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A Travellers Guide and Fact book on


A book containing lots of tips, facts and figures of the Scandinavian country
Anyone who wants to learn about Northgard should prioritize this book. It
has everything you would want to know about the country in it. Oxford
Winner of the 2016 World Travelling Award.


1. The ancient history of Northgard

2. Geography, Topography and Ecology
3. A look into the government and the political system
4. The economical thinking in Northgard
5. Right and wrong Judicial system
6. What do they believe in? Northgards religions
7. What is there to do after work, on holiday and for tourists?
8. Schools, hospitals and parks, infrastructure
9. How does Northgard achieve the 17 global goals?

Chapter 1 - History
The first ones
From the late 8th century up to the middle of 12th century, the Vikings ruled the Scandinavian region.
In these early ages, the Scandinavian region looked different from what it looks like today; the larger
regions were mostly covered by forests and were inhabited by animals alongside with big and small
Viking villages. Northgard was no different, but had an even scarcer population; as it was the coldest
region at the time, and dominated by big flocks of wolves and bears. The environment was very harsh
and unforgiving, which is why few tribes settled. Around year 1050 A.D, the environment slowly
started to become easier habitable and more promising for human settlers. The first two significantly
bigger groups of people were the clans Stormfdd and Vargskinn. These two fairly large Viking tribes
immigrated the region from Sweden and Norway. They both settled in the flat land that was covered
in green fields in the summer and a sheet of snow in the winter. The two clans saw each others as
rivals, and declared war on one each other. The war, so called Dolg inn vllr (battle of the Plain),
was going to change the future of Northgard.
The Battle of the Plain
The war lasted for almost 15 years. At last, in 1067 A.D, the two mighty tribes decided to declare
peace for the good of their own people. During the war many members of each tribes had exiled or
been taken and killed. Neither of the tribes wanted their people to suffer, so the two clans built a
temple in the exact middle of the plain. On and in this temple, runes would describe the battles that
had been taken place, brothers or sisters that had been lost and how the peace was finally settled.
Around the temple the Vikings built a garden. This was to signify that the people shall forever live in
peace. To keep the order and peace between the people, four councils, or fractions, were created.
The four fractions
The first one, was to establish balance between nature and people; animals and humans, to be in
harmony. The members of the council were to make sure that holy animals remained untouched as to
remain friend with their one and only god, Mother Nature herself. This council was the founding of
the Environmentalists that exist as a political party in Northgard today.
The next group had the task to remain in contact with Mother Nature through spiritual ceremonies,
rituals and sacrifices. The ancient Northgardians saw Mother Nature as their only god, as she is who
we get everything from. Water from floods, food from animals, wood and rock for shelter, dirt for
farming; everything was given from Mother Nature, and she therefore had to be pleased to remain the
balance. This is the original founding of the Socialists, although this fraction is not as focused on
the religion as it was before.
The third group were the Collectors, today called the Corners, the economic branch of the political
system. Their tasks were to gather resources, trade with other clans and new communities and groups
inhabiting the areas near Northgard. This meant that they also formed alliances and peace with
foreigners, just like todays system has allies in terms of trading.
The last group was called The Wisest. This was the smallest but most powerful group who made
major decisions. War and peace was in the hands of the group, a smaller group of wise Vikings, older
than everyone else and wiser than everyone else. The group was also to accept different decisions
from the other fractions. If the other fractions wanted to for example build a church, expand territory
or increase the use of resources, the decisions had to be approved by the wise old men that were said
to have a spiritual bond with Mother Nature and communicating with her.

Temples were built for each fractions in different parts of the country. These worked as todays state
governments do today. They had control over their own area and people, and they did what was best
for the people by letting a representative from each house or family have a say in the yearly
Gatherings. The Wisest temple was built near Rungard, and the country has been known as one of,
if not the first, federal democracies.

Chapter 2 Geography, Topography and Ecology

Useful fact!

Geographical location and basic statistics

As seen on the map above, the red zone shows Northgards location.
The country is located in the Northen hemisphere above Norway and
Finland, and is therefore a Scandinavian country

Because of the
countrys position, the
temperature can sink
to below -10 C in the
last and first months
of the year!
Remember to bring
the winter clothes!

The country is 439 432 km2 big, approximately the size of Morocco.
The countries size is what allows it to be so unique concerning its nature.
However because of the countrys location and topographical features it is considerably hard to reach
by plane. Strong winds, cold temperatures and the countrys mountain range are potential dangers for
planes or helicopters. However if the weather allows, it is possible, but is still only recommended for
the more hard-core travellers. The only other way to reach the country is by boat. The sea is most
often calm and should only be avoided when theres a storm. Therefore boat is the ideal choice for the
casual traveller.
Size: 439 432 km2
Population: 2.6 million
Capital city: Rungrd (Runegarden)
Language: Swedish, Danish and English.
Average trip cost: Around $600 USD per person

