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PREDICTION-SECRETS NAADI ASTROLOGY A research work based on Rao's System by SRI SATYANARAYANA NAIK Dear Reader {tis indeed a pleasure to write a foreword for a work, especially when it is written by a disciple ike Satyanarayana Naik. He has attended my workshop and also a short personal interactive session at my place. He has studied my books with great interest and worked ont, He has been since then doing a research work on my books. His serious application of system has given him the strength to present my works in a most practical manner. He has designed the Desk tops for instant predictions which are very useful in prediction. He has also made efforts to put the transit of planets in Rasi charts along with each planet transit results incorporated in it. This will be a very useful tool for timing the events. He has combined and presented in table form the Yoga i.e. combination of planets event- wise ie, Marriage, Education, Health, Profession etc. He has also re-organised the planetary combination relationwise 1. Native, Brother, Sister, Father, Mother etc., for easy reference. His grouping of Karakatwa of planets is very useful where in all the details about the planets are given for instant reference. This information is also used in the working board. He has put in lots of efforts in making a Colourful Desk top for instant reading of Horoscope wherein yearly prediction can be given by using this Desktop. I wish him all the success and good luck, as he is planning to do similar work boards in Hora astrology and also work board for traditional system of Astrology. May Lord Sri Hari bestow. His grace on him, Ever yours in the service of Lord. RG. RAO AUTHOR, ASTRO PALMIST Manjunatha’ Extension, KKattiguppa Main Road, (Near Vidyapesta), ‘Bangalore + 560 098. This has been aptly framed by Late Sri J.N.Bahasin in his works, where he states "Every concelvable Object, Person, Place, Quality etc., in the world le represented in astrology by a planet permanently" further he states "As students of astrology we know that every constituent factor of prediction whether It be the signs, the asterisms or the houses have ultimately to be reduced in terms of the "Planets", This is the background of linking factor which | mentioned in the earlier paragraph. If this Is so then why not then directly analyze the planets more profoundly and get the predictions. Rao's system of Naadi astrology is based on these principles and propounded by Guruji Sri R.G. RAO. He has done extensive research work on this with Naadi principles and taken pains to get translated original Nadi scripts from Tamil. He strained his nerves to bring to the light the secrets of Naadi principles. He has written number of books updating his research works and made them available for the benefit of mankind, | am proud to be one of his disciple and been working sinos long on his works. Every time, | read his books | am blessed with some new ideas and some deeper secrets are being noticed while analyzing horoscopes. The basic rule of karakatwa of planets is most fascinating, the entire universe and the creation is related to the planets, Every thing and any thing can be related to planets. It is the application, dedication and devotion that are what needed. It is the art of recognizing the planets In anything and every thing, combining thelr karakatwa, relatively applying It anywhere and everywhere is the key of Naadi system. Some of the applications are cited below: Identifying planets 4) By face reading 2) By Palm reading relating the lines and mounts on the palm. 3) Identitying colours of dresses and articles of the subject. 4) Objects and indications instantly noticad around us. 5) By flowers, trees, animals, birds and the natural surroundings at a given time, 6) By words spoken by the person on the spot. 7) By horary astrology For example: ‘A couple had come to me for consultation and unfortunately both of them were doubtful about their year of birth. ‘They were mamied since 5 years and they were deprived of child birth till date. They wanted to know the future chances if any to have a child. | thought of horary, but something prompted me to look at the face of the boy. ‘On observing | found he has a wide mouth, and has full grown mustache his eyes are gloomy and dull and his cheeks are flat. This has given me RAH, SUN, MOO, VEN and KET dominance which indicates a combination for childlessness. | did not pronounce my observation but immediately drew a horary chart that was on 3* Jan 2000, This chart surprised me: Jup and Sat @ in Aries, Cancer having Rah Scorpio the 5® sign from Rah having Venus and Sun in the same Nakshatra pada. Next sign Sagittarius having Sun and Mer followed by Ketu in Makara and again the Retro Sat casting his aspect on Sun in Scorpio, What | observed in the face at that moment has teflected and contirmed by prediction by horary and 1 conveyed them to drop the idea of having child and instead go ahead with adaptation of @ female child which was also there wish. Such indications will come from all comers at given time, we must only be alert to recognize them and properly interpret them. Indeed | must be grateful this noble soul Guruji Sri F.G.Rao who has selflessly imparted the subject to the welfare of human race. Of course | am greatly honoured and blessed to be his disciple because af two reasons. 1) for his great knowledge in the subject which he imparts without any hesitation. 2} Ha is such a divine soul who has blessed my humble research work on his subject and appreciated my efforts. The present research work titled as "PREDICTION SECRETS NAADI ASTROLOGY’ is the result of his blessings and Goddess Mother Gayathridevi. 1am grateful to Sri C.V. Seshacharyulu, a Sanskrit Scholar, who is a friend, philosopher and guide to me. am also thankful to Sri Jayalakshmi Publications, who has a keen interest to accept genuine works of this type tor publication. | ake this opportunity to thank Mr. Venkateshwara Rao of Balaji Graphics, Hyderabad who has done a wonderful job on desktop publication. Besides Sri S, Ravi who is my first guru in the filed of Naadi Astrology, | should offer my sincere thanks and express my heart felt gratitude to Sri Jeevan Rasik (Alias Kalidas Maharaj), who has taken pains in proof reading of this work and extended his full co-operation in this venture. Last but not least, | must convey my regards to two of my intimate friends in the field of astrology, Sri M. Ram Prasad and Tiru. N.V.ALA. Raja, who not only supported my views but also participated in discussions with me ‘on the subject, which helped me in shaping the concepts. | am gratefully honoured to have few sessions of scholarly discussions on Jaimini Astrology with Sri Vidyasagar which has given me a new dimension of thought process on this divine subject Astrology. | am also thankful to all my friends and disciples who have been inspiring me in all my endeavors. ‘SATYANARAYANA NAIK Especially, in this system, the characteristics of matching couple can easily be made and marital hazards can be avoided to a great extent. Past lives and future life can be explained. Most wonderful part of this system is it does not advocate Sign, Cusp and Divisional chert analysis. Thus this system avoids most of the calculations and the entire system is based on Karakatwa of planets and the Rasis. The strength of the planets is based on their Position in the house and its association with other planets. The Retrograde and Exchanged planets have duel role in forming combination. The unique controlling tool in this system Is how best you culminate, the karakatwa (signification) of planet In relation with other planets as per the rules af combinations. Once this logic is understood clearly, many matters can be delineated through this system. ‘Most Important thing In this prediction method Is to have planetary position at Birth chart and also transit chart at the time of consultation. The timing of the events is based on slow moving planets and fast moving planets over natal planets in different positions. The combination in the birth chart forms yoga and the transit will indicate the fructification of this yoga. Both Natal and Transit planets’ strength and weakness are to be considered tor giving predictions. In this work, | have organised the leaming system in an effective manner as follows: 1. Rules for Rao’s System of Naadi Astrology 2. Karakatwa of Rasis 3. Detailed Karakatwa, nature, yantras, mantras for 9 Planets. 4, Single page karakatwa for quick reference. 