F454 Whole Project Template

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A2 Unit F454

Computing Project

Candidate Number:
Centre Name: Watford Grammar School for Boys
Centre: 17655


DEFINITION............................................................................................................................ 3

INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS.......................................................................................... 5

2.1 Hardware and software requirements...............................................................................6
2.2 Requirements Specification.............................................................................................. 7

DESIGN................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Nature of the solution........................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Algorithms....................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Test strategy & plan........................................................................................................ 12

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING.....................................................................13

DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................... 14

EVALUATION........................................................................................................................ 15
6.1 Degree of success in meeting original objectives...........................................................15
6.2 Users response to the system.......................................................................................15
6.3 Desirable extensions...................................................................................................... 15

F454 project

<your name>


3 marks it doesnt have to be long to get full marks, one page is sufficient.
This section is not what you are proposing to do. It is setting the scene of the problem which you are going to
investigate and analyse in order to design a computer based system to solve this problem.
Describe the background then discuss the origins and forms of data (in the current or proposed system).
Describe the end user(s) who can be an individual or a group of people, for example students you are creating
a game for. Use these sub headings:

Set the scene by giving background information about the organisation or individual for whom the system is to be
developed. Things you could include are: nature of business, location, brief history, staffing, business objectives,
customer base, future expansion

Current System
This section should highlight a specific area of the business/organisation that your user has. You need to
describe how this works and what the inputs, process and outputs are. This could be for booking in new items of
stock, or packaging up items that are sold for despatch, or processing a new member for a club.
Dont get too detailed that comes in the analysis

Data Inputs
You could use a table to list all the inputs into the current system. Here is 1 example.
Item of Data
New Member Name

The name of the new
prospective member to the

Membership Application

New Member Address

Order Number
Customer Number

Describe how the data is processed in the current system. This needs to be very clear, e.g. how a membership
form is handled to make a member of a club, or how an order from a customer is processed to despatching the
items they have purchased. You need to think logically about each step involved.

Data Outputs
Below are some possible examples

F454 project

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Membership Card
Invoice Slip

Small pre-printed card with
new members details on it
(list the details)
Slip containing customer
details, list of items
purchased and total
amount due.

Pre-printed slip with
details hand written on

Problems with Current System

Here you need to describe how the current system is inefficient and what the flaws are, e.g. if the current
system is paper based then state there is no back up to the system in case paper records are lost.

Solution to the Problem

Give a brief description and explanation about how a computer based solution could solve the problems with
the current system. Dont get technical.

F454 project

<your name>


11 marks you need user involvement throughout to get full marks

Use interviews, questionnaires, documentation and observation whatever is appropriate for your project.
Begin with a brief paragraph stating that following on from your initial investigation you will now be conducting
an in depth analysis to ascertain the best solution to the problem, and to ascertain the requirements of your
end user.
Investigation Plan
In this section discuss how you will carry out your investigation using one or more of the following methods to
gather data. Consider involving more than one user.
Interview - Given to those who directly interact with the current system (say who they are). State what
information you hope to gain from your interview and how this will allow you to decide on the requirements of
the new system.
Questionnaire This allows you to gather information and views from a larger group of people.
Current Documentation This will determine the form that data is input and output, and help to establish the
requirements of the new system.
Observation - Aims at locating the unnoticed aspects of the system that only an objective observer can see.
The procedures to be focused upon will be the data input into the current system (e.g. input of forms), data
processing (e.g. find students who want hoodies, who have not gained parental consent, etc) and data output
(e.g. creation of team lists, reports, letters).
Interview You need to make your interview realistic you could include emails between yourself and your
end user arranging a time or the interview questions. The more evidence you provide between yourself and
your end user the higher mark you can get. Summarise interviews rather than writing out every word.
Go back and interview the user again if you find you have more questions.
Questionnaire If you have a number of end users, for example a group of students, you could summarise
results in a table or a pie chart.
Current Documentation Make sure you collect any example documentation from your end user such as
include forms, templates or copies of invoices/receipts.
Observation Show evidence of observations you made of your end user and how the current system works.
You could include photos of the working environment or screenshots/images of existing systems.
Analysis of Collected Data
This needs to be a very detailed description of exactly how the current system works. It should summarise the
findings you have made from your investigation techniques.