The different parts of Northgard

In the months with the most snow, Northgard
In the Northern section or the country, the
offers a few spectacular ski locations!
mountain range is located. The mountain range,
by the name of Bergskedjan, stretches from the
Northwest to the start of the coastline in
Northeast. The mountain range is 1050
kilometres long, with the highest mountain
called Oxen with a surprising altitude of 2600
metres. It is a recommended climbing spot for
tourists, and should definitively be paid a visit!
The mountain range is used for different types of
resources as well as the tourism. It also offers a
natural defence from strong Northern winds or
ultimately an attack from another country. However, the mountain range does make it a bit trickier for
tourists to access the country from North.
The mountains are also an important source for fresh water. The clear and clean water in Northgard is
one of the best waters in the world. Drink a lot!
With its many fishing villages, harbours and
seaside hotels, the coastal area of Northgard is
a very attractive spot for tourists as well as the
local population. The coast offers amazing
views, cosy hotels and delicious food.
Everything from crabs and lobsters to
Bluefish tuna and mackerel can be found at
the local fish markets, ranging from low to
high prices. The country is dependent on the
fish industry as it supplies the whole country
with food. The Northern part of the coastline
(Nordsvik) is the most promising for a
relaxing weekend enjoying the food and the views, while the Southern part of the coast is more hectic.
Most harbours are located here, so most tourists as well as fishing boats come in here. Many wellknown restaurants are by the harbour, so make sure to check it out.
The Fjord
Moving away from the North and East area is the more isolated and grand Fjord in West. It covers
more than 200 acres of land and has been always been sort of a landmark for the country. The Fjord is
almost holy place for the local populations as multiple ancient temples made by the Vikings have
been found and are still standing on the Fjord. Not only that, the big animals of the Fjord, the Muskox,
are free to roam on the Fjord and are strictly prohibited from hunting. Killing one can result in more
than 5 years of jail. To prevent illegal hunting as well as disturbance of the animals, only a limited
amount of small groups of tourists can visit the Fjord at once.

If you do want to visit the Fjord, it takes about 2 hours to reach it from Rungard. However the
National Museum of Northgard has a lot of exhibitions about the history of Northgard as well as many
pictures of the Fjord, so a visit to the Fjord might not be necessary. But of course, it is more exciting
to experience it yourself.
Bookings for a guided tour on the Fjord costs around $90 USD and can be booked at one of the tourist
information centres.

We are the oldest

animals to roam

The Southern Flatland

While the rest of the countrys land is shaped by valleys, mountains, coasts and forest, the land is the
South is considered flat. Here, most of Northgards farms and bigger cities are located. Northgards
oldest town, Fredsborg (built around 1050 A.D), is located about 3 miles South of Rungard. The town
is not very big, but is an attraction for many tourists who want to see what it used to look like in
Northgard back when the Vikings inhabited the area. Scattered across the South are a lot of farm.
Agricultural products such as potatoes, sugar beets, grain and different root vegetables.
National parks
Northgard has two national parks open to the public. The first one, Bandhagen, is located in the
North by the Western foot of Bergskedjan. Bandhagen is a popular spot for tourists as many often go
up North. The national park covers an area of about 90km2 with a quite big amount of number. If
visited in winter, skiing is available just besides the national park. The likeliness of seeing much
wildlife in Bandhagen during winter is fairly rare, but not impossible. Fox, Bobcat and a variety of
birds are commonly spotted in the colder periods of the year. If passed by, the park is worth visiting.
The second national park is located in the Southwest area of the country and is called Valhalla. The
name is taken from Nordic mythology, as many of the Vikings populating the area in early years were
buried here. Therefore, a lot of hills are located in the area. The hills were used as burial grounds
and could contain up to 6 people, buried together with their belongings to bring into their next life.
Looting or plundering of these burial grounds is strictly prohibited and could result in several years of
prison and even a possibility of being banned from the country, as looting or plundering is to gravely
disrespect the countrys background and sacrifices made. (See more about this in
Chapter 6: Northgards religions)

The Ocean
Fish, crustaceans and aquatic plants are the
major large organisms in the Nordic sea. Plants
and corals are extremely important for the
sustainability of the underwater environment,
proving shelter and food. Northgard has a huge
amount of underwater plant and animal
species. Tuna, mackerel and even whales can
be spotted on the Northgardian coast, as well
as unique aquatic
plant species!

Freshwater (rivers/lakes)
Northgard has two main rivers, many small
springs and rivers, and lakes. Salmon is very
common in the countrys freshwater, and can be
seen swimming upstream during the summer
periods. Crayfish, plants and insects also inhabit
the freshwater and contribute to sustainability in
the ecosystem. The country also has 2 dams,
which are located so that they can generate
hydroelectricity without
affecting the rivers
ecosystems much.


The forest is along with
In the Northern part
the sea, the place with
of Northgard where
the most diverse
the mountains are
collection of animals in
located, wildlife is
Northgard. The big area
not as big in amount as in the other parts of the that covers the West of the country hosts
country, especially in the colder months. The
thousands of animal and plant species. Fox,
organisms in the mountainous ecosystems have rabbits, bobcats, wolves and boars are the most
to constantly adapt to the cold weather and air
common animals that inhabit the forest areas.
levels on higher altitudes. Mountain goats are
Bears can be sighted but should NOT be neared.
common here, as well as Nordic owls and a
All known bear territories are marked in case
diverse set of plant species.
anyone would unconsciously pass by.

