resources.
Question 45:. Which area is considered one of the most industrialized?
A. Europe
B. Middle East
C. South America
Question 46: What does the word sensitive means?
A. cautious
B. logical
C. friendly

D. Asia
D. responding

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 47: The word motto is closest in meaning to _______.

A. reference
B. belief
C. value
D. meaning
Question 48: It is a waste when customers buy low-quality products because _______.
A. they have to be repaired many times.
B. they are very cheap.
C. customers always change their idea
D. they will soon throw them away
Question 49: What is the topic of the passage?
A. How to reduce garbage disposal.
B. What is involved in the recycling movement.
C. How to live sensitively to the environment
D. What people understand the term recycle
Question 50: People can do the following to reduce waste EXCEPT _______.
A. buy high-quality products
B. buy more hamburgers
C. reuse cups
D. buy simply-wrapped things
Question 51: What best describe the process of reuse?
A. The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed.
B. The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again.
C. The bottles are collected, returned, filled again and washed.
D. The bottles are washed, returned filled again and collected.
Question 52: The word practice is closest in meaning to _______.
A. training
B. exercise
C. deed
D. belief
Question 53: Garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because _______.
A. returned bottles are few
B. people are ordered to return bottles
C. each returned bottle is paid
D. few bottles are made of glass or plastic
Question 54: What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling?
A. TV sets and aluminum cans.
B. Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil.
C. Aluminum cans and spent motor oil.
D. Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant
language of international communication. English as we know it to day emerged around 1350, after having
incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the
1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales,
Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began too spread around the
globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities
proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information scored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two
thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising,
media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the
world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than
any other language in the world.
Question 55. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The French influence on the English language.
B. The expansion of English as an international language.
C. The number of non-native users of English.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
Question 56. In the first paragraph, the word "emerged" is closest in meaning to _______
A. appeared
B. hailed
C. engaged
D. frequented
Question 57. In the first paragraph, the word "elements" is closest in meaning to _______
A. curiosities
B. features
C. customs
D. declaration
Question 58. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. around 1350
B. In 1066
C. after 1600
C. before 1600
Question 59. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. the slave trade

B. the Norman invasion
C. missionaries
D. colonization
Question 60. In the first paragraph, the word "course" could best be replaced by _______
A. subject
B. policy
C. time
D. track
Question 61. In the first paragraph, the word "enclaves" is closest in meaning to _______
A. organizations
B. countries
C. communities
D. regions
Question 62. In the second paragraph, the word "stored" is closest in meaning to _______
A. spent
B. saved
C. valued
D. bought
Question 63. In the second paragraph, the word "constituting" is closest in meaning to _______
A. setting down
B. looking over
C. doing in
D. making up
Question 64. According to the passage, approximately how many non-native users of English are there in the
world today ?
A. 350 million
B. 700 million
C. half a million
D. a quarter million
WRITING: (2 im)
PART I : Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (0,5 im)
1. His jealousy increases with his love for her.
=> The more _________________________________________________________________
2. She became interested in wildlife conservation, so she joined Greenpeace.
=> But for___________________________________________________________________
3. They said that the explosion had been caused by mine.
=>The explosion ______________________________________________________________
4. Wed prefer you not to smoke.
=> Wed rather _______________________________________________________________
5. Most students ignored what the teacher was saying.
=> Few_____________________________________________________________________
PART II : In about 140 words, write about the measures for protecting endangered animals. (1,5 im)
----------- THE END ---------Th sinh khng c s dng ti liu. Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm.
H v tn th sinh:.................................................... S bo danh: ..........................

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


M : 344
thi c 05 trang

Thi gian: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian pht )

(Hc sinh lm phn trc nghim 64 cu vo phiu tr li trc
nghim v phn t lun vo mt sau ca phiu tr li.)


Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 1: Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities.
Question 2: Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the
planets will have been contacted within the near 50 years.
Question 3: The teacher asked him why hadnt he done his homework, but he said nothing.
Question 4: Since fireworks are dangerous, many countries have laws preventing businesses to sell them.
Question 5: Hardly had he entered the room than all the lights went out.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 6.The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on _____ best in its climate and soil.
A. does it grow
B. what does it grow
C. it grows
D. what grows
Question 7. - A: Are you interested in scuba diving? - B: A lot. Undersea life is _____.
A. fascinated
B. fascinate
C. fascinating
D. fascinates
Question 8. - A: John got married again. - B: Really? Who _____?
A. at
B. about
C. with
D. to
Question 9. The meeting has been put _____ to Friday as so many people have got the flu.
A. out
B. in
C. up
D. back
Question 10. The grape is the _____, juicy fruit of a woody vine.
A. skinned is smooth
B. skin which is smooth C. smooth skin
D. smooth-skinned
Question 11. Mai: Wow, Ive never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam - Nam: _____.
A. I agree with you.
B. Oh, I dont know.
C. Thank you. Im glad you like it. D. Youre welcome.
Question 12.Those boys took a long ladder______.
A. and then get the ball from the roof
B. so they will get the ball from the roof
C. in order to get the ball from the roof
D. so that the ball from the roof can be gotten
Question 13. By tomorrow, the car _____ by me.
A. was bought
B. will be bought
C. will have been bought D. was being bought
Question 14. "_____ anyone ring while Im away, please take a message."
A. Will
B. Should
C. May
D. Would
Question 15. The child was told to _____ for being rude to his uncle.
A. apologize
B. confess
C. excuse
D. forgive
Question 16. The more you talk about the situation, ______
A. it seems worse
B. it seems the worse
C. the worse it seems
D. the worse does it seem
Question 17. A: Can I smoke in here? - B: Id rather you _____.
A. cant
B. dont
C. wont
D. didnt
Question 18.The ___ collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop-door were told they had to wait.
A. white
B. grey
C. blue
D. black

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 19. The meeting has been brought _____ to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation.
A. on
B. out
C. forward
D. down
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant
language of international communication. English as we know it to day emerged around 1350, after having
incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the
1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales,
Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began too spread around the
globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities
proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information scored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two
thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising,
media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the
world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than
any other language in the world.
Question 20. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The use of English for science and technology.
B. The French influence on the English language.
C. The expansion of English as an international language.
D. The number of non-native users of English.
Question 21. In the first paragraph, the word "emerged" is closest in meaning to _______
A. hailed
B. engaged
C. appeared
D. frequented
Question 22. In the first paragraph, the word "elements" is closest in meaning to _______
A. curiosities
B. declaration
C. customs
D. features
Question 23. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. around 1350
B. In 1066
C. after 1600
D. before 1600
Question 24. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world
D. the slave trade
B. missionaries
C. the Norman invasion
D. colonization
Question 25. In the first paragraph, the word "course" could best be replaced by _______
A. subject
B. policy
C. track
D. time
Question 26. In the first paragraph, the word "enclaves" is closest in meaning to _______
A. countries
B. communities
C. organizations
D. regions
Question 27. In the second paragraph, the word "stored" is closest in meaning to _______
A. spent
B. saved
C. valued
D. bought
Question 28. In the second paragraph, the word "constituting" is closest in meaning to _______
A. looking over
B. making up
C. doing in
D. setting down
Question 29. According to the passage, approximately how many non-native users of English are there in the
world today ?
A. half a million
B. 700 million
C. a quarter million
D. 350 million
Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in each gap.
Most Americans eat three meals (30) ______ the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast begins between
7:00 and 8:00am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays
"brunch" is a (31) ______ of breakfast and lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study
break" or evening snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (32)
______. Dinner is the main meal.
(33) ______ breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (34) ______ in a bowl, a
glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast
meal is scrambled eggs or (35) ______ omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage). People who

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

are on (36) ______ eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (37) ______. When eating at a formal
dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of utensils. How do you (38) ______ the difference between a
salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (39) ______ But knowing
which fork or spoon to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last.
Question 30. A. for
Question 31. A. combination
Question 32. A. goods
Question 33. A. With
Question 34. A. one another
Question 35. A. the
Question 36. A. holiday
Question 37. A. vary
Question 38. A. speak
Question 39. A. so

B. in
B. addition
B. menu
B. For
B. each other
B. an
B. engagement
B. varied
B. tell
B. too

C. during
C. connection
C. course
C. At
C. others
C. a
C. diet
C. variety
C. talk
C. neither

D. on
D. attachment
D. food
D. In
D. together
D. no article
D. duty
D. variously
D. say
D. either

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 40. There is practically no difference between the two options.
A. hardly
B. usually
C. virtually
D. exactly
Question 41. Adverse reviews in the press may greatly change the prospects of a product.
A. additional
B. favorable
C. encouraging
D. sensible
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 42. A. counselor B. amendment
C. description
D. inspector
Question 43. A. patriotic
B. psychiatry
C. inexpensive
D. scientific
Mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 44. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
A. He knew that his money would be stolen.
B. Never he suspected that the money had been stolen.
C. At no time he suspected that the money had been stolen.
D. At no time did he suspect that the money had been stolen.
Question 45. Less is known about the cause of the common cold than about the causes of many more
serious diseases.
A. The causes of less serious diseases than the common cold are better known than it is.
B. The cause of the common cold is better known than the causes of more serious diseases
C. We know less about the cause of the common cold than we do about the causes of more serious diseases.
D. We know less than we should about the causes of the common cold and more serious diseases.
Question 46. Peter always trusts me with his interest.
A. Peter always confides in me.
B. Peter does not always keep the secrets I tell him.
C. Peter often fails to keep the secrets I tell him.
D. I always confide in Peter.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 47. A. challenge B. chocolate
C. snatch
D. brochure
Question 48. A. naked
B. studied
C. learned
D. sacred
Question 49. A. beacon
B. lean
C. teammate
D. overhead

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 50. He has been to the school library many times ______.
A. if the semester has started
B. after the semester starts
C. since the semester started
D. while the semester is starting
Question 51. ______ for breakfast is bread and eggs.
A. The food what I like
B. What I like most
C. That I only like
D. Which better I like
Question 52. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after graduation, ______.
A. the university will employ me full-time
B. I will be employed full-time by the university
C. I would be offered by the university
D. an employer will give me a full-time job
Question 53. That science book ____ again and again.
A. is worth to read
B. is worthy reading
C. is worth reading
D. is worth being read
Question 54. Before he was 20, he developed ______ for the personal computer.
A. the world first computer's language
B. the computer language for the first world
C. the first world's computer language
D. the world's first computer language
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
In the world today, particular in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling
is the big news. People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the
environment. Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time. The motto of the recycling
movement is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The first step is to reduce garbage. In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and
expensive plastic wrappings. A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper,
a box and a bag. All that packaging is wasted resources. People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply,
and to reuse cups and utensils. Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products. When low-quality
appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more
energy. For example, if a customer buys a high-quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer
receives an important message. In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that
customer sends an important message to the manufacturers. To reduce garbage, the throw-away must stop.
The second step is to reuse. It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles. After customers
empty the bottles, they return them to the stores. The manufacturers of the drinks collect bottles, wash them, and
then fill them again. The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved. In some parts of the world,
returning bottles for money is a common practice. In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass
and plastic from throw-away bottles.
The third step being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used
again. Aluminum cans are expensive to make. It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as
it does to run a color TV set for three hours. When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help
save one of the worlds precious resources.
Question 55.. Which area is considered one of the most industrialized?
A. Asia
B. Middle East
C. South America
D. Europe
Question 56. What does the word sensitive means?
A. logical
B. cautious
C. friendly
D. responding
Question 57. The word motto is closest in meaning to _______.
A. reference
B. meaning
C. value
D. belief
Question 58. It is a waste when customers buy low-quality products because _______.
A. they have to be repaired many times.
B. customers always change their idea
C. they are very cheap.
D. they will soon throw them away
Question 59. What is the topic of the passage?
A. How to reduce garbage disposal.
B. What is involved in the recycling movement.
C. What people understand the term recycle
D. How to live sensitively to the environment
Question 60. People can do the following to reduce waste EXCEPT _______.
A. reuse cups
B. buy high-quality products

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. buy more hamburgers

D. buy simply-wrapped things
Question 61. What best describe the process of reuse?
A. The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again.
B. The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed.
C. The bottles are collected, returned, filled again and washed.
D. The bottles are washed, returned filled again and collected.
Question 62. The word practice is closest in meaning to _______.
A. deed
B. exercise
C. training
D. belief
Question 63.Garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because _______.
A. returned bottles are few
B. few bottles are made of glass or plastic
C. each returned bottle is paid
D. people are ordered to return bottles
Question 64. What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling?
A. TV sets and aluminum cans.
B. Aluminum cans and spent motor oil.
C. Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil.
D. Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings.
WRITING: (2 im)
PART I : Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (0,5 im)
1. His jealousy increases with his love for her.
=> The more _________________________________________________________________
2. She became interested in wildlife conservation, so she joined Greenpeace.
=> But for___________________________________________________________________
3. They said that the explosion had been caused by mine.
=>The explosion ______________________________________________________________
4. Wed prefer you not to smoke.
=> Wed rather _______________________________________________________________
5. Most students ignored what the teacher was saying.
=> Few_____________________________________________________________________
PART II : In about 140 words, write about the measures for protecting endangered animals. (1,5 im)
----------- THE END ---------Th sinh khng c s dng ti liu. Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm.
H v tn th sinh:.................................................... S bo danh: ..........................

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

HDC c 02 trang


Nm hc 2015 - 2016

SECTION A (8 points)
Cu hi

M thi
M 311

M 322

M 333

M 344

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu hi

M thi
M 311

M 322

M 333

M 344

SECTION B (2 points)
I. 0.1 x 5 = 0.5
Question65. The more he loves her , the more jealous he is.
Question66. But for her interest in wildlife conservation , she wouldnt have joined Greenpeace .
. Question67. The explosion was said to have been caused by mine .
Question68. Wed rather you didnt smoke .
Question69. Few students paid attention to /noticed/ took notice of what the teacher was saying
II. 1.5 (point )

M t tiu ch nh gi:

1. B cc (0,40 im)

o S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung

o Cu dn ch mch lc

o S dng ngn t ng vn phong / th loi

o B cc hp l r rng ph hp yu cu ca bi o

o S dng t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn

B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun

2. Pht trin (0,25 im)
o Pht trin c trnh t logic
o C dn chng, v d, bo v kin ca
3. S dng ngn t (0,30 im)

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

4. Ni dung (0,30 im)

o Chnh t: Vit ng chnh t

o thuyt phc ngi c

_ Li chnh t gy hiu nhm / sai lch s b tnh

o dn chng, v d, lp lun

mt li (tr 1% im ca bi vit)

o di: S t khng nhiu hn hoc t hn so vi

_ Cng mt li chnh t lp li ch tnh l mt li

quy nh 5%

o S dng ng thi, th, cu trc cu ng ng php.

5. Ng php, du cu, v chnh t (0,25 im)

(Li ng php gy hiu nhm / sai lch s b tr

o S dng ng du cu
1% im bi vit)
- im phn trc nghim: Mi cu ng 0,125 im x 64 cu= 8 im
- im phn vit:
Part I: Mi cu ng 0, 1 im x5 cu = 0, 5 im
Part II: 1,5 im
im cui cng: Ly tng im phn trc nghim v phn vit.
----------- THE END ----------

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh

M :


Ngy thi: ..../03/2016


Thi gian: 90 pht

I. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Before photography was invented in 1839, painted portraits, and engravings based on them, were one
of the few ways to record likenesses. From the Colonial era through the 1820s, portraiture was the most
widely practiced genre of American art, and it continued to be a significant form through the 19th century.
The demand for likenesses was incessant, and portraiture was often the primary source of income for
artists. Artists frequently made portraits of famous people to attract interest and potential patrons. For
example, in 1834 Chester Harding painted frontiersman Davy Crockett, then a member of the U.S. House
of Representatives, for display in his Boston gallery.
A consistent belief through most of the 18th and 19th centuries was that character could be read from
a person's face, or the bumps on his or her head, or from facial expressions, and that portraits should
convey these indicators of character. These theories of physiognomy and phrenology have since been
debunked, but they were important considerations in depicting the nation's leaders, since such portraits
were often made for posterity. Most people had only one portrait painted in their lifetime, if at all, so
artists were selected with great care, and expectations were high.
Before the 1840s, American portraiture was influenced primarily by English techniques, poses,
compositions and gestures, and many artists received at least part of their training in England. Even
canvas sizes followed the British example. Portraits made on commission were priced according to
canvas size and the materials and labor involved.
In the late 19th century as European portraitists began traveling to the United States to acquire
commissions from the growing upper class, American artists increasingly felt they needed to train abroad
in order to succeed at home. Paris continued to be the main lure as painters such as Eakins, Whistler,
Beaux and Sargent went to study there. Some of America's best-known portraitists, in fact, became
1. Where in the passage does the author draw a comparison of American and English practices in
producing commission portraits?
A. the first paragraph

B. the fourth paragraph

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. the third paragraph

D. the second paragraph

2. In what ways did American artists try to gain greater success?

A. by inviting European artists to America

B. by traveling abroad for training

C. by not only painting portraits

D. by becoming expatriates

3. The final paragraph of the passage will probably continue with a discussion of .
A. other ways artists tried to gain local publicity. B. other lesser known artists
C. American artists in Paris

D. artists moving between countries

4. Why does the author mention Davy Crocket in paragraph 1?

A. as an example of an artist using a famous person to gain attention to his work
B. as an example of the types of people who could afford to pay for their portrait to be painted
C. because Crocket was also a famous artist
D. because gallery owners often had famous people as patrons
5. In paragraph 2, what did people look for in a good portrait?
A. every detail, including bumps on the head

B. an accurate likeness

C. indicators of character

D. clear facial expressions

6. Physiognomy and phrenology are theories

A. that are no longer as popular
B. that were used to enable people to select artists with the best characteristics in their appearance
C. that were used to try to get the closet likeness possible
D. that meant people usually only needed one portrait
7. Which of the following statements best represents the meaning of the first sentence (lines1 and 2)
before photography was invented in 1839?
A. painted portraits and engravings were very lifelike.
B. engravings were based on portraits and not as lifelike
C. there were not many ways other than painted portraits and engravings if you wanted to record
what somebody looked like.
D. there was no accurate way to record a likeness before photography was invented.
8. The word acquire (in Line 1- paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to
A. steal

B. ask

C. borrow

D. get

9. The word poses (in Line 1- paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to

A. stance

B. manner

10. What does the passage mainly discussed?

C. weight

D. height

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. art in 19th century America

B. portraiture in 19th century America
C. the influence of other countries on American art
D. the early years of photography
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
11. -Peter: "Would you like a glass of beer?" - David: "Not while I'm _______ ."
A. on duty

B. in the act

C. in order

D. under control

12. You have a good feeling about yourself and _______ when you volunteer.
A. other

B. the other

C. the others

D. others

13. Tom. "Thank you for your help." - Mary. "_______ ."
A. With all my heart

B. It's my pleasure

C. Never mind me

D. Wish you

C. waiting

D. waited

14. I'd rather you _______ for me here.

A. wait

B. to wait

15. They decided to _______ their differences and became friends.

A. go over

B. put aside

C. give away

D. take on

16. _______ I didn't know how to do the job. But now I am making progress.
A. First of all

B. At the first.

C. At first

D. First

17. She accepted the job _______ the salary, which was rather low.
A. although

B. inspite

C. because of

D. despite

18. My uncle is in _______ of 60 engineers and workers.

A. charge

B. management

C. leadership

D. direction

C. being told

D. having told

C. place

D. space

C. on in

D. in

C. did they

D. did he

19. On _______ he had won, he jumped up for joy.

A. he was told

B. telling

20. Jump in the car. There's enough _______ for you.

A. room

B. chair

21. There's a good film _______ town.

A. on

B. in on

22. No one died in the accident, _______ ?

A. didn't he

B. didn't they

23. He _______ the plants. If he had, they wouldn't have died.

A. can't have watered

B. shouldn't water

C. couldn't water

D. needn't have watered

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

24. New sources of energy are constantly being looked for _______.
A. although fossil fuels continue to run out

B. so that we continue to reduce fossil fuels

C. as fossil fuels continue to run out

D. fossil fuels continuing to run out

25. Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" -Susan: "_______ ."
A. I don't agree, I'm afraidB. That would be great C. I feel very bored

D. You're welcome

26. Unemployment _______ by 5 percent since the beginning of the year.

A. was raised

B. rose

C. has risen

D. has raised

27. His father is a bank manager, _______ makes him easy to have a good job.
A. that

B. whom

C. who

D. which

28. The concert was _______ because of the heavy rain.

A. set off

B. called off

C. run out

D. put out

29. As I was _______ of the change in the program, I arrived half an hour late for the rehearsal.
A. unaware

B. unreasonable

C. unconscious

D. unable

III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of
the main stress in each of the following words.
30. A. responsible

B. automatic

C. environment

D. discriminate

31. A. control

B. explain

C. purpose

D. involve

32. A. primitive

B. continuous

C. familiar

D. particular

IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future
because they have been (33)_______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants
are found nowhere else in the world but they are (34)_______ by alien invasive species such as feral goats,
pigs, rodents and (35)_______ plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (36)_______ the extinction of the 182 rare
Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (37)_______ . Since 1990, (38)_______ a
result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen species have been brought into (39)_______
and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put
up in order to (40)_______ plants in the wild.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (41)_______ collecting genetic
material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim
to manage wild populations and where possible reintroduce species into (42)_______ .
33. A. developed

B. reduced

C. disappeared

D. increased

34. A. conserved

B. guarded

C. invested

D. threatened

35. A. native

B. national

C. international

D. non-native

36. A. prevent

B. influence

C. encourage

D. stimulate

37. A. wild

B. sky

C. hole

D. atmosphere

38. A. so

B. due

C. as

D. but

39. A. contamination

B. production

C. cultivation

D. generation

40. A. derive

B. vary

C. remain

D. protect

41. A. at

B. on

C. with

D. for

42. A. shelters

B. reserves

C. gardens

D. halls

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following sentences.
43. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be smart

B. be pessimistic

C. be confident

D. be optimistic

44. We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.

A. slow down

B. put down

C. turn down

D. lie down

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.
45. A. longevity

B. recipient

C. secure

D. express

46. A. chivalry

B. champaign

C. parachute

D. choir

VII. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Who talk more - men or women? Most people believe that women talk more. However, linguist
Deborah Tannen, who has studied the communication style of men and women , says that this is a
stereotype . According to Tannen, women are more verbal - talk more - in private situations , where they
use conversation as the "glue" to hold relationships together. But, she says, men talk more in public
situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. Tannen points out that

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

we can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one "best friend", their play
includes a lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups; their play usually involves more
doing than talking. In school, girls are often better at verbal skills, boys are often better at mathematics.
A recent study at Emory University helps to shed light on the roots of this difference. Researchers
studied conversation between children age 3-6 and their parents. They found evidence that parents talk
very differently to their son than they do to their daughters. The startling conclusion was that parents use
more language with their girls . Specifically, when parents talk with their daughters , they use more
descriptive language and more details. There is also far more talk about emotions, especially sadness,
with daughters than with sons.
47. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. It's stereotype that women talk more than men .
B. Little girls and little boys have different ways of playing.
C. Women talk more than men.
D. Women talk more in private situations , and men talk more in public ones.
48. Which word could best replace "startling" in line 10?
A. interesting

B. beginning

C. surprising

D. annoying

49. Which word in the reading passage can be used as a synonym of the word "feelings" ?
A. anger

B. emotions

C. worries

D. thinking

50. Which of the following phrases best explains the meaning of the word "verbal" in the reading passage?
A. connected with the use of spoken language

B. using very loud noise

C. deriving from verbs

D. being very talkative

51. Which word is similar in meaning to "glue" in line 3 ?

A. means

B. sticky substance

C. rope

D. game

52. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the first paragraph ?
A. Men and women have different styles of talking , which may begin in childhood.
B. According to Deborah Tannen, the belief that women talk more is partly right but most wrong and
C. Women talk more in public situations, men talk more in others.
D. Men are more sociable than women.
53. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?
A. Parents use more language to talk with their daughters.
B. Boys don't like showing their emotions.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. Parents give more love to their daughters than their sons.

D. Both boys and girls are talkative at school.
54. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Parents do not talk much about sadness with their sons.
B. Researchers have studied the conversations of children and their parents.
C. Study at Emory University can help to explain the differences between communication styles of
boys and girls.
D. Emory University found that parents talk more with their daughters than with their sons.
55. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Boys don't like to be with their parents as much as girls do.
B. Parents don't enjoy talking with their sons as much as with their daughters.
C. A recent study found that parents talk differently to their sons and daughters.
D. Girls have more practice discussing sadness than boys do.
56. The word they in line 3 refers to .........
A. men

B. women

C. situations.

D. men and women

VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
57. He is an honest man. You can rely on him to do a good job.
A. put up with

B. base on

C. count on

D. take in

58. I will communicate with you as soon as I have any news.

A. be interested in

B. have connection

C. be related

D. get in touch

59. We'll have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in working
A. run out of

B. torn down

C. out of work

D. out of order

IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
60. Most doctors agree that it is not good for patients lying in bed without exercising.

61. The secretary said me that I would receive the letter from him.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

62. If Mike got up earlier , he would have come to class on time.


63. There are many researches show that various species of animals have been extinct.

64. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another.

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
Not until.............................................................................................................................................
66. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
The fact..............................................................................................................................................
67. The furniture was so expensive that I didnt buy it.
The furniture was too..........................................................................................................................
68. Im sorry that I didnt finish my homework last night.
I wish .................................................................................................................................................
69.Tom plays tennis better than John.
John doesnt.......................................................................................................................................
XI. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the disadvantages of surfing the Internet too
Your writing may include the following points: time consumption, game addiction, health problems, etc.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh

M :


Ngy thi: ..../03/2016


Thi gian: 90 pht

I. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future
because they have been (1)_______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants are
found nowhere else in the world but they are (2)_______ by alien invasive species such as feral goats, pigs,
rodents and (3)_______ plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (4)_______ the extinction of the 182 rare
Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (5)_______ . Since 1990, (6)_______ a
result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen species have been brought into (7)_______
and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put
up in order to (8)_______ plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (9)_______ collecting genetic
material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim
to manage wild populations and where possible reintroduce species into (10)_______ .

A. increased

B. reduced

C. disappeared

D. developed

2. A. guarded

B. conserved

C. invested

D. threatened

3. A. native

B. national

C. international

D. non-native

4. A. prevent

B. encourage

C. stimulate

D. influence

5. A. wild

B. hole

C. atmosphere

D. sky

6. A. due

B. but

C. as

D. so

7. A. contamination

B. production

C. cultivation

D. generation

8. A. derive

B. vary

C. remain

D. protect

9. A. at

B. for

C. with

D. on

10. A. shelters

B. reserves

C. halls

D. gardens

II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
11. New sources of energy are constantly being looked for _______.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. as fossil fuels continue to run out

B. so that we continue to reduce fossil fuels

C. fossil fuels continuing to run out

D. although fossil fuels continue to run out

12. They decided to _______ their differences and became friends.

A. take on

B. put aside

C. give away

D. go over

13. His father is a bank manager, _______ makes him easy to have a good job.
A. whom

B. who

C. that

D. which

14. He _______ the plants. If he had, they wouldn't have died.

A. can't have watered

B. needn't have watered C. shouldn't water

D. couldn't water

15. Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" -Susan: "_______ ."
A. I don't agree, I'm afraidB. That would be great C. I feel very bored

D. You're welcome

16. -Peter: "Would you like a glass of beer?" - David: "Not while I'm _______ ."
A. on duty

B. in order

C. under control

D. in the act

17. Unemployment _______ by 5 percent since the beginning of the year.

A. was raised

B. has raised

C. has risen

D. rose

18. My uncle is in _______ of 60 engineers and workers.

A. charge

B. direction

C. management

D. leadership

19. You have a good feeling about yourself and _______ when you volunteer.
A. the other

B. other

C. the others

D. others

20. The concert was _______ because of the heavy rain.

A. set off

B. called off

C. run out

D. put out

21. _______ I didn't know how to do the job. But now I am making progress.
A. First of all

B. At the first.

C. At first

D. First

C. place

D. space

C. waiting

D. waited

C. did they

D. didn't they

C. on in

D. in on

C. being told

D. telling

22. Jump in the car. There's enough _______ for you.

A. room

B. chair

23. I'd rather you _______ for me here.

A. wait

B. to wait

24. No one died in the accident, _______ ?

A. didn't he

B. did he

25. There's a good film _______ town.

A. on

B. in

26. On _______ he had won, he jumped up for joy.

A. he was told

B. having told

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

27. Tom. "Thank you for your help." - Mary. "_______ ."
A. Never mind me

B. It's my pleasure

C. With all my heart

D. Wish you

28. She accepted the job _______ the salary, which was rather low.
A. inspite

B. although

C. because of

D. despite

29. As I was _______ of the change in the program, I arrived half an hour late for the rehearsal.
A. unaware

B. unreasonable

C. unconscious

D. unable

III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Before photography was invented in 1839, painted portraits, and engravings based on them, were one
of the few ways to record likenesses. From the Colonial era through the 1820s, portraiture was the most
widely practiced genre of American art, and it continued to be a significant form through the 19th century.
The demand for likenesses was incessant, and portraiture was often the primary source of income for
artists. Artists frequently made portraits of famous people to attract interest and potential patrons. For
example, in 1834 Chester Harding painted frontiersman Davy Crockett, then a member of the U.S. House
of Representatives, for display in his Boston gallery.
A consistent belief through most of the 18th and 19th centuries was that character could be read from
a person's face, or the bumps on his or her head, or from facial expressions, and that portraits should
convey these indicators of character. These theories of physiognomy and phrenology have since been
debunked, but they were important considerations in depicting the nation's leaders, since such portraits
were often made for posterity. Most people had only one portrait painted in their lifetime, if at all, so
artists were selected with great care, and expectations were high.
Before the 1840s, American portraiture was influenced primarily by English techniques, poses,
compositions and gestures, and many artists received at least part of their training in England. Even
canvas sizes followed the British example. Portraits made on commission were priced according to
canvas size and the materials and labor involved.
In the late 19th century as European portraitists began traveling to the United States to acquire
commissions from the growing upper class, American artists increasingly felt they needed to train abroad
in order to succeed at home. Paris continued to be the main lure as painters such as Eakins, Whistler,
Beaux and Sargent went to study there. Some of America's best-known portraitists, in fact, became
30. In paragraph 2, what did people look for in a good portrait?

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. clear facial expressions

B. every detail, including bumps on the head

C. indicators of character

D. an accurate likeness

31. In what ways did American artists try to gain greater success?
A. by becoming expatriates

B. by traveling abroad for training

C. by inviting European artists to America

D. by not only painting portraits

32. Physiognomy and phrenology are theories

A. that are no longer as popular
B. that were used to try to get the closet likeness possible
C. that meant people usually only needed one portrait
D. that were used to enable people to select artists with the best characteristics in their appearance
33. Which of the following statements best represents the meaning of the first sentence (lines1 and 2)
before photography was invented in 1839?
A. engravings were based on portraits and not as lifelike
B. painted portraits and engravings were very lifelike.
C. there were not many ways other than painted portraits and engravings if you wanted to record
what somebody looked like.
D. there was no accurate way to record a likeness before photography was invented.
34. Why does the author mention Davy Crocket in paragraph 1?
A. as an example of an artist using a famous person to gain attention to his work
B. as an example of the types of people who could afford to pay for their portrait to be painted
C. because gallery owners often had famous people as patrons
D. because Crocket was also a famous artist
35. What does the passage mainly discussed?
A. the influence of other countries on American art
B. portraiture in 19th century America
C. the early years of photography
D. art in 19th century America
36. The final paragraph of the passage will probably continue with a discussion of .
A. other ways artists tried to gain local publicity. B. other lesser known artists
C. American artists in Paris

D. artists moving between countries

37. The word poses (in Line 1- paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to

A. stance

B. manner

C. height

D. weight

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

38. The word acquire (in Line 1- paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to

A. borrow

B. steal

C. ask

D. get

39. Where in the passage does the author draw a comparison of American and English practices in
producing commission portraits?
A. the second paragraph

B. the first paragraph

C. the third paragraph

D. the fourth paragraph

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following sentences.
40. We'll have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in working
A. torn down

B. run out of

C. out of work

D. out of order

41. I will communicate with you as soon as I have any news.

A. have connection

B. be related

C. be interested in

D. get in touch

42. He is an honest man. You can rely on him to do a good job.

A. put up with

B. base on

C. count on

D. take in

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following words.
43. A. involve

B. explain

C. purpose

D. control

44. A. responsible

B. automatic

C. discriminate

D. environment

45. A. primitive

B. particular

C. continuous

D. familiar

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
46. There are many researches show that various species of animals have been extinct.

47. The secretary said me that I would receive the letter from him.

48. If Mike got up earlier , he would have come to class on time.


49. Most doctors agree that it is not good for patients lying in bed without exercising.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

50. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another.

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
51. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be smart

B. be pessimistic

C. be optimistic

D. be confident

52. We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.

A. slow down

B. turn down

C. lie down

D. put down

VIII. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Who talk more - men or women? Most people believe that women talk more. However, linguist
Deborah Tannen, who has studied the communication style of men and women , says that this is a
stereotype . According to Tannen, women are more verbal - talk more - in private situations , where they
use conversation as the "glue" to hold relationships together. But, she says, men talk more in public
situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. Tannen points out that
we can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one "best friend", their play
includes a lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups; their play usually involves more
doing than talking. In school, girls are often better at verbal skills, boys are often better at mathematics.
A recent study at Emory University helps to shed light on the roots of this difference. Researchers
studied conversation between children age 3-6 and their parents. They found evidence that parents talk
very differently to their son than they do to their daughters. The startling conclusion was that parents use
more language with their girls . Specifically, when parents talk with their daughters , they use more
descriptive language and more details. There is also far more talk about emotions, especially sadness,
with daughters than with sons.
53. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Study at Emory University can help to explain the differences between communication styles of
boys and girls.
B. Parents do not talk much about sadness with their sons.
C. Researchers have studied the conversations of children and their parents.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

D. Emory University found that parents talk more with their daughters than with their sons.
54. Which word could best replace "startling" in line 10?
A. interesting

B. beginning

C. surprising

D. annoying

55. Which word in the reading passage can be used as a synonym of the word "feelings" ?
A. thinking

B. emotions

C. anger

D. worries

56. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?

A. Parents use more language to talk with their daughters.
B. Both boys and girls are talkative at school .
C. Boys don't like showing their emotions.
D. Parents give more love to their daughters than their sons.
57. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. It's stereotype that women talk more than men .
B. Women talk more than men.
C. Little girls and little boys have different ways of playing.
D. Women talk more in private situations , and men talk more in public ones.
58. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Girls have more practice discussing sadness than boys do.
B. Boys don't like to be with their parents as much as girls do.
C. A recent study found that parents talk differently to their sons and daughters.
D. Parents don't enjoy talking with their sons as much as with their daughters.
59. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the first paragraph ?
A. Men and women have different styles of talking , which may begin in childhood.
B. According to Deborah Tannen, the belief that women talk more is partly right but most wrong and
C. Women talk more in public situations, men talk more in others.
D. Men are more sociable than women.
60. Which of the following phrases best explains the meaning of the word "verbal" in the reading passage?
A. connected with the use of spoken language

B. using very loud noise

C. being very talkative

D. deriving from verbs

61. Which word is similar in meaning to "glue" in line 3 ?

A. means

B. game

62. The word they in line 3 refers to .........

C. sticky substance

D. rope

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. men

B. women

C. men and women

D. situations.

IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.
63. A. longevity

B. secure

C. recipient

D. express

64. A. parachute

B. chivalry

C. champaign

D. choir

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. The furniture was so expensive that I didnt buy it.
The furniture was too..........................................................................................................................
66.Tom plays tennis better than John.
John doesnt.......................................................................................................................................
67. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
The fact..............................................................................................................................................
68. Im sorry that I didnt finish my homework last night.
I wish .................................................................................................................................................
69. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
Not until.............................................................................................................................................
XI. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the disadvantages of surfing the Internet too
Your writing may include the following points: time consumption, game addiction, health problems, etc.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh

M :


Ngy thi: ..../03/2016


Thi gian: 90 pht

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following words.
1. A. explain

B. involve

C. purpose

D. control

2. A. primitive

B. continuous

C. particular

D. familiar

3. A. discriminate

B. automatic

C. responsible

D. environment

II. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Who talk more - men or women? Most people believe that women talk more. However, linguist
Deborah Tannen, who has studied the communication style of men and women , says that this is a
stereotype . According to Tannen, women are more verbal - talk more - in private situations , where they
use conversation as the "glue" to hold relationships together. But, she says, men talk more in public
situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. Tannen points out that
we can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one "best friend", their play
includes a lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups; their play usually involves more
doing than talking. In school, girls are often better at verbal skills, boys are often better at mathematics.
A recent study at Emory University helps to shed light on the roots of this difference. Researchers
studied conversation between children age 3-6 and their parents. They found evidence that parents talk
very differently to their son than they do to their daughters. The startling conclusion was that parents use
more language with their girls . Specifically, when parents talk with their daughters , they use more
descriptive language and more details. There is also far more talk about emotions, especially sadness,
with daughters than with sons.
4. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Study at Emory University can help to explain the differences between communication styles of
boys and girls.
B. Researchers have studied the conversations of children and their parents.
C. Parents do not talk much about sadness with their sons.
D. Emory University found that parents talk more with their daughters than with their sons.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

5. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the first paragraph ?
A. Men and women have different styles of talking , which may begin in childhood.
B. Women talk more in public situations, men talk more in others.
C. According to Deborah Tannen, the belief that women talk more is partly right but most wrong and
D. Men are more sociable than women.
6. Which of the following phrases best explains the meaning of the word "verbal" in the reading passage?
A. connected with the use of spoken language

B. being very talkative

C. deriving from verbs

D. using very loud noise

7. Which word could best replace "startling" in line 10?

A. interesting

B. annoying

C. surprising

D. beginning

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?

A. Parents use more language to talk with their daughters.
B. Both boys and girls are talkative at school .
C. Parents give more love to their daughters than their sons.
D. Boys don't like showing their emotions.
9. Which word in the reading passage can be used as a synonym of the word "feelings" ?
A. worries

B. emotions

C. anger

D. thinking

10. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. It's stereotype that women talk more than men .
B. Little girls and little boys have different ways of playing.
C. Women talk more than men.
D. Women talk more in private situations , and men talk more in public ones.
11. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Parents don't enjoy talking with their sons as much as with their daughters.
B. Girls have more practice discussing sadness than boys do.
C. A recent study found that parents talk differently to their sons and daughters.
D. Boys don't like to be with their parents as much as girls do.
12. Which word is similar in meaning to "glue" in line 3 ?
A. means

B. sticky substance

C. rope

D. game

C. situations.

D. men

13. The word they in line 3 refers to .........

A. men and women

B. women

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
14. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be smart

B. be pessimistic

C. be optimistic

D. be confident

15. We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.

A. slow down

B. put down

C. turn down

D. lie down

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
16. The secretary said me that I would receive the letter from him.

17. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another.

18. Most doctors agree that it is not good for patients lying in bed without exercising.

19. There are many researches show that various species of animals have been extinct.

20. If Mike got up earlier , he would have come to class on time.


V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
21. You have a good feeling about yourself and _______ when you volunteer.
A. other

B. the other

C. the others

D. others

C. on in

D. in on

22. There's a good film _______ town.

A. in

B. on

23. He _______ the plants. If he had, they wouldn't have died.

A. can't have watered

B. needn't have watered C. couldn't water

D. shouldn't water

24. She accepted the job _______ the salary, which was rather low.
A. because of

B. although

C. inspite

D. despite

25. As I was _______ of the change in the program, I arrived half an hour late for the rehearsal.
A. unaware

B. unreasonable

C. unconscious

D. unable

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

26. Unemployment _______ by 5 percent since the beginning of the year.

A. has raised

B. was raised

C. has risen

D. rose

27. They decided to _______ their differences and became friends.

A. give away

B. put aside

C. take on

D. go over

28. Tom. "Thank you for your help." - Mary. "_______ ."
A. Never mind me

B. It's my pleasure

C. Wish you

D. With all my heart

C. space

D. place

29. Jump in the car. There's enough _______ for you.

A. room

B. chair

30. My uncle is in _______ of 60 engineers and workers.

A. charge

B. leadership

C. direction

D. management

C. being told

D. having told

31. On _______ he had won, he jumped up for joy.

A. he was told

B. telling

32. Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" -Susan: "_______ ."
A. I feel very bored

B. That would be great C. You're welcome

D. I don't agree, I'm

33. I'd rather you _______ for me here.
A. waiting

B. wait

C. to wait

D. waited

34. The concert was _______ because of the heavy rain.

A. run out

B. called off

C. put out

D. set off

35. -Peter: "Would you like a glass of beer?" - David: "Not while I'm _______ ."
A. on duty

B. under control

C. in order

D. in the act

36. New sources of energy are constantly being looked for _______.
A. as fossil fuels continue to run out

B. so that we continue to reduce fossil fuels

C. although fossil fuels continue to run out

D. fossil fuels continuing to run out

37. His father is a bank manager, _______ makes him easy to have a good job.
A. whom

B. who

C. that

D. which

C. did they

D. didn't they

38. No one died in the accident, _______ ?

A. didn't he

B. did he

39. _______ I didn't know how to do the job. But now I am making progress.
A. First of all

B. First

C. At first

D. At the first.

VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

each of the questions.

Before photography was invented in 1839, painted portraits, and engravings based on them, were one
of the few ways to record likenesses. From the Colonial era through the 1820s, portraiture was the most
widely practiced genre of American art, and it continued to be a significant form through the 19th century.
The demand for likenesses was incessant, and portraiture was often the primary source of income for
artists. Artists frequently made portraits of famous people to attract interest and potential patrons. For
example, in 1834 Chester Harding painted frontiersman Davy Crockett, then a member of the U.S. House
of Representatives, for display in his Boston gallery.
A consistent belief through most of the 18th and 19th centuries was that character could be read from
a person's face, or the bumps on his or her head, or from facial expressions, and that portraits should
convey these indicators of character. These theories of physiognomy and phrenology have since been
debunked, but they were important considerations in depicting the nation's leaders, since such portraits
were often made for posterity. Most people had only one portrait painted in their lifetime, if at all, so
artists were selected with great care, and expectations were high.
Before the 1840s, American portraiture was influenced primarily by English techniques, poses,
compositions and gestures, and many artists received at least part of their training in England. Even
canvas sizes followed the British example. Portraits made on commission were priced according to
canvas size and the materials and labor involved.
In the late 19th century as European portraitists began traveling to the United States to acquire
commissions from the growing upper class, American artists increasingly felt they needed to train abroad
in order to succeed at home. Paris continued to be the main lure as painters such as Eakins, Whistler,
Beaux and Sargent went to study there. Some of America's best-known portraitists, in fact, became
40. What does the passage mainly discussed?
A. the early years of photography

B. portraiture in 19th century America

C. art in 19th century America

D. the influence of other countries on American art

41. The word poses (in Line 1- paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to

A. stance

B. manner

C. height

D. weight

42. Why does the author mention Davy Crocket in paragraph 1?

A. as an example of an artist using a famous person to gain attention to his work
B. because gallery owners often had famous people as patrons
C. because Crocket was also a famous artist

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

D. as an example of the types of people who could afford to pay for their portrait to be painted
43. In paragraph 2, what did people look for in a good portrait?
A. an accurate likeness

B. clear facial expressions

C. indicators of character

D. every detail, including bumps on the head

44. Which of the following statements best represents the meaning of the first sentence (lines1 and 2)
before photography was invented in 1839?
A. engravings were based on portraits and not as lifelike
B. there was no accurate way to record a likeness before photography was invented.
C. there were not many ways other than painted portraits and engravings if you wanted to record
what somebody looked like.
D. painted portraits and engravings were very lifelike.
45. Where in the passage does the author draw a comparison of American and English practices in
producing commission portraits?
A. the fourth paragraph

B. the first paragraph

C. the third paragraph

D. the second paragraph

46. Physiognomy and phrenology are theories

A. that are no longer as popular
B. that meant people usually only needed one portrait
C. that were used to enable people to select artists with the best characteristics in their appearance
D. that were used to try to get the closet likeness possible
47. In what ways did American artists try to gain greater success?
A. by becoming expatriates

B. by traveling abroad for training

C. by inviting European artists to America

D. by not only painting portraits

48. The final paragraph of the passage will probably continue with a discussion of .
A. other lesser known artists

B. other ways artists tried to gain local publicity.

C. American artists in Paris

D. artists moving between countries

49. The word acquire (in Line 1- paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to

A. ask

B. steal

C. borrow

D. get

VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future
because they have been (50)_______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants
are found nowhere else in the world but they are (51)_______ by alien invasive species such as feral goats,
pigs, rodents and (52)_______ plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (53)_______ the extinction of the 182 rare
Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (54)_______ . Since 1990, (55)_______ a
result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen species have been brought into (56)_______
and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put
up in order to (57)_______ plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (58)_______ collecting genetic
material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim
to manage wild populations and where possible reintroduce species into (59)_______ .
50. A. disappeared

B. reduced

C. increased

D. developed

51. A. guarded

B. conserved

C. invested

D. threatened

52. A. national

B. native

C. international

D. non-native

53. A. prevent

B. encourage

C. influence

D. stimulate

54. A. wild

B. sky

C. hole

D. atmosphere

55. A. due

B. but

C. as

D. so

56. A. cultivation

B. production

C. contamination

D. generation

57. A. remain

B. derive

C. vary

D. protect

58. A. at

B. with

C. on

D. for

59. A. gardens

B. reserves

C. shelters

D. halls

VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has underlined
part pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.
60. A. champaign

B. parachute

C. chivalry

D. choir

61. A. longevity

B. recipient

C. secure

D. express

IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following sentences.
62. We'll have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in working

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. out of work

B. torn down

C. run out of

D. out of order

63. He is an honest man. You can rely on him to do a good job.

A. base on

B. take in

C. count on

D. put up with

64. I will communicate with you as soon as I have any news.

A. have connection

B. be related

C. be interested in

D. get in touch

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
The fact.............................................................................................................................................
66. Im sorry that I didnt finish my homework last night.
I wish .................................................................................................................................................
67. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
Not until............................................................................................................................................
68. The furniture was so expensive that I didnt buy it.
The furniture was too.........................................................................................................................
69.Tom plays tennis better than John.
John doesnt......................................................................................................................................
XI. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the disadvantages of surfing the Internet too
Your writing may include the following points: time consumption, game addiction, health problems, etc.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




Mn: Ting Anh

M :


Ngy thi: ..../03/2016


Thi gian: 90 pht

I. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Before photography was invented in 1839, painted portraits, and engravings based on them, were one
of the few ways to record likenesses. From the Colonial era through the 1820s, portraiture was the most
widely practiced genre of American art, and it continued to be a significant form through the 19th century.
The demand for likenesses was incessant, and portraiture was often the primary source of income for
artists. Artists frequently made portraits of famous people to attract interest and potential patrons. For
example, in 1834 Chester Harding painted frontiersman Davy Crockett, then a member of the U.S. House
of Representatives, for display in his Boston gallery.
A consistent belief through most of the 18th and 19th centuries was that character could be read from
a person's face, or the bumps on his or her head, or from facial expressions, and that portraits should
convey these indicators of character. These theories of physiognomy and phrenology have since been
debunked, but they were important considerations in depicting the nation's leaders, since such portraits
were often made for posterity. Most people had only one portrait painted in their lifetime, if at all, so
artists were selected with great care, and expectations were high.
Before the 1840s, American portraiture was influenced primarily by English techniques, poses,
compositions and gestures, and many artists received at least part of their training in England. Even
canvas sizes followed the British example. Portraits made on commission were priced according to
canvas size and the materials and labor involved.
In the late 19th century as European portraitists began traveling to the United States to acquire
commissions from the growing upper class, American artists increasingly felt they needed to train abroad
in order to succeed at home. Paris continued to be the main lure as painters such as Eakins, Whistler,
Beaux and Sargent went to study there. Some of America's best-known portraitists, in fact, became
1. Why does the author mention Davy Crocket in paragraph 1?
A. as an example of an artist using a famous person to gain attention to his work
B. because gallery owners often had famous people as patrons

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. as an example of the types of people who could afford to pay for their portrait to be painted
D. because Crocket was also a famous artist
2. Physiognomy and phrenology are theories
A. that are no longer as popular
B. that were used to enable people to select artists with the best characteristics in their appearance
C. that were used to try to get the closet likeness possible
D. that meant people usually only needed one portrait
3. Which of the following statements best represents the meaning of the first sentence (lines1 and 2)
before photography was invented in 1839?
A. painted portraits and engravings were very lifelike.
B. there was no accurate way to record a likeness before photography was invented.
C. there were not many ways other than painted portraits and engravings if you wanted to record
what somebody looked like.
D. engravings were based on portraits and not as lifelike
4. Where in the passage does the author draw a comparison of American and English practices in
producing commission portraits?
A. the second paragraph

B. the first paragraph

C. the third paragraph

D. the fourth paragraph

5. The final paragraph of the passage will probably continue with a discussion of .
A. artists moving between countries

B. other ways artists tried to gain local publicity.

C. American artists in Paris

D. other lesser known artists

6. In paragraph 2, what did people look for in a good portrait?

A. clear facial expressions

B. an accurate likeness

C. indicators of character

D. every detail, including bumps on the head

7. The word acquire (in Line 1- paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to

A. ask

B. steal

C. borrow

D. get

8. In what ways did American artists try to gain greater success?

A. by becoming expatriates

B. by traveling abroad for training

C. by inviting European artists to America

D. by not only painting portraits

9. The word poses (in Line 1- paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to

A. stance

B. height

10. What does the passage mainly discussed?

C. weight

D. manner

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. the influence of other countries on American art

B. portraiture in 19th century America
C. art in 19th century America
D. the early years of photography
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following sentences.
11. He is an honest man. You can rely on him to do a good job.
A. put up with

B. take in

C. count on

D. base on

12. I will communicate with you as soon as I have any news.

A. be interested in

B. be related

C. have connection

D. get in touch

13. We'll have to use the restrooms on the next floor because the ones on this floor are not in working
A. out of work

B. torn down

C. run out of

D. out of order

III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
14. On _______ he had won, he jumped up for joy.
A. he was told

B. having told

C. being told

D. telling

15. She accepted the job _______ the salary, which was rather low.
A. because of

B. inspite

C. although

D. despite

16. Unemployment _______ by 5 percent since the beginning of the year.

A. has raised

B. was raised

C. has risen

D. rose

17. They decided to _______ their differences and became friends.

A. give away

B. put aside

C. take on

D. go over

C. wait

D. waited

18. I'd rather you _______ for me here.

A. waiting

B. to wait

19. Tom. "Thank you for your help." - Mary. "_______ ."
A. With all my heart

B. It's my pleasure

C. Never mind me

D. Wish you

20. My uncle is in _______ of 60 engineers and workers.

A. charge

B. management

C. direction

D. leadership

21. You have a good feeling about yourself and _______ when you volunteer.
A. the others

B. other

C. the other

D. others

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

22. As I was _______ of the change in the program, I arrived half an hour late for the rehearsal.
A. unaware

B. unconscious

C. unreasonable

D. unable

23. His father is a bank manager, _______ makes him easy to have a good job.
A. whom

B. who

C. that

D. which

24. He _______ the plants. If he had, they wouldn't have died.

A. can't have watered

B. couldn't water

C. needn't have watered D. shouldn't water

25. There's a good film _______ town.

A. in

B. on

C. on in

D. in on

26. Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" -Susan: "_______ ."
A. You're welcome

B. That would be great

C. I feel very bored

D. I don't agree, I'm afraid

27. No one died in the accident, _______ ?

A. did he

B. didn't he

C. did they

D. didn't they

C. space

D. place

28. Jump in the car. There's enough _______ for you.

A. room

B. chair

29. New sources of energy are constantly being looked for _______.
A. so that we continue to reduce fossil fuels

B. although fossil fuels continue to run out

C. as fossil fuels continue to run out

D. fossil fuels continuing to run out

30. The concert was _______ because of the heavy rain.

A. run out

B. called off

C. put out

D. set off

31. -Peter: "Would you like a glass of beer?" - David: "Not while I'm _______ ."
A. on duty

B. under control

C. in the act

D. in order

32. _______ I didn't know how to do the job. But now I am making progress.
A. At the first.

B. First of all

C. At first

D. First

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
33. The secretary said me that I would receive the letter from him.

34. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another.

