Cubic Equation

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Cubic Equation Definition:

A cubic equation is a polynomial equation of the third degree. The general

form is ax3+bx2+cx+d=0, where a 0.
Cubic Equation Formula :
ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0,
a = coefficient of x3
b = coefficient of x2
c = coefficient of x and
d = constant.
Cubic Equation solving formula:
x1 = (-Term1 + r13 * cos(q3 / 3)
x2 = (-Term1 + r13 * cos(q3 + (2 * ) / 3)
x3 = (-Term1 + r13 * cos(q3 + (4 * ) / 3)
where x1 x2and x3are the roots of the cubic equation.
Example 1 : Calculate the roots(x1, x2, x3) of the cubic equation, x 3 - 4x2 - 9x +
36 = 0
Step 1: From the above equation, the value of a = 1, b = - 4, c = - 9 and d = 36.
Step 2: To Find X:
Substitute the values in the formula's below to find the roots. The variable
disc is nothing but the discriminant, denoted generally as delta()
discriminant() = q3 + r2
q = (3c - b2) / 9
r = -27d + b(9c - 2b2)
s = r + (discriminant)
t = r - (discriminant)
term1 = (3.0) * ((-t + s) / 2)
r13 = 2 * (q)
Step 3: We get the roots, x1 = 4, x2 = -3 and x3 = 3. This is an example for real
roots in the cubic equation.

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