5. How to group planets by directions. 6. Yoga for All General Matters 7. A working board for easy and quick study of horoscope 8. Transit entry and exit of all planets Sun through Ketu expect Moon for 100 years. 9. Planets in Rasis, Two planat Combination, and Three planet combination for ready reference. 10, Remedial measures - Planets Propitiation 11, Remedial measures - Gem stones. 12, Introduction to Naadi Face Reading 13, Introduction to Naadi Palmistry |! hope this work will benefit many students of astrology and serves the mankind ultimately. | conclude this with Salutations to almighty and my Astrological Gurus and a special regard to my Great Guru Sri R.G. Rao and my heart felt regard to my immediate Guru S. Ravi. Regards In your service: SATYANARAYANA NAIK 10. 1. 12, 13. 14, CONTENTS Rules for Naadi System of Analysis Yogas Karakatwa of Planets Karakatwa of Signs How to Study Horoscope Example Horoscopes Tips for Analysis ‘Transit of Planets Introduction to Naadi Palmistry Introduction to Naadi Face Reading Remedies. ‘Combination of Planets Native Female Native Father Mother Wife Brother Sister Son Daughter Grand Father and Grand Mother Planets in Signs Table of Ascendants Page Nos. 24 g 55 87 102 105 106 113 161 169 176 180 186 192 197 199 101 215 RULES FOR NAADI SYSTEM OF ANALYSIS Each planet has been assigned with a particular representation as shown below:. This representing planet will receive signification of other planets aspecting it, which forms a yoga in the birth chart. The fructification of Results will be based on relevant planetary Transit. Matter For Male (character analysis) For Female (character analysis) Education Profession Business Elder Brother (1) ‘Younger Brother (2) Younger Brother (3) Elder Sister (1) Younger Sister (2) Younger Sister (3) Wite Husband Father Mother Son Daughtet/Daughter In law Mele children Female children GirvBoy Friend Mother In law Father in Law Paternal Grand Father Maternal Grand Father Maternal Uncie Pianet Abbreviations used JUPITER - Jeevakaraka JuP VENUS - Jeavakaraka VEN MERCURY MER SATURN SAT MERCURY+SATURN MERCURY VENUS: VENUS: VENUS ‘SATURN MARS MAR MERCURY MOON moo VENUS: MERCURY VENUS MARS ‘SUN ‘SUN MOON ‘SUN VENUS Mate planets Female Planets MERCURY MOON MERCURY RAHU RAH KETU KET MERCURY ‘Select the subject you want to study and consider the relevant planet for analysis. From the Considered Planet — Count 1-5-9, 3-7-11, 2-12 Places and conjoin the Planet posited there Degree-wise. For Rahu Ketu Take only 1,5, 9 and 124, Take the Karakatwa of Conjoined Planets from the List. This will give the Yoga results for the matter you are considering. Rules for Naadi System of Analysis. 2 FRUCTIFICATION OF YOGA RESULTS: Yoga results will be given by the Transiting Planets, particularly by slow moving Planets JUPITER, SATURN, RAHU and KETU. These Transiting Planets when establish contacts with the Yoga Planets from the following places the quantum of results will be as shown below: If the Planet Transit in the Same Sign of Main Yoga Planet - Result = 100% if the Planet Transit in 2-4, 5", or 9" Sign — Result = 75% If the Planet Transit in 3°, 7, or 11th Sign ~ Result = 50% If the Planet Transit in 12" Sign ~ Result = 25% STRONG Exalted Planets Planets get exalted in certain Rasis which has been given in the Desktop Board for easy reference. Winning Planets ‘Any Planet associated with Enemy planet if ahead of the enemy planet by degrees it is a winning planet. In a Friend's House A Planet situated in a Rasi whose lord happens to be a friend to the planet posited there is Strong. Hemmed betwoen friends A planet when hemmed between two Friendly planets either in a Rasi degree-wise or posited in a Rasi with a friendly planet is Strong. A planet in its own sign. IF its associated in with a friendly Planet or aspected by friendly planet. Contrary to the above Rules It Is weak. ‘The Desktop for NaadI prediction will give the detalls of Rasis and enmity of Planets, exalted and debiiltate signs tor each planet. ‘The Aspecting planets will give their Karakatwa results to the Planet under consideration. The aspects are already discussed. They can be from conjunction in the same sign (Full effect), or from 1, 5, 9, (Effective) Opposition 3,7,11 (Medium) and 2, 12 signs, (Modifies). Either good or bad based on Friendship and Enmity to the Planet In question concem. Rahu Ketu will have only conjunction aspect and 12" aspect as they are always retro, 12° becomes 2™ to them, Any planet isolated from any aspect, being alone in a Rsi will give the Karakatwa of the Rasi lord. Planetary exchange: It will occur when the Lords of two different signs occupy each other's house. For example Pisces Is the House of Jupiter and Scorpio is the house of Mars. If Jupiter occupies Scorpio and Mars occupy Pisces it is called Planetary Exchange. Under these circumstances, first part we have to take the combinations of Jupiter for self from Scorpio and analyze the aspects to it and arrive at results. Again, consider Jupiter from Pisces and take the combination of Planets from that Position and arrive at results. The first part of life will have results relating Jupiter from Scorplo and the 2% part will modify the results after exchange considering from Pisces. Similarly the Mars results are to be arrived at, for results of Brother. ‘Combust Planat will not give much good results. Combustion takes place when any planet is located within the ‘same pada (a pada = 3° 20) of Sun. Hf a combust planet is associated or in aspect or in exchange with friendly planet it will give good results and if involved with enemy planet's it will give bad results. 3 Rules for Naadi System of Analysis. ‘The debilitated planet if involved in exchange it will loose its debilitated nature. It wil give good or bad results based upon friendly or enemy planet association after exchange. The debilttion will got cancelled if the Planet has aspect from 1, 5, 9, 9,7,11, 2, and 12. The results will be based on nature of combination of aspecting planets. Similarly the Exaltation will also nullity if there Is planetary exchange or aspect as said above and the results will vary according to the association of aspecting planets. A Retrograde planet will have half aspect to its rear sign and the results will be based on the planet in the rear sign. The debiltation and exaltation will also get cancelled the planet is in retro motion. A planet having association of Rahu will loose its strength, even though exalted. The abave rules are to be followed for giving prediction through Naadi system. The information of Exaltation, Debiltation, Friendship and Enmity and Karakatwa of each planet has all been provided in the Desktop for quick reference. HOW THE NAAD! SYSTEM WORKS ‘The system of Nadi based predictions introduced by Guruji Sri. R.G. Rao is based on karakatwa of Planets. Each planet has been attributed certain karakatwa. The combination of Planets from the Rasi chart will glve the results, Here there is no necessity of Ascendant or house divisions. The calculation part is absolutely negligible, Though the system is very simple and accurate, certain logical application is to be kept in mind before giving predictions, For example Mercury is considered for intelligence, Business, Sister, Friends and Land etc., in applying the karakatwa we must take what exactly we need to predict and use that karakatwa for a specific results. Similarly, the Planet Venus is indicator of wife and also daughter/daughter-in-law and also House and Wealth. What we want to predict will be more important and then associate the concerned planet with its appropriate’ signification. For every horoscope go in a sequence to get the overall reading and then for timing of event go for transit of slow ‘moving planets to get the appropriate timing of yoga. First take Jupiter or Venus (based on Male or female) and analyze the character of the native consider the aspects of other planets from 1,5,9,3,7,11 2 & 12. ‘Then go for Mercury for Education, Saturn for Profession, Venus & Mars for Marriage, Venus for Properties and ‘Sun for Progeny/Father. In this system in-depth predictions can be made by enhancing your vision and logic in application of karakatwa of planets. It Is evident that the predictions are based on only planetary positions and the birthtime factor has negligible influence. Therefore, it is always advisable to have a horary chart made at the time of consuttation, and compare the bith chart with that of horary chart, You will come across many hidden secrets of delicate nature. You must be careful in not