The Environmentalists is a branch of the

countrys political system. This group is
mainly working to protect animals from
waste and human activities. This work
requires the people to do a wide range of
things such as cleaning forest areas of
disposable material, filtering (if any) oil
away from the ocean or lakes and always
making sure that the wildlife is not
affected by negative human activities.
Northgards national animal is the Brown
Bear. It has throughout the countrys
history been praised as a holy animal, an
animal that the Vikings believed had been
sent from the gods. The Vikings often prayed and sacrificed to big bears carved from stone before any
sort of combat or conflict, as the bear was a mighty animal, both big, strong, fast and furious. It has
been kept as the national animal to respect and keep the old traditions. If you travel the woods it is not

Chapter 3 - Political System

The political system in Northgard is a Federal Democracy, a very complex system with characteristics
that many other countries political systems have. The U.S follow Federalism, as it has one central
government which is located in Washington D.C, and many other small state governments or councils
in each and every state.
Northgard follows the same principals, but does not have one significant representative for the state or
central government. Instead the council for the state governments (or fractions as they are sometimes
called) or the central government gather 3 representatives from each of the three fractions or political
branches they belong to, with the job to speak to the public and let them vote for different things. This
is done in the Gathering ever three months. Here the countrys economy, social factors, cultural
factors and environmental factors and such things are discussed, published and brought forward to the
rest of the country. This could be explained as a big update of the countrys status. If anything critical
has happened it is immediately brought forward via media. This way of doing voting and keeping the
balance in the country doesnt only mean peace, it means closer bound between the people and the
state. If visiting Northgard during one of these Gatherings it is definitively worth watching it, as you
can get a visual of why the country is the definition of Utopia. When it starts to become close to
Gatherings, locations of where the Gatherings will take place are shown at a variety of different
locations around the country. (Advertisements on TV, as posters, on big screens, on radio etc.)

(The U.S uses a similar system, the Federal government of America.)

The fractions (state governments)

The central government makes the major decisions. The three different state governments each have
their own responsibility. In each fraction different things are being voted for in the Gatherings, and
the results of the voting are delivered to the Central government for a final look and then possible put
into working. Anyone above 16 can vote in any and each of the councils. Below is a diagram of
Northgards system:
Central government

The environmentalists

Is responsible for making final decisions

based on data and sources collected from the
state councils. Is also responsible for
maintaining the country itself. It has the full
authority concerning the judicial system,
army, and cultural factors maintenance for

This state government is responsible for the

environment in Northgard. In the Gatherings
they discuss for example how the wildlife can
be further protected and increased, efficient
ways of using electricity, how to use
resources to their maximum capacity, how
waste is handled and such.

The Culturals

The Coiners

Social factors and things concerning the

communities of the people are voted for here.
This includes cultural things that for example
affects tourism. Constructions of new parks,
playgrounds and facilities, new restaurant,
attractions and social things are discussed
here. Religious matter such as constructions of
temples or churches are taken into
consideration here. Army and defence is also
included here.

Here, the locals vote for things involving

the countrys and peoples economy. Best
investments and usage regarding existing
resources and maybe new resources as well
as salaries, working hours and such things
are discussed and voted for here.

The main benefit with the system is that the people are mot forced to vote, and theyre neither forced
to vote for only one single party that then makes the decisions. Instead, a person can go to only one
fraction and vote for something there, without other fractions being affected by his or her choice.
The bank
Northgard has a central bank, where people place their money, wages are stored, taxes are payed to
and such. Any money that is made to do transactions of any kind is passed through The Central Bank
of Northgard. Although the country is very secure, the bank is heavily guarded and protected, just like
any other bank.
The Coiners is the fraction that receives votes on matters in economy. This can affect the central bank
as well. For example if the people say that having one central bank isnt enough, and then supporting
their arguments, another bank could be established, an expansion of the Central Bank.
One of the central governments responsibility is to recruit males and females for the countrys army
and defence, in case Northgard was to ever be attacked. However as the country is very peaceful as
well as quite isolated, the chances of it being attacked are minimal.

Chapter 4 Economy
Economy include a wide range of different factors such as GDP per capita, resources, jobs, currency
and trading partners. It also discusses wealth, possessions and different companies that have their
businesses in Northgard for example. Before travelling to Northgard it can be useful to know some
basic prises, what resources are unique and worth buying and where the products you buy actually
come from.
Economic system
Northgards economic system is quite unique and is contributes to the perfectness of the country.
The system is a mixed system, with different characteristics from both controlled, free, traditional and
mixed economy. Below are the characteristics that the system possesses:

The government controls wages, taxes and possessions. In this way the money is distributed
fairly and individuals cannot take advantages by adding extra sums to their or someone elses
wage. If you are considering working a full time job in Northgard, you should go through the
details about how much is earned, what can be done to earn more and policies concerning
Companies that are self-owned have to pay a special Independence Tax after theyve
exceeded a certain amount that they earn a month. So if you are to start business in Northgard
you should expect to pay a higher sort of tax. The tax is also based on what the average
monthly income is after exceeding the amount set for paying the tax.
Traditional economy is kept alive by using trading as a payment. Trading centres are located
at different spots in Northgard, Here, people can go to trade things with each other. It is still a
method that is used, both because it is of old traditions, and people actually enjoy it. When
travelling to Northgard, it could be worth bringing things you do not want anymore, and trade
them for something useful or cool.
Anyone can start their own business if desired. The governments encourage peoples will of
doing well in business and starting their own, as this is a strong personal aspect.