35. There are many researches show that various species of animals have been extinct.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

36. Most doctors agree that it is not good for patients lying in bed without exercising.

37. If Mike got up earlier , he would have come to class on time.


V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following words.
38. A. discriminate

B. automatic

C. responsible

D. environment

39. A. explain

B. control

C. purpose

D. involve

40. A. primitive

B. particular

C. continuous

D. familiar

VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future
because they have been (41)_______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants
are found nowhere else in the world but they are (42)_______ by alien invasive species such as feral goats,
pigs, rodents and (43)_______ plants.
The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to (44)_______ the extinction of the 182 rare
Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the (45)_______ . Since 1990, (46)_______ a
result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen species have been brought into (47)_______
and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds have been removed in key areas and fencing put
up in order to (48)_______ plants in the wild.
In the future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (49)_______ collecting genetic
material from the remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim
to manage wild populations and where possible reintroduce species into (50)_______ .
41. A. developed

B. reduced

C. disappeared

D. increased

42. A. conserved

B. guarded

C. invested

D. threatened

43. A. national

B. native

C. international

D. non-native

44. A. prevent

B. encourage

C. influence

D. stimulate

45. A. wild

B. atmosphere

C. hole

D. sky

46. A. but

B. due

C. as

D. so

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

47. A. cultivation

B. production

C. contamination

D. generation

48. A. remain

B. derive

C. vary

D. protect

49. A. at

B. with

C. for

D. on

50. A. shelters

B. reserves

C. halls

D. gardens

VII. Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest in each of the following questions.
51. A. chivalry

B. champaign

C. parachute

D. choir

52. A. longevity

B. express

C. secure

D. recipient

VIII. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Who talk more - men or women? Most people believe that women talk more. However, linguist
Deborah Tannen, who has studied the communication style of men and women , says that this is a
stereotype . According to Tannen, women are more verbal - talk more - in private situations , where they
use conversation as the "glue" to hold relationships together. But, she says, men talk more in public
situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. Tannen points out that
we can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one "best friend", their play
includes a lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups; their play usually involves more
doing than talking. In school, girls are often better at verbal skills, boys are often better at mathematics.
A recent study at Emory University helps to shed light on the roots of this difference. Researchers
studied conversation between children age 3-6 and their parents. They found evidence that parents talk
very differently to their son than they do to their daughters. The startling conclusion was that parents use
more language with their girls . Specifically, when parents talk with their daughters , they use more
descriptive language and more details. There is also far more talk about emotions, especially sadness,
with daughters than with sons.
53. Which word could best replace "startling" in line 10?
A. interesting

B. annoying

C. surprising

D. beginning

54. Which word in the reading passage can be used as a synonym of the word "feelings" ?
A. anger

B. emotions

C. thinking

D. worries

C. situations.

D. men and women

55. The word they in line 3 refers to .........

A. men

B. women

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

56. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?

A. Parents use more language to talk with their daughters.
B. Boys don't like showing their emotions.
C. Both boys and girls are talkative at school .
D. Parents give more love to their daughters than their sons.
57. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Girls have more practice discussing sadness than boys do.
B. Boys don't like to be with their parents as much as girls do.
C. A recent study found that parents talk differently to their sons and daughters.
D. Parents don't enjoy talking with their sons as much as with their daughters.
58. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the first paragraph ?
A. Men and women have different styles of talking , which may begin in childhood.
B. According to Deborah Tannen, the belief that women talk more is partly right but most wrong and
C. Women talk more in public situations, men talk more in others.
D. Men are more sociable than women.
59. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. It's stereotype that women talk more than men .
B. Little girls and little boys have different ways of playing.
C. Women talk more than men.
D. Women talk more in private situations , and men talk more in public ones.
60. Which of the following phrases best explains the meaning of the word "verbal" in the reading passage?
A. connected with the use of spoken language

B. being very talkative

C. using very loud noise

D. deriving from verbs

61. Which word is similar in meaning to "glue" in line 3 ?

A. means

B. sticky substance

C. rope

D. game

62. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Parents do not talk much about sadness with their sons.
B. Researchers have studied the conversations of children and their parents.
C. Study at Emory University can help to explain the differences between communication styles of
boys and girls.
D. Emory University found that parents talk more with their daughters than with their sons.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
63. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be optimistic

B. be pessimistic

C. be confident

D. be smart

64. We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.

A. slow down

B. put down

C. turn down

D. lie down

IX. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. The furniture was so expensive that I didnt buy it.
The furniture was too..........................................................................................................................
66. Im sorry that I didnt finish my homework last night.
I wish .................................................................................................................................................
67.Tom plays tennis better than John.
John doesnt.......................................................................................................................................
68. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
Not until.............................................................................................................................................
69. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
The fact..............................................................................................................................................
X. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the disadvantages of surfing the Internet too much.
Your writing may include the following points: time consumption, game addiction, health problems, etc.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

p n m : 155
01. C;

02. B;

03. C;

04. A;

05. C;

06. A;

07. C;

08. D;

09. A;

10. B;

11. A;

12. D;

13. B;

14. D;

15. B;

16. C;

17. D;

18. A;

19. C;

20. A;

21. C;

22. C;

23. A;

24. C;

25. B;

26. C;

27. D;

28. B;

29. A;

30. B;

31. C;

32. A;

33. B;

34. D;

35. D;

36. A;

37. A;

38. C;

39. B;

40. D;

41. A;

42. B;

43. B;

44. A;

45. A;

46. D;

47. D;

48. C;

49. B;

50. A;

51. A;

52. A;

53. A;

54. D;

55. C;

56. B;

57. C;

58. D;

59. D;

60. C;

61. A;

62. A;

63. B;

64. C;

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. Not until the figures were re-checked was the mistake in the accounts noticed.
66. The fact that Jane refused to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
67. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
68. I wish I had finished my homework last night.
69. John doesnt play tennis as well as Tom (does).
p n m : 189
01. B;

02. D;

03. D;

04. A;

05. A;

06. C;

07. B;

08. D;

09. A;

10. B;

11. A;

12. B;

13. D;

14. A;

15. B;

16. A;

17. C;

18. A;

19. D;

20. B;

21. C;

22. A;

23. D;

24. C;

25. C;

26. C;

27. B;

28. D;

29. A;

30. C;

31. B;

32. A;

33. C;

34. A;

35. B;

36. C;

37. A;

38. D;

39. C;

40. D;

41. D;

42. C;

43. C;

44. B;

45. A;

46. B;

47. A;

48. A;

49. C;

50. C;

51. B;

52. A;

53. D;

54. C;

55. B;

56. A;

57. D;

58. C;

59. A;

60. A;

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

61. A;

62. B;

63. A;

64. D;

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
66. John doesnt play tennis as well as Tom (does).
67. The fact that Jane refused to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
68. I wish I had finished my homework last night.
69. Not until the figures were re-checked was the mistake in the accounts noticed.
p n m : 223
01. C;

02. A;

03. B;

04. D;

05. A;

06. A;

07. C;

08. A;

09. B;

10. D;

11. C;

12. A;

13. B;

14. B;

15. A;

16. A;

17. C;

18. C;

19. B;

20. A;

21. D;

22. C;

23. A;

24. D;

25. A;

26. C;

27. B;

28. B;

29. A;

30. A;

31. C;

32. B;

33. D;

34. B;

35. A;

36. A;

37. D;

38. C;

39. C;

40. B;

41. A;

42. A;

43. C;

44. C;

45. C;

46. A;

47. B;

48. C;

49. D;

50. B;

51. D;

52. D;

53. A;

54. A;

55. C;

56. B;

57. D;

58. A;

59. B;

60. D;

61. A;

62. D;

63. C;

64. D;

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. The fact that Jane refused to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
66. I wish I had finished my homework last night.
67. Not until the figures were re-checked was the mistake in the accounts noticed.
68. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
69. John doesnt play tennis as well as Tom (does).
p n m : 257
01. A;

02. A;

03. C;

04. C;

05. C;

06. C;

07. D;

08. B;

09. A;

10. B;

11. C;

12. D;

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

13. D;

14. C;

15. D;

16. C;

17. B;

18. D;

19. B;

20. A;

21. D;

22. A;

23. D;

24. A;

25. C;

26. B;

27. C;

28. A;

29. A;

30. B;

31. A;

32. C;

33. A;

34. C;

35. B;

36. C;

37. A;

38. B;

39. C;

40. A;

41. B;

42. D;

43. D;

44. A;

45. A;

46. C;

47. B;

48. D;

49. A;

50. B;

51. D;

52. A;

53. C;

54. B;

55. B;

56. A;

57. C;

58. A;

59. D;

60. A;

61. A;

62. D;

63. B;

64. A;

X. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

65. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
66. I wish I had finished my homework last night.
67. John doesnt play tennis as well as Tom (does).
68. Not until the figures were re-checked was the mistake in the accounts noticed.
69. The fact that Jane refused to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.

M THI: 121

THI TH I HC LN 2 NM HC 2012 - 2013


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng tnh thi gian giao )

gm c 06 trang- S cu trc nghim: 80

I. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each blank

A hobby can be almost _____ (1) a person like to do in his spare time. Hobbyists _____ (2)
pets, build model ships, weave baskets, or carve soap figures. They _____ (3) birds, hunt animals,
climb mountains, grow flowers, fish, ski, skate, and swim. Hobbyists also paint pictures, _____ (4)
concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments. They _____ (5) everything from books to
butterflies, and from shells to stamps.
People _____ (6) hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendships, knowledge,
and relaxation. Sometimes they even yield financial _____ (7). Hobbies help people relax after
periods of hard work. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. _____ (8),
rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby, regardless his age, position, or
income. Hobbies can help a person's _____ (9) and physical health. Doctors have found that hobbies
are valuable in helping _____ (10) recover from physical and mental illness.
A. anything
B. something
C. everything
D. nothing
A. rise
B. catch
C. raise
D. hunt
A. see
B. watch
C. notice
D. look at
A. go
B. come
C. listen
D. attend
A. buy
B. purchase
C. collect
D. recollect
A. take up
B. take off
C. take in
D. take way
A. profit
B. money
C. bargain
D. interest
A. everyone
B. anyone
C. no-one
D. someone
A. mind
B. brain
C. non-physical
D. mental
A. people
B. patients
C. sick
D. illness
II. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following questions
11. There is no significant differences between the economic systems of the two countries.
A. considerate
B. suggestive
C. considerable
D. meaningful
12. Paris is the ideal place to learn French; it's a beautiful and hospitable city with Institutions for high
quality linguistic teaching.
A. friendly
B. natural
C. affectionate
D. noticeeable
13. There was a rebellion in the city last week. Unfortunately, the rebels were forced to give in.
A. recover
B. win
C. congratulate
D. surrender
III. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following questions
14. If this rate of extinction continues or goes up, the number of species becoming extinct in the next
decade can number in the millions.
A. dead
B. deadly
C. alive
D. living
15. Sometime in the next four or five years we will see newspapers shrinking the number of pages
they print.
A. fainting
B. increasing
C. becoming extinct D. fading
IV. Choose the best way to make a meaningful sentence from the words given
16. Fact/ school/ I/ complete/ fail/ natural science subjects.
A. The fact is that at school I was completely failed about these natural science subjects.
B. In fact, at school I was a complete failure in these natural science subjects.
C. In fact, at school I completed and failed these natural science subjects.
D. The fact about school I completed and failed these natural science subjects.
M 121

Trang 1/7

17. Neither/ I/well/ deal/ people/ nor/ I/ ambition.

A. Neither do I deal well with people, nor do I ambition.
B. Neither am I very good at dealing with people, nor am I ambitious.
C. Neither am I very well at dealing with people, nor am I ambition.
D. Neither do I very well deal with people, nor ambitiously I am.
18. Christmas/ biggest festival/ year/ most/ Britain.
A. Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain.
B. Christmas is one biggest festival of the year in most of Britain.
C. Christmas is the biggest festival in the year in most of Britain.
D. Christmas is the biggest festival in the year of most of Britain.
19. Celebrations/ start/ Christmas Eve/ December 24.
A. Celebrations start in the Christmas Eve, on December 24.
B. Celebrations start on Christmas Eve, on December 24.
C. Celebrations start on the Christmas Eve, on December 24.
D. Celebrations start in Christmas Eve, in December 24.
20. Santa Claus/ climb/ chimney/ put presents/ stockings.
A. Santa Claus often climbs from the chimney to put presents in the stockings.
B. Santa Claus often climb down chimney to put presents in the stockings.
C. Santa Claus often climbs down the chimney to put presents in the stockings.
D. Santa Claus often climbs from the chimney putting presents in the stockings.
v. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others
21. A. effective
B. basketball
C. vegetables
D. volleyball
22. A. celebrate
B. ceremony
C. performance
D. interview
23. A. electricity
B. invitation
C. international
D. enormous
24. A. incredible
B. amazingly
C. imaginary
D. unification
25. A. recommend
B. character
C. operate
D. syllable
VI. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences
26. Hello. ______ is a Westwood 783651.
A. It
B. This
C. That
D. There
27. "Can I speak to Mrs Young, please?" - " ______ . She's out at the moment."
A. I sorry
B. No
C. I'm sorry
D. I'm being sorry
28. " Can she phone you when she comes back?" - " ______ . I'm leaving my office now."
A. Yes, she can
B. Never
C. Certainly
D. No, I'm afraid not
29. " Please tell her Mary and I are waiting for her at Mary's at 7.30 pm tonight." - " ______ . "
A. I will tell
B. Certainly
C. I am telling her
D. I tell her
30. Hundreds of books in the library lie ______ gathering dust, and most of them remained
A. on the shelves
B. in the shelves
C. at the shelves
D. under the shelves
31. The city libraries present a gloomy picture of the ______ who used to flock the libraries every
A. gradual reduction of readers
B. gradual readers reduction
C. gradual readers of reduction
D. reduction gradual readers
32. No-one can decline the ______ of the Alaskan wilderness.
A. breath-taken view B. breath-taken scene C. breath-taking view D. breath-taking scene
33. Congratulations! I've just seen your car ______ in the evening paper. It will surely make you a
A. advertisements
B. advertising
C. advertised
D. advertise
34. If a husband and a wife are ______ , they are living apart because they are having problems in
their marriage.
A. separated
B. separating
C. separation
D. separate
35. At this stage of the story, it ______ that my uncle was a man blessed with a vivid imagination.
A. must be pointing out
C. must to be pointed out
M 121

Trang 2/7

C. must point out

D. must be pointed out
36. My car isn't very reliable. It keeps ______ .
A. on breaking down B. on break down
C. break down
D. to break down
37. He was ashamed of the poor food which ______ the dinner at which he begged her to join them.
A. consisted
B. occupied
C. comprised
D. contained
38. For the first time the young scientist was given the award ______ her work with animals.
A. in recognition of B. on recognition for C. in recognition with D. in recognition for
39. For the ______ of how the system works, see the example below.
A. map
B. overview
C. illustration
D. definition
40. The reason why this game attracts so many youngsters is that ______ other video games, this one
is far more exciting.
A. comparing to
B. on comparison to C. in compared with D. in comparison with
41. Study harder _______.
A. if you will fail the exam
B. or you will fail the exam
C. and you will fail the exam
D. unless you will fail the exam
42. The floods have killed hundreds and made thousands ______ .
A. homeless
B. homely
C. homeland
D. homesick
43. Because of an unfortunate ______ your order was not despatched by the date requested.
A. hindrance
B. negligence
C. oversight
D. transgrassion
44. "When will the tourists arrive here?" - " ______ "
A. They got here last night.
B. A few minutes ago, I think.
C. I expect them before lunch .
D. They've just arrived.
45. "I'm not sure what to do this evening. Any ideas?" - " ______ "
A. Why don't we go to a concert?
B. You will go to the concert, perhaps.
C. Do you like going to the concert?
D. Why shouldn't we go to the concert?
46. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually ______ to its original splendour.
A. repaired
B. renewed
C. renovated
D. restored
47. She didn't ______ doing the ironing as she hadn't wanted to go out anyway.
A. objected to
B. matter
C. care for
D. mind
48. They always kept on good ______ with their next door neighbours for the children's sake.
A. friendship
B. terms
C. relations
D. will
49. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in
a ______ .
A. rarity
B. minority
C. scarcity
D. minimum
50. ______ take the train instead of the bus?
A. Why don't
B. Let's
C. Why not
D. How about
VII. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B,
C, or D that you think fits best
Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and engraving are
two prime examples. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper (or other material) against an imagebearing surface to which ink has been applied. When the paper is removed, the image adheres to it, but
in reverse.
The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A.D. for applying patterns to textiles.
The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century, first for textile decoration and
then for printing on paper. Woodcuts are created by a relief process; first, the artist takes a block of
wood, which has been sawed parallel to the grain, covers it with a white ground, and then draws the
image in ink. The background is carved away, leaving the design area slightly raised. The woodblock
is inked, and the ink adheres to the raised image. It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or
with a printing press.
Engraving, which grew out of the goldsmith's art, originated in Germany and northern Italy in
the middle of the fifteenth century. It is an intaglio process (from Italian intagliare, "to carve"). The
image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a cutting instrument, or burin.
The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that some ink remains in the incised grooves. An
M 121

Trang 3/7

impression is made on damp paper in a printing press, with sufficient pressure being applied so that the
paper picks up the ink.
Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics. Engraving lends itself to subtle
modeling and shading through the use of fine lines. Hatching and cross-hatching determine the degree
of light and shade in a print. Woodcuts tend to be more linear, with sharper contrasts between light and
dark. Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images. A set of multiples is called an
edition. Both methods can yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate
begins to show signs of wear.
Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available, at a lower cost, to a
much broader public than before.
51. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The origins of textile decoration
B. The characteristics of good-quality prints
C. Two types of printmaking
D. Types of paper used in printmaking
52. The word "prime" in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A. principal
B. complex
C. general
D. recent
53. The author's purposes in paragraph 2 is to describe
A. the woodcuts found in China in the fifth century
B. the use of woodcuts in the textile industry
C. the process involved in creating a woodcut
D. the introduction of woodcuts to Europe
54. The word "incised" in line 14 is closest in meaning to
A. burned
B. cut
C. framed
D. baked
55. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage/
A. "patterns" (line 5)
B. "grain" (line 8)
C. "burin" (line 14)
D. "grooves" (line 15)
56. The word "distinctive" in line 18 is closest in meaning to
A. unique
B. accurate
C. irregular
D. similar
57. According to the passage, all of the following are true about engraving EXCEPT that it
A. developed from the art of the goldsmiths B. requires that the paper be cut with a burin
C. originated in the fifteenth century
D. involves carving into a metal plate
58. The word "yield" in line 22 is closest in meaning to
A. imitate
B. produce
C. revise
D. contrast
59. According to the passage, what do woodcut and engraving have in common?
A. Their designs are slightly raised.
B. They achieve contrast through hatching and cross-hatching.
C. They were first used in Europe.
D. They allow multiple copies to be produced from one original.
60. According to the author, what made it possible for members of the general public to own prints in
the sixteenth century?
A. Prints could be made at low cost.
B. The quality of paper and ink had improved.
C. Many people became involved in the printmaking industry.
D. Decreased demand for prints kept prices affordable.
VIII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B,C or D
61. Are you going to make your daughter worked part-time in the store this summer?
62. If only you told me you had tickets for the show. I'd have loved to go.
63. Daphne got bitting by the neighbour's German shepherd, so she had to get stiches on her ankle.
64. James A. Garfild has become the twentieth president of the United States in 1881 and was
M 121

Trang 4/7

assassinated later in that year.

65. Mambas, poisonous African snakes that come from the same family as cobras, possess an extreme
potent venom.
IX. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one
66. The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor.
A. We have had the whole of the first floor finished by the decorators.
B. The whole of the first floor has been finished by the decorators.
C. We have finished decorating the first floor finished by the decorators.
D. A and B
67. But for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic, we would have been stranded there for hours.
A. If it had been for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic, we'd have been stranded there for
B. If it weren't for your suspected talents as a mechanic, we'd have been stranded there for hours.
C. If it hadn't been for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic, we'd have been stranded there
for hours.
D. If it was for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic, we'd have been stranded there for hours.
68. The police started investigating the case a week ago.
A. The police have started investigating the case for a week.
B. The police have been investigating the case for a week.
C. The police have started investigating the case for a week ago.
D. The police have been investigating the case a week ago.
69. Most people can understand him when he speaks English.
A. He can make people understand him the most when he speaks English.
B. He can let people understand him the most when he speaks English.
C. He can make most people understand him when he speaks English.
D. He can cause most people understand him when he speaks English.
70. It's a six - hour drive from London to Edinburgh.
A. We drove from London to Edinburgh in six hours.
B. It takes six hours to drive from London to Edinburgh.
C. If you drive from London to Edinburgh, you'll spend six hours.
D. Driving from London to Edinburgh will waste six hours.
X. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C,
or D that you think fits best
In Death Valley, California, one of the hottest, most arid places in North America, there is much
salt, and salt can damage rocks impressively. Inhabitants of areas elsewhere, where streets and
highways are salted to control ice, are familiar with the resulting rust and deterioration on cars. That
attests to the chemically corrosive nature of salt, but it is not the way salt destroys rocks. Salt breaks
rocks apart principally by a process called crystal prying and wedging. This happens not by soaking
the rocks in salt water, but by moistening their bottoms with salt water. Such conditions exist in many
areas along the eastern edge of central Death Valley. There, salty water rises from the groundwater
table by capillary action through tiny spaces in sediment until it reaches the surface.
Most stones have capillary passages that suck salt water from the wet ground. Death Valley
provides an ultra-dry atmosphere and high daily temperatures, which promote evaporation and the
formation of salt crystals along the cracks or other openings within stones. These crystals grow as long
as salt water is available. Like tree roots breaking up a sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure
on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart along planes of weakness, such as banding in
metamorphic rocks, bedding in sedimentary rocks, or preexisting or incipient fractions, and along
boundaries between individual mineral crystals or grains. Besides crystal growth, the expansion of
halite crystals (the same as everyday table salt) by heating and of sulfates and similar salts by
hydration can contribute additional stresses. A rock durable enough to have withstood natural

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conditions for a very long time in other areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt
weathering within a few generations.
The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly
carbonates and sulfates, also cause prying and wedging, as does ordinary ice. Weathering by a variety
of salts, though often subtle, is a worldwide phenomenon. Not restricted to arid regions, intense salt
weathering occurs mostly in salt-rich places like the seashore, near the large saline lakes in the Dry
Valleys of Antarctica, and in desert sections of Australia, New Zealand, and central Asia.
71. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The destructive effects of salt on rocks.
B. The amount of salt produced in Death Valley.
C. The impressive salt rocks in Death Valley. D. The damaging effects of salt on roads and highways.
72. The word "it" in line 8 refers to
A. salty water
B. groundwater table C. capillary action
D. sediment
73. The word "exert" in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. put
B. reduce
C. replace
D. control
74. In lines 13-17, why does the author compare tree roots with growing salt crystals?
A. They both force hard surfaces to crack.
B. They both grow as long as water is available.
C. They both react quickly to a rise in temperature.
D. They both cause salty water to rise from the groundwater table.
75. In lines 17-18, the author mentions the "expansion of halite heating and of sulfates
and similar salts by hydration" in order to
A. present an alternative theory about crystal growth
B. explain how some rocks are not affected by salt
C. simplify the explanation of crystal prying and wedging
D. introduce additional means by which crystals destroy rocks
76. The word "durable" in line 17 is closest in meaning to
A. large
B. strong
C. flexible
D. pressured
77. The word "shattered" in line 18 is closest in meaning to
A. arranged
B. dissolved
C. broken apart
D. gathered together
78. The word "dominant" in line 20 is closest in meaning to
A. most recent
B. most common
C.least available
D.least damaging
79. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the effects of salts on rocks?
A. Only two types of salts cause prying and wedging.
B. Salts usually cause damage only in combination with ice.
C. A variety of salts in all kinds of environments can cause weathering.
D. Salt damage at the seashore is more severe than salt damage in Death Valley.
80. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rocks that are found in areas where
ice is common?
A. They are protected from weathering.
B. They do not allow capillary action of water.
C. They show similar kinds of damage as rocks in Death Valley.
D. They contain more carbonates than sulfates.
_____ The end _____
H v tn th sinh: .................................................... S bo danh : .................
Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm

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P N THI TH I HC LN 2 NM 2012-2013
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NM HC 2015 - 2016
Ngy thi: ..../04/2016
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

H v tn th sinh: . SBD: ...

SECTION A (8 points)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:

A. humor

B. honest

C. hotel

D. hurry

Question 2:

A. naked

B. learned

C. studied

D. sacred

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3:

A. delivery

B. approval

C. invent

D. compromise

Question 4:

A. consolidate

B. temperate

C. opposite

D. decorate

Question 5:

A. migrate

B. conclude

C. credit

D. apply

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 6:

Whether you believe it or not, it is _____ that causes your illness.

A. because of your overweight

B. you are so overweight

C. your being overweight

D. because you are overweight

Question 7:

Mary: How did you get here ? John: _____

A. Is it far from here?

B. I came here last night. C. The train is so crowded.

D. I came here by

Question 8:

He doesn't do anything but _____ pride in himself.

A. takes
Question 9:

B. is taking

C. take

D. will take

It is urgent that this letter _____ immediately.

A. be posted

B. be post

C. was posted

D. posted

Question 10: I remember _____ him _____ the grass needed _____.

A. hear / say / cutting

B. heard / say / cutting

C. hearing / say / cutting D. hearing / saying /

Question 11: The desks and the chairs are in good order and the floor is so clean. The room _____.

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A. must has been cleaned B. must have cleaned

C. must be cleaned

D. must have been cleaned

Question 12: I found _____ strange _____ nobody had said anything at the meeting.

A. that / that

B. it /

C. this / that

D. it / that

Question 13: No one knows his address _____ his daughter.

A. except

B. besides

C. excepting

D. beside

Question 14: Peter: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. Mary: _____.

A. You are welcome

B. Thank you

C. Cheers

D. Have a good day

Question 15: It is believed that no animals can stay alive in _____ water at 1,500 meters below _____ sea

A. the /

B. / a

C. the / the

D. /

C. boxes / chalk

D. boxs / chalk

C. What fun it is

D. How fun it is

Question 16: I need to buy two _____ of color _____.

A. boxes / chalks

B. boxes / chalks

Question 17: _____ to play with the kids!

A. What a fun it is

B. What a fun is it

Question 18: You should not have made _____ spelling mistakes.

A. many such

B. such many

C. so much

D. such more

Question 19: When I went in, the old man was sitting in an armchair _____ out of the window.

A. stare

B. staring

C. stared

D. was staring

Question 20: On hearing the news that her husband was killed by terrorists, the wife _____.

A. broke down

B. broke up

C. broke away

D. broke out

Question 21: Americans eat _____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. as twice as many

B. more than twice many C. twice as many

D. more than twice

Question 22: I'm sure this painting is not by Picasso. It's only an unsuccessful fake and so it's _____.

A. priceless

B. worthless

C. precious

D. invaluable

Question 23: The most important thing to keep in mind when _____ an emergency is to stay _____.

A. dealt with / calm

B. to deal with / calm

C. dealing with / calmly D. dealing with / calm

Question 24: Somebody must have Tom's phone number, _____?

A. mustnt they

B. neednt they

C. mustnt it

D. neednt it

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: I think the medicine is beginning to wear off.

A. stop being effective

B. take effect

C. be put in a bottle

D. be swallowed

Question 26: His patents completely believe in him. He can do things at random.

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A. at stake

B. at will

C. at once

D. at hand

Question 27: The law applies to everyone irrespective of race, creed, or colour.

A. disrespectful

B. regardless

C. considering

D. in spite

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 28: My boss requested me that I use my vacation days before the end of the year.

Question 29:

I tried to explain him the problem, but he had difficulty understanding me.

Question 30: Kevin says he stopped to travel internationally because of his family.

Question 31: He told me that he had never been in that restaurant before.

Question 32: Unfortunately, the species has gotten extinct due to human activity.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 33 to 42.
If youve been told by your boss to improve your knowledge of a foreign language youll know that
success doesnt come quickly. It generally takes years to learn another language well and constant (33) _____
to maintain the high standards required for frequent business use. Whether you study in a class, with audio
cassettes, computers or on your (34) _____ sooner or (35) _____ every language course finishes and you
must decide what to do next if you need a foreign language for your career. Business Audio Magazine is a
new product designed to help you continue language study in a way that fits easily into your busy schedule.
Each audio cassette (36) _____ of an hour-long program packed with business news, features and interviews
in the language of your choice. These cassettes wont teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. Its
(37) _____ that you can do that already. Instead, by giving you an opportunity to hear the language as its
really spoken, they help you to (38) _____ your vocabulary and improve your ability to use real language
relating to, for example, that all-important marketing trip. The great advantage of using audio magazines is
that they (39) _____ you to perfect your language skills in ways that suit your lifestyle. For example, you can
select a topic and listen in your car or hotel when away on business. No other business course is as (40)
_____ and the unique radio magazine format is as instructive as its entertaining. In addition to the audio
cassette, this package includes a transcript with a business glossary and a study (41) _____. The components

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are structured so that intermediate and advanced students may use separately or together, (42) _____ on their
Question 33: A. exercise

B. performance

C. practice

D. operator

Question 34: A. self

B. individual

C. personal

D. own

Question 35: A. after

B. then

C. later

D. quicker

Question 36: A. consists

B. includes

C. contains

D. involves

Question 37: A. insisted

B. acquired

C. asserted

D. assumed

Question 38: A. prolong

B. extend

C. spread

D. lift

Question 39: A. allow

B. let

C. support

D. offer

Question 40: A. adjustable

B. flexible

C. convertible

D. variable

Question 41: A. addition

B. supplement

C. extra

D. manuscript

Question 42: A. according

B. depending

C. relating

D. basing

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 43: We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.

A. uninterested

B. unsure

C. slow

D. open

Question 44: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the

A. small quantity

B. sufficiency

C. excess

D. large quantity

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must be done with care. View a
career as an opportunity to do something you love, not simply as a way to earn a living. Investing the time
and effort to thoroughly explore your options can mean the difference between finding a stimulating and
rewarding career and move from job to unsatisfying job in an attempt to find the right one. Work influences
virtually every aspect of your life, from your choice of friends to where you live. Here are just a few of the
factors to consider.
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision. You may want to begin
by assessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Think about the classes, hobbies, and
surroundings that you find most appealing. Ask yourself questions, such as Would you like to travel? Do
you want to work with children? Are you more suited to solitary or cooperative work? There are no right or
wrong answers; only you know what is important to you. Determine which job features you require, which
ones you would prefer, and which ones you cannot accept. Then rank them in order of importance to you.

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The setting of the job is one factor to take into account. You may not want to sit at a desk all day. If not,
there are diversity occupation building inspector, supervisor, real estate agent that involve a great deal of
time away from the office. Geographical location may be a concern, and employment in some fields in
concentrated in certain regions. Advertising job can generally be found only in large cities. On the other hand,
many industries such as hospitality, law education, and retail sales are found in all regions of the country.
If a high salary is important to you, do not judge a career by its starting wages. Many jobs, such as
insurance sales, offers relatively low starting salaries; however, pay substantially increases along with your
experience, additional training, promotions and commission.
Dont rule out any occupation without learning more about it. Some industries evoke positive or negative
associations. The traveling life of a flight attendant appears glamorous, while that of a plumber does not.
Remember that many jobs are not what they appear to be at first, and may have merits or demerits that are
less obvious. Flight attendants must work long, grueling hours without sleeps, whereas plumbers can be as
highly paid as some doctors.
Another point to consider is that as you mature, you will likely develop new interests and skills that may
point the way to new opportunities. The choice you make today need not be your final one.
Question 45: The author states that There are no right or wrong answers in paragraph 2 in order to _____.

A. emphasize that each persons answers will be different.

B. show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process.
C. indicate that the answers are not really important.
D. indicate that each persons answers may change over time.
Question 46: The word them in paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. questions

B. answers

C. features

D. jobs

Question 47: The word assessing in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by _____.

A. discovering

B. considering

C. measuring

D. disposing

Question 48: According to paragraph 3, which of the following fields is NOT suitable for a person who

does not want to live in a big city?

A. plumbing

B. law

C. retail sales

D. advertising

Question 49: The word evoke in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _____.

A. agree on

B. bring to mind

C. be related to

Question 50: The word that in paragraph 5 refers to

A. occupation

B. the traveling life

D. differ from

C. a flight attendant

Question 51: It can be inferred from the paragraph 4 that _____.

A. jobs in insurance sales are generally not well-paid.

D. commission

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B. insurance sales people can earn high salary later in their career.
C. people should constantly work toward the next promotion.
D. a starting salary should be an important consideration in choosing a career.
Question 52: In paragraph 6, the author suggests that _____.

A. you may want to change careers at some time in the future.

B. as you get older, your career will probably less fulfilling.
C. you will be at your job for a lifetime, so choose carefully.
D. you will probably jobless at some time in the future.
Question 53: Why does the author mention long, grueling hours without sleeps in paragraph 5?

A. To emphasize the difficulty of working as a plumber.

B. To contrast the reality of a flight attendants job with most peoples perception.
C. To show that people must work hard for the career they have chosen.
D. To discourage readers from choosing a career as a flight attendant.
Question 54: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. To make a lot of money, you should not take a job with a low starting salary.
B. To make lots of money, you should rule out all factory jobs.
C. If you want an easy and glamorous lifestyle, you should consider becoming flight attendant
D. Your initial view of certain careers may not be accurate.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
Quite different from storm surges are the giant sea waves called tsunamis, which derive their name from
the Japanese expression for "high water in a harbor". These waves are also referred to by the general public
as tidal waves, although they have relatively little to do with tides. Scientists often refer to them as seismic
sea waves, far more appropriate in that they do result from undersea seismic activity.
Tsunamis are caused when the sea bottom suddenly moves, during an underwater earthquake or volcano,
for example, and the water above the moving earth is suddenly displaced. This sudden shift of water sets off
a series of waves. These waves can travel great distances at speeds close to 700 kilometers per hour. In the
open ocean, tsunamis have little noticeable amplitude, often no more than one or two meters. It is when they
hit the shallow water the coast that they increase in height, possibly up to 40 meters.
Tsunamis often occur in the Pacific because the Pacific is an area of heavy seismic activity. Two areas of
the Pacific well accustomed to the threat of tsunamis arc Japan and Hawaii. Because the seismic activity that
causes tsunamis in Japan often occurs on the ocean bottom quite close to the islands, the tsunamis that hit
Japan often comes with little warning and can therefore prove disastrous. Most of the tsunamis that hit the

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Hawaiian Islands, however, originate thousands of miles away near the coast of Alaska, so these tsunamis
have a much greater distance to travel and the inhabitants of Hawaii generally have time for warning of their
imminent arrival.
Tsunamis are certainly not limited to Japan and Hawaii. In 1755, Europe experienced a calamitous
tsunami, when movement along the fault lines near the Azores caused a massive tsunami to sweep onto the
Portuguese coast and flood the heavily populated area around Lisbon. The greatest tsunami on record
occurred on the other side of the world in 1883 when the Krakatoa volcano underwent a massive explosion,
sending waves more than 30 meters high onto nearby Indonesian islands; the tsunami from this volcano
actually traveled around the world and was witnessed as far away as the English Channel.
Question 55: The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses _____.

A. underwater earthquakes B. storm surges

C. tides

D. tidal waves

Question 56: According to the passage, all of the following are true about tidal waves EXCEPT that _____.

A. they're caused by sudden changes in high and low tides

B. they refer to the same phenomenon as seismic sea waves
C. they are the same as tsunamis
D. this terminology is not used by the scientific community
Question 57: The world "displaced" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.

A. located

B. filtered

C. moved

D. not pleased

Question 58: It can be inferred from the passage that tsunamis _____.

A. are often identified by ships on the ocean

B. generally reach heights greater than 40 meters
C. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean
D. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean
Question 59: As used in the passage, water that is "shallow" in the second paragraph isn't _____.

A. coastal

B. deep

C. clear

D. tidal

Question 60: A main difference between tsunamis in Japan and in Hawaii is that tsunamis in Japan are more

likely to _____.
A. come from greater distances

B. be less of a problem

C. originate in Alaska

D. arrive without warning

Question 61: The possessive "their" in the third paragraph refers to _____.

A. these tsunamis

B. the inhabitants of Hawaii

C. the Hawaiian islands

D. thousands of miles

Question 62: A "calamitous" tsunami in the last paragraph is one that is _____.

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A. at fault

B. expected

C. disastrous

D. extremely calm

Question 63: From the expression "on record" in the last paragraph, it can be inferred the tsunami that

accompanied the Krakatoa volcano _____.

A. might not be the greatest tsunami ever

B. was not as strong as the tsunami in Lisbon

C. was filmed as it was happening

D. occurred before efficient records were kept

Question 64: The passage suggests that - the tsunami resulting from the Krakatoa volcano _____.

A. was unobserved outside of the Indonesian islands

B. resulted in little damage
C. caused volcanic explosions in the English Channel
D. was far more destructive close to the source than far away
SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 1:

The owners of newspapers are usually very rich.

The people.......................................................................................................................................................
Question 2:

Alice eats very little so as not to put on weight.

Alice eats .........................................................................................................................................................

Question 3:

After the beginning of the opera, late comers had to wait before taking their seats.

Question 4:

Brown had failed twice, so he didnt want to try again.

Having .............................................................................................................................................................
Question 5:

He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.

No sooner ........................................................................................................................................................
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the kind of job you would like to do after you finish your
---------- THE END ----------

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SECTION A (0.125p x 64 = 8 points)
1. B. honest

2. C. studied

------------------------------------------------------3. D. compromise

4. A. consolidate

5. C. credit

------------------------------------------------------6. C. your being overweight

16. C. boxes / chalk

7. D. I came here by train.

17. C. What fun it is

8. C. take

18. A. many such

9. A. be posted

19. B. staring

10. C. hearing / say / cutting

20. A. broke down

11. D. must have been cleaned

21. C. twice as many

12. D. it / that

22. B. worthless

13. A. except

23. D. dealing with / calm

14. A. You are welcome

24. B. neednt they

15. D. /
------------------------------------------------------25. A. stop being effective

27. B. at will

26. B. regardless
------------------------------------------------------28. A

30. C

32. B

29. A
31. C
------------------------------------------------------33. C. practice

37. D. assumed

41. B. supplement

34. D. own

38. B. extend

42. B. depending

35. C. later

39. A. allow

36. A. consists
40. B. flexible
------------------------------------------------------43. B. unsure

44. A. small quantity

------------------------------------------------------45. D. indicate that each persons answers may change over time.
46. C. features
47. B. considering

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

48. C. retail sales

49. B. bring to mind
50. B. the traveling life
51. B. insurance sales people can earn high salary later in their career.
52. A. you may want to change careers at some time in the future.
53. B. To contrast the reality of a flight attendants job with most peoples perception.
54. D. Your initial view of certain careers may not be accurate.
------------------------------------------------------55. B. storm surges
56. A. they're caused by sudden changes in high and low tides
57. C. moved
58. C. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean
59. B. deep
60. D. arrive without warning
61. A. these tsunamis
62. C. disastrous
63. A. might not be the greatest tsunami ever
64. D. was far more destructive close to the source than far away.
SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (0.1p x 5)
Question 1:

The people who own newspapers are usually very rich.

Question 2:

Alice eats very little because she wants to lose weight.

Question 3:

Once the opera had begun, late comers had to wait before taking their seats.

Question 4:

Having failed twice, Brown didnt want to try again.

Question 5:

No sooner had he left the office than the telephone rang.

II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the kind of job you would like to do after you finish your
education. (1.5p)
---------- THE END ----------




Mn: Ting Anh Lp 12
( Ngy thi: 10/11/2014)
(Thi gian lm bi 60 pht, khng k thi gian giao )
thi c 4 trang
M thi 209

H, tn th sinh:..........................................................................
S bo danh:...............................................................................
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
Question 1: It is not until a Vietnamese girl getting 18 years old that she is allowed to get married
A. A Vietnamese girl is not allowed to get married legally only when she gets 18 years old.
B. They never allow a Vietnamese girl to get married legally when she is 18 years old.
C. The legal allowance for a Vietnamese girl to get married will be issued in 18 years.
D. A Vietnamese girl is allowed to get married legally only after she gets 18 years old.
Question 2: This is the first time I attend such an enjoyable wedding party.
A. I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding party before.
B. My attendance at the first wedding party was enjoyable.
C. I had the first enjoyable wedding party.
D. The first wedding party I attended was enjoyable.
Question 3: He asked me _______ Robert and I said I did not know _______.
A. if I knew / who Robert was
B. whether I knew / who was Robert
C. that did I know / who were Robert
D. that I knew / who Robert were
1. Question 4: - How well you are playing!
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words
B. I think so. I am proud of myself
C. Thank you too much
D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment
Question 5: 'I really like your shirt. It's so stylish!' - ''
A. Thanks. Yours is also very cool.
B. Really? That's non-sense.
C. Really? Do you want to buy it?
D. Thanks. Yours is awful.
Question 6: It is not easy to ________ our beauty when we get older and older.
A. gain
B. maintain
C. collect
D. develop
Question 7: Tommy left high school _______ the age _______ seventeen.
A. on / with
B. at / of
C. in / for
D. of / in
Question 8: The Prime Minister made no..on the incident in his speech.
A. gesture
B. reference
C. impression
D. mention
Question 9: Be quiet! Someone ______ at the front door. I ______ it.
A. has knocked / am going to answer
B. knocks / am answering
C. will knock / have answered
D. is knocking / will answer
Question 10: it / is / to / come / in / Japan I know / you / important / rank / people / of / in / the
contact / whom / with.
A. You come in contact with people of whom the rank to know it is important in Japan
B. To know the rank of people with whom you come in contact it is important in Japan.
C. In Japan, it is important to know the rank of people with whom you come in contact.
D. In Japan, it is important with whom you come in contact to know the rank of people. .
Question 11: A/an _______ is an official document stating that you have passed an examination,
completed a course, or .achieved some necessary qualifications.
Trang 1/4 - M thi 209

A. certificate
B. education
C. test
D. requirement
Question 12: Mr. Timpson's behavior and comments on occasions were inappropriate and fell
below the _______ standards.
A. acceptable
B. accept
C. accepting
D. acceptance
Question 13: Only after food has been dried or canned ______.
A. was it stored for later consumption
B. should it be stored for later consumption
C. that it is stored for later consumption
D. it can be stored for later consumption
Question 14: These tablets really areMy headache is much better now.
A. affected
B. affective
C. effective
D. efficient
Question 15: Oranges ______ rich in vitamin C, which ______ good for our health.
A. were / has been
B. have been / is
C. are / will be
D. are / is
Question 16: Many Vietnamese people ______ their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation
A. sacrificially
B. sacrificial
C. sacrificed
D. sacrifice
Question 17: _______ is the study of the events of the past.
A. Geography
B. Literature
C. History
D. Arts
Question 18: The telephone _______ by Alexander Graham Bell.
A. invented
B. is inventing
C. is invented
D. was invented
Question 19: She accepted that she had acted ______ and mistakenly, which broke up her
A. unwisely
B. romantically
C. attractively
D. wisely
Question 20: Many young people have objected to _______ marriage, which is decided by the
parents of the bride and groom.
A. shared
B. agreed
C. sacrificed
D. contractual
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
Question 21: A. approaching
B. probably
C. obvious
D. finally
Question 22: A. compliment
B. usually
C. assistance
D. restaurant
Question 23: A. impolite
B. attracting
C. attention
D. exciting
Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
Question 24: A. lived
Question 25: A. called

B. demanded
B. photographed

C. supposed
C. smoked

D. questioned
D. based

Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:.
Question 26: My mom is always bad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.
A. very happy and satisfied
B. easily annoyed or irritated
C. talking too much
D. feeling embarrassed
Question 27: The crew divided the life preservers among the twenty terrified passengers as the ship
began to sink.
A. excited
B. exhausted
C. frightened
D. surprised
Question 28: You must answer the polices questions truthfully; otherwise, you will get into
A. with a negative attitude
B. as trustingly as you can
C. exactly as things really happen
D. in a harmful way
Question 29: We really appreciate your help, without which we couldnt have got our task done in
A. are proud of
B. depreciate
C. feel thankful for
D. require

Trang 2/4 - M thi 209

Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences

Question 30: . In many countries, it is very common that women to go out to work.
A. to go
B. In
C. that
D. very
Question 31: A number of people who works in this company feel that the benefit package isn't as
attractive as it was in previous years.
A. works
B. as it was
C. isnt as
D. feel
Question 32: My younger brother has worked in a bank since a long time.
A. a
B. has
C. younger
D. since
Question 33: On the day of the test, I drove more worse than a beginner.
A. the
B. more worse
C. test
D. beginner
Question 34: When I got home, I read again the instruction carefully.
A. When
B. home
C. carefully
D. again
Question 35: Fire extinguishers can contain liquefier gas, dry chemicals, or watery.
A. extinguishers
B. watery
C. or
D. can contain
Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers from 36 to 40.
The body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words they
are saying. We use body movements, hand gestures, facial expressions, and changes in our voice to
communicate with each other. Although some body language is universal, many gestures are
culturally specific and may mean different things in different countries.
If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say no and shake
it to say yes - the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or
snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.
In France, you shouldnt rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your hands
in your pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the soles
of your feet or shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your right
hand because they use their left hands when going to the bathroom.
In Bangladesh, the thumbs-up is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping,
and in India, whistling in public is considered rude. In Japan, you should not blow your nose in
public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that you have enjoyed it. The OK sign
(thumb and index finger forming a circle) means everything is good in the West, but in China it
means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and in the Middle East, it is a rude gesture.
Question 36: It is mentioned in the passage that many gestures ______.
A. can be used to greet each other in public
B. may mean different things in different countries
C. are used in greeting among men and women
D. are not used to communicate our feelings
Question 37: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In France, people shouldnt rest their feet on tables
B. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping
C. In Belgium, snapping your fingers at someone is very rude
D. In China, the OK sign means money
Question 38: In the Middle East, people do not use their left hands for eating because they use
their left hands ______.
A. to clean their tables and chairs
B. when going to the bathroom
C. when preparing the meal
D. to put in their pockets
Question 39: People nod their head to say no in ______.
Trang 3/4 - M thi 209

A. Belgium
B. Bulgaria
C. France
Question 40: The word others in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. other shoes
B. other feet
C. other soles

D. Japan
D. other people

Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word. 41 to 50:
In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are (41)______ and difficult to understand. The graceful
act of (42)______, is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western custom of
shaking hands, but with a light grip. Meanwhile, to (43)______ respect for their customs, it would
flatter them to offer a slight bow when being introduced. (44)______ hugging and kissing when
greeting. It is considered rude to stare. Prolonged direct eye contact is considered to be (45)______
or even intimidating. It is rude to stand with your hand or hands in your pockets, especially when
greeting someone (46)______ when addressing a group of people. The seemingly simple act of
exchanging business cards is more complex in Japan (47)______ the business card represents not
only one's identity but also his (48)______ in life. Yours should be printed in your own language and
in Japanese. The Japanese are not a touch-oriented society; so avoid open displays of affection,
touching or any prolonged ((49)______ of body contact. Queues are generally respected; especially
in crowded train and subway stations (50)______ the huge volume of people causes touching and
Question 41:
Question 42:
Question 43:
Question 44:
Question 45:
Question 46:
Question 47:
Question 48:
Question 49:
Question 50:

A. easy
A. looking

B. complex
B. hugging

C. cheap D. simply
C. shaking D.

A. point
A. Allow
A. impolitely

B. draw
B. Recommend
B. impolite

C. pay
D. show
C. Avoid D. Agree
C. impoliteness D.

A. nor
A. unless
A. status

B. but
B. even if
B. stand

C. either D. or
C. because D. though
C. place D.

A. path
A. that

B. route
B. when

C. form D. style
C. which D. where


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Trang 4/4 - M thi 209



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NM HC 2014-2015
Mn:Ting Anh Lp 12
(Thi gian lm bi 60 pht)

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Thng 05/2015


Mn thi: TING ANH

( thi c 06 trang)

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

M thi: 132

H v tn th sinh:.
S bo danh:..
I. PHN TRC NGHIM (64 Question; 8 im)
Choose one word whose stress pattern is different. Identify your answer by circling the
corresponding letter.
Question 1: A. solidarity

B. organize

C. represent

D. academic

Question 2: A. gorilla

B. typical

C. primary

D. nursery

C. curriculum

D. calculation

Question 3: A. successfully B. defensive

Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. Identify your
answer by circling.
Question 4: A. explained

B. disappointed

C. Prepared

D. followed

Question 5: A. escape

B. especial

C. island

D. isolate

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is closest
in meaning to the underlined.
Question 6: Trudy felt ill at ease when she spoke in public for the first time.
A. felt uncomfortable and embarrassed

B. felt difficult and lost confidence

C. felt challenged and inopportune

D. felt nausea and dizzy

Question 7: The mission statement of the International Movement as formulated in the "Strategy
2010" document of the Federation is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the
power of humanity.
A. weak and unprotected

B. poor and disabled

C. deaf and mute

D. wealthy and famous

Question 8: To prepare for a job interview, you should jot down your qualifications, work
experience as well as some important information about yourself.
A. your special qualities you have

B. what you have earned through study

C. what you have experienced

D. your own qualities in real life

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning

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to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Question 9: I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
A. attentions

B. unawareness

C. unconcern

D. carelessness

Question 10: In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. shortly

B. sluggishly

C. leisurely

D. weakly

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 11: Alike other forms of energy, natural gas may be used to heat homes, cook food, and
even run automobiles.
A. may be used

B. Alike

C. run

D. to heat

Question 12: Although fewer Americans work on farms today, they are too productive that the U.S is
now the worlds top food exporter.
A. Although

B. fewer

C. too



Question 13: Owing to their superior skill, highly competitive athletes have been known to win
contests and break records even when suffered from injuries, physical disorders, and infections.
A. have been known

B. highly competitive

C. when suffered

D. Owing to

Question 14: The Federal Trade Commission, establishing in 1914, steadily increased the extent and
nature of its regulation of the advertising industry.
A. advertising

B. nature

C. establishing

D. Steadily increased

Question 15:_After analyzing the steep rise in profits according to your report, it was convinced that
your analyses were correct.
A. the steep rise

B. analyses were correct C. it was

D. profits according to

Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each gap. Write your answer in
the numbered box.
Voluntary work is work that you do not get paid for and usually involves in doing things to help
other people, especially the elderly or the sick. or working on (16)__________of a charity or similar
organization. Most charitable organizations rely on unpaid volunteers, and thousands of Americans
and British people give many hours of their time to doing some form of social work or organizing fund raising events to support the work. Volunteering is especially popular in the US and the reasons
this may be found in (17)__________American values such as the Protestant work ethic, the idea that
work improves the person who does it, and the belief that people can change their (18)__________if
they try hard enough.
In the US young people over 18 can take part in AmeriCorps, a government program that
(19)__________them to work as volunteers for a period of time, with the (20)__________of help in

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paying for their education later. Older Americans who do not work may spend much of their free time
In Britain a lot of voluntary work is directed towards supporting the countrys social services.The
WRVS and other organizations run a meals- on- wheels service in many parts of Britain,
(21)__________hot food for old people who are (22)__________to cook for themselves. The
nationwide Citizens Advice Bureau, which offers free advice to the public (23)__________a wide
range of issues, is run (24)__________by volunteers, and the Blood Transfusion Service relies on
voluntary blood donors to give blood for use in hospitals. Political parties use volunteers at election
time, and Churches depend on volunteers to (25) _________ building clean.
Question 16: A. behalf

B. basic

C. account

D. ground

Question 17: A. basic

B. primary

C. top

D. essential

Question 18: A. standard

B. nature

C. condition

D. appearance

Question 19: A. commissions B. guides

C. encourages

D. engages

Question 20: A. function

B. reply

C. favour

D. promise

Question 21: A. serving

B. providing

C. selling

D. offering

Question 22: A. incapable

B. unable

C. enabled

D. offering

Question 23: A. on

B. with

C. for

D. through

Question 24: A. equally

B. mainly

C. substantially

D. frequently

Question 25: A. stay

B. keep

C. help

D. get

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Ethology is concerned with the study of adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its
Evolutionary history. Ethological theory began to be applied to research on children in the1960s but
has become even more influential today. The origins of ethology can be traced to the work of Darwin.
Its modern foundations were laid by two European zoologists, Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen.
Watching the behaviors diverse animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz, and Tinbergen
observed behavior patterns that promote survival. The most well-known of these is imprinting, the
early following behavior of certain baby birds that ensures that the young will stay close to their
mother and be fed and protected from danger. Imprinting takes place during an early, restricted time
period of development. If the mother goose is not present during this time, but an object resembling
her in important features is, young goslings may imprint on it instead . Observations of imprinting led
to major concept that has been applied in child Development the critical period . It refers to a limited
times span during which the child is biologically prepared to acquire certain adaptive behaviors but
needs the support of suitably stimulating environment. Many researchers have conducted studies to
find out whether complex cognitive and social behaviors must be learned during restricted time

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periods. for example, if children are deprived of adequate food or physical and social stimulation
during the early years of life, will their intelligence be permanently impaired? If language is not
mastered during the preschool years, is the childs capacity to acquire it reduced?
Inspired by observations of imprinting, in 1969 the British psychoanalyst John Bowlby applied
ethological theory to the understanding of the relationship between an infant and its parents. He
argued that attachment behaviors of babies, such as smiling, babbling, grasping, and crying, are
built-in social signals that encourage the parents to approach, care for, and interact with the baby. By
keeping a parent near, these behaviors help ensure that the baby will be fed, protected from danger,
and provided with the stimulation and affection necessary for healthy growth. The development of
attachment in human infants is a lengthy process involving changes in psychological structures that
lead to a deep affectional tie between parent and baby.
Question 26: What was Darwins contribution to ethology?
A. Darwin was the first person to apply ethological theory to children.
B. Darwins work provided the basis for ethology.
C. Darwin was the professor who taught Lorenz and Tinbergen.
D. Darwin improved on the original principles of ethology.
Question 27: The word diverse is closest in meaning to
A. small

B. wild

C. varied

D. particular

Question 28: The word ensures is closest in meaning to

A. assumes

B. guarantees

C. proves

D. teaches

Question 29: According to the passage, if a mother goose is not present during the time period when
imprinting takes place, which of the following will most likely occur?
A. The mother will later imprint on the gosling.
B. The gosling may not find a mate when it matures.
C. The gosling will not imprint on any object.
D. The gosling may imprint on another object.
Question 30: The word it refers to
A. time

B. object

C. development

D. goose

Question 31: The word suitably is closest in meaning to

A. moderately

B. appropriately

C. willingly

D. emotionally

Question 32: The author mentions all of the following as attachment behaviors of human infants
A. smiling

B. crying

C. eating

D. grasping

Question 33: According to the passage, attachment behaviors of infants are intended to
A. prepare the infant to cope with separation

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B. provide the infant with a means of self-stimulation

C. allow the infant to become imprinted on objects that resemble the parent
D. get the physical, emotional and social needs of the infant met
Question 34: The phrase affectional tie is closest in meaning to
A. behavioral change

B. psychological need

C. cognitive development

D. emotional attachment

Question 35: It can be inferred from the passage that ethological theory assumes that
A. failure to imprint has no influence on intelligence
A. to learn about human behavior only human subjects should be studied
B. there are similarities between animal and human behavior
C. the notion of critical periods applies only to animals
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions.
The biologist's role in society as well as his moral and ethical responsibility in the discovery and
development of new ideas has led to a reassessment of his social and scientific value systems. A
scientist can no longer ignore the consequences of his discoveries; he is as concerned with the
possible misuses of his findings as he is with the basic research in which he is involved. This
emerging social and political role of the biologist and all other scientists requires a weighing of values
that cannot be done with the accuracy or the objectivity of a laboratory balance. As a member of
society, it is necessary for a biologist now to redefine his social obligations and his functions,
particularly in the realm of making judgments about such ethical problems as man's control of his
environment or his manipulation of genes to direct further evolutionary development.
As a result of recent discoveries concerning hereditary mechanisms, genetic engineering, by which
human traits are made to order, may soon be a reality. As desirable as it may seem to be, such an
accomplishment would entail many value judgments. Who would decide, for example, which traits
should be selected for change? In cases of genetic deficiencies and disease, the desirability of the
change is obvious, but the possibilities for social misuse are so numerous that they may far outweigh
the benefits.
Probably the greatest biological problem of the future, as it is of the present, will be to find ways to
curb environmental pollution without interfering with man's constant effort to improve the quality of
his life. Many scientists believe that underlying the spectre of pollution is the problem of surplus
human population. A rise in population necessitates an increase in the operations of modern industry,
the waste products of which increase the pollution of air, water, and soil. The question of how many
people the resources of the Earth can support is one of critical importance.
Although the solutions to these and many other problems are yet to be found, they do indicate the

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need for biologists to work with social scientists and other members of society in order to determine
the requirements necessary for maintaining a healthy and productive planet. For although many of
man's present and future problems may seem to be essentially social, political, or economic in nature,
they have biological ramifications that could affect the very existence of life itself.
Question 36: According to the passage, a modern scientist should be more concerned
A. the consequences of his discoveries
B. his basic research
C. his manipulation of genes
D. the development of new ideas
Question 37: The pronoun "it" in paragraph 2 refers to__________.
A. genetic engineering

B. an accomplishment

C. hereditary mechanism

D. a reality

Question 38: It is implied in the passage that genetic engineering__________.