disclosing the matters bluntly and hurt the feelings of the native. It Is better to avoid matter which would hurt the feelings of the native. Certain clues with regard to health matters, loss and other involvement of non personal nature can be wamed. In the subsequent chapter each Matter is taken up-and clearly explained with the respective combination, }Old Persons (Chiristians Effects on above Promation Success ‘Signities| Ata Ming Ego Intaligance ‘Time personified | Philosophical Name Blamish ‘Anger Diplomatic Fame Fraud/Tiet Cnet Logical Bright ‘Change Enomity Romantic ‘Adultorous Proud Cunning Dominating Body Parts & Disoases| ight Eye Lott Eye Bones/Blo0d ‘Skin Head Mental ‘Spine Lungs Heart Lungs/Kidneys | Heart Shoulders. Fever Infections Injuries Anemic Strokes ‘Colafcoughs ‘Accidents Blood dofects Pita KafatJata Fite Vata Places indicated ‘Old Buildings ‘hatched huts, ‘Water Places, ‘Hllg/Stones Lands-Agro Lands | Temples Place of work | Big Buildings | Narrow Lanes Bright Placos Wall Education places Endowments Yards Dwaja Ground Directions & Vaastu EAST NORTHWEST — | SOUTH NORTH NORTH EAST ‘SOUTH WEST| NORTH EAST ight Window Bath rooms ‘Kitchen Visitors Hall Divine Place Dining/related | Main Entrance | Back Door Thaiched Huts ‘Water reaited Bedroom Education Place Divine Arties | Wealth Anicies | Ditapidatad Bldgs. | Godowns | Toilets ‘Compound Watt Comfort Piacas | Dustbing BlecronicBreans | Staircase/Gulios Deity BRAHMARUDRAVISHNU| UNIVERSAL MOTHER] SUBRAMANYA —_| NARAYANA/KRISHNA | GURU MAHALAKSHMI DURGA JGANAPATHI Japa, Dhyana Serving Mothers | Serving Brotherhood | Serving Students Sorving Guns. | Sorving Women ‘Sarving Snakes | Serving animilas Gayatha Laltha/Raja Fejeeveri | Subramanya Upasan} Vishnusanasranama | Gunw Pooja __| Kanakadhara Sapthasath! | Ganapathi Upasana TeMyEyeIeY SIUC RESULTS MAR. 1 OR SAT _| Definitely will got Married. 2 Early Mariage. 3 SAT_| Delayed Marriage. 4 | xer_| VEN ‘Obstacles in Marriage, Ht married, Disputes with Wife. 'S | HJUP aspects this combination | Then there will be compromise. 6 | RAH | VEN ‘Marriage denial of delayedit married wife not truthful, ("| MARRIAGE AND MARRIED LIFE - FEMALE 7 | MAR | JUP_[ OR | SAT | Definitely will get Married, @ | man | uP Early Marriage. 8 | MAR 'SAT_| Delayed Marriage. 10 ‘Obstacles in Marriage, if married, Disputes with Husband, Then there will be compromise. ‘MARRIAGE AND MARRIED Marriage denial or delayed-If married, will not like the Husband. LIFE : DIVORCE/SEPERATION VEN [KET | MAR ‘Seperation of Divorce. Wt JUP aspects this combination ‘Then there will be compromise. ration Divorce. Unhappy Maried life. it female native Ui treats Husband, KET MARRIAGE AND MARRIED By aspect or position between VEN-MAR or VEN-JUP or VEN-SAT Seperation. LIFE : LOVE/ADULTERY ETC., MER | KET ‘Love affair. (One planet must be in MER or MOO house) HM aspected by JUP or VEN. ‘Then Love affair will turn into Marriage. espe W espected by MAR. ted by MOO Moo Failure of Love affair, The native will get blame from 7 ‘Sex and pregnancy before marriage & runaway with lover. WJUP aspects this ‘combination ‘Mental adultery only. Hemmed by MAR & MER | Wife will have relationship with lover and Husband. Hormmed by MER & VEN | Will have relation with wife and another Lady. Hemmed by MAR & MER. ‘Will have Felation with two Ladies. MER_[_MOO. ‘Will have exira martial relationships - two wives - blames. ‘Will have extra martial relationships - eams bad name. ‘Will have attraction to other women - disputes with wife. ‘Will have attraction to other women. ‘Co-operation trom opposite sex. ‘Wife gets blames from the people helped by her. ‘Wife willbe happy with Lover. Might become widow. Native will have gif friend other than wile, ‘two Planeis aspect wil cause denial of marriage. MALE ‘Any two Planets aspect will cause denial of marriage. FEMALE By remedial measures the marriage can take place. ‘This combination either In Male or Female horoscope they are loose in character and can have sex with anybody if opportunity arises. EXAMPLES - MARRIAGE-MARRIED LIFE : Marriage will definitely take place. Mar aspecting Sat. Jup being in 12th to above yoga - Early Marriage. Ket aspect - Gemini between Mar, Jup and Sat Seperation. Ven, Mar - Disputes. Mar hemmed by Mer and Ven - Husband has relation with another lady. Mer . Jup ‘Yoga 37 Van, Mar aspecting Ket. EXAMPLE-2 and ——_-Ven-Hemmed between Sun and Sat. Female Chart [| Yoga 38 Mar-Hernmed between Mer - Sat, Hyderabad All these combinations resulting in "NO MARRIAGE”. Yoga 1 Ven aspecting Retro Jupiter, Retro Saturn Martiage is promised. ‘Sun | Yoga 8 — Maris also aspecting Retro Jupiter and Saturn. net EXAMPLE-3 Ven | Yoga 9 Marriage is promised. 19-07-1960 Both Jup and Sat are aspecting Ven and Mar. Therefore it is a happy 01-15 am Rah married life. Hyderabad Ket is aspacting Gemini whera his enemy Planet Mer is there who is. retro. The Ket is not involved directly between Ven and Mar or Ven +——+ and Jup. Hence theré fs no marital problem. Sun is with Ven and Jup Sat @ is aspecting Ven. Therefore, gynic problem is indicated which can be cured. z Wife's Description WIFE’S DESCRIPTION VEN ‘SUN +— re ‘A respectable woman with dignity, hailing from good house having qualities of accumulating wealth, and forgiving nature, she might suffer from bile's complaints. She will be an administrator; she will be a philanthropist, kind hearted and social worker, Hailing from a distant place will be whimsical in nature with an interest in travelling & arts. She will lend her Ears for hearsay, unsteady in mind and blame-worthy. Sho suf rom col related problems bese undergoing misunderstancings wih in4aw's house. VEN | MAR Proud in nature not bending to any body, hot tempered and dominating in nature, she Is very straight forward, at times picks up quarrel with husband, yields to flattery, may sutfer from cardiac problems. VEN | MER VEN | JUP Polite, Religious minded and pious Social, fun seeking and good at speech, with a capacity to overcome dificult situations, and will have a generous quality of treating every body equally and yet she will be subjected to accusation and face troubles, Academic qualifications may not be to a marked degree but will be quite inteligent, In later stages she may develop some skin problems. Her husband will have business acumen. h gui reopectable status and wil got honour for both side ofthe feriy She my Suter due to obesity, VEN | SAT ‘She might express laziness at times, but sho will be inclined to take up some profession or other for eamings. VEN This combination makes her very attractive and beautiful, but secretive, some times liar and lazy too, She sums up money. Husband gains vehicles. She will have luxurious life with storied building to live in. Health may create some problem due to heat and gastric troubles. VEN | KET Divine contemplating person, interested in gathering money and wealth with charitable disposition at her will. A respectable lady with a travelling interest; ‘SUN VEN Fortune at heights, proud and stubbom does not like to be instructed. VEN Intelligent and good person bringing honour to both the families; VEN | SUN | JUP | Her possessed qualities to help settle others dispute with justice and efficiency. Sha is Bold and getting help from influenced persons. She may involve in social activities. Her children will have good fortune. She will have respectable marital home, With a respectable family background, where in her father must have faced hardships at her birth time. She may have problems in male progeny to surpass with divine grace. Father must have overcome enemies and situations of endangering life. This woman is destined to enjoy more benefits at her marital home compared to her parental house. Unless some good planet aspects from §* sign there will be problams for male issue. Father must have had property litigations in-her child hood. This combination does not assure a significant fortune. 