Support File For Elcc Standard 7

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Support File for ELCC Standard 7

A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of

every student through a substantial and sustained educational leadership internship
experience that has school-based field experiences and clinical internship practice
within a school setting and is monitored by a qualified, on-site mentor.

Standard Artifact/Activit
Element y



7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Internship Plan

A plan I created to improve in

identified areas for the Michigan
Standards for the Preparation of
School Principals
A summary of my internship
experiences during the course of my
two years in the Ed Specialist
A description of my internship
environment and the role of my
mentor administrator
A look back at the key learnings
from my two years in the Ed
Specialist Program
An evaluation of my current
professional practices and goals that
I have to grow as a leader and
Pre and Post surveys that looks at
where I started related to the ELCC
Standards and where I believe I am
after two years in the Ed Specialist
My administrator also evaluated me
at the beginning and end of the two
year Ed Specialist program using the
ELCC Standards

EA 701 & 702

*Artifact 1

7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Internship Field


7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Field Report

7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Reflective Essay

*Artifact 2

7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Professional

Growth Plan
*Artifact 3

7.1, 7.2, 7.3 ELCC Surveys

7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Mentor Surveys

*Artifacts are labeled and listed below.

EA 701 & 702

EA 701 & 702

EA 701 & 702

EA 701 & 702

EA 701 & 702

EA 701 & 702

Artifact 1
Greg Ristau
Oakland University, EA 701/702
Internship Plan

Michigan Standard I Visionary Leadership

Goal Deepen my understanding of the school improvement process as it relates to
the entire building.
Activity (Leadership) I will chair the Data Dozen team and assist in our school
presentation during the spring of 2016.
Activity - (Participation) I will work with my building principal (mentor) and school
improvement team to create the SIP and input it into the State of MI website.
Timeline These activities will take place during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016
school years and will include periodic meetings.
Support Needed The district will organize and provide time for the Data Dozen
presentations. My mentor will provide time for me to work on activities, and meet
with me to increase my understanding of the school improvement process.

Michigan Standard II Cultural & Instructional Leadership

Goal Develop my understanding of Leader in Me, and assist teachers with its
Activity (Participation) I will serve as a member of the Lighthouse team and one
other Leader in Me action team.
Timeline This will take place during the current and future school years.

Support Needed The Lighthouse team and my action team need time to meet
regularly. My mentor will need to provide time to meet with me to discuss the
Leader in Me implementation at our school.
Goal Develop my understanding of the planning and implementation of school wide
instructional meetings.
Activity (Leadership) I will lead designated school improvement and/or staff
Activity (Participation) I will assist my principal with the planning of school
improvement and staff meetings.
Timeline This will take place during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years.
Support Needed My mentor will need to provide time to meet with me for
planning purposes. I will also need the opportunity to facilitate school improvement
and/or staff meetings.
Michigan Standard III - Management
Goal Increase my understanding of the district teacher evaluation process.
Activity (Participation) I will observe the evaluation process by particpating in
pre- and post-observation meetings, and by attending classroom observations.
Activity (Participation) I will attend BRIDGE pilot evaluation meetings and
participate in our new 5 Dimensions Evaluation training sessions.
Timeline This will take place during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years.
Support Needed Staff members will need to grant me permission to observe
their evaluations. My mentor will need to provide time for me partcipate, as well as
time to discuss the process. The district will need to allow me to attend the
training sessions with building administrators.
Michigan Standard IV Faculty and Community Collaboration
Goal Deepen my understanding of the structure and processes of our school
Parent and Teacher Association (PTA).

Activity - (Participation) I will attend and participate at PTA Board and General
Membership meetings.
Timeline These activities will continue throughout the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016
school years.
Support Needed The PTA will plan and schedule periodic meetings throughout
the year. My mentor will meet with me to discuss the relationship between the
staff and the PTA.

Michigan Standard V Ethics

Goal Increase my understanding of the Huron Valley Schools Student Code of
Activity (Participation) I will continue to work with students and their families to
address academic and behavioral issues.
Timeline This will take place during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years.
Support Needed The district will provide an updated copy of the Student Code
of Conduct and I will need the opportunity to discuss disciplinary choices with my
mentor and other district administrators.
Michigan Standard VI - Advocating for Students
Goal Deepen my understanding of the Huron Valley Schools Caring Community
Initiative and the State of Michigan anti-bullying legislation.
Activities (Participation) I will continue to be a member of the Caring Community
Committee. I will attend district meetings and complete our CCC building plan.
Timeline These activities will take place during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016
school years.
Support Needed Our district will need to continue to provide time for the CCC
to meet. I will continue to need support from our school social worker to complete
our building plan.