A. will change all human traits

B. is no longer desirable

C. is the most desirable for life

D. may do us more harm than good

Question 39: The pronoun "they" in paragraph 2 refers to__________.

possibilities for genetic deficiencies
A. cases of genetic deficiencies
B. discoveries concerning hereditary mechanisms
C. effects of genetic engineering misuse
Question 40: What is probably the most important biological problem mentioned in the passage?
A. environmental pollution

B. manipulation of genes

C. genetic engineering misuse

D. social and economic deficiencies

Question 41: The word "which" in paragraph 3 refers to

A. the waste products dumped into our environment

B. serious environmental pollution
C. activities of surplus human population
D. activities of an overpopulated society's industry
Question 42: The word "underlying" in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by "__________.
A. causing

B. depriving

C. finding

D. noticing

Question 43: According to the passage, to save our planet, biologists should work
A. with other social scientists

B. accurately and objectively

C. on social and political purposes

D. harder and harder

Question 44: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "ramifications" in paragraph

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A. effective techniques

B. latest developments

C. harmful consequences

D. useful experiments

Question 45: What is the author's purpose in this passage?

A. To urge biologists to solve the problem of surplus human population
B. To conduct a survey of the biologist's role in society
C. To advise biologists to carry out extensive research into genetic engineering
D. To emphasize the biologist's role in solving the world's problems
Choose the best answer
Question 46: It is essential that Alice__________about his responsibilities in the meeting tomorrow.
A. must remind

B. will be reminded

C. will remind

D. be reminded

Question 47: Having recently bought a laptop Computer,__________

A. it must have cost him more than $2000
B. His E-mails reach him wherever he is
C. he can now take his work with him wherever he goes
D. there is no need for him to worry about its being stolen
Question 48: Have you heard Nick has just been awarded his PhD?
Yes, but intelligent__________he is, he has no basic common sense
A. whereas

B. although

C. though

D. however

Question 49: Its hard to__________on less than a million a month.

A. make a mess

B. make up your mind C.make a fuss

D. make ends meet

Question 50: My brother is a very__________character; he is never relaxed with stranger.

A. self-confident

B. self-conscious

Question 51: Do you know the man about

A. whom

B. whose

C. self- satisfied

D. self-absorbed

theyre talking?
C. that

D. which

Question 52:__________ that gold was discovered at Sutters Mill and that the California Gold Rush
A. Because in 1848

B. It was in 1848

Question 53: Have you really got no money

C. In 1848 that it was D. That in 1848

the fact that you've had a part-time job this

A. in case

B. although

C. despite of

D. in spite of

Question 54: How boring the lecture was! I__________just in the first half of it.
A. made for

B. dropped off

C. fell out

D. patched up

Question 55:__________than the runner on first base started running towards second base.

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A. Seeing that the bases were loaded

B. Hardly had the bases been loaded

C. By the time the bases were loaded

D. No sooner had the bases been loaded

Question 56: He failed to call his mother and say goodbye because his telephone was
A. out of work

B. out of control

C. out of reach

D. out of order

Question 57: In the middle of the blue river__________.

A. does a tiny violet flower emerge

B. did a tiny violet flower emerge

C. emerge a tiny violet flower

D. emerged a tiny violet flower

Question 58: Thanh and Nadia is talking about their classmate. Choose the most suitable response to
fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Thanh: Lans the best singer in our school.
Nadia: __________
A. I cant agree with you more!

B. Yes, please.

C. Thats OK!

D. Yes, tell me about it!

Question 59: - Lan and Mai was taking about their study at school. Choose the most suitable
response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Mai: I thought your English skill was a lot better, Lan.
Lan: __________
A. Thank you. Id love to.

B. Yes, please. Just a little.

C. No, thanks. I think I can do it.

D. Youve got to be kidding. I thought it was

Question 60: Your hair needs__________Youd better have it done tomorrow
A. to cut

B. being cut

C. cutting

D. cut

Question 61:__________it not been for the intolerable heat in the hall, they would have stayed much
A. If

B. Should

C. Had

D. But

Question 62: Alone in the house at night without electricity, I was on__________
A. heart and soul

B. on and off

C. ups and downs

D. Pins and needles

Question 63:__________, James fedimme Cooper wrote about Indians and pioneers in the forest and
sailors on the high seas.
A. The first American novelist to achieve world-wide fame
B. Although he was the first American novelist to achieve world-wide fame
C. The first American novelist achieving world-wide fame.
D. He was the first American novelist to achieve world-wide fame.
Question 64: Dick__________a moustache, but he doesn't any more. He shaved it off because his

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wife didn't like

A. got used to have

B. is used to have

C. used to have

D. Used to having

II. PHN T LUN (2 im)

Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it. (0.5 im)
Question 65: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20-year period
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Question 66: John has not seen his father since six months ago.
The last time
Question 67: This Computer is so old that its not worth keeping.
This is
Question 68: He did not pass his driving test until he was nearly 30.
It was
Question 69:. The motorcyclist rounded the corner at a quite unbelievable speed
The speed
Part II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the person you respect most (1,5 im)
- Th sinh khng c s dng bt c ti liu no.
- Gim th khng cn gii thch g thm.
______________THE END_______________

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1. p n l B. organize nhn m tit th nht, cc t cn li nhn m tit th ba.
2. p n l A. gorilla nhn m tit th hai, cc t cn li nhn m tit th nht.
3. p n l D. calculation nhn m tit th ba, cc t cn li nhn m tit th hai.
4. p n l B. T disappointed c phn gch chn c pht m l /id/, cc t cn li c phn gch chn
c pht m l /d/
5. p n l B. T island_ c phn gch chn khng c pht m , cc t cn li c phn gch chn c
pht m l /s/
6. ill at ease: khng thoi mi => p n l A. felt uncomfortable and embarrassed - cm thy khng
thoi mi v ngng
7. vulnerable: d b tn thng => p n l A. weak and unprotected: yu t v khng c bo v
8. qualification: nng lc => p n l B. what you have earned through study - Ci m bn kim c
thng qua vic hc
9. Distraction: s ng tr; iu xao lng >< p n A. attention: s tp trung
Cc t cn li: unawareness: s khng thc; carelessness: s bt cn; unconcern: s v tm
10. rapidly: mt cch nhanh chng >< p n l B. sluggishly: mt cch chm chp Cc t cn li:
shortly: ngn; leisurely: mt cch thong th; weakly: mt cch yu t
11. p n l B. Alike => Like
12. p n l C. too => so
13. p n l C. when suffered => when suffering
14. p n l C. establishing => established
15. p n l C. Pha trc c hin tng rt gn dng phn t, nn cn ngh trc tin n vic hai mnh
phi cng ch ng. y, IT m lm ch ng cho ANALYZING th khng n, i IT WAS thnh
16. p n l A. on behalf of : i din cho....
17. p n l A. basic American values: gi tr nn tng ca M.
Cc t cn li: primary: chnh; top: chp, nh; essential: cn thit, quan trng
18. p n l C. condition : iu kin
Cc t cn li : standard: tiu chun ; nature : bn cht ; appearance : v b ngoi
19. p n l C. encourages someone to do something :khuyn khch ai lm g Cc t cn li:
commission: y thc, y nhim; guide : hng dn ; engage: thu
20. p n l D. promise : li ha
Cc t cn li : function: chc nng; reply: s tr li; favour: s ng h
21. p n l B. provide something for someone : cung cp, h tr ci g cho ai Cc ng t cn li :
serve: phc v; sell: bn; offer: yu cu

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22. p n l unable to do something: khng th lm g

23. p n l A. on a wide range of issues: v mt lot cc vn
24. p n l B. mainly: chnh, ch yu
Cc t cn li: equally: mt cch bnh ng; substantially: mt cch ng k; frequently: thng xuyn
25. p n l B. keep someone/something + adj: gi ai/ ci g nh th no
26. p n l B. Da vo on 1: .. The origins of ethology can be traced to the work of Darwin. 27. p
n l C. diverse = varied: a dng
Ngha cc t cn li: small: nh, wild: hoang d, particular: c bit
27. p n l B. ensure = guarantee: chc chn, m bo
Cc t cn li: assume: gi nh; prove:chng minh; teach: dy
28. p n l D. trong bi: If the mother goose is not present during this time, but an object resembling
her in important features is, young goslings may imprint on it instead .
29. p n l B. it = object. trong bi:.... an object resembling her in important features is, young
goslings may imprint on it instead .
30. p n l B. suitably = appropriately: mt cch thch hp
Ngha cc t cn li: moderately: tng i; willingly: sn lng; emotionally: v tnh cm
31. p n l C. trong bi: He argued that attachment behaviors of babies, such as smiling, babbling,
grasping, and crying, ....
32. p n l D. Da vo t trong on 4: behaviors; healthy growth ; psychological structures ,..
33. p n l D, affectional tie = emotional attachment: gn b v mt tnh cm
34. p n l C. Da vo on 2 v 3.
35. p n l A. trong bi: A scientist can no longer ignore the consequences of his discoveries; he is
as concerned with the possible misuses of his findings as he is with the basic research in which he is
36. p n l A. Da vo cu trc: As a result of recent discoveries concerning hereditary mechanisms,
genetic engineering, by which human traits are made to order, may soon be a reality.
37. p n l D. trong bi: .... In cases of genetic deficiencies and disease, the desirability of the change
is obvious, but the possibilities for social misuse are so numerous that they may far outweigh the benefits.
38. p n l D. effects of genetic engineering misuse: nh hng ca lm dng k thut di truyn
39. p n l A. Cu u tin on 3: Probably the greatest biological problem of the future, as it is of
the present, will be to find ways to curb environmental pollution without interfering with man's
constant effort to improve the quality of his life.
40. p n l D. trong bi: A rise in population necessitates an increase in the operations of
modern industry, the waste products of which increase the pollution of air, water, and soil.
41. underlie: lm c s, nn tng => p n l A. cause: lm c s dn n.

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Ngha cc t cn li; deprive: tc ot; find: tm; notice: ch .

42. p n l A. trong on 4: Although the solutions to these and many other problems are yet to be
found, they do indicate the need for biologists to work with social scientists ....
43. ramifications: hu qu -> p n l C. hu qu c hi
44. p n l D. nhn mnh vai tr ca nh sinh hc trong vic gii quyt cc vn ca th gii
45. p n l D. Cu trc : Its essential that + S + V(bare - inf ): iu cn thit l ....
46. Vi V-ing ng u cu => hai v ng ch ng. p n l C.
Dch: Gn y mua ci my tnh xch tay, anh ta c th mang cng vic theo mnh ti bt c ni no anh
ta n.
47. p n l C. Cu trc ch s tng phn tuy. nhng..: adj/adv + though + S + V, S + V.
48. p n l D. make ends meet: kim u tin sng, khng mc n
Cc cm cn li make a mess: lm ba bn; make a fuss: lm m ln; Make up your mind : suy ngh
cho k c mt chn la sng sut .
49. p n l B. self-conscious: e d, ngng ngng
Cc t cn li: self-confident: t tin; self- satisfied: t mn; self-absorbed: t nhn
50. p n l A. whom: thay th cho danh t ch ngi the man ng sau gii t about
Cc i t quan h cn li:
Whose + N: thay th cho tnh t s hu
That: thay th cho danh t ch ngi v vt, lm ch ng hoc , tn ng sau ng t, hoc gii t. Trng
hp tn ng sau gii t, ta khng c o gii t ln trc that.
Which: thay th cho danh t ch vt, lm ch ng hoc tn ng.
51. p n l B. Cu ch nhn mnh thnh phn trng ng : It + be + adverb + that + clause
52. p n l D. in spite of + N/ V-ing/ the fact that + clause: mc d
Cc lin t cn li: in case: phng khi; although + clause: mc d ; despite + N/V-ing/ the fact that +
clause: mc d ( khng c gii t of )
53. p n l B. drop off: ng gt
Cc t cn li: make for : i, tin (v pha), fall out : ri xung; patch up v vu, sa cha qua loa
54. p n l D. No sooner+ auxiliary + S + V + than ....
55. p n l D. out of order: khng hot ng
Cc t cn li: out of work: tht nghip; out of control: mt kim sot; out of reach: ngoi tm vi
56. p n l D. o ng vi trng ng ch ni chn: Adverb + V + S.
57. p n l A. I cant agree with you more! - cu ny ni Ti hon ton ng vi bn
Cc p n khc khng hp ng cnh.
A. Vng, lm n.
B. c!

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C. Vng, Hy ni ti bit.
58. I thought your English skill was a lot better, Lan. - T ngh k nng ting Anh ca cu tt hn
nhiu Lan .
p n l D. Cu a t . T ngh n rt t.
Cc p n khc khng hp l:
A. Cm n. T thch.
B. Vng, lm n. Mt cht thi.
C. Khng. Cm n. T ngh t c th lm.
59. p n l C. need +V-ing : cn c lm g ( khi ch ng ch vt )
60. p n l C. Lc b if trong cu iu kin loi III: Had + S + PII, S + would + have + PII.
61. p n l B. on and off=lc c lc khng.
Cc cm cn li:
the heart and soul of (ngha bng): linh hn ca (mt t chc...)
ups and downs: s thng trm; Pins and needles: Cm gic rn rn (nh) kin b
62. p n l A. Cm danh t ng u cu trc du phy, b sung ngha, xc nh cho tn ring
James fedimme Cooper
63. p n l C. used to + V: din t hnh ng tng lm trong qu kh, hin ti khng lm na.
Cn, be/get used to + v-ing: ch thi quen
Phn vit:
Part 1:
64. The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to have been built over a 20-year period.
65. The last time John saw his father was 6 months ago.
66. This is such an old computer that its not worth keeping.
(This is so old a computer that its not worth keeping.)
67. It was not until he was nearly 30 that he passed his driving test.
68. The speed at which the motorcyclist rounded the corner was quite unbelievable.
Part 2:
Sample 1: A cool teacher
The person I admire most is my grade 4 teacher, Ms. Muir. She was my inspiration. She was a poet and
gave me ideas for my stories. I followed in the footsteps of Ms. Muir because she was fun and loved
reading and writing just as much as I do. Ms. Muir always gave me guidance, encouragement and a
whole lot of enjoyable things to do in grade four! Also, if something happened that bothered me or
annoyed me, Ms. Muir did the best she could to fix the problem, whatever it was. In grade four, during
Writing Workshop, Ms. Muir encouraged my friend and me to write a book after we told her our idea .
On a previous blog homework in grade 5, about why Kindree is the best, I wrote a poem. Believe it or not,

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the idea of writing that poem was inspired by Ms. Muir and her love of poetry. Ms. Muir was an awesome
teacher who motivated me. I really admire Ms. Muir and she inspires me.
Sample 2: A father
The person I admire most in my life is my dad. He is my role model. My dad takes me everywhere he
goes. My dad is very good at everything. I admire the way he dresses. I also admire the way he deals with
his problems. He takes me to soccer and stuff like that. He wants me to know everything he knows and
even more. Everyone in my family look up to him. my dad loves helping in the way he can. When I get
hurt or fell sad, he shows me the way out. Whenever I break my glasses, he fixes them. My dad always
has good listening ears and I can talk to him about everything. He always gives good advice. I will always
love my dad, a good inspiration.

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NM HC 2015 - 2016



Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

H, tn th sinh:.....................................................................

M thi: 321

SBD: .

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. Neighbors

B. Friends

C. Relatives

D. Photographs

Question 2: A. Spine

B. feminine

C. Valentine

D. undermine

Question 3: A. Eradicated

B. Defended

C. Unnoticed

D. Extended

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest
in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. against

B. believe

C. drainage

D. enrich

Question 5: A. mineral

B. obstacle

C. odorless

D. organic

Question 6: A. accuracy

B. individual

C. recreation

D. independence

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 7: Maria: "Thanks for the lovely present."
Diana: "______."
A. It was the least we could do.

B. No worry. A present is coming.

C. Yes, its really a lovely present.

D. Why do you have to say so?

Question 8:

Lucy: Thats a very nice hat you are wearing.

Nancy: ____________.

A. Thats nice.

B. I like it

C. Thats all right.

D. Im glad you like it.

Question 9: Peter: Why are you wearing those shoes? They are ugly.
Mohamed: I ____________ your pardon.
A. beg

B. ask

C. demand

D. seek

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Question 10: Jane: Im supposed to catch the afternoon train.

Jack: __________________.
A. Then you should leave now, shouldnt you?

B. Lets leave now.

C. Why dont we leave now?

D. Hurry up!

Question 11: Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes____________ for at least twenty
A. are boiling

B. boiling

C. were boiling

D. have been boiling

Question 12: Before the invention of the steamboat, there ____________ no way to cross the
A. has been

B. could have been

C. had been

D. would be

Question 13: English is used by pilots to ask for landing ____________ in Cairo.
A. instruct

B. instructors

C. instructions

D. instructive

Question 14: The cameras prevent motorists ____________ speed.

A. by

B. from

C. for

D with

Question 15: They couldnt help ____________when they heard the little boy singing a love song.
A. laughing

B. to laugh

C. laugh

D. laughed

Question 16: Luckily I ______ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag.
A. neednt have bought

B. needed not to buy

C. didnt need to buy

D. hadnt to buy

Question 17: Mike: Why didnt he report the incident to the boss?
Peter: He probably thought ____________ not his responsibility.
A. it to report was

B. being reported it

C. reporting it was

D. to have it reported

Question 18: I don't understand why the students didn't keep silent while the speech
A. has been made

B. was made

C. would be made

D. was being made

Question 19: Whole-grain food products ____________ in most large supermarkets across the
United States and Canada.
A. now can purchase

B. can now be purchased

C. now to purchase

D. the purchase of which

Question 20: Marie Curie was the first and only woman ____________ two Nobel Prizes.

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A. who win

B. that wins

C. to have won

D. to be won

Question 21: Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like ____________.
A. nose on his face

B. tip of his tongue

C. back of his hand

D. hair on his head

Question 22: Some people are concerned with physical _______when choosing a wife or husband.
A. attractive

B. attraction

C. attractiveness

D. attractively

Question 23: ____________ of economic cycles been helpful in predicting turning points in cycles,
they would have been used more consistently.
A. Psychological theories have

B. Had psychological theories have

C. Psychological theories

D. Psychological have theories

Question 24: Many small birds use new sites for each nesting, ____________ large birds often
reuse the same nest.
A. therefore

B. how

Question 25: The


C. despite

D. whereas



A. took notice of

B. made fuss over

C. put a stop to

D. made room for






Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 26: Fiberscopes have also found varied uses in industry, particularly to inspect or control
operations in inaccessible areas.
A. difficult to find

B. extremely small

C. hard to reach

D. impossible to

Question 27: The company empowered her to declare their support for the new event. As a matter
of fact, she now has more power to do what she wants than ever before.
A. forbade

B. helped

C. authorized

D. ordered

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that
is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 28: Because China rises, people can anticipate that more and more people will speak the
Chinese language.
A. doubt

B. assume

C. predict

D. expect

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Question 29: Viking sailors landed in North America just under a thousand years ago.
A. upwards of

B. not quite

C. only just

D. just on

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 30: (A)Neither John (B) nor his family members (C) enjoys their life (D)in the city
Question 31: Cable (A) television companies (B) recently announced that (C)it will increase (D)
services charges next year.
Question 32: (A)Mostly medical doctors (B)have had some (C)training (D)in psychology and
Question 33: (A)More than 180 countries (B) have Red Cross organizations (C)that some (D)are
called by different names.
Question 34: (A)In the past, many (B)agrarians used to (C)working with very poor
(D)technologies and farming methods.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the question below.
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but
cant find the energy to get out of bed (35) ________ for school? According to a new report,
todays generation of children are in danger of getting so (36)_______ sleep that they are putting
their mental and physical health at (37)_______. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours
sleep a night, (38)_______teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to medical experts, one in
five youngsters (39)________ anything between two and five hours sleep a night less than their
parents did at their age.
This (40) _____ serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting childrens ability to
concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory, impaired
reaction time and poor concentration is well (41) _______. Research has shown that losing as little
as half an hours sleep a night can have profound effects (42) ______how children perform the next
day. A good nights sleep is also crucial for teenagers because it is while they are asleep (43)______
they release a hormone that is essential for their growth spurt (the period during teenage years
when the body grows at a rapid rate). Its true that they can, to some (44) ______, catch up on sleep
at weekends, but that wont help them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday

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By Tim Falla and Paul A.Davies, Solutions Advanced. OUP

Question 35:

A. in time

B. behind time

C. about time

D. at time

Question 36:

A. few

B. little

C. less


Question 37:

A. jeopardy

B. threat

C. risk

D. danger

Question 38:

A. whereas

B. or

C. because

D. so

Question 39:

A. puts

B. makes

C. brings

D. gets

Question 40:

A. results

B. rises

C. raises

D. comes

Question 41:

A. established

B. arranged

C. organized

D. acquired

Question 42:

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. to

Question 43:

A. at which

D. where

C. that

D. which

Question 44:

A. extent

B. rate

C. level

D. point


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the question below.
The countryside of Britain is well known for its beauty and many contrasts: its bare mountains
and moorland, its lakes, rivers and woods, and its long, often wild coastline. Many of the most
beautiful areas are national parks and are protected from development. When British people think of
the countryside they think of farmland, as well as open spaces. They imagine cows or sheep in
green fields enclosed by hedges or stone walls, and fields of wheat and barley. Most farmland is
privately owned but is crossed by a network of public footpaths.
Many people associate the countryside with peace and relaxation. They spend their free time
walking or cycling there, or go to the country for a picnic or a pub lunch. In summer people go to
fruit farms and pick strawberries and other fruit. Only a few people who live in the country work on
farms. Many commute to work in towns. Many others dream of living in the country, where they
believe they would have a better and healthier lifestyle.
The countryside faces many threats. Some are associated with modern farming practices, and
the use of chemicals harmful to plants and wildlife. Land is also needed for new houses. The green
belt, an area of land around many cities, is under increasing pressure. Plans to build new roads are
strongly opposed by organizations trying to protect the countryside. Protesters set up camps to
prevent, or at least delay, the building work.

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America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in
the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states,
such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and
green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach to
the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Only about 20% of Americans live outside cities and towns. Life may be difficult for people
who live in the country. Services like hospitals and schools may be further away and going
shopping can mean driving long distances. Some people even have to drive from their homes to the
main road where their mail is left in a box. In spite of the disadvantages, many people who live in
the country say that they like the safe, clean, attractive environment. But their children often move
to a town or city as soon as they can.
As in Britain, Americans like to go out to the country at weekends. Some people go on camping
or fishing trips, others go hiking in national parks.
Question 45: We can see from the passage that in the countryside of Britain _______
A. it is difficult to travel from one farm to another
B. only a few farms are publicly owned
C. none of the areas faces the sea
D. most beautiful areas are not well preserved
Question 46: The word enclosed in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. surrounded

B. embraced

C. blocked

D. rotated

Question 47: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an activity of relaxation in the
countryside of Britain?
A. Riding a bicycle

B. Going for a walk

C. Going swimming

D. Picking fruit

Question 48: What does the word they in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Those who dream of living in the country
B. Those who go to the country for a picnic
C. Those who commute to work in towns
D. Those who go to fruit farms in summer
Question 49: Which of the following threatens the countryside in Britain?
A. Protests against the building work

B. Plants and wildlife

C. Modern farming practices

D. The green belt around cities

Question 50: The phrase associated with in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.

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A. separated from

B. supported by

C. related to

D. referred to

Question 51: According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT _______.
A. the green belt is under pressure because of the need for land
B. the use of chemicals harms the environment of the countryside
C. camps are set up by protesters to stop the construction work
D. all organizations strongly oppose plans for road construction
Question 52: The phrase reach to the horizon in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. are varied B. are endless

C. are horizontal

D. are limited

Question 53: According to the passage, some Americans choose to live in the country because
______ .
A. their children enjoy country life
B. hospitals, schools and shops are conveniently located there
C. they enjoy the safe, clean, attractive environment there
D. life there may be easier for them
Question 54: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Both British and American people are thinking of moving to the countryside.
B. Towns in some Midwestern states in the US are separated by long distances.
C. Many British people think of the country as a place of peace and relaxation.
D. The majority of American people live in cities and towns.
Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the
contributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed
United States. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not
considered an important force in history. Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the
seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the best contemporary history of the American
Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters showing she exercised great political
influence over her husband, John, the second President of the United States. But little or no notice
was taken of these contributions. During these centuries, women remained invisible in history
Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of
female authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were

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amateur historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their
selection and use of sources.
During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by
keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. National, regional, and local womens
organizations compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings,
and souvenirs were saved and stored. These sources from the core of the two greatest collections of
womens history in the United States one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at
Radcliffe College, and the other the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have
provided valuable materials for later Generations of historians.
Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth
Century, most of the writing about women conformed to the great women theory of History, just
as much of mainstream American history concentrated on great men. To demonstrate that women
were making significant contributions to American life, female authors singled out women leaders
and wrote biographies, or else important women produced their autobiographies. Most of these
leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for womens right to vote, or
authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary woman. The lives of ordinary
people continued, generally, to be untold in the American histories being published.
Question 55:

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The role of literature in early American histories

B. The place of American women in written histories
C. The keen sense of history shown by American women
D. The great women approach to history used by American historians
Question 56:

The word contemporary in the 1st paragraph means that the history

A. informative B. thoughtful
Question 57:

C. written at that time

D. faultfinding

In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that

A. a womans status was changed by marriage
B. even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored
C. only three women were able to get their writing published
D. poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women

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Question 58:

The word celebratory in the 2nd paragraph means that the writings referred to

A. related to parties

B. religious

C. serious

Question 59:

The word they in the 2nd paragraph refers to________.

A. efforts

B. authors

C. counterparts

D. full of praise

D. sources

Question 60: In the 2nd paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author
point out?
A. They put too much emphasis on daily activities
B. They left out discussion of the influence of money on politics.
C. The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.
D. They were printed on poor-quality paper.
Question 61:

On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following would

most likely have been collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?

A. Newspaper accounts of presidential election results
B. Biographies of John Adams
C. Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem
D. Books about famous graduates of the countrys first college
Question 62:

What use was made of the nineteenth-century womens history materials in the

Schlesinger Library and the Sophia Smith Collection?

A. They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia
B. They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth century.
C. They provided valuable information for twentieth- century historical researchers.
D. They were shared among womens colleges throughout the United States.
Question 63:

In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles of

nineteenth-century great women EXCEPT ________.

A. authors

B. reformers

C. activists for womens rights

D. politicians

Question 64:

The word representative in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _________

A. typical

B. satisfied

C. supportive

D. distinctive

SECTION B (2 points):
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet (0.5 p)

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Question 1: She didn't arrive until 6 o'clock although she promised that she wouldn't be late.
Despite _________________________________________________________
Question 2: Im sorry, I didnt call you earlier. Tom said to Mary.
Tom apologised __________________________________________________
Question 3: I took the job because I didn't know how difficult it was.
If I _________________________________________________________
Question 4: I dont play tennis as well as you do.
You ____________________________________________________________
Question 5: I last saw Peter when I was in Thanh Hoa City.
I havent seen ____________________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the reasons why traveling is becoming more
popular. Write your paragraph on your answer sheet. (1.5p)

***THE END***


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M 321































































1. Despite promising that she wouldn't be late, she didn't arrive until 6 o'clock.
OR: Despite the fact that she promised that she wouldn't be late, she didn't arrive until 6 o'clock.
2. Tom apologized for not calling Mary earlier.
3. If I had known how difficult the job was, I wouldnt have taken it.
4. You play tennis better than I do.
5. I havent seen Peter since I was in Thanh Hoa City.


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MN TING ANH (Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht)

M thi 132

H, tn th sinh:........................................................ S bo danh: .............................

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. repeats

B. amuses

C. attacks

D. coughs

Question 2: A. whom

B. heal

C. healthy

D. honest

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 3: Before he went on vacation, Peter left explicit instructions for the decoration of his office.
A. clear

B. colorful

C. vague

D. direct

Question 4: The earthquake caused great devastation in California.

A. confusion

B. gaps

C. ruin

D. movement

Question 5: He is from such an unemotional family, he will never learn to unleash his feelings.
A. describe

B. conceal

C. release

D. extend

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
American humor and American popular heroes were born together. The first popular heroes of the
new nation were comic heroes, and the first popular humor of the new nation was the antics of its heroclowns.
The heroic and the comic were combined in novel American proportions in popular literature. The
heroic themes are obvious enough and not much different from those in the legends of other times
and places: Achilles, Beowulf, Siegfried, Roland, and King Arthur. The American Davy Crockett legends
repeat the familiar pattern of the old world heroic story: the pre-eminence of a mighty hero whose fame in
myth has a tenuous basis in fact; the remarkable birth and precocious strength of the hero; single combats
in which he distinguished himself against antagonists, both man and beast; vows and boasts; pride of the

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hero in his weapons, his dog, and his woman.

Davy Crockett conquered man and beast with a swaggering nonchalance. He overcame animals by
force of body and will. He killed four wolves at the age of six. He hugged a bear to death; he killed a
rattlesnake with his teeth. He mastered the forces of nature. Crocketts most famous natural exploit was
saving the earth on the coldest day in history. First, he climbed a mountain to determine the trouble. Then
he rescued all creation by squeezing bear-grease on the earths frozen axis and over the suns icy face. He
whistled, Push along, keep moving! The earth gave a grunt and began moving.
Neither the fearlessness nor the bold huntsmans prowess was peculiarly American. Far more
distinctive was the comic quality, all heroes are heroic; few are also clowns. What made the American
popular hero heroic also made him comic. May be, said Crockett, youll laugh at me and not at my
book. The ambiguity of American life and the vagueness which laid the continent open to adventure,
which made the land a rich storehouse of the unexpected, which kept vocabulary ungoverned and the
language fluid----this same ambiguity suffused both the Crockett legends were never quite certain whether
to laugh or to applaud, or whether what they saw and heard was wonderful, awful or ridiculous.
Question 6: What is the main point the author makes in the passage?
A. Davy Crockett wrote humorous stories about mastering the nature.
B. American popular heroes were characteristically comic.
C. The Davy Crockett stories reflected the adventurous spirit of early America.
D. American popular literature was based on the legends of other times and places.
Question 7: Achilles, Beowulf, and other heroes are mentioned in paragraph 2 to_________.
A. show their similar heroic nature with the American heroes.
B. show the role they play in the world legend history.
C. compare their popularity with that of the American heroes.
D. conclude heroic deeds described in old world heroic legends.
Question 8: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a heroic theme?
A. Superior physical strength

B. Pride in the hero woman

C. Fluid use of language

D. Boasting by the hero

Question 9: The word antagonists could be best replaced by_________.

A. wild animals

B. heroes

C. forces

D. opponents

Question 10: Davy Crockett is an example of_________.

A. a popular writer

B. a heroic theme

C. an old world hero

D. a hero-clown

Question 11: In paragraph 3, the author mentions a story in which Davy Crockett_________.
A. killed a wild boar

B. saved a bear

C. saved the earth

D. ate a rattlesnake

Question 12: The word exploit in paragraph 3 is closest meaning to_________.

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A. resource

B. heroic act

C. skill

D. character trait

Question 13: The word prowess in paragraph 4 is closest meaning to_________.

A. goal

B. weapon

C. bravery

D. caution

Question 14: In paragraph 4, the author makes the point that_________.

A. American enjoyed laughing at other people.
B. American writers strove to create a distinctively American literature.
C. American life was open to adventure and full of the unexpected.
D. Americans valued comic qualities more than heroic qualities.
Question 15: The word ambiguity in the last paragraph is closest meaning to_________.
A. ridiculous

B. richness

C. uncertainty

D. quality

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 16: A. enjoyment

B. extension

C. fashionable

D. facilitate

Question 17: A. apprehensive

B. residential

C. emergency

D. resolution

Question 18: A. threaten

B. mosquito

C. comfortable

D. interesting

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word(s) for each of the following blanks.
Bodies are made to move! They are not (19) _________for sitting around in front of the television or
reading magazines. Keeping fit doesnt (20) _________you have to be a super-athlete, and even (21)
______exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you are fit and healthy, you will find you look better and
feel better. You will develop more energy and self-confidence.
Every time you move, you are exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and
climb. (22) _________it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of all, exercise is fun. Its what
your body likes doing most-keeping on the (23) _________.
Physical exercise is not only good for your body. People who take regular exercise are usually happier,
more relaxed and more alert (24) _________people who sit around all day. Try an experiment-next time
you are (25) _________a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game in the park. See how much better
you feel after an hour.
A good (26) _________of achievement is yet another benefit of exercise. People feel good about
themselves when they know they have (27) _________their fitness. People who exercise regularly will tell

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you that they find they have more energy to enjoy life. So have (28) _________-youll soon see and feel
the benefits.
Question 19: A. planned

B. designed

C. programmed

D. caused

Question 20: A. involve

B. require

C. reveal

D. mean

Question 21: A. a little

B. a few

C. little

D. few

Question 22: A. More and more

B. The more

C. More

D. Moreover

Question 23: A. increase

B. move

C. develop

D. decrease

Question 24: A. then

B. about

C. than

D. with

Question 25: A. in

B. on

C. at

D. under

Question 26: A. sense

B. feel

C. lot

D. piece

Question 27: A. experienced

B. improved

C. carried out

D. grown

Question 28: A. a run

B. a trial

C. a go

D. a start

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 29: The phone _________suddenly while Jane was doing the gardening.
A. is ringing

B. had rung

C. was ringing

D. rang

Question 30: Nam never comes to class on time and _________.

A. neither doesnt Huy B. so doesnt Huy

C. so does Huy

D. neither does Huy

Question 31: Sorry, Im late, but my car_________ on the way here, and I had to call the garage.
A. was broke

B. not working

C. out of order

D. broke down

Question 32: _________ it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.
A. Had I not seen

B. Unless I had not seen C. If I had seen

D. Provided I had seen

Question 33: Marie Curie was the first and only woman_________two Nobel prizes.
A. that win

B. to be won

C. who win

D. to have won

Question 34: It was in 1989_________ the Berlin Wall collapsed.

A. which

B. that

C. when

D. what

Question 35: The robbers were_________two years in jail.

A. put

B. sent

C. ordered

D. sentenced

Question 36: The death of Tran Lap, the leader of a Vietnamese famous rock band called Buc Tuong, is a
great_________to his fans.
A. losing

B. loss

C. lose

D. lost

Question 37: I asked her _________she understood what I was saying.

A. if not

B. if

C. if only

D. even if

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Question 38: I_____an old friend of mine in the street this morning. We havent seen each other for ages.
A. ran into

B. ran out

C. came over

D. came round

Question 39: Tom is_________ with his teacher because he didnt do any assignments.
A. in danger
Question 40:

B. in the dark

C. in hot water

D. under control

We can decrease the amount of waste produced at home by___ used paper, plastic and

A. retaining

B. reducing

C. remaining

D. recycling

Question 41: It was _________ furniture that I didnt buy it.

A. so expensive

B. such expensive

C. such an expensive

D. a so expensive

Question 42: Charles was wearing ___________at the party.

A. a tie yellow silk funny

B. very funny wide yellow silk tie

C. a yellow silk funny tie

D. a funny wide yellow silk tie

Question 43: _________ , Mr. Jean takes pleasure in doing charity and other social work.
A. Having retired

B. Retiring

C. He has retired

D. Although retired

Question 44: ___________ Michelle tried hard, she didnt manage to win the competition.
A. No matter how

B. Even though

C. In spite of

D. Nevertheless

Question 45: My phone is out of order, _________is a nuisance.

A. that
Question 46:

B. which

C. this

Lan :She seems_________for the job.

D. it
Hoa: Yes. Everybody thinks shes perfectly

suited for it.

A. ready-made

B. home-made

C. tailor-made

D. self-made

Question 47: Mai and Lan are friends. Lan asks Mai about Mais plan. Select the most suitable response
to fill in the blank.
Lan: Are you going to see the live show by Son Tung today?
Mai: _________.
A. Yes, I enjoyed it very much

B. Maybe Ill be out

C. Yes, Im going to stay in

D. I think so

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
The technology of the North American colonies did not differ strikingly from that of Europe, but in
one respect, the colonists enjoyed a great advantage. Especially by comparison with Britain, Americans
had a wonderfully plentiful supply of wood.
The first colonists did not, as many people imagine, find an entire continent covered by a climax

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forest. Even along the Atlantic seaboard, the forest was broken at many points. Nevertheless, all sorts of
fine trees abounded, and through the early colonial period, those who pushed westward encountered new
forests. By the end of the colonial era, the price of wood had risen slightly in eastern cities, but wood was
still extremely abundant.
The availability of wood brought advantages that have seldom been appreciated. Wood was a
foundation of the economy. Houses and all manner of buildings were made of wood to a degree unknown
in Britain. Secondly, wood was used as fuel for heating and cooking. Thirdly, it was used as the source of
important industrial compounds, such as potash, an industrial alkali; charcoal, a component of gunpowder;
and tannic acid, used for tanning leather.
The supply of wood conferred advantages but had some negative aspects as well. Iron at that time
was produced by heating iron ore with charcoal. Because Britain was so stripped of trees, she was unable to
exploit her rich iron mines. But the American colonies had both iron ore and wood; iron production was
encouraged and became successful. However, when Britain developed coke smelting, the Colonies did not
follow suit because they had plenty of wood and besides, charcoal iron was stronger than coke iron. Coke
smelting led to technologic innovations and was linked to the emergence of the Industrial Revolution. In
the early nineteenth century, the former colonies lagged behind Britain in industrial development because
their supply of wood led them to cling to charcoal iron.
Question 48: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The advantages of using wood in the colonies
B. The effects of an abundance of wood on the colonies
C. The roots of the Industrial Revolution
D. The difference between charcoal iron and coke iron
Question 49: The word strikingly in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to__________.
A. realistically

B. dramatically

C. completely

D. immediately

Question 50: Which of the following is a common assumption about the forests of North America during
the colonial period?
A. They contained only a few types of trees.
B. They existed only along the Atlantic seaboard.
C. They had little or no economic value.
D. They covered the entire continent.
Question 51: The word abundant in paragraph 3 is closest meaning to_________.
A. redundant

B. sufficient

C. insufficient

D. plentiful

Question 52: According to the passage, by the end of the colonial period, the price of wood in Eastern

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A. rose quickly because wood was becoming so scarce.

B. was much higher than it was in Britain.
C. was slightly higher than in previous years.
D. decreased rapidly because of lower demand for wood.
Question 53: What can be inferred about houses in Britain during the period written about in the passage?
A. They were more expensive than American houses.
B. They were generally built with imported materials.
C. They were typically smaller than homes in North America.
D. They were usually built from materials built from materials other than wood.
Question 54: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source of industrial compounds?
A. potash

B. charcoal

C. gunpowder

D. tannic acid

Question 55: Why does the author mention gunpowder in paragraph 3?

A. To illustrate the negative aspects of some industrial processes
B. To remind readers that the colonial era ended in warfare
C. To give an example of a product made with wood compounds
D. To suggest that wood was not the only important product of the colonies
Question 56: The phrase follow suit in paragraph 4 means__________.
A. do the same thing

B. make an attempt

C. have the opportunity

D. take a risk

Question 57: According to the passage, why was the use of coke smelting advantageous?
A. It led to advances in technology.
B. It was less expensive than wood smelting.
C. It produced a stronger type of iron than wood smelting.
D. It stimulated the demand for wood.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Question 58: My mother prefers cooking at home than eating out

Question 59: They were all looking forward to spend their holiday at the seaside the following year.

Question 60: In a critical review of an experiment, a researcher should question the validity, the

reliable, and the importance of any test results.


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Question 61: Until the invention of the telephone, skyscrapers were not consider very practical.

Question 62: She must lose her way; otherwise, she would have arrived by now.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 63: He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday.
A. legal

B. irregular

C. elicited

D. secret

Question 64: I eat lunch with a convivial group of my friends.

A. unsociable

B. large

C. old

D. lively

II. PHN T LUN (2 im)

A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed
before them. (0,5 im)
Question 1: He doesnt have much money, so he cant buy a luxury car.
If __________________________________________________________________________
Question 2: You had better go to the doctor if you have a pain in your neck, Mary, Peter said.
Peter suggested________________________________________________________________
Question 3: I havent seen him for twenty years.
It is ________________________________________________________________________
Question 4: People say that he works as a professional football player in America.
He is_________________________________________________________________________
Question 5: Please dont leave me! Jenny begged her boyfriend.
Jenny pleaded _________________________________________________________________
B. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the following topic (1,5 im).
Should mobile phones be banned among students?
Use examples and reasons to support your answer.

----------- The end ----------

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MN TING ANH (Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht)

------------I. PHN TRC NGHIM: T QUESTION 1 N QUESTION 64 (0,125 x 64 cu = 8 im )





































































































































































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II. PHN T LUN: (2 im)

A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before
them. (0,1 x 5 cu = 0,5 im)
Question 1: If he had much money, he could buy a car.
Question 2: Peter suggested (that) Mary (should) go to the doctor if she had got a pain in her neck.
Question 3: It is twenty years since I (last) saw him.
Question 4: He is said to work as a professional football player in America.
Question 5: Jenny pleaded with her boyfriend not to leave her.
B. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the following topic (1,5 im).
Should mobile phones be banned among students?
M t cc tiu ch nh gi

B cc

Cu ch mch lc

B cc hp l, r rng ph hp vi yu cu ca bi

im ti a

B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun


Pht trin

Pht trin c trnh t, logic

C dn chng, v d bo v kin ca mnh

S dng ngn t

S dng ngn t ph hp vi ni dung



VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

S dng ngn t ng vn phong th loi

S dng t ni cho bi vit c uyn chuyn

Ni dung


thuyt phc ngi c

dn chng, v d, lp lun

di khng nhiu hn hoc t hn s t quy nh l 5%

Ng php, du cu, chnh t


S dng ng du cu

Chnh t: vit ng chnh t

Li chnh t gy hiu nhm/ sai lch s b tnh mt li(tr 1% s

im bi vit)

Cng mt li chnh t, lp i lp li ch tnh mt li

S dng ng th, th, cu trc ng ng php (Li ng php gy

hiu nhm, sai lch s b tr 1% im bi vit)


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph





M thi 207

NM HC 2015 - 2016
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
This rapid transcontinental settlement and these new urban industrial circumstances of the
last half of the 19th century were accompanied by the development of a national literature of great
abundance and variety. New themes, new forms, new subjects, new regions, new authors, new
audiences all emerged in the literature of this half century.
As a result, at the onset of World War I, the spirit and substance of American literature had
evolved remarkably, just as its center of production had shifted from Boston to New York in the late
1880s and the sources of its energy to Chicago and the Midwest. No longer was it produced, at least
in its popular forms, in the main by solemn, typically moralistic men from New England and the
Old South; no longer were polite, well-dressed, grammatically correct, middle-class young people
the only central characters in its narratives; no longer were these narratives to be set in exotic places
and remote times; no longer, indeed, were fiction, poetry, drama, and formal history the chief
acceptable forms of literary expression; no longer, finally, was literature read primarily by young,
middle class women.
In sum, American literature in these years fulfilled in considerable measure the condition
Walt Whitman called for in 1867 in describing Leaves of Grass: it treats, he said of his own major
work, each state and region as peers "and expands from them, and includes the world ... connecting
an American citizen with the citizens of all nations." At the same time, these years saw the
emergence of what has been designated "the literature of argument," powerful works in sociology,
philosophy, psychology, many of them impelled by the spirit of exposure and reform. Just as
America learned to play a role in this half century as an autonomous international political,
economic, and military power, so did its literature establish itself as a producer of major works.
Cu 1: The word evolved in paragraph two is closest in meaning to______________
A. changed

B. turned back

C. diminished

D. became famous

Cu 2: All of the following can be inferred from the passage about the ne J literature
A. It was not highly regarded internationally

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B. It broke with many literary traditions of the past

C. It spoke to the issue of reform and change
D. It introduced new American themes, characters, and settings
Cu 3: The phrase these years in the third paragraph refers to ___________.
A. the early 1800s

B. 1850-1900

C. the 1900s

D. the present

Cu 4: The word it in the second paragraph refers to______________

A. the population

B. American literature

C. the energy

D. the manufacturing

Cu 5: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the previous passage probably
A. new developments in industrialization and population shifts
B. he importance of tradition to writers
C. the limitations of American literature to this time
D. the fashions and values of 19th century America
Cu 6: This passage would probably be read in which of the follow academic courses?
A. Current events

B. International affairs

C. American literature D. European history

Cu 7: The word exotic" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to_________

A. unusual

B. old-fashioned

C. well-known

D. urban

Cu 8: The main idea of this passage is____________

A. that the new American literature was less provincial than the old
B. that most people were wary of the new literature
C. that World War I caused a dramatic change in America
D. that centers of culture shifted from East to West
Cu 9: The author uses the word indeed in the second paragraph for what purpose?
A. To show a favorable attitude to these forms of literature.
B. To emphasize the contrast he is making.
C. For variety in a lengthy paragraph.
D. To wind down his argument.
Cu 10: It can be inferred from the passage that Walt Whitman_____________
A. was disapproving of the new literature

B. disliked urban life

C. was an international diplomat

D. wrote Leaves of Grass

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

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Cu 11: A. vision

B. conclusion

Cu 12: A. solution B. could

C. division

D. comparison

C. pull

D. look

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Speech is one of the most important (13) ______ of communicating. It consists of far more
than just making noises. To talk and also to (14) ______ by other people, we have to speak a
language, that is, we have to use combinations of (15) ______ that everyone agrees to stand for a
particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own
Learning a language properly is very (16)______ . The basic (17) ______ of English is not
very large, and not only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (18)______. But the more
idea you can (19) ______ the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.
Words are the (20) ______ thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way
we (21)______ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and
(22) ______ whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
Cu 13: A. rules

B. reason

C. ways

D. tests

Cu 14: A. be understood

B. be spoken

C. be examined

D. be talked

Cu 15: A. sounds

B. languages

C. systems

D. talks

Cu 16: A. easy

B. expensive

C. simple

D. important

Cu 17: A. grammar

B. structure

C. vocabulary

D. word

Cu 18: A. perfect

B. good

C. well

D. fluent

Cu 19: A. need

B. grow

C. express

D. pass

Cu 20: A. most

B. main

C. certain

D. full

Cu 21: A. talk

B. send

C. pass

D. say

Cu 22: A. know

B. show

C. ask

D. understand

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Cu 23: The visitors were complaining______in the rain.
A. for waiting

B. me about waiting

C. about having to wait

D. that they have to wait

Cu 24: Family_________later took on a much greater significance in his life.

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A. relatives

B. relationships

C. relation

D. relations

Cu 25: Joanne is criticising Alex for taking a late flight. Choose the most suitable response to fill
in the blank in the following exchange.
Joanne: You should have flown with the earlier flight!

Alex: ___________________

A. Oh, Im sorry to hear that.

B. Yes but It was fully booked.

C. Yes, I should

D. Why not?

Cu 26: Safety should take _________over all other matters in the workplace.
A. precede

B. precedent

C. preceding

D. precedence

Cu 27: We arranged to meet at the station, but she didnt___________.

A. get through

B. turn up

C. walk out

D. wait on

Cu 28: Some sociologists believe that the______ family of parents and children is rapidly
becoming a thing of the past.
A. extended

B. joint

C. nuclear

D. closed

Cu 29: __________with your friends and give me your answer tomorrow.

A. Talk over it

B. Talk it over

C. Work it out

D. Look into it

Cu 30: In 1959 the political philosopher Hannah Arendt became the first woman _______a full
professor at Princeton University.
A. to appoint

B. was appointed

C. to be appointed

D. who be appointed as

Cu 31: They______ the job by this time tomorrow.

A. will be finishing

B. will finish

C. are finishing

D. will have finished

Cu 32: Mark first________ his wife three years ago when they _________at university.
A. met/ have studied B. met/ were studying C. has met/ studied

D. met/ had been studying

Cu 33: Mike asked Sarah how long______ English so far.

A. she had been learning B. she learned

C. she has been learning D. had she learned

Cu 34: In Britain, most pupils transfer from primary to________ school at the age of 11.
A. secondary

B. elementary

C. upper

D. middle

Cu 35: Any child has the right to an education ________of sex, creed, race or nationality.
A. regardless

B. providing

C. despite

D. because

Cu 36: _________, these students are among the best prepared who have been through this
A. On the whole

B. At the whole

C. In the general

D. In generally

Cu 37: Your car is too dirty! When did you have it___________?
A. to be washed

B. wash

C. washed

D. to wash

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Cu 38: ______her tears, she waved goodbye to her family from the station platform.
A. Filling out

B. Bringing in

C. Turning over

D. Fighting back

Cu 39: Paul is asking Joe for permission to play the guitar in the room. Choose the most suitable
response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
Paul: Is it all right if I play the guitar in here while youre studying?