't would be just average. Wife's Description WIFE’S DESCRIPTION VEN VEN VEN VEN Moo Moo MoO SAT Father must have settled in some other place. She has a variable nature with an artistic bent of mind. An intelligent woman who likes travelling, though artistic in nature at times bacomes adamant; She will have troubles through elders in the family and even from her brother in law. Her husband will have change of place and prospers through travelling. After selling a house property she buys another. Intelligent enough to grasp things quickly, with a social bent of mind, very active and gains knowledge in various artistic fields. She will have brothers and sisters. She will visit many holy places. She loves nature and treats quests fairly. One of her sister will be whimsical in nature. The fortune of the husband is greatly influenced by her good luck and he will gain assets and even gets compensata the losses if any suffered by him. Despite he will suspect her due to her smiling and social nature. Persons helped by her will take advantage of her generosity and blame her at a later date making her a scapegoat. ‘A respectable lady, enjoys food, will be yellow and red tint complexion. Hails from a good family background. She was born at a holy place. She has the quality of Jespecting elders and treating guests fairly. She will have interest in performing divine deeds. She will enjoy wealth and fortune. Her influence will also greatly promote her husbands prosperity despite some change of place. She may suffer due to intestinal problems. Fairly good looking lady with oily red colour, a good house wife at times expressing laziness, will suffer form cold related problems. After marriage the husband will have changes in career. Moo KET This is a very bad combination for wife. She is fair tooking will be interested in munching food. At time her innocent behaviour creates unhappy situations and her husband mistakes her and rebuffs her causing mental disturbance to her which may ‘even cal for neurosis treatment. Her husband may not have fair conjugal bliss and seeks outside pleasures, He would fee! itis his karma to lead a married life with such problematic wife. The wife should not be allowed to wandar in late evenings in lonely place; water bound areas as they are prone to catch evil spirits. With a good fortune at birth place, she will develop intuiional powers and will inclined towards self realisation and [iberation. She might contemplate on renouncing the world, She might expressively pride and adamant and believes in over cleanliness by dipping in holy water or sacred baths for prosperity. She lacks confidence in her own doings causing repetitive efforts. al 3 VEN VEN SUN JUP ‘She is good natured wife, quite inteligent and respectable. After marriage influences husbanc's luck where In he enjoys Land, property etc, By her good talks can attract anybody. She is Very adjusting In nature, social. She will be inclined towards artistic talents, Persons helped by her will cheat her. She may suffer form tonsils. She may have more female issues. After marriage husband prospers with lands garden and other properties. Her sister or a friend may fall in fove with her husband who will be craving for such relationships. Though education is average she will have an ambition to continue her education as she Is quite intelligent. Her nature. will be good but litle short tempered. She must have skipped a marriage alliance before this marriaga. With an aptitude for talent and fairly good education, she can be a guide or teacher wilh ttle success in intellectual pursults having knowledge in varied fields. She has a quality to respect leaned, elders and intellectuals with an appreciable discretion powers. She is social in nature and will have a fairly good family lite. Q WIFE’S DESCRIPTION Wife's Description Quite intelligent & educated, she will be a commercial career oriented woman. She has good behaviour. Despite the fact that her husband prospers through her fortune, he brings to her dejection which will turther be fuelled from her Mother in law side. Despite being intelligent she suffers due to fear complex. Her husband will be fortunate because of her luck. She can enjoy a luxury life, Her husband may face some hurdles due to enmity or for other reasons which will be solved due to the 00d fortune of wife, MER | KET Gifted with intuitional powers, Inclined towards self realisation, liberation and renunciation she suffers from nervous debility. She will be devoted to Lord Vishnu. ‘She may have her name related to Goddess Saraswati, Her husband enjoys prosperity due to her fortune and will have gains through green lands agriculture etc. Very fortunate with name and fame reserved for later part of ite, she can be a guide. ‘She enjoys rich food and luxurious life with accumulated jewellery etc., Luck bestowed at both, birth and marital places because of her. This tate is destined by her past karma. She may be bit yellowish in colour tuming red cheeks when angry. She will have respects from social institutions. One of her male progeny will earn name and fame. He may suffer due to excess of heat and nervous debility. VEN JUP With a quality to respect elders she is also respectable. She has inclinations to arts. After marrying her, husband gets promotion, prosperity and gains further by distant travel ultimately the whole family enjoys prosperity. Her husband will be stubbom in nature causing her problems, though she is good and fortunate. This would also result in unrest in family life and affect prosperity. tt he modifies his nature things may change for better. JUP ‘She will be inclined towards divine contemplation, with ‘fair looking and intelligent Her husband is also intelligent, but will have affairs with female and neglects his wife. Even then her luck wil influence him to gain in wealth and prosperity and good career. JUP ‘SAT She is 0 fortunate to bring good name and to both her birth and marital place. She has the ability 10 teach and guide others with her knowledge and gets name and prosperity in her life. JUP RAH ‘She will dominate her husband in family affairs. She will be inclined towards divinity. She brings luck to her husband after marriage that will make him enjoy prosperity and vehicular gains. JUP ‘SAT SUN Very orthodox with good nature with charitable qualities and helping nature she is fortunate lady at times loosing her temper and behaving adamantly, Duty minded thou shall be career oriented, Father must have over come difficulty at her birth time, Work oriented, capricious in nature will be subjected to blames, she will have desires to travel extensively. Family life may have disruptions due to unrest, quarrels and rifts promoting unhappy situations, but her husband enjoys prosperity due to her luck only. There could be separation due to his career reasons, The whole of her luck supports her husband who gets landed gains after marriage. He will have affairs with female during his course of career and can enjoy protits through commercial lines. Wife's Description 10 WIFE’S DESCRIPTION Being a career oriented woman, after marriage in later dates enjoys prosperity, name and fame. ‘A fair looking woman, might suffer due to problems in cardiac regions but transfer her huge luck to her husband who enjoys enormous wealth, house properties, vehicles etc., without much strain, ‘Though her husband survives because of she being fortunate, in the later dates after marriage when some litigation crops up she is subjected to blames by him for the sufferings and dejections in career Father of the native faced endangering situation, betore her marriage and overcame the same at later years after her marriage due to her good luck with which the ‘husband also enjoys influencing factors. {n general this combination can be termed as fortunate as she is intelligent and brings luck to her husband. There could have been endangering situations to mother before her marriage. She may not have co-operation from mother in law ‘even then she can handle the situation. However, she will not be escaped trom getting blames. The person may suffer from cold related problems and rheumatism, ‘The person is susceptible to suicidal tendencies at desperate times. Such naives ‘must avold loitering at night times; water bound places, lonely places to prevent from the spell of evil spirits, by which the person at times may become mentally disabled, With little fortune it may help husband to enjoy vehicular gains, but time and again, there would be arguments, disputes and quarrels in her family life by which the relation between husband and wife will be strained. VEN | RAH | MER | Despite of the fact that both husband and wife can live happily as her general luck would permit, due to peculiar behaviour of husband she will search for some other source for her pleasures and happiness and equally the husband will also have extra marital affairs, VEN With an average luck during the marriage time, it will gradually Improve at later years and promotes prosperity and development. VEN This combination totally in support of husband's fortune by which after marriage he sees through great prosperity wealth etc. VEN | RAH | KET | This combination