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Avatar Day


Avatar Day
Written By: John O'Bryan
Directed By: Lauren Macmullan
Storyboard By: Lauren Macmullan, Chris Graham, Kenji Ono, Dean Kelly, Oh Saung H
Animation By: DR Movie
Transcribers: Acastus and Pandora
[Introduction sequence]

Act I
(Episode opens with an early morning scene that begins with a wide shot of a sho
reline. The shore is largely composed of cliffs that drop shear into the sea. Th
e tops of the cliffs in the foreground are forested, those in the background are
grass covered. The shot tilts down to reveal Appa, Katara and Sokka asleep. The
water tribe siblings each sleep atop a large tree stump.
Cut to a view from inside Sokkas mouth. Sokka breathes heavily with his mouth wid
e open. A spider has built a web in his open mouth and sits patiently at its cen
ter. A moment later, Momos face appears. His ears stand straight up on his head a
nd he chitters as he sees the spider. He blinks. Shift to a quick profile view o
f Momo standing up on his hind legs, beginning to lean forward toward Sokka, who
is drooling out of the side of his mouth. Cut to Momos p.o.v., The camera closes
in on the web as a fly enters the frame and lands on the web. The spider moves
to get the fly.
Cut back to the profile shot of Momo and Sokka, where Momo cocks back his hand,
and the shoves it into Sokkas mouth. Sokkas eyes bug out. Cut to a shot from Sokkas
chest looking forward. Sokka lifts his head, chucking Momo over his face and at
the camera. He disappears from the frame, leaving an irate Sokka.)
Sokka: (spitting and startled) What are you doing in my mouth!
(Cut to a profile shot of Sokka, Momo eating the bugs, lying upside down on his
Sokka: Momo, you need to be a little more sensitive to my boundaries.
(As Sokka speaks, Momo hears something that isnt Sokka. He flips upright, chitter
s and jumps on Sokkas face and then out of the frame. Cut to a brief wide shot of
the camp, then a shot of Aang sleeping on Appa. A galloping sounds is heard fro
m o.c. as Aang awakes. He looks off screen in horror. The camera pans right at v
ery high speed creating a rushing effect. It stops on a patch of open ground nea
rby. A Fire Nation war rhinoceros jumps into the screen and lands with a pondero
us thud. Atop the beast a Fire Nation soldier rides. Cut to Katara, halfway out of
her sleeping bag. She gasps, then cut to another rhino emerging from the brush.
Cut to a muscular, cruel looking soldier atop one of the rhinos. He wears a nos

e ring and a short sleeve uniform.)

Colonel Mongke : Give up! Youre completely surrounded!
(As he speaks, cut to a wide, overhead shot of the camp. The camera zooms back a
t high speed to reveal four rhinos circling Appa and the kids. Cut to a shot of
a long haired Fire Nation archer with three flaming arrows on his bow. He fires
them. Cut to Sokka, still in his sleeping bag, moving in earthworm type fashion.
The three arrows pin the end of the sleeping bag to ground. Sokka frees himself
and runs out of the frame. Cut to a shot from above Aang who sits in Appas drive
rs seat. In front of him, Sokka and Katara run into the frame towards Appa.)
Sokka: Come on, come on, come on!
(Cut to a frontal shot of Katara running towards the camera. Her eyes widen and
she stops. She turns to look at the tree stump behind her as a rhino passes by i
n the background.)
Katara: My scrolls!
(The rhino stops at the stump and its rider twirls a halberd and then plants it
into the stump. Cut to Aang, who leans forward with a look of alarm on his face,
as Sokka crawls up onto Appa in the background.)
Aang: My staff!
(His face twisting in anger, Aang jumps airbends himself off Appa and out of the
Cut to a frontal shot of a determined Katara running at the camera as it zooms b
ackwards, keeping her in the frame. She opens her water skin as she runs and ben
ds a jet of water o.c. Cut to a shot of the tree stump. The water enters the fra
me and hardens to ice around the soldiers halberd. Tilt up to reveal the surprise
d Fire Nation soldier, then cut a shot from the soldiers p.o.v. looking down as K
atara scoops up the box of scrolls on the stump and runs out of the frame. Cut t
o a wider shot as Katara runs o.c. with the box hugged to her chest. In the back
ground, the soldier breaks the ice and retrieves his weapon.
Cut to a shot from the top of a tree trunk high off the ground. A Fire Nation ca
valryman at the bottom launches a chain with weights at its end up to the camera
. The chain, anchored by the weights, wraps around the tree trunk. Cut to a shot
from near the cavalryman, who directs his rhino to move away from the tree. The
chain goes taught and the tree is brought down with a huge crash.
Shift to Aang running to his staff. The tree falls in his way, but he airbends l
ightly over it. Cut to a masked Fire Nation soldier for a second, then to a clos
e up of his hand and belt. He snaps his fingers, removing a cap from a dynamite
like stick, one of many, on his belt. Removing the cap seemingly lights a wick.
He throws the device. Cut to Aang arriving at his staff as the bomb drops into t
he frame next to him. He sees it, and with a grimace and twirl of his staff his
bats it deeper into the forest. He airbends out of the frame and it explodes in
the background. Cut to a wide shot of Appa surrounded by the four rhinos once mo
re. In the foreground on a rock, close to the cameras p.o.v, Colonel Mongkes rhino
sits looking down at the battle. Aang lands atop Appa.)
Aang: Yip, yip!
(With a flap of his tail, Appa takes off. Cut to Colonel Mongke, who fires a bla
st of flame at Appas retreating figure. Cut to Katara, Sokka and Momo in Appas sad
dle. They duck as the fireball passes overhead.)
Sokka and Katara: Ahhh!
Sokka: Wait, my boomerang!

