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Kidapawan City: Urban Morphology, Structural Transformation, and Development Concerns and Potentials




A. Geographical Landscape
B. Etymology: Kidapawan
Brief history
A. First dwellers, diverse people and culture, subsistence economic sphere
B. Thriving industries
C. Formation of poblacion: Through time transformation and agglomeration
D. Emergence of a city
Urbanization Process:
A. Demographic process (trend through time)
1. Population growth and size
a. Birth rate
2. Population distribution and density
a. Rural-urban distribution (Percentage and exact Number of people living in urban or in rural areas)
b. Number of barangay and distribution of population among the barangays
c. Classification of Barangay (rural/urban)
d. Sex ratio
e. Age group (Percentage belonging to productive group age)
B. Socio-economic development (trend through time)
1. Existing land use (agriculture, industry, forest, etc.)
2. Agricultural Land use
a. Crop production (type of crop)
b. Livestock raisers (number of raisers)
3. Industry and service sector
a. Summary of Business Establishments by Major Kind of Trade (total number registered)
Big establishments: number of employees
Proposed/Future establishments
4. Existing banks
5. List of national government agencies in the city
6. Family income and expenditure
7. Poverty incidence
8. Number of household by major source of income
Local governance
A. Resource generation and allocation
1. Revenue generation (trend through time)
a. General fund total revenue (income of the city, growth rate, percentage share)
b. Major source of income
2. Resource allocation
a. Allocation to the general public service
Percentage share
o General Public Services
o Social Services
Education Expenditures
Health Expenditures
Social Welfare Services/Labor & Employment
Housing & Community Development
o Economic Services
b. Service delivery
Enrollment data, class size, pupil ratio
Number of schools: elementary, high school, college, university, short courses
List of implemented and future projects and programs
Vision and mission in terms of education
Health outcomes- health vision of the city
Mortality rate (infant, maternal)
Morbidity (major causes)
Health care utilization
o Access to family planning: users and clients served
o Maternal care utilization
List and number of hospitals
Number of health centers
Ratio of health personnel to total population (Number of doctors, dentist, etc.)
Environmental health and sanitation
o Distribution of households with access to safe water, sanitary toilet,
List of implemented and future projects and programs


Availability of roads to remote barangays

Mode of transportation
Number of registered tricycles
Traffic congestion in town proper (poblacion)
Peace and order
Crime statistics through time
o Crime rates, type of crimes
Number of police stations
Number of police personnel
Environmental concerns
Garbage disposal management
Average volume of garbage collected
Frequency of waste collection
Equipment used
Environmental laws implemented
Distribution of households with access to electricity
Electricity provider
Housing especially for the urban poor
Demand and supply for housing
Distribution of squatters
Resettlements and relocation projects
Issues, challenges and potentials
A. Issues and concerns faced towards urbanization
B. Potentials that will bring Kidapawan to be a highly urbanized city
Current thriving industry

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