occurs only when VEN is having Rah In front of it in the same sign or in the next sign and if KET is alone in 7* to Rah. In such cases the person is termed as fortunate except for the reason that some year later after marriage some major problems are to be faced and subsequently life moves with prosperity. ven | Ket | SUN | She is inclined towards liberation, she respects elders and her luck will promote her husband leading to enjoy name tame prosperity and also from benefits from Goverment. VEN Being a good housewife, she enjoys great fortune, visits holy places, and develops artistic interest and gain knowledge in tailoring stitching embroidery. ‘She may have obstructions in educational matters. This. combination creates disharmony between husband and wife, Husband suffers disappointment and later on there wil be land gains. He may get info extra martial affairs. She will overcome some disputes regarding property but later on gains it 1 Wite's Description WIFE’S DESCRIPTION Inclined towards divinity, liberation, with average fortune, having her hands fortune aspected she can take up career aS a teacher or in some medical field. After marriage will have to face some critical situations and later on situation This combination is similar to the one earlier stated in the case of Ven, Rah, Ket. This combination does not permit her to enjoy family life. Some years later atter marriage, she will have extreme nervous debility, major ill health problems. This is not a combination for happy life, She will be capricious and cunning by nature. But she will be a fortunate lady. ‘She will be generally good natured. She will be courageous. She will be egoistic and proud. There will be ruptures in the family life. She needs philosophical guidance. She is generally an intelligent native. She will have good education, ‘She hails form reputed family back ground and will be fortunate with the qualities of a guide. She will have people to receive her command and will be at her service at any time. She halls from a good family background and she is quite fortunate. She is in general a good lady but she may not be obedient to her husband. She has the capacity to compete the work unfinished by her husband. ‘She hails from a good family. Husband may not get happiness from her and he cannot express his pride before her. ‘She will be a miser with fair discrational powers. She will have Inclination towards renunciation with least interest in Sex. Husband's Description. 12 HUSBAND'S DESCRIPTION Husband is respectable and powertul. He will enjoy benefits and influencing factors from Government. He may suffer from intestine problems. He is an administrator, Kind hearted and Philanthropist @ social worker. Husband will be a good person. He will have extensive travelliig. He will be interested in Liquors and sexual affairs with other women. He may be brass eared, unsteady in mind, artistic may eam ill fame and he is blame-worthy. Husband will be inclined towards commercial aspects. Female folk will try to cajole him and he enjoys such treatment from other women as he does his with his wife, Intelligent, fun seeking and soft spoken. ‘Husband is respectable, educated person. He will be emotional in nature. Religious minded with good qualities. Husband enjoys prospects only after marriage. He will be harmonious and pious in nature and loves to be luxurious. Husband wil! have average. education. Before marriage he might change his profession and after marriage gradually settles up in a good career. He enjoys prosperity. He may have an elder brother. He may be in technical tine. At times may act lazily, Husband in general a good person. At times he becomes emotional. He will wory for petty things. He suffers due to his greediness and lacks discretional power. He may be secretive and at times may be lazy and liar. Husband will be inclined towards metaphysical world and relinquish mundane activities but however, the quantum of attachment towards worldly affair and saintly life is a matter of debate as he is inclined towards liberation. He is a respectable person, He will have travelling aspects and gains prosperity. He will be @ proud man and looks fairly good. Husband hails from a good family. He is quite intelligent. He will be short tempered. He has some discretional power. He will maintain harmonious relationship with other members of family. He will have gradual progress in his prosperity and as the time passes he will gain influencing factors from Government related matters and enjoys prosperity. He will be proud and egoistic. He does not like others rebuffing him. He is short tempered. He enjoys good status in comparison with others in the family. He desires to associate with big people and enjoys respectability honour in social circles. He will have persons to serve him. He will have vehicles. He respects elders. Helping others is a choice of his will. He will be generally a respectable person with good fortune. He will develop egaistic nature as he grows wealthy. After marriage he will improve position, status and prosperity. He will enjoy a good career with good eamings only after 30 years of age. He is in general fortunate, He will be adamant in nature and self boasting type. He is fair looking. Only his wife can calm him whenever he gets angry. In spite of this he may encounter strained family relationship due to his uncontrollable angry mood. He will also pose problem to his father and brothers. 13. Husband's HUSBAND'S DESCRIPTION MAR | SUN | KET He will have inclination towards metaphysical world. He may have career related to Government. However his activities will be of renouncing nature. His wite will have to compromise and adjust with him otherwise there will be family disrupt. MOO | SUN He will have extensive travel. He will have average fortune. MAR MAR | MOO | MER He will be good speaker. He will have travel related career. He enjoys landed property gains. He can also work in food grains department or any such related field. When he gets angry and if his wife abandons him, he will get cajoled by some other women. He will not be having dearth for sexual pleasures. Moo | JUP He will have artistic knowledge. He enjoys prosperity after marriage and he will also have change of place. He is inteligent, fortunate and by nature a good person. He will have artistic bent ‘of mind. For his career he may choose to be an Architact, Financier or he can deal with luxurious and beautification goods. He is whimsical in nature. He is basically a good person but not of duty minded. Unfortunately he gives up many opportunities in life and ultimately ends up doing odd jobs. He is also subjected to blames and accusations. *He will be a fair looking person. He will have artistic bent of mind. He will have ta overcome endangering situations in water bound areas while travelling etc., He is a brass eared person and yielding to such ear bites by others and due to his Poor intelligence and lack of discretion power he even abandon his wife. Ironically, both husband and wife together will revenge upon the person who interferes in their family matters. This combination indicates late marriage, slow prosperity. Wife may get bored up with him and seek happiness from other source neglecting her husband. Husband will be inclined towards liquor habit. *Wite of the native suffers due to late marriage and with difficulty when marriage takes place, there may not be family happiness due to dejections etc. extensive travelling career and may relate to decorative and iuxurious materials. Her husband willbe an intelligent person, quite knowledgeable, enjoys considerable degree of fortune, Husband will be a good speaker he will be a fair looking man. Besides his formal ‘education he will gain knowledge In arts. He will have affairs of love. He may have MAR Husband-will be inteligent will have good education, enjoys respectable career, ‘enjoys sociat status, will have association with leamed people. He is an active person with generosity. He is capable to set right disputes and misunderstandings in family. He will be an adjustable person. He will have friends from both sex predominantly female friends. He will atract people. He will enjoy career with additional income. He also speaks well, Ultimately he is a fortunate person with vehicular gains. MAR | MER | SAT Husband will be intelligent and will have more than two sources of income. He may also be inclined towards commercial pursuits. He enjoys great prosperity. MAR [MER | SAT He is quite an intelligent man. At time he may behave like a mad man. He must have