(Cut to a spinning, zooming backward shot of Sokkas boomerang still on the ground
Katara: Theres no time!
Sokka: Oh, I see. Theres time to get your scrolls and time to get your staff, but
no time for my boomerang
Katara: (cheerfully) Thats correct!
Sokka: (resigned) Oh.
(Cut to a shot from near Colonel Mongkes shoulder. He looks out over the scene be
low and Appa flying away in the distance. He turns and looks off camera with an
angry expression.
Screen fades to a pan right shot of a daytime scene. A walled town lies nearby.
A trail leads to it out of the forest on the right of the screen. On the other s
ide the town abuts a cliff that looks over the ocean. In the foreground, Appa ha
s landed in a forest clearing near the trail that leads to town. A small buildin
g is also nearby.)
Aang: (initially from o.c.) Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka.
(As Aang speaks, cut to the kids inside the town. Katara is talking to a vendor
in a stall behind Aang and Sokka, who is sitting on the ground, mourning the los
s of his boomerang. Aang wears a coolie hat to hide his tattoo.)
Sokka: I feel like Ive lost part of my identity. Imagine if you lost your arrow,
or if Katara lost her (cut to Katara, looking confused) hair loopies.
(Sokka walks over to the stall, where Katara hugs him. The merchant puts a baske
t of food on the counter.)
Merchant: Heres your produce, ponytail guy.
Sokka: (picks up basket, then, dejected) I used to be boomerang guy
(Katara pays the nice merchant.)
Merchant: (surprised) Hey, Water Tribe money.
Katara: I hope thats okay.
Merchant: So long as its money. (closes shop and begins to walk away) Have a nice
Avatar Day!
Aang: Avatar Day
Merchant: (turning around) You guys are going to the festival, right
(Aang, Katara and Sokka look at each other. Sokka, who has been crying over his
boomerang still looks distraught, but Katara and Aang smile.
Cut to a wide, overhead shot of the sky. Tilt down to reveal the walled town. Fe
stival music plays in the background. Cut to a shot of the three kids in a crowd
on a street. Green banners fly suspended on strings across the streets. They lo
ok around in wonder, Sokka carrying Momo in his arms.)
Aang: Theres a holiday for the Avatar. Who knew
(Behind them a hug float of Avatar Kyoshi rolls by. They turn to see it.)
Katara: Look! They made a giant Kyoshi float.
(The kids run to the main square.)
Sokka: And here comes Avatar Roku.
Aang: Having a huge festival in your honor is great, but frankly, its just nice t
o be appreciated.

Sokka: And its nice to appreciate their deep-fried festival food.

(Sokka takes a huge chomp out of a cake he is holding.)
Katara: Aang, look!
(A huge Aang float passes next.)
Aang: (smiling) Thats the biggest me Ive ever seen.
(Cut to a profile shot of the three Avatars now abreast of each other in the mai
n square. Pan right to reveal a muscular and scantily clad young man running int
o the square with a lit torch.)
Sokka: Now a torch;
manly. But Im not
Katara: Hey, whats
(The torch man jump

thats a nice prop. Its bright, dangerous (inhales deeply) smells

sure I could carry it off.
that guy doing
through the bottom of the Kyoshi statue and lights it on fir

Torch Man: Yaaaah!

(He lights Roku on fire as well.)
Crowd: (chanting in unison) Down with the Avatar! Down with the Avatar! Down wit
h the Avatar!
(Cut to a zoom in shot of the kids. Sokkas mouth drops open in surprise and food
starts falling out.
Shift scenes to another town that rests on top of a hill, then cut to a man and
woman walking down a deserted street. He is carrying two baskets suspended by a
pole across his back. A shadow passes in front of the camera, then the Blue Spir
it appears in front of the couple, swords drawn. He cuts the baskets away from t
he terrified man, scoops them up and runs.
Cut again to a forest shot. A fly or other insect is snapped up by the lengthy t
ongue of a nearby tree chameleon. Shot tilts down to show the Blue Spirit climbi
ng over a log with his baskets of loot. A green clad arm places the mask in the
hollow a tree. Zuko looks out from around the tree, then cut to a shot of a cave
Iroh sits cross legged within the cave. Zuko throws the baskets from o.c. which
land in front of him.)
Iroh: Where did you get these
Zuko: (walking away) What does it matter where they came from
Iroh: (seriously) Hmm (eats food and smiles as pink goo drips from his mouth) Mmm
(Return to a profile shot of the burning Avatar floats.)
Crowd: (chanting in unison) Down with the Avatar! Down with the Avatar!
(The Mayor gives the torch man a signal, who throws his torch at the Aang float.
It lands on his right eye and begins to burn. Cut to a shot of Aang with a dist
raught face amidst the crowd, the cut to Katara running across the plaza. She ju
mps forward and waterbends the water from two nearby water caskets, putting out
the burning floats.)
Spectator 1: (angrily) Hey! That party-poopers ruining Avatar Day!
(Aang airbends himself to the left shoulder of his own float.)