Northgard follows the same principal as many other European countries
when it comes down to currency. The country uses the popular currency of
Euro, an international currency that is used in most of the Southern
European countries as well as central and West Europe. One Euro equals
to 1.14 USD, making it a considerably equal amount. One reason why this
is used is because it signifies the unity of Northgard with the majority of
Europe, as well as being a quite efficient but simple currency.
Prices in Northgard
The prices in Northgard vary a lot. Many travellers or people moving to the country think that
Northgard is an expensive country as it is located very close to Norway, one of the top expensive
countries in Europe. However prices in Northgard are not especially high. Clothes and furniture is
cheap, as Northgard have a lot of trading partners producing this as well as resources, and the demand
is not very high.

Wooden furniture and such is mostly produced and imported from Finland and Russia, two
countries with a huge amount of wood. Normal furniture stores can sometimes have a bit higher prices
than the furniture at IKEA, mainly because these are handmade and you do not have to build them
The measured price for clothes and sportswear is around the average for European countries. With
companies such as Nike, Adidas, H&M and other international brands, the prices are fairly equal to
the majority of Europe. Northgard also have their own brands, one which is called HardWear. It sells
top quality clothes and gear. Everything from shirts and shoes to hitch-hiking bags and cave helmets
can be found here. There is one HardWear store in downtown Rungard, and one near Marina hotel,
about 5 kilometres up the coast in Viken.
Food has different prices, it all depends on what you want to buy and how much you are willing to
pay for. Northgard has a wide range of food choices; both in the supermarket and restaurants.
Agricultural products such as potatoes,
vegetables, grain and some fruit like apple and
berries are cheap, as most of these stocks are
harvested in Northgard. On the other hand are
dairy products quite expensive, compared to
other countries. This is because Northgard
makes their own dairy products as they do not
support the way it is made in foreign countries;
by torturing and abusing the animals. Meat can
be found both cheap and expensive, depending
on how fresh it is, what animal it is and how
fine quality it has. Eggs are cheap and the hens
are bred and treated humane. Rice is cheap and
is imported from Asia. Seafood is on an
average cheap, as the country doesnt lack the amount of fish and such, and deliver to the stores daily.
Restaurants differ from each other depending on what food they serve and how fine the restaurant is.
Some of the higher standard restaurant can serve boar steaks for around 15 Euros, while some of them
serve for 40 Euros. On the other hand there are cheap food stalls that serve everything from hot dogs
and burgers to soup for none more than 7 Euro. These cheap food stalls can be a good choice for
people who want to save money.
Depending on what work you have, you can grant access to Passes. These passes work differently but
are mainly for people that have jobs with maybe less income and a bigger family to support.
Therefore, these passes give discounts so that the person earning less than others do not have to pay
the same amount that can in a big household be a lot of money per month. This system has shown to
work surprisingly well in Northgard, and many workers for example feel that it is fair, as they do not
have to pay the same high prices as the people with higher incomes.
As well as Northgards many resources, the tourism in the country contribute to quite a big part of the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). All year round, people come to experience the so called Utopia, as
it is considered the worlds best country. A lot of money involving tourism comes from ski-resorts,
hotels and restaurants. Winter time is when Northgard has the most tourists, so these are the months
where the many tourists invests in food, clothes and somewhere to stay.

GDP per capita and countrys resources

GDP per capita is a measure of average income per person in a country. Many of the richest countries
have quite high amounts of GDP per capita, while the less productive or simply lucky countries have
very low sums. Northgards GDP per capita is around USD $40,000, just below Finland in an
international ranking. However even if Northgard does not top the list, it is still considered the
worlds best country, as a money rich of money doesnt have to be the best, with the happiest people.
In a survey made in 2014 by The Coiners, Northgards economical political party, showed that the
average person earn between 3500 and 4000 Euros a month. Despite people earning an amount that
might be considered low or medium low, the people of Northgard are genuinely happy with their
incomes and economic system. The Passes, as discussed above, make sure that the people with less
income have more discounts and privileges, as they need it more than the higher earning people.
Main resources and export products in Northgard
Below are the different main resources that contribute to the export goods of Northgard, as well as
products produced in Northgard to be used inside the country. This can be vital to know before
travelling to Northgard, in case you want to put as much detail as possible into planning your trip.

Platinum is a very fine mineral that is mined from deep shaft in the mountains in the North. It
is used for jewellery, dental fillings, catalyst in chemistry and is also used in cancer treatment.
Each year, around 4 billion worth of platinum is mined from the mountains. Majority is
exported to countries such as Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France and
England. Platinum can also be used when making cars as it is a very hard and durable metal
suitable for vehicles. It is possible to visit Gruvan, a mining site that stretches far into one
of the mountains. It is up to 3km deep and huge amounts of platinum has been drilled here,
along with gold and other minerals. Guiding tours are available, and you can spot platinum
ores inside the caves of you look carefully. However read the signs along with the tracks, as
touching the minerals as the human skin can cause damage to them.
Northgard has a high level of oil that is capable of being drilled. However, as the oil industry
is currently doing badly, with a globally low demand of oil, the oil is not to be drilled. Many
people in Northgard also think that the fossil fuel should stay in the ground, where it belongs.
Similar to Norway, Northgard is rich of aluminium. The metal was estimated to be 14% of
2015s exports. This metal is widely used in products such as cans, foils, kitchen utensils and
even aeroplane parts! If visiting one of the aluminium mines in the North, you should
consider buying an aluminium bowl. It is very durable and it looks really beautiful.
Fishing and hunting are both huge contributors to the countrys income and the export.
Around 20-30% of the countries fish and hunt is exported or sold within the country to both
tourists and locals. The people of Northgard consider meat very valuable, as it is needed for
survival and comes from Mother Natures children, the animals. Extinsion or endangerment is
not an issue, as the country has huge numbers of fish as well as boars. All animals are from
the nature and are therefore equally nourishing. Much of Northgards seafood is exported to
Russia, England, Germany and France. Much of the seafood in Northgard is considered
delicacy and gourmet food in other countries. Working as a Hunter is considered hard and is a
respected job. This is because a hunter has to catch a lot of ransom each day.
Iron is a metal that Northgard has plenty of. It is mined both in the Northern mountain chain
as well as some rocky coastal areas in the East. It is exported widely to China, Japan and
Thailand as well as some European countries. However most European countries have their
own resources of iron.