surpassed an unpleasant situation with regard to marriage after which this marriage will take place and life gets settled. For this female native if marriage takes place before 28 years of age there could somé situation where in she may ot be able to adjust with one man and may have to seek second man in life. * Note: Above two combinations in a woman's horoscope is not conducive for marital life. Her life will be miserable and regrettable, It Is better such persons avoid marriage prospects Itself. Husband's Description 4 HUSBAND’S DESCRIPTION In this case both husband and wife would have had some affair with opposite sex which failed and this marriage took place. Husband will be a capable person with courage. He enjoys good fortune with a career in-Government related fields. He is fair fooking. He will be respectable person. He may have career in medical line. He has an artistic bent:of mind. He enjoys prosperity at different/distant places. Husband will be respectable and inclined towards commercial line. He will enjoy social status. He will excel his wife in intelligent. He is an intelligent man. He loves his wife. He enjoys prosperity becai because of his wife's fortune, He is very nice at talk. He will gain knowledge in sacrat things. Husband will be inclined towards the path of righteousness and can become guide and eams respect in the society. He is adjustable, affectionate, social and pious in nature. He will be generally a good man. He Is a bit greedy. He will have bad association, He may have some bruises in the body needing surgical treatment. It is better to perform Mruthyunjaya japa for survival. Generally he is a good person with in inclination for charity. He is of metaphysical thinking, He has helping hands for needy. He will be in the path of Roeration. He enjoys good status in career. Husband will be a man of patience. He is a pious man. He is also a good speaker. He enjoys good position and respectability after marriage. He Is from a good family. He enjoys fortune after marriage. There will be some changes before attaining prosperity. He Is @ person of artistic nature. He can deal in financial transactions. Husband will be a good speaker. He enjoys social status and he is amicable in nature, JUP Husband enjoys luxury. He will have good fortune. He may have his career related He will have good aftection towards his wife, He enjoys good status in life. He has a fais fortune. His wife will be proud by nature. Female native becomes a career woman after marriage and her husband is generally a good person. to wheel machinery etc., He may gain vehicles etc. ut there will be family disputes. MAR | VEN | KET | He will be a good person. But he may cause some irksome situation to wife. He may at times feel relinquished. Utimately she may not be able to enjoy a happy family life, sat | SUN | Husband will have career of average but respectable one. He will have career related to extensive travelling. He may have inclination towards commercial lines which may not bring him much prosperity. He can have general fortune. He will havé career as Manager, teacher, guide or an engineer or such equivalent positions. He will enjoy respectable career. | After‘marriage he will gain great financial prospects good career connected with large establishments. He is a good natured person. 15, Husband's Description HUSBAND'S DESCRIPTION In spite of having @ good wife, he may not enjoy significant prosperity. He will be at times lazy. There will be a disparity between work and returns. It is advised for him to meditate on Lord Shiva, He is fair looking person. He is a good man. He does not heed for advices. He may not have any specific career. He may have knowledge in tailoring, weaving. But never sticks to @ job which often ends with a quarrel. This person has no guaranteed career. He will have erratic nature. After marriage his father in law may have some suffering. Husband is not a good person. He will have bad habits. He will have much travelling aspects. He has a nature to humiliate his wife. He often regrets for having married this person. Husband may also have to live separately form his wife. At times he will loose his balance of mind and behaves abnormally. Totally there will not be @ cordial relationship between husband and wife. After marriage her mother faces some suffering. It is better to perform Navagraha shanthi. Husband is quite an intelligent person. There will not be mutual trust between husband and wife. At a later date wite may have to seek extra marital relationship to satisfy her pleasures. Husband will have activities in @ big concern he will be adamant by nature. There will be disputes in family life. Husband will be a fortunate person. He enjoys his luck and luxury with vehicles. But between husband and wife there will be rupture in family matters. MAR RAH shanti is must to enjoy fair and happy life. Mahalakshmi pooja is also essential. Husband will have a career pertaining to Light and shadow related like Photography, computers and machinery side. He is in general a fortunate person. This combination is possible i Mars is with Rahu in a sign and upto Dragon tail No other planet is placed in any successive sign. Such native will not have a fair relationship with husband for a period up to 9 years., Husband will tum towards spiritual liberation. He may have Government related Husband will have metaphysical attitude and renunciation mentality. He is Capricious by nature and he may keep himseff away from family. mar | KET | SUN prosperity. mar | KET | moo MAR | KET | MER Husband will be intelligent and will have literary knowledge. But wife will go selfish and self cantered. Husband comes from a good family. He will have inclination towards divini will be of helping nature, He will be of orthodox type. He will have delicate mind, will have secret knowledge. He will be stingy and accumulates money. y. He Husband cannot enjoy any significant or specific career. Husband will be inclined towards the path of liberation and salvation. Foreign Travel 16 COMBINATION FOR FOREIGN TRAVEL (if the Planets are in the same sign and same direction only) Native will have foreign travel. SAT | MOO Native will have foreign travel. SUN | MOO Father or Native's Son will have foreign travel. }—__}____} mar | MOO Brother will have foreign travel - if Female Husband. VEN | MOO | RAH | Daughter, Sister or Wite will have foreign travel - if Female herself. SUP | Moo | KET | Native will have short foreign travel, sat | Moo | KET | Native will have short foreign travel. [sun | moo | KET | Father or Son will have short foreign travel. MAR | MOO | KET ’| Brother or Husband will have short foreign travel. ‘Short foreign travel to Daughter, Sister, or Wife - or Female Native. Even if the order of combination gets interchanged, the results will be same, the condition is that they must form in the same sign or 1,5,9. We may also consider the 2” sign, 12" sign in respect of Retrograde planets and 7® aspect, if any one of the Planet is with either Rah or Ket. Al times this combination may form after planetary exchange. Consider the combination carefully before concluding the yoga of planets. 17 Education EDUCATION-Planet to be considered is MERCURY Will be bright in studies-interested in Political Science, Social Science and Medicine. Will have change of place or change in subjects during Education- Interested in Food a MOO | & cairy retated-Chemical. Interested in Astrology and related matters. —_|__ men | wan | Will face hardships in education - Breaks - Will be interested in technical related subjects. MER | up | Will have successful educational career- Will be interested in Accounts, Audit and Commerce retated subjects or Communication related subjects - Teaching related. Wil be interested in Higher commerce-Sales-Administration related subjects - Higher studies Post graduation etc., MER SAT | Mining Related - Lazy at studies - Slow. Chemical-Nuclear Physics-Photography or shadow related. MER KET _ | Law-Mecicine-Theoiogy-Astrology - Will have breaks in Education | In most of the cases the Education will be relating to Profession. Therefore, we must see the professional ‘combination first and the present educational level, before finally advising the sultable line of education, Some times, the person may be interested to persue different fine of education irrespective of his profession. In such cases, the above combinations must be glven importance and the right educational combination must be arrived. Normally MER-Aspecting Jupiter will indicate the good educational prospects - We must look for other combination of planes with Mercury and logically combine to arrive at the right line of Education. During these days the education has many branches and it will be difficult to pin point exact subject. Therefore it is always better to maintain the broad category as shown below to indicate the Education-Comparing with his professional combination. MERCURY COMMERCE & TRADE + VENUS TECHNICALWHEELED indicates 3_| MEDICAL ‘SUNIKET eri 4 [LAW JUP/KET _| Therfore, it is to 5_| COMMUNICATION JuPMaR | >? ee 6 | PERFORMING ARTS VEN/RAH _ | higher education. 