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3) Troubleshooting of Seating Plan program


Possible Cause


Cannot open up the

Please refer back to
section 4.1 to see how to
correctly install the
program onto your

May be due to you havent

correctly installing the program
onto your computer.
Your computer/hardware may
not meet the requirements to
run Visual Basic 2010.

Please refer back to section 1

to see the requirement
specification to see what is
needed to run Visual Basic
Also refer to 4.1 to remind
yourself of the steps to take
when installing the program

Cannot find the access

files needed to operate
the system, e.g: Books
or Logins

May be that you are looking in

the wrong folders for the folders

Please refer to 4.4 where I

show step by step to finding
the access files used

4.3.1) How to find the access files:

First click on the folder Book Management system

Then click the folder Book Management system within that folder

Then click any of the 2 files

4.4) Backup of Files

Below I will provide you with a process which could be used to backup the seating plan files
of the program.:
4.4.1) Who does the backup
The teachers will do the backup and how they decided who does it will be up to them.
4.4.2) How long it will take
Not very long, all that has to be done is that the folder of the whole program, containing the
access database files and (DAT files), need to be copied onto an external device and since
they dont store a lot of data, this process should be quick.
4.4.3) When is it done
Three times a week would be enough to ensure that if the data is somehow lost or corrupted
that backups are available.
4.4.4) Media used
Since the files arent huge, the data could be stored on multiple usbs, possibly two for extra
4.4.5) Archiving of backups
The data could be archived using an external hard drive since The program is relatively
small so there would not be a problem of space on the hard drive.

4.5) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help

4.5.1) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Login Form

I created tool tips for the login button and the register button so that the user
can clearly see how to navigate through the form depending on if they have
previously registered or not. They will be able to view these tool tips when they
hover over either the login button or the register button.

4.5.2) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Registration Form

This tool tip is to prompt the user to enter a username into the field provided so
they do not leave it empty and cause an error.

This tool tip is to prompt users to enter a value into the password field and also
to make sure that they know the criteria that has to be met when entering a
password so that they can avoid any errors and make registration as smooth as

This tool tip is to prompt the user to enter a value in the confirm password field
and to remind them that this value must match the one entered as the password.

This tooltip is to remind the user if they click this they are selecting a teacher

This tooltip is to remind the user if they click this they are selecting a student

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button they will be
confirming their registration with these details which gives them one last chance
to over view all of the information that they have entered.

4.5.3) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Teacher main menu Form

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to update an existing book.

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to add a new book to the database.

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to add a review of a book.

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to View the user information.

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to View the user information.

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to Rent a book they have selected in the database

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they press this button then they will be
able to Return a book that has been rented out.
4.5.4) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Available Books Form

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they want to they can return to the main
menu by clicking this button

This tool tip is to inform the user that to rent the book they have selected in the
database they must click this button.
4.5.5) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Rent Book Form

This tool tip is to inform the user that this is their last chance to review the information of the
book before they rent it.

4.5.6) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for User Form

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they want to change their password that this is the
button that they should click if they want to be able to.

This tool tip is to inform the user if they want to be able to change the book of the week then
they should click this button. However, this button will only be visible to the user if they are a
teacher not a student.
4.5.7) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Change book of the week

This tool tip is to inform the user that if they want to browse files for images, then this is the
button that they should click.

This tool tip is to inform the user that this is the final chance for them to be able to review
whether this image is the one that they would like to make the book of the week.
4.5.8) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Add Books Form

The purpose of this tool tip is to inform the user that if they want to select a new image for
this book then they should click this button to select the file location.

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that when they click this button that the
information they have entered in the previous fields will be submitted as a new book in the

The purpose of this tool tip is to inform the user that if they click this button any information
that they have entered in the above fields will be cleared and the form will be reset.
4.5.9) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for view overdue books Form

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that if they click this button then the user will
be taken back to the main menu form.
4.5.10) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Review Book Form

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that if they click this button they will be
confirming that the information they have written is correct and they wish to submit all
information they have entered.
4.5.11) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Display Reviews Form

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that if they want to return to the main menu
form that they can just click this button.
4.5.12) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Student Main Menu Form

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that if they want to review a book that they
should click this button.

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that if they want to view the user information
that they should press this button.

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that if they want to be able to rent a book that
they should click this button.
4.5.13) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Update Books Form

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user to click this button when they want to explore
their files for a new book picture.

The purpose of this tooltip is to inform the user that to update the record in the database
they must click this button.

The purpose of this tool tip is to inform the user that to clear all of the fields in the form they
must click this button.

The purpose of this tool tip is to direct the user to enter an id into the textbox and then show
all of the information of a record so that they can update the record.
4.5.14) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Rented Books Form

The purpose of this form is to inform the user that if they want to return to the main menu
that they should click this button

The purpose of this form is to inform the user that if they want to return a selected book from
the database then they should click this button.
4.5.15) Use of the tool tip to provide on-screen user help for Return Book Form

The purpose of this form is to inform the user that this is their last chance to review the
information of the book that they intend to return and check what date it is due.

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