A. Well, if only you didnt.

B. Oh, I wish you wouldnt.

C. Well, actually, Id prefer it if you didnt D. Well, Id rather not.

Cu 40: She said she met you once at the Parade last week. _________since?
Cu 41: I am sorry I cannot hear what you________ because everybody ______so loudly.
A. were saying/ has talked

B. said/ was talking

C. have just said/ is talking




Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 42: The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. eliminate

B. protect

C. pollute

D. destroy

Cu 43: My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.

A. unqualified

B. ill-educated

C. unskilled

D. unimpaired

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Cu 44: Every woman who had enough criteria can join the beauty contest irrespective of their
A. under guarantee

B. in consideration of C. regardless of

D. on account of

Cu 45: Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground.
A. wanted to continue

B. felt sorry for us

C. refused to change his decision

D. changed his decision

Cu 46: I am concerned about my children.

A. angry

B. sad

C. happy

D. worried

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.

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Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of
communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral
speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in
which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort
to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact
and can be used internationally, spelling, however, cannot.
Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or
unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod
signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.
Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read
with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also
guide, warn, and instruct people.
While verbalization is the most common form of language, other systems and techniques
also express human thoughts and feelings.
Cu 47: Which form other than oral speech would be the most commonly be the most commonly
used among blind people?
A. Signal flags

B. Picture signs

C. Body language

D. Braille

Cu 48: Which of the following best summarizes this passage?

A. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest.
B. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.
C. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners.
D. Everybody uses only one form of communication.
Cu 49: Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally
EXCEPT for_____________
A. spelling

B. whole words

C. ideas

D. expressions

Cu 50: What would be MOST likely to use Morse code?

A. A scientist

B. A spy

C. An airline pilot

D. A telegrapher

Cu 51: The word "wink" in the second paragraph means most nearly the same
A. bob the head up and down

B. close one eye briefly

C. shake the head from side to side

D. close two eyes briefly

Cu 52: How many different forms of communication are mentioned here?

A. 7

B. 5

C. 11

D. 9

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Cu 53: People need to communicate in order to_____________.

A. keep from reading with their fingertips

B. be picturesque and exact

C. create language barriers

D. express thoughts and feelings

Cu 54: The word "these" in the first paragraph refers to___________

A. thoughts and feelings

B. tourists

C. sign language motions

D. the deaf and the mute

Cu 55: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT______________

A. There are many forms of communication in existence today.
B. Verbalization is the most common form of communication.
C. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language.
D. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of communication.
Cu 56: What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Many Forms of Communication

B. Picturesque Symbols of Communication

C. Ways of Expressing Feelings

D. The Importance of Sign Language

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Cu 57: The woman accused to shoplift was found not guilty and was acquitted
A. accused

B. to shoplift

C. not guilty

D. was acquitted

Cu 58: Most college-age students today are interested in finding universities in which can pursue
both academic and athletic extra-cirricular activities. A. which can B. Most C. both D. interested in
Cu 59: While the teacher was explaining the some on the blackboard, the children threw paper
aeroplanes around the classroom.

A. around B. threw C. on the D. was explaining

Cu 60: The human brain is often comparing to a computer, but such an analogy can be misleading.
A. misleading B. The human

C. but such

D. comparing

Cu 61: You can apply for a better job when you will have had more experience.
A. when

B. will have had

C. apply for

D. more experience

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Cu 62: A. certificate

B. compulsory

C. undergraduate

D. curriculum

Cu 63: A. accountancy

B. concentrate

C. allegedly

D. bewildered

Cu 64: A. marvellous

B. counterpart

C. compliment

D. determine

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Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in s uch a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
Question 65: I should say nothing about it if I were you my brother said.
My brother advised ..
Question 66: The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
Plans .
Question 67: Everybody has agreed that changes to the scheme are necessary.
Changes ..
Question 68: They are going to rebuild our kitchen next week.
We ..
Question 69: The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a
So many people turned .
Part II. In about 150 words, write a paragraph about the person in your family who you admire
The following prompts may be helpful to you:
+ Who is the person you admire most in your family?
+ What does he/she look like?
+ What are his/her personalities?
+ Why do you admire him/her most?
----------- HT --------

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PHN VIT (2 im)

I. (0,5 im)
Cu 65: My brother advised me not to say/ to say nothing about it.
Cu 66: Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect.
Cu 67: Changes to the scheme have been agreed to be necessary.
Cu 68: We are going to have our kitchen rebuilt next week.
Cu 69: So many people turned out to see the President that all traffic came to a standstill.
II. (1,5 im)
M t tiu ch nh gi im ti a:
1. B cc (0,40 im)
o Cu dn ch mch lc
o B cc hp l r rng ph hp yu cu ca bi
o B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

2. Pht trin (0,25 im)

o Pht trin c trnh t logic
o C dn chng, v d, bo v kin ca mnh
3. S dng ngn t (0,30 im)
o S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung
o S dng ngn t ng vn phong/ th loi
o S dng t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn
4. Ni dung (0,30 im)
o thuyt phc ngi c
o dn chng, v d, lp lun
o di: S t khng nhiu hn hoc t hn so vi quy nh 5%
5. Ng php, du cu, v chnh t: (0,25 im)
o S dng ng du cu
o Chnh t: Vit ng chnh t. Li chnh t gy hiu nhm/ sai lch s b tnh mt li (tr 1%
im ca bi vit). Cng mt li chnh t lp li ch tnh l mt li o S dng ng thi, th, cu
trc cu ng ng php.(Li ng php gy hiu nhm/ sai lch s b tr 1% im bi vit.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

THI TH THQG - NM HC 2015 - 2016

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng k thi gian giao )
LN 02
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: __________ candidates are likely to succeed in job interviews.
A. Nervous

B. Self-conscious

C. Self-doubt

D. Self-confident

Question 2: A good essay must __________contain enough interesting ideas and specific exam
but also have good organization.
A. in addition

B. either

C. not only

D. as well

Question 3: Minh : " My first English test was not as good as I expected "
Thomas : " _________."
A. Good Heavens!

B. Never mind , better job next time!

C. That's brilliant enough!

D. It's okay . Don't worry.

Question 4: The ground is wet. It ________ rained last night.

A. must

B. must have

C. may have

D. might have

Question 5: There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one. Television
is ______.
A. another

B. other

C. the another

D. the other.

Question 6: Do you know the woman ______ lives next door?

A. she

B. who

C. whom

D. her

Question 7: If you _______ less last night, you _______ so bad today.
A. had drunk- would not have felt

B. drank- would not feel

C. had drunk- would not feel

D. would have drunk- would not feel

Question 8: I cant sleep ________ the hot weather.

A. because of

B. as

C. because

D. since

Question 9: British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are
as different as _________.

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A. cats and dogs

B. chalk and cheese

C. salt and pepper

D. here and there

Question 10: The boy was sent to the police because of several ________ that he had taken part
A. set-to

B. set-toes

C. sets-to

D. set-tos

Question 11: I just can't ______ that noise any longer!

A. put up with

B. stand in for

C. sit out

D. stand up to

Question 12: ______ should a young child be allowed to play with fireworks without adult supervision
A. Under no circumstances

B. No sooner than

C. Always

D. Only when

Question 13: Nobody phoned while I was out, ________?

A. wasnt I

B. was I

C. did they

D. didnt they

Question 14: The next meeting _________ in May.

A. will hold

B. will be held

C. will be holding

D. will have held

Question 15: The librarian told us not _________ reference books out of the library.
A. taking

B. to take

C. take

D. took

Question 16: John: "Congratulations! You did great.

Mary: - " ___________.
A. Its nice of you to say so.

B. Its my pleasure.

C. Youre welcome.

D. Thats okay.

Question 17: My responsibility is to _________ my little brothers.

A. take care of

B. join hands

C. take over

D. work together

Question 18: In Vietnam, two or more ________ may live in a home.

A. generations

B. generous

C. generation

D. generators

Question 19: _________ migrate long distances is well documented.

A. That it is birds

B. That birds

C. Birds that

D. It is that birds

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 20: A. Plan

B. Sing

C. Stand

D. And

Question 21: A. Looks

B. Loves

C. Joins

D. Spends

Choose the word whose stress position is different from that of the others:
Question 22: A. Open

B. Happen

C. Offer

D. Begin

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Question 23: A. Difficulty

B. Simplicity

Question 24: A. Obligatory B. Geographical

C. Discovery

D. Commodity

C. International

D. Undergraduate

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions from 25 to 29.
Question 25: Todays scientists have overcome many of the challenges of the depth by
using more sophisticated tools.
A. complicated

B. worldly

C. experienced

D. aware

Question 26: We went away on holiday last week, but it rained day in day out.
A. every single day

B. every other day

C. every second day D. every two days

Question 27: We can use either verbal or non verbal forms of communication.
A. using gesture

B. using speech

C. using verbs




Question 28: Each year about fifty hundred species of plants and animals are already being
A. dropped

B. removed

C. kicked

D. tossed

Question 29: The unmanned U.S space probe Mariner 9 sent back over 7,000 photos of Mars.
A. circulated

B. transmitted

C. conveyed

D. submitted

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
Question 30: Several people have apparent tried to change the mans mind, but he refuses

to listen.
Question 31: The top of the mountain covered with snow during winter..

Question 32: What I told her a few days ago were not the solutions to most of her problems.

Question 33: Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North

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Question 34: Its not that I dont like her, but I object to be called that by her. I am not her

buddy, am I?
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
It is relatively easy for computers to speak. A computer that says please and thank you in
the right

places is (35) ___ miracle of science ,but recognizing the words that make up normal ,

continuous human speech is another (36) ___

Not until now have computer been programmed to (37) ___ to a range of spoken
commands.Until recently it was thought that computers would have to be programmed to the
accent and speech hahits of each user,and only then would be able to respond(38) ___to their
masters or mistresss voice.Now rapid progress is being made (39) ______systems programmed
to adapt easily to each new speaker.
The IBM Tangora system,under development at the end of 1980s was claimed to (40)
______a spoken vocabulary of 20,000 words with 95 percent accuracy. The system includes a
processor that can make informed guesses as to(41)______is a likely sentence.That system has
been programmed not only with grammatical rules,but also with an analysis of a vast quantity of
office correspondence. On the(42) ______
of this information ,the machine can calculate the probability of one particular word following
Statistical probability is necessary for computers to interpret not only speech but also (43)
Security systems can distinguish between faces they have been taught to recognize,but never has
a computer been able to match a humans ability to make sense of a three-dimensional scene (44)
______identifying all objects in it.
(From Heinle & Heinle TOEFL Test Assistant .Grammar by Milada Broukal)
Question 35: A. no

B. not

C. nothing

D. none

Question 36: A. problem

B. topic

C. matter

D. theme

Question 37: A. talk

B. answer

C. communicate

D. react

Question 38: A. truly

B. completely C. accurately

D. right

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Question 39: A. with

B. for

C. within

D. as

Question 40: A. know

B. recognize

C. master

D. realize

Question 41: A. which

B. what

C. how

D. that

Question 42: A. foundation

B. principle

C. ground

D. basis

Question 43: A. visual

B. noticeable

C. seen

D. visible

Question 44: A. from

B. by

C. of

D. Without

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions from 55to 64.
An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the
atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely.
Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air
pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited
to compounds that could be seen or smelled - a far cry from the extensive list of harmful
substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects of
various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water
vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions.
Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and
nitrogen oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants
was altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles.
These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the
water or soil. On a global basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from
human activities.
However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a
region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification
scheme of the cycles. The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air.
The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations
that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need
not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tells us little until we
know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally
in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million

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(ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level
of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.
Question 45: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The economic impact of air pollution.

C. How much harm air pollutants can cause.

B. What constitutes an air pollutant

D.The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere

Question 46: The word "adversely" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.
A. negatively

B. quickly

C. admittedly

D. considerably

Question 47: It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _______.
A. water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas
B. most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled
C. the definition of air pollution will continue to change
D. a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities
Question 48:The word "These" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to_.
A. the various chemical reactions

C. the compounds moved to the water

B. the pollutants from the developing Earth

D. the components in biogeochemical cycles

Question 49: For which of the following reasons can natural pollutants play an important role in
controlling air pollution?
A. They function as part of a purification process.
B. They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.
C. They are less harmful to living beings than other pollutants.
D. They have existed since the Earth developed
Question 50: According to the passage, human-generated air pollution in localized regions _______.
A. can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants
B. can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants
C. will damage areas outside of the localized regions
D. will react harmfully with natural pollutants
Question 51: The word "localized" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.
A. specified

B. circled

C. surrounded

D. encircled

Question 52: According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance
is only useful if _______.
A. the other substances in the area are known C. the natural level is also known

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B. it is in a localized area

D. it can be calculated quickly

Question 53: The word "detectable" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. beneficial

B. special

C. measurable

D. separable

Question 54:Which of the following is best supported by the passage?

A. To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their air pollution
B. One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution
C. Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.
D. Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker.
The first is the broad area of communication, which includes imparting information by use of
language, communicating with a group or an individual and specialized communication through
performance. A person conveys thoughts and ideas through choice of words, by a tone of voice
that is pleasant or unpleasant, gentle or harsh, by the rhythm that is inherent within the language
itself, and by speech rhythms that are flowing and regular or uneven and hesitant, and finally, by
the pitch and melody of the utterance. When speaking before a group, a person's tone may
indicate uncertainty or fright, confidence or calm. At interpersonal levels, the tone may reflect
ideas and feelings over and above the words chosen, or may belie them. Here the participants
tone can consciously or unconsciously reflect intuitive sympathy or antipathy, lack of concern or
interest, fatigue, anxiety, enthusiasm or excitement, all of which are usually discernible by the
acute listener. Public performance is a manner of communication that is highly specialized with
its own techniques for obtaining effects by voice and /or gesture. The motivation derived from
the text, and in the case of singing, the music, in combination with the performer's skills,
personality, and ability to create empathy will determine the success of artistic, political, or
pedagogic communication.
Second, the voice gives psychological clues to a person's self-image, perception of others, and
emotional health. Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice that is confident, pretentious,
shy, aggressive, outgoing, or exuberant, to name only a few personality traits. Also the sound

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may give a clue to the facade or mask of that person, for example, a shy person hiding behind an
overconfident front. How a speaker perceives the listener's receptiveness, interest, or sympathy in
any given conversation can drastically alter the tone of presentation, by encouraging or
discouraging the speaker. Emotional health is evidenced in the voice by free and melodic sounds
of the happy, by constricted and harsh sound of the angry, and by dull and lethargic qualities of
the depressed.
Question 55: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The function of the voice in performance

B. Communication styles

C. The connection between voice and personality

D. The production of speech

Question 56: What does the author mean by staring that, "At interpersonal levels, tone may
reflect ideas and feelings over and above the words chosen" in lines 8- 9?
A. Feelings are expressed with different words than ideas are.
B. The tone of voice can carry information beyond the meaning of words.
C. A high tone of voice reflects an emotional communication.
D. Feelings are more difficult to express than ideas.
Question 57: The word "Here" in line 9 refers to _____ .
A. interpersonal interactions

B. the tone

C. ideas and feelings

D. words chosen

Question 58: The word "derived" in line 13 is closest in meaning to _____ .

A. discussed

B. prepared

C. registered

D. obtained

Question 59: Why does the author mention "artistic, political, or pedagogic communication" in
line 14-15?
A. As examples of public performance
B. As examples of basic styles of communication
C. To contrast them to singing
D. To introduce the idea of self-image
Question 60: According to the passage, an exuberant tone of voice may be an indication of a
person's ____ .
A. general physical health

B. personality

C. ability to communicate

D. vocal quality

Question 61: According to the passage, an overconfident front may hide _____ .

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A. hostility

B. shyness

C. friendliness

D. strength

Question 62: The word "drastically" in line 21 is closest in meaning to _____ .

A. frequently

B. exactly

C. severely

D. easily

Question 63: The word "evidenced" in line 22 is closest in meaning to _____ .

A. questioned

B. repeated

C. indicated

D. exaggerated

Question 64: According to the passage, what does a constricted and harsh voice indicate?
A. lethargy

B. depression

C. boredom

D. anger

PHN T LUN: (2 im)

Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed before it.
Question 65: It is said that the boy stole his grandmothers money.
> The boy
Question 66: He started teaching English for this school six years ago.
> He has
Question 67: Nobody in my village is taller than Mike.
> Mike
Question 68: The coffee was very hot. We couldnt drink it.
> The coffee was so
Question 69: But for your money, I couldnt have bought the new house.
> Without
Part II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about Why is it important to learn English?
---------------THE END----------------

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KIM TRA NM HC 2015-2016

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng k thi gian pht )
Ngy kim tra 23 thng 01 nm 2016
M thi 319

H, tn th sinh:.......................................................................... S bo danh:.....................................
A. PHN TRC NGHIM ( 8 IM) (T vo phiu tr li trc nghim)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions from 1 to 2.
Question 1: A. compulsory
B. comfortable
C. accompany
D. welcome
Question 2: A. produced
B. laughed
C. explained
D. finished
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 3 to 12.
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in being an
employee? The schools teach (3) ______ many things of value to the future accountant, doctor or
electrician. Do they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing
that it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee (4) ______. But very few students bother to
learn it. This basic skill is the ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This
means that your success as an employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people and to
(5) ______ your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will (6) ______ understand what you are
driving at and be persuaded.
Of course, skill in expression is not enough (7) ______ itself. You must have something to say in the
first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (8) ______ your ability to make other people
understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself.
Expressing ones thoughts is one skill that the school can (9) ______ teach. The foundations
for skill in expression have to be (10) ______ early: an interest in and an ear (11) ______ language;
experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and above all the habit of
verbal expression. If you do not lay these foundations (12) ______ your school years, you may never
have an opportunity again.
Question 3: A. a large
B. large
C. a great
D. great
Question 4: A. knowing
B. to know
C. how to know
D. of knowing
Question 5: A. represent
B. transfer
C. interpret
D. present
Question 6: A. either
B. as well
C. both
D. not
Question 7: A. on
B. for
C. by
D. in
Question 8: A. much on
B. on much
C. most on
D. on most
Question 9: A. quite
B. really
C. truly
D. hardly
Question 10: A. lain
B. laid
C. lied
D. lay
Question 11: A. in
B. for
C. by
D. if
Question 12: A. of
B. when
C. for
D. during
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions from 13 to 15.
Question 13: A. certificate
B. investment
C. inhabitant
D. maximum
Question 14: A. marvelous
B. domestic
C. illegal
D. creative

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Question 15: A. approach

B. comment

C. expand

D. maintain

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions from 16 to 34.
Question 16: Only by working hard ________ your goal.
A. will help you achieve B. can you achieve C. you can achieve
D. you will achieve
Question 17: Consumers should boycott all products ________ has involved the use of child labour.
A. whose manufacture
B. whose manufacturers
C. which manufacture
D. who manufacture
Question 18: If the sea biodiversity were not maintained, marine life ________ at stake.
A. would be
B. shall be
C. wouldnt have been
D. will be
Question 19: Researchers at the University of Illinois have found out ________ .
A. an old Chinese amazing little cup
B. a little amazing old Chinese cup
C. an old amazing Chinese little cup
D. an amazing little old Chinese cup
Question 20: ________, Miss Universe 2015 host Steve Harvey wrongfully declared Miss Colombia
the winner when she was the first runner-up.
A. Regrettably
B. Fortunately
C. Consequently
D. Accordingly
Question 21: Ms. Thuy teaches disabled children. She sometimes finds her job ________.
A. exhaust
B. exhausted
C. exhausting
D. exhaustive
Question 22: John said that he ________ her since they ________.
A. hasnt met graduated
B. hadnt met had graduated
C. hasnt met have graduated
D. hadnt met graduated
Question 23: Ms. Linda is definitely _________.
A. the most generous teacher we have ever met B. one of the most generous teacher weve met
C. more generous as all
D. the more generous of all my teacher
Question 24: Ann: Shall we eat out tonight?
David: _________.
A. Thats a great idea
B. Thats understandable
C. Its very kind of you to invite me
D. You are very welcome
Question 25: Many lists of Wonders of the World _______ during the Middle Ages.
A. said to be existed
B. are said to have existed
C. said to exist
D. are said to exist
Question 26: Thomas Edison ________ many new appliances using electricity during his long career.
A. who invented
B. inventing
C. invented
D. was invented
Question 27: Doctors advise _____ too many hours working on the computer. Its very bad for your
A. not to spend
B. not being spent
C. not spend
D. not spending
Question 28: Whole villages were ________ by the earthquake.
A. thrown out
B. wiped out
C. taken out
D. broken out
Question 29: Computers and telecommunication are ________ to have a huge influence on various
aspects of our lives.
A. bound
B. pessimistic
C. responsible
D. optimistic
Question 30: In future, cars will still be ______ us, but, instead of petrol, they will run ______
anything from electricity to methane gas.
A. for/ by
B. for/ on
C. with/ by
D. with/ on
Question 31: After she had _______ leisurely dinner downstairs, Julia played ______ piano for
______ while.
A. the/ the/ the
B. a/ o/ a
C. a/ the/ a
D. a/ the/ the
Question 32: Nowadays, most students use _______ calculators in their studies and examinations.

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A. electrical
B. electric
C. electrified
D. electronic
Question 33: The accident ________ was the mistake of the driver.
A. which causes many people to die
B. causing many people to die
C. caused great human loss
D. to cause many people die
Question 34: Daisy: Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee?
- John: ________.
A. Cream and sugar, please
B. Its my pleasure
C. No, thanks
D. I never drink coffee
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions from 35 to 39.
Question 35: Some of the agricultural practices used today is responsible for fostering desertification.

Question 36: Many places of history, scientific, cultural, or scenic importance have been designated
national monuments.
Question 37: The principles used in air-conditioning are basically the same as those used by the
human body to cool himself.
Question 38: When you are writing or speaking English, it is important to use language that includes
both men and women equally the same.
Question 39: Some underground water is enough safe to drink, but all the surface water must be
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 40 to 49.
New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our
leisure time. We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go
away, we take our cell phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as
increased use of e-mail, voice mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and
Since the Industrial Revolution, people have assumed that new labor-saving devices would free
them from the burdens of the workplace and give them more time to grow intellectually, creatively,
and socially - exploring the arts, keeping up with current events, spending more time with friends and
family, and even just goofing off.
But here we are at the start of the 21st century, enjoying one of the greatest technological boom
times in human history, and nothing could be further from the truth. The very tools that were
supposed to liberate us have bound us to our work and study in ways that were inconceivable just a
few years ago. It would seem that technology almost never does what we expect.
In the old days, the lines between work and leisure time were markedly clearer. People left
their offices at a predictable time, were often completely disconnected from and out of touch with
their jobs as they traveled to and from work, and were off-duty once they were home. That is no
longer true. In today's highly competitive job market, employers demand increased productivity,
expecting workers to put in longer hours and to keep in touch almost constantly via fax, cell phones,
e-mail, or other communications devices. As a result, employees feel the need to check in on what is
going on at the office, even on days off. They feel pressured to work after hours just to catch up on

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everything they have to do. Workers work harder and longer, change their work tasks more frequently,
and have more and more reasons to worry about job security.
Bosses, colleagues, family members, lovers, and friends expect instant responses to voice mail
and e-mail messages. Even college students have become bound to their desks by an environment in
which faculty, friends, and other members of the college community increasingly do their work
online. Studies of time spent on instant messaging services would probably show staggering use.
This is not what technology was supposed to be doing for us. New technologies, from genetic
research to the Internet, offer all sorts of benefits and opportunities. But, when new tools make life
more difficult and stressful rather than easier and more meaningful - and we are, as a society, barely
conscious of it - then something has gone seriously awry, both with our expectations for technology
and our understanding of how it should benefit us.
From Summit 1 by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher
Question 40: According to the first three paragraphs, technological tools that were designed to make
our lives easier __________.
A. have turned out to do us more harm than good
B. have brought us complete happiness
C. have not interfered with our privacy
D. have fully met our expectations
Question 41: This passage has probably been taken from __________.
A. a political journal B. an advertisement
C. a science review
D. a fashion magazine
Question 42: The word "They" in the fourth paragraph refers to __________.
A. tasks
B. employees
C. employers
D. Workers
Question 43: It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that __________.
A. life is more relaxing with cell phones and other technological devices
B. employers are more demanding and have efficient means to monitor employees
C. it is compulsory that employees go to the office, even on days off
D. employees have more freedom to decide what time they start and finish work
Question 44: The word "inconceivable" in the passage is closest in meaning to "__________".
A. unforgettable
B. foreseeable
C. unimaginable
D. predictable
Question 45: Which of following is true, according to the passage?
A. Employees were supposed to make technology do what they expected.
B. People now enjoy greater freedom thanks to the technological boom.
C. Students used to have to study more about technological advances.
D. People have more opportunities to get access to technological applications.
Question 46: Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Expectations and Plain Reality
B. Research on the Roles of Computers
C. Benefits of Technology
D. Changes at the Workplace
Question 47: Which of the following could be the main idea of the fifth paragraph?
A. The coming of new technological advances has spoiled family and social relationships.
B. New technological advances have reduced work performance.
C. New technological applications are wise entertainment choices of our modern time.
D. New technological advances have added more stress to daily life.
Question 48: Which of the following is NOT true about technological tools, according to new
A. They are being increasingly used.
B. They are used even during vacations.
C. They bring more leisure to our life.
D. They make our life more stressful.
Question 49: With the phrase "at a predictable time", the author implies that __________.
A. people were unable to foresee their working hours
B. people wanted to be completely disconnected from their work
C. people used to have more time and privacy after work

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D. people had to predict the time they were allowed to leave offices
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 50 to 59.
Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies
greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men
(1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than
men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such
modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life
expectancy has increased by 25-30 years.
In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/ AIDS rate, life expectancy is
as low as 32.6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates are as high as 81
years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have.
The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the
wrong career can result in a shorter life!
If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of
money. Thats right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than
the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work
is stress.
Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue,
tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in
serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously
affect life expectancy.
If you are worried that your job might decrease your life expectancy, you probably need to avoid
careers on dangerous jobs list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck
So if you dont want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than
timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.
From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman
Question 50: According to the passage, which of following is true if you have a successful career?
A. Your life expectancy increases by a decade B. You can afford to exercise and eat well
C. You can buy an expensive car
D. You can spend most of your day in an office.
Question 51: The passage mainly discusses _____________.
A. the definition of life expectancy
B. the comparison of life expectancy between women and men
C. the importance of a successful career
D. the effects of a career on ones life expectancy
Question 52: Why does the author think that you should remember to relax?
A. Because stress can decrease your life expectancy.
B. Because relaxing will make you feel better.
C. Because relaxing will improve your career.
D. Because you have completed the reading.
Question 53: According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT_________ .
A. Our life expectancy has increased by 25-30 years because there are fewer wars nowadays.
B. In the past, womens life expectancy was lower than that of men
C. Life expectancy varies greatly depending on genders and cultures
D. There has been a dramatic increase in average life expectancy over the last centuries
Question 54: Why does an increase in stress lead to an increase in workplace accidents?
A. Workers are too busy to observe safety regulations.
B. Workers dont care as much about their jobs.
C. It leads to a decrease in concentration and depression.

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D. Workers like to take sick leave and stay home.

Question 55: The word "They" in bold in paragraph 1 refers to __________.
A. woman
B. cultures
C. women
D. genders
Question 56: It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that the disadvantage of a successful career is that
A. You are more likely to be under stress
B. You wont have to take a job on the dangerous jobs list
C. There is a high number of work-related injuries
D. You are at the greater risk of being a victim of crime
Question 57: The average life expectancy is 32.6 years in __________.
A. England
B. France
C. Australia
D. Swaziland
Question 58: The phrase "kick the bucket" in the passage is closest in meaning to "__________".
A. live
B. relax
C. succeed
D. die
Question 59: What is the main idea of the 1 paragraph?
A. Stress negatively affects life expectancy
B. Stress results in lower life expectancy
C. Making a bad career choice will make your life shorter
D. Life expectancy has increased greatly over the last few centuries.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 60 to 62.
Question 60: Bacteria can be both detrimental and helpful to humans, depending on the specific
type and effect.
A. useful
B. fatal
C. productive
D. harmful
Question 61: When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is
A. catching sight of
B. pointing at
C. coming nearer to
D. looking up to
Question 62: Helen Keller, blind and deaf from an early age, developed her sense of smell so finely
that she could identify friends by their personal odors.
A. classify
B. recognize
C. describe
D. communicate with
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions from 63 to 64.
Question 63: A frightening number of illiterate students are graduating from college.
A. inflexible
B. able to read and write
C. able to enjoy winter sports
D. unable to pass an examination in reading and writing
Question 64: In England, schooling is mandatory for all children from the age of 5 to 16.
A. voluntary
B. obligatory
C. advisory
D. compulsory
B. PHN T LUN (2 IM) (Vit ra t giy thi)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.
I havent ________________________________________________________
Question 66: She didnt write the text. She didnt select the illustration, either.
She neither ______________________________________________________
Question 67: Even though the team played well, they lost
No matter how ____________________________________________________
Question 68: We lost the last game because of the referee, said the team captain.

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The team captain blamed ____________________________________________

Question 69: It was rude of him to say something like that to his uncle.
He should not _____________________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph to give your opinion about the following question: How
important is higher education to you? Use examples and reasons to support your answer.
Write your paragraph on your answer sheet.
----------------------------------------- HT ----------

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


( thi c 6 trang)


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht khng k thi gian giao

H v tn th sinh:
S bo danh:
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. Christmas
B. Chemical
C. Switch
D. Character
Question 2: A. cooked
B. lived
C. laughed
D. watched
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. achieve
B. improve
C. enter
D. contain
Question 4: A. emotional
B. quality
C. equality
D. controllable
Question 5: A. mathematics
B. history
C. literature
D. physics
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following question
Question 6: They bought some ________ on the way home.
A. French lovely new shoes
C. French new lovely shoes
B. lovely new French shoes
D. new lovely French shoes
Question 7: We _____ for three hours and are very tired.
A. have been walking B. are walking
C. were walking
D. had been walking
Question 8: Of the two candidates, Mr. Smith is very experienced and _____
A. the others are not B. another is not
C. the other is not D. other is not
Question 9: There is only one student in the classroom ______ his lesson.
A. prepared
B. to prepare
C. preparation
D. preparing
Question 10: ____ the bad weather, he could get to the airport in time.
A. Despite
B. Though
C. However
D. Although
Question 11: ______ , the woman was visibly happy after the birth of her child.
A. Tired as she was B. She was tired
C. Despite tired
D. Though was tired
Question 12: He is the player _____ last month.
A. whom was caught
B. whose manager was caught
C. who is caught
D. the manager of who was caught.
Question 13: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? ____________ .
A. Yes, I am so glad.
B. No, thanks.
C. Sorry, the seat is taken.
D. Yes, yes. You can sit here.
Question 14: His father left New York. The doctor suggested he________ there.
A. not stayed
B. wont stay
C. not stay
D. not go to stay
Question 15: You shouldn't ___________ to your teacher like that. It was very rude.
A. have talked
B. talk
C. have be talked D. talked

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 16: ____ , he would have been able to pass the exam.
A. Studying more
B. If he were studying to a greater degree
C. If he studied more
D. Had he studied more
Question 17: He was completely___________ by her tale of hardship.
A. taken away
B. taken down
C. taken in
D. taken up
Question 18: In America, when a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to a woman.
A. depends on
B. replies on
C. waits on
D. congratulates on
Question 19: Not until a monkey is several years old_________ to exhibit signs of independence
from its mother.
A. beginning
B. does it begin
C. and begin
D. it begins
Question 20: John was the youngest boy ___.
A. that was joined the club
B. to be admitted to the club
C. admitted to the club
D. to joining the club
Question 21: Ellen: "_________________?"
- Tom : "He's tall and thin with blue eyes."
A. What does John look like
B. Who does John look like
C. How is John doing
D. What does John like
Question 22: The boss ____ him because his mother had just passed away.
A. made up
B. made use of
C. made fun of
D. made allowance for
Question 23: They always kept on good ____ with their next-door neighbors for the childrens sake.
A. will
B. friendship
C. terms
D. relations
Question 24: No sooner ________ at the bus stop _______ the bus came.
A. he had arrived/when
B. had he arrived / than
C. had he arrived/ when
D. he had arrived / than
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potential dangerous diseases
A. colossal
B. popular
C. common
D. scattered
Question 26: Dont forget to drop me a line when youre away
A. telephone me
B. call me
C. write to me
D. send me a telegram
Question 27: He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime.
A. explain
B. exchange
C. complain
D. arrange
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 28: She was unhappy that she lost contact with a lot of her old friends when she went
abroad to study.
A. made room for
B. put in charge of C. lost control of
D. got in touch with
Question 29: Maria will take charge of the advertising for the play.
A. spend time
B. be irresponsible for C. account for D. spend
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
Question 30: Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 31: Hardly we had arrived than we had to leave the meeting room again.
Question 32: Her family had great difficulty to get her transferred to another hospital.
Question 33: She finds the work she has to do quite easily; boredom is her biggest problem.
Question 34: I hadnt understood his directions. However, I asked him to repeat what hed said.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The tourist industry is (35)_____ to be the largest industry. Before 1950 one million people
traveled abroad each year but by the 1900s the figure (36) _____ to 400 million every year. (37)
_____ large numbers of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, in the
Alps the skiers are destroying the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the
Himalayas are reported to be covered (38) _____ old tins, tents, and food that have been (39) _____
But at a time when we have (40) _____ freedom to travel than ever before, more and more people
are asking how they can enjoy their holidays (41) _____causing problems by spoiling the
countryside. Now there is a new holiday (42) _____called "Holidays That Don't Cost The Earth". It
tells you (43) _____you can help the tourist industry by asking your travel agent the right questions
(44) _____ you go on holiday.
Question 35: A. regarded
B. considered
C. seen
D. figured
Question 36: A. had risen
B. rose
C. has risen
D. were rising
Question 37: A. The
B. Those
C. These
D. Such
Question 38: A. by
B. with
C. under
D. beneath
Question 39: A. disposed
B. littered
C. thrown away
D. launched
Question 40: A. greater
B. bigger
C. larger
D. better
Question 41: A. apart from
B. instead of
C. without
D. hardly
Question 42: A. guidance
B. guide
C. direction
D. instruction
Question 43: A. where
B. what
C. when
D. how
Question 44: A. before
B. when
C. as soon as
D. after
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
The organization that today is known as the Bank of America did start out in America, but
under quite a different name. Italian American A.P. Giannini established this bank on October 17
1904, in a renovated saloon in San Franciscos Italian community of North Beach under the name
Bank of Italy, with immigrants and first time bank customers comprising the majority of his first
customers. During its development, Gianninis bank survived major crises in the form of a natural
disaster and a major economic upheaval that not all other banks were able to overcome.
One major test for Gianninis bank occurred on April 18,1906, when a massive earthquake
struck San Francisco, followed by a raging fire that destroyed much of the city. Giannini obtained
two wagons and teams of horses, filled the wagons with the banks reserves, mostly in the form of
gold, covered the reserves with crates of oranges, and escaped from the chaos of the city with his

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

clients funds protected. In the aftermath of the disaster, Gianninis bank was the first to resume
operations. Unable to install the bank in a proper office setting, Giannini opened up shop on the
Washington Street Wharf on a makeshift desk created from boards and barrels.
In the period following the 1906 fire, the Bank of Italy continued to prosper and expand. By
1918 there were twenty four branches of the Bank of Italy, and by 1928 Giannini had acquired
numerous other banks, including a Bank of America located in New York City. In 1930 he
consolidated all the branches of the Bank of Italy, the Bank of America in New York City, and
another bank of America that had formed in California into the Bank of America National Trust and
Savings Association.
A second major crisis for the bank occurred during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Although Giannini had already retired prior to the darkest days of Depression, he became incensed
when his successor began selling off banks during the bad economic times. Giannini resumed
leadership of the bank at the age of sixty-two. Under Gianninis leadership, the bank weathered the
storm of the Depression and subsequently moved into a phase of overseas development.
Question 45: According to the passage, Giannini Maria __________.
A. worked in a bank in Italy
B. set up the Bank of America prior to setting up the Bank of Italy
C. opened the Bank of America in 1904
D. later changed the name of the Bank of Italy
Question 46: Where did Giannini open his first bank?
A. In what used to be a bar
B. On Washington Street wharf
C. In New York City
D. On a makeshift desk
Question 47: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the San Francisco
A It happened in 1906
B. It occurred in the aftermath of a fire
C. It caused problems for Gianninis bank
D. It was a tremendous earthquake
Question 48: The word raging replaced by __________.
A. feeble
B. intense
C. localized
D. angered
Question 49: It can be inferred from the passage that Giannini used crates of oranges after the
earthquake __________.
A. to hide the gold
B. to provide nourishment for his customers
C. to protect the gold from the fire D. to fill up the wagons
Question 50: The word chaos is closest in meaning to __________.
A. overdevelopment B. legal system
C. total confusion D. extreme heat
Question 51: The word consolidated is closest in meaning to __________.
A. sold
B. hardened
C. moved
D. merged
Question 52: The expression weathered the storm could best be replaced by __________.
A. blew its stack at
B. found a cure for
C. survived the ordeal of
D. rained on the parade of
Question 53: How is the information in the passage presented?
A. Classifications with examples
B. In chronological order
C. A cause followed by an effect
D. In order of importance
Question 54: The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses __________.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. bank failures during the Great Depression

B. the international development of the Bank of America
C. a third major crisis of the Bank of America
D. how Giannini spent his retirement
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual
not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that
the phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are
cool and connected.
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health professionals
worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems
from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile
phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no
proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.
On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who
use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern
scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious
memory loss. He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own
son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working
week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's
doctor didn't agree.
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech
machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies
agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less
often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when
you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In
the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for
now, it's wise not to use your mobile phone too often.
Question 55: According to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people
because __________
A. they are indispensable in everyday communications.
B. they make them look more stylish.
C. they keep the users alert all the time.
D. they cannot be replaced by regular phones.
Question 56: The word "means" in the passage most closely means __________
A. meanings
B. expression
C. transmission D. method
Question 57: Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may __________
A. cause some mental malfunction

C. change their users temperament.

B. change their users social behaviours.

D. damage their users emotions.

Question 58: "Negative publicity" in the passage most likely means __________
A. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones.
B. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. information on the lethal effects of cell phones.

D. the negative public use of cell phones.
Question 59: The changes possibly caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with ______
A. the smallest units of the brain.

C. the mobility of the mind and the body.

B. the resident memory.

D. the arteries of the brain.

Question 60: The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cell phone too often, __________
A. had a problem with memory.

B. abandoned his family.

C. suffered serious loss of mental ability.

D. could no longer think lucidly.

Question 61: The word "potentially" in the passage most closely means __________
A. certainly

B. obviously

C. privately

D. possibly

Question 62: According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is _____
A. their radiant light.

B. their raiding power.

C. their power of attraction.

D. their invisible rays.

Question 63: According to the writer, people should __________

A. only use mobile phones in urgent cases.
B. keep off mobile phones regularly.
C. never use mobile phones in all cases.
D. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies.
Question 64: The most suitable title for the passage could be __________
A. Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time
B. Technological Innovations and Their Price.
C. The Way Mobile Phones Work.
D. The Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular.
PHN T LUN: (2 im)
Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as
the original sentence.
Question 65: Although the man was very tired, he tried to finish his last race.
However ________________________________________________________________
Question 66: The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.
In ______________________________________________________________________
Question 67: It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man_________________________________________________________________
Question 68: Im sorry, I didnt call you this morning, Tom said to Mary.
Tom apologized___________________________________________________________
Question 69: If Mike hadnt been interested, the trip would have been canceled.
But ____________________________________________________________________
Part 2: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the city where you are living.
----------THE END-----------

THI TH THPT QUC GIA (21/4/ 2016) - S GDDT H NI


SECTION A (8,0 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the Other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. against
B. awful
C. award
D. ahead
2. A. weather
B. healthy
C. although
D. breathe
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. distraction
B. assignment
C. concentrate
D. economist
4. A. globalization
B. intellectual
C. multinational
D. international
5. A. scientific
B. imaginary
C. reviewer
D. advantage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the right ________ .
A. qualities
B. qualifications
C. qualifying
D. qualifiers
Linda: "Let's meet outside the library." - Lucy: " ________
A. Id like to go to the library. B. How about meeting again? C. Yes, let's do it. D. Is 6.30 all right?
"Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?"- ________ ."
A. Thanks. I'd love to
B. You're welcome
C. No, 1 wouldn't
D. No, I don't
How about taking a shower instead of ________ to save water.
A. to have a bath
B. have a bath
C. having a bath
D. had a bath
10. ________rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.
A. Despite
B. In spite
C. Despite of
D. Although
11. Peter tried to avoid________ the teacher's questions.
A. answered
B. to answer
C. answering
D. answers
12. There was no one else at the box office. Mary ________ in a queue.
A. needn't wait
B. doesn't need to wait C. needn't to wait
D. didn't need to wait
13. Sorry, I can't join the picnic. I'm busy. ________ , I don't have any money after buying all these stuff.
A. So
B. Besides
C. Although
D. However
14. ________ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.
A. Besides
B. However
C. Nevertheless
D. Whatever
15. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans ________ a bowl of cereal for breakfast every day.
A. use to eat
B. used to eating
C. are used to eating
D. are used to eat
16. A new school________. They hope to finish building it next month.
A. is being built
B. has been built
C. is built
D. was built
17. Ann is very temperamental. How do you ________ her?
A. put with
B. putting up with
C. put up to
D. put up with
18. This new model not only saves time but also ________ operating on two batteries instead of four.
A. saving energy
B. save energy
C. saves energy
D. to save energy
19. It is a ________
A. blue sleeping polyester bag
B. polyester sleeping blue bag
C. blue polyester sleeping bag
D. sleeping blue polyester bag
20. I didn't enjoy this book on how to succeed in business. It wasn't very ________ .
A. well typed
B. poorly written
C. good written
D. well written
21. We shouldn't use too many plastic bags because they are very hard to ________.
A. dissolve
B. melt
C. heat
D. soften
22. It's time she ________ how to look after herself.
A. learns
B. learn
C. learnt
D. learning
23. The trouble with Frank is that he never ________ on time for a meeting.
A. turns up
B. turn up
C. turning up
D. to turn up
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
24 My elder brother failed his final exam, which depressed my parents
A. encouraged
B. satisfied
C. disappointed
D. pleased
25 I came to Johns party last night but I stayed there for a while before I left.
A. for relaxation
B. for a whole night
C. a long period of time D. for a short period of time
26. She was a devoted teacher. She spent most of her time teaching and taking care of her students.
A. intelligent
B. dedicated
C. polite
D. honest
27. You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty.
A. punishment
B. offense
C. demand
D. loss
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Scientists proof that choosing a career for money will make you less efficient, happy and more selfish.
A. effective
B. ineffective
C. capable
D. proficient
25. A surprising percentage of the population in remote areas is illiterate.

A. able to speak fluently B. unable to speak fluently

C. unable to read and write
D. able to read and write
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks.
What's your dream? Touring castles in Scotland? Walking on the Great Wall of China? Working to improve the
lives of
women in rural Uganda? If you're thinking of studying (30) ______, there's no end to the places you can go, things you
can see, and subjects you can study. At many top schools, such as Duke, Tufts, or Brown, over a third of the junior class
take the opportunity to complete part of their (31) _____ outside of the United States. Even if your school doesn't
have an extensive study abroad program, you can often get credit from a different school.
Multiple benefits increase to those who spend significant (32)____ in another country, and a significant proportion
of students see the experience as an important (33) _____ of their college years. You're likely to have fun. But if you're
also thinking about study abroad as a way to gain a critical career advantage read on. You'll find that all foreign
experiences are not created equal in the minds of employers.
Employers are looking for graduates who can (34) ____ well with others, both in person and in writing. They
know the (35) ____ of cross-cultural understanding and an appreciation for different points of view. They gravitate
toward students who demonstrate maturity, initiative, and (36)______. All of these assets can be demonstrated through
study abroad, but it's going to be much (37) ____ to set yourself apart if you've taken the easy route.
It's not hard to find the "easy route": that's the one where you go with your friends to another country; all the
arrangements are made for you by the school- including the American-style apartment where you live with your
classmates. In this scenario, it doesn't (38) ___ which country you go to because all your classes will be in English, and
possibly taught even by your American professors. You'll undoubtedly have a somewhat different experience, but to do
the "easy route" is to forego some of the major (39) ________ of your time away.
30. A. away
B. outdoor
C. outside
D. abroad
31. A. educator
B. educating
C. education
D. educations
32 A. time
B. lifetime
C. moment
D. period
33. A. way
B. thing
C. part
D. terminal
34. A. communicate
B. work
C. talk
D. do
35. A. relation
B. link
C. reason
D. importance
36. A. creating
B. creation
C. creativity
D. creative
37. A faster
B. shorter
C. harder
D. quicker
38.A. matter
B. show
C. problem
D. trouble
39. A waste
B. advantage
C. experience
D. giving
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Telecommuting is some form of computer communication between employees homes and offices. For
employees whose job involve sitting at a terminal or word processor entering data or typing reports, the location of the
computer is of no consequence. If the machine can communicate over telephone lines, when the work is completed,
employees can dial the office computer and transmit the material to their employers. A recent survey in USA
Today estimates that there are approximately 8,7 million telecommuters. But although the numbers are rising annually,
the trend does not appear to be as significant as predicted when Business Week published The Portable Executive as its
cover story a few years ago. Why hasnt telecommuting become more popular?
Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active resistance on the part of many managers.
These executives claim that supervising the telecommuters in a large work force scattered across the country would be
too difficult, or, at least, systems for managing them are not yet developed, thereby complicating the managers
It is also true that employees who are given the option of telecommuting are reluctant to accept the opportunity.
Most people feel that they need regular interaction with a group, and many are concerned that they will not have the same
consideration for advancement if they are not more visible in the office setting. Some people feel that even when a space
in their homes is set aside as a work area, they never really get away from the office.
31: With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?
A. The advantages of telecommuting.
B. A definition of telecommuting.
C. An overview of telecommuting.
D. The failure of telecommuting.
32.How many Americans are involved in telecommuting?
A. More than predicted in Business Week.
B. More than 8 million.
C. Fewer than estimated in USA Today.
D. Fewer than last year.
33. The phrase of no consequence means ________
A. of no use
B. of no good
C. unimportant
D. irrelevant
34. The author mentions all of the following as concerns of telecommuting, EXCEPT ________
A. the opportunities for advancement.
B. the different system of supervision.
C. the lack of interaction with a group.
D. The work place is in the home.
35: The word executives in line 10 refers to ________
A. telecommuters
B. managers
C. employees
D. most people

36: The word them in line 10 refers to ________

A. systems
B. telecommuters C. executives
D. responsibilities
37. The reason why telecommuting has not become popular is that the employees ________
A. need regular interaction with their families.
B. are worried about the promotion if they are not seen at the office.
C. feel that a work area in their home is away from the office.
D. are ignorant of telecommuting.
38: It can be inferred from the passage that the author is ________
A. a telecommuter B. the manager
C. a statistician
D. a reporter
39: The word reluctant in line 13 can best be replaced by ________
A. opposite
B. willing
C. hesitate
D. typical
40: When Business Week published The Portable Executive, it implied that ________
A. systems for managing telecommuters were not effective.
B. there was resistance on the part of many managers about telecommuting.
C. the trend for telecommuting was optimistic.
D. most telecommuters were satisfied with their work.
Mark the letter A, B. C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part following that needs correcting.
50. Many people believed that women's natural roles were as mother and wife.
51. The World Health Organization's main activities are carrying of research on medical development and improving
international health care.
52. In nature, the distributive of plants is obviously related to climate.
53.Women are now better educate and can promote themselves much more easily than in the past.
54. ASEAN has actively worked to improve the socio-economic situation and solve problems among their member
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer t
each of the following questions.
It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has
been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education
implied by this remark is important.
Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take
place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal
learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a
revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas
schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger
may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on.
Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school,
and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting
to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught
by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned,
whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually been limited by the
boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in
their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting
with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.
55. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The best school teach a wide variety of subjects
B. Education and schooling are quite different experiences
C. Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework
D. The more years students go to school, the better their education is
56. The word distinction in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. similarity
B. difference
C. differently
D. insignificance
57. The word bounds in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. rules
B. experience
C. limits
D. exceptions
58. The word chance in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________________.
A. unplanned
B. unusual
C. lengthy
D. lively
59. The word an integral in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. an equitable
B. a profitable
C. a pleasant
D. an essential
60. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to ____________.
A. boundaries
B. similar textbooks
C. slices of reality
D. seats
61. The phrase For example, in paragraph 3 introduces a sentence that gives examples of _________.
A. similar textbooks B. the results of schooling C. the workings of a government D. the boundaries of classroom subjects
62. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A. Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.
B. Education systems need to be radically reformed.
C. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.