7_| occuLT MOOHJUP We should also note the Sign in which MER is situated and the 2nd Sign to it for assesing the Education, ‘Aries , Virgo aan Technical ies Trade-Commerce Taurus Artistic Sagit Uniformed related Use the : Rasi Qualities Communication | Capri CChemical-Mining Fi Logically Food-Dairy-Ocoult Phylosophy-Psychology-Secretive ‘Admin-Medical Religious-Finance-Law-Medicine Profession 18 COMBINATION TO PREDICT THE PROFESSION -— SATURN First Look for Satum and take the karkatwa of the Rasi where Satum is posited. Also note the karkatwa of 2nd Rasi from Satum. Then proceed with the following combination. ‘SUN I ‘SAT Government related jobs or continue father’s profession. Moo SAT Involves extensive travelling. - related to liquids-food-dairy etc., aR | ‘SAT Technical-Machinery-Police-Detenca-Fire _related-Uniformed. MER SAT ‘Trade & Business-Teaching-Accounts. SUP. [sar Comfortable Job profile. VEN SAT Related to Money-Luxury articles-Arts, —r > RAH SAT Secretive jobs-Smuggling etc.-Shadow related-Cinema etc., KET SAT Religious-Service oriented-Medical-Law etc., More than The sources of income will be from different directions as per the One ‘SAT combinations of planet. This has to be assessed considering karkatwa Planet of each planet associated with Saturn. MAR SAT Problems in professional field. KETI SAT Bad circumstances even it may lead to quitting the Job. For these two combination Benefics to Mar and Ket must have aspect to get on with relative field of profession, 19 MEDICAL ASTROLOGY - EYE DISEASE SAT SUN ‘OR MOO. COMBINATION FOR DISEASES Weak eye sight RAU SUN OR MOO. ‘SUN’ ‘OR MOO) Defective eye sight Gataract-squint etc., ‘OR MOO. Big eyes Ear trouble NOSE DISEASE RAH | JUP Ugly Nose JUP RETRO Little ugly nose KET JUP ‘Small nose Throat infection keT__[ MER L Growth in throat DENTAL DISEASE ‘SAT MAR ‘Tooth ache or tooth decaying RAH | MAR | Uneven teeth set {_JuP. MAR Healthy teeth VEN MAR Healthy teeth ‘SKIN DISEASE MOO MER Will have skin disease RAH MER Black marks on body Ket __| MER Red marks on body SAT. VEN’ RAH {Skin related problems SAT. MER RAH [_ Skin related problems Mora than one Firey| yup Pimples: In the same sign of direction Smallpox me 4 BLOOD RELATED RAH MAR Polluted Blood KET MAR Defective Blood circulation SAT MAR Blood problems wan | vup__| Blood pressure ASTHA! Moo | VEN JUP VEN MOO. JUP [_ Breathing problems Breathing problems It SAT is also involved Chronic problems related to Breath ‘SAT moo | KET Asthama ‘SAT moo | JuP Asthama Diseases 20 HEART PROBLEMS JUP | Heart related problems for males. VEN | Heart related problems for females. DIABETES VEN | MOO Diabetes, Uterus, Urinary infection Kidney/Bladder problems RHEUMATIC PAIN Any one of these ety Rheumatic pain and related Pain problems Ih the same sign or direction Piles complaint is possible, Leads to Cancer SPINAL CORD RAH | MER | MAR Spinal cord problems. ACCIDENTS JUP__ [MAR | RAH in the same direction or same sign Accident may happen. SAT [MAR | RAH ‘Accidents may take place. SUIGIDAL TENDENCIES in the same direction or same sign may have suicidal Moo {man | RAH ihe same MENTAL PROBLEMS a I te are nor same cretion Meri! mince L_ . MIGRAINE ted , sun | Moo appecied a In the same direction or same sign. 21 Child Birth CHILD BIRTH JUP | Aspects | SUN Will definitely have Male Child. JuP | Aspects | VEN Will definitely have Female Child. RAH | Aspects | SUN Problem to get Male Child or Child short lived. RAH Aspects: VEN Problem to get Child or Child short lived. KET | Aspects | VEN — .. | Obstacies in having Child. KET | Aspects | SUN ‘Obstacles in having Child, MOO | Aspects | VEN | Male’ Sperm Count wil be less- Wife may not conceive. | Even it she conceives abortion may take place. SUN | VEN | In Same Pada| Remote chance of having Children. «SY of Nakshatra sat | VEN Delay in be-getting Child Greater the difference in between SUN and VEN - Higher the chance of having children with remedial measures. Relationships & General 22 SOME IMPORTANT YOGAS - RELATIONSHIPS [PLANET | Combination with] Relation between Native and his Father will be good. Native and his Son will be good. ‘Native and his Mother will be good. Native and Sisters/Wife/Daughters will be good. Native and Brothers will be good. Native and Matemal/Patemal Uncle/Friends will be good. Native and his Father/Son wit! not be good. ‘Native and his Mother will not be good. Native and his Brother will not be good. Dispute between Father and Mother. VEN RAH MAR SOME IMPORTANT YOGAS - GENERAL ‘Combination with Dispute between Father and Brothers. Dispute among Brothers, Dispute among Brothers. Dispute between Husband and Wile. Dispute between Husband and Wife. Dispute between Native and Mother. Person will be away from family. | Husband and Wife do not stay together. Person will be rich, He will be enjoying alll the luxuries. He will have his own house, own vehicle, Financially he will be sound. He will gain through his wife. ‘Will have comfortable career. The life will be very smooth. He will enjoy honour land zespect. He will enjoy all the luxuries. He will get the Job very easily, He will get the co-operation of reputed people. Person willhave comfortable Business, He will get co-operation fromall sides. He will eam a lot of Money in Business. He will buy lands & Property etc., Person will be facing hardships throughout his life. Every one will be harassing him. He will find it difficult to get a job. Even if he gets a Job he will not be well pald. The employer will find fault with him. Often he will be changing his job. He will never get satisfaction in career. Person faces hardship throughout his life. He will be troubled by the Govt. or Govt officers. He willbe finding it difficut to get a Job. Even if he gets a job he will not be paid well. The employer will find fault with him. He will not get satisfaction in job. The person will be travelling unnecessarily. Or he will have transfers very often. Whatever money he earns will be spent away. He will get blame in career, He will never have mental peace. He will go initial subordination. This is called the Daridra yoga. Butin the later Part of life he will become an eminent personality with lot of experience. JUP SAT MER ‘SAT ‘MAR ‘SAT SUN SAT | Moo SAT RAH SAT KET ‘SAT Person will suffer without any job throughout his life, Even if he gets a Job he will not have satisfaction. Often he is changing his job. And he will have a dispute in career. The person behaves like recluse. 23 Meta-physical_Yogas SOME IMPORTANT YOGAS - SANYASA YOGA PLANET | Combination with Results, KET ‘SAT OR | JUP Person will have spritual thoughts. UP, SUN KET. in the same sign or same direction - Suitable for RAJA YOGA. up| Moo | KET In the same sign or same direction - Suitable for BHAKTI YOGA. uP’ MAR | KET in the same sign or same direction - Suitable for HATHA-YOGA, JUP MER | KET in the same sign or same direction - Suitable for GNANA YOGA. UP’ VEN KET In the same sign or same direction - KUNDALINI/SAHAJA/YOGA. UP, ‘SAT KET Spiritual thoughts. SAT SUN | KET In the same sign or same direction - Suitable for RAJA YOGA. SAT MoO__| KET In the same sign or same direction - Suitable for BHAKTI YOGA. SAT MAR | KET in the Same sign or same direction - Suitable for HATHA-YOGA. SAT MER | KET In the same sign or same direction - Suitable for GNANA YOGA. SAT VEN KET In the same sign or same direction- KUNDALINI/SAHAJA/YOGA. SOME IMPORTANT YOGAS - MOKSHA YOGA PLANET | Combination with Results JUP, KET j Together in a sign or direction or successive sign - MOKSHA in this Birth. SAT KET Together_in a sign or rection or suocessive sign - MOKSHA in tis Birth. VEN | KET Same as above for Femal Native, SUN | JUP ‘SUNin 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from JUP or in Next degree to JUP, the person will go to KAILASA after his death. MOO SUP MOO in 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from JUP or in Next degree to JUP, the person will go to KAILASA after his death, MAR | JUP MAR in 