Tree plantations are scattered around Northgard, and grows a wide range of different trees.
Not only does this improve air quality, ecosystems and water supplies, but the fine wood is
exported to many countries used for construction, furniture and sculptures. The different
woods from Northgard are of high quality and well known internationally. However most of
the wood made for constructions and furniture is imported from Russia. This is because
Northgards government does not allow trees to be cut down, as most trees in Northgard are
ancient and have throughout time been seen as connections to Mother Nature. Therefore the
amount of trees available for internal use is limited.
Agricultural products such as potatoes, wheat, beets and fruits like apple and berries are
plentiful in Northgard. Apples are mostly exported, while the others remain inside the
country, and used internally for supermarkets and food stalls.

Main imports in Northgard

Some products cannot be produced or grown in Northgard.
Rice, fruits like bananas, mangos and pineapples, some fish
sorts and candies are the main products that are imported
into Northgard. Because Northgard is a country that cares
much about the nature, almost all their products must have
been marked by Greenpeace, with only a few exceptions.
Trading partners
Northgard has a wide range of trading partners. The major export ones are China (25%), Germany
(16%), France (20%), England (18%), Thailand (11%) and the other 10% mixed countries that import
less. Northgard has a wide range of import partners, as the country is quite isolated and misses the
climate to be able to grow and harvest some things, or simply doesnt have the resource. However,
although the resources that Northgard import have an effect on the people, the imports are not quite
needed for survival.
Northgard has adopted a taxation system similar to the one in Sweden. This systems basic principle is
that you pay quite high taxes. But as you pay high taxes, medical care, dental care and education is
free. It is optional to pay high taxes for these different services, but most families do it, as they do
then not have to worry about sky-high prices if their kid gets hurt, if she or he has to get braces and
when the child is old enough to go to school. If you are not only travelling to Northgard but might
consider moving there, paying high taxes for the services is a recommended choice.

Chapter 5 Judicial system

Why it is safe to travel in Northgard

Another reason to why Northgard is described as a Utopia is because of the safety in the country. On a
survey that was made in February 2016, Northgard showed to be the very first on the list concerning
safety and security. 96% of the people that were asked in Northgard stated that they feel very safe in
their country. None the less, Northgard is therefore a perfect country for travellers that are afraid of
getting mugged or pick-pocked, or put into a dangerous
Why is the country so safe? many people ask. The answer to
the question is simply that the country has set up their laws (that
are fair) and are very strict with everyone following them and
the consequences of not following them. Corruption is not
present in Northgard, and a police or a member of security
forces accept bribing, they can be fired and given a fine.
Northgards government as well as the people value justice over
most things.
Human Rights
However, even though the country is strict when it comes to laws, the system is the best in the world
regarding Human Rights. A convict always has a chance to defend themselves, and the case that has
been filed is looked into by some of the most professional juries and policemen there is, so that the
person is fairly according to what the crime was.
A convict is neither treated inhumane after supposedly committing a crime.
As of inside the court, human rights are also very important outside for all the people. Because the
people have freedom of speech, equality, peace and justice among other things, the people are allowed
to express their opinions and thoughts for example, and the chances of an opposition or revolution is
minimal. Throughout Northgards history, only one protest has taken place. In July 1978, three men
protested against the working system. They thought of it as unfair, because the people with
supposedly better jobs had a much higher income, yet they all payed the same prices for things. After
this, which by the government seemed like a reasonable decision, the Passes were created. This
balanced the line between higher income earners and slightly lower income earners.
Structure of the judicial system
Below is a diagram of the Utopias judicial system:
Fundamental Basic Laws
These are the basic and quite simple laws that everyone
should follow. These are for example no spitting of gum,
no jaywalking, no alcohol or tobacco below 17, no
graffiti and more. These laws are to maintain the
environment (both nature and urban) clean and in
order. Age restrictions for purchase of alcohol and
tobacco is simply because of health reasons.

Second Degree Basic Laws

These laws are stricter and more detailed. The
consequences of breaking these laws will be
harsher and more unpredictable than breaking
the Fundamental Basic Laws. Examples of these
laws are no pouching, no theft or robbery, no
infliction of unprovoked physical harm to others,
no class A drugs, no unregistered civilian
weaponry and ultimately, no murder or rape.