Aang: That party-poopers my friend!

(He takes off his hat and throws it o.c.. An animation effect shows a blinding s
hine from his perfectly bare head.)
Mayor Tong: (surprised) Its the Avatar himself!
Spectator 1: (panicking) Its going to kill us with its awesome Avatar powers!
Aang: (calmly, raising his hand in a non-threatening way) No, Im not, I
(Guy runs around completely scared and hurls himself into the crowd.)
Majoy Tong: (snootily) I suggest you leave. Youre not welcome here, Avatar.
Katara: Why not Aang helps people.
Aang: Its true. (airbending himself down to where Katara and the Mayor stand) Im o
n your side.
Mayor Tong: (accusingly) I find that hard to swallow considering what you did to
us in your past life. It was Avatar Kyoshi; she murdered our glorious leader, C
hin the Great.
Aang: You think that I murdered someone...
(Cut to an old, hideous man.)
Old Man: (slurring) We used to be a great society before you killed our leader.
(pointing to himself) Now look at us!
Aang: (cringing in revulsion) Huh!
Katara: (defensively) Aang would never do something like that. No Avatar would.
(pointing an accusing finger at the crowd) And its not fair for you all to questi
on his honor!
Spectator: (to the crowd) Lets tell her what we think of the Avatars honor. (blows a
raspberry and sticks his butt out at her.)
(Crowd voices its agreement noisily.)

(to everyone) Give me a chance to clear my name.

Tong: The only way to prove your innocence is to stand trial.
(confidently) Ill gladly stand trial.
Tong: Youll have to follow all our rules. That includes paying bail.

(Cut to a close up of Aang.)

Aang: No problem!
(As he finishes speaking, a stock closes around his neck. The camera zooms backw
ards to reveal Aang behind bars, heads and arms in a stock. Outside of his cell
Katara has her face buried in his hands and Sokka leans sullenly against a wall,
Momo beside him. )
Aang: How was I supposed to know they wouldnt take Water Tribe money
(Cut to commercial break.)
Act II
(Show returns a wide, overhead shot from the town looking out to sea. Tilt down
to reveal that Aangs cell is in fact an open air courtyard with a grated observat
ion window into the jail building where Sokka and Katara stand. Cut to a shot fr
om behind the water tribe siblings looking at Aang as Sokka speaks.)

Sokka: So some people dont like you. Big deal! Theres a whole nation of firebender
s who hate you. Now lets bust you out of here.
Aang: I cant.
Sokka: (upbeat) Sure you can! A little swish, swish, swish! Airbending slice! and
were on our way.
(sight gag: flashes to the back of the room and uses his arms to cut the air and
then back to the front to shove his face in the camera for Airbending slice!)
Katara: (disdainfully) I think what Master Swish is trying to say is that youre sup
posed to be out saving the world. You cant do that locked up in here.
Aang: I cant do that with people thinking Im a murderer, either. I need you guys t
o help prove my innocence.
Sokka: Howre we gonna do that The crime happened over three hundred years ago.
Aang: (shrewdly) Thats okay, Sokka. For some reason, I thought you were an expert
Sokka: (self-importantly) Well, I guess I could be classified as such.
Katara: (playing along) Yeah! Back home he was famous for solving the mystery of
the missing seal jerky.
Sokka: (bragging) Everyone wanted to blame it on a polar leopard but I figured o
ut that it was Old Man Jarco wearing polar leopard boots. See, a real eight hund
red pound polar leopard would have left much deeper tracks. Okay, I guess I am p
retty good.
(During Sokkas monologue, Kataras holds her hand to her head in a gesture of despa
ir, while Aang makes gestures poking fun at him. Sokka fails to notice either.)
Aang: So youll help me with my case
Sokka: Fine. But Im gonna need some new props.
(An effect of instantly passing time and space stops to reveal Sokka a strange h
Sokka: Im ready.
(He extends a magnifying glass out of hat that rests in from of his right eye. T
he contraption is reminiscent of the head gear used by Johnny Depp in Sleepy Holl
ow. Katara giggles)
Sokka: What
(Sokka turns to her and extends the magnifying glass out a bit more and he hunch
es over to see her better.
Cut to an armored wagon with a small trailer traveling through a forest scene. I
t is pulled by a horse ostrich.
Inside, a plump merchant looks at an open cash box with glee. He plays with the
coins. The camera zooms backward to reveal the whole interior of the cab. Sudden
ly, the carriage jolts as it comes to a sudden stop. The merchants hat falls off
and he grabs his cash box protectively. He looks around in alarm and closes and
locks the cash box. Cut to a close up as the merchant begins sweating.
After a few moments of nothing, he breathes a sigh of relief. Then a broadsword
blade slices through the roof in front of the camera. It slices back and forth.
Cut to a shot of the roof from the merchants p.o.v. A fist appears as it smashes
a hole through the damaged roof. Through the hole the Blue Spirit is seen atop
the carriage. The merchant offers the box with his eyes closed and the Blue Spir
it grabs it. The merchant looks up, but the Blue Spirit is gone. Cut to an overh