F454 project

<your name>

Include Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) or System flowcharts of how the current system works. A flowchart is
useful to add to illustrate the current system e.g. how a new member is added to the system or how stock is
checked in a shop.
Identification of Prospective Users
State exactly who will be using the new system it may not be your end user it may be an administrator or
other member of the organisation. There could be several users of the system.
General Objectives of the new System
Use 3 sections. Here are some examples:
Input Objectives
Member Details
Product Details
Processing Objectives
Calculate batting averages
Calculate amount of each product in stock
Output Objectives
Display each members details
Hard Copy
List of all products in stock
Be very general and do not use technical terms. This does not have to be a detailed list.
Justification of chosen solution
In this section you need to outline different ways of producing a solution to the problem stated in your analysis
and explain why your chosen solution is the best option. Begin by describing each of the possible solutions
then list advantages and disadvantages of that method.
You may have a solution that makes use of a generic package such as a spreadsheet or a database. If so
describe how this could be used. One of your possible solutions could be to program a bespoke application in
Delphi or another programming language.
Look at the Moodle document for help with feasibility of different solutions. Dont write loads about how you
considered using Access or Excel and concluded Pascal or whatever would be the best option, just write briefly
about the alternative options you considered and why.


Hardware and software requirements

This is meant to be a summary of the hardware and software the user will need to run the system. It can be
brief but must be justified for full marks.
For example, give a specification of suitable PC. If the end user already has a PC then find out the spec, and
include it here. You need to state why this hardware will be suitable for the proposed solution.

F454 project

<your name>


Requirements Specification

This needs to be a separate document that should be signed off by your end user, a detailed list of exactly
what your application needs to do. Getting the requirements right is key to actually producing your code, and
writing your evaluation which will be based on how successfully you were able to meet each individual
These could be split into essential and desirable functionality. Break it down into input, output and processing
requirements. Put the requirements in a table and include the users signature at the end.
For example:


Input requirements

Processing requirements

Output requirements

Prepared By __________________________________
Approved By __________________________________
Approval Date __________________________________

F454 project

<your name>


Nature of the solution

6 marks to get full marks you must show that your end user has seen and agreed these designs
Overall system design
Provide a clear overview of how you intend to implement the system. Mention colour scheme if there is an
existing system or if the company/organisation has a standard colour that you should use. Consider using
sound in the system if appropriate.
Summarise the design requirements at an appropriate point, relating these to the requirements specification
and get the user to give feedback or sign these off.
Modular structure of system
Include hierarchy charts describing the system. Look at the example below for inspiration:

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Definition of Data Requirements

Record Structure
You need something like below. Make sure you identify which are key fields.
Customer Table
Stock Table
Stock Item
Stock Item
Stock Item

Uniquely identify a
Surname of
Forename of
Customers Date
of Birth dd/mm/yy

Typical Data

Source of Data







Typical Data

Source of Data
Stock Records


Uniquely identify a
stock item
Name of Stock Item




Cost of Item




Use Data Flow Diagrams to design and document the data structures necessary to solve the
inefficiencies/problems indicated in the requirements specification. See Moodle for DFD examples.

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Entity Relationship Diagram

Here is an example however it doesnt necessarily have to be a relational database.



Explain briefly how the tables will link together. What are the primary and foreign keys in the each table. How will
this help to make data more consistent and reduce data redundancy? You need to explain how a 1 to many or
many to many relationship works.
Talk about the different types of validation techniques you will use.
Then do a table for each validation you will use as below



Error Message



Range check - >=1

and <=50

You can only order

between 1 and 50
units for this item

Format of Error
Dialogue Box /
Form Label

Data Inputs
First Name


You could design your interface on paper using the template sheet on Moodle. Design should be specific to
users of your system. Alternatively create prototype screens in Delphi and ask your user for feedback on the
layout and workflow.
Always bear in mind the need to minimise the chance of data entry error: consider any appropriate coding to be
used within the system; think carefully how choices are to be made. Discuss use of navigational aids (e.g. colour
coding sections), use of colour, use of white space, methods of selection from a menu etc. Be sure to design a
consistent interface.
Data Processes
Save Record
Save File
Sort Table on
Calculate Rental Cost
Data Outputs
Design and document report layouts, screen displays (as for input) and/or other forms of output such as audio.
F454 project