Michigan Standard VII - Internship Experience

Goal Increase my knowledge of the administrative responsibilities that are
required to begin and end a typical school year.
Activities (Observation) I will meet with my administrator prior to my offical
start date to discuss the activities that take place to kick off the school year.
Activities (Participation) I will work with my administrator to complete end of
the year documents and activities.
Timeline These activities will occur in the weeks prior to the 2015-2016 school
year as well as the week after the students last day in June of 2016.
Support Needed My mentor will allow me to work with her as she prepares for
the beginning of the school year. She will also provide time to meet after the
school year has concluded.

Artifact 2
Greg Ristau
EA 743 Reflective Essay

When I first sat in class in September of 2014, twenty-two months seemed too far to even
visualize. I had just started the second year of my new position as Building Support Coordinator
and I remember thinking that evening, How am I going to fit this into my schedule and get all of
the work completed? Shortly after that first class, we were then asked to complete the ELCC
pre-survey. These results were also a bit overwhelming as I realized I had a lot to learn. After
fourteen years in the classroom and another year as a teacher leader, I thought I would have had a
better grasp on some of the ELCC standards. That was not the case however, as even my
strongest standard of visionary leadership only happened to be rated as developing. I knew if I
wanted to become a building administrator, I was going to have my work cut out for me.
My internship was unique as I had the opportunity to work with my mentor on a day to
day basis. Although many of my typical responsibilities would have fit into some of the ELCC
standards, I found that creating an internship plan and keeping the field experience log made the
experience much more intentional. The plan helped me to set goals, and provided a focus to the
conversations that I had with my mentor. I also found myself expanding my responsibilities as I
looked for ways to further grow my leadership capabilities. This included taking a more active
role on school committees and working with my mentor to be more involved with planning for
professional learning days. I also had the opportunity to work with my mentor as all
administrators across the district learned a new teacher evaluation model that was going to start
during my second year of the Ed. Specialist program. This was not something that a teacher

would normally get the chance to participate in, and I was grateful for the opportunity. Overall,
the experiences I was able to have during the past two years have certainly prepared me as I look
to move from current position into a role as a building administrator.
During EA 740, we learned about Bolman and Deals Four Frames. These were the
structural, human resource, political, and symbolic frames. Looking back at two years worth of
learning, I see many of major learning points falling into one of the four frames. Starting with
the structural frame, this program provided many opportunities for me to grow my leadership
capacity as it pertains to organizational goals, relationships, and responsibilities. Having the
opportunity to create new ways of approaching professional learning in EA 746, evaluating
school and district budgets in EA 741, and completing an action research project evaluating
PLCs were just some of the ways that I was able to better understand the importance of having
clear goals and systems in place. In terms of the human resource frame, EA 746 and EA 754
provided multiple opportunities to learn about the importance of taking care of our people and
growing leadership capacity. This included creating a company that would help support
professional learning within the structure of typical school schedule, the development of an
induction plan aimed at helping and retaining new teachers, and a wellness plan that illustrates
the importance of sharpening the saw. These projects gave me the chance to better understand
how important people are as a piece of the puzzle, and provided me an opportunity to learn about
what I can do as a leader to make sure they are taken care of personally and professionally.
Politically speaking, the Ed. Specialist program covered a wide array of subjects in EA 748, EA
741, EA 742, and EA 754. This included a project aimed at helping a new principal with a
failing school, analyzing public school issues, evaluating school funding and budget decisions,
and examining case studies that focused on staff and student rights in public schools. These

opportunities helped me to examine the politics that are involved literally and figuratively in the
decision making process in schools, and painted a clearer picture of how to better manage these
political issues. Finally, the symbolic frame was present throughout as I worked to complete
projects in EA 740, EA 746, EA 754, and EA 743. Completing reflection activities on school
culture, evaluating Leader in Me, learning about the four frames, and reading books like Crucial
Conversations, The Truth About Leadership, and Search Inside Yourself helped me to better
process how important the symbolic frame is to leadership. Examining culture is important
whether you are brand new or if you have been a part of it for years. This is especially true if
you are hoping to make any significant changes to a current system.
As I examine my ELCC post-survey and prepare for my new role as a building
administrator, I am feeling more confident than I did twenty-two months ago. This time around I
was confident in assessing myself as proficient for many of the standards, and was even able to
say that I was exemplary for few as well. I was also pleased to see my growth in managerial
leadership and ethical leadership, as these were two areas on my pre-survey that I really needed
to improve upon. It has been a long journey and a great deal of work, but I am glad to have had
the opportunity to complete this program as I prepare for the next chapter of my educational