ead shot of the carriage as the camera zooms backward. The driver is knocked out
beside the carriage and the ostrich horse is gone.
Cut to a shot of the city of Chin from the sea. On the sea side of the town, the
re is a small temple right on the cliff overlooking the water below. Cut again t
o a wide overhead shot of the temple that tilts toward the bottom of the frame.
Behind the temple, between it and the city walls, the benches of an amphitheatre
are cut into the hillside. Three figures walk from the city to the temple.)
Mayor Tong: This is the crime scene.
(Cut to a closer shot of Aang and Katara as they approach the temple with the Ma
yor. Sokka looks at the camera through his magnifying glass for a moment, which
makes his eye look huge. The Mayor stands right at the edge of the cliff and poi
nts to a small footprint at his feet.)
Mayor Tong: This is the footprint of the killer, Kyoshi. It was at sunset three
hundred and seventy years ago today that she emerged from the temple and struck
down (he indicates a statue of a stern Earth Kingdom warrior made of pink marble
near the temple) Chin the Great. After that tragic day, we built this statue to
immortalize our great leader. Feel free to appreciate it.
(Mayor Tong exits the scene. Sokka walks around with many sounds effects and a f
ew small animations exaggerating his Sherlock Holmes routine.)
Sokka: This temple and this statue were cut from the same stone. And we know tha
t the statue was built after Chin died.
Katara: (getting worked up) So if they were built at the same time, that means
Sokka: (interrupting) Shhh! I wanna solve it! That means Kyoshi never set foot i
n this temple.
Katara: Thats a big hole in the mayors story, but its not enough to prove Aangs inno
Sokka: Youre right.
(He produces a water pipe out of nowhere, and proceeds to blow a few bubbles.)
Sokka: We need to go to Kyoshi Island.
Katara: Whered you get that
(Cut back to courtyard of the jail. An elephant rat peeks out from behind a few
pots. It sniffs with its long trunk, moves forward, picks up an acorn. Aang look
s at it, still in his stocks, from the background. The elephant rat jumps out of
the frame with a few squeaks.)
Prisoner 1: (initially voice over) You got a bald head
(Cut to a shot of the other end of the courtyard from Aangs p.o.v. There is a par
tial roof overhanging that part of the courtyard, and the voice emanates from th
e dark area underneath.)
Prisoner 1: some nice tattoos
(He comes forward. The prisoner is a tall, muscular, bald man with tattoos of hi
s own. He runs forward at Aang with a cry of fury, but is restrained before he r
eaches him by chains.)
Prisoner 1: (calmly) Youre going to fit in real well around here.
(Cut to Aang, who smiles weakly. Cut to an overhead shot of Kyoshi Island, then
to a shot from the ground near the watchtower on Kyoshi island. In the sky above
, Appa is flying in. The watchtower guards clangs a bell.

Shift to a shot of Oyagis house. Appas shadow runs across it. Cut to a closer shot
of Oyagi eating on his porch. He looks up with a smile. Koko and another girl r
un past him laughing. Appa lands in front of the statue of Kyoshi. He is surroun
ded by townspeople.)
Foaming Mouth Guy appears and pushes through the crowd. He does what he is best
at foaming at the mouth before fainting.)
Koko: (stomps her foot, annoyed) Wheres Aangy
Katara: He couldnt be here, Koko.
Crowd: (disappointed) Ohhh
Koko: I wanted to see Aangy
(The Foaming Mouth Guy gets back up and wipes the foam from his face, looking sl
ightly embarrassed. He covers his head with part of his robe and slinks out of t
he frame. The crowd disperses, but Oyagi approaches them.)
Katara: Oyagi! Aang is in jail. The town of
n a past life.
Sokka: (looking ridiculous with his hat and
Oyagi: Kyoshi Thats crazy talk! Ill take
ill help you clear her name.
(Fade to the three walking up the path from

Chin says he murdered their leader i

pipe) They say it was Kyoshi.
you to her shrine. Maybe something there w
the village to the shrine.)

