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University of the Immaculate Conception

College Department
Medical Laboratory Science Program
Reflective Journal No. 6
NAME: Sarmiento, Kimberly B.




__________Let the little ones run___________

Before, I only have little knowledge about semen analysis. I didnt even know
the purpose of analyzing semen because in full honesty I didnt know what impact it
would give if we study the little sperms that composes it. Little did I know that
semen analysis has a lot of things in store, it was more than what I thought. Semen
analysis is a process in which we assess the semen and its components for the
purpose of assessing the fertility of men, it can also aid in the investigation of
forensics in rape cases and as well as for the purpose of post vasectomy semen
During the discussion about semen analysis I have learned and understood so
many things especially in the components of the semen. I learned that semen
contains enzymes, nutrients and fructose that play important roles. During the
discussion, I have learned that fructose is the source of energy of the sperm cells.
With its absence, the sperm cells will not be motile. I havent realize this till the
discussion because all I knew was that the sperm cell moved because of their
flagellum or tail and they will no longer display motility when they are exposed
outside of the body longer or they just have this short life span.
After the discussion, I have been enlightened with the things I havent known
about semen analysis. It is still fascinating to observe the cells under the
microscope because they are the only flagellated cell in the body, specifically in
men. Our instructor has discussed the topic thoroughly and it was very helpful.

Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids2015

Evidence Compiled for Assessment Methods

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