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from JUP or in Next degree to JUP, the person will take birth immediately after his death. MER | JUP MER in 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from orin Next degree to JUP, the person will go to VAIKUNTHA after his death. VEN | JUP VEN in 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from JUP or in Next degree to JU, the person will go to SWARGA after his death, SAT UP ‘SAT in 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from JUP orin Next degree to JUP, {In the seme direction, we have to find out the position considering this as conjuction and arrive at the above results. the person will go to YAMALOKA after his death, RAH in 2nd to JUP or 2nd Nakshatra pada from JUP or in Next degree to JUP, the person will go to NARAKA after his death, ‘Sun Karakatwa 24 @) SUN Planet Numerology Not Political science Social Science Line of success ‘Son Apollo mount Ring finger Simha Ex-Mesha, Fire East Deb-Tula Red Warrior-Kshatriya Enemies -> VEN-SAT-RAH Characteristics ‘Administrator Respectable Generous Fame Satwic Bright Name Kind Light Popular Philonthropic King Reliable Pious Health & Body Parts Profession Higher posts Govt. services Honourable posts Doctors Gem merchants Politicians. Gold related jobs Public services Signifies Bile-pitta Headache , Right eye Chief saints Sanskrit & Originated Languages Bones Diarrhea Heart disease | Circle Lighted places Open fields Sunstroke Eye disease High fever Kailasha Lotus Shiva temples Loss of appatite Injury Kashyapa gothra Court yards Worship places. Pungent Deserts Elite people Ramavathara —_ Forests Hot constitution Remedial Measures ‘Aaditya hridaya Cinnamon Animals & Plants Aak tree Deer Bilwa tree Lamp ‘Any sun temple Pepper Goose Rudraksha tree | Rightside window Rudra Saffron Lion Sandle wood paste Cloves Ginger Peacock Throny trees Wheat Cardamom She goat Wheat crop Copper Tiger $e ‘Sloka Japa kusuma sankaassham kaasyapeyam maha dyuthim | tamori sarva paapgnam pranatho asmi divakaram It WET AT TIT HETIL | meine aefarred sores fer Reareney it Manthra ‘om hraaam hreem hroum sahaha sooryaye namaha & O St a me: aa TH: ‘Moon _Karakatwa ) MOON Planet Numerology No.2 Qualities Relation Ex-Vrishabha North-West Deb-Vrishchika | Mother-in-law | Line of Travel vysya Trader Matemal Aunt Enemies -> KET-VEN Characteristics Profession Adulterous Pious Short in stature | Astrologers Travel-related Hawker Calm Satwic Cold constitution | Hotelelated + Sea-related ‘Compounder Charitable Sober ‘Agro-related — Chemicabrelated Cook Changing Thiet Water-elated Animal Feeds Baker Travel Queen -related Grocery Shop Oil Merchant [ Health & Body Parts ‘Signifies Cholera ChestStomach Sinusitis ‘Atreya gothra Pitigrims, Peart Merchant Cold-Cough Urinary Bladder Typhoid Kailasha Boatman Water Places Epilepsy Measles Veneral disease | Krishnavathara © Drycleaner Wine Shops Blood, Breast Mental disorder impurities of Blood | Tamil White Lily Square Influenza Spleen & Liver Kidney Left Eye Swellings Animals & Plants ‘Aquatic creatures Drumstick Crane Medicinal Herbs Creeping animals Paddy crop Patridge. Banana tree Hare Sugareane Jackle Vegetable crop Remedial Measures Parvathi Salt Leftside of window Kitchen Swimming Pools Tanks Cooking Vessels Well, Toilets Washing Machine Fridge Water Vessels Water tap Soap Soundaryalahari Silver Lalitha Curd Rice Tirupathi Sloka dadhisankha tushaaraabham ksheerodamava sembhavam | namaami sasinam somam sambormukuta bhushanam If afrragarry eiiertaasrry 1 / eater RPE I MEF EYTTT Ut Manthra, 0m shraam shteem shroum sahaha chandramase namaha & at a at me: aed TA: Mars Karakatwa 26 Co MARS Planet Numerology No.9 Qualltios Relation Palmistry Education Mesha/Vrishchika Ex-Makara Mount of Lower } Technical Fire South Deb-karka Husband & Upper Mars | Machinery Red Warrior-Kshatriya Enemies > MER-SAT-RAH ba lien) Characteristics Profession ‘Adament Cruel Hasty ‘Agro-elated Carpenter Granite Aggressive ——-Egoistic Quick Armed forces Dentist-Surgeon Instruments Arrogant Emotional Quarretsome | Uniformed services Engineers Mechanics Dominating ‘Falls for flattery Selfish Metal Engg. Works Fire Services Mining, Potter Courageous __Thamasic Spendthrit | Technicabrelated Butcher Sports Health & Body Parts Heart Cardiac: region injuries Blood-tetated Muscle Dog bite Bone marrow Fire accidents Black magic Bridge of the Nose Teeth Spinalcord Red Cells in Blood Eyebrow Testicles Signifies Bharadwaja gothra Triangle Sports Narasimhavathara Bitter Operation theatre Champak flowers Armouries Ordinance Depot Budhist, Tantrik Battle field Firey places Weapon places Mantra. «SS Mine Animals & Plants Remedial Measures Neem tree ‘Any Kuja Temple Red gram Dog Thom trees Kumaraswamy Copper Snakes Kumkum ‘Skanda purana Gartic Sindoor Vydeeshwaran Koil — Onion Red Chill Sloka dharaneegarbha sambhutam vidyuth keanthi sama prabham | kumaaram sakti hastam tam mangalam pranamaamyaham If ereonerstatya Rergrerrarrrry | FUR MARTE RE A WORTH Ut Manthra om kraam kreem kroum sahaha bhoumaaya namaha & oi wT wT ae: store Ta: 2, 8 MERCURY Karakatwa Planet Numerology No.5 Qualities Male/Female Mithuna/Kanya Air North Green Vysya Trader Characteristics Explorative Ex-Kanya Deb-Meena Enemies -> MAR-KET (JUP mends) ‘Windy’ constitution Relation Matemal Uncle Younger Brother Younger Sister GirlBoyttiend Mercury Mount Line of Marriages Health/Busi-Line Little finger Profession Commerce Animals & Plants Hall ‘Books Krishna Temple Vishnu Temple Garuda Creepers Drawing Room Reading Table | Madurai Chokkar Greengram Horse Green Leaves Study Room Photographs | Narayana Vishnu Panchadathu Tulsi Book Shelf Wall Paintings | Vishnu Sahasrnam Uttareni Tree All Education items Narayanamantra Camphor Calculative Friendly Intellect Teaching Preserving Humorous Romantic Publishing Diplomatic Prince Soft spoken Public Speaker Discriminative Intelligent Sharing natura Draftsman Health & Body Parts Signifies Forehead Intestine Lungs Arrow/Conical—Vaikunta Business Places Shoulders Dumb Bald Astrology White Flowers Newspaper Agency Neck Gas-Vaatha Tonsils Atreya gothra Book-stalls Printing Press Hands Anemia Leprosy | Buddhavatara Library Registration Office Tongue Childlessness -Leucodrama | Fakhir or Saint Landlord Educational Places Blood defects Sloka prlyamgukalikaashyaamam rypenapratinam budham { soumyam soumya gunopelam tam budham pranamaamyaham it j tonne oy | whet ahead F ye TTT Manthra ‘om braam breem broum sahaha bhudhaya namaha & WT aT aT Be: Bare TH: Jupiter Karakatwa 28 »)| JUPITER Qualities Male Dhanur-Meena — Ex-Karka Either North East Deb-Makara Yellow Advisor Enemies -> (at times Moo-MerVen) Finance Department Minister Endowment Service Insurance Respectable Windy: Education Banker Noble Satwic Meditation Teacher Priest Signifies Brain Hemia Angeerasa gothra Sweet Hermitages Thighs Jaundice Bramhaloka, Vamanavathara Mutts-Ashrams Feet Liver Complaint Philosopher Jasmine Temples Nose Pheigm Rectangle Treasury Yoga Centres Bronchitis Flesh-fat Churches Courts Gas-Vaatha Sanskrit & Originated Languages ‘Animals & Plants Remedial Measures. Cow Apple trea ‘Any temple Betal Nut Elephant —_Betal leaves Dakshinamoorty Coconut ‘Swan Coconut tree Guru Stotra Ghee Flower Plants, Swa-Guru Honey Peopal tree Tiruchendur Gold Sweet fruit trees Bengalgram Amber ‘Sloka devanam cha fishinaam cha, gurum keanchana sannibham | buddhimantham thrilokesam tam namaami brihaspatim tI darrea sa Te BIOTAPTA | glared freee f tah gerry Manthra ‘om graam greem groum sahaha gurave namaha & aah Of ae: Wa TH: Vrisheba/Tula — Ex-Meena South East Deb-Kanya Daughter Intellect-Brahman Daughter-intaw | Thumb Administration Enemies -> SUN-MOO-KET dJeevakarake-fem| Higher Knowledge Characteristics Mild Wine Passionate Finance Luxury Hotels Vehicles Rajasic Beautification Fruit selling Prostitution Medium height Cloth Merchant Brokerages Cold Constitution Skin disease Ovaries | Bhargava gothra Sour Cinema Houses Uterine disorders Semen | Parasramavathara Swarga Dancing-Casino Veneral disease © Womb | Recreation Clubs White Lotus Brothel Houses Cheeks ite Pentagon Marriage Halls Face Hotels Banks, Treasury Sanskrit & Originated Languages Luxury Places Remedial Measures Amber Lima-Beans Mango trees i Musk Sour fruit trees Sugar Tamarind ‘Turmeric Clove Sloka himakunda mrinaalaabhem daityaanam paramam gurum | ‘sarvashaastra pravaktaaram bhargavam pranamaamyaham Il feagrayorerd Sear Teh TET | Be MRATAR HF TOTTI Manthra om draam dreem droum sahaha shukraaya namaha & af a af ae: yor TH:

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