Sokka: (with feigned casualness) So, uh whats Suki up to Is she around

Oyagi: Actually, she and the other warriors left to fight in the war. You kids h
ad a big impact on Suki. She said you inspired her and she wanted to help change
the world.
Sokka: (sadly) Oh, well thats great.
(They walk under a paifang gate and approach another temple overlooking the sea.
Oyagi: This temple was converted into a shrine to Kyoshi.
(They enter the shrine. It is dark, and filled with Kyoshis clothing and weapons.
Oyagi: The clerics tell us these relics are still connected to her spirit. Thats
her kimono.
Katara: (touching the kimono) She had exquisite taste.
Oyagi: (quickly) Please dont touch.
Sokka: (musing with an affected voice) These fans they were her weapons, no
Oyagi: (wearily) Also refrain from touching the fans.
Katara: These were her boots Her feet must have been enormous!
(Katara examines the huge pair of boots as Momo emerges from within one them. He
chitters at Katara.)
Oyagi: (full of pride) The biggest of any Avatar.
Katara: (with realization) Wait a minute big feet
(Cut to a brief vision of the small footprint by the Chin temple.)
Katara: (voice over) Little footprints (Cut back to the present, then happily) Th
eres no way
Sokka: Ahem. (Sokka clears his throat, interrupting her) Special outfit Hat and p
ipe These things mean anything to you
Katara: (with mock respect) Youre right. Im sorry. Please.
Sokka: (dramatically) Aha! Theres no way Kyoshi could have made that footprint an
d therefore there is nothing linking her to the crime scene!
Katara: (unimpressed) Brilliant, Sokka.

(Cut back to a shot from Chin looking out over the ocean. It is now sunset. Pan
down back to the courtyard, then cut to Aang sitting cross legged in a circle wi
th three other prisoners.)
Prisoner 1: This girl youre talking about Shell come around. You just gotta hang in
(Cut to Aang who easily gets out of the stocks, and rests his elbows on top of i
Aang: (hopefully) You think so
(All at once)
Prisoner 1: Sure!
Prisoner 2: Yeah.
Prisoner 3: Youre a catch.
Aang: (uncertainly) I dont know
Prisoner 1: Hey! Youre smart, handsome, funny, not to mention youre the Avatar.
Aang: (smiling) You guys are great.
Prisoner 3: (touched) Dont be afraid to tell her how you feel. (wipes a tear from
his eyes and sniffles.)
(Cut back to an exterior shot of the temple on Kyoshi Island, then to a shot of
a beautiful mural within the temple.)
Oyagi: (o.c.) This piece is called The Birth of Kyoshi. (all walk into view) It wa
s painted at sunrise on the day this island was founded. Why, it was today, in f
act, three hundred and seventy years ago.
Sokka: (spits out his pipe at the surprise information) Three hundred and sevent
y years wait, (grabs Oyagi by the lapels) are you sure it was today
Oyagi: (annoyed) Seeing how its Kyoshi Day, yes, (throwing Sokka backwards) Im sur
Sokka: This ceremony didnt take place at sunrise; it took place at sunset. Look a
t the shadows.
Katara: They point east. So the sun must have been in the west.
Oyagi: So what
Sokka: (shoves Katara out of the way) If Kyoshi was in the ceremony at sunset, s
he couldnt have been in Chin committing the crime. (points his pipe dramatically
and the magnifying glass swing in front of his eye) She has an alibi!
(Katara, only her arm visible, takes his pipe and hits him over the head with it
(Fade back to exterior, night shot of Chin.)
Katara: (formally, and in voice over at first) Honorable mayor, (cut to a shot o
f the kids and the Mayor at Aangs jail) weve prepared a solid defense for the Avat
ar. We did an investigation and found some very strong evidence.
(Cut to Sokka leaning over to Aang and giving him a big smilie face, which Aang
Mayor Tong: Evidence Hmph! Thats not how our court system works.
Aang: Then how can I prove my innocence
Mayor Tong: Simple. I say what happened and then you say what happened and then
I decide whos right.
(Everyone gasps in unison, looking horrified.)

