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Light of Life Ministries

Antigua, Guatemala

Back in Guatemala
I remember back in the day when traveling
back and forth between a first world and
third world country was no big deal. That
was also back when I was single! Having a
family has definitely made it a little more
complicated, and a lot more expensive, but
thanks to God's grace and favor the transition
has always gone smoothly. Elijah usually
sleeps the entire flight; both flights actually,
and then he's wound up and ready to go
when we reach our destination. The hardest
part is the change of foods. And for me this
time back in Guatemala started with a cold
that lasted 2 weeks!

by the central
As we drove
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Elijah immed
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fair games an
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One of the first things we do when w
t to
get back is a trip to the outdoor marke
stock up on fruits and vegetables.

Daniel's 2nd Birthday Party

This year we had a pleasant surprise as some of our
neighbors had waited until our return to throw their sons
birthday party. You can see Daniel with his mom on the
right. They had a Mickey Mouse piata followed by a snack
and cake! Elijah enjoyed the piata along with the rest of
the kids, screaming "duro" (hard) to encourage each other.

Cristy's Birthday

We also got to celebrate Cristy's birthday on June 2nd! We spent the

evening in Antigua with a nice dinner followed by a stroll around
central park. When we got back home Elijah and I surprised her
with cake and flowers. Pretty soon we get to celebrate Elijah's
birthday, June 19th, followed by my birthday, July 6th.

Reunited with Family

Cristy's family is always excited to have us back in Guatemala,
as is true with my family in the States as well. The first couple of
weeks upon our return are usually spent by spending quality
time with Cristy's parents and each of her 5 siblings. This is her
oldest sister Flor, (the oldest of all the siblings) her husband,
Oliver and their 3 daughters; Paula, Dennis and Nadya!

Home Sweet Home

It's always a great feeling

to be back at home!
Stay tuned for our next eNewsletter that will include ministry
updates and specific info about each project. And in the mean
time be sure to check out the website

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