Law Book II, Units 3,4,5,6,7,8

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Unit - 3

1 Heading
2 Assignment ,

3 Statement of facts
4 Analysis
5 Recommendations
6 Memorandums
7 Legal memorandum ( memo) ,

8 Issues
9 Conclusions
10 Pertinent ,
11 Citation


2 Legal briefs

3 Trial briefs ,

4 Merit briefs

5 Amicus briefs

6 Appellate briefs
7 Legal position
8 Dismissed ,
9 Biased
10 Unbiased
11 Advocacy group
12 Commences
13 Merit

Unit 5
1 motion - ,
2 to dismiss ,

3 motions to dismiss
4 summary judgment ,
5 motion for summary judgment ()

6 to compel ,
7 motion to compel ,

8 motion to strike
9 protective order ,
10 motion for protective order-

11 harassed , ,
13 movant ,
14 nonmovant
15 change of venue ( )
16 motion for change of venue
17 ruling
18 motion for a new trial

19 tort -

Unit 6
1 defamation
2 damages ,
3 harm to property
4 intent , ,
5 injured party ,

6 misconduct , , ,

7 civil litigation , ,

8 tort action , ,

9 harm to person
10 injury

11 deliberate

Unit 7
1 neglegent tort ,

2 liability
3 reasonable person standard

4 duty of care ,

5 prudence
6 actual cause , ,

7 harm
8 proximate cause ,
9 compensation
10 duty
11 breach of duty

Unit -8
1 nuicense - ,
2 excessive noise
3 private
4 interfere ,
5 entitlement
6 settlement - , ,

7 settlement request ,
8 injunctive relief , ,

9 alternative ,
10 small claims coart

11 restitution , ,

Discovery stage - ( )
Request for production -
Opposing -
Interrogatory -
Request for admissions -
Privileged - ( )
Physical examination -
Mental examination -
Settlement -
Independent - ,
Subpoena - ,
Attorney -
Witness -
Medical record -

Duly - , ,
Commissioned -
Testimony - ( :)
Penalty -
Perjury -
Attest - ,
Sworn statement -

Signature of affiant -
Notary public -
Identification number -
Affidavit -
Signature -
Affiant -

Heading -
Assignment - ,
Statement of facts -
Analysis -
Recommendations -
Legal memorandum - ,

Issues -
Conclusions -
Pertinent - ,
Citations - ,

Legal position -
Dismissed - , ( )
Unbiased -
Advocacy group -
Brief - ()
Trial briefs -
, .

Merit briefs -

Amicus briefs - ,

Appellate briefs -
Merit -

Commences -

Movant - ,
Change of venue - ( )
Protective order -
Harassed - ,
Dismissal - , ,
Proceedings -
Motion- ,
Ruling -
Motion to dismiss -
Motion for summary judgment - ()

Motion to compel - ,

Motion to strike -
Nonmovant -
Motion for change of venue -
Motion for a new trial -

Defamation -
Damages -
Harm to property -
Intent - ,
Injured party - ,
Injury -

Misconduct -

Tort action - ,

Civil litigation - ,

Harm to person -
Deliberate -

Negligent tort -

Duty -
Duty of care -

Harm -
Compensation -
Liability -
Prudence -
Actual cause - ,
Proximate cause - ()
Breach of duty -

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