Mayor Tong: Thats why we call it justice. Because its just us. Hahaha!
(The Mayor walks off laughing maniacally. Cut to black for commercial break.)
(The show returns to a wide profile shot of the amphitheatre, statue of Chin and
the temple behind the town of Chin. Cut to Mayor Tong addressing the crowd that
populates the benches of the amphitheatre.)
Mayor Tong: Everyone loved Chin the Great because he was so great. Then the Avat
ar (pointing to Aang behind him, still in the stocks) showed up and killed him!
And thats how it happened.
(Walks o.c. with a self satisfied smile.)
Bailiff: (deep monotone) The accused will now present its argument.
Sokka: (quietly) You can do it, Aang. Just remember the evidence.
Aang: Right evidence. Ladies and gentlemen, Im about to tell you what really happe
ned. And I will prove it with facts. Fact number one (Aang blanks) Uh
Sokka: (quietly prompting) The footprints!
Aang: Oh, yeah (to the crowd) You see, I have very large feet.
(Camera tilts down to show Aangs little feet. The crowd looks unimpressed.)
Aang: (unpersuasively) Furthermore, your temple matches your statue. But I was in
a painting at sunset. (wraps it up fast with a big smile) So there you have it!
Im not guilty!
(Cut to the crowd, which continued to be unimpressed, then tilt down to Katara,
Sokka and Momo, both with big smiles son their faces, and Sokka giving a thumbs u
p gesture.)
Sokka: (aside to Katara, both still smiling) Hes dead.
(Cut to Zuko and Iroh in their cave. A fire crackles nearby.)
Iroh: Looks like you did some serious shopping. (Iroh walks around the fire and
sits, inspecting a gold teapot in front of him) But where did you get the money
Zuko: (avoids the question) Do you like your new teapot
Iroh: To be honest with you, the best tea tastes delicious whether it comes in a
porcelain pot or a tin cup. (walking over to Zuko who lies with his back to the
opposite wall of the cave) I know weve had some difficult times lately. Weve had
to struggle just to get by. (puts his had on Zukos shoulder) But its nothing to be
ashamed of. There is a simple honor in poverty.
Zuko: Theres no honor for me without the Avatar.
Iroh: Zuko (sighs) Even if you did capture the Avatar, Im not so sure it would sol
ve our problems. Not now.
Zuko: (abruptly) Then there is no hope at all.
(Zuko turns to get up.)
Iroh: (quickly) No, Zuko! You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to s
lip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. (Cut to Irohs p.o.
v, he continues o.c.) In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.
That is the meaning of inner strength.
(Zuko looks back at his uncle for a moment, then gets up to leave. He walks away
form the cave.
Cut back to the trial.)

Katara: Mayor Tong, Id like for the court to hear one last testimony.
Mayor Tong: (jumping up in anger) Ive already told you! Its just me and the accuse
d. You cant call any witnesses.
Katara: This isnt just any witness. Im going to call (gestures widely with her arms
) Avatar Kyoshi herself!
(Crowd mumbles a lot, then cut to the bailiff walking toward the camera. He turn
s and exits the frame to reveal Aang wearing Kyoshis clothes, his face painted li
ke her as well. Cut to a skeptical shot of Mayor Tong, then Katara sitting back
beside her brother.)
Sokka: (whispers) What are you doing
Katara: Well, she is Aangs past life. Maybe wearing her stuff will trigger someth
Sokka: (adjusting his magnifying glass and accepting Kataras reason) I do believe
in the power of stuff.
Mayor Tong: (protesting) This is a mockery of Chin law!
Katara: (pleading) Please! If you could just wait one more second, Im sure Kyoshi
will be here.
(Camera flashes over to a wide shot of Aang looking ridiculous in Kyoshis huge ou
tfit, one of her fans in front of his face.)
Aang: (in an uncertain, mock female voice) Hey, everybody. (He drops the fan sli
ghtly to reveal his painted face and his eyes blink to a sound effect) Avatar Ky
oshi here.
Mayor Tong: This is ridiculous. For the murder of Chin the Great, this court fin
ds the Avatar
(As Mayor Tong tries to finish, a whirlwind appears around Aang, obscuring him f
rom view. The sky darkens. Cut to a wide shot of the town and the cliff it sits
upon. The sky darkens all around it. Cut back to Aang and the Mayor. The whirlwi
nd around Aang disperses to reveal Avatar Kyoshi herself, resplendent in her kim
ono. Cut to a close up of her face. She lifts her head to look at the camera.)
Avatar Kyoshi: I killed Chin the Conqueror.
(The screen flashes and a vision begins, narrated by a voice over from Kyoshi. T
he vision begins with a profile shot of the man from the statue. He sits on a th
rone, soldiers and retainers in the background. A man kneels before him in suppl
ication. He stands and earthbending a lump of stone out of the floor, casting th
e supplicant out of the frame.)
Avatar Kyoshi: (voice over) A horrible tyrant, (cut to a close up of the stern t
yrant) Chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent.
(Cut to a shot of a map of the Earth Kingdom. The white map is slowly spread ove
r by a green shaded area. It begins in the northwest, spreads to the interior se
as, and then north to the mountains and south to the islands. Only the enormous
crater like feature in the northeast remains unconquered.
The screen flashes again to show Chins army in formation on a battlefield. As Kyo
shis speaks, the camera pans to show Chin in armor standing at the head of his tr
Avatar Kyoshi: (voice over) When they came to the neck of the peninsula where we
lived, he demanded our immediate surrender.
(Chin stomps his foot once. The cut to Kyoshi walking towards Chin, who is o.c.
to the left.)
Avatar Kyoshi: (voice over) I warned him that I would not sit passively and whil

e he took our home, but he did not back down.