Consequences of breaking the


Local police forces

Supreme Court

Breaking these laws can result in some further

consequences, but not so harsh. One who breaks one of
these laws can just get a warning (depending on the
seriousness of the crime.) However tourists are advised
not to jaywalk, throw their gums in bins and purchase
alcohol only above the age of 17.
If the crime is more serious, like graffiti, the violator can be

Similar to the American system, Northgard has a

Supreme Court, where the cases are serious enough for
harsh punishment. The system has shown to work well,
as it is truly a last entry and exit of a violator. The system
works well and serves justice to any injustice made.
Crimes such as theft or robbery can result in fines up to
1000 Euros plus a month or more in jail, depending on

Northgard does have a constitution which states what the government can, cannot and should do. If
you want to go over it, it can be found in most libraries. Many countries have adopted the same or a
similar judicial system as Northgard in hope of establishing the same excellence as Northgard.
There are several police stations around the country, as well as plenty of cameras and CCTV. If
something against the odds was to happen, it would not take long before police are at the scene.
Northgard has adopted almost the same system as Singapore has regarding security and surveillance,
making the country very efficient and safe.

Chapter 6 Religion
An acceptant and equal society
Northgard is a quite mixed country concerning its population as well as religions and beliefs. The
country is very acceptable of different religions, as long as their thoughts and beliefs do not harm or
offend anyone. This strengthens bounds between individuals, as people
arent judged or treated badly because of their religion. It is seen as an
important standard in the education system to teach children about the
different religions and in this way create a society where the people see
each other as equals, regarding their religion or culture. When travelling
to Northgard, you will see a lot of children as well as adults from different
cultures and backgrounds mix with each other.
The different religions
62% Naturalism
14% Non- religious
10% Christianity
8% Islam
6% Others

When looking at the list above, you probably noticed that the biggest religious group is the
Naturalism. To people outside Northgard, this religious group is not commonly known, but to nearly
all locals, Naturalism is part of their lives. People that are Naturalists are just like people from any
other religions. Some are strict about following their religious rules, while some arent.
Naturalists, as the followers of this group are called, are following the ancient ideology of Mother
Nature being the God, she who brings life into the world and exist in all living things. Going back to
Chapter 1 History, we get an explanation of how the Vikings that once inhabited Northgard had
great respect from Mother Nature and begged, preached and sacrificed to her. To this day, many
people in Northgard still believe in Mother Nature as the God who gives life. This is one reason to
why Northgards people and government takes so well care of its ecosystems and environment,
because Mother Nature gives them everything to survive and it therefore has to be re-payed to her by
showing respect and maintaining the balance in the nature as it has always been.
Unique laws have been set up to protect the nature and to
maintain the balance and peace between Mother Nature and
the people.
Cutting down trees in some areas is strictly prohibited and
can result in big fines. Trees that have not been planted by
the hands of men can only be cut down after theyve been
replaced with other trees at a nearby location. The majority
of times were trees that have grown by themselves are cut
down is when they are growing too close to the towns or

Pouching is a serious crime and can as discussed in the previous chapter result in exile from the
country. The animals that are specifically protected are the Muskoxen and bears. These were once
(and still are, perhaps not as much) considered holy animals that had direct links to Mother Nature,
and that fragments of her soul could be found in the animals. Because all animals are said to have
been sent my Mother Nature, being a hunter is a respected job, as a hunter must not only hunt many
animals but also thank Mother Nature for the meat she gives, the plant she grows and the water she
As aquatic life is also a gift from Mother Nature, waste cannot go
into waters that would affect the ecosystem and have the potential
of killing animals that are not to be used as food. Just like the
Muskoxen and bears on land, the water also has holy animals that
are said to have fragments of Mother Nature in them. Minke
whales and Puffin birds are the holy animals of the water and the
coast. Although Puffin birds do not live in the water, they live in
coastal areas and were once used in contacting Mother Nature.
They were the most spiritual animals because of their abilities to
both swim, fly, walk and burry themselves into the ground.
Temple, Church or Mosque?
In fact, the religion itself doesnt have a special place to go to
pray, like other religions have temples or churches for example.
Instead, people that worship Mother Nature often just put some sort of gift in the form of food near
an area that is known to contain ecosystems and animals. The food is then eaten by any animal, and
according to the religion, that gift is what we give, after the things weve taken and been given from

Mother Nature. It is important to give things in return, as life and survival shouldnt be taken for
Naturalism does have a holy book, translated to Rungards commandments. The book contains
translations of the runes that in ancient times were set upon the temple in the middle of Rungard. The
book tells how a Naturalist should live, close to Mother Nature both spiritually and physically.
Not many people follow the strict and ancient ways of Naturalism, although there are still a few
people that practice it.

Chapter 7 Culture
For you as a tourist, this is an interesting section containing facts on traditions, big events and things
such as cuisine, sports, music, leisure and more.
Northgard has a huge range of different types of food. Almost every restaurant has their own famous
dish. The types of food and what country they come from are different. There are many international
dishes and food places just like a majority of other countries, at least in the Western world. Below are
some restaurants that are worth visiting as they are highly recommended and popular:

Parmedoni. Italian restaurant with three location whereas two are in downtown Rungard.
Gnocci with truffle is a highly recommended dish here, as well as the Italian tomato soup.
Bengal Dynasty. Indian gourmet food with two restaurant open. Has fantastic Bryani rice and
a secret recipe for Chicken Tikka Masala.
The Bear. Local Northgardian food. Serves the best ribs and steaks in Northgard, hunted from
the northern wild. Has a three course meal of different types of boar.
Noddle-house. Typical Asian cuisine. Has a mix of different tastes from Asia. Has
extraordinary sushi, amazing noodles and the best Satay.

