Assignment Chapter 11

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Franco Olariaga

INCO 4006 M03

Assignment chapter 11
1. List the type of reports mentioned in this chapter.
Informational reports off data, facts, feedback, and other types of
information, without analysis or recommendations.
Analytical reports off both information and analysis, and they can
also include recommendations.
Proposals off structured persuasion for internal or external
2. List and explain the different types of approaches mentioned
in this chapter.
Direct approach: the writer quickly presents the reports
recommendations, followed by the conclusion that led to that
Indirect approach: the topic is introduced in some order, but the
conclusion is drawn about them. The conclusion and the ultimate
recommendation appears later, in the body of the report.
3. Despite the variety among them, many analytical reports
Reports to access opportunities, reports to solve problems, and reports
to support decisions.
4. Primary research refers to.
Involves collecting information for the first time, specifically for a new
5. Sources of secondary information include .
Involves finding and receiving information that other have gathered in
previews projects for example: magazine articles and survey results.
6. To increase your chances of finding the information you need
Search engines.
7. If online search fields too many sources to use, you research
results include.
Search names.

8. The mayor task involved in processing and applying your

research result include:
Analyzing data, quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing textual material,
drawing conclusions, and making recommendations.
9. The CEO of a pharmaceutical company ask you assess the
companys adherence to laws governing television ads for
prescription drugs. The CEO has requested a.
Compliance report.
Position_paper__ outline an organizations official stance on
issues that affect the companys success.
A public corporation filling a quarterly tax report would
be providing.
Compliance report.
A contractor submitting a weekly report on work done to
date would be providing the client with.
Report to document the progress.
Topical organization strategies for informational reports
Comparison: Showing similarities and differences (or advantages
and disadvantages) between two or more entities.
Importance: Building up from the least important item to the most
important (or from most important to the least, if you dont think your
audience will read the entire report)
Sequence: Organizing the steps or stages in a process or
Chronology: Organizing a chain of events in order from oldest to
newest or vice versa
Geography: Organizing by region, city, state, country, or other
geographic unit.
Category: Grouping by topical category, such as sales, profit, cost,
or investment.
Problem of factoring is the process of
Breaking the problem down into a series of logical connected
One potential drawback of focusing on conclusions in a
report is that you may.
Oversimplify the contents.

A report focused on recommendations should
First stablish or verify the need for action.
Any risk involved with your recommendations should
Be addressed clearly in your report.
A contractor receives a request from the owner of a
company to bid on a large-scale construction project The
contractor will prepare a?
Solicited proposal
In an unsolicited proposal, the writer.
Must convince readers that a problem or opportunity exist.

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