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Case Report: DDOS (Distributed Denial of

MSAs ITSS currently does not offer DDoS protectition for BOTH internet
providers. This could be an issue because the internet provider that has
DDoS protection may fail leaving the backup internet provider vulnerable to
an attack. This could be viewed as a weakness by some of our clients.

Many companies offer DDoS protection with the option of a white label.
This allows MSA to adopt the DDoS under their own name, offering a wider
product portfolio. Below is an analysis of the market share, rankings, and
strengths & weaknesses of companies that specialize in DDoS protection.

Based on reviews by:

1. Incapsula by Imperva
-Provides any website and web application with security, DDoS protection,
load balancing and failover solutions.
-Allows the reselling of their performance services
-Send simplified billing to partners
-Gives the option of customizing management to partners
- Widely recognized leader in the DDoS protection and CDN (company
delivery network) space
Overall Rating: 10/10 -------- Infrastructure, Deployment &
Protection Methods, Management Options, Help & Support has all
been rated 10/10
2. F5 Networks
-Provide data center security
-Developed a DDoS protection architecture that can accommodate
volumetric attacks by using cloud technology
-Gain access to the market-leading solutions MSA needs to satisfy their
clients by becoming a reseller through their Unity Parnter Program
-Gives the options of selecting various tiers
-Also have a partner program for their cloud services
-Are able to create the differentiated services through customization
Overall Rating: 9.25/10 ------- Infrastructure 9.75, Deployment &
Protection Methods 8.75, Management Options 10, Help &
Support 8.5

3. Arbor Networks
-Currently make up 60 percent of the global market share for DDoS
-Offer fully managed DDoS protection services (virtual in-cloud and onpremise DDoS mitigation and embedded solutions)
-Offer partner programs by alligning business and technology goals
-Have a layered approach to DDoS
Overall Rating: 9.05/10 ------ Infrastructure 8, Deployment &
Protection Methods 10, Management Options 10, Help & Support
There are many aspects of DDoS protection services that vary between
companies. We have listed the top 3 according to reviews. Incapsula has
received the highest ratings overall. It would all be a matter of preference
because price, reputation, and flexability with the services offered would be
factors to consider when choosing the best option.

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