(Kyoshi stops, and the camera pans left suddenly to put them both in the same fr
ame. Kyoshi is probably more than a foot taller than Chin.
Chin assumes an earthbending stance. Cut to a frontal shot of Kyoshi. She raises
her fan and blows Chins clothes off him right down to his underwear. Chin is sur
prised. Cut back to Kyoshi.)
Avatar Kyoshi: (voice over) On that day, we split from the mainland.
(Kyoshi closes her eyes, and opens them. They glow white briefly, then the camer
a zooms backwards. She jumps up, extends her fans, and slices one in a sweeping
motion to her left. Cut to a wide shot of the peninsula. The peninsula rips open
from her position all the way to where the land meets the sea as the army looks
on. She does the same on her other side, then straightens up and closes her fan
s in one smooth motion.
After a brief moment looking at the camera, she jumps up and lands with her legs
bent and her tows pointed sideways. She strikes the ground with her two closed
fans. Cut to Chins grave face, who maintains hi earthbending stance despite the p
ower displayed before him.
Shift to an underground shot which rips open to reveal Kyoshi standing atop the
fissure. Kyoshi waves her fans in a few quick, but elaborate gestures and raises
a wall of intense flame from the breach. The wall rises high into the air.
The wall of flame then drops, and Kyoshi creates a gale that blows most of the a
rmy away behind Chin and pushes the island at ever increasing speed away from th
e mainland. Once the island is out of sight, Chin screams in frustration at his
defeat. As he yells, the rock underneath him, which now hangs out over a shear d
rop to the surf below, crumbles. He falls into the water below.
The vision ends. Fade from the newly made cliff in the past to the an overhead s
hot of the same area in the present.)
Avatar Kyoshi: (voice over) I created Kyoshi Island (cut to Kyoshis face) so my p
eople could be safe from invaders.
(She lowers her face, and is consumed again by the whirlwind. The artificial dar
kness gets reeled back in by the wind. Soon, Aang is himself again, though drain
ed. Katara runs forward and holds up as he threatens to faint. He drops one of K
yoshis fans.)
Aang: (confused) So what just happened
Katara: Uhh you kind of confessed. Sorry.
Mayor Tong: (getting up in the background and brushing himself off) And I find y
ou guilty! Bring out the wheel of punishment!
(Cut to a wide shot as the crowd cheers. Cut to a shot of Momo who chitters and
hides his face with his tail.
Shift scene to Zuko standing behind Iroh, whose back is to the camera, at their
Zuko: Uncle, I thought a lot about what you said.
(Cut to a frontal shot of Iroh, Zuko visible in the background. Iroh turns his h
ead towards his nephew.)
Iroh: (pleased) You did

Good, good.

Zuko: (without malice, but also without hesitation) Its helped me realize somethi
ng. We no longer have anything to gain by traveling together. I need to find my
own way.
(Cut to a shot of Irohs back. He looks down and slumps slightly in sadness. Cut t
o Zuko outside the cave. He picks up a pack and begins to walk away.)
Iroh: Wait!
(Iroh leads over their stolen ostrich horse and places the reigns in Zukos hands.
Zuko looks back at his uncle once, then shakes the reigns and gallops away.)
(Cut back to the trial, where a tilting down shot of the city reveals Aang, stil
l in Kyoshis garb, standing before a wheel.)
Bailiff: (deep monotone) The accused will now spin the wheel of punishment to de
termine his sentence.
(Cut to a shot from behind Aang. The wheel is divided into eight wedges. Each of
the wedges has a symbol on it that indicates the punishments he might draw. Amo
ng them are getting boiled in oil, a torture machine, eaten by a bear, eaten by
a shark, forced to lie on a bed of spikes, getting burned alive, falling into a
pit of razors, and community service. On top is an indicator that determines the
punishment when the wheel stops spinning.)
Aang: I said I would face justice, so I will.
(He spins the wheel.)
Spectator 1: (rooting) Come on, torture machine!
Old Man: Eaten by bears!
Spectator 2: Razor pit!
Katara: (worried) Community service! Please stop on community service.
Bailiff: Looks like its boiled in oil.
(Cut to a wide shot of the plaza as the crowd cheers, then to close up of Aangs f
ace, the worry showing through the Kyoshi make up.
The crowd cheers some more, and Aang looks dejected. Suddenly, a lit firebomb ge
ts thrown into the screen. It bounces a few times before exploding. Cut to Sokka
and Katara shielding themselves from the blast, then looking up at the voice th
ey hear a moment later.)
Colonel Mongke:(voice over) Weve come to (shot expands to show the Colonel on his
rhino and two others mounting the top of the amphitheatre) claim this village f
or the Fire Lord! Now show me your leader so I may
(Cut to a soldier who uses his halberd to destroy the statue of Chin the Conquer
Colonel Mongke:dethrone him.
Spectator 3: Thats him over there!
(The spectator points to the Mayor who hides behind the wheel.)
Mayor Tong: (cowers) You! Avatar! Do something!
Aang: Gee, Id love to help, but Im supposed to be boiled in oil.
Mayor Tong: (spins the wheel to the community service wedge and says quickly) Th
ere! Community service. Now serve our community and get rid of those rhinos!
(Aang smiles and runs forward. He jumps into the air, shedding most of Kyoshis cl