Prices vary, but as discussed in previous chapters, you can get good food for no more than 10 Euros,
but can also buy top quality food for an excessive amount of money.
Sports are seen as quite important factors in Northgard. Because the majority of the population are
healthy and athletic, most people do some kind of sport on weekends or after work and school. Just
like many other countries, Northgardians enjoy playing football as well as basketball. A study made in
Muskoxen, the countries international tabloid, showed that
approximately more than 85% of the people from 10-50 years
old enjoy doing physical activities and sports on their free time,
up to three times a week. Ice hockey, rowing, climbing, skiing
and diving are a few of the popular sports in the country.
Northgard has had one Olympic Games winner team for
rowing, one for javelin toss, one for 100m sprint and one for
relay. If Northgard does not win, its still most likely placed in
2nd or 3rd place, among the best competitors.

An equalizer between Northgard and many other countries is probably the music. The older
generation is listening much to the old music played when they were young. Among the older men,
old classic Rock n Roll is very popular, the women a little more pop such as Abba, Madonna and
Amy Winehouse, and the younger generation listens to much modern music. Rap, pop and still some
rock is listened to very much. On the Spotify popularity list which shows every countrys most played
song, the trap song Panda by the American rapper Desiigner topped the list. After that came some
Justin Bieber song and then finally some old classics such as Highway to hell, Mama Mia and
other classics.

Northgard has different music festivals around the

year, but mostly in summer. GamePlan is an
international rave that is fixed sometime in June
every year. Here, famous DJs such as Aviicci,
Steve Aioki, Calvin Harris and DeadMouse play.
The festival has over 12,000 people visiting every
year, attracting both tourists and locals. The
festival usually takes place on Kullen, a huge
grass field located about 2km outside Rungard.
The festival is completely drug-free to avoid any
accidents, and has alcohol limits. They encourage
ravers to drink lots of water and dance like theres no tomorrow, to enjoy the festival
at its maximum without excessive drinking. The rave lasts for two to three days, and
many people tent near the area. If you are planning a trip to Northgard, you should
definitively buy a ticket for GamePlan.
Many Northgardians have quite long days with a lot of physical, energy-craving work. Therefore, a
relaxing weekend or holiday is the ultimate time to have fun and be with friends and family. In
Northgard, holidays and weekends are never boring. With many activities and attractions, a weekend
of fun is a perfect refresher to prepare for the coming week. For you travellers, the fun seems to never
end, as Northgard has many exciting experiences to offer. Below are some popular attractions and
experiences for tourists:

The Marina Discover. This attraction shows you the underwater world of Northgard. Located
in one of Northgards isolated bays, you can go underwater through glass tunnels and explore
the marine ecosystems. Tickets cost around 12 Euro for adults and 8 for children below 16.
Mountain climbing. For the people who like adrenalin kicks, this is an attraction for you.
Climbing Tjuren, the countrys second highest mountain on about 2000 metres is a quite
popular attraction for the bravest people. Aided climbing with professionals is recommended.
Tickets are available at the foot of Tjuren. IF you are a professional, there are climbing spots
available, but on your own risk.
Sandstranden which reaches 5 kilometres along the coastline (starting from
Helsingborgsviken in Northeast) is a beautiful white sand beach. The water is cold and
refreshing, and the ice-cream stalls sell incredible ice-cream. Definitively worth visiting with
friends or/and family.
Mountain biking in Northgards forestry cycling track in Northwest is perfect for people with
interests of bikes. Not only is there a range of different tracks, there is also a bike-market,
selling bikes and bike parts as well as gear and other equipment. Some bikers choose to bring
their own bikes, although there are bikes available for renting for only 5 Euro.

Cave exploring in the caves of Oxen is a popular attraction. For only 7 Euros can you with a
flashlight and a helmet explore the deep cave system of Northgards highest mountain.

Just like the other Scandinavian countries, Christmas and New Years Eve is celebrated. Christmas
has always been celebrated by the Christian people in Northgard, and was only recently starting to
being celebrated in the homes of Naturalists. This is one factor that has contributed to the strength of
the bound between the two religions.
Peace day is celebrated as a memory of when the two ancient clans in Northgard declared peace, a
story that almost all people in the country know about. This is celebrated with big festivals in October.