D. Education involves many years of professional training.

63. The passage is organized by ___________________________.
A. listing and discussing several educational problems B. giving examples of different kinds of schools
C. narrating a story about excellent teacher
D. contrasting the meanings of two related words
64. The writer seems to agree that ________.
A. Education is more influential than schooling
B. Education is not as important as schooling
C. Schooling is unlimited and more informal
D. Schooling is as important than education
SECTION B: (2,0 points)
Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
65.Jane asked Terry whether he would attend the meeting the following day.
Jane asked "
66. My brother spends two hours surfing the Internet every night.
It takes ..
67. When the police caught him, he was climbing over the garden wall.
The police caught
68. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.
69. Many people believed that success depends on hard work.
The harder
Part II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your plan for this summer vacation.
The following prompts might be helpful to you.
Place you will go - Person you will go with - Things you will do

M THI: 313

THI TH I HC LN 1 NM HC 2013 - 2014


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng tnh thi gian giao )

gm c 06 trang- S cu trc nghim: 80

I. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each blank
It was the American sitcom (1) _____ defined a generation, and introduced one of the world's
most famous haircuts. The six stars of "friends", among the longest-running, most successful series
ever to hit the small screen, went their seperate ways in 237 (2) _____ and a decade together as
flatmates, sharing the trials of their lives, loves, and careers (3) _____ a trendy New York apartment.
The last episode was seen by an estimated world audience of over 100 million (4) _____ .
"Friends had a huge (5) _____ on American TV history,", said Steve Beverly, professor of
communication arts. "This group of six reflected a microcosm of what people their age encountered in
their daily lives. Viewers related to them. We all wanted a life (6) _____ theirs - the cool New York
flat with table football and easy chairs, and the social circle of beautiful, supportive (7) _____ around"
"Friends" is (8) _____ more than just a sitcom, it's a way of life. The characters were
supposed to be in their mid-twenties, with lives (9) _____ by work and responsibility. They led a
lazy and relaxed life all together. With the cast approaching forty, the show had to (10) _____ to an
end, but "Friends" will last forever.
A. which
B. who
C. what
D. that
A. pieces
B. episodes
C. chapters
D. paragraphs
A. on
B. in
C. with
D. about
A. viewers
B. watchers
C. spectators
D. witnesses
A. affection
B. influence
C. way
D. relationship
A. as
B. being
C. of
D. like
A. friends
B. neighbours
C. relatives
D. people
A. very
B. long
C. far
D. futher
A. distracted
B. disregarded
C. spoilt
A. go
B. reach
C. come
D. arrive
II. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following questions
11. The report advocated that all buildings should be fitted with smoke detectors.
A. supported
B. cheered
C. forced
D. warned
12. People say I resemble my father in appearance very much.
A. look after
B. take after
C. name after
D. call after
13. The situations are very disappointing because almost all the rivers and lakes, even seas are
A. clean with water
B. short of water
C. full of water
D. very dirty
III. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following questions
14. Nowadays, young people want to have an independent life. They want to live and work
independently to support themselves.
A. sharing
B. working
C. dependent
D. relaxing
15. All the new club members will be issued with a temporary identity card.
A. of a short time
B. of a long time
C. of prime importance
D. of great attempt
IV. Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions
16. General Vo Nguyen Giap is dead. However, he never dies in the heart of Vietnamese people.
A. General Vo Nguyen Giap is no longer alive but he never dies in the heart of Vietnamese people.
B. General Vo Nguyen Giap dies and he never lives in the heart of Vietnamese people.
C. Although General Vo Nguyen Giap died last year, Vietnamese people always remember him.
Trang 1/7

D. A and C
17. Mr Baker hasn't been to Tokyo before. His wife hasn't been to Tokyo, either.
A. Neither Mr Baker and his wife has been to Tokyo before.
B. Mr Baker had never been to Tokyo before, and his wife has been to Tokyo .
C. Both Mr Baker and his wife have ever been to Tokyo before.
D. Mr Baker and his wife have never been to Tokyo before.
18. The exam was very hard. Only a few students passed it.
A. Not many students passed the exam because it was very difficult.
B. The exam was very hard, and that is why very few students passed it.
C. The majority of students passed the exam although it was very hard.
D. A and B
19. We want to save endangered species. Different conservation efforts have been made all over the world.
A. Different conservation efforts have been made all over the world so as to save endangered species.
B. Different conservation efforts have been made all over the world to save endangered species.
C. Different conservation efforts have been made all over the world so that endangered species
can be saved.
D. All the above.
20. The guests give the newly-wedded couple envelopes. There is a wedding card and money in the
A. The guests give the newly-wedded couple envelopes which there is a wedding card and
money in the envelopes.
B. The guests give the newly-wedded couple envelopes in which there is a wedding card and
C. The guests give the newly-wedded couple envelopes there is a wedding card and money in
the envelopes.
D. The guests give the newly-wedded couple envelopes in that there is a wedding card and
money in the envelopes.
v. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5p)
21. A. situation
B. irrigation
C. acceptable
D. unsuccessful
22. A. impolite
B. valuable
C. comfortable
D. countrymen
23. A. computer
B. calculate
C. example
D. amazing
24. A. existence
B. demanding
C. entrance
D. develop
25. A. relation
B. arrange
C. invention
D. summary
VI. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences
26. "What was your impression on the concert?" - " _____ "
A. I thought it was great.
B. We came there just in time.
C. It lasted two hours.
D. No. It was terrible.
27. "That dish is absolutely delicious, isn't it?" - "_Yes. It's great. ......................."
A. Let's cook it now
B. Can you give me the recipe?
C. Nobody likes it.
D. Yes, I don't think so.
28. The clock was _____ by the Chinese in the 11th century.
A. built
B. kept
C. examined
29. Tomatoes can be used _____ as a salad green or as a cooking vegetable.
A. not only
B. both
C. either
D. neither
30. Volunteers are those who _____ work in a remote and mountainous areas.
A. voluntarily
B. voluntary
C. volunteers
31. Unselfishness, loyalty, trust and sympathy are some _____ for true friendship.
A. characters
B. qualities
C. things
D. ideas
32. No-one was _____ of _____ the stunned silence after the news.
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A. probable/ making B. capable/ breaking C. possible/ breaking D. capable/ making

33. My father often feels _____ when he got home after a/an _____ working day.
A. boring/bored
B. exhausting/exhausted
C. exhausted/ exhausting
D. exhausted/bored
34. Look. The ground is wet. It _____ last night.
A. must rain
B. mustn't bee rained
C. couldn't been rained
D. must have rained
35. "What shall we do this evening?" - "_____ "
A. How about doing it now?
B. Why not do it now?
C. Let's go out to the zoo.
D. I'll go out for dinner.
36. The decimal numeral system is one of the _____ ways of expressing numbers.
A. useful most world's
B. useful world's most
C. most world's useful
D. world's most useful
37. Unfortunately, the committee strongly _____ to our proposal.
A. disagreed
B. agreeed
C. accepted
D. objected
38. Remember _____ the cat three times a day when I am away, darling.
A. feeding
B. eating
C. to eat
D. to feed
39. "Congratulations on having a son." - " _____ "
A. Thank you.
B. You are a good friend.
C. You are welcome.
D. I'm very happy.
40. If he _____ a good command of English, he would pass certificate level C in English.
A. has
B. had
C. will have
D. had had
41. Had she learnt Spanish, she _____ to Spain a long time ago.
A. go
B. would go
C. would have gone D. will go
42. My grandfather spends a lot of time _____ care of the plants in the garden daily.
A. to take
B. taking
C. for taking
D. taken
43. This house, _____ has a TV and a washing machine, is very modern.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. in which
44. Mr Thanh, _____ children are studying at Hanoi Foreign Trade University, is working as a
professor of economics.
A. whose
B. whom
C. who
D. of whom
45. "How did you get here?" - "_____ "
A. I came here with car.
B. By train
C. The train is so crowded
D. Two hours
46. That Peke is an intelligent student _____ to me.
A. shows
B. showed
C. was shown
D. was showing
47. The students are made _____ a lot of homework every day by the teacher.
A. do
B. doing
C. being done
D. to do
48. All the tables _____ away before the guests turned up.
A. were taken
B. had been taken
C. had taken
D. were being taken
49. How many national parks _____ in Vietnam by far?
A. have been set up B. are set up
C. have set up
D. are being set up
50. Technology will play a key role _____ future life-styles.
A. to shape
B. shaping
C. in shaping
D. shape of
VII. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B,
C, or D that you think fits best
All mammals feed their young. Beluga whale mothers, for example, nurse their calves for some
twenty months, until they are about to give birth again and their young are able to find their own food.
The behavior of feeding of the young is built into the reproductive system. It is a nonelective part of
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parental care and the defining feature of a mammal, the most important thing that mammals-- whether
marsupials, platypuses, spiny anteaters, or placental mammals -- have in common.
But not all animal parents, even those that tend their offspring to the point of hatching or birth,
feed their young. Most egg-guarding fish do not, for the simple reason that their young are so much
smaller than the parents and eat food that is also much smaller than the food eaten by adults. In
reptiles, the crocodile mother protects her young after they have hatched and takes them down to the
water, where they will find food, but she does not actually feed them. Few insects feed their young
after hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars
and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so
that their larvae might have a supply of fresh food when they hatch.
For animals other than mammals, then, feeding is not intrinsic to parental care. Animals add it
to their reproductive strategies to give them an edge in their lifelong quest for descendants. The most
vulnerable moment in any animal's life is when it first finds itself completely on its own, when it must
forage and fend for itself. Feeding postpones that moment until a young animal has grown to such a
size that it is better able to cope. Young that are fed by their parents become nutritionally independent
at a much greater fraction of their full adult size. And in the meantime those young are shielded
against the vagaries of fluctuating of difficult-to-find supplies. Once a species does take the step of
feeding its young, the young become totally dependent on the extra effort. If both parents are
removed, the young generally do no survive.
51. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The care that various animals give to their offspring.
B. The difficulties young animals face in obtaining food.
C. The methods that mammals use to nurse their young.
D. The importance among young mammals of becoming independent.
52. The author lists various animals in line 5 to
A. contrast the feeding habits of different types of mammals
B. describe the process by which mammals came to be defined
C. emphasize the point that every type of mammal feeds its own young
D. explain why a particular feature of mammals is nonelective
53. The word "tend" in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. sit on
B. move
C. notice
D. care for
54. What can be inferred from the passage about the practice of animal parents feeding their young?
A. It is unknown among fish.
B. It is unrelated to the size of the young.
C. It is dangerous for the parents.
D. It is most common among mammals.
55. The word "provisioning" in line 11 is closest in meaning to
A. supplying
B. preparing
C. building
D expanding
56. According to the passage, how do some insects make sure their young have food?
A. By storing food near their young.
B. By locating their nests or cells near spiders and caterpillars.
C. By searching for food some distance from their nest.
D. By gathering food from a nearby water source.
57. The word "edge" in line 15 is closest in meaning to
A. opportunity
B. advantage
C. purpose
D. rest
58. The word "it" in line 18 refers to
A. feeding
B. moment
C. young animal
D. size
59. According to the passage, animal young are most defenseless when
A. their parents are away searching for food
B. their parents have many young to feed
C. they are only a few days old
D. they first become independent
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60. The word "shielded" in line 19 is closest in meaning to

A. raised
B. protected
C. hatched
D. valued
VIII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B, C or D
61. The air that surrounds our planet is both odourless, colourless, and invisible.
62. Students of grade 12 who are doing a decision about which college to go to may not know where their
choices are located.
63. A peanut is not actually a nut but a legume alike peas and beans.
64. Joseph Priestly, the discoverer of oxygen, had little or not interest in science until he met Benjamin
Franklin in Paris.
65. Pikes Peak, named after explorer Zebulon Pike, is Colorado's most famous but not its most highest mountain
IX. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one
66. "Although my teacher lives near the school, he travels to work by motorbike.
A. My teacher travels to work by motorbike despite living far from the school.
B. My teacher travels to work by motorbike in spite of living near the school.
C. Living near the school doesn't prevent my teacher from travelling to work by motorbike.
D. B and C
67. A successful interview means that you will be offered the job.
A. A successful interview will give you the job.
B. Provide that you have a successful interview, you will get the job.
C. They will give you the job if you answer all the questions in the interview.
D. You will be given the job on condition that you answer all the qusetion in the interview.
68. It was only when he left home that he realized how much his father meant to him.
A. Not only did he leave home that he realized how much his father meant to him.
B. Not until he left home did he realize how much his father meant to him.
C. Not until did he leave home had he realized how much his father meant to him.
D. Not until he had left home that he realized how much his father meant to him.
69. " Be careful! That paint is wet.", she shouted.
A. She said I was careful because the paint was wet.
B. Because the paint was wet, she was careful.
C. She said to me be careful explaining that the paint was wet.
D. She told me to be careful because the paint was wet.
70. I needn't have taken so many warm clothes when I went to Singapore.
A. It's not necessary for me to take so many warm clothes when I went to Singapore.
B. I have taken so many warm clothes that I don't need when I went to Singapore..
C. There's no need for me to take so many warm clothes when I went to Singapore.
D. I took a lot of warm clothes when going to Singapore but it turned out not necessary.
X. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C,
or D that you think fits best
A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker. The first is the
broad area of communication, which includes imparting information by use of language,
communicating with a group or an individual, and specialized communication through performance. A
person conveys thoughts and ideas through choice of words, by a tone of voice that is pleasant or
unpleasant, gentle or harsh, by the rhythm that is inherent within the language itself, and by speech
rhythms that are flowing and regular or uneven and hesitant, and finally, by the pitch and melody of
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the utterance. When speaking before a group, a person's tone may indicate unsureness or fright,
confidence or calm. At interpersonal levels, the tone may reflect ideas and feelings over and
above the words chosen, or may belie them. Here the conversant's tone can consciously or
unconsciously reflect intuitive sympathy or antipathy, lack of concern or interest, fatigue, anxiety,
enthusiasm or excitement, all of which are usually discernible by the acute listener. Public
performance is a manner of communication that is highly specialized with its own techniques for
obtaining effects by voice and /or (gesture. The motivation derived from the text, and in the case of
singing, the music, in combination with the performer's skills, personality, and ability to create
empathy will determine the success of artistic, political, or pedagogic communication.
Second, the voice gives psychological clues to a person's self-image, perception of others,and
emotional health. Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice that is confident, pretentious, shy,
aggressive, outgoing, or exuberant, to name only a few personality traits. Also the sound may give a
clue to the facade or mask of that person, for example, a shy person hiding behind an overconfident
front. How a speaker perceives the listener's receptiveness, interest, or sympathy in any given
conversation can drastically alter the tone of presentation, by encouraging or discouraging the
speaker. Emotional health is evidenced in the voice by free and melodic sounds of the happy, by
constricted and harsh sound of the angry, and by dull and lethargic qualities of the depressed.
71. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The function of the voice in performance
B. The connection between voice and personality
C. Communication styles
D. The production of speech
72. What does the author mean by staring that, "At interpersonal levels, the tone may reflect ideas
and feelings over and above the words chosen" (lines 7-8)?
A. Feelings are expressed with different words than ideas are.
B. The tone of voice can carry information beyond the meaning of words.
C. A high tone of voice reflects an emotional communication.
D. Feelings are more difficult to express than ideas.
73. The word "Here" in line 9 refers to
A. interpersonal interactions
B. the tone
C. ideas and feelings
D. words chosen
74. The word "derived" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. discussed
B. prepared
C. registered
D. obtained
75. Why does the author mention "artistic, political, or pedagogic communication" in line 14-15?
A. As examples of public performance
B. As examples of basic styles of communication
C To contrast them to singing
D. To introduce the idea of self-image
76. According to the passage, an exuberant tone of voice, may be an indication of a person's
A. general physical health
B. personality
C. ability to communicate
D. vocal quality
77. According to the passage, an overconfident front may hide
A. hostility
B. shyness
C. friendliness
D. strength
78. The word "drastically" in line 21 is closest in meaning to
A. frequently
B. exactly
C. severely
D. easily
79. The word "evidenced" in line 22 is closest in meaning to
A. questioned
B. repeated
C. indicated
D. exaggerated
80. According to the passage, what does a constricted and harsh voice indicate?
A. Lethargy
B. Depression
C. Boredom
D. Anger

____ The end _____

H v tn th sinh: .................................................... S bo danh : .................
Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm
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P N THI TH I HC LN 1 NM 2013-2014 M N: TING ANH

M 313




M 535





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Mn: Ting Anh
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. drought

B. fought

C. brought

D. bought

Question 2: A. builds

B. destroys

C. occurs

D. prevents

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. include

B. achieve

C. replace

D. comment

Question 4: A. comfortable

B. attractive

C. secretive

D. necessary

Question 5: A. appearance

B. telephone

C. government

D. leadership

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 6: By the time their babies arrive, the Johnsons hope _______ painting the nursery.
A. have finished

B. finished

C. to finish

D. finish

C. Londonbright red

D. London red bright

Question 7: This is a picture of a _______ bus.

A. red bright London

B. bright red London

Question 8: Young people have become increasingly committed ______ social activities.
A. of

B. to

C. in

D. at

Question 9: He ______ to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead.
A. must have gone

B. neednt have gone

C. shouldnt have gone

D. should have gone

Question 10: While everybody else in our class prefers workingin groups, Mina likes working ______.
A. on herself

B. on her own

C. of her own

D. in herself

Question 11: Marie Curie, ______, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.
A. was the scientist who discovered radium

B. whosescientific discovery of radium

C. the scientist discovered radium

D. the scientist who discovered radium

Question 12: ______ about gene-related diseases has increased is welcome news.
A. Scientific knowledge

B. It was scientific knowledge

C. Though scientific knowledge

D. That scientific knowledge

Question 13: ______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. Hardly had

B. No sooner had

C. No longer has

D. Not until had

Question 14: _______, the young mother appeared visibly very happy after the birth of her child.
A. Tired as she was

B. She was tired

C. As tired

D. Despite tired

Question 15: John was in Hanoi and wanted to send a parcel to his parents. He asked a local passer-by the
way to the post-office. Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
- John: Can you show me the way to the nearest post office, please?
- Passer-by: _______
A. Not way, sorry.

B. Just round the corner over there.

C. Look it up in a dictionary!

D. Theres no traffic near here.

Question 16: I knew they were talking about me ______ they stopped when I entered the room.
A. because

B. so that

C. despite

D. Therefore

Question 17: Lora has just bought a new skirt that she likes very much. Choose the most suitable
response to fill in the blank in the following exchange.
- Jane: You look great in that red skirt, Lora!
- Lora: _______
A. No, I don't think so.

B. Oh, you don't like it, do you?

C. Thanks, I bought it at Macys.

D. Thanks, my mum bought it.

Question 18: This is ______ the most difficult job I have ever tackled.
A. by rights

B. by all means

C. by far

D. by the way

Question 19: He ______ till the early hours of the next morning listening to pop music.
A. took me up

B. kept me up

C. caught me up

D. held me up

Question 20: His answer was so confusing that it hardly made ______.
A. meaning

B. interpretation

C. intelligibility

D. sense

Question 21: My father sometimes ______ the washing up after dinner.

A. washes

B. takes

C. makes

D. does

Question 22: Waste paper can be used again after being ______.
A. produced

B. recycled

C. wasted

D. preserved

Question 23: Since ______has been so poor, the class has been closed.
A. attendance

B. attendant

C. attending

D. attendee

Question 24: He was too sure of himself to pay ______ to the warnings against the danger.
A. notice

B. attention

C. respect

D. recognition

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 25: The rains of 1993 causing the Missouri river to overflow resulted in one of the worst floods of
the 20th century.
A. stopped

B. lessened

C. caused

D. overcame

Question 26: Im becoming increasingly absent-minded. Last week, I locked myself out of my house twice.
A. being considerate of things

B. remembering to do right things

C. forgetful of ones past

D. often forgetting things

Question 27: Many young children are spending large amounts of time watching the TV without being aware
of its detriment to their school work.
A. harm

B. advantage

C. support

D. benefit

Question 28: Ms Stanford is an unusually prolific author. She has written a large number of books these
years, some of which are best-sellers.
A. reflective

B. productive

C. exhausted

D. critical

Question 29: As the enemy forces were so overwhelming, our troops had to retreat to a safer position.
A. powerful

B. dreadful

C. overflowing

D. outgrowing

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet toindicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Question 30: The collecting of postage stamps is a hobby that interest people of all ages and all

walks of life.
Question 31: Experts in climatology and other scientists are becoming extreme concerned about the

changes to our climate which are taking place.

Question 32: Santas transformation began in 1823, when a New York newspaper published the

poem A Visit from Saint Nicholas, that Clement Clark Moore had written to amuse his daughter.

Question 33: It is thought that the unusual warming of the Earth has been caused by so-called greenhouse

gases, such as carbon dioxide, being emitting into the atmosphere by car engines and factories.

Question 34: The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that have

become extinct have increased.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Higher Education in the UK
Students who have successfully completed an A-level course may go to university to do (35) ______ threeor four-year course leading to a first degree such as Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), etc.
They apply to several universities which then (36) ______ an offer of a place specifying the minimum grades
the student needs to obtain in the A level subjects studied. Higher education is not (37) ______. In principle,
students have to pay a contribution to the cost of teaching (tuition fees) and have also to pay their living costs
(maintenance). The government provides (38) ______ to help them pay for university education which have
to be paid back from earnings once their income reaches a certain (39) ______. In recent years government
policy has been to (40)______ the percentage of 18-year olds (41)______ go to university, which is now, at
40%, double the 1990 figure, but this growth has been at the (42) ______ of the amount of financial support
given to individual students.
Universities receive money (43) ______ the state for each student and are responsible for
employing staff and deciding which courses to offer. The head of a university, who is (44) ______ for its
management, is called a vice-chancellor.
Question 35: A. that

B. a

C. this

D. the

Question 36: A. create

B. do

C. make

D. get

Question 37: A. permitted

B. allowed

C. compulsory

D. free

Question 38: A. loans

B. hires

C. shares

D. rents

Question 39: A. grade

B. level

C. mark

D. rank

Question 40: A. rise

B. remain

C. increase

D. decrease

Question 41: A. who

B. which

C. whose

D. whom

Question 42: A. fee

B. suspense

C. charge

D. expense

Question 43: A. of

B. from

C. to

D. in

Question 44: A. liable

B. responsible

C. answerable

D. Chargeable

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Early peoples had no need of engineering works to supply their water. Hunters and nomads camped
near natural sources of fresh water, and populations were so sparse that pollution of the water supply was not
a serious problem. After community life developed and agricultural villages became urban centres, the
problem of supplying water became important for inhabitants of a city, as well as for irrigation of the farms
surrounding the city. Irrigation works were known in prehistoric times, and before 2000 BC the rulers of
Babylonia and Egypt constructed systems of dams and canals to impound the flood waters of the Euphrates
and Nile rivers, controlling floods and providing irrigation water throughout the dry season. Such irrigation
canals also supplied water for domestic purposes. The first people to consider the sanitation of their water
supply were the ancient Romans, who constructed a vast system of aqueducts to bring the clean waters of the
Apennine Mountains into the city and built basins and filters along these mains to ensure the clarity of the
water. The construction of such extensive water-supply systems declined when the Roman Empire
disintegrated, and for several centuries local springs and wells formed the main source of domestic and
industrial water.
The invention of the force pump in England in the middle of the 16th century greatly extended the
possibilities of development of water-supply systems. In London, the first pumping waterworks was
completed in 1562; it pumped river water to a reservoir about 37 m above the level of the River Thames and
from the reservoir the water was distributed by gravity, through lead pipes, to buildings in the vicinity.
Increased per-capita demand has coincided with water shortages in many countries. South-east
England, for example, receives only 14 per cent of Britain's rainfall, has 30 per cent of its population, and has
experienced declining winter rainfall since the 1980s.
In recent years a great deal of interest has been shown in the conversion of seawater to fresh water
to provide drinking water for very dry areas, such as the Middle East. Several different processes, including
distillation, electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, and direct-freeze evaporation, have been developed for this
purpose. Some of these processes have been used in large facilities in the United States. Although these
processes are successful, the cost of treating seawater is much higher than that for treating fresh water.
From A. Briggs article on culture, Microsoft Student 2008
Question 45: Early peoples didnt need water supply engineering works because ______.
A. their community life had already developed
B. natural sources of fresh water nearby were always available
C. there was almost no dry season in prehistoric times
D. they had good ways to irrigate their farms

Question 46: The word impound in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. supply

B. irrigate

C. provide

D. drain

Question 47: Clean water supply was first taken into consideration by ______.
A. the English people

B. the ancient Romans

C. the Egyptians

D. the US people

Question 48: For several centuries after the disintegration of the Roman Empire, the main source of water
supply was from ______.
A. springs and wells

B. systems of aqueducts

C. dams and canals

D. water pipes

Question 49: The word mains in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ______.
A. lands

B. areas

C. pipes

D. rivers

Question 50: Which of the following is NOT true about Londons water supply in the middle of the 16th
A. Water was pumped from the River Thames.

B. Water was stored in a reservoir.

C. Water ran from the reservoir to buildings.

D. Water was conducted through canals.

Question 51: The word vicinity in paragraph 2 refers to ______.

A. the cities in South-east England

B. the areas along the River Thames

C. the neighborhood around a reservoir

D. the region where industry developed

Question 52: One of the causes of water shortages in South-east England is ______.
A. water pollution

B. increased demand

C. water-supply system decline

D. water evaporatio

Question 53: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a process of conversing seawater to freshwater?
A. Steaming and cooling.

B. Water evaporation.

C. Dissolving chemicals.

D. Purification method.

Question 54: In the passage, the author mainly discusses ______.

A. the development of water supply

B. the results of water shortages

C. the water pumping systems

D. the fresh water storage

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
Sleep is a natural process, and although a lot have been written about the subject, it is still surrounded by
mystery. It is used by some as an escape from the world, and regarded by others as an irritating waste of
time: some people get by on very little, others claim they cannot exist without at least ten hours, but nobody
can do without sleep completely.

Our nights sleep does not just consist of a steady phase of gradually deepening sleep. It alternates
between two stages: Non-dreaming or ordinary sleep, and REM (rapid eye movement) or dreaming sleep. As
soon as we fall asleep, we go straight into non-dreaming sleep for an hour or so, then into REM sleep for
about 15 minutes, then back into non-dreaming sleep. It alternates in this way for the rest of the night, with
non-dreaming sleep tending to last longer at the beginning of the night. Non-dreaming sleep occupies
three-quarters of our nights sleep, about a quarter of it deep and the rest fairly light.
It is widely believed that sleep repairs the body and makes good the damage caused by being awake.
However, its main function is to refresh the brain. Experts believe that probably only about two-thirds of our
sleep is necessary for repairing and refreshing the brain, with the most valuable sleep coming in the first few
hours of the non-dreaming period, the last few hours of sleep are not so essential. The brain can manage quite
well with reduced sleep as long as it is uninterrupted sleep.
The quality of sleep is important. A study conducted in the USA looked at short sleepers, who slept for
5.5 hours on average, and long sleepers, who had 8.5 hours or more. It is discovered after a variety of tests
that the long sleepers were poor sleepers, had twice as much REM sleep as the short sleepers, appeared to
sleep longer to make up for poor sleep, and did not wake up in the morning refreshed. Similarly, people who
sleep deeply do not necessarily get a better quality of sleep than shallow sleepers. Deep sleepers can feel tired
the following day, so six hours of good sleep is worth more than eight hours of troubled sleep.
From Awakening to Sleep American Psychological Association
Question 55: It can be concluded from the first paragraph that ______.
A. people need equal time of sleep
B. sleep remains a puzzle
C. sleep is among the processes of the nature
D. everything about sleep has been brought to light
Question 56: The word irritating in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. calming

B. soothing

C. annoying

D. comforting

Question 57: All the following statements are true, EXCEPT for ______.
A. our nights sleep occurs in a straight line of only two phases
B. all sleeps are similar in the alternatives of the two stages during the night
C. we spend only 25 percent of our nights sleeping time dreaming
D. we often have no dreams right after we fall asleep
Question 58: The word it in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. our nights sleep

B. the ordinary sleep

C. the REM

D. the night

Question 59: The word occupies in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by ______.
A. accounts for

B. takes care of

C. works out

D. goes up

Question 60: Unlike the common belief, sleep helps ______.

A. not to be awake

C. us to fix the damage happening by day

B. us to repair our body

D. our brain to rest and recover

Question 61: The study discussed in the reading passage suggests that ______.
A. the fewer hours we sleep, the more we dream
B. deep sleep means better sleep
C. the type of sleep is more important than its length
D. six hours of sleep is better than eight hours
Question 62: Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?
A. The role of the sleep .

B. Sleepless peoples problems.

C. Types of sleep.

D. The circle of a sleep.

Question 63: It can be inferred from the reading passage that ______.
A. if we can sleep uninterruptedly, it is not necessary to sleep the whole night
B. REM makes good our brain
C. nearly 70 % of our sleep is invaluable
D. dream enables our body to refresh when we can sleep uninterruptedly
Question 64: This passage is the most likely taken from ______.
A. a doctors description

B. a health magazine

C. an advertisement

D. a fashion magazine

Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
Question 65: This is the most interesting novel Ive ever read.
I have never ___________________________________________.
Question 66: I cant cook as well as my mother can.
My mother ___________________________________________.
Question 67: The noise next door did not stop until after midnight.
It was not ____________________________________________.
Question 68: You can ring this number whenever there is any difficulty.
Should _______________________________________________.

Question 69: I didnt break the vase of flowers, the boy said.
The boy denied ________________________________________.
Part II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the kind of job you would like to do after you
finish your education.




NM 2015

Mn: Ting Anh

Cu s

p n

Cu s

p n

Cu s

p n
























































PHN VIT (2 im)

I. (0,5 im)
Cu 65: I have never read such an interesting novel before.
Hoc: I have never read a more interesting novel than this (one/ novel).
Cu 66: My mother can cook better than I can/ me.
Cu 67: It was not until after midnight that the noise next door stopped.

Cu 68: Should there be any difficulty, you can ring this number.
Hoc: Should any difficulty arise, you can ring this number.
Cu 69: The boy denied having broken/ breaking the vase of flowers.
II. (1,5 im)
M t tiu ch nh gi

B cc

im ti a

o Cu dn ch mch lc
o B cc hp l r rng ph hp yu cu ca bi
o B cc uyn chuyn t m bi n kt lun

Pht trin


o Pht trin c trnh t logic

o C dn chng, v d, bo v kin ca mnh

S dng ngn t

0, 30

o S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung

o S dng ngn t ng vn phong/ th loi
o S dng t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn

Ni dung


o thuyt phc ngi c

o dn chng, v d, lp lun
o di: S t khng nhiu hn hoc t hn so vi quy nh 5%

Ng php, du cu, v chnh t


o S dng ng du cu
o Chnh t: Vit ng chnh t. Li chnh t gy hiu nhm/ sai
lch s b tnh mt li (tr 1% im ca bi vit). Cng mt li
chnh t lp li ch tnh l mt li.
o S dng ng thi, th, cu trc cu ng ng php. (Li ng
php gy hiu nhm/ sai lch s b tr 1% im bi vit.)


M THI: 672

THI TH I HC LN 3 NM HC 2012 - 2013


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng tnh thi gian giao )

gm c 06 trang- S cu trc nghim: 80

I. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C, or
D that you think fits best
By far the most important United States export product in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
was cotton, favored by the European textile industry over flax or wool because it was easy to process
and soft to tile touch. Mechanization of spinning and weaving allowed significant centralization and
expansion in the textile industry during this period, and at the same time the demand for cotton
increased dramatically. American producers were able to meet this demand largely because of tile
invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793. Cotton could be grown throughout the South, but
separating the fiber or lint from the seed was a laborious process. Sea island cotton was relatively
easy to process by hand, because its fibers were long and seeds were concentrated at the base of the
flower, but it demanded a long growing season, available only along the nation's eastern seacoast.
Short-staple cotton required a much shorter growing season, but the shortness of the fibers and their
mixture with seeds meant that a worker could hand-process only about one pound per day. Whitney's
gin was a hand-powered machine with revolving drums and metal teeth to pull cotton fibers away from
seeds. Using the gin, a worker could produce up to 50 pounds of lint a day. The later development of
larger gins, powered by horses, water, or steam, multiplied productivity further.
The interaction of improved processing and high demand led to the rapid spread of the
cultivation of cotton and to a surge in production. It became the main American export, dwarfing all
others. In 1802, cotton composed 14 percent of total American exports by value. Cotton had a 36
percent share by 1810 and over a 50 percent share in 1830. In 1860, 61 percent of the value of
American exports was represented by cotton. In contrast, wheat and wheat flour composed only 6
percent of the value of American exports in that year. Clearly, cotton was king in the trade of the young
republic. The growing market for cotton and other American agricultural products led to an
unprecedented expansion of agricultural settlement, mostly in the eastern half of the United States--west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River.
1. The main point of the passage is that the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were a time when
A. the European textile industry increased its demand for American export products
B mechanization of spinning and weaving dramatically changed the textile industry
C. cotton became the most important American export product
D. cotton became a profitable crop but was still time-consuming to process
2. The word "favored" in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A. preferred
B. recommended
C. imported
D. included
3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as reasons for the increased demand for cotton EXCEPT
A. cotton's softness
B. cotton's ease of processing
C. a shortage of flax and wool
D. the growth that occurred in the textile industry.
4. The word "laborious" in line 7 is closest in meaning to
A. unfamiliar
B. difficult
C. skilled
D. primitive
5. According to the passage, one advantage of sea island cotton was its
A. abundance of seeds
B. long fibers
C. long growing season
D. adaptability to different climates
6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about cotton production in the United States
after the introduction of Whitney's cotton gin?
A. More cotton came from sea island cotton plants than before.
B .More cotton came from short-staple cotton plants than before.
C. Most cotton produced was sold domestically.
D. Most cotton produced was exported to England.
M 672 - Trang 1/7

7. The word "surge" in line 16 is closest in meaning to

A. sharp increase
B. sudden stop
C. important change D. excess amount
8. The author mentions "wheat and wheat flour" in line 19 in order to
A. show that Americans exported more agricultural products than they imported.
B. show the increase in the amount of wheat products exported.
C. demonstrate the importance of cotton among American export products.
D. demonstrate that wheat farming was becoming more profitable.
9. The word "unprecedented" in line 22 is closest in meaning to
A. slow
B. profitable
C. not seen before
D. never explained
10. According to the passage, the Mississippi River was
A. one of the boundaries of a region where new agricultural settlement took place
B. a major source of water for agricultural crops
C. the primary route by which agricultural crops were transported
D. a main source of power for most agricultural machinery
II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others (5p)
11. A. reasonable
B. irrigation
C. population
D. introduction
12. A. imaginary
B. unification
C. preliminary
D. preparatory
13. A. enthusiast
B. outstanding
C. spectator
D. countrymen
14. A. competition
B. solidarity
C. personality
D. development
15. A. interview
B. technical
C. remember
D. character
III. Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions
16. They've got a lot of money. They don't know what to do with it.
A. They've got so much money that they don't know what to do with it.
B. They've got too much money that they don't know what to do with it.
C. They've got such a lot of money that they don't know what to do with it.
D. A and C
17. The weather was cold. All of the students stayed at home.
A. Due to the fact that the weather was cold, all of the students stayed at home.
B. The weather was cold, and that was why all of the students stayed at home.
C. Due to the cold weather, all of the students stayed at home.
D. All the above
18. The Royal College is the oldest university in this country. It was founded in 1076.
A. The Royal College, the oldest university in this country, was founded in 1076.
B. The Royal College which is the oldest university in this country was founded in 1076.
C. The Royal College, which is the oldest university in this country, was founded in 1076.
D. A and C
19. Arthur is not in class today. Ricardo is not in class today.
A. Both Arthur and Ricardo are not in class today.
B. Neither Arthur nor Ricardo is in class today.
C. Not only Arthur, but also Ricardo are not in class today.
D. Neither Arthur nor Ricardo are in class today.
20. Chopin is a famous musician. You have just heard his records.
A. Chopin, records of his you have just heard, is a famous musician.
B. Chopin is a famous musician whose you have just heard records.
C. Chopin, whose records you have just heard, is a famous musician.
D. Chopin, whose you have just heard records, is a famous musician.
IV. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following questions
21. Don't worry about this. It's a piece of cake.
M 672 - Trang 2/7

A. difficult
B. complicated
C. hard
D. easy
22. Bob and David have been friends for many years, but now they've decided to break off their relationship.
A. start
B. begin
C. continue
D. end
23. The tinny irrigation channels were every where, and along some of them the water was running.
A. cleaning with water
B. flushing out with water
C. washing out with water
D. supplying water
V. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following questions
24. In those days, the Standard Oil Company did not deliver oil to the consumer in big wagons and
motor trucks as it does, but delivered instead to retail grocers, hardware stores, and the like.
A. in big quantities
B. in small quantities
C. by the gross
D. at a bargaining price
25. During the heyday of the rainroads, various types of railroad cars were in use.
A. a period of great success
B. time for harvest
C. a period of depression
D. a period with low prices
VI. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences
26. "Thanks for changing the oil and putting air in the tires." - " _____ "
A. It's all in a day's work.
B. It's a piece of cake.
C. The same to you.
D. No. You are welcome.
27. "Do you think that you'll be able to go to the party?" - "_____ "
A. I'm impossible to go.
B. If I had time, I would go.
C. I'm going if I have time.
D. Yes, I don't think so.
28. I explained that _____ might increase the number of British citizens who had the right of voting at
elections for parliament.
A. correction
B. collapse
C. failure
D. reform
29. In some jobs, experience counts for more than paper _____ .
A. background
B. degree
C. certificate
D. qualifications
30. _____ practice the coach provided the athletes with, _____ stress he brought to them. What they
really needed was time to relax.
A. The much/ the more
B. The less/ the more
C. The more/ the more
D. The more/ the less
31. The _____ source of power in 1970 was from natural gas, with almost 25%.
A. secondly most important
B. second most important
C. most second important
D. most important second
32. Computers can be considered _____ of _____ of the 20th century.
A. an influential invention/ the half last
B. influential invention/last half
C. the influential invention/ the half last
D. the most influential invention/ the last half
33. By the time you _____ this note, I _____ for hours and I _____ halfway home.
A. will receive/ will have driven/ will be
B. receive/ have been driving/ will be
C. receive/ will have been driving/ will be D. received/ have been driving/ am
34. Many companies don't require their employees____formal clothing to work, so men ___wear suits
A. to wear/don't have to
B. wearing/ mustn't
C. to wear/mustn't
D. wearing/ don't have to
35. "I'll never have time to type my paper tomorrow." - "_____ "
A. How about doing it now?
B. Why not do it now?
C. What about doing it now?
D. You'll do it now.
36. Family is a good _____ from which you can join the society with confidence.
A. base
B. basic
C. basis
D. basing
37. The girl who found the ring received a generous _____ of $10.
A. prize
B. reward
C. allowance
D. cash
M 672 - Trang 3/7

38. I have searched _____ for the book I bought last Sunday but I can't find it anywhere.
A. hardly
B. highly
C. deeply
D. thoroughly
39. "_____ " - "Yes. Do you have any fur coats?"
A. Could you do me a favour?
B. Do I help you?
C. What can I help you?
D. How can I help you?
40. I will _____ the loss of my reading glasses in the local newspaper with a reward for the finder.
A. announce
B. advertise
C. publish
D. make known
41. I have had a _____ of misfortunes for the past two months.
A. success
B. continuation
C. repetition
D. succession
42. Our family members have a close _____ with one another, which is worth valuing.
A. relationship
B. relation
C. relations
D. relationships
43. She put the medicine _____ a high shelf where the children couldn't get _____ it.
A. in/to
B. on/to
C. on/at
D. in/at
44. After four hours sitting by the campfire, we poured some water _____ it to put it _____.
A. on/out
B. into/off
C. at/up
D. on/down
45. "How would you like your stake?" - "_____ "
A. Medium, please.
B. Very rare, please.
C. Well-done, please.
D. All the above.
46. How many times _____ him since he went to Edinburgh?
A. had you seen
B. did you see
C. do you see
D. have you seen
47. Do you know that _____ longest river in _____ world is _____ Nile?
A. a/the/the
B. the/the/the
C. /the/a
D. the/the/
48. The government has made a serious attempt to raise the _____ of living.
A. cost
B. level
C. mode
D. standard
49. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived home _____ .
A. finally
B. in the end
C. at last
D. all the above
50. My math teacher is the one who is the most _____ of the staff in the school.
A. respectable
B. respected
C. respective
D. respectful

VII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B, C or D
51. While dug for treasure in the back yard, Jenny unearthed a large bone.
52. My classmate's handwriting is not as good as mine, so he had me typed his paper for him last night.
53. When scientists search a site for fossils, they begin by examining places where the soil has wore
away from the rock.
54. Fire extinguishers can contain liquefied gas, dry chemicals or watery.
55. Inside the Lincohn Memorial is a large statue make from while marble.
VIII. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one
56. "Why don't you put your luggage under the seat?", he asked me.
A. He suggested putting my luggage under the seat.
B. He suggested that I should put my luggage under the seat.
C. He suggeseted I put my luggage under the seat.
D. B and C
57. We left early so that we wouldn't disturb the children.
A. So as not to disturb the children, we left early.
B. So as not to disturbing the children, we left early.
M 672 - Trang 4/7

C. So that not to disturb the children, we left early.

D. In order that not to disturb the children, we left early.
58. It was only when he left home that he realized how much his father meant to him.
A. Not only did he leave home that he realized how much his father meant to him.
B. Not until he left home did he realize how much his father meant to him.
C. Not until did he leave home had he realized how much his father meant to him.
D. Not until he had left home that he realized how much his father meant to him.
59. We couldn't drive because of the thick fog.
A. We were made not to drive because the thick fog.
B. The thick fog made it impossible for us to drive.
C. The thick fog prevented us from driving.
D. B and C
60. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
A. I object to being criticized unfairly.
B. I object to people criticizing me unfairly.
C. I object to people's criticizing me unfairly.
D. All the above
IX. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C,
or D that you think fits best
A survey is a study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire, that provides
information concerning how people think and act. In the United States, the best-known surveys are the
Gallup poll and the Harris poll. As anyone who watches the news during presidential campaigns
knows, these polls have become an important part of political life in the United States.
North Americans are familiar with the many "person on the street" interviews on local television
news shows. While such interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not necessarily an accurate
indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a
certain location. Thus, such samples can be biased in favor of commuters, middle-class shoppers, or
factory workers, depending on which area the newspeople select. Second, television interviews tend to
attract outgoing people who are willing to appear on the air, while they frighten away others who may
feel intimidated by a camera. A survey must be based on a precise, representative sampling if it is to
genuinely reflect a broad range of the population.
In preparing to conduct a survey, sociologists must exercise great care in the wording of
questions. An effective survey question must be simple and clear enough for people to understand it. It
must also be specific enough so that there are no problems in interpreting the results. Even questions
that are less structured must be carefully phrased in order to elicit the type of information desired.
Surveys can be indispensable sources of information, but only if the sampling is done properly and the
questions are worded accurately.
There are two main forms of surveys: the interview and the questionnaire. Each of these forms of
survey research has its advantages. An interviewer can obtain a high response rate because people find
it more difficult to turn down a personal request for an interview than to throw away a written
questionnaire. In addition, an interviewer can go beyond written questions and probe for a subject's
underlying feelings and reasons. However, questionnaires have the advantage of being cheaper and
more consistent.
61. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The history of surveys in North America
B. The principles of conducting surveys
C. Problems associated with interpreting surveys
D. The importance of polls in American political life
62. The word "they" in line 7 refers to
A. North Americans B. news shows
C. interviews
63. According to the passage, the main disadvantage of person-on-the-street interviews is that they
M 672 - Trang 5/7

A. are not based on a representative sampling B. are used only on television

C. are not carefully worded
D. reflect political opinions
64. The word "precise" in line 11 is closest in meaning to
A. planned
B. rational
C. required
D. accurate
65. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is most important for an effective survey?
A. A high number of respondents
B. Carefully worded questions
C. An interviewer's ability to measure respondents' feelings
D. A sociologist who is able to interpret the results
66. The word "exercise" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. utilize
B. consider
C. design
D. defend
67. The word "elicit" in line 16 is closest in meaning to
A. compose
B. rule out
C. predict
D. bring out
68. It can be inferred from the passage that one reason that sociologists may become frustrated with
questionnaires is that
A. respondents often do not complete and return questionnaires
B. questionnaires are often difficult to read
C. questionnaires are expensive and difficult to distribute
D. respondents are too eager to supplement questions with their own opinions
69. According to the passage, one advantage of live interviews over questionnaires is that live interviews
A. cost less
B. can produce more information
C. are easier to interpret
D. minimize the influence of the researcher
70. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
A. Survey (line 1)
B. Public opinion (line 7)
C. Representative sampling (line 11)
D. Response rate (line 20)
X. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each blank
Men and women
Some hundred years ago there was not equality ______ (71) men and women because people
then considered women to be the weaker sex. This prejudice ______ ( 72) women had its ______ (73)
from the dawn of mankind's history when men lived in caves and went ______ (74) for food. The task
of food gathering and hunting needed great strength of body. Therefore, the best place for women was
not in the (75) ______, but at home where they could satisfactorily do their job, namely feeding their
children and ______ (76) after them. Things have changed much ______ (77) those early days. In the
modern life of the twentieth century, more brain is needed, not more strength of the muscle. ______
(78) a consequence, women ______ (79) an important role in the modern society. They have proved
repeatedly that they are equal and often ______ (80) to men in almost every field.
A. among
B. between
C. of
D. against
A. for
B. under
C. against
D. through
A. origin
B. starting
C. beginning
D. born
A. seeing
B. overhunting
C. catching
D. hunting
A. field
B. farm
C. sea
D. forest
A. looking
B. taking
C. watching
D. hunting
A. for
B. from
C. since
D. after
A. Like
B. As
C. Same
D. than
A. take
B. concern
C. play
D. involve
A. inferior
B. superior
C. better
D. similar
_______ The end _______
H v tn th sinh: .................................................... S bo danh : .................
Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm

M 672 - Trang 6/7

P N THI TH I HC LN 3 NM 2012-2013
M 131




M 672






M 672 - Trang 7/7

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph






Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

( thi gm 4 trang)

(khng k thi gian giao )

H tn th sinh:..

M :

S bo danh: .


Cu 1. - Anne: " Make yourself at home".

- John: "_______"

A. Yes, Can I help you?

B. That's very kind. Thank you.

C. Not at all. Don't mention it.

D. Thanks! Same to you.

Cu 2. My uncle ______ a very beautiful house in town last year.

A. bought
Cu 3. A. patient

B. buy

C. is building

B. police

C. predict

D. will buy
D. attract

Cu 4. The doctor advised him to avoid eating fatty foods, having more vegetables and drink much water.
A. eating

B. having

C. advised him

D. much

Cu 5. The manager had his brother ______ the report for him.
A. typed

B. to typed

C. typing

D. type

Cu 6. He agreed to sign the contract _______.

A. in spite he knew much about that company

B. although he didn't know much about that company.

C. because he didn't know much about that company's director. D. so he didn't know much about that
Cu 7. The number of homeless people in Nepal have increased sharply due to that severe earthquake.
A. of

B. due to

C. severe earthquake

D. have

Cu 8. The girls and flowers __________ he painted were vivid.

A. that

B. whose

C. who



Cu 9. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose stress is placed
differently from that of the others in each of the following questions.
A. difference

B. recognize

C. employee

Cu 10. An optimistic person always sees things on the bright sides.

D. primary

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. comfortable

B. difficult

C. intelligent

D. pesimistic

Cu 11. You can _____ the meaning of the new words in the dictionary.
A. look at

B. look for

C. look up

D. look after

Cu 12. Schooling is compulsory for all Vietnamese children from the age of 6 to 14.
A. obligatory

B. required

C. obeyed

D. optional

Cu 13. They are very happy because a new school for their children _____ in their village now.
A. is building

B. is being built

C. has been built

D. has build

Cu 14. Magma is the primary source of all the earth's rocks.

A. nearest

B. first

C. cheapest

D. worst

Cu 15. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate which of the following words has the bold, italic
part pronounced differently from others
A. steals

B. stays

C. talks

D. tells

Cu 16. ______ arrived earlier, we could have finished the task.

A. If we have

B. If we hadn't

C. Unless we had

D. Had we

Cu 17. I said that I had met her ______.

A. the day

B. yesterday

C. the before day

D. the previous day

Cu 18. The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place.
A. defended

B. impressed

C. organized

D. participated

Cu 19. After having used the new technique, the factory produced ____ cars in 2014 as the year before.
A. as many twice

B. as twice many

C. twice as many

D. twice many as

Cu 20. No sooner _____ at the bus stop ______ the bus came.
A. he had arrived/ when B. had he arrived/ when C. had he arrived/ than D. he had arrived/ than
Cu 21. There were two small rooms in the beach house, _____ served as a kitchen.
A. the smaller of them

B. the smallest of which C. the smaller of which D. smallest of that

Cu 22. If I _____ you, I would give Mary a lift.

A. am

B. would be

C. were

D. had been

Cu 23. John asked me ______ interested in.

A. what kind of sports I was

B. what kind of sports was I

C. what kind of sports I am

D. what kind of sports am I

Cu 24. __________he missed the first bus, he came ten minutes late.
A. Therefore

B. Although

C. Because

D. However

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 25. Books and magazines ______ around made his room very untidy.
A. laying

B. which lied

C. lying

D. that lie

Cu 26. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate which of the following words has the bold, italic
part pronounced differently from others.
A. crashed

B. waved

C. killed

D. cured

Cu 27. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA.

A. come around

B. set up

C. put on D. made out

Cu 28. The more frequently you exercise, the greatest physical endurance you will have.
A. exercise

B. will have

C. frequently

D. greatest

Cu 29. I can _____ with most things but I cannot stand noisy children.
A. put up

B. put off

C. put on

D. put aside

Cu 30. ______ from outer space, our earth looks like a "blue planet"
A. Seeing

B. Be seen

C. Seen

D. Having seen

Cu 31. The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off an hour late.
A. cut

B. took

C. made

D. turned

Cu 32. Since poaching is becoming more seriously, the government has imposed stricter laws to prevent it.
A. poaching

B. seriously

C. stricter

D. it

Cu 33. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate which of the following words has the bold, italic
part pronounced differently from others
A. church

B. cheese

C. machine

D. changeable

Cu 34. A. profits

B. interests

C. relates


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions.
Speech is one of the most important (35)_______ of communicating. It consists of far more than just making
noises. To talk and also to (36)_______ by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have to
use combinations of


that everyone agrees to stand for a particular object or idea.

Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly
is very (38)_______ . The basic (39)_______ of English is not very large, and not only about 2,000 words
are needed to speak it quite (40)_______ . But the more idea you can (41)_______ the more precise you can
be about their exact meaning. Words are the (42)_______ thing we use in communicating what we want to

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

say. The way we (43)_______ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many
emotions and (44)_______ whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
Cu 35. A. rules

B. reason

C. tests

D. ways

Cu 36. A. be understood

B. be talked

C. be spoken

D. be examined

Cu 37. A. systems

B. sounds

C. important

D. easy

Cu 38. A simple

B important

C expensive

Cu 39. A. vocabulary

B. structure

C. grammar

D. word

Cu 40. A. fluent

B. well

C. perfect

D. good

Cu 41. A. grow

B. express

C. pass

D. need

Cu 42. A. main

B. most

C. full

D. certain

Cu 43. A. pass

B. talk

C. say

D. send

Cu 44. A. know

B. ask

C. show

D. understand

D easy

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw
its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite,
so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who
had made worthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics,
chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards
Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the
awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated
diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges'
decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two
prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
Cu 45. The word "legacy" in the second paragraph means most nearly the same as _______.
A. bequest

B. prize

C. debt

D. legend

C. 2

D. 10

Cu 46. In how many fields are prizes bestowed?

A. 6

B. 5

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 47. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

A ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention
B Politics plays an important role in selecting the winners
C A few individuals have won two awards
D Awards vary in monetary value
Cu 48. How much money did Nobel leaves for the prizes?
A $9,000,000

B $155,000

C $125,000

D $30,000

Cu 49. The Nobel prize was established in order to _________.

A recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity B spend money
C resolve political differences

D honor the inventor of dynamite

Cu 50. In the first paragraph, "worthwhile" is closest in meaning to _________ .

A valuable

B trivial

C economic

D prestigious

Cu 51. The word "foresaw" in the first paragraph is nearest in meaning to ________.
A postponed

B predicted

C prevailed

D prevented

Cu 52. According to the passage, Nobel's profession was in _________ .

A literature

B economics

C medicine

D science

Cu 53. What is the main idea of this passage?

A Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories for contributions to humanity.
B Alfred Nobel left all of his money to science.
C Alfred Nobel became very rich when he invented dynamite
D Alfred Nobel made a lasting contribution to humanity
Cu 54. In which area have Americans received the least awards?
A Economics

B Science

C Peace

D Literature

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in
such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very
flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were established in
England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled - a
far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened.
In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions.
Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides,
are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various
chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification
scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, nature's
output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities.
However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region, human
output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles. The
result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which the adverse
effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human
activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical
value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would
occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million
(ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm
and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.
Cu 55. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _________.
A water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas
B the definition of air pollution will continue to change
C most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled
D a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities
Cu 56. Which of the following is best supported by the passage?
A One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws.
B Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.
C Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution.
D To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their air pollution laws.
Cu 57. The word "detectable" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _________ .
A measurable

B beneficial

C special

D separable

Cu 58. The word "These" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A the pollutants from the developing Earth

B the components in biogeochemical cycles

C the compounds moved to the water or soil

D the various chemical reactions

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 59. According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance is only
useful if _______.
A it is in a localized area

B. the other substances in the area are known

C it can be calculated quickly

D. the natural level is also known

Cu 60: The word "localized" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A specified

B surrounded

C encircled

D circled.

Cu 61. According to the passage, human-generated air pollution in localized regions _______.
A will damage areas outside of the localized regions
B. will react harmfully with natural pollutants
C can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants
D. can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants
Cu 62. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A The economic impact of air pollution.

B. he effects of compounds added to the atmosphere.

C How much harm air pollutants can cause. D. What constitutes an air pollutant.
Cu 63. For which of the following reasons can natural pollutants play an important role in controlling air
A.They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.
B. They function as part of a purification process.
C. They are less harmful to living beings than other pollutants.
D. They have existed since the Earth developed.
Cu 64. The word "adversely" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _________
A negatively

B admittedly

C considerably

D quickly

SECTION B: (2 points)
A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed
before them.
Cu 1: No one has used that door for 20 years.
That door ____________________________________________.
Cu 2: I am sorry I did not phone you earlier, said John.
John apologized ________________________________________.
Cu 3: As people use a lot of wood-pulp, many trees are cut down.
The more ________________________________________.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Cu 4: This is the first time I have ever tasted such a delicious meal.
I have ________________________________________________.
Cu 5: If he does not obey the rules, he will be sacked soon.
Unless ________________________________________________.
Write a paragraph (140 words) on the following topic: Why do you learn English?

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

M : 135
01. A; 02. A; 03. D; 04. B; 05. A; 06. D; 07. D; 08. A; 09. C; 10. D;
11. C; 12. A; 13. B; 14. B; 15. C; 16. D; 17. D; 18. C; 19. B; 20. B;
21. B; 22. C; 23. A; 24. C; 25. D; 26. A; 27. B; 28. D; 29. D; 30. D;
31. B; 32. C; 33. C; 34. A; 35. C; 36. A; 37. B; 38. A; 39. A; 40. B;
41. B; 42. D; 43. D
A. rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed
before them.(0,5pt)
Cu 1: No one has used that door for 20 years.
That door hasnt been used for 20 years.
Cu 2: I am sorry I did not phone you earlier, said John.
John apologized for not phoning me earlier.
Cu 3: As people use a lot of wood-pulp, many trees are cut down.
The more wood-pulp people use, the more tree are cut down.
Cu 4: This is the first time I have ever tasted such a delicious meal.
I have not tasted such a delicious meal before.
Cu 5: If he does not obey the rules, he will be sacked soon.
Unless he obeys the rules, he will be sacked soon.



