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Trumbull Mobile Meals

TMM Newsletter
MAY 2016 TO AUGUST 2016

Calendar of Events:

Letter from the C.E.O.

18 Board Meeting-8am
18 Basket Meeting-10am
25 Golf Meeting-1pm
30 Closed-Memorial Day

Hard to believe it is already April and things are coming alive.
Spring flowers have started to blossom, grass is getting green
and temperatures are rising. I love the feeling of new growth.
I cannot go without giving a BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful
volunteers that have gone above and beyond helping to pack
and deliver the meals. All are lifesavers and Trumbull Mobile
Meals is grateful and thankful to be blessed with such awesome
Trumbull Mobile Meals Team is excited with the many positive
things going on in the next few months. New ideas for current
fundraisers, new fundraisers, our history being visible to the human eye, new paint and flooring that will be happening in the
next few months, to the completion of the front of the building
and having a positive focus on growth. Spring has sprung at
Trumbull Mobile Meals!!!!
-Rebecca Edwards

14 Finance Meeting-3pm
14 Basket Meeting 1pm
15 Board Meeting-8am
17 Golf Outing-10am
25 River Rock at Amp
4 Closed-Independence Day
16 Golf Ball Drop-12pm
17 Car Show Eastwood Mall
19 Finance Meeting-3pm
20 Board Meeting-8am
30 River Rock at Amp
7 Wings-n-Wheels
16 Finance Meeting-3pm
17 Board Meeting-8am
5 closed Labor Day
20 Finance Meeting-3pm
21 Board Meeting-8am

Inside this issue:

On Sunday May
29, 2016 Jean
Schlecht received
awards for her
outstanding community outreach
and her role at
Trumbull Mobile
Meals. Thank you
Jean for all your
amazing work!!

Jean Schlecht Recognition

March for Meals

YSU Interns

Golf outing/ball drop

River Rock at the Amp 3


In Memory of:

Kitchen Corner


I wanted to thank
you for the
placemat and card
you gave my
husband for his
birthday on April
29th. It was greatly
-Susan M.

Page 2

March For Meals

Trumbull Mobile Meals particiaped in the national March for
Meals campaign and the Community Champions week. We
had a nice turn out with multiple
community champions participating. TMM would like to
thank all the volunteers and the
community for the unconditional support to help ensure no
one goes hungry in our community.

Top 3 winners for the March

for Meals walk.

Our community champions!

H.O.G. Chili Cook-Off

I absolutely love

The Warren H.O.G. chapter

held a chili cook off in February.
Ash Clark, Willie Collins, and
Lindsey Shaffer were asked to
taste all the different types of
chili and pick their favorite. All
proceeds from this event were
donated to Trumbull Mobile
Meals. A big THANK YOU
to the Warren H.O.G and Kathy
Love Joy.!!!

the omelets.
Please continue
to make them!!
-Antoinette F.

YSU Interns
Throughout the spring we had
the chance to have a few lovely
people from YSU come in for
their internships. They helped in
the kitchen, went out on deliveries, and helped in the office. It
was nice to see young people
excited to help!!


Page 3

11th annual Jim Economos Memorial Golf Outing

Trumbull Mobile Meals will host
its 11th Annual Jim Economos
Memorial Golf Outing on June
17th at the Riverview Golf
Course in Newton Falls, Ohio
with a shotgun start at 10am.

It will be a great day of fellowship, good food, plenty of fun,

and most importantly, help
TMM ensure that no person
goes hungry in our community.

We are excited to have a hole-inone opportunity on hole #18. A

2-year lease on a 2016 Honda
Civic LX courtesy of
Apostolakis Honda Mazda. All
golfers will receive a morning
snack, lunch, and a Saratoga
Restaurant steak dinner.