othing except for her headdress. The camera zooms backward to reveal a rhino in
the foreground. The rider readies his halberd. Cut to a shot behind Aang as he r
uns at the rhino, the camera following close behind. He leans forward and extend
s his arms out behind him like a fighter jet. Each hand holds one of Kyoshis fans
, which he opens as he runs. He spins aside out of the rhinos way at the last mom
ent and uses the fan to airbend the rider out of his seat and off the side of th
e cliff.
Cut to the Mayor who peeps out over the wheel as a rhino bears down on him. He t
urns in horror and slides down the back of the wheel. His eyes bug out as the cr
eatures three horns bust through the wheel, one just above each shoulder and one
between his legs.
Cut to Aang, who locks eyes briefly with the Colonel.)
Colonel Mongke : Rough Rhinos, to the town!
(Cut to a shot of the rhinos and their rhinos now setting the town on fire with
arrows and blasts of fire from their hands. The masked rider runs by a hay wagon
and drops three sticks of dynamite into it. The wagon explodes as another rhino
rushes by.
Shift to another Fire Nation shoulder, shirtless and screaming as he throws a fl
ail at Katara. She draws some water from her skin and uses the water to bend the
flail back against her attacker. He is bound and helpless by his own weapon. Sh
e then whips the rhino with her water and it runs o.c.
Cut to Sokka looking from behind a street corner at the Fire Nation archer. He t
wo lit arrows ready to fire. Sokka uses reflected sun form his magnifying glass
to distract him. The archer turns and fires the arrows. These miss Sokka, but th
ey do take his silly hat on the way toward hitting the side bag attached to the
masked Fire Nations soldier rhino who had just appeared behind Sokka. The side ba
g contains four sticks of dynamite. Sokka smiles and ducks.
The masked man picks up the bag and throws it on the roof of a neighboring house
. A moment later the house disappears under the thunderous explosion. The fate t
he masked man is unknown since the view of him was blocked by another building,
but a moment later his helmet rolls by Sokka still crouched on the ground. Anoth
er bag also rolls into the frame, his boomerang hanging out of it.)
Sokka: (happily) Boomerang! You do always come back!
(The archer has returned and aims more arrows at Sokka, who throws his water pip
e. The pipe sails through the air and engulfs both arrows in its maw putting out
their fires. The archer looks closely at the contraption in wonder.
Cut to Katara facing off against another rider. She uses her water whip to cut t
he saddle straps. The rider falls off and starts getting dragged by his animal.
Katara replaces the water into her skin.
Cut to Aang running across a t junction. He still wears Kyoshis headdress and has
her fans. He stops in the middle of the junction and looks down the street at t
he camera. Cut to the other end of the street where Colonel Mongkes and his rhino
appear. He and Aang look at each other. With a few quick movements, Mongke prod
uces a constant flame from both arms and begins to charge at Aang at a gallop.
Aang runs at him as well. He jumps of the wall of alley and propels himself over
the Colonels head, using the fans and a blast of air to deflect the stream of fi
re. He drops down on the other side of the street having turned around in mid ai
r. The acrobatics cost him the rest of Kyoshis gear, which fall a few seconds apa

rt from each other around him. He gets back up and makes an air scooter. He hops
on and runs down the street as the Colonel charges him again. He goes under the
Colonels rhino, avoiding his fire. He in turn avoids Aangs blast of air.
The two antagonists have again reached opposite ends of the street. They face ea
ch other again, with a quick pan left shot on the Colonel and a pan right shot o
f Aang to accentuate the conflict. They run at each other again. Aang jumps into
the air as he approaches, sails right through a blast of fire, and kicks the Co
lonel off the rhino with his feet. The Colonel lands o.c. with a crash as he pas
ses through a wall.
Fade to a night shot of fireworks in the sky, and confetti falling in front of t
he screen.)
Mayor Tong: (voice over) From now on, (camera pans down to show the kids, backs
to the camera, facing the crowd in the plaza) well celebrate a new Avatar Day (cu
t to a frontal shot of the three kids, grinning) in honor of the day Avatar Aang
saved us from the Rough Rhino Invasion.
(They each hold a bowl. Sokka looks down at his.)
Sokka: What is this
(Cut to a shot of the cookies in the bowl.)
Mayor Tong: (voice over) Thats our new festival food: (cut back to the Mayor) unf
ried dough. May we eat it (turns to address the crowd) and be reminded of how on
this day the Avatar was not boiled in oil.
(Crowd cheers. The three kids look uncertain. They each pick up a dough cookie.
Cut to a closer shot of Katara. The cookie droops in her fingers.)
Katara: (halfheartedly) Happy Avatar Day, everyone.
(She eats it and the camera pans right to Aang, who has one sticking out his mou
th, and then shows Sokka as well.)
Sokka: This is by far the worst town weve ever been to.
(They eat a few more cookies. Screen fades to white.)
[End credits]

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