Mn Ting anh lp 12
Nm hc : 2015 - 2016
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht; khng k thi gian giao
H v tn th sinh: S bo danh: ..M : 102


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is Internet, which has been (1) for broken
relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even one suicide. Psychologists now recognize Internet
Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could (2) .. serious problems and ruin many lives. Special
help groups have been set up to (3) .. sufferers help and support.
IAS is similar to (4) .. problems like gambling, smoking and drinking : addicts have dreams about
Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; they (5) to their partners about how much time
they spend online; they (6) . they could cut down, but are unable to do so . A recent study found that many
users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet; (7) . they felt guilty, they became depressed if they
were (8) . to stop using it.
Almost anyone can be at risk. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on Computer
games and who (9) . it very difficult to resist the games on the Internet. Surprisingly, however,
psychologists (10). that most victims are middle-aged housewives who have never used a computer
Question 1:A. accused
B. mistaken
C. blamed
D. faulted
Question 2:A. take
B. cause
C. affect
D. lead
Question 3:A. recommend B. offer
C. suggest
D. advise
Question 4:A. others
B. another
C. the other
D. other
Question 5:A. lie
B. cheat
C. deceive
D. betray
Question 6:A. rather
B. want
C. prefer
D. wish
Question 7:A. unless
B. without
C. although
D. despite
Question 8:A. made
B. allowed
C. let
D. had
Question 9:A. have
B. find
C. feel
D. say
Question 10:A. say
B. tell
C. object
D. promise
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 11: A wedding is a meaningful event.
A. sad
B. sorrowful
C. important
D. unimportant
Question 12: She was a devoted teacher. She spent most of her time teaching and taking care of her
A. polite
B. lazy
C. honest
D. dedicated
Question 13: The Rev .Dr. Martin Luther King fought to put an end to racial segregation in the
United States.
A. integration
B. education
C. torture
D. separation
Question 14: He devised a computer game and sold it to Atari.
A. played
B. divided
C. invented
D. bought
Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 15. The same questions repeated over and over soon made them weary.
A. suspicious
B. tired
C. worried
D. annoyed
Question 16. Jim's decided to buy a phonograph even though they are now redundant.
A. old-fashioned
B. reproduced
C. unnecessary
D. expensive

Question 17. Chimpanzees are frequently used as stand-ins for human beings in experiments.
A. partners
B. models
D. substitutes
Question 18. The change in population distribution was barely noticeable to the demographers conducting
the study.
A. often
B. hardly
C. never
D. softly
Question 19. The cake was heavenly so I asked for more.
A. out-of-this-world
B. edible the sky
D. cheap
Read the following passage, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Although management principles have been implemented since ancient times, most management scholars
trace the beginning of modern management thought back to the early 1900s, beginning with the pioneering
work of Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) Taylor was the first person to study work scientifically. He is most
famous for introducing techniques of time and motion study, differential piece rate systems, and for
systematically specializing the work of operating employees and managers. Along with other pioneers such
as Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Taylor set the stage, labeling his philosophy and methods scientific
management. At that time, his philosophy, which was concerned with productivity, but which was often
misinterpreted as promoting worker interests at the expense of management, was in marked contrast to the
prevailing industrial norms of worker exploitation.
The time and motion study concepts were popularized by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. The Gilbreths had
12 children. By analyzing his childrens dishwashing and bed making chores, this pioneer efficiency expert,
Frank Gilbreth, hit on principles whereby workers could eliminate waste motion. He was memorialized by
two of his children in their 1949 book called Cheaper by the Dozen.
The Gilbreth methods included using stop watches to time worker movements and special tools
(cameras and special clocks) to monitor and study worker performance, and also involved identification of
therbligs (Gilbreth spelled backwards) - basic motions used in production jobs. Many of these motions
and accompanying times have been used to determine how long it should take a skilled worker to perform a
given job. In this way an industrial engineer can get a handle on the approximate time it should take to
produce a product or provide a service. However, use of work analysis in this way is unlikely to lead to
useful results unless all five work dimensions are considered: physical, psychological, social, cultural, and
Question 20.What is the passage primarily about?
A. The limitations of pioneering studies in understanding human behavior
B. How time and motion studies were first developed
C. The first applications of a scientific approach to understanding human behavior
D. The beginnings of modern management theory
Question 21.The word which in the passage refers to
A. scientific management
B. philosophy
C. productivity
D. time and motion study
Question 22.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that
A. workers welcomed the application of scientific management
B. Talors philosophy is different from the industrial norms
C. by the early 1900s science had reached a stage where it could be applied to the workplace
D. workers were no longer exploited after the introduction of scientific management.
Question 23.The word prevailing is closest in meaning to
A. predominant
B. broadly accepted C. prevalent
D. common
Question 24.According to the passage, Frank Gilbreth discovered how workers could eliminate waste
motion by
A. using special tools such as cameras and clocks
B. using stop watches
C. applying scientific management principles
D. watching his children do their chores
Question 25.According to the passage, the time it takes a skilled worker to perform the motion of a given
job can be measured by using

A. stop watches
B. all five work dimensions
C. special tools
D. therbligs
Question 26.The word motions is closest in meaning to
A. stop watches
B. habits
C. actions
D. special tools
Question 27.Where in the passage does the author comment that the principles of scientific management
were often misunderstood?
A. Lines 1-5
B. Lines 6-10
C. Lines 11-15
D. Lines 16-20
Question 28.The word dimensions in line 24 is closest in meaning to
A. sizes
B. extents
C. aspects
D. standards
Question 29.All of the following are true except
A. Scientific management was concerned with productivity.
B. the beginnings of modern management thought commenced in the 19th century.
C. Frank Gilbreths fame was enhanced by two of his children writing a book.
D. Analyzing work to increase productivity is not likely to be useful unless all of the dimensions are
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
In most of the earliest books for children, illustrations were an afterthought. But in the Caldecott
toy books, which first appeared in 1878, they were almost as important as the lines of text, and
occupied far more space in the book. One can almost read the story from the dramatic action in the
Since then, thousands of successful picture books have been published in the United States and around
the world. In the best, the words and illustrations seem to complement each other perfectly. Often a
single person is responsible for both writing and illustrating the book. One of the greatest, and certainly one
of the most successful, illustrator-authors was Dr. Seuss, whose real name was Theodor Geisel. His first
childrens book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, hit the market in 1937, and the world of
childrens literature was changed forever. Seusss playful drawings were a perfect complement to his
engaging stories and unforgettable characters. In 1957, Seusss The Cat in the Hat became the first book in
Random Houses best -selling series, Beginner Books, written by Seuss and several other authors. These
combine outrageous illustrations of people, creatures, and plants, and playful stories written in very simple
Dr. Seuss is not the only well-known author-illustrator, of course. There is Max Sendak, who wrote and
illustrated Where the Wild Things Are, the story of a little boy named Max, who becomes king of the fierce (
but funny) creatures that live in the Land of the Wilds Things. Robert McCloskey produced both the richly
textured illustrations and delightful story of a family of ducks living in downtown Boston, Make
Ways for Ducklings. Some books are produced by a collaborative author artist team. Author Margaret Wise
Brown combined with illustrator Clement Hurd to produce two delightful books loved by very young
children, Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny. Another example is the husband-and-wife team of
writer Audrey Wood and illustrator Don Wood, who were responsible for King Bidgoods in the Bathtub
and The Napping House.
Wordless and nearly wordless picture books have become popular. With a little help, threeand four-yearolds can follow the sequence of events, and they can understand the stories suggested in them. The marvel of
books with few or no words is that they allow children and their parents the opportunity to tell and retell
the same stories over and over in their own words. One of the most charming examples of a
wordless book is Jan OmerodsSunshine. Barbara Bergers Grandfather Twilight and David Weisners
Tuesday are examples of books containing only a few words.
U.S. publishers have also drawn on illustrators from other countries whose original, imaginative
works have brought their different visions to American childrens books. Among them are Leo Lionni from
Italy, Feodor Rojankovsky from Russia, and Taro Yashimi from Japan.
Question 30. When did illustrations become important in books for children?
A. In late 19th century
B. In 1937
C. Only recently
D. In 1957
Questions 31. The word they in the first paragraph refers to ________.

A. the earliest books for children

B. illustrations
C. the Caldecott toy books
D. lines of text
Question 32. The phrase the best in paragraph 2 refers to the best __________.
A. picture books
B. illustrations
C. authors
D. words
Question 33. According to the passage, pictures help make childrens books _________.
A. sell better
B. unforgettable
C. more successful
D. more original
Question 34. According to the passage, when was the world of childrens literature changed?
A. Before Seusss first childrens book hit the market.
B. Before Seusss made playful drawings.
C. After Seusss first childrens book hit the market.
D. After Seusss book became Random Houses best-seller.
Question 35. Sunshine is given in the passage as an example of a book that _________.
A. is very charming
B. is only for children
C. contains only pictures
D. contains only a few words
Question 36. The phrase Another example in the passage refers to an example of ________.
A. a husband-and-wife team
B. a delightful book
C. an author-artist team
D. a book like King Bidgoods in the Bathtub.
Question 37. The word original in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. in the first place
B. of the first source
C. imaginary and beautiful
D. new and creative
Question 38. Leo Lionni, Feodor Rojankovsky, and Taro Yashimi are mentioned in the passage to
show that____________.
A. there are talented authors in different countries.
B. U.S. publishers attract good artists from other countries.
C. illustrators from other countries want to work for U.S. publishers.
D. illustrators from other countries have different visions to U.S. publishers.
Question 39. What is the main idea of the reading passage?
A. Dr. Seuss was one of the most successful illustrator-authors.
B. Husband-and-wife teams can become successful in producing books.
C. Only wordless and nearly wordless picture books have become popular.
D. Pictures are very important in books for children.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 40: Men and women in the Peace Corps work with people in the developing countries to help
them improving their living conditions.
Question 41:Although not widely sold, that book is considered to be best book on the subject.
Question 42: Because his sickness, he didnt take part in the English competition held last Sunday.
Question 43: I found my new contact lenses strangely at first, but I got used to them in the end.
Question 44: Dreaming, like all other mental processes, it is a product of the brain and its activity.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 45: A. leaves
B. brings
C. looks
D. plays
Question 46: A. watched
B. promoted
C. invited
D. decided
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main

stress in each of the following questions.

Question 47: A. require
B. consist
Question 48: A. intervention B. necessary
Question 49: A. intensity
B. accurate

C. achieve
C. intellectual
C. erosion

D. system
D. productivity
D. miraculous

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 50: -Laura: I have got a couple of questions I would like to ask you.
-Maria: ..
A. Of course not, its not costly
B. Right, fine away
C. Whats up?
D. Not at all
Question 51: Although we could see the tall buildings of the city from the distance, .
A. We had to do at least five more miles to reach Chicago.
B. We had to do at least more than five more miles to reach Chicago.
C. We had to reach Chicago to do at least five more miles.
D. We had to reach Chicago to do five at least more miles.
Question 52: John: What kind of person is Terry? Tom: ..
A. He is tall and handsome
B. He has brown eyes
C. He is ambitious
D. He is smiling
Question 53: -I have caught a cold.
-You..the windows open last night. It was very cold out side.
A. shouldnt leave
B. shouldnt have left
C. should leave
D. should have left
Question 54: Those flowers are.. every where is a sign of spring.
A. going over
B. taking over
C. coming out
D. breaking out
Question 55: .., we went swimming.
A. Being a hot day
B. It was a hot day
C. Because the day was hot
D. As a hot day
Question 56: The United State turns out 16,5 billion hot dog each year. Turns out means
A. produces
B. controls
C. returns
D. delivers
Question 57: All right, its true I was nervous.
The leading actor.that he had been nervous.
A. apologized
B. confessed
C. agreed
D. thought
Question 58: It is imperative ..
A. that you not to late
B. that you shall not be late
C. that you are not late
D. that you mustnt be late
Question 59: .., he had no intention of waiting for three hours
A. As for he was patient
B. As he was patient
C. Patient as he was
D. He was patient through
Question 60: I will be kind to her..She decide to leave me. order that
B. lest
C. whereas
D. in case
Question 61: Dont worry about your sister. Im sure shes okay.
But its unlike her, me every week
A. that writes
B. who didnt write
C. who writes
D. whose write
Question 62: ..South Asia is said to be..home of..tiger.
A. The/---/ a
B. ---/ the/ the
C. ---/the/ a
D. the /the /a
Question 63: A nuclear power plant emits less radiation than a granite structure of similar proportion, such
as the Lincoln Memorial. Emits means.
A. gives off
B. concentrates
C. repels
D. confines
Question 64: - How long have you been building this bridge?
-This bridge..for two years.
A. has built
B. has been being built C. has been building D. has been built

II. PHN T LUN (2.0 im)

A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed
before them. (0,5 im)
Question 1: People say that Jenny lived in Texas, America for 8 years.
Question 2: You are wearing a beautiful dress today!", Susan said to Mary.
Susan paid
Question 3: It was such a boring documentary film that she fell asleep.
The documentary film.
Question 4: I am sorry for coming late', said Alice to her teacher.
Alice apologized.
Question 5: What the politician was saying fell on deaf ears last night.
No one..
B.In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the free time activity you like best. ( 1,5 im )

The end


MA 102

MA 204

MA 306

MA 408







THI TH I HC LN 3 NM 2011-2012

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng tnh thi gian giao )

gm c 06 trang- S cu trc nghim: 80
I. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each place
The Prime Minister's comments yesterday on education spending miss the point, as the secondary
education system also needs a major overhaul. Firstly, the system only views the weakest learners as
having special _____ (1). The highest and most _____ (2) students are not encouraged to develop to their
full potential. Secondly, there's too much testing and not enough learning. My fifteen-year-old daughter,
for example, has just spent the last month or so _____ (3) for exams. These aren't real, important exams, as
her GCSEs will be next year. They're just _____ (4) exams. Is the work she's been doing really going to
make her more _____ (5) about her subjects, or will she forget it all tomorrow? I expect the latter. Thirdly,
the standard _____ (6) doesn't give students any _____ (7) in developing practical work-related, living and
social skills, or in skills necessary for higher education. How many students entering university have the
first idea what the difference is between _____ (8) someone else's work and making good use of someone
else's ideas? Should they have been taught this at school? How many of them are really able to go about
___ (9)- a skill that is essential at university because there are no teachers to tell you what to do- in an
efficient way? In deed how many students _____ (10) from university totally unable to spell even simple
English words correctly? The system is letting our children down.

A. requests
A. inattentive
A. cramming
A. false
A. knowledgeable
A. timetable
A. lesson
A. writing
A. reviewing
A. quality

B. desires
B. ignorant
B. lecturing
B. mock
B. intellectual
B. lecture
B. subject
B. going over
B. revision
B. graduate

C. needs
C. intensive
C. reading
C. fake
C. academic
C. seminar
C. tuition
C. plagiarising
C. distance learning
C. depart

D. wants
D. conscientious
D. practising
D. artificial
D. intelligent
D. curriculum
D. turorial
D. repeating
D. self-study
D. exist

II. Choose the most appropriate way to make a meaningful sentence from the words given
11. One thing/ I/ know/ would not like/ have / occupy/ anyhting/ do/ physics/ chemistry/ maths.
A. One thing I know is that I would not like to have occupied anything to do with physics,
chemistry or maths.
B. One thing I know is that I would not like to have occupied anything to do with physics,
chemistry and maths.
C. One thing I know is that I would not like to have an occupation that has anything to do with
physics, chemistry or maths.
D. One thing I know I would not like is to have an occupation that has anything to do with physics,
chemistry or maths.
12. I/ not particular/ concern/ become/ rich
A. I am not a particular in concern about becoming rich.
B. I am not particularly concerned about becoming rich.
C. I am not particularly concerned with becoming rich.
D. I am not particularly concerning of becoming rich.
13. Alice/move/ new house/ have/ house-warming party/ next Sunday.
A. Alice has moved to her new house and is going to have a house-warming party next Sunday.
B. Alice has moved to new house and is going to have a house-warming party next Sunday.
C. Alice moved to her new house and will have a house-warming party next Sunday.
D. Alice will move to her new house and will have a house-warming party next Sunday.

Trang 1/7

III. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning with the origional one.
14. Sarah did so well in the dance-sports contest that she could have won the first prize.
A. Sarah performed very well in the dance-sports contest and she won the first prize.
B. If Sarah performed well in the dance-sports contest, she could have won the first prize.
C. Sarah didn't win the first prize although she performed very well in the dance-sports contest.
D. Sarah didn't perform very well in the dance-sports contest , so she didn't win the first prize.
15. The children are looking forward to getting new clothes for New Year.
A. The children are expecting to get new clothes as New Year gifts.
B. The children want to wear new clothes as New Year gifts.
C. The children are lookng for new clothes as New Year gifts.
D. The children are getting dressed in new clothes for New Year.
IV. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

A. discussion
A. rhinoceros

B. television
B. livelihood

C. revision
C. dishonest

D. decision
D. heiress

V. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others

A. confidential
A. understand
A. exploitation

B. communicate
B. magazine
B. commercial

C. residential
C. volunteer
C. diversity

D. malnutrition
D. comfortable
D. additional

VI. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences

21. Vegetables that are eaten raw, such as lettuce, may be ______ by bacteria in soil, water, and dust
during washing and packing.
A. purified
B. flourished
C. hygienic
D. contaminated
22. Many rare animals, such as tigers, elephants and pandas, are ______ becoming extinct.
A. in terms of
B. with respect to
C. on the verge of
D. in relation to
23. No-one can decline the ______ of the Alaskan wilderness.
A. breath-taken view
B. breath-taking view
C. breath-to-take view
D. breath-taking scene
24. - "Have you ever thought of putting an advertisement in the local paper?" - " ______ "
A. No, never.
B. Yes, I have.
C. Sounds good to me . D. Yes, I think so.
25. - "If I were in your shoes, I would consider taking an undergraduate course abroad." _- " ________ "
A. Thanks, anyway. B. Yes, I would.
C. I don't think so.
D. Yes, you are all right.
26. In economics, "diminishing returns" describes ______ resource inputs and production.
A. among
B. when it is
C. among them
D. the relationship between
27. Rarely _____ remove the entire root of a dandelion because of its length and sturdiness.
A. can the casual gardener
B. the casual gardener
C. the casual gardener will
D. does the casual gardener's
28. The flight instructor, _____ at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been given.
A. when interviewed B. when his interview C. when interviewing D. when he interviewed
29. Nowhere _____ more skewed than in the auto-industry.
A. that retail trade figures
B. retail trade figures
C. are retail trade figures
D. do retail trade figures
30. "Would you like me to carry that heavy box for you?" - " _____ "
A. Don't look at me B. No, let's not.
C. I'd love to , but ... D. That won't be necessary.
31. The old castle has been _____ and it is now a luxury hotel in the centre of the city that attracts tourists
from all over the world.
A. transformed
B. rebuilt
C. remade
D. recontructed
32. It's only the beginning of summer, but the weather is _____ that a large number of people got sick.
A. such disagreeable B. so disagreeable
C. so agreeable
D. too disagreeable
33. ______ you send in your tax forms, ______ you will receive your refund.
A. The earliest/ the soonest
B. The soonest/ the earliest
C. The sooner/ the earlier
D. The earlier/ the sooner
Trang 2/7

34. The man said that if he ______ the Prime Minister now, he ______ something about the economy.
A. had been/ would have done
B. were/ would do
C. is/ will do
D. had been/ would do
35. I'm happy to have a friend like Mary. She used to ______ when I was in New York.
A. put me up
B. put up me
C. put me down
D. put down me
36. "Would you be able to join our expedition next Sunday?" - "_____ "
A. All right, I'd like to.B. Yes, please.
C. No, I wouldn't.
D. That's worth a try.
37. Drivers must drive carefully on a road that is full of _____ .
A. angles
B. bends
C. corners
D. winding
38. The Dewey decimal system, currently used in libraries throughout the world, _____ all written works
into ten classes according to subject.
A. deviding
B. it would divide
C. divides
D. was divided
39. We ______ our laptop when we went on hliday. The hotel had free internet access.
A. shouldn't have taken
B. must have taken
C. can't have taken
D. needn't have taken
40. I had my wallet stolen. I _____ it on the desk in the classroom.
A. ought have left
B. was left
C. had better leave
D. shouldn't have left
41. As soon as Dad _______ , we can set off for London.
A. has the car starting B. got started the car C. was got starting the car. D. has got the car started
42. Why didn't you ______ when you moved the house.
A. got Jack help
B. have Jack helped C. have Jack help
D. have got Jack to help
43. The government must _______ strong measures against crimes.
A. be seen be taking B. see to be taking
C. seen to take
D. be seen to be taking
44. The computer has had an enormous ______ on the way we work and enjoy life.
A. impression
B. influence
C. change
D. alternaion
45. "Do you mind if I turn down the TV? I'm studying." - " _____ "
A. Sure, thanks.
B. That would be nice. C. That's an idea.
D. I wish I could, but ...
46. _____ squeezed, the orange juice in a one-cup serving provides twice the minimum daily requirement
for vitamin C.
A. It is freshly
B. You freshly
C. If freshly
D. If it freshly
47. It might sound strange, but dinner yesterday was the first time I ______ octopus.
A. was eating
B. have eaten
C. have been eating D. had eaten
48. An instant invesetigation was launched after a bag ______ firearms and a load of cocaine was
discovered by the sniffer dogs.
A. composing
B. comprising
C. embracing
D. involving
49. The military authorities now have the _____ task of explaining to critics that they wasted $ 20 million
on the project.
A. embarrassed
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassment
D. embarrass
50. Hundreds of employees were made redundant when the company was ______ by another one.
A. taken over
B. taken on
C. taking in
D. being taken place
VII. Read the text below and decide which answer ( A, B,C or D) best fits
Mountaineers have noted that as they climb, for example, up to the 12,633-foot Humphreys
Peak in the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona, plant life changes radically. Starting among the cacti
Line of the Sonoran Desert, one climbs into a pine forest at 7,000 feet and a treeless alpine tundra at the
(5) summit. It may seem that plants at a given altitude are associated in what can be called
communities groupings of interacting species. The idea is that over time, plants that require
particular climate and soil conditions come to live in the same places, and hence are frequently to
be found together. Scientists who study the history of plant life are known as paleobotanists, or
paleobots for short. They build up a picture of how groups of plants have responded to climate
(10) changes and how ecosystems develop. But are these associations, which are real in the present,
A great natural experiment took place on this planet between 25,000 and 10,000 years ago,
when small changes in the earths orbit and axis of rotation caused great sheets of ice to spread
from the poles. These glaciers covered much of North America and Europe to depths of up to two
(15) miles, and then, as the climate warmed, they retreated. During this retreat, they left behind newly
Trang 3/7

uncovered land for living things to colonize, and as those living things moved in they laid down a
record we can read now. As the ice retreated and plants started to grow near a lake, they would
release pollen. Some would fall into the lake, sink to the bottom, and be incorporated into the
sediment. By drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to read the record of successive plant life
(20) around the lake. The fossil record seems clear; there is little or no evidence that entire groups of
plants moved north together. Things that lived together in the past dont live together now, and
things that live together now didnt live together in the past. Each individual organism moved at its
own pace. The fossil record seems to be telling us that we should be thinking about preserving
(25) species by giving them room to maneuver to respond to environmental changes.
51. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The effects of the ice age on plants
B. Plant migration after the ice age
C. The need to develop a new approach to environmental issues
D. Communities of plants live at different altitudes
52. The word radically in line 2 is closest in meaning to
A. variably
B. demonstrably
C. quickly

D. dramatically

53. The author mentions cacti in line 3 and a treeless alpine tundra in line 4 to illustrate
A. changes in climate
B. the effects of the ice age
C. communities of plants
D. plant migration
54. The word which in line 9 refers to
A. the responses of plants to climate changes
B. the current theories of ecosystems
C. the developments of ecosystems
D. plant life changes
55. The word axis in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. center
B. method
C change

D. slowdown

56. The word successive in line 18 is closest in meaning to

A. extinct
B consecutive
C. accumulative
D following
57. The passage states that by drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to find successive fossils of
A. sediment
B. ice
C. plant life
D. pollen
58. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage
A. that the migratory patterns of plants are dependent upon changes in climate
B. that modern conservation methods should consider the migratory patterns of plants
C. that current associations of plants are similar to those in the past
D. that another ice age is likely to occur at some time
59. According to the passage, the movement of individual species of plants
A. occurs in groups
B. often depends upon the formation of lakes
C. does not occur in groups
D. depends upon climate and soil conditions
60. All of the following are true except
A. The ice age occurred when small changes affected the movement of the earth
B. Fossil records seem to indicate that plants will be preserved if they have sufficient room to move
C. Fossil records clearly show that entire groups of plants are unlikely to have moved together
D. In the ice age glaciers covered the world to depths of up to two miles
VIII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B,C or D
61. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not one has been
as widely accepted as this one.
Trang 4/7

62. The manager had finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other
63. Our Spanish professor would like us spending more in the laboratory practising our pronunciation.
64. The teachers and administrators are having such difficult time agreeing on a contract for the
forthcoming year that the teachers may go on strike.
65. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience.
IX. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C, or
D that you think fits best
Charles Lindbergh was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1902 but was raised on a farm in Minnesota,
where his father was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1907. From then on, he spent his boyhood alternately
in Washington, D.C, and Little Falls, Minnesota.
Because Lindbergh exhibited exceptional mechanical talent, in 1921 he was admitted to the
university of Wisconsin to study engineering. However the young man was seeking more challenging
endeavors, and two years later he became a stunt pilot who performed feats at county fairs and public
assemblies. This unusual and undertaking paid off handsomely in the sense that it allowed him to gain a
diverse and well- rounded experience in aeronautics. He particularly delighted in what he called "wingwalking" and parachute jumping.
After a year of trainging as a millitary cadet, Lindbergh completed his program at the Brooks and
Kelly airfields at the top of his class and earned the rank of captain. Roberton Aircraft Corporation of St.
Louis, Missouri, offered him employment as a mail pilot to run the routes between St. Louis and Chicago,
and Lindbergh retained his position with the company until 1927. During this period, he set out to win the
Raymond B. Orteig prize of $ 25,000 to be awarded to the first pilot to fly nonstop from New York to
Paris. This ambition would irreversibly change his life and accord him a prominent place in the history of
Embarking on the greatest adventure of his time, Lindbergh left Roosevelt Field at 7:52 A.M on
May, 20, 1927, and landed at Bourget Field at 5:24 P.M the next day. Fearing that he would be unknown
when he arrived, Lindbergh carried letters of introduction to dignitaries in Paris, but when his plane came
to a stop, he was overwhelmed by tremendous welcoming crowds. He was decorated in France, Great
Britain, and Belgium, and President Coolidge sent a specially designated cruiser, the Memphis, to bring
him back. His accomplishments in aeronautics brought him more medals and awards than had ever been
received by any other person in private life.
66. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. A Benchmark Adventure in Aeronautics
B. The early life of Charles Lindbergh
C. Groundbreaking Events in Aviation
D. Charles Lindbergh' s Explorations
67. According to the passage, Linbergh did not complete his degree because he.
A. opted for the life of an exhibition pilot.
B. pursued training in the military.
C was seeking for a sedentary life- style
D. sety out to win recognition.
68. In line 7 the word assemblies is closet in meaning to
A. hearings
B. houses
C. gatherings
D. shows
69. In line 7, the word hansomely is closest in meaning to
A. honorably
B. handily
C. well
D. in time
70. In line 7, the word undertaking refers to
A. studying at the university.
B. exhibiting mechanical talent.
C. seeking chllenging endeavors.
D. performing feats.
71. It can be inferred from the passage that as a military cadet, Lindbergh
A. was in top form.
B. earned a good salary.
C. was the best among the students.
D. trained with the best students.
72. The author of the passage implies that Lindbergh's job with Robertson Aircraft Corporation
A. required regular intercity flights.
B. was not intended as long- term employment.
C. required him to perform dangerous flights.
D. neccessitated his running long distances.
Trang 5/7

73. In line 15, the word irreversibly is closet meaning to

A. forever
B. formerly
C. irresistibly
D. only
74. It can be inferred from the passage that in the early 1920s it was NOT common for young people to
A. study engineering
B. train as officers
C. go on exhibition tours
D. be elected to an office
75. A paragragh following the passage would most probably discuss
A. the development of commercial and military aviation
B. the reaction of the goverment to Lindbergh's flight
C. the effect of instant celebrity on Lindbergh
D. Lindbergh 's aircraft and engine modifications
X. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence
76. Although many suggest that the trade in tropical wood products is the primary source of deforestation,
the root causes of tropical deforestation are poverty and overpopulation.
A. petrifaction of forests
B. destruction of forests
C. deformation of forests
D. fossilization of forests
77. It may be that women, particularly older women who are widowed or divorced, are more likely to be
exposed to poverty and powerlessness, which make them vulnerable to anxiety.
A. secure
B. defended
C. susceptible
D. disadvantaged
78. As children we were very close friends, but as we grew up we just drifted apart.
A. not as friendly as before
B. not as serious as before
C. not as sympathetic as before
D. not as childlike as before
XI. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each
79. Paris is an ideal place to learn French. It is a beautiful and hospitable city with institutions for high
quality linguistic teaching.
A. unfriendly
B. unnatural
C. inafectionate
D. unnoticeable
80. Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure.
A. opinionated
B. unrealistic
C. uncomfortable
D. imperfect

_______ The end ______

H v tn th sinh: .................................................... S bo danh : .................

Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm

Trang 6/7

P N THI TH LN 3 NM HC 2011-2012




1. C

21. D

41. A

61. B

2. D

22. C

42. C

62. A

3. A

23. B

43. D

63. B

4. B

24. C

44. B

64. A

5. A

25. C

45. D

65. B

6. D

26. D

46. C

66. B

7. C

27. A

47. D

67. A

8. C

28. A

48. B

68. C

9. D

29. C

49. B

69. C

10. B

30. D

50. A

70. D

11. C

31. A

51. B

71. C

12. B

32. B

52. D

72. A

13. A

33. D

53. C

73. A

14. C

34. B

54. A

74. C

15. A

35. A

55. A

75. C

16. A

36. A

56. B

76. B

17. B

37. B

57. C

77. C

18. B

38. C

58. B

78. A

19. D


59. C

79. A

20. A

40. D

60. D

80. D

Trang 7/7


THI TH I HC LN 1 NM HC 2011 - 2012


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng tnh thi gian giao )

gm c 05 trang - S cu trc nghim: 80
I. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each place
The point at which physical decline with age begins adversely to affect a driver's capability has not
yet been thoroughly studied. A survey of more than 3,000 road accidents in Michigan involving drivers
aged over 55 showed that in eight out of ten _____ (1) it was a driver over the age of 71 who had _____ (2)
a collision by failing to yield, turning carelessly or changing lanes.
Older drivers are obviously more succeptible to injury in vehicle crashes, as well as being a potential
higher _____ (3) through their own driving _____ (4).
Reaction time in an emergency involves many different physical _____ (5), such as the production
of the nerve impulse, perception of the signal, _____ (6) of response and transmission to the muscles.
Some of these _____ (7) more than others with age, but the overall effect increases the time it takes
to respond for more elderly drivers.
Part of the ageing process, however, does include the _____ (8) of experience, often in the
subconscious, which triggers ealier danger warnings than in younger drivers who have not experienced
similar situations.
This _____ (9) of judgement heightens the perception of risk and often _____ (10) older drivers to
avoid a situation which might then put them to the test.
A. users
B. points
C. cases
D. attempts
A. avoided
B. prevented
C. caused
D. activated
A. degree
B. chance
C. factor
D. risk
A. practice
B. activity
C. experience
D. behaviour
A. events
B. parts
C. factors
D. forms
A. choice
B. suggestion
C. section
D. preference
A. improve
B. deteriorate
C. reduce
D. increase
A. collection
B. addition
C. storage
D. summary
A. lack
B. maturity
C. absence
D. strength
A. follows
B. progresses
C. leads
D. pulls
II. Choose the most appropriate way to make a meaningful sentence from the words given
11. Manager/ go down/ flu/ soon as/ recover/ bronchitis.
A. The manager went down with flu as soon as he recover bronchitis.
B. No sooner the manager went down with flu, he recover from bronchitis.
C. The manager went down with flu as soon as he recovered from bronchitis.
D. No sooner had the manager went down with flu than he recovered from bronchitis.
12. Sport/ serious/ expensive business/ involve/ hours/ train.
A. Sport is a serious and expensive business that involve hours of daily training.
B. Sport is a serious and expensive business involving hours of daily training.
C. Sport is a serious, expensive business that involve hours of daily training.
D. Sport is a serious, expensive business that involving hours of daily training.
13. Although/ Jack/ fail/ university exams/ times/ never/ give up.
A. Although Jack has failed the university exams many times, he will never give up.
B. Although Jack had failed the university exams many times, he will never give up.
C. Although Jack failed the university exams many times, he would not never give up.
D. Although Jack having failed the university exams many times, he will never give up.
III. Choose the sentence that best combine each pair of sentences.
14. The man couldn't buy the car of his dream. He had little money.
A. The man couldn't buy the car of his dream because he had little money.
B. The man could have bought the car of his dream if he had had enough money.
C. The man had little money and that's why he couldn't buy the car of his dream.
D. All the above answers.
15. My weakest student passed the exam with flying colours. This surprised everyone in the school.
A. My weakest student passed the exam with flying colours, but surprised everyone in the school.
B. My weakest student passed the exam with flying colours, which surprised everyone in the school.
C. Despite my weakest student passed the exam with flying colours, surprised everyone in the school.
D. My weakest student, who surprised everyone in the school, passed the exam with flying colours.
Trang 1/10

IV. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others
16. A. scientific
B. pessimistic .
C. expedition
D. petroleum
17. A. agriculture
B. biologist
C. identify
D. diversity
18. A. imaginary
B. incredible
C. entertainment
D. amazingly
19. A. substantial
B. introduction
C. population
D. irrigation
20. A. experience
B. photocopy
C. particular
D. impossible
V. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences
21. We must congratulate you. You _____ a very good job.
A. do
B. make
C. have done
D. have made
22. When they first started their business, they little thought they would _____ such difficulties.
A. come in for
B. come into
C. come up with
D. come up against
23. There has been a (an) _____ in the number of both road and sea accidents from the beginning of the year.
A. result
B. raise
C. increase
D. go up
24. I _____ my best dress when I came to the party last night as the other guests was very casually-dressed.
A. needn't wear B. mustn't wear
C. needn't have worn
D. mustn't have gone
25. Measles is a highly catching viral disease _____ by a characteristic skin rash.
A. accompanied B. accompany
C. is accompanied
D. it is accompanied
26. Her grandfather insisted on her _____ in foreign languages, especially English and Japanese.
A. specializing
B. having specializedC. being specialized
D. specialized
27. Having _____ the table, the mother called her husband and her children for dinner.
A. taken
B. laid
C. put
D. brought
28. - "Put your hands in the air or I'll shoot". _ " _____ "
A. I'm sorry
B. Yes. I will. C. Please, spare me this time. D. No, I can't.
29. - "I understand that you didn't do the work yourself" - " _____ "
A. No, I did.
B. Yes, I didn't.
C. Very well. I did. D. Yes, I did.
30. If it hadn't been for the attendance of the pop star, the party _____ been a great success.
A. wouldn't have
B. will have
C. may have
D. can
31. Never be late for work again _____ you will get a sack.
A. otherwise
B. or
C. unless
D. A and B
32. - "Can you give me a hand with the work?" - "_____ "
A. Yes, I can.
B. No, of course.
C. Why not?
D. Yes, I'm afraid not.
33. After a lot of difficulty, he _____ to open the door.
A. managed
B. succeeded
C. obtained
D. realised
34. I have been looking for this book for months, and _____ I have found it.
A. at last
B. in time
C. at the end
D. at present
35. My employer's _____ of my work does not matter to me at all.
A. mean
B. belief it
C. opinion
D. expression
36. The purpose of the examination was to _____ the students' knowledge of the subject.
A try
B inspect
C prove
D test.
37. As soon as the firebell rang, everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building,
_____ gathered in the car park.
A while
B. then
C. before
D to
38. There's _____ to be frightened of the dog ; he's quite harmless.
A a fear.
B no fear
C. no need
D any reason
39. After closing the envelope, the secretary _____ the stamps on firmly.
A licked
B sucked
C. stuck
D struck
40. His present salary has nearly _____ that when he did his previous job.
A. tripled
B. three times
C. gone up three times D. three times bigger
41. - "Why are you doing this work?" - "_____ "
A. Well, it is nice. B. It's no business of yours.C. It's my job.
D. It's not your job.
42. You are surpposed _____ abroad more than three times so far.
A. to go
B. to be
C. to have gone
D. to have been
43. The Welfare Reform Bill was segmented and then divided _____ three different subcommitees of the
A. from
B. with
C. between
D. among
44. "This seems to be an important issue". " Oh, yes, it's a _____ topic"
A. hot debated
B. hotly debated
C. hotly debating
D. hot debate
45. When we visited the zoo on Sunday afternoon, it was very crowded but on a weekday it's
practically ______ .
A full
B clear
C empty
D uncrowd
Trang 2/10

46. The child was told to ______ for being rude to his uncle.
A excuse
B apologise
C .forgive
D confess
47. Don't worry. Keep at it and you'll _____ him _____ to your point of view.
A. take/ out
B. make/ out
C. work /out
D. bring/ out
48. She was _____ to discover that she had won a fortune in the lottery.
A. interested
B. satisfied
C. astonished
D. depressed
49. A home computer ______ an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home.
A. provides
B. which provides
C. providing it
D. to be providing
50. Many people who live near nuclear plants are concerned. _____ go wrong, the impact on the
surrounding area can be disastrous.
A. Should something B. Something would C. Something will
D. Does something
VI. Read the text below and decide which answer ( A, B,C or D) best fits
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the contribution
of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed United States. Lacking the
right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not considered an important force in history.
Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the
best contemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters
showing she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the second President of the United
States. But little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these centuries, women remained
invisible in history books.
Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of female
authors writitng about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were amateur historians.
Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources.
During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping
records of activities in which women were engaged National, regional, and local womens organizations
compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved
and stored. These sources form the core of the two greatest collections of womens history in the United
States one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at Radeliffe College, and the other the Sophia
Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have provided valuable materials
for later generations of historians.
Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth century,
most of the writing about women conformed to the great women theory of history, just as much of
mainstream American history concentrated on great men. To demonstrate that women were making
significant contributions to American life, female authors singled out women leaders and wrote biographies,
or else important women produced their autobiographies. Most of these leaders were involved in public life
as reformers, activists working for womens right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of
the great mass of ordinary women. The lives of ordinary people continued, generally, to be untold in the
American histories being published.
51. What does the passage mainly discuss ?
A. The role of literature in early American histories.
B. The place of American women in written histories.
C. The keen sense of history shown by American women.
D. The great women approach to history used by American historians.
52.The word contemporary in line 5 means that the history was
A. informative
B. written at that time
C. thoughtful
D. faultfinding
53. In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that
A. a womans status was changed by marriage.
B. even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored.
C. only three women were able to get their writing published.
D. poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women.
54. The word celebratory in line 11 means that the writings referred to were
A. related to parties B. religious
C. serious
D. full of praise
55. The word they in line 11 refers to
A. efforts
B. writers
C. counterparts
D. sources
56. In the second paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author point out?
A. They put too much emphasis on daily activities.
B. They left out discussion of the influence on money on politics
C. The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.
D. They were printed on poor quality paper.

Trang 3/10

57. On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following, would most likely have been
collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?
A. Newspaper accounts of presidential election results.
B. Biographies of John Adams.
C. Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem.
D. Books about famous graduates of the countrys first college.
58. What use was made of the nineteenth-century womens history materials in the Schlesinger Library and
the Sophia Smith Collection?
A. They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia about women.
B. They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth-century.
C. They provided valuable information for twentieth century historical researchers.
D. They were shared among womens colleges throughout the United States.
59. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles of nineteenth-century
great women EXCEPT
A. authors
B. reformers
C. activists for womens rights
D. politicicans
60. The word representative in line 25 is closest in meaning to
A. typical
B. satisfied
C. supportive
D. distinctive
VII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B,C or D
61. Ocean currents have a enormous effect on life on this planet.
61. Neither humans or dogs can hear as well as cats.
62. The University of Wisconsin was the first school to make a serious effort teach students public
64. Because of their colour and shape, seahorses blend so well with the seaweed in which they live that it is
almost impossible to see themselves.
65. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.
VIII. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C, or
D that you think fits best
In 1972, a century after the first national park in the United States was established at
Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program.
The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar
to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas
a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People
are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may
not be harmed or removed.





The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic

and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce.
Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades
later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after
1978. They range in size from the very small (less than I square kilometer) Fagatele Bay
National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.
The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management
practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are
offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only
in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting
that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.
Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other
countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System, managed by the United
States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United
States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves, and preserves.
Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Carbbean Sea. Others range
from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks
in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures
Trang 4/10

on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to
recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas.
whether as sanctuaries, parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in
perserving that diversity.
66. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Differences among marine parks, sanctuaries, and reserves
B. Various marine conservation programs
C. International agreements on coastal protection
D. Similarities between land and sea protected environments
67. The word intent in line 3 is closest in meaning to
A. repetition
B. approval
C. goal

D revision

68. The word administered in line 8 is closest in meaning to

A. managed
B. recognized
C. opposed

D. justified

69. The word these in line 11 refers to

A. sites
C. decades
D. sanctuaries
70. The passage mentions the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (lines 13-14) as an example of a
sanctuary that
A. is not well known
B. covers a large area
C. is smaller than the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary
D. was not originally proposed for sanctuary status
71. According to the passage, when was the National Marine Sanctuaries Program established?
A. Before 1972
B. After 1987
C. One hundred years before national parks were established
D. One hundred years after Yellowstone National Park was established
72. According to the passage, all of the following are achievements of the National Marine Sanctuaries
Program EXCEPT
A. the discovery of several new marine organisms
B. the preservation of connections between individual marine species
C. the protection of coastal habitats
D. the establishment of areas where the public can observe marine life
73. The word periphery in line 24 is closest in meaning to
A. depth
B. landmass
C. warm habitat
D. outer edge
74. The passage mentions which of the following as a threat to marine areas outside the United States?
A. Limitations in financial support
B. The use of marine species as food
C. Variability of the climate
D. Increases in tourism
75. The passage mentions which agencies play an increasingly important role in preserving marine
A. state agencies
B. national agencies
C. International agencies
D. All these agencies
IX. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence
76. Clothes like these may have been fashionable tens of years ago, but now they are behind the time.
A. unfashionable
B. fashionable
C. out of order
D. out of work
77. He's going abroad to do a postgraduate course in English with a view to have a brighter future.
A. a hope to have
B. the hope of having C. a purpose having D. an aim of having
78. We were sitting very far from the stage last Saturday; therefore, I couldn't make out what he said.
A. see
B. smell
C. hear
D. touch
X. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence
79. They've gone to see their father off at the airport. He's going to Moscow on his business.
A. talk to
B. discuss
C. meet
D. chat
80. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrate, which can live anywhere, but most, like the starfish and
the crabs, live in the ocean.
A. with backbones
B. with ribs
C. without ribs
D. without backbones
_____ The end _____
H v tn th sinh: .................................................... S bo danh : .................
Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm
Trang 5/10


P N THI TH I HC LN 1 NM HC 2011 - 2012


I. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each place
The point at which physical decline with age begins adversely to affect a driver's capability
has not yet been thoroughly studied. A survey of more than 3,000 road accidents in Michigan involving
drivers aged over 55 showed that in eight out of ten _____ (1) it was a driver over the age of 71 who had
_____ (2) a collision by failing to yield, turning carelessly or changing lanes.
Older drivers are obviously more succeptible to injury in vehicle crashes, as well as being a potential
higher _____ (3) through their own driving _____ (4).
Reaction time in an emergency involves many different physical _____ (5), such as the production
of the nerve impulse, perception of the signal, _____ (6) of response and transmission to the muscles.
Some of these _____ (7) more than others with age, but the overall effect increases the time it takes
to respond for more elderly drivers.
Part of the ageing process, however, does include the _____ (8) of experience, often in the
subconscious, which triggers ealier danger warnings than in younger drivers who have not experienced
similar situations.
This _____ (9) of judgement heightens the perception of risk and often _____ (10) older drivers to
avoid a situation which might then put them to the test.
A. users
B. points
C. cases
D. attempts
A. avoided
B. prevented
C. caused
D. activated
A. degree
B. chance
C. factor
D. risk
A. practice
B. activity
C. experience
D. behaviour
A. events
B. parts
C. factors
D. forms
A. choice
B. suggestion
C. section
D. preference
A. improve
B. deteriorate
C. reduce
D. increase
A. collection
B. addition
C. storage
D. summary
A. lack
B. maturity
C. absence
D. strength
A. follows
B. progresses
C. leads
D. pulls
II. Choose the most appropriate way to make a meaningful sentence from the words given
11. Manager/ go down/ flu/ soon as/ recover/ bronchitis.
A. The manager went down with flu as soon as he recover bronchitis.
B. No sooner the manager went down with flu, he recover from bronchitis.
C. The manager went down with flu as soon as he recovered from bronchitis.
D. No sooner had the manager went down with flu than he recovered from bronchitis.
12. Sport/ serious/ expensive business/ involve/ hours/ train.
A. Sport is a serious and expensive business that involve hours of daily training.
B. Sport is a serious and expensive business involving hours of daily training.
C. Sport is a serious, expensive business that involve hours of daily training.
D. Sport is a serious, expensive business that involving hours of daily training.
13. Although/ Jack/ fail/ university exams/ times/ never/ give up.
A. Although Jack has failed the university exams many times, he will never give up.
B. Although Jack had failed the university exams many times, he will never give up.
C. Although Jack failed the university exams many times, he would not never give up.
D. Although Jack having failed the university exams many times, he will never give up.
III. Choose the sentence that best combine each pair of sentences.
14. The man couldn't buy the car of his dream. He had little money.
A. The man couldn't buy the car of his dream because he had little money.
B. The man could have bought the car of his dream if he had had enough money.
C. The man had little money and that's why he couldn't buy the car of his dream.
D. All the above answers.
15. My weakest student passed the exam with flying colours. This surprised everyone in the school.
A. My weakest student passed the exam with flying colours, but surprised everyone in the school.
B. My weakest student passed the exam with flying colours, which surprised everyone in the school.
C. Despite my weakest student passed the exam with flying colours, surprised everyone in the school.
D. My weakest student, who surprised everyone in the school, passed the exam with flying colours.

IV. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others
Trang 6/10


A. scientific
A. agriculture
A. imaginary
A. substantial
A. experience

B. pessimistic .
B. biologist
B. incredible
B. introduction
B. photocopy

C. expedition
C. identify
C. entertainment
C. population
C. particular

D. petroleum
D. diversity
D. amazingly
D. irrigation
D. impossible

V. Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences

21. We must congratulate you. You _____ a very good job.
A. do
B. make
C. have done
D. have made
22. When they first started their business, they little thought they would _____ such difficulties.
A. come in for
B. come into
C. come up with
D. come up against
23. There has been a (an) _____ in the number of both road and sea accidents from the beginning of the year.
A. result
B. raise
C. increase
D. go up
24. I _____ my best dress when I came to the party last night as the other guests was very casually-dressed.
A. needn't wear B. mustn't wear
C. needn't have worn
D. mustn't have gone
25. Measles is a highly catching viral disease _____ by a characteristic skin rash.
A. accompanied B. accompany
C. is accompanied D. it is accompanied
26. Her grandfather insisted on her _____ in foreign languages, especially English and Japanese.
A. specializing
B. having specialized
C. being specialized D. specialized
27. Having _____ the table, the mother called her husband and her children for dinner.
A. taken
B. laid
C. put
D. brought
28. - "Put your hands in the air or I'll shoot". _ " _____ "
A. I'm sorry
B. Yes. I will. C. Please, spare me this time. D. No, I can't.
29. - "I understand that you didn't do the work yourself" - " _____ "
A. No, I did.
B. Yes, I didn't.
C. Very well. I did. D. Yes, I did.
30. If it hadn't been for the attendance of the pop star, the party _____ been a great success.
A. wouldn't have
B. will have
C. may have
D. can
31. Never be late for work again _____ you will get a sack.
A. otherwise
B. or
C. unless
D. A and B
32. - "Can you give me a hand with the work?" - "_____ "
A. Yes, I can.
B. No, of course.
C. Why not?
D. Yes, I'm afraid not.
33. After a lot of difficulty, he _____ to open the door.
A. managed
B. succeeded
C. obtained
D. realised
34. I have been looking for this book for months, and _____ I have found it.
A. at last
B. in time
C. at the end
D. at present
35. My employer's _____ of my work does not matter to me at all.
A. mean
B. belief it
C. opinion
D. expression
36. The purpose of the examination was to _____ the students' knowledge of the subject.
A try
B inspect
C prove
D test.
37. As soon as the firebell rang, everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building,
_____ gathered in the car park.
A while
B. then
C before
D to
38. There's _____ to be frightened of the dog ; he's quite harmless.
A a fear.
B no fear
C. no need
D any reason
39. After closing the envelope, the secretary _____ the stamps on firmly.
A licked
B sucked
C. stuck
D struck
40. His present salary has nearly _____ that when he did his previous job.
A. tripled
B. three times
C. gone up three times D. three times bigger
41. - "Why are you doing this work?" - "_____ "
A. Well, it is nice. B. It's no business of yours.C. It's my job.
D. It's not your job.
42. You are surpposed _____ abroad more than three times so far.
A. to go
B. to be
C. to have gone
D. to have been
43. The Welfare Reform Bill was segmented and then divided _____ three different subcommitees of the
A. from
B. with
C. between
D. among
44. "This seems to be an important issue". " Oh, yes, it's a _____ topic"
A. hot debated
B. hotly debated
C. hotly debating
D. hot debate
45. When we visited the zoo on Sunday afternoon, it was very crowded but on a weekday it's
practically ______ .
A full
B clear
C empty
D uncrowd
46. The child was told to ....... for being rude to his uncle.
Trang 7/10

A excuse
B apologise
C .forgive
D confess
47. Don't worry. Keep at it and you'll _____ him _____ to your point of view.
A. take/ out
B. make/ out
C. work /out
D. bring/ out
48. She was _____ to discover that she had won a fortune in the lottery.
A. interested
B. satisfied
C. astonished
D. depressed
49. A home computer ______ an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home.
A. provides
B. which provides
C. providing it
D. to be providing
50. Many people who live near nuclear plants are concerned. _____ go wrong, the impact on the
surrounding area can be disastrous.
A. Should something B. Something would C. Something will
D. Does something
VI. Read the text below and decide which answer ( A, B,C or D) best fits
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the contribution
of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed United States. Lacking the
right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not considered an important force in history.
Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the
best contemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters
showing she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the second President of the United
States. But little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these centuries, women remained
invisible in history books.
Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of female
authors writitng about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were amateur historians.
Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources.
During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping
records of activities in which women were engaged National, regional, and local womens organizations
compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved
and stored. These sources form the core of the two greatest collections of womens history in the United
States one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at Radeliffe College, and the other the Sophia
Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have provided valuable materials
for later generations of historians.
Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth century,
most of the writing about women conformed to the great women theory of history, just as much of
mainstream American history concentrated on great men. To demonstrate that women were making
significant contributions to American life, female authors singled out women leaders and wrote biographies,
or else important women produced their autobiographies. Most of these leaders were involved in public life
as reformers, activists working for womens right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of
the great mass of ordinary women. The lives of ordinary people continued, generally, to be untold in the
American histories being published.
51. What does the passage mainly discuss ?
A. The role of literature in early American histories.
B. The place of American women in written histories.
C. The keen sense of history shown by American women.
D. The great women approach to history used by American historians.
52.The word contemporary in line 5 means that the history was
A. informative
B. written at that time
C. thoughtful
D. faultfinding
53. In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that
A. a womans status was changed by marriage.
B. even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored.
C. only three women were able to get their writing published.
D. poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women.
54. The word celebratory in line 11 means that the writings referred to were
A. related to parties B. religious
C. serious
D. full of praise
55. The word they in line 11 refers to
A. efforts
B. writers
C. counterparts
D. sources
56. In the second paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author point out?
A. They put too much emphasis on daily activities.
B. They left out discussion of the influence on money on politics
C. The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.
D. They were printed on poor quality paper.
57. On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following, would most likely have been
collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?
A. Newspaper accounts of presidential election results.
Trang 8/10

B. Biographies of John Adams.

C. Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem.
D. Books about famous graduates of the countrys first college.
58. What use was made of the nineteenth-century womens history materials in the Schlesinger Library and
the Sophia Smith Collection?
A. They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia about women.
B. They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth-century.
C. They provided valuable information for twentiethcentury historical researchers.
D. They were shared among womens colleges throughout the United States.
59. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles of nineteenth-century
great women EXCEPT
A. authors
B. reformers
C. activists for womens rights
D. politicicans
60. The word representative in line 25 is closest in meaning to
A. typical
B. satisfied
C. supportive
D. distinctive
VII. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Identify the mistake by choosing A, B,C or D
61. Ocean currents have a enormous effect on life on this planet.
61. Neither humans or dogs can hear as well as cats.
62. The University of Wisconsin was the first school to make a serious effort teach students public
64. Because of their colour and shape, seahorses blend so well with the seaweed in which they live that it is
almost impossible to see themselves.
65. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.
VIII. Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences. Then choose the answer A, B, C, or
D that you think fits best
In 1972, a century after the first national park in the United States was established at
Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program.
The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar
To that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas
a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People
are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may
not be harmed or removed.