Chapter 8 Social factors and infrastructure

Benefits of high taxes
As discussed in previous Chapter 4 Economy, people pay high taxes in exchange of education for
their children, health care and dental care. The Central Bank receives the taxes, which are then used to
pay hospital bills, dental bills and education programmes. The Culturals is the political branch that is
responsible for social matters such as the ones stated above along with public facilities and other
constructions, cuisine and leisure. The Central Bank must have a strong connection with the fraction,
as much money goes to the fraction so that schools and universities, hospitals, malls and such things
can be built. Then, more money is required to for example pay for hospital equipment and devices.
Education programmes must be installed, electricity and water bills must be paid and such. Therefore,
the connection between the fraction and the bank must be strong in order to maintain and balance the
very effective system that Northgard has.
The social factor also receive extra money with the help of the central government and The Coiners to
expand and develop infrastructure. Note that the roads and such are uniquely developed as
Northgards transportation methods; train, cars, planes, are all driven by solar power, electricity and
biodiesel. This ensures that there is minimum if any carbon emissions that contribute to global

Northgard has four different schools, all of them located fairly near central. (Roads are important as
the use of smart traffic is necessary so that students that do not live near central can without
difficulties travel back and forth from school.)
The schools follow British curriculum, which is one of the best education programmes in the world.
Northgard first considered using IB, (International Baccalaureate), but after studies showed that IB

was a school system that was not only very hard but caused stress in people and in extreme cases
caused cancer, this programme was chosen not suitable. It is considered important that while studying
for a future job in Northgard or perhaps outside, you should put in hard work BUT you should waste
all your time taking exams after exams, but instead also do more physical and practical activities.
Public facilities
Northgard has a lot of public facilities, such as swimming pools, cinemas, football and basketball
fields and more. The community and government encourages interaction with other individuals, and
there are therefore many ways of socializing with people. When visiting Northgard it is common to
see groups of students doing research for school by exploring ecosystems for biology for example.
As mentioned before, paying the high taxes ensures free healthcare and dental care. This has not only
saved peoples lives, but also created a sort of equality. For example, is the hospital care was not free
and a surgery or a visit had to be paid for, some people would not be able to actually pay for their
surgery or treatment, while others could. With the system that Northgard uses, everyone in need of
special healthcare have accessibility to this.

Chapter 9 Global goals

Northgard is a country often described as a Utopia. This is partly (or mainly?) because the country has
achieved all the 17 global goals listed by the UN. Below is a diagram showing how the country has
achieved every goal.

Actions from the

different fractions
have almost erased
poverty. People and
families tat do not
have enough money
for living are
supported with extra
money each month.

High amount of edible

resources ensure that
there is always an
unlimited amount of
food. Passes are created
for people with less
money to support their
families with food.

Northgard has the

Northgard promotes
cleanest water on
clean energy use to
other countries by
Water reservoirs
being the leading
collect clean water country within clean
that runs down the energy as well.
mountain, produced Public transport such
from precipitation. as buses and trains
Water is also drilled use clean energy,
and filtered from the along with cars and
ground. Every
even planes. Solar
household has access energy, electricity
to clean drinking
and biodiesel
minimizes the carbon

Slightly Higher
taxes ensure that
people have
access to free
healthcare if

The working
wherever and
whichever work it is,
is fair and equal for
both men and
women. Both genders
have the same wages,
some women better
and some men better.
Because the majority
of individuals work
hard for themselves
and the country, the
economy is steadily

Along with free

healthcare, higher
taxes also payes for
childrens education.
The schools follow
one of the best
education programs
and ensure high
quality education.

Roads, power
supplies, buildings
and public facilities
are important in
Northgard, but must
however be
required to be built.
For example, roads
will only be built if
they are needed and
consecutively used,
as it is important to
use resources
Northgard has a big

Northgardians value
women just as much as
men. The equality is
mainly shown in the
form of equal wages
and not gender based
sports and sport teams

Inequalities concerning

gender and religion or

race has been totally
eliminated in the
country, by for example
introducing passes so
that the less earning
people do not have to
pay as much as the
higher income earners.
Equality is a big topic in
schools (discussing
religion, human rights,
race and gender etc.)
and therefore is the

The political fractions

all contribute to safe
and stable cities and
Stability is reached
by motivating
individuals in the
communities of
Northgard to take
care of their cities and
towns and work
together for the best
the best solutions and

The goal of responsible

consumption is to not
waste food but use the
food resources in wise
ways. Therefore,
Northgards hunters and
fishers make sure that all
parts of their catch is
used to be consumed.
Educating children in
school about not wasting
food and only taking as
much as you can eat is a
good way that Northgard
has used thousands of
tonnes of food that
otherwise wouldve
turned into dispose.

Peace and justice are parts

of Human Rights. By
having the Human rights
in the country that allow
people to for example
express their opinions,
bounds between the
leaders and the people
grow stronger. However it
cannot be total anarchy, as
this would result in an
uncontrollable society.
Justice must also always
be served in order to
maintain balance in the
community as a whole.

As discussed in
previous chapters, the
population of
Northgard are very
conservative of the
environment and
promote creating
balances between
humans and their
activities and nature
with its ecosystems.
Using clean and natural
energy, protecting
animals and cleaning
up the nature (both
water and land) are
examples of how the
Utopia has
accomplished goal 13.

In order to reach
each and every
global goal,
Northgard has had
some help from
other countries. It
has also been
equally important for
foreign countries to
help Northgard reach
their goals, as they
can thereafter
achieve the goals
especially after that
they have seen it be
done in Northgard.

As gone through in
other chapters, the
life below water is
protected and
conserved just as
much as the life
and ecosystems on
land. The political
fraction of
clean up the ocean
from plastic, oil
and other dispose
and chemicals.
Some fish species
are banned from
fishing and are
protected in this

Goal 15 has been

accomplished by
protecting and
natural life on
land. To do this,
groups such as the
Naturalists have
created national
parks, cleaned up
waste and such
found in nature,
contributed to
setting up laws to
prevent pouching
or harm to animals

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