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Topic: Death penalty should be abolished.

Have you ever heard about death penalty? Thousands of people around the world commit
crimes. For a society to be civilized, these people have to be punished. This punishment is meted out
in different forms. Isolation from the society by imprisonment, or taking away some rights from the
individual, is some forms of punishment. For severe crimes, the punishment is too severe. One of
punishments is Death penalty. Death penalty has been used to scare and stop criminals from
committing crimes. And as people have realized the importance of human rights, debates over capital
punishment have never stopped. More and more people join the campaign against capital punishment,
while the others defend it. There are some problems like a possibility of a wrongful execution, human
rights in enforcing death penalty. So, for these reasons, death penalty should be abolished.
There is a possibility of a wrongful execution. There have been numerous people who were
presumed innocent after execution. Because the evidence showed that they were not guilty. Actually
since 1973, 123 people in 25 states have been released from death row with evidence of their
innocence (lee, 2008). Even though that does not sound like a lot, it is still more than none. And in
these cases, prisoner discovered innocent can be freed. But the same does not apply to a corpse.
Who can compensate life of victim of wrongful execution? No one can compensate life of the victim,
and victims family. Wrongful execution is very severe problem.
Death penalty is against human rights. What do you think most important right in your life?
That is the very right to life. Among all the human rights, right to life is the cornerstone and the carrier
of all the other human rights. Deprivation of the right to life is equivalent to deprivation of all the rights,
which is inhumane in modern society. Let me first define what human rights are. Human rights are
"basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, age, national
or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status." (Seo, 2003). We are all equal. The person
who is guilty for the death penalty also has a right to live. No one is the owner of one another's life. So

government cant have right to deprive life any person.

Many people who support death penalty insist that death penalty makes crime rates go down.
Because they think death penalty may also scare and prevent future criminals from ever committing
crimes again(Lee, 1971). But it doesnt have any impact on reduction a crime rate. 87% of the expert
criminologists also believe that abolition of the death penalty would not have any significant effect on
murder rates. For example, Canadas murder rate rather dropped after abolishing the death penalty. In
1975, the last year capital punishment was legal in Canada, the homicide rate was 3.09 per 100,000
in population. Since abolition, it has never been that high. The South, which carries out over 80% of
the executions in the U. S, also has the highest murder rate of the four regions (Yeon, 2003).
According to some examples, the death penalty isnt a way to prevent crime. So we can know that
there is no meaning of existence of death penalty.
There are some reasons that death penalty should be abolished. Among some reasons,
major reason is that there is a possibility of a wrongful execution. Another major reason is that death
penalty is against human rights. Many people think death penalty can impact on reduction of crimes.
But it was turned out that it is not true scientifically. And people also want to prevent future crimes
through death penalty. Actually majority of murders are committed by first-time offenders who have
never murdered before (Jeon, 2009). If we want to prevent future murders, we need to execute people
who have never murdered before. But life without parole also prevents future murders. So that is a
valid reason not to execute people. All of us can prevent future murders or severe crimes through
severe punishment instead of death penalty (Yu, 2012).

Work cited
Lee, Sang-hoon, "A Study on the Dispute over Abolishment of Death Penalty", Hanyang University graduate
school of Government, (2008) :18-20p, print

Seo, dong-su, "A Ethical view point on capital punishment system in christianity", Kyungnam University
Graduate School of Education (2003): 5-8p, print

Lee, jung-bu, Legal Consideration on Capital punisment : mainly, about the abolishment of capital
punishment, Chungnam University Graduate School(1971):11p, print

Yeon, Seong-Jin, "The Deterrent Effect of Punishment on Crime Wife Batterer Subtypes", Study a series,
Vol.2003 No.30, (2003): 28-30p, print

Jeon, Jae-Hong, "A study on the Abolition of Capital Punishment and Possible Alternatives", Daegu Catholic
University Graduate School (2009): 22-25p, print

Yu, seung-wan, "A Study on the Correlation of Aggravating Punishment and Crime Prevention : Laying stress
on Rationality hypothesis and Sickness hypothesis", Dongguk University(2012):15-20p, print

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