Coase Theorem: 1. Assume

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Coase Theorem



Bart owns the property

Net incremental gain from producing an extra
unit of output: (MB-MPC)
As long as Bart receives: ______________, he
will not produce.
Payment received by Bart > (MB-MPC)
Willing to pay Bart not to produce if
Payment made

< MD

(Combining 1 and 2)
Opportunity for a bargain exists if




Output level to the left of Q*

- The amount of $ Bart would
demand to reduce his output would
exceed Lisas willing to pay.
Lisa is willing to pay more than (MBMPC) at every output level to the right
of Q*

2. Assume:
Lisa owns the property
Willing to pay Lisa if
Payment made by Bart < (MB-MPC)


Willing to accept payment from Bart if
Payment received

> MD


(Combining 3 and 4)
Opportunity for a bargain exists if

- For the 1st unit of output Bart
produces, his marginal profit far
exceeds the MD to Lisa, so there is
ample room to bargain and allow
Bart to produce this unit.

Output level to the left of Q*

- The amount of $ Bart would
demand to reduce his output would
exceed Lisas willing to pay.
Lisa is willing to pay more than (MBMPC) at every output level to the right
of Q*

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