Artifact 3
Greg Ristau
EA 701 & 702
Professional Growth Plan
Goal Setting
Five years from now, I hope to be leading an elementary school as a building principal. Ideally
this would be in my current school district. By completing the Education Specialist Program in
Leadership, I believe that I will have increased my leadership capacity and therefore be better
prepared to fulfill leadership roles within my district.
When the time comes for me to retire, I hope that I am remembered as someone who worked
hard to better the educational experience for all children. I would also like students and staff to
remember me as a respectful leader who inspired them to achieve their personal best.
Public education should be preparing students to be successful for whatever the future may offer
for them. It should provide a quality educational experience that creates caring, confident
citizens who are able to think and solve problems effectively.
Effective teaching should focus on student learning and not just the delivery of content. It should
encourage hard work and risk taking, so that students can become the best learners and thinkers
that they can be.
More than anything else, I believe that teachers need an increase in the amount of time they have
to work with and learn from one another. Effective systems of collaboration and support need to
be in place to assist teachers as they strive to meet the needs of their students. Isolation and
traditionally structured classrooms no longer help teachers succeed in education today.
Good schools have quality teachers that understand what effective teaching is, and have systems
like PLCs in place that allow teachers to collaborate with one another. Good schools also
dedicate their resources to meeting the needs of all learners, and continually seek out best
practices to ensure student achievement.
Career Inventory
I am very proud of the many experiences I have had in my first sixteen years of teaching.
Learning to lead in my school and within my district, serving on district committees, completing
my masters at Michigan State, and participating in Huron Valleys first Galileo Leadership
Cohort in 2009 are just a few of the things that I am most proud of. I was also very humbled and

greatly appreciated being nominated for the Oakland County Teacher of the Year Award in 20122013. In addition to my teaching career, I have also been fortunate to be a high school lacrosse
coach for fifteen seasons.
The Galileo Leadership Academy has provided many opportunities for me beyond the classroom.
I have been able to facilitate professional learning for action research with Dr. Lauren Childs for
the past two Galileo cohorts and I was asked to sit on the Galileo Advisory Board at Oakland
University. I have also spoken to Oakland University Masters students about leadership and
leading from the classroom.
After graduating from Michigan State and beginning my career in Huron Valley, I have taken an
active role in developing professionally. Over the past sixteen years, I have completed my
Masters in Curriculum and Teaching at Michigan State, taken on-line leadership courses through
Marygrove College, completed the Galileo Leadership Academy in 2011, and have started
working to complete an Education Specialist Degree in Leadership through Oakland University.
I have also taken initiative at the building and district level, serving on and leading various
committees and cohorts.
Networking and mentorships have also been a part of my educational career. I have had the
opportunity to be mentored by my former building principal, and I am now being mentored by
my current building administrator. Through Galileo I have had the privilege of being mentored
by and working with Joyce Fouts and Dr. Lauren Childs. I have also had the opportunity to
network through the Oakland University Galileo Advisory Board.
See attached for resume.
Leadership Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions Inventory
Looking at the Pre-Survey that we took for the EdS MI School Leader Standards, my areas of
strength lie in Standards 1 and 2. In Standard 1, School Vision, I was developing in all areas. In
Standard 2, School Culture, I was developing in two out of the four areas. In addition to those
standards, I noticed that technology was also an area of strength for me within several of the
Although I have areas where I need to develop within all of the standards, Standards 6 and 7
seem to be the two that may need more of my attention. In both of these standards, School
Ethics, Integrity, Fairness, and Practice and School Success of Every Student, I was beginning
for all areas. As I create my internship plan and work with my mentor, I need to be sure to focus
on these areas as I work to develop my knowledge, skills, and disposition for all seven standards.
Professional Development Resources Inventory
My building principal is my current mentor and is available to meet and work with on almost a
daily basis. My previous building principal has been an informal mentor for the past nine years