The golf committee left to right: Scott Gintert, Willie

Collins, Lucy Zinz, Becky Edwards, Gussie Reed, and
Paul Clouser

Golf Ball Drop

Trumbull Mobile Meals will hold
its Inaugural Golf Ball Drop on
July 16, 2016, 12pm at the
Earnie Hall Aviation Museum.
We are selling golf balls numbered 1-1000 for $10 a piece. On
this day the sold golf balls will be
taken up into an airplane and
dropped onto a target. The closest 3 balls will win a percentage

of the profits. We do have rain

out dates of July 30th and August 6th if the weather is not
perfect. We will contact all players via email and/or social media
with all updates. Please contact
TMM office if interested in purchasing a ball.

Thanks so much
for the fresh
fruit with my
meals. It is so

River Rock at the Amp

Once again this year TMM will
help out at the amphitheater. We
are in need of volunteers to
stamp hands and pass out drink
tokens. Please contact the office
if you are interested in helping.
The dates that we are participating are:

June 25th
Opening: Abbey Road ( The
Ultimate Beatles Tribute)
Brass Transit (The Musical Legacy of Chicago)
July 30th
Opening: Harvest (Neil Young
Electric & Acoustic Tribute)
Almost Queen (The Penultimate
Live Queen Concert)

-Virginia P.


Page 4


sunshine. Thursday, my

Trumbull Mobile Meals

would like to thank the following for your generous
donation. Without you, we
could not continue our mission to ensure that no person goes hungry in our

family & neighbors took

Christine & David Frazier

Dear Tom, Debbie, and

TMM Staff,
Many thanks for the
card and flowers and

me to OCharleys for
dinner, very tasty! Also,
since my birthday
received choice of pie
etc. But a wonderful
day! But better yet the

Antenucci, Inc
Dr. Fernando Chaves &

Rotary Club of Howland

Judith M Edwards

Michael Paquet

Nancy Desalvo

Gaffey Trust

Melissa Coffey

David & Diane Starr

Women of the Moose 688

Strimbu Memorial Foundation

Joshua Filipovich

Marcia Overholt
JC Penney

Mark Silvers
Elaine Snyder

Trumbull Moose Lodge 186

St. John the Baptist Orthodox

Berk Enterprises, Inc

SOI 2798

Franklin & Mary Manios

Giant Eagle

Paige & Byrnes Insurance

Roger Ailes

great meal, family of

drivers-you 2 are
special! Also all the


workers needed to

In Honor of George Pahoulis:

In Memory of Jeanne Henry:

Maryann & John Dicenso Jr

prepare my food thank

Barbara L Petiya

Linda & William Cowin

P J Macali


In Memory of Alfred R Hughes:

Mary Cowin

In Memory of Henrietta Schaffer:

The A.R. Hughes Family Fund

Sharman Michaelson

Amy & Andrew Newman

In Memory of Albert Vencel:

In Memory of Romolo Corradi:

Barbara A Young

Stephen & Judy Dedonato

Nickie Riser & Jim DeOrio

Marjorie Sudimack

Ronald & Loretta McHenry

In Memory of Evelyn Hanna:

Dr. & Mrs Nigel Newman MD

In Memory of Edwin Marshall:

Mark Lozzi

Frances Griffith

Joanne & Harry Ponikvar

Margaret Russomanno

Stephen & Gail Helms

In Memory of Beulah Hauenstein:

Angie Terbovich

-Dwana B.

Tom & Angie Kalogeras

Request for Assistance:

If possible, the TMM Staff and
Board would like to request
assistance acquiring any nonperishable foods to help ensure
no one goes hungry in our
community. We would also like
the request any paper products
to help defray operational
costs. Please feel free to drop
off or ask us to pick up any of
the following items which are

much needed: Toilet paper,

Paper napkins, Paper Towels, Plastic ware, cups, any

nonperishable foods, can
goods, etc


Page 5

A letter from a clients family:

Dear Becky, Mobile Meals Staff and

It took a TON of courage for me to take

the GIANT leap to sign Dad up for
meals. I had come to look at it this way, I
am 50 years old, my parents have raised
me to always try to do the right thing.
What would be the worst that can happen? They get mad at me? Maybe

his meal every day.