The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic

and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce.
Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades
later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after
1978. They range in size from the very small (less than I square kilometer) Fagatele Bay
National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.
The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management
practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are
offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only
in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting
that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.
Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other
countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System, managed by the United
States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United
States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves, and preserves.
Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Carbbean Sea. Others range
from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks
in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures
on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to
recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas.
Trang 9/10

whether as sanctuaries, parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in
perserving that diversity.

66. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Differences among marine parks, sanctuaries, and reserves
B. Various marine conservation programs
C. International agreements on coastal protection
D. Similarities between land and sea protected environments
67. The word intent in line 3 is closest in meaning to
A. repetition
B. approval
C. goal

D revision

68. The word administered in line 8 is closest in meaning to

A. managed
B. recognized
C. opposed

D. justified

69. The word these in line 11 refers to

A. sites
C. decades
D. sanctuaries
70. The passage mentions the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (lines 13-14) as an example of a
sanctuary that
A. is not well known
B. covers a large area
C. is smaller than the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary
D. was not originally proposed for sanctuary status
71. According to the passage, when was the National Marine Sanctuaries Program established?
A. Before 1972
B. After 1987
C. One hundred years before national parks were established
D. One hundred years after Yellowstone National Park was established
72. According to the passage, all of the following are achievements of the National Marine Sanctuaries
Program EXCEPT
A. the discovery of several new marine organisms
B. the preservation of connections between individual marine species
C. the protection of coastal habitats
D. the establishment of areas where the public can observe marine life
73. The word periphery in line 24 is closest in meaning to
A. depth
B. landmass
C. warm habitat
D. outer edge
74. The passage mentions which of the following as a threat to marine areas outside the United States?
A. Limitations in financial support
B. The use of marine species as food
C. Variability of the climate
D. Increases in tourism
75. The passage mentions which agencies play an increasingly important role in preserving marine
A. state agencies
B. national agencies
C. International agencies
D. All these agencies
IX. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence
76. Clothes like these may have been fashionable tens of years ago, but now they are behind the time.
A. unfashionable
B. fashionable
C. out of order
D. out of work
77. He's going abroad to do a postgraduate course in English with a view to have a brighter future.
A. a hope to have
B. the hope of having C. a purpose having D. an aim of having
78. We were sitting very far from the stage last Saturday; therefore, I couldn't make out what he said.
A. see
B. smell
C. hear
D. touch
X. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence
79. They've gone to see their father off at the airport. He's going to Moscow on his business.
A. talk to
B. discuss
C. meet
D. chat
80. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrate, which can live anywhere, but most, like the starfish and
the crabs, live in the ocean.
A. with backbones
B. with ribs
C. without ribs
D. without backbones
_______ The end _____

Trang 10/10


THI TH I HC LN 2 NM HC 2011 - 2012


Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (khng tnh thi gian giao )

gm c 06 trang- S cu trc nghim: 80

I. Choose the word A, B, C or D whose main stress is different from the others in the group
A. responsible
B. communicate
C. technology
D. electronic
A. difficulty
B. anxiety
C. enormously
D. psychiatry
A. encourage
B. educate
C. popular
D. telephone
A. probability
B. endangered
C. expectation
D. competition
A. academy
B. environment
C. flexibility
D. photography
II. Mark the letter A,B,C, or D in your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
6. As the only major American iver that flowed in a west direction, the Ohio was the preferred route for
7. Video games in the early eighties they became one of the most sensational growth industries ever in the
United States.
8. I cant believe that you have had this suit for five years. It looks brand new, like just having been taken
out of the shop. How often have you been wearing it?
9. The UN Security Council, whose purpose is to maintain peace, has fifteen members, five of them are
permanent; there are ten members who are not permanent, serving two year terms.
10. People neglect to put out their campfires completely can spontaneously make great forest fires.
11. The state of deep asleep is characterized by rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep.
12. Included in this series are The Enchanted Horse, among the most famous stories for children
13. Bacteria that live in soil and water play a vital role in recycling carbon, sulfur, and another chemical
elements used by living things
14. The baby slept soundly even with the noise making by the nearby machine.
15. Having behaved with cruelty by the boss, she left the job after only five days.
III. Choose the best option to complete each of the sentences or one that has similar meaning to the
16. ............. drunkards wouldnt admit that they are drunk until they collapse on the table .
A. Most of
B. Most of the
C. Most
D. No
17. The professor was in great embarrassment at first but ........................ gained his control again and
continued the lecture.
A. at last
B. at the end
C. in the end
D. A& C are correct
18. Particularly, you should be ...................... these experiments the way I told you last time .
A. carrying out
B. carried out
C. carrying on
D. carried on
19. Polluted by the growing number of factories nearby, we are now .......................... use the water of the
lake .
A. able
B. impossible to
C. unable to
D. responsible for
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20. .......... he is always late for class makes his parents disbelieve in him any longer.
A. That
B. Why
C. What
D. Because
21. Most country music songs are deeply personal and deal with themes of love, .............. and separation.
A. lonely
B. alone
C. lonliness
D. aloneful
22. Hardly can we imagine how people rushed to see the first films the 1930s.
A. to be shown
B. To show
C. be shown
D. Showing
23. Only in extremely dangerous situations.........
A. that the printing presses will be stopped.
B. the printing presses will be stopped.
C. will the printing presses be stopped.
D. Will be the printing presses stopped.
24. .............after the World War II, the United Nations has been actively carrying out its convention to stop
wars and bring peace to nations worldwide.
A. Established
B. being Found
C. to be established
D.having been established
25. ................. long thought to have no bones, small amounts of bone were recently found at the bases of the
teeth in some species.
A. however, sharks were
B. Despite sharks were
C. despite being
D. Even though sharks were
26. Jane and her sister are each other . They are of little difference.
A. same
B. like
C. similar
D. Unlike
27. Being the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest has staggered even the most organized
and............ climbers.
A. experienced
B. inexperienced
C. experiencing
D. experiencefully
28. I heard the Ministry of Education will be bringing in some new methods of teaching English as a
foreign language, one teacher said to another.
A. starting
B. commencing
C. presenting
D. introducing
29. Oh no, Im late for my appointment. ..........
A. Catch you later
B. Catch you now
C. please to meet you D. Nice to see you
30. ............. the terribly bad weather condition, the organizers decided to postpone the competition until it
gets better.
A. Because
B. Although
C. Despite
D. Because of
31. Low salary and high prices of everyday services have lowered the quality of the life of teachers...... in
rural areas.
A. teaching
B. teach
C. whose teaching
D. being taught
32. The higher the prices given by the hotels,.................
A. the better the services you receive
B. the more better the services youll receive
C. the best the services receive you
D. Better and better the services
33................................. are phosphoescent in the dark surprises many people.
A. that certain species of centipedes
B. Certain species of centipedes
C. there are certain species of centipedes
D. It is certain species of centipedes
34. We had planned everything carefully, ........... , the project turned out to be a failure.
A. although
B. but
C. even if
D. however
35. ................ in astronomy, the discovery of Uranus was by accident.
A. It was like many finds
B. Like many finds
C. alike many finds
D. Many alike finds
36. Determining the mineral content of soil samples is an exacting process ;...., experts must perform
detailed tests to analyze soil specimens.
A. so that
B. afterwards
C. however
D. therefore
37. In the northern and central parts of Idaho ......... and chuming rivers
A. majestic mountains are found
B. found majestic mountains
C. are found majestic mountains
D. finding majestic mountains
38. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible lifespan greater
A. man
B. that of man
C. the one of mans
D. the mans one
39. In the 1870s, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann.............. the legendary ruins of Troy.
A. made
B. started
C. created
D. discovered
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40. Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individuals personality is.......
A.well established extremely by the age of five
B. extremely well established by the age of five
C. by the age of five it is extremely well established
D. by the age of five and well established extremely
41. ______ we leave home, ______ the journey is because the buses aren't so crowded.
A. The earlier/ the easier
B. The earlier/the easy
C. The early/the more easy
D. The early/ the most easy
42. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, ______, and memorize
lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.
A. sailing directions are studied
B. study the sailing directions
C. to direct sailing studies
D. studies direct sailing
43. My mother often______our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes us for even the
slightest one.
A. passes
B. neglects
C. avoids
D. overlooks
44. America, as well as Japan, England, and Germany__________.
A. are developed countries
B. are developing countries
C. is a developed country
D. is developing countries
45. Jill: Can you save the place for me, please? Natures calling.
Stranger: ________________.
A. No, I cant. Im in a hurry.
C. Yes, please. But in a minute or so.
B. Sure. But hurry. The line is moving fast.
D. No problem. But the line is moving fast.
46. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as ______
A. cats and dogs
B. chalk and cheese
C. salt and pepper D. here and there
47. Mary: "This mock test is the hardest one weve ever had this semester!"
Tunor: - "________but I think its quite easy."
A. I understand what youre saying
B. I dont see it in that way
C. Thats right
D. I couldnt agree more
48. His application was .......................... because he is inexperienced and underqualified.
A. turned on
B. taken up
C. accepted
D. turned down
Truc: "This is one of the best documentaries about Vietnam."
Thanh " __________"
A. Sorry
B. I can't agree with you more C. Never mind
D. Do you hope so?
50. I met my best friend Jame two years ago, but I have ................ seen her ................ heard from her since.
A. neither / nor
B. both / and
C. neither / or
D. either / or
IV. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences below.
51. He knew little about the Internet and so he didnt invest into any computer company
A. If had he known more about the Internet, he would have invested into some computer companies.
B. Unless he had known more about the Internet, he would have invested into some computer
C. Has he known more about the Internet, he would have invested into some computer companies.
D. Had he known more about the Internet, he would have invested into some computer companies.
52. It is announced that students who have committed three faults this month will be severely punished.
A. Students who have committed three faults this month will be severely punished are announced
B. Students having committed three faults this month are announced to be severely punished
C. That students who have committed three faults this month will be severely punished are
D. Students have committed three faults this month will be severely punished

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53. There is no doubt that the tickets will be more expensive next month.
A. The tickets will undoubtedly be not as cheap as they are now.
B. The tickets are bound to be more expensive next month.
C. It is doubtful about the tickets' price next month.
D. Next month maybe they will increase the price of the tickets.
54. There were so many people in the queue that we decided not to wait.
A. Had there been fewer people in the queue, we would have waited
B. Although there was so many people in the queue ,we decided to wait.
C. If there had been many people in the queue, we wouldnt have waited
D. If there were fewer people in the queue, we would wait.
55. Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
A. Despite the fact that his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before it exploded.
B. Despite the fact that his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
C. Despite his legs to be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
D. Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before exploding it.
V. Read the passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank
Whenever we read about the natural world nowadays, its generally made dire predictions about its
imminent destruction. Some scientists go so.... .(56)...... as to assert that from now on, the world can no
longer be called natural, in so far as future processes of weather... .(57)... and all the interactions of plant
and animal life will no longer carry on in their time-honoured way, unaffected by humans . There will never
be such a thing as natural weather again, say such writers, only weather.... .(58)... by global warming. Its
hard to know whether to believe such... .( 59)...of doom, possibly because what they are saying seems
impossible to be.. .(60)..... There are equally influential scientists who argue that climate, for example, has
changed many times over the centuries and that what we are experiencing now may simply be part of an
endless cycle of change, .. .(61)..... a disaster on a global scale. One cant help wondering whether these
attempts to wish the problem away.... .(62).... underline the extent to which western industrial countries are
to blame for upsetting the worlds... .(63)....Its not our fault, they seem to be saying, because everything is
all right, really! One certain.... .(64).... which is chilling in its implications is that theres no longer anywhere
on the earths surface whether in the depths of the oceans or in the polar wastes, which is not.......
.(65)........... by polluted air or litered with empty cans and bottles. Now we are having to come to terms with
understanding just what that means and it is far from easy.
56. A. much
B. often
C. far
D. really
57. A. even
B. atmosphere
C. climate
D. change
58. A. organised
B. produced
C. affected
D. built
59. A. giants
B. worriors
C. prophets
D. champions
60. A. here
B. true
C. stopped
D. guessed
61. A. rather than
B. and
C. for
D. due to
62. A. to
B. or
C. that
D. simply
63. A. future
B. balance
C. ecology
D. population
64. A. fault
B. fact
C. and
D. must
65. A. full
C. breathing
D. stained
VI. Read the passages and answer the questions.
Self-employed private physicians who charge a fee for each patient visit are the foundation of
medical practice in the United States. Most physicians have a contract relationship with one or more
hospitals in the community: They send their patients to this hospital, which usually charges patients
according to the number of days they stay and the facilities (operating room, tests, medicines that they use).
Some hospitals belong to a city, a state or, in the case of veteran's hospitals, a federal government agency.
Others are operated by churches or other non-profit groups.
Some medical doctors are on salary. Salaried physicians may work as hospital staff members, or
residents who are often still in training. They may teach in medical schools, be hired by corporations to care
for their workers or work for the federal government's Public Health Service. Physicians are among the best
paid professionals in the United States. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for medical doctors to earn
incomes of more than $10,000 a year. Specialists, particularly surgeons might earn several times that
amount. Physicians list many reasons why they deserve to be so well rewarded for their work. One reason is
the long and expensive preparation required to become a physician in the United States. Most people who
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would be physicians first attend college for four years, which can cost nearly $20,000 a year at one of the
best private institutions. Prospective physicians then attend medical school for another four years.
Tuition alone can be over $10,000 a year. By the time they have obtained their medical degrees.
many young physicians are deeply in debt. They still face three to five years of training in a hospital, the
first year as an apprentice physician. The hours are long and the pay is relatively low.
Setting up a medical practice is expensive, too. Sometimes several physicians will decide to establish
a group practice, so they can share the expense of maintaining an office and buying equipment. These
physicians also take care of each other's patients in emergencies.
Physicians work long hours and must accept a great deal of responsibility. Many medical
procedures, even quite routine ones, involve risk. It is understandable that physicians want to be well
rewarded for making decisions which can mean the difference between life and death.
66. In America, its very popular that
A. Self-employed private physicians over-charge a fee for each patients visit.
B. Self-employed private physicians do not charge a fee for each patients visit
C. Self-employed private physicians sign a contract with one or more hospitals.
D. Self-employed private physicians have a contract with only one hospital.
67. The reason why physicians deserve a high salary is that
A. they have to spend alot on their education and training
B. they work long hours
C. they are in deeply debt
D. they cant afford the expenses on their education and training
68. According to the passage, how long does it take for a would-be physician to become an independent
physician in the USA?
A. About seven years.
B. Eight years.
C. Ten years.
D. About twelve years.
69. Sometimes several physicians set up a group medical practice mainly because
A. there are so many patients that it is difficult for one physician to take care of all of them
B. they can take turns to work long hours
C. facilities may be too much of a burden for one physician to shoulder
D. no one wants to assume too much responsibility
70. Which of the following statements could fully express the author's view towards physicians' payment in
the USA?
A. For their expensive education and their responsibility, they deserve a handsome pay.
B. It is reasonable for physicians to have a large income because their work is very dangerous.
C. Physicians should be better paid because they work long hours under bad conditions
D. Physicians have great responsibility, so it is understandable that they should be well rewarded.
VII. Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions following it.
Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always on the run, rushing from one appointment
to another, from a PTA meeting to a social planning committee. They have very little time to spend
preparing elaborate everyday meals to be eaten at leisure. In many homes it is rare for the whole family to
sit down at supper together. Clubs and commitments force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down
supper. When they do have the chance to eat at home often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals
which can be quickly heated and consumed. It is no wonder, therefore, that America has become a
sanctuary for fast food consumption.
This great transformation occurred after World War II when many women began to work full-time
jobs and were spending less time at home with their families. Women, however, wanted to function well in
the capacity of homemaker, as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity which
had to be carefully used.
Therefore, it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner.
Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home
entertainment from the radio to the television. Television became the latest fad in the fifties and no one
wanted to miss his or her favorite televised program. The place for the evening's supper shifted from the
dining room to the living room.
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As the customs changed, so did the culture. The immediate solution for this was the invention of the
TV dinner. These were frozen meals which were sectioned off into portions of meat and vegetables. They
could easily be popped into an oven and prepared within minutes. The tin trays in which they were served
were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner was consumed in front of a TV set. Cleaning up
afterwards was no problem. The tin trays were easily tossed into the garbage.
From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road. At this time also the
love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile. It is not odd that with the development
of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains. McDonald's paved the way with its
variety of burgers and shakes soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods. Today dozens of fast-food
chain franchises can be found along highways, in modern shopping malls and
scattered throughout neighborhoods in America. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and
Wendy's are just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken,
donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses. These establishments have
given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the American people.
71. How can one best describe the American people?
A. Fat and obese
B. Energetic and mobile
C. Lazy and indolent
D. Aggressive and argumentative
72. What is the nearest meaning to the word sanctuary in line 6?
A. big producer
C. small buyer
D. big consumer
73. When did many women begin to do full-time jobs in America and spend less time at home?
A. From 1990 to 1999.
B. Before World War II
C. In the 1980's.
D. After World War II.
74. The word function in line 8 probably means:
A. digest
B. learn to do
C. practice
D. see
75. When women entered the job market what shift took place at home with regards to entertainment?
A. Families began to eat TV dinners.
B. TV became the center of family entertainment.
C. Families began eating in the living room D. No one listened to the radio anymore
76. When TV became popular in America how did it change Americans' dining habits?
A. The family stopped eating dinner together.
B. The family no longer talked at the dinner table.
C. The family at from paper plates.
D. Some families began to eat in the living room while watching TV
77. What are TV dinners?
A. Frozen meals which can easily be heated and eaten while watching TV.
B. Meals which are placed in trays which look like TVs
C. Meals which contain smaller portions and can be eaten quickly
D. Meals which are advertises on TV.
78. What was done with the tin trays used for TV dinners?
A. They were saved and reused for regular meals
B. They were traded in for redeemable coupons.
C. They were simply thrown away.
D. They were used as planters for seedlings.
79. What encouraged the growth of fast food chains across America?
A. America's growing appetite for food.
B. The growth of the automobile and the expansion of the highways.
C. The cheap prices of fast foods.
D. The convenience of the automovile and cheap gas.
80. Which of the following is NOT the name of a fast food chain in America?
A. Burger King
B. Pizza bell
C. Wendy's
D. Roy Rogers
_____ The end _____
H v tn th sinh: .................................................... S bo danh : .................
Cn b coi thi khng gii thch g thm
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LP 12 THPT NM HC 2015 - 2016


Mn: Ting Anh - Chng trnh chun

M thi 311

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian giao )

( thi c 06 trang)

SECTION A (64 questions, 8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 1: To attract someone's attention we can use either verbal and non- verbal forms of

Question 2 : It was not until after midnight when the noise next door stopped..

Question 3: My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday

Question 4: I've just spoken to Sally, that send you her love.

Question 5: Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 6: A. percent

B. event

C. agent

D. prevent

Question 7: A. sweet

B. sword

C. answer

D. whole

Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the
Question 8:

A. official

B. literacy

C. stationery

D. inventory

Question 9:

A. avoid

B. manage

C. career

D. advise

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Question 10:

A. courageous

B. education

C. severe

D. diversity

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 11: ________ his advice, I would never have got the job at this company.
A. Except

B. But for

C. As for

D. Apart from

Question 12: The workers have gone on strike. ________ all production has ceased.
A. So that

B. Therefore

C. Because

D. Now that

C. Yes, I can

D. Well done!

Question 13: Jack: Can I use your computer?

Jill: ________.
A. No, thanks.

B. Of course

Question 14: The pioneer thinkers of the 18th century advocated that women should not be
discriminated against ________ the basis of their sex.
A. on

B. in

C. to

D. at

Question 15: I'm so hungry. Lets go and get ________ to eat.

A. everywhere

B. nothing

C. something

D. anyone

Question 16: In some countries many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home. They want to
________ independent lives.
A. take

B. see

C. give

D. lead

Question 17: Rosemary Dare is a wildlife photographer. She ________ in Uganda for many years.
A. lives

B. will live

C. has been living

D. is living

Question 18: If you had taken your dad's advice, you ______ such a silly mistake.
A. would have avoid B. avoid

C. would have avoided

D. have avoided

Question 19 : We will leave for the airport ______ he is ready.

A. as soon as

B. while

C. during

D. until

Question 20: A: "I didn't know you could play the guitar so well, Toan. Your tune was lovely!"
B: " ________"
A. You've got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.
B. I bought it near my house last week.
C. You are welcome.
D. Never mind.

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Question 21: Not much happened yet, ________ ?

A. did they

B. did it

C. didn't it

D. was it

Question 22: I have never seen ______ festival in my life.

A. so spectacular a

B. a such spectacular

C. a so spectacular

D. such spectacular

Question 23: The more you practise your English, ________

A. you will learn faster

B. the faster will you learn

C. the faster you will learn

D. faster you will learn

Question 24: You won't know what to do ________ you listen carefully.
A. if

B. unless

C. and

D. or

Question 25: Did you read ________ book I lent you last week?
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. -

Question 26: You can ________ the new words in the dictionary.
A. fill in

B. put on

C. give up

D. look up

Question 27: If she ________ a car, she would go out in the evening.
A. has

B. have

C. had

D. has had

Question 28: Could you ______ a bit? I can't hardly hear you.
A. keep up

B. cool off

C. speak up

D. watch out

Question 29 : The success of a shared holiday depends on______you share it with.

A. which

B. whom

C. when

D. where

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 30: Water and fresh air are very necessary for every living thing.
A. essential

B. difficult

C. expensive

D. wasteful

Question 31: We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived.
A. luckily

B. suddenly

C. gradually

D. eventually

Question 32: I don't think I can ever live on my own in a big city.
A. poorly

B. hungry

C. freely

D. alone

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

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correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 42.

Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the worlds universities,
came from very inauspicious and humble beginnings. This oldest of America universities was founded
in 1636 , just sixteen years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to
the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of Englands prestigious
Oxford and Cambridge universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined
that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of
this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts
appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a
parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed
Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university.
When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of
Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the
fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court
named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done.The amount of the bequest
may not have been large, particularly by todays standards, but it was more than the General Court had
found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college.
Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that
in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of
four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire
teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 33: The main idea of this passage is that.
A. Harvard is one of the worlds most prestigious universities
B. What is today a great university.
C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great University
D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts.
Question 34: The passage indicates that Harvard is
A. one of the oldest universities in the world
B. the oldest university in the world
C. one of the oldest universities in America

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D. the oldest university in America.

Question 35: It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who traveled to the Massachusetts
colony were.
A. rather well educated
B. rather rich
C. rather supportive of the English government
D. rather undemocratic
Question 36: The underlined pronoun they refers to..
A. Oxford and Cambridge universities

B. university graduates

C. sons

D. education opportunities

Question 37: The underlined word pounds are probably.

A. types of books student

C. units of money

D. school campuses

Question 38: The underlined phrase English cousin refers to a.

A. city

B. relative

C. person

D. court

Question 39: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard?
A. What he died of

B. Where he came from

C. Where he was buried

D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard

Question 40: The underlined word fledgling could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. newborn


C. winged

D. established

Question 41: The passage implied that.

A. Henry Dunster was an effective president
B. Someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster
C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty
D. The position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the
early years.
Question 42: The underlined word somewhat could best be replaced by
A. back and forth

B. to and from C. side by side D. more or less

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information
about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (43)____, experiences, education, work style,
skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements
you make. It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (44) ____ areas that an
employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer
difficult' questions (45) ____ and positively, while keeping each answer brief.
An interview gives the employer a (46)_____ to get to know you. While you do want to market
yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (47) _____.
Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors.
Always think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (48)
____. If you are genuinely interested (49) _____ the job, let the interviewer know that.
One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched
the organization prior to the interview. You can also (50) ____ interest by asking questions about the
job, the organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask
questions that build upon your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (51) ____ close
attention to the interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful
comment based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (52) _____ of an
interview, it is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to hear; from the employer.
Question 43:

A. pressures

B. strengths

C. practices

D. promotions

Question 44:

A. hide

B. limit

C. express

D. identify

Question 45:

A. accurately

B. rightly

C. hardly

D. sharply

Question 46:

A. change

B. practice

C. way

D. chance

Question 47:

A. ability

B. response

C. expression

D. respect

Question 48:

A. enthusiast


C. enthusiastic

D. enthusiastically

Question 49:

A. for


C. with

D. in

Question 50:

A. appear

B. show


D. cover

Question 51:

A. spend


D. During

Question 52:

A. end



D. socialize

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

correct answer to each of the questions from 53 to 62.

Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become
extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the
jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will
become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have
been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in
material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to
the problem of extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are
valuable parts of the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to
ensure their survival - and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries,
in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They
then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must
also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and
patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international
boycott of products made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not
prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 53. What's the main topic of the passage?
A. the Bengal tiger

B. international boycott

C. endangered species

D. problems with industrialization

Question 54. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'alarming' in line 4?
A. dangerous

B. serious

C. gripping

D. distressing

Question 55. Which of the following could best replace the word 'case' as used in line 4?
A. act

B. situation

C. contrast

D. trade

Question 56. The word 'poachers' as used in line 5 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. illegal hunters
C. concerned scientists

B. enterprising researchers
D. trained hunters

Question 57. The word 'callousness' in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness
C. incompetence

B. independence
D. insensitivity

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 58. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast
A. a problem and a solution
B. a statement and an illustration
C. a comparison and a contrast
D. specific and general information
Question 59. What does the word 'this' in line 6 refer to in the passage?
A. Bengal tigers
B. interest in material gain
C. killing animals for personal satisfaction
D. the decrease in the Bengal tiger population
Question 60. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
A. lines 1-2

B. lines 4-6

C. lines 9-11

D. lines 12-14

Question 61. Which of the following could best replace the word 'allocated' in line 11?
A. set aside

B. combined

C. organized

D. taken off

Question 62. The word 'defray' in line 12 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. lower

B. raise

C. make a payment on

D. make an investment toward

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 63:

During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at

Question 64:

B. holding back

C. holding by

D. holding to

We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow

B. open

C. unsure

D. uninterested

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: The teacher made us do a lot of homework.

We ________________________________________________________
Question 66: I cant do the test because it is too difficult.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

If the test_______________________________________________________________
Question 67: Im leaving for Hue tomorrow, Lan said to me.

Lan told ________________________________________________________________

Question 68: Even though I was very tired, I couldnt sleep.

Despite ______________________________________________________________
Question 69: The holiday was so disappointing that they asked their money back.

It was___________________________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about benefits of physical exercises, your writing may use
the following cues: keeping fit; preventing diseases; improving mood.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




LP 12 THPT NM HC 2015 - 2016


Mn: Ting Anh - Chng trnh chun

M thi 312

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian giao )

( thi c 06 trang)

SECTION A (64 questions, 8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Water and fresh air are very necessary for every living thing.
A. essential

B. difficult

C. expensive

D. wasteful

Question 2: We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived.
A. luckily

B. suddenly

C. gradually

D. eventually

Question 3: I don't think I can ever live on my own in a big city.

A. poorly

B. hungry

C. freely

D. alone

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 4 to 13.
Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the worlds universities,
came from very inauspicious and humble beginnings. This oldest of America universities was founded
in 1636 , just sixteen years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to
the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of Englands prestigious
Oxford and Cambridge universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined
that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of
this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts
appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a
parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed
Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university.
When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of
Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the
fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done.The amount of the bequest
may not have been large, particularly by todays standards, but it was more than the General Court had
found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college.
Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that
in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of
four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire
teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 4: The main idea of this passage is that.
A. Harvard is one of the worlds most prestigious universities
B. What is today a great university.
C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great University
D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts.
Question 5: The passage indicates that Harvard is
A. one of the oldest universities in the world
B. the oldest university in the world
C. one of the oldest universities in America
D. the oldest university in America.
Question 6: It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who traveled to the Massachusetts
colony were.
A. rather well educated
B. rather rich
C. rather supportive of the English government
D. rather undemocratic
Question 7: The underlined pronoun they refers to..
A. Oxford and Cambridge universities

B. university graduates

C. sons

D. education opportunities

Question 8: The underlined word pounds are probably.

A. types of books student

C. units of money

D. school campuses

Question 9: The underlined phrase English cousin refers to a.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. city

B. relative

C. person

D. court

Question 10: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard?
A. What he died of

B. Where he came from

C. Where he was buried

D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard

Question 11: The underlined word fledgling could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. newborn


C. winged

D. established

Question 12: The passage implied that.

A. Henry Dunster was an effective president
B. Someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster
C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty
D. The position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the
early years.
Question 13: The underlined word somewhat could best be replaced by
A. back and forth

B. to and from C. side by side D. more or less

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks..
You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information
about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (14)____, experiences, education, work style,
skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements
you make. It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (15) ____ areas that an
employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer
difficult' questions (16) ____ and positively, while keeping each answer brief.
An interview gives the employer a (17)_____ to get to know you. While you do want to market
yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (18) _____.
Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always
think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (19) ____. If
you are genuinely interested (20) _____ the job, let the interviewer know that.
One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the
organization prior to the interview. You can also (21) ____ interest by asking questions about the job,
the organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask questions

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

that build upon your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (22) ____ close attention
to the interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful comment
based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (23) _____ of an interview, it
is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to hear; from the employer.
Question 14:

A. pressures

B. strengths

C. practices

D. promotions

Question 15:

A. hide

B. limit

C. express

D. identify

Question 16:

A. accurately

B. rightly

C. hardly

D. sharply

Question 17:

A. change

B. practice

C. way

D. chance

Question 18:

A. ability

B. response

C. expression

D. respect

Question 19:

A. enthusiast


C. enthusiastic

D. enthusiastically

Question 20:

A. for


C. with

D. in

Question 21:

A. appear

B. show


D. cover

Question 22:

A. spend


D. During

Question 23:

A. end



D. socialize

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 33.
Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become
extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the
jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will
become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have
been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in
material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to
the problem of extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are
valuable parts of the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to
ensure their survival - and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries,
in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They
then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must
also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international
boycott of products made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not
prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 24. What's the main topic of the passage?
A. the Bengal tiger

B. international boycott

C. endangered species

D. problems with industrialization

Question 25. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'alarming' in line 4?
A. dangerous

B. serious

C. gripping

D. distressing

Question 26. Which of the following could best replace the word 'case' as used in line 4?
A. act

B. situation

C. contrast

D. trade

Question 27. The word 'poachers' as used in line 5 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. illegal hunters

B. enterprising researchers

C. concerned scientists

D. trained hunters

Question 28. The word 'callousness' in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness

B. independence

C. incompetence

D. insensitivity

Question 29. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast
A. a problem and a solution
B. a statement and an illustration
C. a comparison and a contrast
D. specific and general information
Question 30. What does the word 'this' in line 6 refer to in the passage?
A. Bengal tigers
B. interest in material gain
C. killing animals for personal satisfaction
D. the decrease in the Bengal tiger population
Question 31. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
A. lines 1-2

B. lines 4-6

C. lines 9-11

D. lines 12-14

Question 32. Which of the following could best replace the word 'allocated' in line 11?
A. set aside

B. combined

C. organized

D. taken off

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 33. The word 'defray' in line 12 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. lower

B. raise

C. make a payment on

D. make an investment toward

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 34:

During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at

Question 35:

B. holding back

C. holding by

D. holding to

We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow

B. open

C. unsure

D. uninterested

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 36: To attract someone's attention we can use either verbal and non- verbal forms of

Question 37 : It was not until after midnight when the noise next door stopped..

Question 38: My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday

Question 39: I've just spoken to Sally, that send you her love.

Question 40: Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 41: A. percent

B. event

C. agent

D. prevent

Question 42: A. sweet

B. sword

C. answer

D. whole

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the
Question 43:

A. official

B. literacy

C. stationery

D. inventory

Question 44:

A. avoid

B. manage

C. career

D. advise

Question 45:

A. courageous

B. education

C. severe

D. diversity

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: ________ his advice, I would never have got the job at this company.
A. Except

B. But for

C. As for

D. Apart from

Question 47: The workers have gone on strike. ________ all production has ceased.
A. So that

B. Therefore

C. Because

D. Now that

C. Yes, I can

D. Well done!

Question 48: Jack: Can I use your computer?

Jill: ________.
A. No, thanks.

B. Of course

Question 49: The pioneer thinkers of the 18th century advocated that women should not be
discriminated against ________ the basis of their sex.
A. on

B. in

C. to

D. at

Question 50: I'm so hungry. Lets go and get ________ to eat.

A. everywhere

B. nothing

C. something

D. anyone

Question 51: In some countries many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home. They want to
________ independent lives.
A. take

B. see

C. give

D. lead

Question 52: Rosemary Dare is a wildlife photographer. She ________ in Uganda for many years.
A. lives

B. will live

C. has been living

D. is living

Question 53: If you had taken your dad's advice, you ______ such a silly mistake.
A. would have avoid

B. avoid

C. would have avoided

D. have avoided

Question 54 : We will leave for the airport ______ he is ready.

A. as soon as

B. while

C. during

D. until

Question 55: A: "I didn't know you could play the guitar so well, Toan. Your tune was lovely!"
B: " ________"

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. You've got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.

B. I bought it near my house last week.
C. You are welcome.
D. Never mind.
Question 56: Not much happened yet, ________ ?
A. did they

B. did it

C. didn't it

D. was it

Question 57: I have never seen ______ festival in my life.

A. so spectacular a

B. a such spectacular

C. a so spectacular

D. such spectacular

Question 58: The more you practise your English, ________

A. you will learn faster

B. the faster will you learn

C. the faster you will learn

D. faster you will learn

Question 59: You won't know what to do ________ you listen carefully.
A. if

B. unless

C. and

D. or

Question 60: I need time to think about ________ offer you gave me.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. -

Question 61: You can ________ the new words in the dictionary.
A. fill in

B. put on

C. give up

D. look up

Question 62: If she ________ a car, she would go out in the evening.
A. has

B. have

C. had

D. has had

Question 63: Could you ______ a bit? I can't hardly hear you.
A. keep up

B. cool off

C. speak up

D. watch out

Question 64 : The success of a shared holiday depends on ______ you share it with.
A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. that

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: The teacher made us do a lot of homework.

We ________________________________________________________
Question 66: I cant do the test because it is too difficult.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

If the test_______________________________________________________________
Question 67: Im leaving for Hue tomorrow, Lan said to me

Lan told ________________________________________________________________

Question 68: Even though I was very tired, I couldnt sleep.

Despite ______________________________________________________________
Question 69: The holiday was so disappointing that they asked their money back..

It was___________________________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about benefits of physical exercises, your writing may use
the following cues: keeping fit; preventing diseases; improving mood.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




LP 12 THPT NM HC 2015 - 2016


Mn: Ting Anh - Chng trnh chun

M thi 313

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian giao )

( thi c 06 trang)

SECTION A (64 questions, 8 points)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 1:

During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at

Question 2:

B. holding back

C. holding by

D. holding to

We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow

B. open

C. unsure

D. uninterested

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information
about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (3)____, experiences, education, work style,
skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements
you make. It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (4) ____ areas that an
employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer
difficult questions (5) ____ and positively, while keeping each answer brief.
An interview gives the employer a (6)_____ to get to know you. While you do want to market
yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (7) _____.
Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always
think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (8) ____. If
you are genuinely interested (9) _____ the job, let the interviewer know that.
One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched the
organization prior to the interview. You can also (10) ____ interest by asking questions about the job,
the organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask questions
that build upon your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (11) ____ close attention

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

to the interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful comment
based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (12) _____ of an interview, it
is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to hear; from the employer.
Question 3:

A. pressures

B. strengths

C. practices

D. promotions

Question 4:

A. hide

B. limit

C. express

D. identify

Question 5:

A. accurately

B. rightly

C. hardly

D. sharply

Question 6:

A. change

B. practice

C. way

D. chance

Question 7:

A. ability

B. response

C. expression

D. respect

Question 8:

A. enthusiast


C. enthusiastic

D. enthusiastically

Question 9:

A. for


C. with

D. in

Question 10:

A. appear

B. show


D. cover

Question 11:

A. spend


D. During

Question 12:

A. end



D. socialize

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 13: To attract someone's attention we can use either verbal and non- verbal forms of

Question 14 : It was not until after midnight when the noise next door stopped..

Question 15: My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday

Question 16: I've just spoken to Sally, that send you her love.

Question 17: Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

from other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 18: A. percent

B. event

C. agent

D. prevent

Question 19: A. sweet

B. sword

C. answer

D. whole

Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the
Question 20:

A. official

B. literacy

C. stationery

D. inventory

Question 21:

A. avoid

B. manage

C. career

D. advise

Question 22:

A. courageous

B. education

C. severe

D. diversity

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 23: ________ his advice, I would never have got the job at this company.
A. Except

B. But for

C. As for

D. Apart from

Question 24: The workers have gone on strike. ________ all production has ceased.
A. So that

B. Therefore

C. Because

D. Now that

C. Yes, I can

D. Well done!

Question 25: Jack: Can I use your computer?

Jill: ________.
A. No, thanks.

B. Of course

Question 26: The pioneer thinkers of the 18th century advocated that women should not be
discriminated against ________ the basis of their sex.
A. on

B. in

C. to

D. at

Question 27: I'm so hungry. Lets go and get ________ to eat.

A. everywhere

B. nothing

C. something

D. anyone

Question 28: In some countries many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home. They want to
________ independent lives.
A. take

B. see

C. give

D. lead

Question 29: Rosemary Dare is a wildlife photographer. She ________ in Uganda for many years.
A. lives

B. will live

C. has been living

D. is living

Question 30: If you had taken your dad's advice, you ______ such a silly mistake.
A. would have avoid

B. avoid

C. would have avoided

D. have avoided

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 31 : We will leave for the airport ______ he is ready.

A. as soon as

B. while

C. during

D. until

Question 32: A: "I didn't know you could play the guitar so well, Toan. Your tune was lovely!"
B: " ________"
A. You've got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.
B. I bought it near my house last week.
C. You are welcome.
D. Never mind.
Question 33: Not much happened yet, ________ ?
A. did they

B. did it

C. didn't it

D. was it

Question 34: I have never seen ______ festival in my life.

A. so spectacular a

B. a such spectacular

C. a so spectacular

D. such spectacular

Question 35: The more you practise your English, ________

A. you will learn faster

B. the faster will you learn

C. the faster you will learn

D. faster you will learn

Question 36: You won't know what to do ________ you listen carefully.
A. if

B. unless

C. and

D. or

Question 37: I need time to think about ________ offer you gave me.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. -

Question 38: You can ________ the new words in the dictionary.
A. fill in

B. put on

C. give up

D. look up

Question 39: If she ________ a car, she would go out in the evening.
A. has

B. have

C. had

D. has had

Question 40: Could you ______ a bit? I can't hardly hear you.
A. keep up

B. cool off

C. speak up

D. watch out

Question 41 : The success of a shared holiday depends on ______ you share it with.
A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. that

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning of
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 42: Water and fresh air are very necessary for every living thing.
A. essential

B. difficult

C. expensive

D. wasteful

Question 43: We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived.
A. luckily

B. suddenly

C. gradually

D. eventually

Question 44: I don't think I can ever live on my own in a big city.
A. poorly

B. hungry

C. freely

D. alone

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 45 to 54.
Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the worlds universities,
came from very inauspicious and humble beginnings. This oldest of America universities was founded
in 1636 , just sixteen years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to
the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of Englands prestigious
Oxford and Cambridge universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined
that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of
this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts
appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a
parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed
Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university.
When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of
Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the
fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court
named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done.The amount of the bequest
may not have been large, particularly by todays standards, but it was more than the General Court had
found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college.
Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that
in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of
four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire
teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 45: The main idea of this passage is that.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. Harvard is one of the worlds most prestigious universities

B. What is today a great university.
C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great University
D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts.
Question 46: The passage indicates that Harvard is
A. one of the oldest universities in the world
B. the oldest university in the world
C. one of the oldest universities in America
D. the oldest university in America.
Question 47: It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who traveled to the Massachusetts
colony were.
A. rather well educated
B. rather rich
C. rather supportive of the English government
D. rather undemocratic
Question 48: The underlined pronoun they refers to..
A. Oxford and Cambridge universities

B. university graduates

C. sons

D. education opportunities

Question 49: The underlined word pounds are probably.

A. types of books student

C. units of money

D. school campuses

Question 50: The underlined phrase English cousin refers to a.

A. city

B. relative

C. person

D. court

Question 51: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard?
A. What he died of

B. Where he came from

C. Where he was buried

D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard

Question 52: The underlined word fledgling could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. newborn


C. winged

D. established

Question 53: The passage implied that.

A. Henry Dunster was an effective president
B. Someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty
D. The position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the
early years.
Question 54: The underlined word somewhat could best be replaced by
A. back and forth

B. to and from C. side by side D. more or less

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 55 to 64.
Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become
extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the
jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will
become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have
been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in
material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to
the problem of extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are
valuable parts of the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to
ensure their survival - and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries,
in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They
then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must
also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and
patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international
boycott of products made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not
prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 55. What's the main topic of the passage?
A. the Bengal tiger

B. international boycott

C. endangered species

D. problems with industrialization

Question 56. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'alarming' in line 4?
A. dangerous

B. serious

C. gripping

D. distressing

Question 57. Which of the following could best replace the word 'case' as used in line 4?

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. act

B. situation

C. contrast

D. trade

Question 58. The word 'poachers' as used in line 5 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. illegal hunters

B. enterprising researchers

C. concerned scientists

D. trained hunters

Question 59. The word 'callousness' in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness

B. independence

C. incompetence

D. insensitivity

Question 60. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast
A. a problem and a solution
B. a statement and an illustration
C. a comparison and a contrast
D. specific and general information
Question 61. What does the word 'this' in line 6 refer to in the passage?
A. Bengal tigers
B. interest in material gain
C. killing animals for personal satisfaction
D. the decrease in the Bengal tiger population
Question 62. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
A. lines 1-2

B. lines 4-6

C. lines 9-11

D. lines 12-14

Question 63. Which of the following could best replace the word 'allocated' in line 11?
A. set aside

B. combined

C. organized

D. taken off

Question 64. The word 'defray' in line 12 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. lower

B. raise

C. make a payment on

D. make an investment toward

SECTION B (2 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: The teacher made us do a lot of homework.

We ________________________________________________________
Question 66: I cant do the test because it is too difficult.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

If the test_______________________________________________________________
Question 67: Im leaving for Hue tomorrow, Lan said to me

Lan told ________________________________________________________________

Question 68: Even though I was very tired, I couldnt sleep.

Despite ______________________________________________________________
Question 69: The holiday was so disappointing that they asked their money back..

It was___________________________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about benefits of physical exercises, your writing may use
the following cues: keeping fit; preventing diseases; improving mood.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




LP 12 THPT NM HC 2015 - 2016


Mn: Ting Anh - Chng trnh chun

M thi 314

Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht (Khng k thi gian giao )

( thi c 06 trang)

SECTION A (64 questions, 8 points)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 10.
Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become
extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the
jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will
become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have
been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in
material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to
the problem of extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are
valuable parts of the world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to
ensure their survival - and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries,
in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They
then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must
also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and
patrols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international
boycott of products made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not
prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 1. What's the main topic of the passage?
A. the Bengal tiger

B. international boycott

C. endangered species

D. problems with industrialization

Question 2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'alarming' in line 4?
A. dangerous

B. serious

C. gripping

D. distressing

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 3. Which of the following could best replace the word 'case' as used in line 4?
A. act

B. situation

C. contrast

D. trade

Question 4. The word 'poachers' as used in line 5 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. illegal hunters

B. enterprising researchers

C. concerned scientists

D. trained hunters

Question 5. The word 'callousness' in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness

B. independence

C. incompetence

D. insensitivity

Question 6. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast
A. a problem and a solution
B. a statement and an illustration
C. a comparison and a contrast
D. specific and general information
Question 7. What does the word 'this' in line 6 refer to in the passage?
A. Bengal tigers
B. interest in material gain
C. killing animals for personal satisfaction
D. the decrease in the Bengal tiger population
Question 8. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
A. lines 1-2

B. lines 4-6

C. lines 9-11

D. lines 12-14

Question 9. Which of the following could best replace the word 'allocated' in line 11?
A. set aside

B. combined

C. organized

D. taken off

Question 10. The word 'defray' in line 12 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. lower

B. raise

C. make a payment on

D. make an investment toward

Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the
Question 11:

A. official

B. literacy

C. stationery

D. inventory

Question 12:

A. avoid

B. manage

C. career

D. advise

Question 13:

A. courageous

B. education

C. severe

D. diversity

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 14: ________ his advice, I would never have got the job at this company.
A. Except

B. But for

C. As for

D. Apart from

Question 15: The workers have gone on strike. ________ all production has ceased.
A. So that

B. Therefore

C. Because

D. Now that

C. Yes, I can

D. Well done!

Question 16: Jack: Can I use your computer?

Jill: ________.
A. No, thanks.

B. Of course

Question 17: The pioneer thinkers of the 18th century advocated that women should not be
discriminated against ________ the basis of their sex.
A. on

B. in

C. to

D. at

Question 18: I'm so hungry. Lets go and get ________ to eat.

A. everywhere

B. nothing

C. something

D. anyone

Question 19: In some countries many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home. They want to
________ independent lives.
A. take

B. see

C. give

D. lead

Question 20: Rosemary Dare is a wildlife photographer. She ________ in Uganda for many years.
A. lives

B. will live

C. has been living

D. is living

Question 21: If you had taken your dad's advice, you ______ such a silly mistake.
A. would have avoid

B. avoid

C. would have avoided

D. have avoided

Question 22 : We will leave for the airport ______ he is ready.

A. as soon as

B. while

C. during

D. until

Question 23: A: "I didn't know you could play the guitar so well, Toan. Your tune was lovely!"
B: " ________"
A. You've got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.
B. I bought it near my house last week.
C. You are welcome.
D. Never mind.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 24: Not much happened yet, ________ ?

A. did they

B. did it

C. didn't it

D. was it

Question 25: I have never seen ______ festival in my life.

A. so spectacular a

B. a such spectacular

C. a so spectacular

D. such spectacular

Question 26: The more you practise your English, ________

A. you will learn faster

B. the faster will you learn

C. the faster you will learn

D. faster you will learn

Question 27: You won't know what to do ________ you listen carefully.
A. if

B. unless

C. and

D. or

Question 28: I need time to think about ________ offer you gave me.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. -

Question 29: You can ________ the new words in the dictionary.
A. fill in

B. put on

C. give up

D. look up

Question 30: If she ________ a car, she would go out in the evening.
A. has

B. have

C. had

D. has had

Question 31: Could you ______ a bit? I can't hardly hear you.
A. keep up

B. cool off

C. speak up

D. watch out

Question 32 : The success of a shared holiday depends on ______ you share it with.
A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. that

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 33: To attract someone's attention we can use either verbal and non- verbal forms of

Question 34 : It was not until after midnight when the noise next door stopped..

Question 35: My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 36: I've just spoken to Sally, that send you her love.

Question 37: Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 38: A. percent

B. event

C. agent

D. prevent

Question 39: A. sweet

B. sword

C. answer

D. whole

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning of
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 40: Water and fresh air are very necessary for every living thing.
A. essential

B. difficult

C. expensive

D. wasteful

Question 41: We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived.
A. luckily

B. suddenly

C. gradually

D. eventually

Question 42: I don't think I can ever live on my own in a big city.
A. poorly

B. hungry

C. freely

D. alone

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 52.
Harvard University, today recognized as part of the top echelon of the worlds universities,
came from very inauspicious and humble beginnings. This oldest of America universities was founded
in 1636 , just sixteen years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Included in the Puritan emigrants to
the Massachusetts colony during this period were more than 100 graduates of Englands prestigious
Oxford and Cambridge universities, and these university graduates in the New World were determined
that their sons would have the same educational opportunities that they themselves had had. Because of
this support in the colony for an institution of higher learning, the General Court of Massachusetts
appropriated 400 pounds for a college in October of 1636 and early the following year decided on a
parcel of land for the school; this land was in an area called Newetowne, which was later renamed
Cambridge after its English cousin and is the site of the present-day university.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

When a young minister named John Harvard, who came from the neighboring town of
Charlestowne, died from tuberculosis in 1638, he willed half of his estate of 1,700 pounds to the
fledgling college. In spite of the fact that only half of the bequest was actually paid, the General Court
named the college after the minister in appreciation for what he had done.The amount of the bequest
may not have been large, particularly by todays standards, but it was more than the General Court had
found it necessary to appropriate in order to open the college.
Henry Dunster was appointed the first president of Harvard in 1640, and it should be noted that
in addition to serving as president, he was also the entire faculty, with an entering freshman class of
four students. Although the staff did expand somewhat, for the first century of its existence the entire
teaching staff consisted of the president and three or four tutors.
(Source: TOEFL Reading)
Question 43: The main idea of this passage is that.
A. Harvard is one of the worlds most prestigious universities
B. What is today a great university.
C. John Harvard was key to the development of a great University
D. Harvard University developed under the auspices of the General Court of Massachusetts.
Question 44: The passage indicates that Harvard is
A. one of the oldest universities in the world
B. the oldest university in the world
C. one of the oldest universities in America
D. the oldest university in America.
Question 45: It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans who traveled to the Massachusetts
colony were.
A. rather well educated
B. rather rich
C. rather supportive of the English government
D. rather undemocratic
Question 46: The underlined pronoun they refers to..
A. Oxford and Cambridge universities

B. university graduates

C. sons

D. education opportunities

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Question 47: The underlined word pounds are probably.

A. types of books student

C. units of money

D. school campuses

Question 48: The underlined phrase English cousin refers to a.

A. city

B. relative

C. person

D. court

Question 49: Which of the following is NOT mentioned about John Harvard?
A. What he died of

B. Where he came from

C. Where he was buried

D. How much he bequeathed to Harvard

Question 50: The underlined word fledgling could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. newborn


C. winged

D. established

Question 51: The passage implied that.

A. Henry Dunster was an effective president
B. Someone else really served as president of Harvard before Henry Dunster
C. Henry Dunster spent much of his time as president managing the Harvard faculty
D. The position of president of Harvard was not merely an administrative position in the
early years.
Question 52: The underlined word somewhat could best be replaced by
A. back and forth

B. to and from C. side by side D. more or less

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
You will make the interview process easier for the employer if you prepare relevant information
about yourself. Think about how you want to present your (53)____, experiences, education, work style,
skills, and goals. Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples that support the statements
you make. It is also a good idea to review your resume with a critical eye and (54) ____ areas that an
employer might see as limitations or want further information. Think about how you can answer
difficult questions (55) ____ and positively, while keeping each answer brief.
An interview gives the employer a (56)_____ to get to know you. While you do want to market
yourself to the employer, answer each question with an honest (57) _____.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Never say anything negative about past experiences, employers, or courses and professors. Always
think of something positive about an experience and talk about that. You should also be (58) ____. If
you are genuinely interested (59) _____ the job, let the interviewer know that.
One of the best ways to show you are keen on a job is to demonstrate that you have researched
the organization prior to the interview. You can also (60) ____ interest by asking questions about the
job, the organization, and its services and products. The best way to impress an employer is to ask
questions that build upon your interview discussion. This shows you are interested and (61) ____ close
attention to the interviewer. It is a good idea to prepare a few questions in advance, but an insightful
comment based on your conversation can make an even stronger statement. At the (62) _____ of an
interview, it is appropriate for you to ask when you may expect to hear; from the employer.
Question 53:

A. pressures

B. strengths

C. practices

D. promotions

Question 54:

A. hide

B. limit

C. express

D. identify

Question 55:

A. accurately

B. rightly

C. hardly

D. sharply

Question 56:

A. change

B. practice

C. way

D. chance

Question 57:

A. ability

B. response

C. expression

D. respect

Question 58:

A. enthusiast


C. enthusiastic

D. enthusiastically

Question 59:

A. for


C. with

D. in

Question 60:

A. appear

B. show


D. cover

Question 61:

A. spend


D. During

Question 62:

A. end



D. socialize

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 63:

During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at

Question 64:

B. holding back

C. holding by

D. holding to

We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow

SECTION B (2 points)

B. open

C. unsure

D. uninterested

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Question 65: The teacher made us do a lot of homework.

We ________________________________________________________
Question 66: I cant do the test because it is too difficult.

