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1 . Team members :
_ Nguyn Minh Hi.
_ L Anh Nam.
_ Nguyn Xun Trng.
_ Trn Cng Thng.
_ on Vn Hiu.



Hotel management system


System analysis:

3.1 System-as-is study: Vietnam hotels mostly

use notebook to save informa tion. This leads to
many problems:
_ Info is not safe and easy to lose.
_ Having many info make its hard to organize.
_ Hard to manage guest and calculate their bills.
_ Hard to manage sta ff s and payment.
_ Writing is very time-consuming.

System-to - be objectives: Hotel Management System is a softwa re
which helps to solve all of the above problems:
_ Saving time, money, very easy to use.
_ Safe and secure system.
_ Support multiple accounts.
_ Support guest to reserve the roo m th rough internet .


Stakeholder identify:

4.1. Stakeholder:
_ Owner of hotel.
_ Receptionist.
_ Manager.
_ Online guest.


Use case diagra m:


Context diagram :


Use cases list:

Manage staff

Manage User

reservati on
Manage guest


Manage ro om

inventor y

Set room rates

View reports
Add sta ff members
Delete sta ff members
Update sta ff info
Backup data
Add User
Delete User
Update User detail
Search av ailable ro om
Make reservati on
Add services
Edit reservation
Cancel reservat ion
Add guest
Update guest detai l
Issue bill
Add ro om
Delete roo m
Update ro om detai ls
View staff details
Add item
Delete item
Edit item detail

Make report
Online guest


Interface design:

(Not done yet still updating)

Log In screen for di ff e rent user:

Check av ailable roo ms

Make reserv ation
Cancel reservation

Owner menu:

Manager menu:

Receptionist menu:

Website booking request form:

Add guest :

Make reservati on:

View and edit reservation:

Search and edit sta ff :

Issue bill:


Non-functional requirement:
Perfo rmance requirement:

_Perform ance requi rements defi ne acceptable response times for system
functional ity. The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer
than two seconds. It makes fast access to system functi ons. The log in
inform ation shall be veri fi ed within fi ve seconds causes. Returning query
results within fi ve seconds makes sea rch function mo re accurate.

Safety requi rement:

_There are several users in the system , each account will be protected by
a User Log In screen that requi res a Username and Password .
_The backup opti on ensure the system database security. System can be
restor ing in case of emergency.

Security requirement:

_ Customer Service Representatives and Managers and owner will be able

to log in to the Hotel Management System. Customer Service
Representatives will have access to the Reserva tion/Bo oking and
subsystems. Managers will have access to the Management subsystem as
well as the Reservation/B ooking subsystems. Owner has the max imum
privilege to all subsystems. Access to the var ious subsystems will be
protected by a user log in screen that requi res a user name and password .

Softwa re quality att ributes:

Avail ability: - The system shall be avail able during norm al hotel
operating hours

Co rrectness: - extent to which program satis fi es specifi c ations,

fulfi lls users mission objectives

E ffi ciency: - How much less number of resources and time are
required to achieve a particular task through the system.

Flexibil ity: - Abili ty to add new features to the system and handle
them conveniently.

Integrit y: - How the system would insecure the information in the

system and how it avo ids the data losses. Referential integrity in database
tables and interfaces

Maintainabilit y: - How easy is to keep the system as it is and correct

defects with making changes.

Portabili ty: - The Hotel Management System shall run in any

Microsoft Windows environment

Reliabili ty: - Specify the factors requi red to establish the required
rel iability of the software system at time of delivery. Mean time between
failu res and mean time to recovery

Reusabilit y: - What is the ability to use the ava ilable components of

the system in other systems as well.

Testabilit y: - E ff ort needed to test to ensu re performs as intended

Usability: - How easily a person can be taken the bene fi ts of the

system and the user friendliness.

Robustness: Strength of the system to handle system functions

accurately and maintain the database without facing to unexpected
failu res

Maintainabilit y: What design, coding standards must be adhered to

exclusions c reated

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