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Menu Design
Draw a site map style structure diagram for your forms showing how they navigate between each other.
Security of Data
Discuss whether there is a need for password protection. If there are different types of user, you may wish to
consider the use of different user access levels. Alternatively, it may be appropriate to specify different
programs for different uses such as end of year procedures, file set up or housekeeping functions. Make sure
that your system complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
Also describe backup strategy explaining the following:
Who does the backup
How long it will take
When is it done
Media used
Size of files to backup
Storage of media
Archiving of backups
Data Size Calculation
Include a table as below to show the estimated maximum size of the backup


Total Size of 1

Approx maximum
number of records

Maximum Size


4650 bytes
4.53 KB



5 marks
Algorithms can be written using either flowcharts or pseudo code (or both).
To gain 5 marks you must show the results of stepping through the algorithms using test data. This can be a
dry run using a trace table for example. However, it can also be done by explaining in words how the
algorithms work.

F454 project


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Test strategy & plan

5 marks
Test strategy
A test strategy is not just a standard test plan to be applied to the eventual solution but should include details of
how the solution will be tested during development and post development acceptance testing by the end user.
Provide the rationale behind your choice of test data for each stage of the development and testing process.
Talk about how you will use each of the following:

Black Box Testing - This tests if the system performs its overall functions, e.g. performs sorts or saves
the record. It tests the output and not how it achieves the output.
White Box Testing - Tests each procedure or module individually.
Validation Testing Normal, Extreme, Erroneous
Acceptance Testing How will you decide if it meets the original criteria and requirements of the user.
There should be end user involvement.

Test Plan
Test Number

What to

Type of

Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result
Not filled in until
testing is done

Use a range of normal, extreme and erroneous test data wherever possible.

F454 project


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Software development 16 marks

Testing 14 marks
You can structure this as you wish but what works well is to cover one module of the program at a time. Include
the code for a module (suitably annotated and indented of course) and show what the module does, for
example with a screenshot. Then include evidence of the relevant tests for this module as screenshots, photos,
videos or other.
To be in the top mark band you need to include testing during development, post development and user
For beta testing you could give your end user a questionnaire to allow them to check the requirements were
met and identify improvements that are needed.
The best projects show clearly the progress of the solution and the problems that were overcome. There are
strong links to the design section when you carry out your test plan and when you show how you have coded
your algorithms.
A suitable structure for the documentation would include a section for each unit containing:

the section of code corresponding to each key algorithm

how you tested the unit at the time, with some evidence such as screenshots
how you overcame any problems
reasons for any major decisions about the code you wrote
the code for the unit (perhaps leaving boring bits in a supporting file)

After the documentation of each unit you need to document the beta testing. Some students repeat their test
plan table with the results of the tests. You need integration testing to show a path through the various units
once the program is complete and you can show this in a video. You should aim to show a complete path
through the program in your final demonstration.
All of the following contribute to high marks:

Good choice of identifiers

Well commented code, including a description of what each routine achieves (where this is not obvious)
Extensive validation and other features to make the application user-friendly
Your own procedures and functions with parameters to make them versatile
Sophisticated sorting and searching
Evidence provided for unit testing, beta testing and end-user testing
Thorough testing, with typical, extreme and invalid data
Testing of algorithms
As with the rest of the report, appropriate use of the terminology learned during the course

F454 project


<your name>

10 marks
On screen help is the major element for the documentation mark and you must provide evidence of this to get
full marks. If youve shown screenshots elsewhere in the project then you could refer to those pages.
Help should include:
clear guidance
organisation of input and output
help features
useful error messages as appropriate to the program
Also include supporting/technical documentation the user requires to make use of the project. The user guide
can be in an appendix.
Use these headings:
Typical use
On-screen help

F454 project


<your name>


Degree of success in meeting original objectives

4 marks
The evaluation should cover each of the objectives and provide references to the evidence from testing and
user testing and feedback to show how well these have been achieved.
Explain how the objectives have been met, dont just list them and say met. Provide the page reference to
evidence such as a screenshot.


Users response to the system

3 marks
Ask the user to summarise their degree of satisfaction with the system and discuss any faults that could be
fixed in the future. For example is the system user-friendly?


Desirable extensions

3 marks
The response to the end user feedback follows on from this evaluation - it must be based on the detail in their
feedback and how you view this and would deal with it if you were continuing with the project.
For full marks you must say how you could add the extensions.

F454 project


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