as well. Both have been administrators in the district for several years and offer a variety of
knowledge and expertise that they are always willing to share. In addition to these two building
principals, I have also developed relationships with other district leaders such as members of our
newly formed Department of Learning Services, our Technology Director, Special Education
Directors, and Deputy Superintendent. Outside of the school district, I also have professional
relationships with Dr. Lauren Childs and Joyce Fouts.
The Galileo Leadership Consortium and Oakland University Galileo Advisory Board are two
organizations that I believe will continue to assist with my leadership development. The ability
to work and meet with individuals from these groups has helped provide direction and opened
doors for me in my career. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to build relationships with
many of the people involved in the two organizations.
Most of my current resource list involves following groups on Twitter. It has been my one stop
shop for staying up to date on current news and trends in the educational world and beyond. I
specifically follow, Ted Talks, Will Richardson, Top Education Tweets, Education Week,
and US Dept of Education. Autism Speaks is another good follow that allows me to stay up
to date on news and current legislation that could affect our students that are learning with
Overall I am a gold person that likes to get things done. But reading through the different
color definitions allowed me to see that my color can change based on the capacity I am working
in and/or leading from. True colors are open to interpretation and are more likely to show up in
real life situations. When decisions need to be made and behaviors are present, true colors are
more recognizable and authentic as opposed to having someone complete a checklist and
comparing their responses to a chart.
Choosing to attend Michigan State led me to my current career. Going into education also
provided me with the opportunity to coach and work with more students outside of my
classroom. Personally, having a son with autism has challenged me in ways that have made me a
better husband, father, and educator. It has strengthened my belief that all children are capable of
learning and need patience and love for that to happen.
I lead by example and work with others hoping to inspire them to achieve their personal best. I
believe that servant leadership has a far greater effect than giving edicts and directions from an
office. In addition to working with my staff, I also believe that my patience and ability to listen
to others makes me an effective leader.
I believe others see me as fair, hard working, and willing to collaborate. They see someone who
puts kids first, and seeks out opportunities to better themselves as a leader and educator.

During my career, I have noticed that my two greatest strengths have been my ability to work
with others and a willingness to look at all points of view for different situations. These
strengths allow me to keep an open mind, and help me to focus my energy on the task at hand.
In terms of areas for improvement, I would like to develop my ability to have crucial
conversations. I want to find a better balance between doing what is necessary and being
compassionate to those I work with. Moving forward I also need to continue learning the
technical side of being a building administrator. There is so much more to being a building
leader than what people see on a day to day basis.
Leadership Development Activities
I plan to continue my mentor relationship with my current building principal. Eventually, I may
look to establish an additional mentor relationship with another district leader, depending on any
future career aspirations that I may have.
In terms of action research, I am currently working with members of my cohort on a project for
Dr. Fuen. This research began last semester and will continue through the completion of the Ed.
Specialist program next May. I also hope to continue facilitating action research learning with
Dr. Childs and future Galileo leaders.
School improvement is an area that my district is looking to refine. In doing so, I plan to learn
about the new process so that I am better prepared to complete it in the future. I will also
continue to serve on our school committee, and assist my principal with completing the plan for
the state. I am currently a member of our district school improvement team as well.
Over the next sixteen months I plan to complete my Ed. Specialist degree in Leadership through
Oakland University. Upon completion of this degree, I also plan to look into the requirements
for continuing my education and obtaining my Doctoral degree.

Personal Statement
Education has always been a passion of mine. Whether it is my own learning, or working with children, I enjoy
Master of Arts
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI - Aug 1998 - Aug 2003
Major: Curriculum and Teaching

Bachelor of Arts
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI - Aug 1994 - May 1998
Major: Elementary Education
Minors: History and Geography
Varsity Letter Winner: Lacrosse
2012-2013 Oakland County Outstanding Teacher of the Year Nominee
Work Experience
August 2013-Present, Building Support Coordinator (Lead Teacher)
Huron Valley Schools - Country Oaks Elementary
Worked with building principal on school initiatives
Fulfilled administrative responsibilities
Worked with classroom teachers
School Improvement and Leader in Me Action Team Member
August 1999-August 2013, Elementary Teacher
Huron Valley Schools
General Education Teacher
Taught grades second through fifth
PLC Team Leader
School Improvement Chair
Building Leadership Team Member
Additional Experiences
Galileo Leadership Academy 2009-2011
First Cohort - Huron Valley Schools
Oakland University Galileo Institute Advisory Committee Member
Instructional Technology Advisory Committee Liaison
District Technology Planning Team Member
District School Improvement Team Member
Fourth Grade District Cohort Leader
District Progress Report Card Committee Liaison

Deborah Devers, Country Oaks Elementary Principal, Huron Valley Schools, 248-563-7871
Randy Muffley, Spring Mills Elementary Principal, Huron Valley Schools, 810-444-3765
Joyce Fouts, Galileo Leadership Consortium, 248-379-3252

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