If the test_______________________________________________________________
Question 67: Im leaving for Hue tomorrow, Lan said to me

Lan told ________________________________________________________________

Question 68: Even though I was very tired, I couldnt sleep.

Despite ______________________________________________________________
Question 69: The holiday was so disappointing that they asked their money back..

It was___________________________________________________________
II. In about 140 words, write a paragraph about benefits of physical exercises, your writing may use
the following cues: keeping fit; preventing diseases; improving mood.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph





NM HC 2015 - 2016
Mn: TING ANH Chng trnh chun
(p n gm 02 trang)

A. Phn trc nghim= 8 im

Mi cu ng = 0.125 im x 64 cu
Cu s

M thi

Cu s










M thi







































VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

























B. Phn t lun (2 im)

I-Rewrite the following sentences, so that the meaning stays the same.(Mi cu ng 0,1 im)
Question 65. We were made to do a lot of homework
Question 66. If the test were easier/not too difficult/ not so difficult, I could do it
Question 67. Lan told me (that) she was leaving for HUE the next day/the following day
Question 68. Despite being very tired, I couldnt sleep./ Despite the fact that.
Question 69. It was such a disappointing holiday/ so disappointing a holiday that they asked their
money back.
II- In about 140 words, write a paragraph about benefits of physical exercises, your writing may use
the following cues. (1.5 im)

keeping fit

preventing diseases

improving mood


M t tiu ch nh gi

im ti a

B cc


Cu dn ch mch lc (Cu ch (Topic sentence) nu

chnh ca on vn

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

B cc hp l r rng ph hp yu cu ca bi

C th c cu kt lun (Concluding sentence) tm tt chnh ca

on vn, hoc a ra mt gi , mt quan im hay mt d on.


Pht trin

Pht trin c trnh t logic

C dn chng, v d, bo v kin ca


mnh . (Nu c nhng l do v lng, iu kin lm vic, kh nng

ca bn thn, c hi cng hin, ng gp hoc nhng thun li khc
m cng vic mang li cho mnh.)

S dng ngn t

S dng ngn t ph hp ni dung

S dng ngn t ng vn phong/th loi

S dng t ni cc cho bi vit uyn chuyn


Ni dung

thuyt phc ngi c

dn chng, v d, lp lun

di: s t khng c nhiu hn hoc t hn so vi quy nh 5%


Ng php, u cu, v chnh t


S dng ng du cu

Chnh t: vit ng chnh t




+ Li chnh t gy hiu nhm/sai lch s b tnh mt li (tr 1%

im ca bi vit)
+ Cng mt li chnh t lp li ch tnh l mt li

S dng ng thi, th, cu trc cu ng ng php.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




NM HC 2014 - 2015



Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

H, tn th sinh:.....................................................................

M thi 190

SBD: .

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs

They are planning on attending the convention next month, and so I am.


Today was such beautiful day that I couldnt bring myself to complete all my chores.



Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that

today bears his name.


Surrounded by forested mountain slopes are the town of Telluride, a former gold

mining town 7,500 feet above sea level.


The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks
To many people, the word geology conjures up rather dull image of lumps of rock in glass
cases. People tend to regard geology as an academic subject that you dont need to know about (56)
__________you have to study it at school. If you visit te Earth Galleries at Londons Natural
history Museum, however, youll (57) __________ that this image couldnt be further from the
The aim of the exhibition is not to procedure future geologists, but rather to inspire interest
in a subject which is relevant to everyday life. The Earth Galleries turn the traditional idea of

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

geological museum (58) __________, literacy because you begin at the top. The central space in the
museum is a glass-topped atrium. As you enter, you (59) __________ up to the top of this by
escalator. On the (60) __________, the escalator passed through a massive revolving globe,
measuring eleven metres (61) __________ diameter. This represents a planet, not necessarily the
Earth. (62) __________ at the top, you work your way down through the six different exhibitions
that (63) __________ the museum.
The individual exhibitions explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes as
well as looking at the Earths energy (64) __________ and where our most common building (65)
__________ come from. These exhibitions allow everyone to appreciate the fascination of geology.

A. despite

B. unless

C. owing

D. whether


A. discover

B. found

C. catch


A. head to toe

B. upside down

C. back to front D. inside out


A. drive

B. ride

C. run

D. steer


A. trip

B. route

C. way

D. path


A. on

B. around

C. across

D. in


A. From

B. Once

C. Got

D. Yet


A. bring together

B. consist of

C. make up

D. show off


A. treasures

B. talents

C. resources

D. reservations


A. ingredients

B. materials

C. contents

D. substances

D. convince

Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose primary stress is on a different position from that of the
others in each group below.

A. terrific

B. Pacific

C. Arabic

D. mechanic


A. benevolent

B. profitable

C. essential

D. equivalent


A. evaporate

B. consulate

C. contemplate

D. coordinate


A. compressor

B. transistor

C. equator

D. ancestor


A. nutritious

B. contagious

C. contemptuous

D. numerous

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Jazz has been called the art of expression set to music, and
Americas great contribution to music. It has functioned as popular art and
enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in the jazz age of the

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


1920s, in the swing era of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of


modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it
originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up
the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It
welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the
Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back


to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden,
a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been
the first real Jazz musician, around 1891.
What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of
music was the use of improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional


music where composers wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the
musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the
score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of
skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of
the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldnt even read


music at all. Generally speaking, these early musicians couldnt make very
much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living. The
second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable
players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed
small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its
complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as hot Jazz


due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive.

A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was
discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of
the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, and later one of the
biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early
Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music.


The Passage answers which of the following questions?

(A) Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900?
(B) What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music?
(C) What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century?

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

(D) Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music?

According to the passage, Jazz originated in

(A) Chicago

(B) St. Louis (C) along the Mississippi river

(D) New Orleans

Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression?

(A) the use of cornets


(B) hot Jazz

(C) improvisation

(D) New Orleans

The word skeletal in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) framework

(B) musical

(C) basic

(D) essential

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) many early Jazz musicians had poor sight

(B) there is no slow music in Jazz
(C) many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training
(D) the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz

The word menial in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) mens

(B) attractive

(C) degrading

(D) skilled

According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New

Orleans Jazz musicians?

(A) Louis Armstrong

(B) Buddy Bolden

(C) St. Louis

(D) Joe Oliver

All of the following are true EXCEPT

(A) the late 1930s was called the swing era

(B) hot Jazz is rhythmic
(C) Jazz has been said to be Americas greatest contribution to music
(D) Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician

The word its in line 23 refers to

(A) small bands


(B) earlier music

(C) men

(D) earlier musicians

The word their in line 15 refers to which of the following?

A. composers

B. musicians

C. pieces

D. earlier forms

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

_____________youll be coming to the meeting next week since you prepared the

A. Likely
A. way

B. Predictably

C. Presumably D. Surely

The floor was so rotten that it almost gave _____________ under his weight.
B. up

C. back

D. away

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


A: Im having some friends over for dinner this evening. Would you like to join us?

B: _____________
A. Thanks but I mustnt.

B. Come one. Its your turn.

C. Can I take a rain check?

D. As a matter of fact, I do.


A: Do you like that advanced course you are taking, John?

B: _____________

A. No, thanks.

B. By and large, yes.

C. Not me. Im still waiting.

D. No, not everyone.




A. on


B. with

C. about


D. in

The marathon runner _____________ for nearly one hour and a half when she

_____________ to the pavement.

A. has been running / collapses

B. were running / collapsed

C. had been running / collapsed

D. ran / had been collapsing

37. I can't thank enough for your help.

- _____________

A. I'd rather not.

C. I don't mind.


B. My pleasure.

D. My goodness.

John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?"
Laura. " _______"

A. Yes, its an absurd idea

B. Theres no doubt about it

C. Of course not. You bet

D. Well, thats very surprising

39. If you had asked him, he _________ helped you to solve the problem.
A. will have

B. ought to have

C. should have

D. would have

Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school. I still remember ____________

very stupid questions.

A. him asking B. him to ask

C. asking him


41. Todays my 20 birthday.

A. Take care! B. Many happy returns!

D. his being asked

- _________
C. Have a good time! D. I dont understand.

Luisa does a full-time job and _____________.

A. looks after also the house

C. looks after the house too

B. looks after the house either

D. also looks after the house


On the second level of the parking lot_____________

A. is empty

B. are some empty stalls

C. some empty stalls are

D. are empty

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the_____________that the matter was

A. reasons


B. excuses

A. restore


C. grounds

B. renovate

D. foundation



C. repair





D. refurbish

Can you list the problems ____ poor and ____ countries?

A. facing/ overpopulation

B. facing/overpopulated

C. face/ overpopulated

D. facing/overpopulating


I feel _________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with



A. my duty

C. this my duty

D. that my duty

I'm sure when you've stopped looking for your keys, they'll _____________up somewhere.

A. take

B. it my duty
B. look

C. turn

D. pull

To solve this problem, it is advisable__________

A. a drastic measure to be adopted

B. that to adopt a drastic measure

C. that a drastic measure be adopted

D. that a drastic measure is adopted


The organs of taste are the _____________ that are mainly located on the tongue.

A. groups of cells are taste buds

B. Taste buds are groups of cells

C. Taste buds, these are groups of cells

D. Taste buds, groups of cells


On the second thought, I believe I will go with you to the theater.

A. On reflection

B. For this time only

C. After discussing with my wife

D. For the second time


Geogre wouldnt have met Mary ______ to his brothers graduation party.

A. had he gone

B. hadnt he gone

C. if he had not gone


D. if he shouldnt have gone

John has a monthly bank ___ sent to him so that he knows how much there is in his account.

A. statement

B. overdraft

C. cheque

D. balance

54. He was sent to _________ prison for _________ six months for _________ shoplifting.
A. x/x/x

B. the/x/x

C. x/x/the

D. a/x/a

55. What do you want to do this summer?

I think we should go somewhere ________ has plenty of sun and sand.
A. who

B. where

C. when

D. that

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the sentences that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions

It was his lack of confidence that surprised me.

A. He surprised me by his lack of confidence.

B. What surprised me was his lack of confidence.
C. That his lack of confidence surprised me.
D. That he lacked of confidence surprised me.

Frank doesnt care if Jean leaves or stays.

A. Whatever Jean does is all right with Frank.

B. Frank wants Jean to stay.
C. Jean will stay, but Frank wants her to leave.
D. Jean wants to leave unless Frank stays.

When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.

A. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher.
B. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
C. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.

"Youre always making terrible mistakes", said the teacher.


The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.


The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.

C. The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes.


The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes
Diana ran into her former teacher on the way to the stadium yesterday.

A. Diana caused an accident to her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
B. Dianas car ran over her teacher on the way to the stadium.
C. Diana happened to meet her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
D. Dianas teacher got run over whole she was going to the stadium.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the one that best completes each

After seeing the movie Pride and Prejudice,

A. many people wanted to read the book

B. the reading of the book interested many people
C. the book was read by many people

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

D. the book made many people want to read it


We got on well when we shared a flat,_______

A. in spite of the different in our old

B. although the difference in our age
C. in spite that fact that I was much older than her
D. despite her being much older than me

The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and

A. so that the pilot made an error and crashed

B. as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed
C. therefore the pilot made it crash
D. resulting from the pilot crashing the plane

In bacteria and other organisms,

A. it is the DNA that provides the genetic information

B. which is the DNA that provides the genes
C. the DNA providing the genetic information
D. the DNA that provides the genetic information

Recent evidence makes it possible for the investigators to conclude that

A. some paintings by Rembrandt were faked

B. some paintings by Rembrandt must be faked
C. Rembrandt was attituded to some paintings
D. some paintings by Rembrandt to be faked
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions that follow
Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil War (1861-1865) a government
train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a
snowstorm and had to be abandoned. The driver returned the next spring to see what had become of
his cargo. Instead of the skeletons he had expected to find, he saw his oxen, living, fat, and healthy.
How had they survived?
The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans lands trampled underfoot in their
haste to cross the Great American Desert to reach lands that sometimes proved barren. In the
eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant. It grew well
with enough rain, then when cut and stored it would cure and become nourishing hay for winter
feed. But in the dry grazing lands of the West that familiar bluejoint grass was often killed by

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

drought. To raise cattle out there seemed risky or even hopeless. Who could imagine a fairy-tale
grass that required no rain and somehow made it possible for cattle to feed themselves all winter?
But the surprising western wild grasses did just that. They had wonderfully convenient
features that made them superior to the cultivated eastern grasses. Variously known as buffalo grass,
grama grass, or mesquite grass, not only were they immune to drought; but they were actually
preserved by the lack of summer and autumn rains. They were not juicy like the cultivated eastern
grasses, but had short, hard stems. And they did not need to be cured in a barn, but dried right where
they grew on the ground.

When they dried in this way, they remained naturally sweet and

nourishing through the winter. Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this hay. And
the cattle themselves helped plant the fresh grass year after year for they trampled the natural seeds
firmly into the soil to be watered by the melting snows of winter and the occasional rains of spring.
The dry summer air cured them much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. A type of wild vegetation

B. Western migration after Civil War

C. The raising of cattle

D. The climate of the Western United States


What can be inferred by the phrase Legend has it in line 1?

A. Most history book include the story of the train.

B. The story of the train is similar to other ones from that time period.
C. The driver of the train invented the story.
D. The story of the train may not be completed factual.

The word they in line 5 refers to _____.

A. plains

B. skeletons

C. oxen

D. Americans

What can be inferred about the Great American Desert mentioned in line 7?

A. Many had settled there by the 1860s.

B. It was not originally assumed to be a fertile area.
C. It was a popular place to raise cattle before the Civil War.
D. It was not discovered until the late 1800s.

The word barren in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. lonely

C. infertile

D. dangerous

The word preferred in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. favored

B. uncomfortable
B. available

C. ordinary

D. required

Which of the following can be inferred about the cultivated grass mentioned in the second

A. Cattle raised in the Western United States refused to eat it.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

B. It had to be imported into the United States.

C. It would probably not grow in the western United States.
D. It was difficult for cattle to digest.

Which of the following was NOT one of the names given to the western grasses?

A. Mesquite grass

B. Bluejoint grass

C. Buffalo grass

D. Grama grass


Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a characteristic of western grasses?

A. They contain little moisture

B. They have tough stems

C. They can be grown indoors

D. They are not affected by dry weather


According to the passage, the cattle help promote the growth of the wild grass by

A. eating only small quantities of grass.

B. continually moving from one grazing area to another.
C. naturally fertilizing the soil.
D. stepping on and pressing the seeds into the ground.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

The value of an old item increases with time.

A. an original

B. an antique

D. a bonus

When he won the first prize, he realised that this was the highest attainment of his life.

A. accomplishment

C. a facsimile

B. task

C. shock

D. surprise

According to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon us.

A. in the near future

B. undoubtedly

C. some day

D. now

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following question
79. Teacher shortages hinder new English training programmes carried out in Ho Chi Minh City.

B. facilitate

C. impede

D. prevent

80. TPOTY is one of the world's most prestigious photography awards, receiving entries from
nearly 100 countries annually.
A. distinguished

B. ordinary

C. renowned

========== The end ==========

H v tn th sinh: ..SBD:.
Ch k gim th 1: .Ch k gim th 2: ..

D. famed

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




NM HC 2014 - 2015



Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

H, tn th sinh:.....................................................................

M thi 202

SBD: .

Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose primary stress is on a different position from that of the
others in each group below.
1. A. nutritious

B. contagious

C. contemptuous

D. numerous

2. A. terrific

B. Pacific

C. Arabic

D. mechanic

3. A. evaporate

B. consulate

C. contemplate

D. coordinate

4. A. compressor

B. transistor

C. equator

D. ancestor

5. A. benevolent

B. profitable

C. essential

D. equivalent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
6. A: Im having some friends over for dinner this evening. Would you like to join us?
B: _____________
A. Thanks but I mustnt.

B. Come one. Its your turn.

C. Can I take a rain check?

D. As a matter of fact, I do.

7. A: Do you like that advanced course you are taking, John?

B: _____________
A. No, thanks.

B. By and large, yes.

C. Not me. Im still waiting.

D. No, not everyone.

8. I can't thank enough for your help.

- _____________

A. I'd rather not.

C. I don't mind.

B. My pleasure.

D. My goodness.

9. John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?"
Laura. " _______"
A. Yes, its an absurd idea

B. Theres no doubt about it

C. Of course not. You bet

D. Well, thats very surprising


10. - Todays my 20 birthday.

A. Take care! B. Many happy returns!

- _________
C. Have a good time!


D. I dont understand.

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


Luisa does a full-time job and _____________.

A. looks after also the house

C. looks after the house too

B. looks after the house either

D. also looks after the house


On the second level of the parking lot_____________

A. is empty

B. are some empty stalls

C. some empty stalls are

D. are empty


_____________youll be coming to the meeting next week since you prepared the

A. Likely

B. Predictably

D. Surely

The floor was so rotten that it almost gave _____________ under his weight.

A. way

C. Presumably

B. up

C. back

D. away

Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school. I still remember ____________

very stupid questions.

A. him asking

B. him to ask

C. asking him

D. his being asked

Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the_____________that the matter was

A. reasons

B. excuses

17. William


A. on

B. with

18. They


A. restore

C. grounds


D. foundation

C. about



B. renovate


C. repair


D. in




D. refurbish

19. The marathon runner _____________ for nearly one hour and a half when she _____________
to the pavement.
A. has been running / collapses

B. were running / collapsed

C. had been running / collapsed

D. ran / had been collapsing

20. I feel _________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the
A. my duty

B. it my duty

C. this my duty

D. that my duty

21. I'm sure when you've stopped looking for your keys, they'll _____________up somewhere.
A. take

B. look

C. turn

D. pull

22. The organs of taste are the _____________ that are mainly located on the tongue.
A. groups of cells are taste buds

B. Taste buds are groups of cells

C. Taste buds, these are groups of cells

D. Taste buds, groups of cells


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

23. He was sent to _________ prison for _________ six months for _________ shoplifting.
A. x/x/x

B. the/x/x

C. x/x/the

D. a/x/a

24. If you had asked him, he _________ helped you to solve the problem.
A. will have

B. ought to have

C. should have

D. would have

To solve this problem, it is advisable__________

A. a drastic measure to be adopted

B. that to adopt a drastic measure

C. that a drastic measure be adopted

D. that a drastic measure is adopted


On the second thought, I believe I will go with you to the theater.

A. On reflection

B. For this time only

C. After discussing with my wife

D. For the second time


Geogre wouldnt have met Mary ______ to his brothers graduation party.

A. had he gone

B. hadnt he gone

C. if he had not gone

D. if he shouldnt have gone


John has a monthly bank ___ sent to him so that he knows how much there is in his account.

A. statement

B. overdraft

C. cheque

D. balance

Can you list the problems ____ poor and ____ countries?

A. facing/ overpopulation

B. facing/overpopulated

C. face/ overpopulated

D. facing/overpopulating

30. What do you want to do this summer?

I think we should go somewhere ________ has plenty of sun and sand.
A. who

B. where

C. when

D. that

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Jazz has been called the art of expression set to music, and
Americas great contribution to music. It has functioned as popular art and
enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in the jazz age of the

1920s, in the swing era of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of


modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it
originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up
the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It
welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the
Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden,
a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been
the first real Jazz musician, around 1891.
What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of
music was the use of improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional


music where composers wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the
musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the
score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of
skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of
the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldnt even read


music at all. Generally speaking, these early musicians couldnt make very
much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living. The
second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable
players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed
small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its
complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as hot Jazz


due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive.

A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was
discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of
the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, and later one of the
biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early
Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music.


The Passage answers which of the following questions?

A. Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900?
B. What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music?
C. What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century?
D. Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music?
32. According to the passage, Jazz originated in
A. Chicago

B. St. Louis

C. along the Mississippi river

D. New Orleans

33. Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression?
A. the use of cornets

B. hot Jazz

C. improvisation

34. The word skeletal in line 16 is closest in meaning to


D. New Orleans

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. framework

B. musical

C. basic

D. essential

35. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. many early Jazz musicians had poor sight
B. there is no slow music in Jazz
C. many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training
D. the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz
36. The word menial in line 20 is closest in meaning to
A. mens

B. attractive

C. degrading

D. skilled

37. According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New Orleans
Jazz musicians?
A. Louis Armstrong

B. Buddy Bolden

C. St. Louis

D. Joe Oliver

38. All of the following are true EXCEPT

A. the late 1930s was called the swing era
B. hot Jazz is rhythmic
C. Jazz has been said to be Americas greatest contribution to music
D. Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician
39. The word its in line 23 refers to
A. small bands

B. earlier music

C. men

D. earlier musicians

The word their in line 15 refers to which of the following?


B. musicians

C. pieces

D. earlier forms

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
41. They are planning on attending the convention next month, and so I am.

42. Today was such beautiful day that I couldnt bring myself to complete all my chores.

43. The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe.

44. Alois Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that today bears his

45. Surrounded by forested mountain slopes are the town of Telluride, a former gold


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

mining town 7,500 feet above sea level.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word for each of the blanks.
To many people, the word geology conjures up rather dull image of lumps of rock in glass
cases. People tend to regard geology as an academic subject that you dont need to know about (56)
__________you have to study it at school. If you visit te Earth Galleries at Londons Natural
history Museum, however, youll (57) __________ that this image couldnt be further from the
The aim of the exhibition is not to procedure future geologists, but rather to inspire interest
in a subject which is relevant to everyday life. The Earth Galleries turn the traditional idea of
geological museum (58) __________, literacy because you begin at the top. The central space in the
museum is a glass-topped atrium. As you enter, you (59) __________ up to the top of this by
escalator. On the (60) __________, the escalator passed through a massive revolving globe,
measuring eleven metres (61) __________ diameter. This represents a planet, not necessarily the
Earth. (62) __________ at the top, you work your way down through the six different exhibitions
that (63) __________ the museum.
The individual exhibitions explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes as
well as looking at the Earths energy (64) __________ and where our most common building (65)
__________ come from. These exhibitions allow everyone to appreciate the fascination of geology.

A. despite

B. owing

C. unless

D. whether


A. catch

B. found

C. discover

D. convince


A. head to toe

B. inside out

C. back to front

D. upside down


A. drive

B. ride

C. run

D. steer


A. way

B. route

C. trip

D. path


A. on

B. around

C. across

D. in


A. From

B. Once

C. Got

D. Yet


A. bring together

B. consist of

C. make up

D. show off


A. resources

B. talents

C. treasures

D. reservations


65. A. ingredients

B. substances

C. contents

D. materials

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the sentences that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

56. Diana ran into her former teacher on the way to the stadium yesterday.
A. Diana caused an accident to her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
B. Dianas car ran over her teacher on the way to the stadium.
C. Diana happened to meet her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
D. Dianas teacher got run over whole she was going to the stadium.
57. When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.
A. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher.
B. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
C. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.
58. "Youre always making terrible mistakes", said the teacher.

The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.


The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.

C. The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes.


The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes

59. Frank doesnt care if Jean leaves or stays.

A. Whatever Jean does is all right with Frank.
B. Frank wants Jean to stay.
C. Jean will stay, but Frank wants her to leave.
D. Jean wants to leave unless Frank stays.
60. It was his lack of confidence that surprised me.
A. He surprised me by his lack of confidence.
B. What surprised me was his lack of confidence.
C. That his lack of confidence surprised me.
D. That he lacked of confidence surprised me.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the one that best completes each
61. We got on well when we shared a flat,_______
A. in spite of the different in our old
B. although the difference in our age
C. in spite that fact that I was much older than her
D. despite her being much older than me

After seeing the movie Pride and Prejudice,


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

A. many people wanted to read the book

B. the reading of the book interested many people
C. the book was read by many people
D. the book made many people want to read it

The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and

A. so that the pilot made an error and crashed

B. as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed
C. therefore the pilot made it crash
D. resulting from the pilot crashing the plane

Recent evidence makes it possible for the investigators to conclude that

A. some paintings by Rembrandt were faked

B. some paintings by Rembrandt must be faked
C. Rembrandt was attituded to some paintings
D. some paintings by Rembrandt to be faked

In bacteria and other organisms,

A. it is the DNA that provides the genetic information

B. which is the DNA that provides the genes
C. the DNA providing the genetic information
D. the DNA that provides the genetic information
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil War (1861-1865) a government
train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a
snowstorm and had to be abandoned. The driver returned the next spring to see what had become of
his cargo. Instead of the skeletons he had expected to find, he saw his oxen, living, fat, and healthy.
How had they survived?
The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans lands trampled underfoot in their
haste to cross the Great American Desert to reach lands that sometimes proved barren. In the
eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant. It grew well
with enough rain, then when cut and stored it would cure and become nourishing hay for winter
feed. But in the dry grazing lands of the West that familiar bluejoint grass was often killed by
drought. To raise cattle out there seemed risky or even hopeless. Who could imagine a fairy-tale
grass that required no rain and somehow made it possible for cattle to feed themselves all winter?


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

But the surprising western wild grasses did just that. They had wonderfully convenient
features that made them superior to the cultivated eastern grasses. Variously known as buffalo grass,
grama grass, or mesquite grass, not only were they immune to drought; but they were actually
preserved by the lack of summer and autumn rains. They were not juicy like the cultivated eastern
grasses, but had short, hard stems. And they did not need to be cured in a barn, but dried right where
they grew on the ground. When they dried in this way, they remained naturally sweet and
nourishing through the winter. Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this hay. And
the cattle themselves helped plant the fresh grass year after year for they trampled the natural seeds
firmly into the soil to be watered by the melting snows of winter and the occasional rains of spring.
The dry summer air cured them much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.
66. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. A type of wild vegetation

B. Western migration after Civil War

C. The raising of cattle

D. The climate of the Western United States

67. What can be inferred by the phrase Legend has it in line 1?

A. Most history book include the story of the train.
B. The story of the train is similar to other ones from that time period.
C. The driver of the train invented the story.
D. The story of the train may not be completed factual.
68. The word they in line 5 refers to _____.
A. plains

B. skeletons

C. oxen

D. Americans

69. What can be inferred about the Great American Desert mentioned in line 7?
A. Many had settled there by the 1860s.
B. It was not originally assumed to be a fertile area.
C. It was a popular place to raise cattle before the Civil War.
D. It was not discovered until the late 1800s.
70. The word barren in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.
A. lonely

B. uncomfortable

C. infertile

D. dangerous

71. The word preferred in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. favored

B. available

C. ordinary

D. required

72. Which of the following can be inferred about the cultivated grass mentioned in the second
A. Cattle raised in the Western United States refused to eat it.
B. It had to be imported into the United States.
C. It would probably not grow in the western United States.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

D. It was difficult for cattle to digest.

73. Which of the following was NOT one of the names given to the western grasses?
A. Mesquite grass

B. Bluejoint grass

C. Buffalo grass

D. Grama grass

74. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a characteristic of western grasses?
A. They contain little moisture

B. They have tough stems

C. They can be grown indoors

D. They are not affected by dry weather

75. According to the passage, the cattle help promote the growth of the wild grass by
A. eating only small quantities of grass.
B. continually moving from one grazing area to another.
C. naturally fertilizing the soil.
D. stepping on and pressing the seeds into the ground.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

When he won the first prize, he realized that this was the highest attainment of his life.

A. task

B. accomplishment

C. shock

D. surprise

77. According to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon us.
A. in the near future

B. undoubtedly

C. some day

D. now

C. a facsimile

D. a bonus

78. The value of an old item increases with time.

A. an antique

B. an original

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following question

Teacher shortages hinder new English training programmes carried out in Ho Chi Minh


B. impede

C. facilitate

D. prevent

80. TPOTY is one of the world's most prestigious photography awards, receiving entries from
nearly 100 countries annually.
A. distinguished

B. renowned

C. ordinary

D. famed

========== The end ==========

H v tn th sinh: ..SBD:.
Ch k gim th 1: .Ch k gim th 2: ..


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph




NM HC 2014 - 2015
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

H, tn th sinh:.....................................................................

M thi 202

SBD: .

Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose primary stress is on a different position from that of the
others in each group below.

A. terrific

B. mechanic

C. Arabic

D. Pacific


A. transistor

B. compressor

C. equator

D. ancestor


A. nutritious

B. numerous

C. contemptuous

D. contagious


A. consulate

B. evaporate

C. contemplate

D. coordinate


A. profitable

B. benevolent

C. essential

D. equivalent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions

The organs of taste are the _____________ that are mainly located on the tongue.

A. groups of cells are taste buds

B. Taste buds are groups of cells

C. Taste buds, these are groups of cells

D. Taste buds, groups of cells


He was sent to _________ prison for _________ six months for _________ shoplifting.
A. x/x/x


B. the/x/x

C. x/x/the

D. a/x/a

I feel _________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with



A. my duty

B. it my duty

C. this my duty

D. that my duty

A: Im having some friends over for dinner this evening. Would you like to join us?

B: _____________
A. Thanks but I mustnt.

B. Come one. Its your turn.

C. Can I take a rain check?

D. As a matter of fact, I do.


I'm sure when you've stopped looking for your keys, they'll _____________up somewhere.

A. take

B. look

C. turn

D. pull

A: Do you like that advanced course you are taking, John?

B: _____________

A. No, thanks.

B. By and large, yes.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. Not me. Im still waiting.

D. No, not everyone.


- _____________

I can't thank enough for your help.

A. I'd rather not.


B. My pleasure.

C. I don't mind.

D. My goodness.

John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?"
Laura. " _______"

A. Yes, its an absurd idea

B. Theres no doubt about it

C. Of course not. You bet

D. Well, thats very surprising


14. Todays my 20 birthday.

A. Take care!

- _________

B. Many happy returns!

C. Have a good time! D.



To solve this problem, it is advisable__________

A. a drastic measure to be adopted

B. that to adopt a drastic measure

C. that a drastic measure be adopted

D. that a drastic measure is adopted


Luisa does a full-time job and _____________.

A. looks after also the house

C. looks after the house too

B. looks after the house either

D. also looks after the house


On the second level of the parking lot_____________

A. is empty

B. are some empty stalls

C. some empty stalls are

D. are empty


_____________youll be coming to the meeting next week since you prepared the

A. Likely

C. Presumably D. Surely

The floor was so rotten that it almost gave _____________ under his weight.

A. way

B. Predictably
B. up

C. back

D. away

Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school. I still remember ____________

very stupid questions.

A. him asking B. him to ask

C. asking him

D. his being asked

21. What do you want to do this summer?

+ I think we should go somewhere ________ has plenty of sun and sand.
A. who

B. where

C. when


D. that

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph


Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the_____________that the matter was

A. reasons

C. grounds

D. foundation

William is an authority_____________medieval tapestries.

A. on

B. excuses
B. with

C. about

D. in

On the second thought, I believe I will go with you to the theater.

A. On reflection

B. For this time only

C. After discussing with my wife

D. For the second time


They attempted to _____________ the painting to its original condition.

A. restore

B. renovate

C. repair

D. refurbish

The marathon runner _____________ for nearly one hour and a half when she

_____________ to the pavement.

A. has been running / collapses

B. were running / collapsed

C. had been running / collapsed

D. ran / had been collapsing


If you had asked him, he _________ helped you to solve the problem.

A. will have

B. ought to have

C. should have

Geogre wouldnt have met Mary ______ to his brothers graduation party.

A. had he gone

B. hadnt he gone

C. if he had not gone


D. if he shouldnt have gone

John has a monthly bank ___ sent to him so that he knows how much there is in his account.

A. statement

D. would have

B. overdraft

C. cheque

D. balance

Can you list the problems ____ poor and ____ countries?

A. facing/ overpopulation

B. facing/overpopulated

C. face/ overpopulated

D. facing/overpopulating

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the one that best completes each

In bacteria and other organisms,

A. it is the DNA that provides the genetic information

B. which is the DNA that provides the genes
C. the DNA providing the genetic information
D. the DNA that provides the genetic information

We got on well when we shared a flat,_______

A. in spite of the different in our old

B. although the difference in our age


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. in spite that fact that I was much older than her

D. despite her being much older than me

Recent evidence makes it possible for the investigators to conclude that

A. some paintings by Rembrandt were faked

B. some paintings by Rembrandt must be faked
C. Rembrandt was attituded to some paintings
D. some paintings by Rembrandt to be faked

The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and

A. so that the pilot made an error and crashed

B. as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed
C. therefore the pilot made it crash
D. resulting from the pilot crashing the plane

After seeing the movie Pride and Prejudice,

A. many people wanted to read the book

B. the reading of the book interested many people
C. the book was read by many people
D. the book made many people want to read it
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Jazz has been called the art of expression set to music, and
Americas great contribution to music. It has functioned as popular art and
enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in the jazz age of the

1920s, in the swing era of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of


modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it
originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up
the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It
welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the
Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back


to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden,
a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been
the first real Jazz musician, around 1891.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of
music was the use of improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional

music where composers wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the
musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the
score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of
skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of
the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldnt even read


music at all. Generally speaking, these early musicians couldnt make very
much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living. The
second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable
players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed
small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its
complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as hot Jazz


due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive.

A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was
discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of
the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, and later one of the
biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early
Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music.


The Passage answers which of the following questions?

(A) Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900?
(B) What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music?
(C) What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century?
(D) Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music?

According to the passage, Jazz originated in

(A) Chicago

(B) St. Louis (C) along the Mississippi river

Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression?

(A) the use of cornets


(B) hot Jazz

(C) improvisation

(D) New Orleans

The word skeletal in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) framework

(D) New Orleans

(B) musical

(C) basic

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) many early Jazz musicians had poor sight

(B) there is no slow music in Jazz


(D) essential

VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

(C) many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training
(D) the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz

The word menial in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) mens

(B) attractive

(C) degrading

(D) skilled

According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New

Orleans Jazz musicians?

(A) Louis Armstrong

(B) Buddy Bolden

(C) St. Louis

(D) Joe Oliver

All of the following are true EXCEPT

(A) the late 1930s was called the swing era

(B) hot Jazz is rhythmic
(C) Jazz has been said to be Americas greatest contribution to music
(D) Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician

The word its in line 23 refers to

(A) small bands


(B) earlier music

(C) men

(D) earlier musicians

The word their in line 15 refers to which of the following?


B. musicians

C. pieces

D. earlier forms

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs

They are planning on attending the convention next month, and so I am.


Today was such beautiful day that I couldnt bring myself to complete all my chores


The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe.



Alois Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that

today bears his name.


Surrounded by forested mountain slopes are the town of Telluride, a former gold

mining town 7,500 feet above sea level.



VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
To many people, the word geology conjures up rather dull image of lumps of rock in glass
cases. People tend to regard geology as an academic subject that you dont need to know about (56)
__________you have to study it at school. If you visit te Earth Galleries at Londons Natural
history Museum, however, youll (57) __________ that this image couldnt be further from the
The aim of the exhibition is not to procedure future geologists, but rather to inspire interest in
a subject which is relevant to everyday life. The Earth Galleries turn the traditional idea of
geological museum (58) __________, literacy because you begin at the top. The central space in the
museum is a glass-topped atrium. As you enter, you (59) __________ up to the top of this by
escalator. On the (60) __________, the escalator passed through a massive revolving globe,
measuring eleven metres (61) __________ diameter. This represents a planet, not necessarily the
Earth. (62) __________ at the top, you work your way down through the six different exhibitions
that (63) __________ the museum.
The individual exhibitions explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes as
well as looking at the Earths energy (64) __________ and where our most common building (65)
__________ come from. These exhibitions allow everyone to appreciate the fascination of geology.

A. despite

B. owing

C. unless

D. whether


A. catch

B. found

C. discover

D. convince


A. head to toe

B. inside out

C. back to front

D. upside down


A. drive

B. ride

C. run

D. steer


A. way

B. route

C. trip

D. path


A. on

B. around

C. across

D. in


A. From

B. Once

C. Got

D. Yet


A. bring together

B. consist of

C. make up

D. show off


A. resources

B. talents

C. treasures

D. reservations


A. ingredients

B. substances

C. contents

D. materials

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the sentences that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.

"Youre always making terrible mistakes", said the teacher.


The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes.


The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

C. The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.

The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes
Diana ran into her former teacher on the way to the stadium yesterday.

A. Diana caused an accident to her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
B. Dianas car ran over her teacher on the way to the stadium.
C. Dianas teacher got run over whole she was going to the stadium.
D. Diana happened to meet her teacher while she was going to the stadium.

Frank doesnt care if Jean leaves or stays.

A. Jean will stay, but Frank wants her to leave.

B. Frank wants Jean to stay.
C. Whatever Jean does is all right with Frank.
D. Jean wants to leave unless Frank stays.

When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.

A. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher.
B. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.
C. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
D. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.

It was his lack of confidence that surprised me.

A. He surprised me by his lack of confidence.

B. That he lacked of confidence surprised me.
C. That his lack of confidence surprised me.
D. What surprised me was his lack of confidence.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil War (1861-1865) a government
train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a
snowstorm and had to be abandoned. The driver returned the next spring to see what had become of
his cargo. Instead of the skeletons he had expected to find, he saw his oxen, living, fat, and healthy.
How had they survived?
The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans lands trampled underfoot in their
haste to cross the Great American Desert to reach lands that sometimes proved barren. In the
eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant. It grew well
with enough rain, then when cut and stored it would cure and become nourishing hay for winter
feed. But in the dry grazing lands of the West that familiar bluejoint grass was often killed by


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

drought. To raise cattle out there seemed risky or even hopeless. Who could imagine a fairy-tale
grass that required no rain and somehow made it possible for cattle to feed themselves all winter?
But the surprising western wild grasses did just that. They had wonderfully convenient
features that made them superior to the cultivated eastern grasses. Variously known as buffalo grass,
grama grass, or mesquite grass, not only were they immune to drought; but they were actually
preserved by the lack of summer and autumn rains. They were not juicy like the cultivated eastern
grasses, but had short, hard stems. And they did not need to be cured in a barn, but dried right where
they grew on the ground. When they dried in this way, they remained naturally sweet and
nourishing through the winter. Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this hay. And
the cattle themselves helped plant the fresh grass year after year for they trampled the natural seeds
firmly into the soil to be watered by the melting snows of winter and the occasional rains of spring.
The dry summer air cured them much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Western migration after Civil War

B. A type of wild vegetation

C. The raising of cattle

D. The climate of the Western United States


What can be inferred by the phrase Legend has it in line 1?

A. The story of the train is similar to other ones from that time period.
B. Most history book include the story of the train.
C. The driver of the train invented the story.
D. The story of the train may not be completed factual.

The word they in line 5 refers to _____.

A. plains

B. oxen

C. skeletons

D. Americans

What can be inferred about the Great American Desert mentioned in line 7?

A. Many had settled there by the 1860s.

B. It was not discovered until the late 1800s.
C. It was a popular place to raise cattle before the Civil War.
D. It was not originally assumed to be a fertile area.

The word barren in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. uncomfortable


D. dangerous

The word preferred in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. required

B. infertile
B. available

C. ordinary

D. favored

Which of the following can be inferred about the cultivated grass mentioned in the second

A. Cattle raised in the Western United States refused to eat it.


VnDoc - Ti ti liu, vn bn php lut, biu mu min ph

B. It had to be imported into the United States.

C. It was difficult for cattle to digest.
D. It would probably not grow in the western United States.

Which of the following was NOT one of the names given to the western grasses?

A. Mesquite grass

B. Grama grass

C. Buffalo grass

D. Bluejoint grass


Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a characteristic of western grasses?

A. They have tough stems

B. They are not affected by dry weather

C. They can be grown indoors

D. They contain little moisture


According to the passage, the cattle help promote the growth of the wild grass by

A. stepping on and pressing the seeds into the ground

B. eating only small quantities of grass.
C. naturally fertilizing the soil.
D. continually moving from one grazing area to another.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

According to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon us.

A. in the near future


C. some day

D. now

When he won the first prize, he realized that this was the highest attainment of his life.

A. task

B. undoubtedly
B. accomplishment

C. shock

D. surprise

The value of an old item increases with time.

A. an antique

B. an original

C. a facsimile

D. a bonus

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following question

Teacher shortages hinder new English training programmes carried out in Ho Chi Minh

A. prevent

B. impede

C. obstruct

D. facilitate

TPOTY is one of the world's most prestigious photography awards, receiving entries from

nearly 100 countries annually.

A. famed

B. renowned

C. distinguished

D. ordinary

========== The end ==========

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NM HC 2014 - 2015
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following question.

Teacher shortages hinder new English training programmes carried out in Ho Chi Minh


B. impede

C. prevent

D. facilitate

TPOTY is one of the world's most prestigious photography awards, receiving entries from

nearly 100 countries annually.

A. ordinary

B. renowned

C. distinguished

D. famed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

When he won the first prize, he realized that this was the highest attainment of his life.

A. task

B. shock

C. accomplishment

D. surprise

According to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon us.

A. now

B. undoubtedly

C. some day

D. in the near future

The value of an old item increases with time.

A. an antique

B. an original

C. a facsimile

D. a bonus

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Jazz has been called the art of expression set to music, and
Americas great contribution to music. It has functioned as popular art and
enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in the jazz age of the

1920s, in the swing era of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of


modern jazz in the late 1950s. The standard legend about Jazz is that it
originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up

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the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It

welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the
Blues. However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back

to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures. Buddy Bolden,
a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been
the first real Jazz musician, around 1891.
What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of
music was the use of improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from traditional
music where composers wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the


musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the
score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of
skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around. Actually, many of
the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldnt even read
music at all. Generally speaking, these early musicians couldnt make very


much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living. The
second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable
players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed
small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its
complexity, and gained greater success. This music is known as hot Jazz
due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive.


A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was

discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans. He soon grew up to become one of
the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, and later one of the
biggest stars in the world. The impact of Armstrong and other talented early
Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music.


The Passage answers which of the following questions?

(A) Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900?
(B) What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century?
C. What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music?
(D) Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music?

According to the passage, Jazz originated in

(A) Chicago

(B) New Orleans

(C) along the Mississippi river

(D) St. Louis

Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression?

(A) improvisation

(B) hot Jazz

(C) the use of cornets (D) New Orleans

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The word skeletal in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) musical

B) framework

(C) basic

(D) essential

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) many early Jazz musicians had poor sight

(B) there is no slow music in Jazz
(C) many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training
(D) the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz

The word menial in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) mens

(B) attractive

(C) degrading

(D) skilled

According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New

Orleans Jazz musicians?

(A) ) Joe Oliver

(B) Buddy Bolden

(C) St. Louis

(D Louis Armstrong

All of the following are true EXCEPT

(A) the late 1930s was called the swing era

(B) hot Jazz is rhythmic
(C) Jazz has been said to be Americas greatest contribution to music
(D) Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician

The word its in line 23 refers to

(A) small bands


(B) earlier music

(C) men

(D) earlier musicians

The word their in line 15 refers to which of the following?


B. musicians

C. pieces

D. earlier forms

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions

I can't thank enough for your help.

A. I'd rather not.


- _____________

B. My pleasure.

C. I don't mind.

D. My goodness.

John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?"
Laura. " _______"

A. Yes, its an absurd idea

B. Theres no doubt about it

C. Of course not. You bet

D. Well, thats very surprising


I'm sure when you've stopped looking for your keys, they'll _____________up somewhere.

A. take

B. look

19. Todays my 20 birthday.

A. Take care! B. Many happy returns!

C. turn

D. pull

- _________
C. Have a good time!

D. I dont understand.

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I feel _________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with



A. my duty

B. it my duty

C. this my duty

D. that my duty

Luisa does a full-time job and _____________.

A. looks after also the house

C. looks after the house too

B. looks after the house either

D. also looks after the house


A: Do you like that advanced course you are taking, John?

B: _____________

A. No, thanks.

B. By and large, yes.

C. Not me. Im still waiting.

D. No, not everyone.


On the second level of the parking lot_____________

A. is empty

B. are some empty stalls

C. some empty stalls are

D. are empty


On the second thought, I believe I will go with you to the theater.

A. On reflection

B. For this time only

C. After discussing with my wife

D. For the second time


_____________youll be coming to the meeting next week since you prepared the

A. Likely

C. Presumably D. Surely

The floor was so rotten that it almost gave _____________ under his weight.

A. way

B. Predictably
B. up

C. back

D. away

Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school. I still remember ____________

very stupid questions.

A. him asking B. him to ask

C. asking him

D. his being asked

Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the_____________that the matter was

A. reasons

B. excuses

C. grounds

D. foundation

To solve this problem, it is advisable__________

A. a drastic measure to be adopted

B. that to adopt a drastic measure

C. that a drastic measure be adopted

D. that a drastic measure is adopted



A. on

B. with


C. about


D. in

A: Im having some friends over for dinner this evening. Would you like to join us?

B: _____________

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A. Thanks but I mustnt.

B. Come one. Its your turn.

C. Can I take a rain check?

D. As a matter of fact, I do.




A. restore



B. renovate



C. repair





D. refurbish

The marathon runner _____________ for nearly one hour and a half when she

_____________ to the pavement.

A. has been running / collapses

B. were running / collapsed

C. had been running / collapsed

D. ran / had been collapsing


The organs of taste are the _____________ that are mainly located on the tongue.

A. groups of cells are taste buds

B. Taste buds are groups of cells

C. Taste buds, these are groups of cells

D. Taste buds, groups of cells

35. He was sent to _________ prison for _________ six months for _________ shoplifting.
A. x/x/x

B. the/x/x

C. x/x/the

D. a/x/a

36. If you had asked him, he _________ helped you to solve the problem.
A. will have

B. ought to have

B. hadnt he gone

C. if he had not gone

D. if he shouldnt have gone

John has a monthly bank ___ sent to him so that he knows how much there is in his account.

A. statement

D. would have

Geogre wouldnt have met Mary ______ to his brothers graduation party.

A. had he gone

C. should have

B. overdraft

C. cheque

D. balance

Can you list the problems ____ poor and ____ countries?

A. facing/ overpopulation

B. facing/overpopulated

C. face/ overpopulated

D. facing/overpopulating

40. What do you want to do this summer?

+ I think we should go somewhere ________ has plenty of sun and sand.
A. who

B. where

C. when

D. that

Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose primary stress is on a different position from that of the
others in each group below.

A. terrific

B. Pacific

C. Arabic

D. mechanic


A. benevolent

B. profitable

C. essential

D. equivalent


A. nutritious

B. contagious

C. contemptuous

D. numerous


A. evaporate

B. consulate

C. contemplate

D. coordinate


A. compressor

B. transistor

C. equator

D. ancestor

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs

They are planning on attending the convention next month, and so I am.


. The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one-fifth lower than the soprano oboe.


. Alois Alzheimer made the first observers of the telltale signs of the disease that

today bears his name.


Today was such beautiful day that I couldnt bring myself to complete all my chores.


Surrounded by forested mountain slopes are the town of Telluride, a former gold

mining town 7,500 feet above sea level.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
To many people, the word geology conjures up rather dull image of lumps of rock in glass
cases. People tend to regard geology as an academic subject that you dont need to know about (56)
__________you have to study it at school. If you visit te Earth Galleries at Londons Natural
history Museum, however, youll (57) __________ that this image couldnt be further from the
The aim of the exhibition is not to procedure future geologists, but rather to inspire interest
in a subject which is relevant to everyday life. The Earth Galleries turn the traditional idea of
geological museum (58) __________, literacy because you begin at the top. The central space in the
museum is a glass-topped atrium. As you enter, you (59) __________ up to the top of this by
escalator. On the (60) __________, the escalator passed through a massive revolving globe,
measuring eleven metres (61) __________ diameter. This represents a planet, not necessarily the
Earth. (62) __________ at the top, you work your way down through the six different exhibitions
that (63) __________ the museum.

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The individual exhibitions explain natural phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanoes as
well as looking at the Earths energy (64) __________ and where our most common building (65)
__________ come from. These exhibitions allow everyone to appreciate the fascination of geology.

A. unless

B. owing

C. despite

D. whether


A. catch

B. discover

C. found

D. convince


A. head to toe

B. upside down

C. back to front D. inside out


A. drive

B. run

C. ride

D. steer


A. path

B. route

C. trip

D. way


A. on

B. around

C. across

D. in


A. Once

B. From

C. Got

D. Yet


A. bring together

B. consist of

C. show off

D. make up


A. resources

B. talents

C. treasures

D. reservations


65. A. ingredients

B. substances

C. contents

D. materials

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the one that best completes each

We got on well when we shared a flat,_______

A. in spite of the different in our old

B. despite her being much older than me
C. in spite that fact that I was much older than her
D. although the difference in our age

After seeing the movie Pride and Prejudice,

A. the book was read by many people

B. the reading of the book interested many people
C. many people wanted to read the book
D. the book made many people want to read it

The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and

A. so that the pilot made an error and crashed

B. resulting from the pilot crashing the plane
C. therefore the pilot made it crash
D. as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed

Recent evidence makes it possible for the investigators to conclude that

A. Rembrandt was attituded to some paintings

B. some paintings by Rembrandt must be faked
C. some paintings by Rembrandt were faked

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D. some paintings by Rembrandt to be faked


In bacteria and other organisms,

A. the DNA that provides the genetic information

B. which is the DNA that provides the genes
C. the DNA providing the genetic information
D. it is the DNA that provides the genetic information
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the sentences that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions

Frank doesnt care if Jean leaves or stays.

A. Whatever Jean does is all right with Frank.

B. Frank wants Jean to stay.
C. Jean will stay, but Frank wants her to leave.
D. Jean wants to leave unless Frank stays.

It was his lack of confidence that surprised me.

A. He surprised me by his lack of confidence.

B. What surprised me was his lack of confidence.
C. That his lack of confidence surprised me.
D. That he lacked of confidence surprised me.

When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.

A. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher.
B. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
C. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.

"Youre always making terrible mistakes", said the teacher.


The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes.


The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes.

C. The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes.


The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes
Diana ran into her former teacher on the way to the stadium yesterday.

A. Diana caused an accident to her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
B. Dianas car ran over her teacher on the way to the stadium.
C. Diana happened to meet her teacher while she was going to the stadium.
D. Dianas teacher got run over whole she was going to the stadium.

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions that follow.
Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil War (1861-1865) a government
train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a
snowstorm and had to be abandoned. The driver returned the next spring to see what had become of
his cargo. Instead of the skeletons he had expected to find, he saw his oxen, living, fat, and healthy.
How had they survived?
The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans lands trampled underfoot in their
haste to cross the Great American Desert to reach lands that sometimes proved barren. In the
eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant. It grew well
with enough rain, then when cut and stored it would cure and become nourishing hay for winter
feed. But in the dry grazing lands of the West that familiar bluejoint grass was often killed by
drought. To raise cattle out there seemed risky or even hopeless. Who could imagine a fairy-tale
grass that required no rain and somehow made it possible for cattle to feed themselves all winter?
But the surprising western wild grasses did just that. They had wonderfully convenient
features that made them superior to the cultivated eastern grasses. Variously known as buffalo grass,
grama grass, or mesquite grass, not only were they immune to drought; but they were actually
preserved by the lack of summer and autumn rains. They were not juicy like the cultivated eastern
grasses, but had short, hard stems. And they did not need to be cured in a barn, but dried right where
they grew on the ground.

When they dried in this way, they remained naturally sweet and

nourishing through the winter. Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this hay. And
the cattle themselves helped plant the fresh grass year after year for they trampled the natural seeds
firmly into the soil to be watered by the melting snows of winter and the occasional rains of spring.
The dry summer air cured them much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. A type of wild vegetation

B. Western migration after Civil War

C. The raising of cattle

D. The climate of the Western United States


What can be inferred by the phrase Legend has it in line 1?

A. Most history book include the story of the train.

B. The story of the train is similar to other ones from that time period.
C. The driver of the train invented the story.
D. The story of the train may not be completed factual.

The word they in line 5 refers to _____.

A. plains

B. skeletons

C. Americans

D. oxen

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What can be inferred about the Great American Desert mentioned in line 7?

A. Many had settled there by the 1860s.

B. It was not originally assumed to be a fertile area.
C. It was not discovered until the late 1800s.
D. It was a popular place to raise cattle before the Civil War.

The word barren in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. lonely

C. dangerous

D. infertile

The word preferred in line 8 is closed in meaning to _____.

A. available

B. uncomfortable
B. favored

C. ordinary

D. required

Which of the following can be inferred about the cultivated grass mentioned in the second

A. Cattle raised in the Western United States refused to eat it.
B. It had to be imported into the United States.
C. It would probably not grow in the western United States.
D. It was difficult for cattle to digest.

Which of the following was NOT one of the names given to the western grasses?

A. Mesquite grass

B. Buffalo grass

C. Bluejoint grass

D. Grama grass


Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a characteristic of western grasses?

A. They contain little moisture

B. They are not affected by dry weather

C. They can be grown indoors

D. They have tough stems


According to the passage, the cattle help promote the growth of the wild grass by

A. eating only small quantities of grass.

B. stepping on and pressing the seeds into the ground.
C. naturally fertilizing the soil.
D. continually moving from one grazing area to another
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