My husband and I have told my parents

we signed Dad up for a one month
trial. So, Mom has come up with the
notion that the sticker on the paper bag
is who is providing the meal for that day.
Its hard to see your parent is getting
You know how moms are, they know
older and to realize they will not be
But, the way I now see it is, I would be a everything. :) On the fifth day of Dad
around forever as we want them to be failure if I did not take advantage of your receiving his meal, he also received in
It is even harder to try to take care of
program. Dad could end up in the hospi- the mail the packet of papers from
their nourishment, medical needs as well tal again with malnutrition, or worse!
Trumbull Mobile Meals which included
as their work around the home, along
the price list. I am very happy to say
with your own familys needs and work
So instead of me being stressed and tired, Mom and Dad said it is absolutely worth
full time. I feel as though I have failed as I now am enjoying hearing about what
it to continue the meals for dad after the
a daughter by not being able to do it all
Dad had for lunch. It is cute to hear him one month trial!!!!
describe that he got the round yellow
things for his vegetable that day-squash. So with all that said, I want to say,
When Dad came home after being in the I asked him to at least try one small bite
THANK YOU Trumbull Mobile Meals
hospital and rehab for 2 1/2 months and of his veggies as you never know, you
staff and volunteers for giving me that
knowing he will be having chemo treatmight like it. He is a true green bean,
time back so I can enjoy being Daddys
ments, we talked about the Mobile Meal
corn, carrot, and somewhat pea kind of
little girl again!
program. Unfortunately for the past year guy.
my parents were totally against the meals.
Simply grateful for people like you,
They are very proud people and I am sure There is no way I could ever have provid-Linda R.
it is even harder for them to realize they
ed Dad with such a variety of meals as
can not still do it all for themselves either! you do. I believe Dad looks forward to
I am singing your praises to everyone I
know! You are such a blessing for what
you do and who you are.

Thank you for

the Valentines
day card!!
-Hope M.

The Kitchen Corner :

I would like to thank all the volunteers who come in every day. I sit at my desk, smiling, chuckling, and appreciating how wonderful you all are. You truly bring
every single day to the staff. You bring the
out in Trumbull Mobile Meals. Thank you for the wonderful atmosphere.
Please enjoy the ice cream recipe by Kathie!

Salted Caramel Ice Cream

Total Time: 1 hr 30 min
1 1/4 cups sugar
3/4 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons flaky sea salt
Ice cream Base (recipe follows)
1 tablespoon pure Tahitian vanilla extract
Ice Cream Base:
1 cup whole milk
4 large egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream

Heat sugar in dry heavy-bottomed sauce
pan over medium heat, stiring with a
fork to heat the sugar evenly, until it
start to melt, then stop stirring and swirl
the pan so the sugar melts evenly, and
continue cooking until it is a dark amber
Carefully add the heavy cream and
cook, stirring until all the caramel has
dissolved. Transfer to a heat proof bowl
and stir in sea salt. Set the caramel mixture over a bowl filled with ice water
and stir until chilled to room temp.
Combine the caramel mixture with the
Ice Cream Base and add the vanilla.
Freeze in an ice cream machine according to manufacturers directions.

Ice Cream Base:

Heat the milk in a sauce pan over medium-low heat.
Prepare an ice bath by setting a 2 quart
bowl over a larger bowl partially filled
with ice water.
Set a strainer over the smaller bowl and
set aside.
In separate bowl, whisk together the egg
yolks and sugar until pale yellow in color and the sugar has dissolved. Gradually pour the warmed milk into the yolk
mixture, whisking constantly. Pour the
mixture back into the same saucepan
you used to warm the milk. Cook 3-5
mins, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens and coats the back of a
wooden spoon. Strain the custard into
the top bowl of the ice bath to stop the
cooking process. Add the heavy cream
and stir over the ice bath until cool. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill
thoroughly, preferably overnight.
Yield: about 3

Trumbull Mobile Meals, INC

323 East Market Street
Warren, Ohio 44483
Phone: 330-394-2538
Fax: 330-394-6058

TMMs Taste of Trumbull Basket Gala on

November 12, 2016 at St. Demetrios Banquet Hall
Volunteer Luncheon on November 10, 2016 at St Demetrios
Banquet Hall.
**Information to follow**

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