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Chapter 8

Noli Me Tangere Published in Berlin (1887)

The bleak winter of 1886 was memorable in the life of Rizal for two reasons:
1. It was painful episode for he was hungry, sick, and despondent in a
strange city.
2. It brought him great joy, after enduring so much sufferings, because
his first novel Noli Me Tangere came off the press in March 1887.
Idea of Writing a Novel on the Philippines.
His reading of Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin, which
portrays the brutalities of American slave-owners and the pathetic
conditions of the unfortunate Negro slaves, inspired Dr. Jose Rizal to
prepare a novel that would depict the miseries of his people under the
lash of Spanish tyrants.
In a reunion of Filipinos in the Paterno residence in Madrid on January
2, 1884, Rizal proposed the writing of a novel about the Philippines by
a group of Filipinos. Unfortunately, Rizals project did not materialize.
Those compatriots who were expected to collaborate on the novel did
not write anything. Undaunted by his friends indifference, he
determined to write the novel ------ alone.
The Writing of the Noli.
Toward the end of 1884, Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid and
finished about one-half of it.
When he went to Paris, in 1885 after completing his studies in the
Central University of Madrid, he continued writing the novel, finishing
one-half of the second half. He finished the last fourth of the novel in
Germany. He wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in Wilhelmsfeld in
April-June, 1886.
In Berlin during the winter days of February 1886. Rizal made the final
revisions on the manuscript of the Noli. Sick and penniless, he saw no
hope of having it published, so that in a momentary fit of disperation,
he almost hurled it into theflames.
Viola Savior of the Noli.
In the midst of his despondency and misery,Rizal received a telegram
from Dr. Maximo Viola who was coming to Berlin.
Upon seeing his talented friends predicament , Viola, being loaded
with ample funds, gladly agreed to finance the printing cost of the Noli.
To save printing expenses, he deleted certain passages in his
manuscript, including a whole chapter ----- Elias and Salome.
On February 21, 1887, the Noli was finally finished and ready for
printing. After a few days of inquiries, they finally found a printing shop
----- Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft ----- which charged the
lowest rate, that is, 300 pesos for 2,000 copies of the novel.
Rizal Suspected as French Spy.

During the printing of the Noli, a rare incident happened to Rizal. One
morning the chief of police Berlin paid a sudden visit to Rizals
boarding house and requested to see the latters passport.
Unfortunately, Rizal could not produce a passport, for he had none.
Immediately, Rizal, accompanied by Viola went to the Spanish
embassy to seek the help of the Spanish ambassador, the Count of
Benomar, who promised to attend to the matter. But the ambassador
failed to keep his promise, for it turned out that he had no power to
issue the required passport.
Rizal, in fluent German language, explained to the police chief he was
not a French spy, but was a Filipino physician and scientist, particularly
an ethnologist. Favorably impressed with Rizals explanation and
fascinated by his mastery of the German Language and personal
charisma, the police chief was satisfied and allowed him to stay freely
in Germany.
Printing of the Noli Finished.
Rizal with the help of Viola, supervised the printing of the Noli. On
March 21, 1887, the Noli Me Tangere came off the press. Rizal
immediately sent the first copies of the printed novel to his intimate
friends, including Blumentritt, Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, G. Lopez Jaena,
Mariano Ponce, and Felix R. Hidalgo.
On March 29, 1887, Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude,
gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli. With the following inscription:
To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, the first to read and appreciate my
work ----- Jose Rizal.
The Title of the Novel.
The title Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means Touch Me
Not. It is not originally conceived by Rizal, for he admitted taking it
from the Bible. In citing the Biblical source , Rizal made a mistake. It
should be the Gospel of St.John (Chapter 20, Verses 13 to 17).
The Authors Dedication.
Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines ----- To My
Synopsis of the Noli.
Noli Me Tangere contains 63 chapters and an epilogue. It begins with a
reception given by Capitan Tiago at his house in Calle Anloague on the
last day of October. This reception or dinner was given in honor to
Crisostomo Ibarra who had just returned after seven years of study in
Europe, only son of Don Rafael Ibarra, friend of Capitan Tiago, and a
fiance of beautiful Maria Clara, supposed daughter of Capitan Tiago.
Among the guests during the reception were Padre Damaso, a fat
Franciscan friat who had been parish priest for 20 years of San Diego
(Calamba), Ibarras native town, Padre Sybila, a young Dominican
parish priest of Binondo, Senor Guevarra,an elderly and kind lieutenant

Guardia Civil; Don Tiburcio de Espadana, a bogus Spanish physician,

lame, and henpecked husband of Dona Victorina; and several ladies.
Ibarra, upon his arrival, produced a favourable impression among the
guests, except Padre Damaso, who was rude to him.
On hearing his fathers sad story, Ibarra thanked the kind Spanish
lieutenant (lieutenant Guevarra) and vowed to find out the truth about
his fathers death. The following morning he visited his childhood
sweetheart, Maria Clara.

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